{-# OPTIONS --safe --lossy-unification #-}

module Cubical.CW.ChainComplex where

open import Cubical.CW.Base
open import Cubical.CW.Properties

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function

open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Fin.Inductive.Base
open import Cubical.Data.Fin.Inductive.Properties
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.HITs.Sn
open import Cubical.HITs.Pushout
open import Cubical.HITs.Susp
open import Cubical.HITs.SphereBouquet
open import Cubical.HITs.SphereBouquet.Degree

open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Base
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.MorphismProperties
open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup
open import Cubical.Algebra.ChainComplex

-- In this file, we associate to every CW complex its cellular chain complex
-- The group in dimension n is Z[A_n] where A_n is the number of n-cells
-- The boundary map is defined through a bit of homotopical manipulation.
-- The definition loosely follows May's Concise Course in Alg. Top.

module _ {} (C : CWskel ) where

  open CWskel-fields C using (ℤ[A_])
  -- in this module we define pre∂, a homotopical version of the boundary map
  -- it goes from V_(A_n+2) S^(n+2) to V_(A_n+1) S^(n+2)
  module preboundary (n : ) where
    Xn = (fst C n)
    Xn+1 = (fst C (suc n))
    An = (snd C .fst n)
    An+1 = (snd C .fst (suc n))
    αn = (snd C .snd .fst n)
    αn+1 = (snd C .snd .fst (suc n))

    isoSuspBouquet : Susp (SphereBouquet n (Fin An))
                      SphereBouquet (suc n) (Fin An)
    isoSuspBouquet = Iso.fun sphereBouquetSuspIso

    isoSuspBouquetInv : SphereBouquet (suc n) (Fin An)
                      Susp (SphereBouquet n (Fin An))
    isoSuspBouquetInv = Iso.inv sphereBouquetSuspIso

    isoSuspBouquet↑ : Susp (SphereBouquet (suc n) (Fin An))
                       SphereBouquet (suc (suc n)) (Fin An)
    isoSuspBouquet↑ = Iso.fun sphereBouquetSuspIso

    isoSuspBouquetInv↑ : SphereBouquet (suc (suc n)) (Fin An+1)
                          Susp (SphereBouquet (suc n) (Fin An+1))
    isoSuspBouquetInv↑ = Iso.inv sphereBouquetSuspIso

    isoCofBouquet : cofibCW n C  SphereBouquet n (Fin An)
    isoCofBouquet = Iso.fun (BouquetIso-gen n An αn (snd C .snd .snd .snd n))

    isoCofBouquetInv↑ : SphereBouquet (suc n) (Fin An+1)  cofibCW (suc n) C
    isoCofBouquetInv↑ = Iso.inv (BouquetIso-gen (suc n) An+1 αn+1 (snd C .snd .snd .snd (suc n)))

    -- our homotopical boundary map
    pre∂ : SphereBouquet (suc n) (Fin An+1)  SphereBouquet (suc n) (Fin An)
    pre∂ = isoSuspBouquet  (suspFun isoCofBouquet)
            (suspFun (to_cofibCW n C))  (δ (suc n) C)  isoCofBouquetInv↑

    -- we define a suspended version
    -- we cannot prove that pre∂ ∘ pre∂ ≡ 0, because the dimensions do not match
    -- instead, we will prove susp-pre∂ ∘ pre∂ ≡ 0
    susp-pre∂ = (suspFun isoSuspBouquet)  (suspFun (suspFun isoCofBouquet))
                 (suspFun (suspFun (to_cofibCW n C)))  (suspFun (δ (suc n) C))
                 (suspFun isoCofBouquetInv↑)

    -- variant of susp-pre∂ where all the suspensions are collected
    pre∂↑ : (SphereBouquet (suc (suc n)) (Fin An+1)
             SphereBouquet (suc (suc n)) (Fin An))
    pre∂↑ = isoSuspBouquet↑  susp-pre∂  isoSuspBouquetInv↑

    -- susp is distributive, so susp-pre∂ ≡ pre∂↑
    susp-pre∂-pre∂↑ : bouquetSusp→ pre∂  pre∂↑
    susp-pre∂-pre∂↑ = congS  X  isoSuspBouquet↑  X  isoSuspBouquetInv↑) susp-distrib
        susp-distrib : suspFun pre∂  susp-pre∂
        susp-distrib i north = north
        susp-distrib i south = south
        susp-distrib i (merid a i₁) = susp-pre∂ (merid a i₁)

  -- In this module we prove that (susp pre∂) ∘ pre∂ ≡ 0
  -- from that, we will deduce that ∂ ∘ ∂ ≡ 0
  module preboundary-cancellation (n : ) where
    open preboundary

    -- the desired equation comes from exactness of the (Baratt-Puppe) long cofibCW sequence
    -- we need some choice to prove this lemma -- which is fine, because we use finite sets
    -- this is because the spaces we are dealing with are not pointed
    cofibCW-exactness : (δ (suc n) C)  (to_cofibCW (suc n) C)  λ x  north
    cofibCW-exactness i x = merid (choose-point x) (~ i)
        choose-aux : (card : ) (α : Fin card × S₊ n  Xn+1 n)
                      Pushout α  r  fst r)  Xn+1 n
        choose-aux zero α (inl x) = x
        choose-aux zero α (inr x) with (¬Fin0 x)
        choose-aux zero α (inr x) | ()
        choose-aux zero α (push (x , _) i) with (¬Fin0 x)
        choose-aux zero α (push (x , _) i) | ()
        choose-aux (suc card') α x = α (fzero , ptSn n)

        choose-point : Xn+1 (suc n)  Xn+1 n
        choose-point x = choose-aux (An+1 n) (αn (suc n)) (snd C .snd .snd .snd (suc n) .fst x)

    -- combining the previous result with some isomorphism cancellations
    cancellation : suspFun (δ (suc n) C)  suspFun (isoCofBouquetInv↑ n)
                    (isoSuspBouquetInv↑ n)  (isoSuspBouquet (suc n))
                    (suspFun (isoCofBouquet (suc n)))  suspFun (to_cofibCW (suc n) C)
                    λ x  north
    cancellation = cong  X  suspFun (δ (suc n) C)  suspFun (isoCofBouquetInv↑ n)
                                 X  (suspFun (isoCofBouquet (suc n)))
                                 suspFun (to_cofibCW (suc n) C))
                   ∙∙ cong  X  suspFun (δ (suc n) C)  X  suspFun (to_cofibCW (suc n) C))
                   ∙∙ cofibCW-exactness↑
        cofibCW-exactness↑ : suspFun (δ (suc n) C)  suspFun (to_cofibCW (suc n) C)
                              λ x  north
        cofibCW-exactness↑ = sym (suspFunComp _ _)
                             ∙∙ congS suspFun cofibCW-exactness
                             ∙∙ suspFunConst north

        iso-cancel-1 : suspFun (isoCofBouquetInv↑ n)  suspFun (isoCofBouquet (suc n))
                        λ x  x
        iso-cancel-1 = sym (suspFunComp _ _)
                       ∙∙ cong suspFun  i x  Iso.leftInv
                            (BouquetIso-gen (suc n) (An+1 n) (αn+1 n)
                                            (snd C .snd .snd .snd (suc n))) x i)
                       ∙∙ suspFunIdFun
        iso-cancel-2 : (isoSuspBouquetInv↑ n)  (isoSuspBouquet (suc n))  λ x  x
        iso-cancel-2 i x = Iso.leftInv sphereBouquetSuspIso x i

    left-maps = (isoSuspBouquet↑ n)  (suspFun (isoSuspBouquet n))
                 (suspFun (suspFun (isoCofBouquet n)))  (suspFun (suspFun (to_cofibCW n C)))

    right-maps = (δ (suc (suc n)) C)  (isoCofBouquetInv↑ (suc n))

    -- the cancellation result but suspension has been distributed on every map
    pre∂↑pre∂≡0 : (pre∂↑ n)  (pre∂ (suc n))  λ _  inl tt
    pre∂↑pre∂≡0 = congS  X  left-maps  X  right-maps) cancellation

    -- we factorise the suspensions
    -- and use the fact that a pointed map is constant iff its nonpointed part is constant
    pre∂pre∂≡0 : (bouquetSusp→ (pre∂ n))  (pre∂ (suc n))   _  inl tt)
    pre∂pre∂≡0 = (congS  X  X  (pre∂ (suc n))) (susp-pre∂-pre∂↑ n)  pre∂↑pre∂≡0)

  -- the boundary map of the chain complex associated to C
   : (n : )  AbGroupHom (ℤ[A (suc n) ]) (ℤ[A n ])
   n = bouquetDegree (preboundary.pre∂ n)

  -- ∂ ∘ ∂ = 0, the fundamental equation of chain complexes
    ∂∂≡0 : (n : )  compGroupHom ( (suc n)) ( n)  trivGroupHom
    ∂∂≡0 n = congS (compGroupHom ( (suc n))) ∂≡∂↑
               ∙∙ sym (bouquetDegreeComp (bouquetSusp→ (pre∂ n)) (pre∂ (suc n)))
               ∙∙ (congS bouquetDegree (preboundary-cancellation.pre∂pre∂≡0 n)
                bouquetDegreeConst _ _ _)
        open preboundary

        ∂↑ : AbGroupHom (ℤ[A (suc n) ]) (ℤ[A n ])
        ∂↑ = bouquetDegree (bouquetSusp→ (pre∂ n))

        ∂≡∂↑ :  n  ∂↑
        ∂≡∂↑ = bouquetDegreeSusp (pre∂ n)

  open ChainComplex

  CW-ChainComplex : ChainComplex ℓ-zero
  chain CW-ChainComplex n = ℤ[A n ]
  bdry CW-ChainComplex n =  n
  bdry²=0 CW-ChainComplex n = ∂∂≡0 n

  -- Cellular homology
  Hˢᵏᵉˡ : (n : )  Group₀
  Hˢᵏᵉˡ n = homology n CW-ChainComplex