{-# OPTIONS --safe --lossy-unification #-}
module Cubical.Algebra.ChainComplex.Homology where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Fin.Inductive
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order.Inductive

open import Cubical.Algebra.Group
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.MorphismProperties
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Subgroup
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.QuotientGroup
open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup
open import Cubical.Algebra.ChainComplex.Base
open import Cubical.Algebra.ChainComplex.Finite

open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients.Base renaming (_/_ to _/s_)
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients.Properties as SQ
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PT

     ℓ' ℓ'' : Level

open ChainComplexMap
open ChainComplex
open finChainComplexMap
open IsGroupHom

-- Definition of homology
homology : (n : )  ChainComplex   Group 
homology n C = ker∂n / img∂+1⊂ker∂n
  Cn+2 = AbGroup→Group (chain C (suc (suc n)))
  ∂n = bdry C n
  ∂n+1 = bdry C (suc n)
  ker∂n = kerGroup ∂n

  -- Restrict ∂n+1 to ker∂n
  ∂'-fun : Cn+2 .fst  ker∂n .fst
  fst (∂'-fun x) = ∂n+1 .fst x
  snd (∂'-fun x) = t
     t :  fst (kerSubgroup ∂n) (∂n+1 .fst x) 
     t = funExt⁻ (cong fst (bdry²=0 C n)) x

  ∂' : GroupHom Cn+2 ker∂n
  fst ∂' = ∂'-fun
  snd ∂' = isHom
      isHom : IsGroupHom (Cn+2 .snd) ∂'-fun (ker∂n .snd)
      isHom = makeIsGroupHom λ x y
         kerGroup≡ ∂n (∂n+1 .snd .pres· x y)

  img∂+1⊂ker∂n : NormalSubgroup ker∂n
  fst img∂+1⊂ker∂n = imSubgroup ∂'
  snd img∂+1⊂ker∂n = isNormalImSubGroup
      module C1 = AbGroupStr (chain C (suc n)  .snd)
      isNormalImSubGroup : isNormal (imSubgroup ∂')
      isNormalImSubGroup = isNormalIm ∂'
         x y  kerGroup≡ ∂n (C1.+Comm (fst x) (fst y)))

-- Induced maps on cohomology by finite chain complex maps/homotopies
module _ where
  finChainComplexMap→HomologyMap : {C D : ChainComplex } (m : )
     (ϕ : finChainComplexMap (suc m) C D)
     (n : Fin m)
     GroupHom (homology (fst n) C) (homology (fst n) D)
  finChainComplexMap→HomologyMap {C = C} {D} m mp (n , p) = main
    ϕ = fchainmap mp
    ϕcomm = fbdrycomm mp

    lem : (k : ) {p q : _} (f : fst (chain C k))
       fst (ϕ (k , p)) f  fst (ϕ (k , q)) f
    lem k {p} {q} f i = fst (ϕ (k , pq i)) f
      pq : p  q
      pq = isProp<ᵗ _ _

    fun : homology n C .fst  homology n D .fst
    fun = SQ.elim  _  squash/) f
       λ f g  PT.rec (GroupStr.is-set (homology n D .snd) _ _ )
         λ r  eq/ _ _
            (ϕ (suc (suc n) , p) .fst (fst r))
           , Σ≡Prop  _  AbGroupStr.is-set (snd (chain D n)) _ _)
               ((funExt⁻ (cong fst (ϕcomm (suc n , _))) (fst r)
                 ∙∙ cong (fst (ϕ (suc n , _))) (cong fst (snd r))
                 ∙∙ (IsGroupHom.pres· (snd (ϕ (suc n , _) )) _ _
                  cong₂ (AbGroupStr._+_ (snd (chain D (suc n))))
                         (lem (suc n) (fst f))
                         (IsGroupHom.presinv (snd (ϕ (suc n , _) )) _
                        cong (snd (chain D (suc n)) .AbGroupStr.-_)
                          (lem (suc n) (fst g)))))) ∣₁
      f : _  homology n D .fst
      f (a , b) = [ ϕ (suc n , <ᵗ-trans p <ᵗsucm) .fst a
                , ((λ i  fst (ϕcomm (n , <ᵗ-trans p <ᵗsucm)  i) a)
                ∙∙ cong (fst (ϕ (n , _))) b
                ∙∙ IsGroupHom.pres1 (snd (ϕ (n , _)))) ]

    main : GroupHom (homology n C) (homology n D)
    fst main = fun
    snd main =
        (SQ.elimProp2  _ _  GroupStr.is-set (snd (homology n D)) _ _)
          λ a b  cong [_]
            (Σ≡Prop  _  AbGroupStr.is-set (snd (chain D n)) _ _)
              (IsGroupHom.pres· (snd (ϕ (suc n , _) )) _ _)))

  finChainComplexMap→HomologyMapComp : {C D E : ChainComplex } {m : }
     (ϕ : finChainComplexMap (suc m) C D) (ψ : finChainComplexMap (suc m) D E)
     (n : Fin m)
     finChainComplexMap→HomologyMap m (compFinChainMap ϕ ψ) n
      compGroupHom (finChainComplexMap→HomologyMap m ϕ n)
                    (finChainComplexMap→HomologyMap m ψ n)
  finChainComplexMap→HomologyMapComp {E = E} _ _ n =
      Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsGroupHom _ _)
        (funExt (SQ.elimProp  _  GroupStr.is-set (snd (homology (fst n) E)) _ _)
          λ _  cong [_]
            (Σ≡Prop  _  AbGroupStr.is-set (snd (chain E (fst n))) _ _) refl)))

  finChainComplexMap→HomologyMapId : {C : ChainComplex } {m : } (n : Fin m)
     finChainComplexMap→HomologyMap m (idFinChainMap (suc m) C) n  idGroupHom
  finChainComplexMap→HomologyMapId {C = C} n =
    Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsGroupHom _ _)
      (funExt (SQ.elimProp  _  GroupStr.is-set (snd (homology (fst n) C)) _ _)
          λ _  cong [_]
            (Σ≡Prop  _  AbGroupStr.is-set (snd (chain C (fst n))) _ _) refl)))

  finChainComplexEquiv→HomoglogyIso :
    {C D : ChainComplex } (m : ) (f : C ≃⟨ (suc m) ⟩Chain D)
     (n : Fin m)  GroupIso (homology (fst n) C) (homology (fst n) D)
  Iso.fun (fst (finChainComplexEquiv→HomoglogyIso m (f , eqs) n)) =
    finChainComplexMap→HomologyMap m f n .fst
  Iso.inv (fst (finChainComplexEquiv→HomoglogyIso m f n)) =
    finChainComplexMap→HomologyMap m (invFinChainMap f) n .fst
  Iso.rightInv (fst (finChainComplexEquiv→HomoglogyIso m (f , eqs) n)) =
    funExt⁻ (cong fst (sym (finChainComplexMap→HomologyMapComp
                             (invFinChainMap (f , eqs)) f n))
           ∙∙  cong  f  fst (finChainComplexMap→HomologyMap m f n))
                 (finChainComplexMap≡ λ r
                     Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsGroupHom _ _)
                               (funExt (secEq (_ , eqs r))))
           ∙∙ cong fst (finChainComplexMap→HomologyMapId n))
  Iso.leftInv (fst (finChainComplexEquiv→HomoglogyIso m (f , eqs) n)) =
    funExt⁻ (cong fst (sym (finChainComplexMap→HomologyMapComp f
                            (invFinChainMap (f , eqs)) n))
          ∙∙ cong  f  fst (finChainComplexMap→HomologyMap m f n))
                 n  Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsGroupHom _ _)
                               (funExt (retEq (_ , eqs n)))))
          ∙∙ cong fst (finChainComplexMap→HomologyMapId n))
  snd (finChainComplexEquiv→HomoglogyIso m (f , eqs) n) =
    finChainComplexMap→HomologyMap m f n .snd

  finChainHomotopy→HomologyPath : {A B : ChainComplex } {m : }
    (f g : finChainComplexMap (suc m) A B)
     finChainHomotopy (suc m) f g
     (n : Fin m)
     finChainComplexMap→HomologyMap m f n
      finChainComplexMap→HomologyMap m g n
  finChainHomotopy→HomologyPath {A = A} {B = B} {m = m} f g ϕ n =
    Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsGroupHom _ _)
      (funExt (SQ.elimProp  _  GroupStr.is-set (snd (homology (fst n) _)) _ _)
        λ {(a , p)  eq/ _ _
           (finChainHomotopy.fhtpy ϕ (suc (fst n) , pf) .fst a)
          , (Σ≡Prop  _  AbGroupStr.is-set (snd (chain B (fst n)))  _ _)
                    (sym ((funExt⁻ (cong fst (finChainHomotopy.fbdryhtpy ϕ _)) a)
                        cong₂ _+B_ refl
                                  (cong (fst (finChainHomotopy.fhtpy ϕ _)) p
                                 IsGroupHom.pres1 (snd (finChainHomotopy.fhtpy ϕ _)))
                        AbGroupStr.+IdR (snd (chain B (suc (fst n)))) _))) ∣₁}))
    open GroupTheory (AbGroup→Group (chain B (suc (fst n))))
    pf : suc (fst n) <ᵗ suc (suc m)
    pf = <ᵗ-trans (snd n) <ᵗsucm

    invB = GroupStr.inv (snd (AbGroup→Group (chain B (suc (fst n)))))
    _+B_ = AbGroupStr._+_ (snd (chain B (suc (fst n))))

-- corresponding lemmas/constructions for full chain complex maps/homotopies
module _ where
  chainComplexMap→HomologyMap : {C D : ChainComplex }
     (ϕ : ChainComplexMap C D)
     (n : )
     GroupHom (homology n C) (homology n D)
  chainComplexMap→HomologyMap {C = C} {D} mp n = main
    ϕ = chainmap mp
    ϕcomm = bdrycomm mp
    fun : homology n C .fst  homology n D .fst
    fun = SQ.elim  _  squash/) f
      λ f g  PT.rec (GroupStr.is-set (homology n D .snd) _ _ )  r
        eq/ _ _  (fst (ϕ (suc (suc n))) (fst r))
                , Σ≡Prop  _  AbGroupStr.is-set (snd (chain D n)) _ _)
                         (funExt⁻ (cong fst (ϕcomm (suc n))) (fst r)
                       ∙∙ cong (fst (ϕ (suc n) )) (cong fst (snd r))
                       ∙∙ IsGroupHom.pres· (snd (ϕ (suc n) )) _ _
                         cong₂ (AbGroupStr._+_ (snd (chain D (suc n) )))
                                (IsGroupHom.presinv (snd (ϕ (suc n) )) _)) ∣₁)
      f : _  homology n D .fst
      f (a , b) = [ (ϕ (suc n)  .fst a)
                , ((λ i  fst (ϕcomm n  i) a)
                ∙∙ cong (fst (ϕ n)) b
                ∙∙ IsGroupHom.pres1 (snd (ϕ n))) ]

    main : GroupHom (homology n C) (homology n D)
    fst main = fun
    snd main =
        (SQ.elimProp2  _ _  GroupStr.is-set (snd (homology n D)) _ _)
          λ a b  cong [_]
            (Σ≡Prop  _  AbGroupStr.is-set (snd (chain D n)) _ _)
              (IsGroupHom.pres· (snd (ϕ (suc n) )) _ _)))

  chainComplexMap→HomologyMapComp : {C D E : ChainComplex }
     (ϕ : ChainComplexMap C D) (ψ : ChainComplexMap D E)
     (n : )
     chainComplexMap→HomologyMap (compChainMap ϕ ψ) n
      compGroupHom (chainComplexMap→HomologyMap ϕ n)
                    (chainComplexMap→HomologyMap ψ n)
  chainComplexMap→HomologyMapComp {E = E} _ _ n =
      Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsGroupHom _ _)
        (funExt (SQ.elimProp  _  GroupStr.is-set (snd (homology n E)) _ _)
          λ _  cong [_]
            (Σ≡Prop  _  AbGroupStr.is-set (snd (chain E n)) _ _) refl)))

  chainComplexMap→HomologyMapId : {C : ChainComplex } (n : )
     chainComplexMap→HomologyMap (idChainMap C) n  idGroupHom
  chainComplexMap→HomologyMapId {C = C} n =
    Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsGroupHom _ _)
      (funExt (SQ.elimProp  _  GroupStr.is-set (snd (homology n C)) _ _)
          λ _  cong [_]
            (Σ≡Prop  _  AbGroupStr.is-set (snd (chain C n)) _ _) refl)))

  ChainHomotopy→HomologyPath : {A B : ChainComplex } (f g : ChainComplexMap A B)
     ChainHomotopy f g
     (n : )  chainComplexMap→HomologyMap f n
                   chainComplexMap→HomologyMap g n
  ChainHomotopy→HomologyPath {A = A} {B = B} f g ϕ n =
    Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsGroupHom _ _)
      (funExt (SQ.elimProp  _  GroupStr.is-set (snd (homology n _)) _ _)
        λ {(a , p)  eq/ _ _
           (ChainHomotopy.htpy ϕ (suc n) .fst a)
          , (Σ≡Prop  _  AbGroupStr.is-set (snd (chain B n))  _ _)
                  (sym ((funExt⁻ (cong fst (ChainHomotopy.bdryhtpy ϕ n)) a)
                      cong₂ _+B_ refl
                                (cong (fst (ChainHomotopy.htpy ϕ n)) p
                               IsGroupHom.pres1 (snd (ChainHomotopy.htpy ϕ n)))
                      AbGroupStr.+IdR (snd (chain B (suc n))) _))) ∣₁}))
    open GroupTheory (AbGroup→Group (chain B (suc n)))
    invB = GroupStr.inv (snd (AbGroup→Group (chain B (suc n))))
    _+B_ = AbGroupStr._+_ (snd (chain B (suc n)))

  chainComplexEquiv→HomoglogyIso : {C D : ChainComplex } (f : C ≃Chain D)
     (n : )  GroupIso (homology n C) (homology n D)
  Iso.fun (fst (chainComplexEquiv→HomoglogyIso (f , eqs) n)) =
    chainComplexMap→HomologyMap f n .fst
  Iso.inv (fst (chainComplexEquiv→HomoglogyIso (f , eqs) n)) =
    chainComplexMap→HomologyMap (invChainMap (f , eqs)) n .fst
  Iso.rightInv (fst (chainComplexEquiv→HomoglogyIso (f , eqs) n)) =
    funExt⁻ (cong fst (sym (chainComplexMap→HomologyMapComp
                             (invChainMap (f , eqs)) f n))
           ∙∙  cong  f  fst (chainComplexMap→HomologyMap f n))
                 (ChainComplexMap≡ λ r
                     Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsGroupHom _ _)
                               (funExt (secEq (_ , eqs r))))
           ∙∙ cong fst (chainComplexMap→HomologyMapId n))

  Iso.leftInv (fst (chainComplexEquiv→HomoglogyIso (f , eqs) n)) =
    funExt⁻ (cong fst (sym (chainComplexMap→HomologyMapComp f
                            (invChainMap (f , eqs)) n))
          ∙∙ cong  f  fst (chainComplexMap→HomologyMap f n))
                 n  Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsGroupHom _ _)
                               (funExt (retEq (_ , eqs n)))))
          ∙∙ cong fst (chainComplexMap→HomologyMapId n))
  snd (chainComplexEquiv→HomoglogyIso (f , eqs) n) =
    chainComplexMap→HomologyMap f n .snd

-- More general version
homologyIso : (n : ) (C D : ChainComplex )
   (chEq₂ : AbGroupIso (chain C (suc (suc n)))
                         (chain D (suc (suc n))))
   (chEq₁ : AbGroupIso (chain C (suc n))
                         (chain D (suc n)))
   (chEq₀ : AbGroupIso (chain C n)
                         (chain D n))
   Iso.fun (chEq₀ .fst)  bdry C n .fst
    bdry D n .fst  Iso.fun (chEq₁ .fst)
   Iso.fun (chEq₁ .fst)  bdry C (suc n) .fst
    bdry D (suc n) .fst  Iso.fun (chEq₂ .fst)
   GroupIso (homology n C) (homology n D)
homologyIso n C D chEq₂ chEq₁ chEq₀ eq1 eq2 = main-iso
  F : homology n C .fst  homology n D .fst
  F = SQ.elim  _  squash/) f
    λ a b r  eq/ _ _
      (PT.map  { (s , t)
         (Iso.fun (chEq₂ .fst) s)
          , Σ≡Prop  _  AbGroupStr.is-set (snd (chain D n)) _ _)
            (sym (funExt⁻ eq2 s)
            cong (Iso.fun (chEq₁ .fst)) (cong fst t)
            IsGroupHom.pres· (chEq₁ .snd) _ _
            cong₂ (snd (chain D (suc n) ) .AbGroupStr._+_)
                   (IsGroupHom.presinv (chEq₁ .snd) _))}) r)
    f : _  homology n D .fst
    f (a , b) = [ Iso.fun (fst chEq₁) a
                , sym (funExt⁻ eq1 a)  cong (Iso.fun (chEq₀ .fst)) b
                 IsGroupHom.pres1 (snd chEq₀) ]

  G : homology n D .fst  homology n C .fst
  G = SQ.elim  _  squash/) g
    λ a b r  eq/ _ _
      (PT.map  {(s , t)
       (Iso.inv (chEq₂ .fst) s)
       , Σ≡Prop  _  AbGroupStr.is-set (snd (chain C n)) _ _)
           (sym (Iso.leftInv (chEq₁ .fst) _)
           cong (Iso.inv (chEq₁ .fst)) (funExt⁻ eq2 (Iso.inv (chEq₂ .fst) s))
           cong (Iso.inv (chEq₁ .fst)  bdry D (suc n) .fst)
                 (Iso.rightInv (chEq₂ .fst) s)
           cong (Iso.inv (chEq₁ .fst)) (cong fst t)
           IsGroupHom.pres· (invGroupIso chEq₁ .snd) _ _
           cong₂ (snd (chain C (suc n) ) .AbGroupStr._+_)
                   ((IsGroupHom.presinv (invGroupIso chEq₁ .snd) _)))}) r)
    g : _  homology n C .fst
    g (a , b) = [ Iso.inv (fst chEq₁) a
                , sym (Iso.leftInv (chEq₀ .fst) _)
                 cong (Iso.inv (chEq₀ .fst)) (funExt⁻ eq1 (Iso.inv (chEq₁ .fst) a))
                 cong (Iso.inv (chEq₀ .fst)  bdry D n  .fst)
                       (Iso.rightInv (chEq₁ .fst) a)
                 cong (Iso.inv (chEq₀ .fst)) b
                 IsGroupHom.pres1 (invGroupIso chEq₀ .snd) ]

  F-hom : IsGroupHom (homology n C .snd) F (homology n D .snd)
  F-hom =
      (SQ.elimProp2  _ _  GroupStr.is-set (homology n D .snd) _ _)
        λ {(a , s) (b , t)
         cong [_] (Σ≡Prop  _
           AbGroupStr.is-set (snd (chain D n)) _ _)
                     (IsGroupHom.pres·  (snd chEq₁) _ _)) })

  main-iso : GroupIso (homology n C) (homology n D)
  Iso.fun (fst main-iso) = F
  Iso.inv (fst main-iso) = G
  Iso.rightInv (fst main-iso) =
    elimProp  _  GroupStr.is-set (homology n D .snd) _ _)
      λ{(a , b)
       cong [_] (Σ≡Prop  _
         AbGroupStr.is-set (snd (chain D n)) _ _)
                  (Iso.rightInv (fst chEq₁) a))}
  Iso.leftInv (fst main-iso) =
    elimProp  _  GroupStr.is-set (homology n C .snd) _ _)
      λ{(a , b)
       cong [_] (Σ≡Prop  _
         AbGroupStr.is-set (snd (chain C n)) _ _)
                  (Iso.leftInv (fst chEq₁) a))}
  snd main-iso = F-hom