{-# OPTIONS --safe --lossy-unification #-}
module Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup.Instances.FreeAbGroup where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Nat hiding (_·_) renaming (_+_ to _+ℕ_)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order.Inductive
open import Cubical.Data.Int renaming (_·_ to _·ℤ_ ; -_ to -ℤ_)
open import Cubical.Data.Fin.Inductive
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
open import Cubical.HITs.FreeAbGroup
open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup
open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup.Instances.Pi
open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup.Instances.Int
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.MorphismProperties
private variable
ℓ : Level
module _ {A : Type ℓ} where
FAGAbGroup : AbGroup ℓ
FAGAbGroup = makeAbGroup {G = FreeAbGroup A} ε _·_ _⁻¹ trunc assoc identityᵣ invᵣ comm
ℤ[Fin_] : (n : ℕ) → AbGroup ℓ-zero
ℤ[Fin n ] = ΠℤAbGroup (Fin n)
ℤFinGenerator : {n : ℕ} (k : Fin n) → ℤ[Fin n ] .fst
ℤFinGenerator {n = n} k s with (fst k ≟ᵗ fst s)
... | lt x = 0
... | eq x = 1
... | gt x = 0
ℤFinGeneratorComm : {n : ℕ} (x y : Fin n) → ℤFinGenerator x y ≡ ℤFinGenerator y x
ℤFinGeneratorComm x y with (fst x ≟ᵗ fst y) | (fst y ≟ᵗ fst x)
... | lt x₁ | lt x₂ = refl
... | lt x₁ | eq x₂ = ⊥.rec (¬m<ᵗm (subst (_<ᵗ fst y) (sym x₂) x₁))
... | lt x₁ | gt x₂ = refl
... | eq x₁ | lt x₂ = ⊥.rec (¬m<ᵗm (subst (fst y <ᵗ_) x₁ x₂))
... | eq x₁ | eq x₂ = refl
... | eq x₁ | gt x₂ = ⊥.rec (¬m<ᵗm (subst (_<ᵗ fst y) x₁ x₂))
... | gt x₁ | lt x₂ = refl
... | gt x₁ | eq x₂ = ⊥.rec (¬m<ᵗm (subst (_<ᵗ fst x) x₂ x₁))
... | gt x₁ | gt x₂ = refl
isGeneratorℤFinGenerator : {n : ℕ} (f : ℤ[Fin n ] .fst) (a : _)
→ f a ≡ sumFinℤ {n = n} λ s → f s ·ℤ (ℤFinGenerator s a)
isGeneratorℤFinGenerator {n = suc n} f =
elimFin basec
λ s → cong f (Σ≡Prop (λ _ → isProp<ᵗ) refl)
∙∙ isGeneratorℤFinGenerator {n = n} (f ∘ injectSuc) s
∙∙ (λ i → sumFinℤ (λ x → f (injectSuc x) ·ℤ lem₁ s x i))
∙∙ +Comm (F s) 0
∙∙ λ i → (sym (·Comm (f flast) 0)
∙ (cong (f flast ·ℤ_) (sym (lem₂ s flast refl)))) i
+ F s
basec : f flast ≡ sumFinℤ (λ s → f s ·ℤ ℤFinGenerator s flast)
basec with (n ≟ᵗ n)
... | lt x = ⊥.rec (¬m<ᵗm x)
... | eq x = λ i → (·Comm (f flast) (pos 1) (~ i)) + lem₂ (~ i)
lem₁ : (s : _) → ℤFinGenerator (injectSuc {n = n} s) flast ≡ 0
lem₁ s with (fst s ≟ᵗ n)
... | lt x = refl
... | eq w = ⊥.rec (¬m<ᵗm (subst (fst s <ᵗ_) (sym w) (snd s)))
... | gt x = refl
lem₂ : sumFinℤ (λ s → f (injectSuc s) ·ℤ ℤFinGenerator (injectSuc s) flast) ≡ 0
lem₂ = (λ i → sumFinℤ λ s → (cong (f (injectSuc s) ·ℤ_) (lem₁ s)
∙ ·Comm (f (injectSuc s)) 0) i)
∙ (sumFinℤ0 n)
... | gt x = ⊥.rec (¬m<ᵗm x)
module _ (a : Fin n) where
F = sumFinGen _+_ (pos 0) (λ x → f (injectSuc x)
·ℤ (ℤFinGenerator (injectSuc x) (injectSuc a)))
lem₁ : (x : _)
→ ℤFinGenerator {n = n} x a
≡ ℤFinGenerator {n = suc n} (injectSuc x) (injectSuc a)
lem₁ x with (fst x ≟ᵗ fst a)
... | lt x₁ = refl
... | eq x₁ = refl
... | gt x₁ = refl
lem₂ : (k : Fin (suc n)) → fst k ≡ n
→ ℤFinGenerator {n = suc n} k (injectSuc a) ≡ 0
lem₂ k q with (fst k ≟ᵗ fst a)
... | lt _ = refl
... | eq x = ⊥.rec (¬m<ᵗm (subst (_<ᵗ n) (sym x ∙ q) (snd a)))
... | gt _ = refl
isGeneratorℤFinGenerator' : {n : ℕ} (f : ℤ[Fin n ] .fst) (a : _)
→ f a ≡ sumFinℤ {n = n} λ s → (ℤFinGenerator a s) ·ℤ f s
isGeneratorℤFinGenerator' {n = n} f a =
isGeneratorℤFinGenerator f a
∙ sumFinℤId n λ x → ·Comm (f x) (ℤFinGenerator x a)
∙ cong (_·ℤ f x) (ℤFinGeneratorComm x a)
ℤFinGeneratorVanish : (n : ℕ) (x : _) → ℤFinGenerator {n = suc n} flast (injectSuc x) ≡ 0
ℤFinGeneratorVanish n x with (n ≟ᵗ (fst x))
... | lt x₁ = refl
... | eq x₁ = ⊥.rec (¬m<ᵗm (subst (_<ᵗ n) (sym x₁) (snd x)))
... | gt x₁ = refl
elimℤFin : ∀ {ℓ} {n : ℕ}
→ (P : ℤ[Fin (suc n) ] .fst → Type ℓ)
→ ((x : _) → P (ℤFinGenerator x))
→ ((f : _) → P f → P (λ x → -ℤ (f x)))
→ ((f g : _) → P f → P g → P (λ x → f x + g x))
→ (x : _) → P x
elimℤFin {n = n} P gen d ind f =
subst P (sym (funExt (isGeneratorℤFinGenerator f)))
(P-resp-sumFinℤ n P gen d ind (suc n) (λ x y → f y ·ℤ ℤFinGenerator y x)
λ t → P-resp· n P gen d ind (f t) (ℤFinGenerator t) (gen t))
module _ {ℓ} (n : ℕ) (P : ℤ[Fin (suc n) ] .fst → Type ℓ)
(gens : (x : _) → P (ℤFinGenerator x))
(ind- : ((f : _) → P f → P (λ x → -ℤ (f x))))
(ind+ : (f g : _) → P f → P g → P (λ x → f x + g x)) where
P-resp·pos : (x : ℕ) (f : ℤ[Fin (suc n) ] .fst) → P f → P (λ x₁ → pos x ·ℤ f x₁)
P-resp·pos zero f d =
subst P (funExt (λ x → -Cancel (ℤFinGenerator fzero x)))
(ind+ (ℤFinGenerator fzero)
(λ x → -ℤ (ℤFinGenerator fzero x))
(gens fzero) (ind- _ (gens fzero)))
P-resp·pos (suc zero) f d = d
P-resp·pos (suc (suc x)) f d =
ind+ f (λ a → pos (suc x) ·ℤ f a) d (P-resp·pos (suc x) f d)
P-resp· : (x : _) (f : ℤ[Fin (suc n) ] .fst) → P f → P (λ x₁ → x ·ℤ f x₁)
P-resp· (pos n) f d = P-resp·pos n f d
P-resp· (negsuc n) f d =
subst P (funExt (λ r → -DistL· (pos (suc n)) (f r)))
(ind- (λ x → pos (suc n) ·ℤ f x) (P-resp·pos (suc n) _ d))
P-resp-sumFinℤ : (m : ℕ) (f : Fin (suc n) → Fin m → ℤ)
→ ((t : _) → P (λ x → f x t))
→ P (λ t → sumFinℤ {n = m} (f t))
P-resp-sumFinℤ zero f r = P-resp·pos zero (ℤFinGenerator fzero) (gens fzero)
P-resp-sumFinℤ (suc m) f r =
ind+ (λ t → f t flast) (λ t → sumFinℤ (λ x → f t (injectSuc x)))
(r flast)
(P-resp-sumFinℤ m (λ x y → f x (injectSuc y)) (r ∘ injectSuc))
·posFree : {n : ℕ} (a : ℕ) (x : Fin n) → FreeAbGroup (Fin n)
·posFree {n = n} zero x = ε
·posFree {n = n} (suc a) x = ⟦ x ⟧ · (·posFree {n = n} a x)
·Free : {n : ℕ} (a : ℤ) (x : Fin n) → FreeAbGroup (Fin n)
·Free (pos n) x = ·posFree n x
·Free (negsuc n) x = ·posFree (suc n) x ⁻¹
·Free⁻¹ : {n : ℕ} (a : ℤ) (x : Fin n) → ·Free (-ℤ a) x ≡ (·Free a x) ⁻¹
·Free⁻¹ {n = n} (pos zero) x = sym (GroupTheory.inv1g (AbGroup→Group FAGAbGroup))
·Free⁻¹ {n = n} (pos (suc n₁)) x = refl
·Free⁻¹ {n = n} (negsuc n₁) x = sym (GroupTheory.invInv (AbGroup→Group FAGAbGroup) _)
·FreeSuc : {n : ℕ} (a : ℤ) (x : Fin n)
→ ·Free (sucℤ a) x ≡ ⟦ x ⟧ · ·Free a x
·FreeSuc (pos n) x = refl
·FreeSuc (negsuc zero) x =
sym (cong (⟦ x ⟧ ·_) (cong (_⁻¹) (identityᵣ ⟦ x ⟧)) ∙ invᵣ ⟦ x ⟧)
·FreeSuc (negsuc (suc n)) x =
sym (cong (⟦ x ⟧ ·_)
(GroupTheory.invDistr (AbGroup→Group FAGAbGroup) ⟦ x ⟧ (⟦ x ⟧ · ·posFree n x)
∙ comm _ _)
∙∙ assoc _ _ _
∙∙ (cong (_· (⟦ x ⟧ · ·posFree n x) ⁻¹) (invᵣ ⟦ x ⟧)
∙ comm _ _
∙ identityᵣ ((⟦ x ⟧ · ·posFree n x) ⁻¹)))
·FreeHomPos : {n : ℕ} (a : ℕ) (b : ℤ) (x : Fin n)
→ ·Free (pos a) x · ·Free b x ≡ ·Free (pos a + b) x
·FreeHomPos zero b x = comm _ _ ∙ identityᵣ (·Free b x) ∙ cong (λ y → ·Free y x) (+Comm b 0)
·FreeHomPos (suc n) b x =
sym (assoc ⟦ x ⟧ (·Free (pos n) x) (·Free b x))
∙ cong (⟦ x ⟧ ·_) (·FreeHomPos n b x)
∙ l b
l : (b : ℤ) → ⟦ x ⟧ · ·Free (pos n + b) x ≡ ·Free (pos (suc n) + b) x
l (pos m) = cong (⟦ x ⟧ ·_) (λ i → ·Free (pos+ n m (~ i)) x)
∙ λ i → ·Free (pos+ (suc n) m i) x
l (negsuc m) = sym (·FreeSuc (pos n +negsuc m) x)
∙ λ j → ·Free (sucℤ+negsuc m (pos n) j) x
·FreeHom : {n : ℕ} (a b : ℤ) (x : Fin n) → ·Free a x · ·Free b x ≡ ·Free (a + b) x
·FreeHom (pos n) b x = ·FreeHomPos n b x
·FreeHom (negsuc n) b x =
cong ((⟦ x ⟧ · ·posFree n x) ⁻¹ ·_)
(sym (cong (_⁻¹) (·Free⁻¹ b x)
∙ GroupTheory.invInv (AbGroup→Group FAGAbGroup) (·Free b x)))
∙ comm _ _
∙∙ sym (GroupTheory.invDistr (AbGroup→Group FAGAbGroup) (·Free (pos (suc n)) x) (·Free (-ℤ b) x))
∙∙ cong (_⁻¹) (·FreeHomPos (suc n) (-ℤ b) x)
∙∙ sym (·Free⁻¹ (pos (suc n) + -ℤ b) x)
∙∙ λ i → ·Free (help (~ i)) x
help : negsuc n + b ≡ -ℤ (pos (suc n) + -ℤ b)
help = cong (negsuc n +_) (sym (-Involutive b))
∙ sym (-Dist+ (pos (suc n)) (-ℤ b))
sumFinℤFinGenerator≡1 : (n : ℕ) (f : Fin n)
→ sumFinGen _·_ ε (λ x → ·Free (ℤFinGenerator f x) x) ≡ ⟦ f ⟧
sumFinℤFinGenerator≡1 (suc n) =
elimFin (basec n)
basec : (n : ℕ) → sumFinGen _·_ ε (λ x → ·Free (ℤFinGenerator (flast {m = n}) x) x) ≡ ⟦ flast ⟧
basec n with (n ≟ᵗ n)
... | lt x = ⊥.rec (¬m<ᵗm x)
... | eq x = ((λ i → identityᵣ ⟦ flast ⟧ i
· sumFinGen _·_ ε (λ x → ·Free (ℤFinGenerator flast (injectSuc x))
(injectSuc x)))
∙ cong (⟦ flast ⟧ ·_) (sumFinGenId _ _ _ _
(funExt (λ s → cong₂ ·Free (ℤFinGeneratorVanish n s) refl))
∙ sumFinGen0 _·_ ε identityᵣ n
(λ x₁ → ·Free (pos 0) (injectSuc x₁)) (λ _ → refl)) )
∙ identityᵣ _
... | gt x = ⊥.rec (¬m<ᵗm x)
module _ (x : Fin n) where
FR = Free↑
indstep :
·Free (ℤFinGenerator (injectSuc x) flast) flast · sumFinGen _·_ ε
(λ x₁ → ·Free (ℤFinGenerator (injectSuc x) (injectSuc x₁)) (injectSuc x₁))
≡ ⟦ injectSuc x ⟧
indstep with (fst x ≟ᵗ n)
... | lt a = comm _ _
∙ identityᵣ _
∙ (λ i → sumFinGen _·_ ε (λ x → lem x i))
∙ sym (Free↑sumFinℤ n n (λ x₁ → ·Free (ℤFinGenerator x x₁) x₁))
∙ cong (Free↑ n) (sumFinℤFinGenerator≡1 n x)
lem : (x₁ : Fin n)
→ ·Free (ℤFinGenerator (injectSuc x) (injectSuc x₁)) (injectSuc x₁)
≡ Free↑ n (·Free (ℤFinGenerator x x₁) x₁)
lem x₁ with (fst x ≟ᵗ fst x₁)
... | lt x = refl
... | eq x = refl
... | gt x = refl
... | eq a = ⊥.rec (¬m<ᵗm (subst (_<ᵗ n) a (snd x)))
... | gt a = ⊥.rec (¬m<ᵗm (<ᵗ-trans a (snd x)))
ℤFin→Free : (n : ℕ) → ℤ[Fin n ] .fst → FreeAbGroup (Fin n)
ℤFin→Free n f = sumFinGen {A = FreeAbGroup (Fin n)} _·_ ε (λ x → ·Free (f x) x)
Free→ℤFin : (n : ℕ) → FreeAbGroup (Fin n) → ℤ[Fin n ] .fst
Free→ℤFin n ⟦ x ⟧ = ℤFinGenerator x
Free→ℤFin n ε _ = pos 0
Free→ℤFin n (a · a₁) x = Free→ℤFin n a x + Free→ℤFin n a₁ x
Free→ℤFin n (a ⁻¹) x = -ℤ Free→ℤFin n a x
Free→ℤFin n (assoc a a₁ a₂ i) x = +Assoc (Free→ℤFin n a x) (Free→ℤFin n a₁ x) (Free→ℤFin n a₂ x) i
Free→ℤFin n (comm a a₁ i) x = +Comm (Free→ℤFin n a x) (Free→ℤFin n a₁ x) i
Free→ℤFin n (identityᵣ a i) = Free→ℤFin n a
Free→ℤFin n (invᵣ a i) x = -Cancel (Free→ℤFin n a x) i
Free→ℤFin n (trunc a a₁ x y i j) k =
isSet→isSet' isSetℤ
(λ _ → Free→ℤFin n a k) (λ _ → Free→ℤFin n a₁ k)
(λ j → Free→ℤFin n (x j) k) (λ j → Free→ℤFin n (y j) k) j i
ℤFin→Free-ℤFinGenerator : (n : ℕ) (x : _)
→ ℤFin→Free n (ℤFinGenerator x) ≡ ⟦ x ⟧
ℤFin→Free-ℤFinGenerator zero x = isContr→isProp isContr-FreeFin0 _ _
ℤFin→Free-ℤFinGenerator (suc n) f = sumFinℤFinGenerator≡1 _ f
ℤFin→FreeHom : (n : ℕ) → (f g : ℤ[Fin n ] .fst)
→ ℤFin→Free n (λ x → f x + g x) ≡ ℤFin→Free n f · ℤFin→Free n g
ℤFin→FreeHom n f g =
(λ i → sumFinGen _·_ ε (λ x → ·FreeHom (f x) (g x) x (~ i)))
∙ sumFinGenHom _·_ ε identityᵣ comm assoc n
(λ x → ·Free (f x) x) λ x → ·Free (g x) x
ℤFin→FreeInv : (n : ℕ) (f : ℤ[Fin n ] .fst)
→ ℤFin→Free n (λ x → -ℤ (f x)) ≡ (ℤFin→Free n f) ⁻¹
ℤFin→FreeInv n f =
(λ i → sumFinGen _·_ ε (λ x → ·Free⁻¹ (f x) x i))
∙ sumFinG-neg n {A = FAGAbGroup} (λ x → ·Free (f x) x)
ℤFin→Free→ℤFin : (n : ℕ) (x : FreeAbGroup (Fin n)) → ℤFin→Free n (Free→ℤFin n x) ≡ x
ℤFin→Free→ℤFin zero x = isContr→isProp (subst (isContr ∘ FreeAbGroup) (sym lem) isContr-Free⊥) _ _
lem : Fin 0 ≡ ⊥
lem = isoToPath (iso ¬Fin0 (λ{()}) (λ{()}) λ p → ⊥.rec (¬Fin0 p))
ℤFin→Free→ℤFin (suc n) =
ElimProp.f (trunc _ _)
(ℤFin→Free-ℤFinGenerator (suc n))
(comm _ _
∙∙ identityᵣ _
∙∙ sumFinGen0 _·_ ε identityᵣ n (λ _ → ε) (λ _ → refl))
(λ {x = x} {y = y} p q
→ ℤFin→FreeHom (suc n) (Free→ℤFin (suc n) x) (Free→ℤFin (suc n) y) ∙ cong₂ _·_ p q)
λ {x} p → ℤFin→FreeInv (suc n) (Free→ℤFin (suc n) x) ∙ cong (_⁻¹) p
Free→ℤFin→Free : (n : ℕ) (x : _) → Free→ℤFin n (ℤFin→Free n x) ≡ x
Free→ℤFin→Free zero f = funExt λ x → ⊥.rec (¬Fin0 x)
Free→ℤFin→Free (suc n) =
elimℤFin _
(λ x → cong (Free→ℤFin (suc n)) (ℤFin→Free-ℤFinGenerator (suc n) x))
(λ f p → cong (Free→ℤFin (suc n))
(ℤFin→FreeInv (suc n) f) ∙ λ i r → -ℤ (p i r))
λ f g p q → cong (Free→ℤFin (suc n))
(ℤFin→FreeHom (suc n) f g) ∙ λ i r → p i r + q i r
Iso-ℤFin-FreeAbGroup : (n : ℕ) → Iso (ℤ[Fin n ] .fst) (FAGAbGroup {A = Fin n} .fst)
Iso.fun (Iso-ℤFin-FreeAbGroup n) = ℤFin→Free n
Iso.inv (Iso-ℤFin-FreeAbGroup n) = Free→ℤFin n
Iso.rightInv (Iso-ℤFin-FreeAbGroup n) = ℤFin→Free→ℤFin n
Iso.leftInv (Iso-ℤFin-FreeAbGroup n) = Free→ℤFin→Free n
ℤFin≅FreeAbGroup : (n : ℕ) → AbGroupIso (ℤ[Fin n ]) (FAGAbGroup {A = Fin n})
fst (ℤFin≅FreeAbGroup n) = Iso-ℤFin-FreeAbGroup n
snd (ℤFin≅FreeAbGroup n) = makeIsGroupHom (ℤFin→FreeHom n)
elimPropℤFin : ∀ {ℓ} (n : ℕ)
(A : ℤ[Fin n ] .fst → Type ℓ)
→ ((x : _) → isProp (A x))
→ (A (λ _ → 0))
→ ((x : _) → A (ℤFinGenerator x))
→ ((f g : _) → A f → A g → A λ x → f x + g x)
→ ((f : _) → A f → A (-ℤ_ ∘ f))
→ (x : _) → A x
elimPropℤFin n A pr z t s u w =
subst A (Iso.leftInv (Iso-ℤFin-FreeAbGroup n) w) (help (ℤFin→Free n w))
help : (x : _) → A (Free→ℤFin n x)
help = ElimProp.f (pr _) t z
(λ {x} {y} → s (Free→ℤFin n x) (Free→ℤFin n y))
λ {x} → u (Free→ℤFin n x)
ℤFinFunctGenerator : {n m : ℕ} (f : Fin n → Fin m) (g : ℤ[Fin n ] .fst)
(x : Fin n) → ℤ[Fin m ] .fst
ℤFinFunctGenerator {n = n} {m} f g x y with ((f x .fst) ≟ᵗ y .fst)
... | lt _ = 0
... | eq _ = g x
... | gt _ = 0
ℤFinFunctGenerator≡ : {n m : ℕ} (f : Fin n → Fin m)
(t : Fin n) (y : Fin m)
→ ℤFinFunctGenerator f (ℤFinGenerator t) t y
≡ ℤFinGenerator (f t) y
ℤFinFunctGenerator≡ f t y with (f t .fst ≟ᵗ y .fst)
... | lt _ = refl
... | eq _ = lem
lem : _
lem with (fst t ≟ᵗ fst t)
... | lt q = ⊥.rec (¬m<ᵗm q)
... | eq _ = refl
... | gt q = ⊥.rec (¬m<ᵗm q)
... | gt _ = refl
ℤFinFunctFun : {n m : ℕ} (f : Fin n → Fin m)
→ ℤ[Fin n ] .fst → ℤ[Fin m ] .fst
ℤFinFunctFun {n = n} {m} f g x =
sumFinℤ {n = n} λ y → ℤFinFunctGenerator f g y x
ℤFinFunct : {n m : ℕ} (f : Fin n → Fin m)
→ AbGroupHom (ℤ[Fin n ]) (ℤ[Fin m ])
fst (ℤFinFunct {n = n} {m} f) = ℤFinFunctFun f
snd (ℤFinFunct {n = n} {m} f) =
makeIsGroupHom λ g h
→ funExt λ x → sumFinGenId _+_ 0
(λ y → ℤFinFunctGenerator f (λ x → g x + h x) y x)
(λ y → ℤFinFunctGenerator f g y x + ℤFinFunctGenerator f h y x)
(funExt (lem g h x))
∙ sumFinGenHom _+_ (pos 0) (λ _ → refl) +Comm +Assoc n _ _
lem : (g h : _) (x : _) (y : Fin n)
→ ℤFinFunctGenerator f (λ x → g x + h x) y x
≡ ℤFinFunctGenerator f g y x + ℤFinFunctGenerator f h y x
lem g h x y with (f y . fst ≟ᵗ x .fst)
... | lt _ = refl
... | eq _ = refl
... | gt _ = refl
agreeOnℤFinGenerator→≡ : ∀ {n m : ℕ}
→ {ϕ ψ : AbGroupHom (ℤ[Fin n ]) (ℤ[Fin m ])}
→ ((x : _) → fst ϕ (ℤFinGenerator x) ≡ fst ψ (ℤFinGenerator x))
→ ϕ ≡ ψ
agreeOnℤFinGenerator→≡ {n} {m} {ϕ} {ψ} idr =
Σ≡Prop (λ _ → isPropIsGroupHom _ _)
(elimPropℤFin _ _ (λ _ → isOfHLevelPath' 1 (isSetΠ (λ _ → isSetℤ)) _ _)
(IsGroupHom.pres1 (snd ϕ) ∙ sym (IsGroupHom.pres1 (snd ψ)))
(λ f g p q → IsGroupHom.pres· (snd ϕ) f g
∙∙ (λ i x → p i x + q i x)
∙∙ sym (IsGroupHom.pres· (snd ψ) f g ))
λ f p → IsGroupHom.presinv (snd ϕ) f
∙∙ (λ i x → -ℤ (p i x))
∙∙ sym (IsGroupHom.presinv (snd ψ) f)))