{-# OPTIONS --safe --lossy-unification #-}
module Cubical.CW.Map where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws
open import Cubical.Data.Nat renaming (_+_ to _+ℕ_)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order.Inductive
open import Cubical.Data.Int renaming (_·_ to _·ℤ_ ; -_ to -ℤ_)
open import Cubical.Data.Bool
open import Cubical.Data.Fin.Inductive.Base
open import Cubical.Data.Fin.Inductive.Properties
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
open import Cubical.Data.Sequence
open import Cubical.Data.FinSequence
open import Cubical.CW.Base
open import Cubical.CW.Properties
open import Cubical.CW.ChainComplex
open import Cubical.HITs.Sn.Degree
open import Cubical.HITs.Pushout
open import Cubical.HITs.Susp
open import Cubical.HITs.SphereBouquet
open import Cubical.HITs.SphereBouquet.Degree
open import Cubical.HITs.SequentialColimit
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.MorphismProperties
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Algebra.ChainComplex
open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup
open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup.Instances.FreeAbGroup
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open Sequence
ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Level
C D E : CWskel ℓ
cellMap : (C : CWskel ℓ) (D : CWskel ℓ') → Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ')
cellMap C D = SequenceMap (realiseSeq C) (realiseSeq D)
realiseCellMap : cellMap C D → realise C → realise D
realiseCellMap mp C∞ = realiseSequenceMap mp C∞
idCellMap : (C : CWskel ℓ) → cellMap C C
idCellMap C = idSequenceMap _
composeCellMap : (g : cellMap D E) (f : cellMap C D) → cellMap C E
composeCellMap = composeSequenceMap
module _ (m : ℕ) where
finCellMap : (C : CWskel ℓ) (D : CWskel ℓ') → Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ')
finCellMap C D = FinSequenceMap (realiseFinSeq m C) (realiseFinSeq m D)
idFinCellMap : (C : CWskel ℓ) → finCellMap C C
idFinCellMap C = idFinSequenceMap m (realiseFinSeq m C)
composeFinCellMap : (g : finCellMap D E) (f : finCellMap C D) → finCellMap C E
composeFinCellMap = composeFinSequenceMap m
open FinSequenceMap
finCellMap→FinSeqColim : (C : CWskel ℓ) (D : CWskel ℓ')
{m : ℕ} → finCellMap m C D → FinSeqColim m (realiseSeq C) → FinSeqColim m (realiseSeq D)
finCellMap→FinSeqColim C D {m = m} f (fincl n x) = fincl n (fmap f n x)
finCellMap→FinSeqColim C D {m = m} f (fpush n x i) =
(fpush n (fmap f (injectSuc n) x) ∙ cong (fincl (fsuc n)) (fcomm f n x)) i
finCellMap↓ : {m : ℕ} {C : CWskel ℓ} {D : CWskel ℓ'} → finCellMap (suc m) C D → finCellMap m C D
fmap (finCellMap↓ {m = m} ϕ) x = fmap ϕ (injectSuc x)
fcomm (finCellMap↓ {m = suc m} {C = C} ϕ) x r = fcomm ϕ (injectSuc x) r
module prefunctoriality (m : ℕ) (f : finCellMap m C D) (n' : Fin m) where
open FinSequenceMap
open CWskel-fields
n = fst n'
fn+1/fn : cofibCW (fst n') C → cofibCW (fst n') D
fn+1/fn (inl tt) = inl tt
fn+1/fn (inr x) = inr (f .fmap (fsuc n') x)
fn+1/fn (push x i) =
(push (f .fmap (injectSuc n') x) ∙ (cong inr (f .fcomm n' x))) i
bouquetFunct : SphereBouquet n (Fin (card C n))
→ SphereBouquet n (Fin (card D n))
bouquetFunct = Iso.fun (BouquetIso-gen n (card D n) (α D n) (e D n))
∘ fn+1/fn
∘ Iso.inv (BouquetIso-gen n (card C n) (α C n) (e C n))
chainFunct : AbGroupHom (ℤ[A C ] n) (ℤ[A D ] n)
chainFunct = bouquetDegree bouquetFunct
module _ (m : ℕ) (C : CWskel ℓ) (n' : Fin m) where
open prefunctoriality m (idFinCellMap m C) n'
open SequenceMap
open CWskel-fields
fn+1/fn-id : fn+1/fn ≡ idfun _
fn+1/fn-id = funExt
λ { (inl x) → refl
; (inr x) → refl
; (push a i) j → rUnit (push a) (~ j) i}
bouquetFunct-id : bouquetFunct ≡ idfun _
bouquetFunct-id =
cong (λ f → Iso.fun (BouquetIso-gen n (card C n) (α C n) (e C n))
∘ f
∘ Iso.inv (BouquetIso-gen n (card C n) (α C n) (e C n)))
∙ funExt (Iso.rightInv (BouquetIso-gen n (card C n) (α C n) (e C n)))
chainFunct-id : chainFunct ≡ idGroupHom
chainFunct-id = cong bouquetDegree bouquetFunct-id ∙ bouquetDegreeId
module _ (m : ℕ) (g : finCellMap m D E) (f : finCellMap m C D) (n' : Fin m) where
module pf1 = prefunctoriality m f n'
module pf2 = prefunctoriality m g n'
module pf3 = prefunctoriality m (composeFinCellMap m g f) n'
open FinSequenceMap
open CWskel-fields
n = fst n'
fn+1/fn-comp : pf2.fn+1/fn ∘ pf1.fn+1/fn ≡ pf3.fn+1/fn
fn+1/fn-comp = funExt
λ { (inl x) → refl
; (inr x) → refl
; (push a i) j → help a j i}
help : (a : fst C n)
→ cong (pf2.fn+1/fn ∘ pf1.fn+1/fn) (push a) ≡ cong pf3.fn+1/fn (push a)
help a = cong-∙ pf2.fn+1/fn (push (f .fmap (injectSuc n') a))
(λ i₁ → inr (f .fcomm n' a i₁))
∙∙ sym (assoc _ _ _)
∙∙ sym (cong₂ _∙_ refl
(cong-∙ inr (g .fcomm n' (fmap f (injectSuc n') a))
(cong (g .fmap (fsuc n')) (f .fcomm n' a))))
bouquetFunct-comp : pf2.bouquetFunct ∘ pf1.bouquetFunct ≡ pf3.bouquetFunct
bouquetFunct-comp = funExt λ x
→ cong (Iso.fun (BouquetIso-gen n (card E n) (α E n) (e E n)))
(cong pf2.fn+1/fn
(Iso.leftInv (BouquetIso-gen n (card D n) (α D n) (e D n)) _)
∙ funExt⁻ fn+1/fn-comp
(Iso.inv (BouquetIso-gen n (card C n) (α C n) (e C n)) x))
chainFunct-comp : compGroupHom pf1.chainFunct pf2.chainFunct ≡ pf3.chainFunct
chainFunct-comp =
sym (bouquetDegreeComp∙ (pf2.bouquetFunct , refl)
(pf1.bouquetFunct , refl))
∙ cong bouquetDegree bouquetFunct-comp
module functoriality (m : ℕ) (f : finCellMap (suc m) C D) where
open CWskel-fields
open SequenceMap
module pf* = prefunctoriality m (finCellMap↓ f)
open prefunctoriality (suc m) f
open FinSequenceMap
commδ : (n : Fin (suc m)) (x : cofibCW (fst n) C)
→ δ (fst n) D (fn+1/fn n x)
≡ suspFun (f .fmap (injectSuc n)) (δ (fst n) C x)
commδ n (inl x) = refl
commδ n (inr x) = refl
commδ n (push a i) j =
hcomp (λ k → λ { (i = i0) → north
; (i = i1) → south
; (j = i0) → δ (fst n) D (compPath-filler
(push (f .fmap (injectSuc n) a))
(cong inr (f .fcomm n a)) k i)
; (j = i1) → merid (f .fmap (injectSuc n) a) i })
(merid (f .fmap (injectSuc n) a) i)
commToCofibCWSusp : (n : Fin (suc m)) (x : Susp (fst C (suc (fst n))))
→ suspFun (to_cofibCW (fst n) D) (suspFun (f .fmap (fsuc n)) x)
≡ suspFun (fn+1/fn n) (suspFun (to_cofibCW (fst n) C) x)
commToCofibCWSusp n north = refl
commToCofibCWSusp n south = refl
commToCofibCWSusp n (merid a i) = refl
funct∘pre∂ : (n : Fin (suc m))
→ SphereBouquet (suc (fst n)) (Fin (card C (suc (fst n))))
→ SphereBouquet (suc (fst n)) (Fin (card D (fst n)))
funct∘pre∂ n = (bouquetSusp→ (bouquetFunct n)) ∘ (preboundary.pre∂ C (fst n))
pre∂∘funct : (n : Fin m)
→ (SphereBouquet (suc (fst n)) (Fin (card C (suc (fst n)))))
→ SphereBouquet (suc (fst n)) (Fin (card D (fst n)))
pre∂∘funct n = preboundary.pre∂ D (fst n) ∘ bouquetFunct (fsuc n)
commPre∂Funct : (n : Fin m) → funct∘pre∂ (injectSuc n) ≡ pre∂∘funct n
commPre∂Funct n = funExt λ x → cong (fun (iso1 D (fst n))) (main x)
open preboundary
open Iso
bouquet : (C : CWskel ℓ) (n m : ℕ) → Type
bouquet = λ C n m → SphereBouquet n (Fin (snd C .fst m))
iso1 : (C : CWskel ℓ) (n : ℕ)
→ Iso (Susp (bouquet C n n)) (bouquet C (suc n) n)
iso1 C n = sphereBouquetSuspIso
iso2 : (C : CWskel ℓ) (n : ℕ) → Iso (cofibCW n C) (bouquet C n n)
iso2 C n =
BouquetIso-gen n (snd C .fst n) (snd C .snd .fst n)
(snd C .snd .snd .snd n)
step2aux : ∀ x → suspFun (bouquetFunct (injectSuc n)) x
≡ suspFun (fun (iso2 D (fst n)))
(suspFun (fn+1/fn (injectSuc n))
(suspFun (inv (iso2 C (fst n))) x))
step2aux north = refl
step2aux south = refl
step2aux (merid a i) = refl
step3aux : ∀ x
→ suspFun (inv (iso2 C (fst n))) (suspFun (fun (iso2 C (fst n))) x) ≡ x
step3aux north = refl
step3aux south = refl
step3aux (merid a i) j = merid (leftInv (iso2 C (fst n)) a j) i
module _ (x : bouquet C (suc (fst n)) (suc (fst n))) where
step1 = cong (suspFun (bouquetFunct (injectSuc n)))
(leftInv (iso1 C (fst n))
(((suspFun (fun (iso2 C (fst n))))
∘ (suspFun (to_cofibCW (fst n) C))
∘ (δ (suc (fst n)) C) ∘ (inv (iso2 C (suc (fst n))))) x))
step2 = step2aux (((suspFun (fun (iso2 C (fst n))))
∘ (suspFun (to_cofibCW (fst n) C))
∘ (δ (suc (fst n)) C) ∘ (inv (iso2 C (suc (fst n))))) x)
step3 =
cong ((suspFun (fun (iso2 D (fst n))))
∘ (suspFun (fn+1/fn (injectSuc n))))
(step3aux (((suspFun (to_cofibCW (fst n) C))
∘ (δ (suc (fst n)) C)
∘ (inv (iso2 C (suc (fst n))))) x))
step4 = cong (suspFun (fun (iso2 D (fst n))))
(sym (commToCofibCWSusp (injectSuc n)
(((δ (suc (fst n)) C) ∘ (inv (iso2 C (suc (fst n))))) x)))
step5 = λ i → suspFun (fun (iso2 D (fst n)))
(suspFun (to fst (injectSuc n) cofibCW D)
(suspFun (f .fmap (p i))
(δ (suc (fst n)) C (inv (iso2 C (suc (fst n))) x))))
p : fsuc (injectSuc n) ≡ injectSuc (fsuc n)
p = Σ≡Prop (λ _ → isProp<ᵗ) refl
step6 = cong ((suspFun (fun (iso2 D (fst n))))
∘ (suspFun (to_cofibCW (fst n) D)))
(sym (commδ (fsuc n) (inv (iso2 C (suc (fst n))) x)))
step7 = cong ((suspFun (fun (iso2 D (fst n))))
∘ (suspFun (to_cofibCW (fst n) D))
∘ (δ (suc (fst n)) D))
(sym (leftInv (iso2 D (suc (fst n)))
(((fn+1/fn (fsuc n)) ∘ (inv (iso2 C (suc (fst n))))) x)))
main = step1 ∙ step2 ∙ step3 ∙ step4 ∙ step5 ∙ step6 ∙ step7
comm∂Funct : (n : Fin m)
→ compGroupHom (chainFunct (fsuc n)) (∂ D (fst n))
≡ compGroupHom (∂ C (fst n)) (chainFunct (injectSuc n))
comm∂Funct n = (sym (degree-pre∂∘funct n))
∙∙ cong bouquetDegree (sym (commPre∂Funct n))
∙∙ (degree-funct∘pre∂ n)
degree-funct∘pre∂ : (n : Fin m)
→ bouquetDegree (funct∘pre∂ (injectSuc n))
≡ compGroupHom (∂ C (fst n)) (chainFunct (injectSuc n))
degree-funct∘pre∂ n =
bouquetDegreeComp (bouquetSusp→ (bouquetFunct (injectSuc n)))
(preboundary.pre∂ C (fst n))
∙ cong (compGroupHom (∂ C (fst n)))
(sym (bouquetDegreeSusp (bouquetFunct (injectSuc n))))
degree-pre∂∘funct : (n : Fin m)
→ bouquetDegree (pre∂∘funct n)
≡ compGroupHom (chainFunct (fsuc n)) (∂ D (fst n))
degree-pre∂∘funct n =
bouquetDegreeComp (preboundary.pre∂ D (fst n)) (bouquetFunct (fsuc n))
open finChainComplexMap
finCellMap→finChainComplexMap : (m : ℕ) (f : finCellMap (suc m) C D)
→ finChainComplexMap m (CW-ChainComplex C) (CW-ChainComplex D)
fchainmap (finCellMap→finChainComplexMap m f) n =
prefunctoriality.chainFunct (suc m) f n
fbdrycomm (finCellMap→finChainComplexMap m f) n = functoriality.comm∂Funct m f n
finCellMap→finChainComplexMapId : (m : ℕ)
→ finCellMap→finChainComplexMap m (idFinCellMap (suc m) C)
≡ idFinChainMap m (CW-ChainComplex C)
finCellMap→finChainComplexMapId m = finChainComplexMap≡
λ x → cong bouquetDegree (bouquetFunct-id _ _ x) ∙ bouquetDegreeId
finCellMap→finChainComplexMapComp : (m : ℕ)
(g : finCellMap (suc m) D E) (f : finCellMap (suc m) C D)
→ finCellMap→finChainComplexMap m (composeFinCellMap _ g f)
≡ compFinChainMap (finCellMap→finChainComplexMap m f)
(finCellMap→finChainComplexMap m g)
finCellMap→finChainComplexMapComp m g f =
finChainComplexMap≡ λ x
→ cong bouquetDegree (sym (bouquetFunct-comp _ g f x))
∙ bouquetDegreeComp _ _
finCellMap→HomologyMap : (m : ℕ) (f : finCellMap (suc (suc (suc m))) C D)
→ GroupHom (Hˢᵏᵉˡ C m) (Hˢᵏᵉˡ D m)
finCellMap→HomologyMap {C = C} {D = D} m f =
finChainComplexMap→HomologyMap (suc m)
(finCellMap→finChainComplexMap _ f) flast
finCellMap→HomologyMapId : (m : ℕ)
→ finCellMap→HomologyMap m (idFinCellMap (suc (suc (suc m))) C)
≡ idGroupHom
finCellMap→HomologyMapId m =
cong (λ r → finChainComplexMap→HomologyMap (suc m) r flast)
(finCellMap→finChainComplexMapId _)
∙ finChainComplexMap→HomologyMapId _
finCellMap→HomologyMapComp : (m : ℕ)
(g : finCellMap (suc (suc (suc m))) D E)
(f : finCellMap (suc (suc (suc m))) C D)
→ finCellMap→HomologyMap m (composeFinCellMap _ g f)
≡ compGroupHom (finCellMap→HomologyMap m f)
(finCellMap→HomologyMap m g)
finCellMap→HomologyMapComp m g f =
(cong (λ r → finChainComplexMap→HomologyMap (suc m) r flast)
(finCellMap→finChainComplexMapComp _ _ _))
∙ finChainComplexMap→HomologyMapComp _ _ _
module _ (m : ℕ) (f : finCellMap (suc (suc (suc m))) C D) where
open CWskel-fields
open FinSequenceMap
open prefunctoriality _ f
cellMap↾₁ : Fin (card C 0) → Fin (card D 0)
cellMap↾₁ = fst (CW₁-discrete D) ∘ fmap f (1 , tt) ∘ invEq (CW₁-discrete C)
chainFunct' : AbGroupHom (ℤ[A C ] 0) (ℤ[A D ] 0)
chainFunct' = ℤFinFunct cellMap↾₁
chainFunct₀ : chainFunct' ≡ chainFunct fzero
chainFunct₀ =
agreeOnℤFinGenerator→≡ λ t → funExt λ x
→ sumFin-choose _+_ 0 (λ _ → refl) +Comm
(λ a → ℤFinFunctGenerator cellMap↾₁ (ℤFinGenerator t) a x)
(S⁰×S⁰→ℤ true (pickPetal x (bouquetFunct fzero (inr (t , false)))))
t (ℤFinFunctGenerator≡ cellMap↾₁ t x ∙ main₁ t x)
(main₂ cellMap↾₁ x t)
∙ isGeneratorℤFinGenerator'
(λ a → degree 0 λ s
→ pickPetal x (bouquetFunct fzero (inr (a , s)))) t
F = Pushout→Bouquet 0 (card D 0) (α D 0) (e D 0)
lem₂ : {k : ℕ} (t : Fin k) (x : Fin k)
→ ℤFinGenerator x t ≡ S⁰×S⁰→ℤ true (pickPetal x (inr (t , false)))
lem₂ {k = suc k} t x with (fst x ≟ᵗ fst t)
... | lt x₁ = refl
... | eq x₁ = refl
... | gt x₁ = refl
main₁ : (t : _) (x : _)
→ ℤFinGenerator (cellMap↾₁ t) x
≡ S⁰×S⁰→ℤ true
(pickPetal x
(F (fst (e D 0) (f .fmap (1 , tt) (invEq (CW₁-discrete C) t)))))
main₁ t x = (ℤFinGeneratorComm (cellMap↾₁ t) x
∙ lem₂ (cellMap↾₁ t) x)
∙ cong (S⁰×S⁰→ℤ true ∘ pickPetal x ∘ F)
(lem₁ _)
lem₀ : (x : Pushout (α D 0) fst)
→ inr (CW₁-discrete D .fst (invEq (e D 0) x)) ≡ x
lem₀ (inl x) = ⊥.rec (CW₀-empty D x)
lem₀ (inr x) j = inr (secEq (CW₁-discrete D) x j)
lem₁ : (x : _)
→ inr (CW₁-discrete D .fst x) ≡ fst (e D 0) x
lem₁ x = (λ i → inr (CW₁-discrete D .fst
(retEq (e D 0) x (~ i))))
∙ lem₀ (fst (e D 0) x)
main₂ : (f' : _) (x : _) (t : _) (x' : Fin (card C zero))
→ ¬ x' ≡ t
→ ℤFinFunctGenerator {n = card C zero} {m = card D zero}
f' (ℤFinGenerator t) x' x
≡ pos 0
main₂ f' x t x' p with (f' x' .fst ≟ᵗ x .fst) | (fst t ≟ᵗ fst x')
... | lt x₁ | r = refl
... | eq x₂ | r = lem
lem : _
lem with (fst t ≟ᵗ fst x')
... | lt x = refl
... | eq x = ⊥.rec (p (Σ≡Prop (λ _ → isProp<ᵗ) (sym x)))
... | gt x = refl
... | gt x₁ | r = refl