{-# OPTIONS --safe --lossy-unification #-}
module Cubical.CW.Homotopy where
open import Cubical.CW.Base
open import Cubical.CW.Properties
open import Cubical.CW.Map
open import Cubical.CW.ChainComplex
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Path
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws
open import Cubical.Data.Nat renaming (_+_ to _+ℕ_)
open import Cubical.Data.Int renaming (_·_ to _·ℤ_ ; -_ to -ℤ_)
open import Cubical.Data.Fin.Inductive.Base
open import Cubical.Data.Fin.Inductive.Properties
open import Cubical.Data.Sequence
open import Cubical.Data.FinSequence
open import Cubical.HITs.S1
open import Cubical.HITs.Sn
open import Cubical.HITs.Sn.Degree
open import Cubical.HITs.Pushout
open import Cubical.HITs.Susp
open import Cubical.HITs.SphereBouquet
open import Cubical.HITs.SphereBouquet.Degree
open import Cubical.HITs.SetTruncation as ST hiding (map)
open import Cubical.HITs.Truncation as TR hiding (map)
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.MorphismProperties
open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup.Instances.FreeAbGroup
open import Cubical.Algebra.ChainComplex
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.Base
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.Properties
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.GroupStructure
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.Groups.Sn
ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Level
record cellHom {C : CWskel ℓ} {D : CWskel ℓ'} (f g : cellMap C D) : Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ') where
constructor cellhom
open SequenceMap
hom : (n : ℕ) → (x : C .fst n) → CW↪ D n (f .map n x) ≡ CW↪ D n (g .map n x)
coh : (n : ℕ) → (c : C .fst n)
→ Square (cong (CW↪ D (suc n)) (hom n c))
(hom (suc n) (CW↪ C n c))
(cong (CW↪ D (suc n)) (f .comm n c))
(cong (CW↪ D (suc n)) (g .comm n c))
record finCellHom (m : ℕ) {C : CWskel ℓ} {D : CWskel ℓ'}
(f g : finCellMap m C D) : Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ') where
constructor fincellhom
open FinSequenceMap
fhom : (n : Fin (suc m)) (x : C .fst (fst n))
→ CW↪ D (fst n) (f .fmap n x) ≡ CW↪ D (fst n) (g .fmap n x)
fcoh : (n : Fin m) (c : C .fst (fst n))
→ Square (cong (CW↪ D (suc (fst n))) (fhom (injectSuc n) c))
(fhom (fsuc n) (CW↪ C (fst n) c))
(cong (CW↪ D (suc (fst n))) (f .fcomm n c))
(cong (CW↪ D (suc (fst n))) (g .fcomm n c))
open finCellHom
finCellHom↓ : {m : ℕ} {C : CWskel ℓ} {D : CWskel ℓ'}
{f g : finCellMap (suc m) C D}
→ finCellHom (suc m) f g → finCellHom m (finCellMap↓ f) (finCellMap↓ g)
fhom (finCellHom↓ ϕ) n x = fhom ϕ (injectSuc n) x
fcoh (finCellHom↓ {m = suc m} ϕ) n x = fcoh ϕ (injectSuc n) x
cofibIso : (n : ℕ) (C : CWskel ℓ)
→ Iso (Susp (cofibCW n C)) (SphereBouquet (suc n) (CWskel-fields.A C n))
cofibIso n C =
compIso (congSuspIso (BouquetIso-gen n
(CWskel-fields.card C n)
(CWskel-fields.α C n)
(CWskel-fields.e C n)))
module preChainHomotopy (m : ℕ) (C : CWskel ℓ) (D : CWskel ℓ')
(f g : finCellMap m C D) (H : finCellHom m f g) (n : Fin m) where
open FinSequenceMap
ℤ[AC_] = CWskel-fields.ℤ[A_] C
ℤ[AD_] = CWskel-fields.ℤ[A_] D
Hn+1/Hn : Susp (cofibCW (fst n) C) → cofibCW (suc (fst n)) D
Hn+1/Hn north = inl tt
Hn+1/Hn south = inl tt
Hn+1/Hn (merid (inl tt) i) = inl tt
Hn+1/Hn (merid (inr x) i) =
((push (f .fmap (fsuc n) x))
∙∙ (cong inr (H .fhom (fsuc n) x))
∙∙ (sym (push (g .fmap (fsuc n) x)))) i
Hn+1/Hn (merid (push x j) i) =
hcomp (λ k → λ { (i = i0) → push (f .fcomm n x j) (~ k)
; (i = i1) → push (g .fcomm n x j) (~ k)
; (j = i0) → push (fhom H (injectSuc n) x i) (~ k) })
(inr (H .fcoh n x j i))
bouquetHomotopy : SphereBouquet (suc (fst n)) (CWskel-fields.A C (fst n))
→ SphereBouquet (suc (fst n)) (CWskel-fields.A D (suc (fst n)))
bouquetHomotopy = Iso.fun bouquetIso ∘ Hn+1/Hn ∘ Iso.inv (cofibIso (fst n) C)
bouquetIso = BouquetIso-gen (suc (fst n))
(CWskel-fields.card D (suc (fst n)))
(CWskel-fields.α D (suc (fst n)))
(CWskel-fields.e D (suc (fst n)))
chainHomotopy : AbGroupHom (ℤ[AC (fst n) ]) (ℤ[AD (suc (fst n)) ])
chainHomotopy = bouquetDegree bouquetHomotopy
module MMmaps (C : CWskel ℓ) (D : CWskel ℓ') (m : ℕ) (n : Fin m) where
MMmap : (m1 m2 : (x : C .fst (suc (fst n)))
→ cofibCW (fst n) D) → Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ')
MMmap m1 m2 = (x : C .fst (fst n))
→ m1 (CW↪ C (fst n) x) ≡ m2 (CW↪ C (fst n) x)
MMΣcellMap : (f : finCellMap m C D)
→ MMmap (λ x → (inr (f .FinSequenceMap.fmap (fsuc n) x))) (λ x → inl tt)
MMΣcellMap f x =
sym (push (f .FinSequenceMap.fmap (injectSuc n) x)
∙ (cong inr (f .FinSequenceMap.fcomm n x)))
MMmap-add : (m1 m2 m3 : (x : C .fst (suc (fst n)))
→ cofibCW (fst n) D)
→ MMmap m1 m2 → MMmap m2 m3 → MMmap m1 m3
MMmap-add m1 m2 m3 e1 e2 x = (e1 x) ∙ (e2 x)
realiseMMmap : (m1 m2 : (x : C .fst (suc (fst n))) → cofibCW (fst n) D)
→ MMmap m1 m2 → Susp (cofibCW (fst n) C) → Susp (cofibCW (fst n) D)
realiseMMmap m1 m2 e north = north
realiseMMmap m1 m2 e south = north
realiseMMmap m1 m2 e (merid (inl tt) i) = north
realiseMMmap m1 m2 e (merid (inr x) i) =
(merid (m1 x) ∙∙ refl ∙∙ (sym (merid (m2 x)))) i
realiseMMmap m1 m2 e (merid (push x j) i) =
hcomp (λ k → λ { (i = i0) → merid (m1 (CW↪ C (fst n) x)) (~ k)
; (i = i1) → merid (m2 (CW↪ C (fst n) x)) (~ k)
; (j = i0) → merid (e x i) (~ k) })
bouquetMMmap : (m1 m2 : (x : C .fst (suc (fst n))) → cofibCW (fst n) D)
→ MMmap m1 m2
→ SphereBouquet (suc (fst n)) (CWskel-fields.A C (fst n))
→ SphereBouquet (suc (fst n)) (CWskel-fields.A D (fst n))
bouquetMMmap m1 m2 f =
Iso.fun (cofibIso (fst n) D)
∘ realiseMMmap m1 m2 f
∘ Iso.inv (cofibIso (fst n) C)
module MMchainHomotopy* (m : ℕ) (C : CWskel ℓ) (D : CWskel ℓ')
(f g : finCellMap m C D) (H : finCellHom m f g) (n : Fin m) where
open FinSequenceMap
open MMmaps C D
merid-f merid-g merid-tt : (x : C .fst (suc (fst n))) → cofibCW (fst n) D
merid-f = λ x → inr (f .fmap (fsuc n) x)
merid-g = λ x → inr (g .fmap (fsuc n) x)
merid-tt = λ x → inl tt
MM∂H : MMmap m n merid-f merid-g
MM∂H x = (sym (cong inr (f .fcomm n x)))
∙∙ (cong inr (fhom H (injectSuc n) x))
∙∙ (cong inr (g .fcomm n x))
ww = MMΣcellMap
MMΣf : MMmap m n merid-f merid-tt
MMΣf = MMΣcellMap m n f
MMΣg : MMmap m n merid-g merid-tt
MMΣg = MMΣcellMap m n g
MMΣH∂ : MMmap m n merid-tt merid-tt
MMΣH∂ x = sym ((push (f .fmap (injectSuc n) x))
∙∙ (cong inr (H .fhom (injectSuc n) x))
∙∙ (sym (push (g .fmap (injectSuc n) x))))
MMchainHomotopy : ∀ x →
MMmap-add m n merid-f merid-tt merid-tt
(MMmap-add m n merid-f merid-g merid-tt MM∂H MMΣg) MMΣH∂ x
≡ MMΣf x
MMchainHomotopy x =
sym (doubleCompPath-elim (MM∂H x) (MMΣg x) (MMΣH∂ x)) ∙ aux2
aux : Square (MMΣf x) (MMΣg x) (MM∂H x) (sym (MMΣH∂ x))
aux i j =
hcomp (λ k →
λ {(i = i0) → compPath-filler (push (f .fmap (injectSuc n) x))
(λ i₁ → inr (f .fcomm n x i₁)) k (~ j)
; (i = i1) → compPath-filler (push (g .fmap (injectSuc n) x))
(λ i₁ → inr (g .fcomm n x i₁)) k (~ j)
; (j = i1) → (push (f .fmap (injectSuc n) x)
∙∙ (λ i → inr (H .fhom (injectSuc n) x i))
∙∙ (λ i₁ → push (g .fmap (injectSuc n) x) (~ i₁))) i})
(push (f .fmap (injectSuc n) x))
(λ i → (inr (H .fhom (injectSuc n) x i)))
(λ i₁ → push (g .fmap (injectSuc n) x) (~ i₁)) j i)
aux2 : (MM∂H x ∙∙ MMΣg x ∙∙ MMΣH∂ x) ≡ MMΣf x
aux2 i j =
hcomp (λ k → λ { (j = i0) → MM∂H x ((~ i) ∧ (~ k))
; (j = i1) → MMΣH∂ x (i ∨ k)
; (i = i1) → MMΣf x j })
(aux (~ i) j)
module realiseMMmap (C : CWskel ℓ) (D : CWskel ℓ') (m : ℕ)
(f g : finCellMap m C D) (H : finCellHom m f g) (n : Fin m) where
open FinSequenceMap
open MMmaps C D
open MMchainHomotopy* m C D f g H
open preChainHomotopy m C D f g H
realiseMMmap2 : (n : Fin m)
(m1 m2 : (x : C .fst (suc (fst n))) → cofibCW (fst n) D)
→ MMmap m n m1 m2 → Susp (cofibCW (fst n) C) → Susp (cofibCW (fst n) D)
realiseMMmap2 n m1 m2 e north = north
realiseMMmap2 n m1 m2 e south = north
realiseMMmap2 n m1 m2 e (merid (inl tt) i) = north
realiseMMmap2 n m1 m2 e (merid (inr x) i) =
(merid (m1 x) ∙∙ refl ∙∙ (sym (merid (m2 x)))) i
realiseMMmap2 n m1 m2 e (merid (push x j) i) =
hcomp (λ k → λ { (i = i0) → merid (e x (~ j)) (~ k)
; (i = i1) → merid (m2 (CW↪ C (fst n) x)) (~ k)
; (j = i0) → merid (m2 (CW↪ C (fst n) x)) (~ k) })
realiseMMmap1≡2 : (n : Fin m) (m1 m2 : (x : C .fst (suc (fst n)))
→ cofibCW (fst n) D) (e : MMmap m n m1 m2) (x : Susp (cofibCW (fst n) C))
→ realiseMMmap m n m1 m2 e x ≡ realiseMMmap2 n m1 m2 e x
realiseMMmap1≡2 n m1 m2 e north = refl
realiseMMmap1≡2 n m1 m2 e south = refl
realiseMMmap1≡2 n m1 m2 e (merid (inl tt) i) = refl
realiseMMmap1≡2 n m1 m2 e (merid (inr x) i) = refl
realiseMMmap1≡2 n m1 m2 e (merid (push x j) i) l =
hcomp (λ k → λ { (i = i0) → merid (e x ((~ j) ∧ l)) (~ k)
; (i = i1) → merid (m2 (CW↪ C (fst n) x)) (~ k)
; (j = i0) → merid (e x (i ∨ l)) (~ k) })
realiseMMΣcellMap : (f : finCellMap m C D) (x : Susp (cofibCW (fst n) C))
→ realiseMMmap m n (λ x → (inr (f .fmap (fsuc n) x)))
(λ x → inl tt) (MMΣcellMap m n f) x
≡ suspFun (prefunctoriality.fn+1/fn m f n) x
realiseMMΣcellMap f x =
realiseMMmap1≡2 n (λ x → (inr (f .fmap (fsuc n) x))) (λ x → inl tt)
(MMΣcellMap m n f) x ∙ aux x
aux : (x : Susp (cofibCW (fst n) C)) →
realiseMMmap2 n (λ x → (inr (f .fmap (fsuc n) x)))
(λ x → inl tt) (MMΣcellMap m n f) x
≡ suspFun (prefunctoriality.fn+1/fn m f n) x
aux north = refl
aux south l = merid (inl tt) l
aux (merid (inl tt) i) l = merid (inl tt) (i ∧ l)
aux (merid (inr x) i) l =
hcomp (λ k →
λ { (i = i0) → merid (inr (f .fmap (fsuc n) x)) (~ k)
; (i = i1) → merid (inl tt) (l ∨ (~ k))
; (l = i1) → merid (inr (f .fmap (fsuc n) x)) (~ k ∨ i) })
aux (merid (push x j) i) l =
hcomp (λ k →
λ {(i = i0) → merid ((push (f .fmap (injectSuc n) x)
∙ (cong inr (f .fcomm n x))) j) (~ k)
; (i = i1) → merid (inl tt) (l ∨ (~ k))
; (j = i0) → merid (inl tt) ((i ∧ l) ∨ (~ k))
; (l = i1) → merid ((push (f .fmap (injectSuc n) x)
∙ (cong inr (f .fcomm n x))) j) (i ∨ (~ k)) })
realiseMMΣf : (x : Susp (cofibCW (fst n) C)) →
realiseMMmap m n (merid-f n) (merid-tt n) (MMΣf n) x
≡ suspFun (prefunctoriality.fn+1/fn m f n) x
realiseMMΣf = realiseMMΣcellMap f
realiseMMΣg : (x : Susp (cofibCW (fst n) C)) →
realiseMMmap m n (merid-g n) (merid-tt n) (MMΣg n) x
≡ suspFun (prefunctoriality.fn+1/fn m g n) x
realiseMMΣg = realiseMMΣcellMap g
cof∂H : Susp (cofibCW (fst n) C) → Susp (cofibCW (fst n) D)
cof∂H north = north
cof∂H south = north
cof∂H (merid (inl tt) i) = north
cof∂H (merid (inr x) i) =
((merid (inr (f .fmap (fsuc n) x)))
∙∙ refl
∙∙ (sym (merid (inr (g .fmap (fsuc n) x))))) i
cof∂H (merid (push x j) i) =
hcomp (λ k → λ { (i = i0) → merid (inr (f .fcomm n x j)) (~ k)
; (i = i1) → merid (inr (g .fcomm n x j)) (~ k)
; (j = i0) → merid (inr (fhom H (injectSuc n) x i)) (~ k) })
realiseMM∂H : (x : Susp (cofibCW (fst n) C)) →
realiseMMmap m n (merid-f n) (merid-g n) (MM∂H n) x
≡ suspFun (to_cofibCW (fst n) D) (δ (suc (fst n)) D (Hn+1/Hn n x))
realiseMM∂H x = aux2 x ∙ aux x
aux : (x : Susp (cofibCW (fst n) C))
→ cof∂H x
≡ suspFun (to_cofibCW (fst n) D) (δ (suc (fst n)) D (Hn+1/Hn n x))
aux north = refl
aux south = refl
aux (merid (inl tt) i) = refl
aux (merid (inr x) i) j =
hcomp (λ k →
λ { (i = i0) → merid (inr (f .fmap (fsuc n) x)) (~ k)
; (i = i1) → merid (inr (g .fmap (fsuc n) x)) (~ k)
; (j = i1) → suspFun (to_cofibCW (fst n) D) (δ (suc (fst n)) D
(doubleCompPath-filler (push (f .fmap (fsuc n) x))
(cong inr (H .fhom (fsuc n) x))
(sym (push (g .fmap (fsuc n) x))) k i)) })
aux (merid (push x j) i) k =
hcomp (λ l →
λ { (i = i0) → merid (inr (f .fcomm n x j)) (~ l)
; (i = i1) → merid (inr (g .fcomm n x j)) (~ l)
; (j = i0) → merid (inr (fhom H (injectSuc n) x i)) (~ l)
; (k = i1) → suspFun (to_cofibCW (fst n) D) (δ (suc (fst n)) D
(hfill (λ k → λ { (i = i0) → push (f .fcomm n x j) (~ k)
; (i = i1) → push (g .fcomm n x j) (~ k)
; (j = i0) → push (fhom H (injectSuc n) x i) (~ k)})
(inS (inr (H .fcoh n x j i))) l))})
aux2 : (x : Susp (cofibCW (fst n) C)) →
realiseMMmap m n (λ x → (inr (f .fmap (fsuc n) x)))
(λ x → (inr (g .fmap (fsuc n) x))) (MM∂H n) x
≡ cof∂H x
aux2 north = refl
aux2 south = refl
aux2 (merid (inl tt) i) = refl
aux2 (merid (inr x) i) = refl
aux2 (merid (push x j) i) l =
hcomp (λ k →
λ { (i = i0) → merid (inr (f .fcomm n x (j ∨ (~ l)))) (~ k)
; (i = i1) → merid (inr (g .fcomm n x (j ∨ (~ l)))) (~ k)
; (j = i0) → merid (doubleCompPath-filler
(sym (cong inr (f .fcomm n x)))
(cong inr (fhom H (injectSuc n) x))
(cong inr (g .fcomm n x)) (~ l) i) (~ k) })
realiseMMΣH∂ : (C : CWskel ℓ) (D : CWskel ℓ') (m : ℕ)
(f g : finCellMap (suc m) C D) (H : finCellHom (suc m) f g)
(n : Fin m) (x : Susp (cofibCW (suc (fst n)) C)) →
MMmaps.realiseMMmap C D (suc m) (fsuc n) (λ x → inl tt) (λ x → inl tt)
(MMchainHomotopy*.MMΣH∂ (suc m) C D f g H (fsuc n) ) x
≡ suspFun (preChainHomotopy.Hn+1/Hn (suc m) C D f g H (injectSuc n)
∘ suspFun (to_cofibCW (fst n) C)
∘ δ (suc (fst n)) C) x
realiseMMΣH∂ C D (suc m) f g H n x =
realiseMMmap1≡2 fzero (fsuc n) (λ x → inl tt)
(λ x → inl tt) (MMΣH∂ (fsuc n)) x ∙ aux x
open FinSequenceMap
open MMmaps C D
open MMchainHomotopy* (suc (suc m)) C D f g H
open preChainHomotopy (suc (suc m)) C D f g H
open realiseMMmap C D (suc (suc m)) f g H
aux : (x : Susp (cofibCW (suc (fst n)) C)) →
realiseMMmap.realiseMMmap2 C D (suc (suc m)) f g H fzero (fsuc n)
(λ x₁ → inl tt) (λ x₁ → inl tt)
(MMchainHomotopy*.MMΣH∂ (suc (suc m)) C D f g H (fsuc n)) x
≡ suspFun (Hn+1/Hn (injectSuc n)
∘ (suspFun (to_cofibCW (fst n) C))
∘ (δ (suc (fst n)) C)) x
aux north = refl
aux south l = merid (inl tt) l
aux (merid (inl tt) i) l = merid (inl tt) (i ∧ l)
aux (merid (inr x) i) l =
hcomp (λ k → λ { (i = i0) → merid (inl tt) (~ k)
; (i = i1) → merid (inl tt) (l ∨ (~ k))
; (l = i1) → merid (inl tt) (~ k ∨ i) })
aux (merid (push x j) i) l =
hcomp (λ k →
λ { (i = i0) → merid (((push (f .fmap (injectSuc (fsuc n)) x))
∙∙ (cong inr (H .fhom (injectSuc (fsuc n)) x))
∙∙ (sym (push (g .fmap (injectSuc (fsuc n)) x)))) j) (~ k)
; (i = i1) → merid (inl tt) (l ∨ (~ k))
; (j = i0) → merid (inl tt) ((i ∧ l) ∨ (~ k))
; (l = i1) → merid (((push (f .fmap (injectSuc (fsuc n)) x))
∙∙ (cong inr (H .fhom (injectSuc (fsuc n)) x))
∙∙ (sym (push (g .fmap (injectSuc (fsuc n)) x)))) j)
(i ∨ (~ k))})
module bouquetAdd where
open MMmaps
module _ (C : CWskel ℓ) (D : CWskel ℓ') (m : ℕ) (n : Fin m)
(m1 m2 : (x : C .fst (suc (fst n))) → cofibCW (fst n) D)
(f : MMmap C D m n m1 m2)
(a : CWskel-fields.A D (fst n)) where
bouquetMMmap∈cohom-raw : (t : CWskel-fields.A C (fst n))
→ S₊ (suc (fst n)) → S₊ (suc (fst n))
bouquetMMmap∈cohom-raw t x =
pickPetal a (bouquetMMmap C D m n m1 m2 f (inr (t , x)))
bouquetMMmap∈cohom : (t : CWskel-fields.A C (fst n))
→ S₊ (suc (fst n)) → coHomK (suc (fst n))
bouquetMMmap∈cohom t x = ∣ bouquetMMmap∈cohom-raw t x ∣ₕ
bouquetMMmap∈cohom' : (x : Susp (cofibCW (fst n) C)) → coHomK (suc (fst n))
bouquetMMmap∈cohom' x =
∣ pickPetal a (Iso.fun (cofibIso (fst n) D)
(realiseMMmap C D m n m1 m2 f x)) ∣ₕ
realiseAdd-merid : (C : CWskel ℓ) (D : CWskel ℓ') (m : ℕ) (n : Fin m)
(m1 m2 m3 : (x : C .fst (suc (fst n))) → cofibCW (fst n) D)
(f : MMmap C D m n m1 m2)
(g : MMmap C D m n m2 m3)
(b : _)
→ Square (λ j → (realiseMMmap C D m n m1 m2 f (merid b j)))
(λ j → (realiseMMmap C D m n m1 m3
(MMmap-add C D m n m1 m2 m3 f g) (merid b j)))
(λ _ → north)
(λ i → realiseMMmap C D m n m2 m3 g (merid b i))
realiseAdd-merid C D m n m1 m2 m3 f g (inl tt) i j = north
realiseAdd-merid C D m n m1 m2 m3 f g (inr x) i j =
hcomp (λ k → λ { (i ∨ j = i0) → merid (m1 x) (~ k)
; (i ∨ (~ j) = i0) → merid (m2 x) (~ k)
; (i ∧ (~ j) = i1) → merid (m1 x) (~ k)
; (i ∧ j = i1) → merid (m3 x) (~ k)
; (j = i0) → merid (m1 x) (~ k) })
realiseAdd-merid C D m n m1 m2 m3 f g (push a l) i j =
hcomp (λ k →
λ { (i ∨ j = i0) → merid (m1 (CW↪ C (fst n) a)) (~ k)
; (i ∨ (~ j) = i0) → merid (m2 (CW↪ C (fst n) a)) (~ k)
; (i ∨ l = i0) → merid (f a j) (~ k)
; (i ∧ (~ j) = i1) → merid (m1 (CW↪ C (fst n) a)) (~ k)
; (i ∧ j = i1) → merid (m3 (CW↪ C (fst n) a)) (~ k)
; (i ∧ (~ l) = i1) → merid (MMmap-add C D m n m1 m2 m3 f g a j) (~ k)
; (j = i0) → merid (m1 (CW↪ C (fst n) a)) (~ k)
; (j ∧ (~ l) = i1) → merid (g a i) (~ k)
; (l = i0) → merid (doubleCompPath-filler (refl) (f a) (g a) i j) (~ k)})
bouquetMMmap∈cohom'+ :
(C : CWskel ℓ) (D : CWskel ℓ') (m : ℕ) (n : Fin m)
(m1 m2 m3 : (x : C .fst (suc (fst n))) → cofibCW (fst n) D)
(f : MMmap C D m n m1 m2)
(g : MMmap C D m n m2 m3)
(a : CWskel-fields.A D (fst n))
(x : _)
→ bouquetMMmap∈cohom' C D m n m1 m3 (MMmap-add C D m n m1 m2 m3 f g) a x
≡ bouquetMMmap∈cohom' C D m n m1 m2 f a x
+ₖ bouquetMMmap∈cohom' C D m n m2 m3 g a x
bouquetMMmap∈cohom'+ C D m (zero , p) m1 m2 m3 f g a north = refl
bouquetMMmap∈cohom'+ C D m (zero , p) m1 m2 m3 f g a south = refl
bouquetMMmap∈cohom'+ C D m (zero , p) m1 m2 m3 f g a (merid b i) j =
((sym (PathP→compPathL (help b))
∙ sym (lUnit _))
∙ ∙≡+₁ (λ i → bouquetMMmap∈cohom' C D m (zero , p) m1 m2 f a (merid b i))
(λ i → bouquetMMmap∈cohom' C D m (zero , p) m2 m3 g a (merid b i))) j i
help : (b : _)
→ PathP (λ i → ∣ base ∣ₕ
≡ cong (bouquetMMmap∈cohom' C D m (zero , p) m2 m3 g a)
(merid b) i)
(cong (bouquetMMmap∈cohom' C D m (zero , p) m1 m2 f a)
(merid b))
(cong (bouquetMMmap∈cohom' C D m (zero , p) m1 m3
(MMmap-add C D m (zero , p) m1 m2 m3 f g) a)
(merid b))
help b i j =
∣ pickPetal a (Iso.fun (cofibIso zero D)
(realiseAdd-merid C D m (zero , p) m1 m2 m3 f g b i j)) ∣ₕ
bouquetMMmap∈cohom'+ C D m (suc n , p) m1 m2 m3 f g a north = refl
bouquetMMmap∈cohom'+ C D m (suc n , p) m1 m2 m3 f g a south = refl
bouquetMMmap∈cohom'+ C D m (suc n , p) m1 m2 m3 f g a (merid b i) j =
((sym (PathP→compPathL (help b))
∙ sym (lUnit _))
∙ ∙≡+₂ n (λ i → bouquetMMmap∈cohom' C D m (suc n , p) m1 m2 f a (merid b i))
(λ i → bouquetMMmap∈cohom' C D m (suc n , p) m2 m3 g a (merid b i))) j i
help : (b : _)
→ PathP (λ i → ∣ north ∣ₕ
≡ cong (bouquetMMmap∈cohom' C D m (suc n , p) m2 m3 g a)
(merid b) i)
(cong (bouquetMMmap∈cohom' C D m (suc n , p) m1 m2 f a)
(merid b))
(cong (bouquetMMmap∈cohom' C D m (suc n , p) m1 m3
(MMmap-add C D m (suc n , p) m1 m2 m3 f g) a)
(merid b))
help b i j =
∣ pickPetal a (Iso.fun (cofibIso (suc n) D)
(realiseAdd-merid C D m (suc n , p) m1 m2 m3 f g b i j)) ∣ₕ
bouquetMMmap∈cohom+ : (C : CWskel ℓ) (D : CWskel ℓ') (m : ℕ) (n : Fin m)
(m1 m2 m3 : (x : C .fst (suc (fst n))) → cofibCW (fst n) D)
(f : MMmap C D m n m1 m2)
(g : MMmap C D m n m2 m3)
(t : CWskel-fields.A C (fst n))
(a : CWskel-fields.A D (fst n))
(x : S₊ (suc (fst n)))
→ bouquetMMmap∈cohom C D m n m1 m3
(MMmap-add C D m n m1 m2 m3 f g) a t x
≡ bouquetMMmap∈cohom C D m n m1 m2 f a t x
+ₖ bouquetMMmap∈cohom C D m n m2 m3 g a t x
bouquetMMmap∈cohom+ C D m n m1 m2 m3 f g t a x =
bouquetMMmap∈cohom'+ C D m n m1 m2 m3 f g a
(Iso.inv (cofibIso (fst n) C) (inr (t , x)))
module _ (C : CWskel ℓ) (D : CWskel ℓ') (m : ℕ) (n : Fin m)
(m1 m2 m3 : (x : C .fst (suc (fst n))) → cofibCW (fst n) D)
(f : MMmap C D m n m1 m2) (g : MMmap C D m n m2 m3) where
realiseMMmap-hom :
bouquetDegree (bouquetMMmap C D m n m1 m3
(MMmap-add C D m n m1 m2 m3 f g))
≡ addGroupHom _ _ (bouquetDegree (bouquetMMmap C D m n m1 m2 f))
(bouquetDegree (bouquetMMmap C D m n m2 m3 g))
realiseMMmap-hom =
agreeOnℤFinGenerator→≡ λ t → funExt λ a
→ sym (isGeneratorℤFinGenerator'
(λ a₁ → degree (suc (fst n))
λ x → pickPetal a (bouquetMMmap C D m n m1 m3
(MMmap-add C D m n m1 m2 m3 f g)
(inr (a₁ , x)))) t)
∙ cong (fst (Hⁿ-Sⁿ≅ℤ (fst n)) .Iso.fun ∘ ∣_∣₂)
(funExt (bouquetMMmap∈cohom+ C D m n m1 m2 m3 f g t a))
∙∙ IsGroupHom.pres· (snd (Hⁿ-Sⁿ≅ℤ (fst n)))
(∣ (λ x → ∣ pickPetal a
(bouquetMMmap C D m n m1 m2 f (inr (t , x))) ∣ₕ) ∣₂)
(∣ (λ x → ∣ pickPetal a
(bouquetMMmap C D m n m2 m3 g (inr (t , x))) ∣ₕ) ∣₂)
∙∙ cong₂ _+_ (isGeneratorℤFinGenerator'
(λ a₁ → degree (suc (fst n))
λ x → pickPetal a (bouquetMMmap C D m n m1 m2 f
(inr (a₁ , x)))) t)
(λ a₁ → degree (suc (fst n))
λ x → pickPetal a (bouquetMMmap C D m n m2 m3 g
(inr (a₁ , x)))) t)
module chainHomEquation (m : ℕ) (C : CWskel ℓ) (D : CWskel ℓ')
(f g : finCellMap (suc m) C D) (H : finCellHom (suc m) f g) (n : Fin m) where
open SequenceMap
open MMmaps C D (suc m) (fsuc n)
open MMchainHomotopy* (suc m) C D f g H (fsuc n)
open preChainHomotopy (suc m) C D f g H
ℤ[AC_] = CWskel-fields.ℤ[A_] C
ℤ[AD_] = CWskel-fields.ℤ[A_] D
∂H H∂ fn+1 gn+1 : AbGroupHom (ℤ[AC (suc (fst n))]) (ℤ[AD (suc (fst n)) ])
∂H = compGroupHom (chainHomotopy (fsuc n)) (∂ D (suc (fst n)))
H∂ = compGroupHom (∂ C (fst n)) (chainHomotopy (injectSuc n))
fn+1 = prefunctoriality.chainFunct (suc m) f (fsuc n)
gn+1 = prefunctoriality.chainFunct (suc m) g (fsuc n)
suspIso-suspFun : ∀ {ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' ℓ'''} {A : Type ℓ} {B : Type ℓ'}
{C : Type ℓ''} {D : Type ℓ'''}
(e1 : Iso A B) (e2 : Iso C D) (f : C → A)
→ Iso.fun (congSuspIso e1) ∘ (suspFun f) ∘ Iso.inv (congSuspIso e2)
≡ suspFun (Iso.fun e1 ∘ f ∘ Iso.inv e2)
suspIso-suspFun e1 e2 f i north = north
suspIso-suspFun e1 e2 f i south = south
suspIso-suspFun e1 e2 f i (merid a j) =
merid ((Iso.fun e1 ∘ f ∘ Iso.inv e2) a) j
BouquetIso : ∀ {ℓ} (C : CWskel ℓ) (n : ℕ)
→ Iso (cofibCW n C) (SphereBouquet n (Fin (CWskel-fields.card C n)))
BouquetIso C n =
BouquetIso-gen n
(CWskel-fields.card C n) (CWskel-fields.α C n) (CWskel-fields.e C n)
cofibIso-suspFun : (n : ℕ) (C : CWskel ℓ) (D : CWskel ℓ')
(f : cofibCW n C → cofibCW n D)
→ Iso.fun (cofibIso n D) ∘ (suspFun f) ∘ Iso.inv (cofibIso n C)
≡ bouquetSusp→ ((Iso.fun (BouquetIso D n)) ∘ f ∘ Iso.inv (BouquetIso C n))
cofibIso-suspFun n C D f =
cong (λ X → Iso.fun sphereBouquetSuspIso ∘ X ∘ Iso.inv sphereBouquetSuspIso)
(suspIso-suspFun (BouquetIso D n) (BouquetIso C n) f)
bouquet∂H : bouquetDegree (bouquetMMmap merid-f merid-g MM∂H) ≡ ∂H
bouquet∂H =
cong (λ X → bouquetDegree ((Iso.fun (cofibIso (suc (fst n)) D))
∘ X ∘ (Iso.inv (cofibIso (suc (fst n)) C))))
(funExt (realiseMMmap.realiseMM∂H C D (suc m) f g H (fsuc n)))
∙ cong bouquetDegree ιδH≡pre∂∘H
∙ bouquetDegreeComp (preboundary.pre∂ D (suc (fst n)))
(bouquetHomotopy (fsuc n))
ιδH : SphereBouquet (suc (suc (fst n)))
(Fin (CWskel-fields.card C (suc (fst n))))
→ SphereBouquet (suc (suc (fst n)))
(Fin (CWskel-fields.card D (suc (fst n))))
ιδH = Iso.fun (cofibIso (suc (fst n)) D)
∘ suspFun (to_cofibCW (suc (fst n)) D)
∘ δ (suc (suc (fst n))) D
∘ Hn+1/Hn (fsuc n)
∘ Iso.inv (cofibIso (suc (fst n)) C)
ιδH≡pre∂∘H : ιδH ≡ (preboundary.pre∂ D (suc (fst n)))
∘ bouquetHomotopy (fsuc n)
ιδH≡pre∂∘H =
cong (λ X → Iso.fun (cofibIso (suc (fst n)) D)
∘ suspFun (to_cofibCW (suc (fst n)) D)
∘ δ (suc (suc (fst n))) D ∘ X ∘ Hn+1/Hn (fsuc n)
∘ Iso.inv (cofibIso (suc (fst n)) C))
(sym (funExt (Iso.leftInv (BouquetIso D (suc (suc (fst n)))))))
bouquetΣH∂ : bouquetDegree (bouquetMMmap merid-tt merid-tt MMΣH∂) ≡ H∂
bouquetΣH∂ =
cong (λ X → bouquetDegree ((Iso.fun (cofibIso (suc (fst n)) D))
∘ X ∘ (Iso.inv (cofibIso (suc (fst n)) C))))
(funExt (realiseMMΣH∂ C D m f g H n))
∙ cong bouquetDegree (cofibIso-suspFun _ C D (Hn+1/Hn (injectSuc n)
∘ suspFun (to_cofibCW (fst n) C) ∘ δ (suc (fst n)) C))
∙ sym (bouquetDegreeSusp Hιδ)
∙ cong bouquetDegree Hιδ≡H∘pre∂
∙ bouquetDegreeComp (bouquetHomotopy (injectSuc n))
(preboundary.pre∂ C (fst n))
Hιδ : SphereBouquet (suc (fst n)) (Fin (CWskel-fields.card C (suc (fst n))))
→ SphereBouquet (suc (fst n)) (Fin (CWskel-fields.card D (suc (fst n))))
Hιδ = Iso.fun (BouquetIso D (suc (fst n)))
∘ (Hn+1/Hn (injectSuc n))
∘ suspFun (to_cofibCW (fst n) C)
∘ δ (suc (fst n)) C ∘ Iso.inv (BouquetIso C (suc (fst n)))
Hιδ≡H∘pre∂ : Hιδ ≡ bouquetHomotopy (injectSuc n) ∘ (preboundary.pre∂ C (fst n))
Hιδ≡H∘pre∂ = cong (λ X → Iso.fun (BouquetIso D (suc (fst n)))
∘ (Hn+1/Hn (injectSuc n)) ∘ X
∘ suspFun (to_cofibCW (fst n) C) ∘ δ (suc (fst n)) C
∘ Iso.inv (BouquetIso C (suc (fst n))))
(sym (funExt (Iso.leftInv (cofibIso (fst n) C))))
bouquetΣf : bouquetDegree (bouquetMMmap merid-f merid-tt MMΣf) ≡ fn+1
bouquetΣf = cong (λ X → bouquetDegree ((Iso.fun (cofibIso (suc (fst n)) D))
∘ X ∘ (Iso.inv (cofibIso (suc (fst n)) C))))
(funExt (realiseMMmap.realiseMMΣf C D (suc m) f g H (fsuc n)))
∙ (cong bouquetDegree (cofibIso-suspFun (suc (fst n)) C D
(prefunctoriality.fn+1/fn (suc m) f (fsuc n))))
∙ sym (bouquetDegreeSusp (prefunctoriality.bouquetFunct (suc m) f (fsuc n)))
bouquetΣg : bouquetDegree (bouquetMMmap merid-g merid-tt MMΣg) ≡ gn+1
bouquetΣg = cong (λ X → bouquetDegree ((Iso.fun (cofibIso (suc (fst n)) D))
∘ X ∘ (Iso.inv (cofibIso (suc (fst n)) C))))
(funExt (realiseMMmap.realiseMMΣg C D (suc m) f g H (fsuc n)))
∙ (cong bouquetDegree (cofibIso-suspFun (suc (fst n)) C D
(prefunctoriality.fn+1/fn (suc m) g (fsuc n))))
∙ sym (bouquetDegreeSusp (prefunctoriality.bouquetFunct (suc m) g (fsuc n)))
chainHomotopy1 : addGroupHom _ _ (addGroupHom _ _ ∂H gn+1) H∂ ≡ fn+1
chainHomotopy1 =
cong (λ X → addGroupHom _ _ X H∂) aux
∙ aux2
∙ cong (λ X → bouquetDegree (bouquetMMmap merid-f merid-tt X))
(funExt MMchainHomotopy)
∙ bouquetΣf
module T = MMchainHomotopy* (suc m) C D f g H (fsuc n)
MM∂H+MMΣg = MMmap-add T.merid-f T.merid-g T.merid-tt T.MM∂H T.MMΣg
MM∂H+MMΣg+MMΣH∂ = MMmap-add merid-f merid-tt merid-tt MM∂H+MMΣg MMΣH∂
aux : addGroupHom _ _ ∂H gn+1
≡ bouquetDegree (bouquetMMmap merid-f merid-tt MM∂H+MMΣg)
aux = cong₂ (λ X Y → addGroupHom _ _ X Y) (sym bouquet∂H) (sym bouquetΣg)
∙ sym (bouquetAdd.realiseMMmap-hom C D (suc m) (fsuc n)
T.merid-f T.merid-g T.merid-tt T.MM∂H T.MMΣg)
aux2 : addGroupHom _ _
(bouquetDegree (bouquetMMmap merid-f merid-tt MM∂H+MMΣg)) H∂
≡ bouquetDegree (bouquetMMmap merid-f merid-tt MM∂H+MMΣg+MMΣH∂)
aux2 = cong (addGroupHom _ _ (bouquetDegree
(bouquetMMmap merid-f merid-tt MM∂H+MMΣg)))
(sym bouquetΣH∂)
∙ sym (bouquetAdd.realiseMMmap-hom C D (suc m) (fsuc n)
T.merid-f T.merid-tt T.merid-tt MM∂H+MMΣg T.MMΣH∂)
chainHomotopy2 : subtrGroupHom _ _ fn+1 gn+1 ≡ addGroupHom _ _ ∂H H∂
chainHomotopy2 =
GroupHom≡ (funExt λ x → aux (fn+1 .fst x) (∂H .fst x) (gn+1 .fst x)
(H∂ .fst x) (cong (λ X → X .fst x) chainHomotopy1))
open AbGroupStr (snd (ℤ[AD (suc (fst n)) ]))
renaming (_+_ to _+G_ ; -_ to -G_ ; +Assoc to +AssocG ; +Comm to +CommG)
aux : ∀ w x y z → (x +G y) +G z ≡ w → w +G (-G y) ≡ x +G z
aux w x y z H = cong (λ X → X +G (-G y)) (sym H)
∙ sym (+AssocG (x +G y) z (-G y))
∙ cong (λ X → (x +G y) +G X) (+CommG z (-G y))
∙ +AssocG (x +G y) (-G y) z
∙ cong (λ X → X +G z) (sym (+AssocG x y (-G y))
∙ cong (λ X → x +G X) (+InvR y)
∙ +IdR x)
cellHom-to-ChainHomotopy : {C : CWskel ℓ} {D : CWskel ℓ'} (m : ℕ)
{f g : finCellMap (suc m) C D} (H : finCellHom (suc m) f g)
→ finChainHomotopy m (finCellMap→finChainComplexMap m f)
(finCellMap→finChainComplexMap m g)
cellHom-to-ChainHomotopy {C = C} {D} m {f} {g} H .finChainHomotopy.fhtpy n =
preChainHomotopy.chainHomotopy (suc m) C D f g H n
cellHom-to-ChainHomotopy {C = C} {D} m {f} {g} H .finChainHomotopy.fbdryhtpy n =
chainHomEquation.chainHomotopy2 m C D f g H n