
This file contains:

- Eliminator for propositional truncation

{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation.Properties where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Sum hiding (rec ; elim ; map)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat using ( ; zero ; suc)
open import Cubical.Data.FinData using (Fin ; zero ; suc)

open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation.Base

     ℓ' : Level
    A B C : Type 
    A′ : Type ℓ'

∥∥-isPropDep : (P : A  Type )  isOfHLevelDep 1  x   P x ∥₁)
∥∥-isPropDep P = isOfHLevel→isOfHLevelDep 1  _  squash₁)

rec : {P : Type }  isProp P  (A  P)   A ∥₁  P
rec Pprop f  x ∣₁ = f x
rec Pprop f (squash₁ x y i) = Pprop (rec Pprop f x) (rec Pprop f y) i

rec2 : {P : Type }  isProp P  (A  B  P)   A ∥₁   B ∥₁  P
rec2 Pprop f  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ = f x y
rec2 Pprop f  x ∣₁ (squash₁ y z i) = Pprop (rec2 Pprop f  x ∣₁ y) (rec2 Pprop f  x ∣₁ z) i
rec2 Pprop f (squash₁ x y i) z = Pprop (rec2 Pprop f x z) (rec2 Pprop f y z) i

rec3 : {P : Type }  isProp P  (A  B  C  P)   A ∥₁   B ∥₁   C ∥₁  P
rec3 Pprop f  x ∣₁  y ∣₁  z ∣₁ = f x y z
rec3 Pprop f  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ (squash₁ z w i) = Pprop (rec3 Pprop f  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ z) (rec3 Pprop f  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ w) i
rec3 Pprop f  x ∣₁ (squash₁ y z i) w = Pprop (rec3 Pprop f  x ∣₁ y w) (rec3 Pprop f  x ∣₁ z w) i
rec3 Pprop f (squash₁ x y i) z w = Pprop (rec3 Pprop f x z w) (rec3 Pprop f y z w) i

-- Old version
-- rec2 : ∀ {P : Type ℓ} → isProp P → (A → A → P) → ∥ A ∥ → ∥ A ∥ → P
-- rec2 Pprop f = rec (isProp→ Pprop) (λ a → rec Pprop (f a))

-- n-ary recursor, stated using a dependent FinVec
recFin : {m : } {P : Fin m  Type }
         {B : Type ℓ'} (isPropB : isProp B)
        ((∀ i  P i)  B)
        ((∀ i   P i ∥₁)  B)
recFin {m = zero} _ untruncHyp _ = untruncHyp  ())
recFin {m = suc m} {P = P} {B = B} isPropB untruncHyp truncFam =
  curriedishTrunc (truncFam zero) (truncFam  suc)
  curriedish : P zero  (∀ i   P (suc i) ∥₁)  B
  curriedish p₀ = recFin isPropB
                          famSuc  untruncHyp  { zero  p₀ ; (suc i)  famSuc i }))

  curriedishTrunc :  P zero ∥₁  (∀ i   P (suc i) ∥₁)  B
  curriedishTrunc = rec (isProp→ isPropB) curriedish

recFin2 : {m1 m2 : } {P : Fin m1  Fin m2  Type }
          {B : Type ℓ'} (isPropB : isProp B)
         ((∀ i j  P i j)  B)
         (∀ i j   P i j ∥₁)
recFin2 {m1 = zero} _ untruncHyp _ = untruncHyp λ ()
recFin2 {m1 = suc m1} {P = P} {B = B} isPropB untruncHyp truncFam =
  curriedishTrunc (truncFam zero) (truncFam  suc)
  curriedish : (∀ j  P zero j)  (∀ i j   P (suc i) j ∥₁)  B
  curriedish p₀ truncFamSuc = recFin2 isPropB
                              famSuc  untruncHyp λ { zero  p₀ ; (suc i)  famSuc i })

  curriedishTrunc : (∀ j   P zero j ∥₁)  (∀ i j   P (suc i) j ∥₁)  B
  curriedishTrunc = recFin (isProp→ isPropB) curriedish

elim : {P :  A ∥₁  Type }  ((a :  A ∥₁)  isProp (P a))
      ((x : A)  P  x ∣₁)  (a :  A ∥₁)  P a
elim Pprop f  x ∣₁ = f x
elim Pprop f (squash₁ x y i) =
  isOfHLevel→isOfHLevelDep 1 Pprop
    (elim Pprop f x) (elim Pprop f y) (squash₁ x y) i

elim2 : {P :  A ∥₁   B ∥₁  Type }
        (Pprop : (x :  A ∥₁) (y :  B ∥₁)  isProp (P x y))
        (f : (a : A) (b : B)  P  a ∣₁  b ∣₁)
        (x :  A ∥₁) (y :  B ∥₁)  P x y
elim2 Pprop f =
  elim  _  isPropΠ  _  Pprop _ _))
                        a  elim  _  Pprop _ _) (f a))

elim3 : {P :  A ∥₁   B ∥₁   C ∥₁  Type }
        (Pprop : ((x :  A ∥₁) (y :  B ∥₁) (z :  C ∥₁)  isProp (P x y z)))
        (g : (a : A) (b : B) (c : C)  P ( a ∣₁)  b ∣₁  c ∣₁)
        (x :  A ∥₁) (y :  B ∥₁) (z :  C ∥₁)  P x y z
elim3 Pprop g = elim2  _ _  isPropΠ  _  Pprop _ _ _))
                       a b  elim  _  Pprop _ _ _) (g a b))

-- n-ary eliminator, stated using a dependent FinVec
elimFin : {m : } {P : Fin m  Type }
          {B : (∀ i   P i ∥₁)  Type ℓ'}
          (isPropB :  x  isProp (B x))
         ((x :  i  P i)  B  i   x i ∣₁))
         ((x :  i   P i ∥₁)  B x)
elimFin {m = zero} {B = B} _ untruncHyp _ = subst B (funExt  ())) (untruncHyp  ()))
elimFin {m = suc m} {P = P} {B = B} isPropB untruncHyp x =
  subst B (funExt  { zero  refl ; (suc i)  refl}))
          (curriedishTrunc (x zero) (x  suc))
  curriedish : (x₀ : P zero) (xₛ :  i   P (suc i) ∥₁)
              B  { zero   x₀ ∣₁ ; (suc i)  xₛ i})
  curriedish x₀ xₛ = subst B (funExt  { zero  refl ; (suc i)  refl}))
     (elimFin  xₛ  isPropB  { zero   x₀ ∣₁ ; (suc i)  xₛ i}))
               y  subst B (funExt  { zero  refl ; (suc i)  refl}))
                             (untruncHyp  { zero  x₀ ; (suc i)  y i }))) xₛ)

  curriedishTrunc : (x₀ :  P zero ∥₁) (xₛ :  i   P (suc i) ∥₁)
                   B  { zero  x₀ ; (suc i)  xₛ i})
  curriedishTrunc = elim  _  isPropΠ λ _  isPropB _)
                    λ x₀ xₛ  subst B (funExt  { zero  refl ; (suc i)  refl}))
                                      (curriedish x₀ xₛ)

isPropPropTrunc : isProp  A ∥₁
isPropPropTrunc x y = squash₁ x y

propTrunc≃ : A  B   A ∥₁   B ∥₁
propTrunc≃ e =
    isPropPropTrunc isPropPropTrunc
    (rec isPropPropTrunc  a   e .fst a ∣₁))
    (rec isPropPropTrunc  b   invEq e b ∣₁))

propTruncIdempotent≃ : isProp A   A ∥₁  A
propTruncIdempotent≃ {A = A} hA = isoToEquiv f
  f : Iso  A ∥₁ A
  Iso.fun f        = rec hA (idfun A)
  Iso.inv f x      =  x ∣₁
  Iso.rightInv f _ = refl
  Iso.leftInv f    = elim  _  isProp→isSet isPropPropTrunc _ _)  _  refl)

propTruncIdempotent : isProp A   A ∥₁  A
propTruncIdempotent hA = ua (propTruncIdempotent≃ hA)

-- We could also define the eliminator using the recursor
elim' : {P :  A ∥₁  Type }  ((a :  A ∥₁)  isProp (P a)) 
        ((x : A)  P  x ∣₁)  (a :  A ∥₁)  P a
elim' {P = P} Pprop f a =
  rec (Pprop a)  x  transp  i  P (squash₁  x ∣₁ a i)) i0 (f x)) a

map : (A  B)  ( A ∥₁   B ∥₁)
map f = rec squash₁ (∣_∣₁  f)

map2 : (A  B  C)  ( A ∥₁   B ∥₁   C ∥₁)
map2 f = rec (isPropΠ λ _  squash₁) (map  f)

-- The propositional truncation can be eliminated into non-propositional
-- types as long as the function used in the eliminator is 'coherently
-- constant.' The details of this can be found in the following paper:
--   https://arxiv.org/pdf/1411.2682.pdf
module SetElim (Bset : isSet B) where
  Bset' : isSet' B
  Bset' = isSet→isSet' Bset

  rec→Set : (f : A  B) (kf : 2-Constant f)   A ∥₁  B
  helper  : (f : A  B) (kf : 2-Constant f)  (t u :  A ∥₁)
           rec→Set f kf t  rec→Set f kf u

  rec→Set f kf  x ∣₁ = f x
  rec→Set f kf (squash₁ t u i) = helper f kf t u i

  helper f kf  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ = kf x y
  helper f kf (squash₁ t u i) v
    = Bset' (helper f kf t v) (helper f kf u v) (helper f kf t u) refl i
  helper f kf t (squash₁ u v i)
    = Bset' (helper f kf t u) (helper f kf t v) refl (helper f kf u v) i

  kcomp : (f :  A ∥₁  B)  2-Constant (f  ∣_∣₁)
  kcomp f x y = cong f (squash₁  x ∣₁  y ∣₁)

  Fset : isSet (A  B)
  Fset = isSetΠ (const Bset)

  Kset : (f : A  B)  isSet (2-Constant f)
  Kset f = isSetΠ  _  isSetΠ  _  isProp→isSet (Bset _ _)))

    : (f :  A ∥₁  B)
     rec→Set (f  ∣_∣₁) (kcomp f)  f
  setRecLemma f i t
    = elim {P = λ t  rec→Set (f  ∣_∣₁) (kcomp f) t  f t}
         t  Bset _ _)  x  refl) t i

  mkKmap : ( A ∥₁  B)  Σ (A  B) 2-Constant
  mkKmap f = f  ∣_∣₁ , kcomp f

  fib : (g : Σ (A  B) 2-Constant)  fiber mkKmap g
  fib (g , kg) = rec→Set g kg , refl

  eqv : (g : Σ (A  B) 2-Constant)   fi  fib g  fi
  eqv g (f , p) =
    Σ≡Prop  f  isOfHLevelΣ 2 Fset Kset _ _)
      (cong (uncurry rec→Set) (sym p)  setRecLemma f)

  trunc→Set≃ : ( A ∥₁  B)  (Σ (A  B) 2-Constant)
  trunc→Set≃ .fst = mkKmap
  trunc→Set≃ .snd .equiv-proof g = fib g , eqv g

  -- The strategy of this equivalence proof follows the paper more closely.
  -- It is used further down for the groupoid version, because the above
  -- strategy does not generalize so easily.
  e : B  Σ (A  B) 2-Constant
  e b = const b , λ _ _  refl

  eval : A  (γ : Σ (A  B) 2-Constant)  B
  eval a₀ (g , _) = g a₀

  e-eval :  (a₀ : A) γ  e (eval a₀ γ)  γ
  e-eval a₀ (g , kg) i .fst a₁ = kg a₀ a₁ i
  e-eval a₀ (g , kg) i .snd a₁ a₂ = Bset' refl (kg a₁ a₂) (kg a₀ a₁) (kg a₀ a₂) i

  e-isEquiv : A  isEquiv (e {A = A})
  e-isEquiv a₀ = isoToIsEquiv (iso e (eval a₀) (e-eval a₀) λ _  refl)

  preEquiv₁ :  A ∥₁  B  Σ (A  B) 2-Constant
  preEquiv₁ t = e , rec (isPropIsEquiv e) e-isEquiv t

  preEquiv₂ : ( A ∥₁  Σ (A  B) 2-Constant)  Σ (A  B) 2-Constant
  preEquiv₂ = isoToEquiv (iso to const  _  refl) retr)
    to : ( A ∥₁  Σ (A  B) 2-Constant)  Σ (A  B) 2-Constant
    to f .fst x = f  x ∣₁ .fst x
    to f .snd x y i = f (squash₁  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ i) .snd x y i

    retr : retract to const
    retr f i t .fst x = f (squash₁  x ∣₁ t i) .fst x
    retr f i t .snd x y
      = Bset'
           j  f (squash₁  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ j) .snd x y j)
          (f t .snd x y)
           j  f (squash₁  x ∣₁ t j) .fst x)
           j  f (squash₁  y ∣₁ t j) .fst y)

  trunc→Set≃₂ : ( A ∥₁  B)  Σ (A  B) 2-Constant
  trunc→Set≃₂ = compEquiv (equivΠCod preEquiv₁) preEquiv₂

open SetElim public using (rec→Set; trunc→Set≃)

elim→Set :  {ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ'} {P :  A ∥₁  Type }
   (∀ t  isSet (P t))
   (f : (x : A)  P  x ∣₁)
   (kf :  x y  PathP  i  P (squash₁  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ i)) (f x) (f y))
   (t :  A ∥₁)  P t
elim→Set {A = A} {P = P} Pset f kf t = main t .fst .fst
  main : (t :  A ∥₁)
     isContr (Σ[ x  P t ]
                ((a : A)  PathP  i  P (squash₁ t  a ∣₁ i)) x (f a)))
  main = elim  _  isPropIsContr)
    λ a 
       (((f a) , kf a)
      , λ {(x , p)  Σ≡Prop  _  isPropΠ
           λ _  isOfHLevelPathP' 1 (Pset _) _ _)
             (sym (transport  j  PathP  i  P (sq a j i)) x (f a)) (p a)))
    sq : (a : A)  squash₁  a ∣₁  a ∣₁  refl
    sq a = isProp→isSet squash₁ _ _ _ _

elim2→Set :
    {P :  A ∥₁   B ∥₁  Type }
   (∀ t u  isSet (P t u))
   (f : (x : A) (y : B)  P  x ∣₁  y ∣₁)
   (kf₁ :  x y v  PathP  i  P (squash₁  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ i)  v ∣₁) (f x v) (f y v))
   (kf₂ :  x v w  PathP  i  P  x ∣₁ (squash₁  v ∣₁  w ∣₁ i)) (f x v) (f x w))
   (sf :  x y v w  SquareP  i j  P (squash₁  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ i) (squash₁  v ∣₁  w ∣₁ j))
                              (kf₂ x v w) (kf₂ y v w) (kf₁ x y v) (kf₁ x y w))
   (t :  A ∥₁)  (u :  B ∥₁)  P t u
elim2→Set {A = A} {B = B} {P = P} Pset f kf₁ kf₂ sf =
  elim→Set  _  isSetΠ  _  Pset _ _)) mapHelper squareHelper
  mapHelper : (x : A) (u :  B ∥₁)  P  x ∣₁ u
  mapHelper x = elim→Set  _  Pset _ _) (f x) (kf₂ x)

  squareHelper : (x y : A)
                PathP  i  (u :  B ∥₁)  P (squash₁  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ i) u) (mapHelper x) (mapHelper y)
  squareHelper x y i = elim→Set  _  Pset _ _)  v  kf₁ x y v i) λ v w  sf x y v w i

RecHProp : (P : A  hProp ) (kP :  x y  P x  P y)   A ∥₁  hProp 
RecHProp P kP = rec→Set isSetHProp P kP

  : ∀(x y z : A)
   Square (squash₁  x ∣₁  y ∣₁) (squash₁  x ∣₁  z ∣₁) refl (squash₁  y ∣₁  z ∣₁)
squash₁ᵗ x y z i = squash₁  x ∣₁ (squash₁  y ∣₁  z ∣₁ i)

module _ (B :  A ∥₁  Type )
  (B-gpd : (a : _)  isGroupoid (B a))
  (f : (a : A)  B  a ∣₁)
  (f-coh : (x y : A)  PathP  i  B (squash₁  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ i)) (f x) (f y))
  (f-coh-coh : (x y z : A)  SquareP
       i j  B (squash₁  x ∣₁ (squash₁  y ∣₁  z ∣₁ i) j))
      (f-coh x y) (f-coh x z) refl (f-coh y z))
  elim→Gpd : (t :  A ∥₁)  B t
    pathHelper : (t u :  A ∥₁)  PathP  i  B (squash₁ t u i)) (elim→Gpd t) (elim→Gpd u)
      : (t u v :  A ∥₁)
       SquareP  i j  B (squash₁ t (squash₁ u v i) j))
                (pathHelper t u) (pathHelper t v)
                refl (pathHelper u v)
      : (t u v :  A ∥₁)
       SquareP  i j  B (squash₁ (squash₁ t u i) v j))
                (pathHelper t v) (pathHelper u v)
                (pathHelper t u) refl
    triHelper₂Cube : (x y z :  A ∥₁)
       Cube  j k  squash₁ x z (k  j))
               j k  squash₁ y z j)
               i k  squash₁ x y i)
               i k  squash₁ x z (i  k))
               i j  squash₁ x (squash₁ y z j) i)
               i j  squash₁ (squash₁ x y i) z j)

    elim→Gpd  x ∣₁ = f x
    elim→Gpd (squash₁ t u i) = pathHelper t u i
    triHelper₂Cube x y z =
      isProp→PathP  _  isOfHLevelPathP 1 (isOfHLevelPath 1 squash₁ _ _) _ _) _ _

    pathHelper  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ = f-coh x y
    pathHelper (squash₁ t u j) v = triHelper₂ t u v j
    pathHelper  x ∣₁ (squash₁ u v j) = triHelper₁  x ∣₁ u v j

    triHelper₁  x ∣₁  y ∣₁  z ∣₁ = f-coh-coh x y z
    triHelper₁ (squash₁ s t i) u v
      = isGroupoid→CubeP  i i₁ j  B (squash₁ (squash₁ s t i) (squash₁ u v i₁) j))
                          (triHelper₁ s u v) (triHelper₁ t u v)
                          (triHelper₂ s t u)
                          (triHelper₂ s t v)
                           i j  pathHelper s t i)
                           i j  pathHelper u v j)
                          (B-gpd v) i

    triHelper₁  x ∣₁ (squash₁ t u i) v
      = isGroupoid→CubeP  i i₁ j  B (squash₁  x ∣₁ (squash₁ (squash₁ t u i) v i₁) j))
                          (triHelper₁  x ∣₁ t v) (triHelper₁  x ∣₁ u v)
                          (triHelper₁  x ∣₁ t u)
                           i j  pathHelper  x ∣₁ v j)
                          refl (triHelper₂ t u v)
                          (B-gpd v) i
    triHelper₁  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ (squash₁ u v i)
      = isGroupoid→CubeP  i i₁ j  B (squash₁  x ∣₁ (squash₁  y ∣₁ (squash₁ u v i) i₁) j))
                          (triHelper₁  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ u) (triHelper₁  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ v)
                           i j  f-coh x y j) (triHelper₁  x ∣₁ u v)
                          refl (triHelper₁  y ∣₁ u v)
                          (B-gpd v) i
    triHelper₂  x ∣₁  y ∣₁  z ∣₁ i j =
      comp  k  B (triHelper₂Cube  x ∣₁  y ∣₁  z ∣₁ i j k))
            k  λ {(i = i0)  f-coh x z (k  j)
                    ; (i = i1)  f-coh y z j
                    ; (j = i0)  f-coh x y i
                    ; (j = i1)  f-coh x z (i  k)})
           (f-coh-coh x y z j i)
    triHelper₂ (squash₁ s t i) u v
      = isGroupoid→CubeP  i i₁ j  B (squash₁ (squash₁ (squash₁ s t i) u i₁) v j))
                          (triHelper₂ s u v) (triHelper₂ t u v)
                          (triHelper₂ s t v)  i j  pathHelper u v j)
                          (triHelper₂ s t u) refl
                          (B-gpd v) i
    triHelper₂  x ∣₁ (squash₁ t u i) v
      = isGroupoid→CubeP  i i₁ j  B (squash₁ (squash₁  x ∣₁ (squash₁ t u i) i₁) v j))
                          (triHelper₂  x ∣₁ t v) (triHelper₂  x ∣₁ u v)
                           i j  pathHelper  x ∣₁ v j) (triHelper₂ t u v)
                          (triHelper₁  x ∣₁ t u) refl
                          (B-gpd v) i
    triHelper₂  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ (squash₁ u v i)
      = isGroupoid→CubeP  i i₁ j  B (squash₁ (squash₁  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ i₁) (squash₁ u v i) j))
                          (triHelper₂  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ u) (triHelper₂  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ v)
                          (triHelper₁  x ∣₁ u v) (triHelper₁  y ∣₁ u v)
                          refl  i j  pathHelper u v i)
                          (B-gpd v) i

module GpdElim (Bgpd : isGroupoid B) where
  Bgpd' : isGroupoid' B
  Bgpd' = isGroupoid→isGroupoid' Bgpd

  module _ (f : A  B) (3kf : 3-Constant f) where
    open 3-Constant 3kf

    rec→Gpd :  A ∥₁  B
    rec→Gpd = elim→Gpd  _  B)  _  Bgpd) f link coh₁

  preEquiv₁ : ( A ∥₁  Σ (A  B) 3-Constant)  Σ (A  B) 3-Constant
  preEquiv₁ = isoToEquiv (iso fn const  _  refl) retr)
    open 3-Constant

    fn : ( A ∥₁  Σ (A  B) 3-Constant)  Σ (A  B) 3-Constant
    fn f .fst x = f  x ∣₁ .fst x
    fn f .snd .link x y i = f (squash₁  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ i) .snd .link x y i
    fn f .snd .coh₁ x y z i j
      = f (squash₁  x ∣₁ (squash₁  y ∣₁  z ∣₁ i) j) .snd .coh₁ x y z i j

    retr : retract fn const
    retr f i t .fst x = f (squash₁  x ∣₁ t i) .fst x
    retr f i t .snd .link x y j
      = f (squash₁ (squash₁  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ j) t i) .snd .link x y j
    retr f i t .snd .coh₁ x y z
      = Bgpd'
           k j  f (cb k j i0) .snd .coh₁ x y z k j )
           k j  f (cb k j i1) .snd .coh₁ x y z k j)
           k j  f (cb i0 j k) .snd .link x y j)
           k j  f (cb i1 j k) .snd .link x z j)
           _  refl)
           k j  f (cb j i1 k) .snd .link y z j)
      cb : I  I  I   _ ∥₁
      cb i j k = squash₁ (squash₁  x ∣₁ (squash₁  y ∣₁  z ∣₁ i) j) t k

  e : B  Σ (A  B) 3-Constant
  e b .fst _ = b
  e b .snd = record
           { link = λ _ _ _  b
           ; coh₁ = λ _ _ _ _ _  b

  eval : A  Σ (A  B) 3-Constant  B
  eval a₀ (g , _) = g a₀

  module _ where
    open 3-Constant
    e-eval : ∀(a₀ : A) γ  e (eval a₀ γ)  γ
    e-eval a₀ (g , 3kg) i .fst x = 3kg .link a₀ x i
    e-eval a₀ (g , 3kg) i .snd .link x y = λ j  3kg .coh₁ a₀ x y j i
    e-eval a₀ (g , 3kg) i .snd .coh₁ x y z
      = Bgpd'
           _ _  g a₀)
          (3kg .coh₁ x y z)
           k j  3kg .coh₁ a₀ x y j k)
           k j  3kg .coh₁ a₀ x z j k)
           _  refl)
           k j  3kg .coh₁ a₀ y z j k)

  e-isEquiv : A  isEquiv (e {A = A})
  e-isEquiv a₀ = isoToIsEquiv (iso e (eval a₀) (e-eval a₀) λ _  refl)

  preEquiv₂ :  A ∥₁  B  Σ (A  B) 3-Constant
  preEquiv₂ t = e , rec (isPropIsEquiv e) e-isEquiv t

  trunc→Gpd≃ : ( A ∥₁  B)  Σ (A  B) 3-Constant
  trunc→Gpd≃ = compEquiv (equivΠCod preEquiv₂) preEquiv₁

open GpdElim using (rec→Gpd; trunc→Gpd≃) public

RecHSet : (P : A  TypeOfHLevel  2)  3-Constant P   A ∥₁  TypeOfHLevel  2
RecHSet P 3kP = rec→Gpd (isOfHLevelTypeOfHLevel 2) P 3kP

∥∥-IdempotentL-⊎-≃ :   A ∥₁  A′ ∥₁   A  A′ ∥₁
∥∥-IdempotentL-⊎-≃ = isoToEquiv ∥∥-IdempotentL-⊎-Iso
  where ∥∥-IdempotentL-⊎-Iso : Iso (  A ∥₁  A′ ∥₁)  ( A  A′ ∥₁)
        Iso.fun ∥∥-IdempotentL-⊎-Iso x = rec squash₁ lem x
          where lem :  A ∥₁  A′   A  A′ ∥₁
                lem (inl x) = map  a  inl a) x
                lem (inr x) =  inr x ∣₁
        Iso.inv ∥∥-IdempotentL-⊎-Iso x = map lem x
          where lem : A  A′   A ∥₁  A′
                lem (inl x) = inl  x ∣₁
                lem (inr x) = inr x
        Iso.rightInv ∥∥-IdempotentL-⊎-Iso x = squash₁ (Iso.fun ∥∥-IdempotentL-⊎-Iso (Iso.inv ∥∥-IdempotentL-⊎-Iso x)) x
        Iso.leftInv ∥∥-IdempotentL-⊎-Iso x  = squash₁ (Iso.inv ∥∥-IdempotentL-⊎-Iso (Iso.fun ∥∥-IdempotentL-⊎-Iso x)) x

∥∥-IdempotentL-⊎ :   A ∥₁  A′ ∥₁   A  A′ ∥₁
∥∥-IdempotentL-⊎ = ua ∥∥-IdempotentL-⊎-≃

∥∥-IdempotentR-⊎-≃ :  A   A′ ∥₁ ∥₁   A  A′ ∥₁
∥∥-IdempotentR-⊎-≃ = isoToEquiv ∥∥-IdempotentR-⊎-Iso
  where ∥∥-IdempotentR-⊎-Iso : Iso ( A   A′ ∥₁ ∥₁) ( A  A′ ∥₁)
        Iso.fun ∥∥-IdempotentR-⊎-Iso x = rec squash₁ lem x
          where lem : A   A′ ∥₁   A  A′ ∥₁
                lem (inl x) =  inl x ∣₁
                lem (inr x) = map  a  inr a) x
        Iso.inv ∥∥-IdempotentR-⊎-Iso x = map lem x
          where lem : A  A′  A   A′ ∥₁
                lem (inl x) = inl x
                lem (inr x) = inr  x ∣₁
        Iso.rightInv ∥∥-IdempotentR-⊎-Iso x = squash₁ (Iso.fun ∥∥-IdempotentR-⊎-Iso (Iso.inv ∥∥-IdempotentR-⊎-Iso x)) x
        Iso.leftInv ∥∥-IdempotentR-⊎-Iso x  = squash₁ (Iso.inv ∥∥-IdempotentR-⊎-Iso (Iso.fun ∥∥-IdempotentR-⊎-Iso x)) x

∥∥-IdempotentR-⊎ :  A   A′ ∥₁ ∥₁   A  A′ ∥₁
∥∥-IdempotentR-⊎ = ua ∥∥-IdempotentR-⊎-≃

∥∥-Idempotent-⊎ : {A : Type } {A′ : Type ℓ'}    A ∥₁   A′ ∥₁ ∥₁   A  A′ ∥₁
∥∥-Idempotent-⊎ {A = A} {A′} =   A ∥₁   A′ ∥₁ ∥₁ ≡⟨ ∥∥-IdempotentR-⊎ 
                                 A ∥₁  A′ ∥₁     ≡⟨ ∥∥-IdempotentL-⊎ 
                                A  A′ ∥₁         

∥∥-IdempotentL-×-≃ :   A ∥₁ × A′ ∥₁   A × A′ ∥₁
∥∥-IdempotentL-×-≃ = isoToEquiv ∥∥-IdempotentL-×-Iso
  where ∥∥-IdempotentL-×-Iso : Iso (  A ∥₁ × A′ ∥₁) ( A × A′ ∥₁)
        Iso.fun ∥∥-IdempotentL-×-Iso x = rec squash₁ lem x
          where lem :  A ∥₁ × A′   A × A′ ∥₁
                lem (a , a′) = map2  a a′  a , a′) a  a′ ∣₁
        Iso.inv ∥∥-IdempotentL-×-Iso x = map lem x
          where lem : A × A′   A ∥₁ × A′
                lem (a , a′) =  a ∣₁ , a′
        Iso.rightInv ∥∥-IdempotentL-×-Iso x = squash₁ (Iso.fun ∥∥-IdempotentL-×-Iso (Iso.inv ∥∥-IdempotentL-×-Iso x)) x
        Iso.leftInv ∥∥-IdempotentL-×-Iso x  = squash₁ (Iso.inv ∥∥-IdempotentL-×-Iso (Iso.fun ∥∥-IdempotentL-×-Iso x)) x

∥∥-IdempotentL-× :   A ∥₁ × A′ ∥₁   A × A′ ∥₁
∥∥-IdempotentL-× = ua ∥∥-IdempotentL-×-≃

∥∥-IdempotentR-×-≃ :  A ×  A′ ∥₁ ∥₁   A × A′ ∥₁
∥∥-IdempotentR-×-≃ = isoToEquiv ∥∥-IdempotentR-×-Iso
  where ∥∥-IdempotentR-×-Iso : Iso ( A ×  A′ ∥₁ ∥₁) ( A × A′ ∥₁)
        Iso.fun ∥∥-IdempotentR-×-Iso x = rec squash₁ lem x
          where lem : A ×  A′ ∥₁   A × A′ ∥₁
                lem (a , a′) = map2  a a′  a , a′)  a ∣₁ a′
        Iso.inv ∥∥-IdempotentR-×-Iso x = map lem x
          where lem : A × A′  A ×  A′ ∥₁
                lem (a , a′) = a ,  a′ ∣₁
        Iso.rightInv ∥∥-IdempotentR-×-Iso x = squash₁ (Iso.fun ∥∥-IdempotentR-×-Iso (Iso.inv ∥∥-IdempotentR-×-Iso x)) x
        Iso.leftInv ∥∥-IdempotentR-×-Iso x  = squash₁ (Iso.inv ∥∥-IdempotentR-×-Iso (Iso.fun ∥∥-IdempotentR-×-Iso x)) x

∥∥-IdempotentR-× :  A ×  A′ ∥₁ ∥₁   A × A′ ∥₁
∥∥-IdempotentR-× = ua ∥∥-IdempotentR-×-≃

∥∥-Idempotent-× : {A : Type } {A′ : Type ℓ'}    A ∥₁ ×  A′ ∥₁ ∥₁   A × A′ ∥₁
∥∥-Idempotent-× {A = A} {A′} =   A ∥₁ ×  A′ ∥₁ ∥₁ ≡⟨ ∥∥-IdempotentR-× 
                                 A ∥₁ × A′ ∥₁     ≡⟨ ∥∥-IdempotentL-× 
                                A × A′ ∥₁         

∥∥-Idempotent-×-≃ : {A : Type } {A′ : Type ℓ'}    A ∥₁ ×  A′ ∥₁ ∥₁   A × A′ ∥₁
∥∥-Idempotent-×-≃ {A = A} {A′} = compEquiv ∥∥-IdempotentR-×-≃ ∥∥-IdempotentL-×-≃

∥∥-×-≃ : {A : Type } {A′ : Type ℓ'}   A ∥₁ ×  A′ ∥₁   A × A′ ∥₁
∥∥-×-≃ {A = A} {A′} = compEquiv (invEquiv (propTruncIdempotent≃ (isProp× isPropPropTrunc isPropPropTrunc))) ∥∥-Idempotent-×-≃

∥∥-× : {A : Type } {A′ : Type ℓ'}   A ∥₁ ×  A′ ∥₁   A × A′ ∥₁
∥∥-× = ua ∥∥-×-≃

-- using this we get a convenient recursor/eliminator for binary functions into sets
rec2→Set : {A B C : Type } (Cset : isSet C)
          (f : A  B  C)
          (∀ (a a' : A) (b b' : B)  f a b  f a' b')
           A ∥₁   B ∥₁  C
rec2→Set {A = A} {B = B} {C = C} Cset f fconst = curry (g  ∥∥-×-≃ .fst)
 g :  A × B ∥₁  C
 g = rec→Set Cset (uncurry f) λ x y  fconst (fst x) (fst y) (snd x) (snd y)