{-# OPTIONS --safe --lossy-unification #-}

module Cubical.HITs.SphereBouquet.Degree where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Path
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function

open import Cubical.Data.Bool
open import Cubical.Data.Nat renaming (_+_ to _+ℕ_)
open import Cubical.Data.Fin.Inductive
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Int renaming (_·_ to _·ℤ_ ; -_ to -ℤ_)
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as 
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order.Inductive

open import Cubical.HITs.S1
open import Cubical.HITs.Sn
open import Cubical.HITs.Sn.Degree renaming (degreeConst to degree-const)
open import Cubical.HITs.Pushout
open import Cubical.HITs.Susp
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PT
open import Cubical.HITs.Truncation as TR
open import Cubical.HITs.SetTruncation as ST
open import Cubical.HITs.Wedge
open import Cubical.HITs.SphereBouquet.Base
open import Cubical.HITs.SphereBouquet.Properties

open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary

open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.MorphismProperties
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Instances.Int
open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup
open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup.Instances.FreeAbGroup

open import Cubical.ZCohomology.Base
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.GroupStructure
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.Groups.Sn
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.Properties

     ℓ' : Level

pickPetal : {n k : } (b : Fin k)
   SphereBouquet n (Fin k)  S₊ n
pickPetal {n = n} b (inl x) = ptSn n
pickPetal {n = n} b (inr (b' , x)) with (fst b ≟ᵗ fst b')
... | lt x₁ = ptSn n
... | eq x₁ = x
... | gt x₁ = ptSn n
pickPetal {n = n} {k = k} b (push b' i) with (fst b ≟ᵗ fst b')
... | lt x = ptSn n
... | eq x = ptSn n
... | gt x = ptSn n

--a morphisms between bouquets gives a morphisms of free abelian groups by taking degrees
bouquetDegree : {n m k : }
   (SphereBouquet n (Fin m)  SphereBouquet n (Fin k))
   (AbGroupHom (ℤ[Fin m ]) (ℤ[Fin k ]))
fst (bouquetDegree {m = m} {k = k} f) r x =
  sumFinℤ {n = m} λ (a : Fin m)  r a ·ℤ (degree _ (pickPetal {k = k} x  f  inr  (a ,_)))
snd (bouquetDegree {n = n} f) =
  makeIsGroupHom λ x y
     funExt λ a'
        j  sumFinℤ  a
                 ·DistL+ (x a) (y a)
                     (degree _ (pickPetal a'  f  inr  (a ,_))) j))
       sumFinℤHom  a  x a ·ℤ (degree _ (pickPetal a'  f  inr  (a ,_))))
                    λ a  y a ·ℤ (degree _ (pickPetal a'  f  inr  (a ,_)))

-- Useful lemma for proving functoriality of bouquetDegree
  ⋁gen→∙Kn≡ : {A : Type } {B : A  Pointed ℓ'} (m : )
       (f g : ⋁gen∙ A B →∙ coHomK-ptd m)
     ((x : _)  fst f (inr x)  fst g (inr x))
     (x : _)  f .fst x  g .fst x
  ⋁gen→∙Kn≡ {A = A} {B = B} m f g idd (inl x) = snd f  sym (snd g)
  ⋁gen→∙Kn≡ {A = A} {B = B} m f g idd (inr (a , x)) =
    (sym (rUnitₖ m (f .fst (inr (a , x))))
      ∙∙ cong  z  f .fst (inr (a , x)) +[ m ]ₖ z)
           (sym (snd g)
           ∙∙ (cong (fst g) (push a)
           ∙∙ sym (idd _)
           ∙∙ cong (fst f) (sym (push a)))
           ∙∙ snd f)
      ∙∙ rUnitₖ m (f .fst (inr (a , x))))
       idd (a , x)
  ⋁gen→∙Kn≡ {A = A} {B = B} m f g idd (push x i) =
    lem _ (sym (snd f)) _ (cong (fst f) (push x))
      _ (sym (snd g)) _ (cong (fst g) (push x))
      (idd (x , snd (B x))) i
    lem : (f' : coHomK m) (f∙ : 0ₖ m  f')
          (fx : coHomK m) (f-p : f'  fx)
          (g' : coHomK m) (g∙ : 0ₖ m  g')
          (gx : coHomK m) (g-p : g'  gx)
          (idd1 : fx  gx)
       PathP  i  f-p i  g-p i)
          (sym f∙  g∙)
          ((sym (rUnitₖ m fx)
             ∙∙ cong  z  fx +[ m ]ₖ z)
                     (g∙ ∙∙ g-p ∙∙ sym idd1 ∙∙ sym f-p ∙∙ sym f∙)
             ∙∙ rUnitₖ m fx)
    lem = J> (J> (J> (J>  λ p  sym (rUnit refl)  sym (help m p))))
      help : (m : ) (p : _)
         (sym (rUnitₖ m (0ₖ m))
        ∙∙ cong (+ₖ-syntax m (0ₖ m))
                ((sym p  refl)  refl)
        ∙∙ rUnitₖ m (0ₖ m))
      help zero p = isSetℤ _ _ _ _
      help (suc zero) p =
        cong (_∙ p) (sym (rUnit _)
             λ i j  lUnitₖ 1 (rUnit (rUnit (sym p) (~ i)) (~ i) j) i)
             lCancel p
      help (suc (suc m)) p =
        cong (_∙ p) (sym (rUnit _)
             λ i j  lUnitₖ (2 +ℕ m) (rUnit (rUnit (sym p) (~ i)) (~ i) j) i)
         lCancel p

  ⋁gen→∙Kn≡∙ : {A : Type } {B : A  Pointed ℓ'} (m : )
       (f g : ⋁gen∙ A B →∙ coHomK-ptd m)
     ((x : _)  fst f (inr x)  fst g (inr x))
     f  g
  ⋁gen→∙Kn≡∙ m f g hom =
    ΣPathP ((funExt (⋁gen→∙Kn≡ m f g hom))
         , (flipSquare ((λ i
             j  snd f (i  j))
           ∙∙  j  snd f (i  j))
           ∙∙ sym (snd g))
           λ i  doubleCompPath-filler (snd f) refl (sym (snd g)) (~ i))))

-- bouquetDegree preserves id
bouquetDegreeId : {n m : }
   bouquetDegree (idfun (SphereBouquet n (Fin m)))  idGroupHom
bouquetDegreeId {n = n} {m = m} =
  agreeOnℤFinGenerator→≡ λ (x : Fin m)
     funExt λ t
       sym (isGeneratorℤFinGenerator'
                w  degree n  x₁  pickPetal t (inr (w , x₁)))) x)
       help x t
  help :  (x t : Fin m)
     degree n  x₁  pickPetal t (inr (x , x₁)))  ℤFinGenerator x t
  help x y with (fst x ≟ᵗ fst y)
  ... | lt p = cong (degree n) (funExt lem)  degree-const n
    lem : (x₁ : S₊ n)  pickPetal y (inr (x , x₁))  ptSn n
    lem x₁ with (fst y ≟ᵗ fst x)
    ... | lt x = refl
    ... | eq q = ⊥.rec (¬m<ᵗm (subst (fst x <ᵗ_) q p))
    ... | gt x = refl
  ... | eq p = cong (degree n) (funExt lem)  degreeIdfun n
    lem : (x₁ : S₊ n)  pickPetal y (inr (x , x₁))  x₁
    lem x₁ with (fst y ≟ᵗ fst x)
    ... | lt q = ⊥.rec (¬m<ᵗm (subst (fst y <ᵗ_) p q))
    ... | eq x = refl
    ... | gt q = ⊥.rec (¬m<ᵗm (subst (_<ᵗ fst y) p q))
  ... | gt p = cong (degree n) (funExt lem)  degree-const n
    lem : (x₁ : S₊ n)  pickPetal y (inr (x , x₁))  ptSn n
    lem x₁ with (fst y ≟ᵗ fst x)
    ... | lt x = refl
    ... | eq q = ⊥.rec (¬m<ᵗm (subst (_<ᵗ fst x) q p))
    ... | gt x = refl

bouquetDegreeConst : (n a b : )
   bouquetDegree {n} {a} {b}  _  inl tt)  trivGroupHom
bouquetDegreeConst n a b =
  GroupHom≡ ((λ i r x  sumFinℤ  a  r a ·ℤ (degree-const n i)))
          ∙∙  i r x  sumFinℤ  a  ·Comm (r a) (pos 0) i))
          ∙∙ λ i r x  sumFinℤ0 a i)

-- bouquetDegree preserves suspension
bouquetDegreeSusp₀ : {m k : }
   (f : SphereBouquet zero (Fin m)  SphereBouquet zero (Fin k))
   bouquetDegree f  bouquetDegree (bouquetSusp→ f)
bouquetDegreeSusp₀ {m = m} {k = zero} f =
  subst  f  bouquetDegree f  bouquetDegree (bouquetSusp→ f))
        (bouquetDegreeConst zero _ _
       sym (bouquetDegreeConst (suc zero) _ _)
       cong bouquetDegree lem₂)
  f-const :  _  inl tt)  f
  f-const = funExt  x  isContrSphereBouquetZero 0 .snd (f x))
  lem₂ :  _  inl tt)  bouquetSusp→ {n = zero}  _  inl tt)
  lem₂ = funExt  x
     isContrSphereBouquetZero 1 .snd (bouquetSusp→  _  inl tt) x))
bouquetDegreeSusp₀ {m = m} {k = suc k} f =
  Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsGroupHom _ _)
    (funExt λ r  funExt λ a  sumFinℤId m λ y  cong (r y ·ℤ_)
              (degreeSusp 0  x  pickPetal a (f (inr (y , x))))
               λ i  degree 1  z  help y a z i)))
    help : (y : _) (a : _) (z : _)
       suspFunS∙  x  pickPetal a (f (inr (y , x)))) .fst z
        pickPetal a (bouquetSusp→ f (inr (y , z)))
    help y a base = refl
    help y a (loop i) j = help' j i
      main : (ft ff : SphereBouquet zero (Fin (suc k)))
            cong SuspBool→S¹ (merid (pickPetal a ff))
            cong SuspBool→S¹ (sym (merid (pickPetal a ft)))
            cong (pickPetal a) (cong sphereBouquetSuspFun (merid ff)
            sym (cong sphereBouquetSuspFun (merid ft)))
      main =
        SphereBouquet→Prop 0 fzero  _  isPropΠ λ _  isGroupoidS¹ _ _ _ _)
             λ x y  SphereBouquet→Prop 0 fzero  _  isGroupoidS¹ _ _ _ _)
               λ x' y'
            (cong₂ _∙_ (final y' x') (cong sym (final y x))
             sym (cong-∙ (pickPetal a)
                  (merid-lem x' y' i1) (sym (merid-lem x y i1))))
             λ i  cong (pickPetal a)
                  ((merid-lem x' y' (~ i)  sym (merid-lem x y (~ i))))
        merid-lem : (x : Fin (suc k)) (y : Bool)
           cong (sphereBouquetSuspIso .Iso.fun) (merid (inr (x , y)))
            push x ∙∙  i  inr (x , SuspBool→S¹ (merid y i))) ∙∙ sym (push x)
        merid-lem x y = cong-∙∙ (Iso.fun sphereBouquetSuspIso₀)
                                (push x)
                                 i  inr (x , (merid y  sym (merid true)) i))
                                (sym (push x))
           cong (push x ∙∙_∙∙ sym (push x))
              (cong-∙  z  Iso.fun sphereBouquetSuspIso₀ (inr (x , z)))
                                       (merid y) (sym (merid true))
               sym (rUnit _))

        pre-final : (y : Bool) (x : Fin (suc k))
           cong SuspBool→S¹ (merid (pickPetal a (inr (x , y))))
           cong (pickPetal a) (push x)
          ∙∙ cong (pickPetal a)  i  inr (x , SuspBool→S¹ (merid y i)))
          ∙∙ cong (pickPetal a) (sym (push x))
        pre-final y x with (fst a ≟ᵗ fst x)
        ... | lt x₁ = rUnit refl
        ... | eq x₁ = rUnit _
        ... | gt x₁ = rUnit refl

        final : (y : Bool) (x : Fin (suc k))
           cong SuspBool→S¹ (merid (pickPetal a (inr (x , y))))
           cong (pickPetal a) ((push x)
                           ∙∙  i  inr (x , SuspBool→S¹ (merid y i)))
                           ∙∙ sym (push x))
        final y x =
            pre-final y x
           cong-∙∙ (pickPetal a)
                    (push x)
                     i  inr (x , SuspBool→S¹ (merid y i)))
           (sym (push x))

      help' : cong (suspFunS∙  x  pickPetal a (f (inr (y , x)))) .fst) loop
            cong (pickPetal a) λ i  bouquetSusp→ f (inr (y , loop i))
      help' =
           j i  Iso.inv S¹IsoSuspBool
                    (cong-∙ (suspFun λ x  pickPetal a (f (inr (y , x))))
                      (merid false) (sym (merid true)) j i))
         cong-∙ (Iso.inv S¹IsoSuspBool)
                 (merid (pickPetal a (f (inr (y , false)))))
                 (sym (merid (pickPetal a (f (inr (y , true))))))
         main (f (inr (y , true))) ((f (inr (y , false))))
         cong (cong (pickPetal a)) (refl
              (sym  (cong-∙ sphereBouquetSuspFun
                     (merid (f (inr (y , false))))
                     (sym (merid (f (inr (y , true)))))))
              cong (cong sphereBouquetSuspFun)
               (sym (cong-∙ (suspFun f)
                      (merid (inr (y , false))) (sym (merid (inr (y , true)))))
              cong (cong (suspFun f))
                 (sym (cong-∙  x  Iso.inv (Iso-SuspBouquet-Bouquet _ _)
                             (inr (y , x))) (merid false) (sym (merid true))))))
         λ j i  pickPetal a (sphereBouquetSuspFun
                    (suspFun f (Iso.inv (Iso-SuspBouquet-Bouquet _ _)
                      (inr (y , (merid false  sym (merid true)) i)))))

bouquetDegreeSusp : {n m k : }
   (f : SphereBouquet n (Fin m)  SphereBouquet n (Fin k))
   bouquetDegree f  bouquetDegree (bouquetSusp→ f)
bouquetDegreeSusp {n = zero} = bouquetDegreeSusp₀
bouquetDegreeSusp {n = suc n} {m = m} {k = k} f =
  agreeOnℤFinGenerator→≡ λ (x : Fin m)
     funExt λ (b : Fin k)  sumFinℤId m
      λ z  cong (ℤFinGenerator x z ·ℤ_)
             (degreeSusp (suc n)  x₁  pickPetal b (f (inr (z , x₁))))
            cong (Iso.fun (Hⁿ-Sⁿ≅ℤ (suc n) .fst))
                (cong ∣_∣₂ (funExt λ x  help b z x)))
  f₁ : (b : Fin k)  SphereBouquet∙ (suc n) (Fin k) →∙ coHomK-ptd (suc n)
  fst (f₁ b) x =  pickPetal b x ∣ₕ
  snd (f₁ b) = refl

  f₂ : (b : Fin k)  SphereBouquet∙ (suc n) (Fin k) →∙ coHomK-ptd (suc n)
  fst (f₂ b) x = ΩKn+1→Kn (suc n)
    λ i   pickPetal b (Bouquet→ΩBouquetSusp (Fin k)  _  S₊∙ (suc n)) x i) 
  snd (f₂ b) = ΩKn+1→Kn-refl (suc n)

  f₁≡f₂ : (b : Fin k) (x : _)  f₁ b .fst x  f₂ b .fst x
  f₁≡f₂ b = ⋁gen→∙Kn≡ (suc n) (f₁ b) (f₂ b) (uncurry main)
    main : (x : Fin k) (y : S₊ (suc n))
       f₁ b .fst (inr (x , y))  f₂ b .fst (inr (x , y))
    main x y =
       cong (ΩKn+1→Kn (suc n))
           (cong (cong ∣_∣ₕ)
             (sym (cong-∙∙ (pickPetal {n = 2 +ℕ n} b)
             (push x)  i  inr (x , σSn (suc n) y i)) (sym (push x)))))
      main' : f₁ b .fst (inr (x , y))
             ΩKn+1→Kn (suc n)
               (cong ∣_∣ₕ (cong (pickPetal {n = 2 +ℕ n} b) (push x)
                      ∙∙  i  pickPetal {n = 2 +ℕ n} b
                                  (inr (x , σSn (suc n) y i)))
                      ∙∙ cong (pickPetal {n = 2 +ℕ n} b) (sym (push x))))
      main' with (fst b ≟ᵗ fst x)
      ... | lt x = sym (cong (ΩKn+1→Kn (suc n))
                     (sym (rUnit refl))  ΩKn+1→Kn-refl (suc n))
      ... | eq x = sym (cong (ΩKn+1→Kn (suc n))
                         (cong (cong ∣_∣ₕ) (sym (rUnit (σSn (suc n) y))))
                  Iso.leftInv (Iso-Kn-ΩKn+1 (suc n))  y )
      ... | gt x = sym (cong (ΩKn+1→Kn (suc n)) (sym (rUnit refl))
                       ΩKn+1→Kn-refl (suc n))

  help : (b : Fin k) (z : Fin m) (t : _)
     Path (coHomK (2 +ℕ n))
            ( suspFun  x₁  pickPetal b (f (inr (z , x₁)))) t ∣ₕ)
              pickPetal b (bouquetSusp→ f (inr (z , t))) ∣ₕ
  help b z north = refl
  help b z south = cong ∣_∣ₕ (sym (merid (ptSn (suc n))))
  help b z (merid a i) j =
    hcomp  r
      λ {(i = i0)   north 
         ; (i = i1)   merid (ptSn (suc n)) (~ j  r) 
         ; (j = i0)   compPath-filler
                         (merid (pickPetal b (f (inr (z , a)))))
                         (sym (merid (ptSn (suc n)))) (~ r) i ∣ₕ
         ; (j = i1)  (cong (Kn→ΩKn+1 (suc n)) (f₁≡f₂ b (f (inr (z , a))))
                      Iso.rightInv (Iso-Kn-ΩKn+1 (suc n))
                         i   pickPetal b (bouquetSusp→ f
                                  (inr (z , merid a i))) )) r i})
          (Kn→ΩKn+1 (suc n)  pickPetal b (f (inr (z , a)))  i)

-- bouquetDegree preserves composition
bouquetDegreeComp∙Suc : {n m k l : }
   (f : SphereBouquet∙ (suc n) (Fin m) →∙ SphereBouquet∙ (suc n) (Fin k))
   (g : SphereBouquet∙ (suc n) (Fin l) →∙ SphereBouquet∙ (suc n) (Fin m))
   bouquetDegree ((fst f)  (fst g))
    compGroupHom (bouquetDegree (fst g)) (bouquetDegree (fst f))
bouquetDegreeComp∙Suc {n} {m} {k} {l} f g =
    λ (x : Fin l)
     funExt λ t
       sumFinℤId l
           ·Comm (ℤFinGenerator x a) _
       cong (degree (suc n)
               x₁  pickPetal t (fst f (fst g (inr (a , x₁))))) ·ℤ_)
             (ℤFinGeneratorComm x a))
       sym (isGeneratorℤFinGenerator
           a  degree (suc n)
                    x₁  pickPetal t (fst f (fst g (inr (a , x₁)))))) x)
       main n m  s  fst g (inr (x , s)))
                 ((λ s  pickPetal t (fst f s))
                 , (cong (pickPetal t) (snd f)))
       sumFinℤId m λ a 
          degreeComp' (suc n)
               x₁  pickPetal t (fst f (inr (a , x₁))))
               x₁  pickPetal a (fst g (inr (x , x₁))))
          λ j  simplify x a (~ j)
              ·ℤ degree (suc n)  x₁  pickPetal t (fst f (inr (a , x₁))))
  main : (n m : ) (w : S₊ (suc n)  SphereBouquet (suc n) (Fin m))
       (F : ((SphereBouquet (suc n) (Fin m)) , inl tt) →∙ S₊∙ (suc n))
    degree (suc n)  s  fst F (w s))
     sumFinℤ  a  degree (suc n)  s  fst F (inr (a , pickPetal a (w s)))))
  main n zero w (F , Fp) =
       j  degree (suc n)  s  F (lem w j s)))
      j  degree (suc n)  s  Fp j))
     degree-const (suc n)
    lem : (f : S₊ (suc n)  SphereBouquet (suc n) (Fin zero))
        (f  λ _  inl tt)
    lem f = funExt λ x  sym (isContrSphereBouquetZero (suc n) .snd (f x))
  main n (suc m) w F =
    cong (Iso.fun (Hⁿ-Sⁿ≅ℤ n .fst))
      (cong ∣_∣₂ (funExt  x  asSum F (w x)))
             sym (sumFinKComm
                 a s   fst F (inr (a , pickPetal a (w s))) ∣ₕ)))
     sym (sumFinGroupℤComm _ (Hⁿ-Sⁿ≅ℤ n)
             a    s   fst F (inr (a , pickPetal a (w s))) ∣ₕ) ∣₂))
    asSum : (F : (SphereBouquet (suc n) (Fin (suc m)) , inl tt) →∙ S₊∙ (suc n))
          (p : SphereBouquet (suc n) (Fin (suc m)))
           F .fst p ∣ₕ
           sumFinK {m = suc n}  i   fst F (inr (i , pickPetal i p)) ∣ₕ)
    asSum F =
      ⋁gen→∙Kn≡ (suc n)
       ((λ p   F .fst p ∣ₕ) , cong ∣_∣ₕ (snd F))
       ((λ p  sumFinK {m = suc n}
                  i   fst F (inr (i , pickPetal i p)) ∣ₕ)) , sumPt)
       (uncurry main-lem)
      id₁ : (x : Fin (suc m)) (y : _)
         fst F (inr (x , pickPetal x (inr (x , y))))  fst F (inr (x , y))
      id₁ (x , p) y with (x ≟ᵗ x)
      ... | lt x₁ = ⊥.rec (¬m<ᵗm x₁)
      ... | eq x₁ = refl
      ... | gt x₁ = ⊥.rec (¬m<ᵗm x₁)

      id₂ : (x : _) (x' : Fin (suc m)) (y : _) (q : ¬ x'  x)
           fst F (inr (x' , pickPetal x' (inr (x , y)))) ∣ₕ  0ₖ (suc n)
      id₂ (x , p) (x' , t) y con with (x' ≟ᵗ x)
      ... | lt x₁ = cong ∣_∣ₕ (cong (fst F) (sym (push (x' , t)))  snd F)
      ... | eq x₁ = ⊥.rec (con (Σ≡Prop  _  isProp<ᵗ) x₁))
      ... | gt x₁ = cong ∣_∣ₕ (cong (fst F) (sym (push (x' , t)))  snd F)

      sumPt : sumFinK  i   fst F (inr (i , pickPetal i (inl tt))) ∣ₕ)
             0ₖ (suc n)
      sumPt = sumFinGen0 _+ₖ_ (0ₖ (suc n)) (rUnitₖ _) _
                i   fst F (inr (i , pickPetal i (inl tt))) ∣ₕ)
                s  cong ∣_∣ₕ (cong (fst F) (sym (push s))  snd F))

      main-lem : (x : Fin (suc m)) (y : S₊ (suc n))
          F .fst (inr (x , y)) ∣ₕ
         sumFinK {n = suc m} {m = suc n}
             i   fst F (inr (i , pickPetal i (inr (x , y)))) ∣ₕ)
      main-lem x y = sym (sumFin-choose _+ₖ_ (0ₖ (suc n)) (rUnitₖ _) (commₖ _)
         i   fst F (inr (i , pickPetal i (inr (x , y)))) ∣ₕ)
         F .fst (inr (x , y)) ∣ₕ x
          (cong ∣_∣ₕ (id₁ x y))
          λ x'  id₂ x x' y)

  simplify : (x : Fin l) (a : Fin m)
     sumFinℤ  a₁  ℤFinGenerator x a₁
                       ·ℤ degree (suc n)
                             x₁  pickPetal a (fst g (inr (a₁ , x₁)))))
      degree (suc n)  x₁  pickPetal a (fst g (inr (x , x₁))))
  simplify x a =
       sumFinℤId l
            p  ·Comm (ℤFinGenerator x p)
                    (degree (suc n)  x₁  pickPetal a (fst g (inr (p , x₁)))))
          λ i  degree (suc n)  x₁  pickPetal a (fst g (inr (p , x₁))))
                 ·ℤ ℤFinGeneratorComm x p i)
      sym (isGeneratorℤFinGenerator
              a₁  degree (suc n)
                        x₁  pickPetal a (fst g (inr (a₁ , x₁))))) x)

bouquetDegreeCompPos : {n m k l : }
   (f : SphereBouquet (suc n) (Fin m)  SphereBouquet (suc n) (Fin k))
   (g : SphereBouquet (suc n) (Fin l)  SphereBouquet (suc n) (Fin m))
   bouquetDegree (f  g)  compGroupHom (bouquetDegree g) (bouquetDegree f)
bouquetDegreeCompPos {n = n} {m = m} {k = k} {l = l} f g =
  PT.rec2 (isSetGroupHom _ _)
           Hf Hg  bouquetDegreeComp∙Suc (f , Hf) (g , Hg))
          (isConnectedSphereBouquet (f (inl tt)))
          (isConnectedSphereBouquet (g (inl tt)))

bouquetDegreeComp : {n m k l : }
   (f : SphereBouquet n (Fin m)  SphereBouquet n (Fin k))
   (g : SphereBouquet n (Fin l)  SphereBouquet n (Fin m))
   bouquetDegree (f  g)  compGroupHom (bouquetDegree g) (bouquetDegree f)
bouquetDegreeComp {n = zero} f g =
     bouquetDegreeSusp (f  g)
  ∙∙ Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsGroupHom _ _)
      ((λ i  bouquetDegree (bouquetSusp→∘ g f (~ i)) .fst)
     cong fst (bouquetDegreeCompPos (bouquetSusp→ f) (bouquetSusp→ g)))
  ∙∙ sym (cong₂ compGroupHom (bouquetDegreeSusp g) (bouquetDegreeSusp f))
bouquetDegreeComp {n = suc n} f g = bouquetDegreeCompPos f g

bouquetDegreeComp∙ : {n m k l : }
  (f : SphereBouquet∙ n (Fin m) →∙ SphereBouquet∙ n (Fin k))
  (g : SphereBouquet∙ n (Fin l) →∙ SphereBouquet∙ n (Fin m))
   bouquetDegree ((fst f)  (fst g))
    compGroupHom (bouquetDegree (fst g)) (bouquetDegree (fst f))
bouquetDegreeComp∙ {n = zero} {m} {k = k} {l = l} f g =
  Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsGroupHom _ _)
    (cong fst (bouquetDegreeSusp (fst f  fst g))
   sym (cong (fst  bouquetDegree) (bouquetSusp→∘ (fst g) (fst f)))
   cong fst (bouquetDegreeComp∙Suc (bouquetSusp→ (fst f) , refl)
                                    (bouquetSusp→ (fst g) , refl))
   cong fst (cong₂ compGroupHom (sym (bouquetDegreeSusp (fst g)))
                                 (sym (bouquetDegreeSusp (fst f)))))
bouquetDegreeComp∙ {n = suc n} = bouquetDegreeComp∙Suc