{-# OPTIONS --safe --lossy-unification #-}
module Cubical.ZCohomology.Properties where
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed.Homogeneous
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws renaming (assoc to assoc∙)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv.HalfAdjoint
open import Cubical.Functions.Morphism
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Int renaming (_+_ to _ℤ+_) hiding (-_)
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Sum.Base
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.MorphismProperties
open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup
open import Cubical.HITs.Truncation as T
open import Cubical.HITs.SetTruncation as ST renaming (isSetSetTrunc to §)
open import Cubical.HITs.S1 hiding (encode ; decode ; _·_)
open import Cubical.HITs.Sn
open import Cubical.HITs.Susp
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Loopspace
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Connected
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.Base
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.GroupStructure
open Iso renaming (inv to inv')
ℓ ℓ' : Level
is2ConnectedKn : (n : ℕ) → isConnected 2 (coHomK (suc n))
is2ConnectedKn zero = ∣ ∣ base ∣ ∣
, T.elim (λ _ → isOfHLevelPath 2 (isOfHLevelTrunc 2) _ _)
(T.elim (λ _ → isOfHLevelPath 3 (isOfHLevelSuc 2 (isOfHLevelTrunc 2)) _ _)
(toPropElim (λ _ → isOfHLevelTrunc 2 _ _) refl))
is2ConnectedKn (suc n) = ∣ ∣ north ∣ ∣
, T.elim (λ _ → isOfHLevelPath 2 (isOfHLevelTrunc 2) _ _)
(T.elim (λ _ → isProp→isOfHLevelSuc (3 + n) (isOfHLevelTrunc 2 _ _))
(suspToPropElim (ptSn (suc n)) (λ _ → isOfHLevelTrunc 2 _ _) refl))
isConnectedKn : (n : ℕ) → isConnected (2 + n) (coHomK (suc n))
isConnectedKn n = isOfHLevelRetractFromIso 0 (invIso (truncOfTruncIso (2 + n) 1)) (sphereConnected (suc n))
isConnectedPathKn : (n : ℕ) (x y : (coHomK (suc n))) → isConnected (suc n) (x ≡ y)
isConnectedPathKn n =
T.elim (λ _ → isProp→isOfHLevelSuc (2 + n) (isPropΠ λ _ → isPropIsContr))
(sphereElim _ (λ _ → isProp→isOfHLevelSuc n (isPropΠ λ _ → isPropIsContr))
λ y → isContrRetractOfConstFun
{B = (hLevelTrunc (suc n) (ptSn (suc n) ≡ ptSn (suc n)))} ∣ refl ∣
(fun⁻ n y
, T.elim (λ _ → isOfHLevelPath (suc n) (isOfHLevelTrunc (suc n)) _ _)
(J (λ y p → fun⁻ n y _ ≡ _) (funExt⁻ (fun⁻Id n) ∣ refl ∣))))
fun⁻ : (n : ℕ) → (y : coHomK (suc n)) →
hLevelTrunc (suc n) (ptSn (suc n) ≡ ptSn (suc n))
→ hLevelTrunc (suc n) (∣ ptSn (suc n) ∣ ≡ y)
fun⁻ n =
T.elim (λ _ → isOfHLevelΠ (3 + n) λ _ → isOfHLevelSuc (2 + n) (isOfHLevelSuc (suc n) (isOfHLevelTrunc (suc n))))
(sphereElim n (λ _ → isOfHLevelΠ (suc n) λ _ → isOfHLevelTrunc (suc n)) λ _ → ∣ refl ∣)
fun⁻Id : (n : ℕ) → fun⁻ n ∣ ptSn (suc n) ∣ ≡ λ _ → ∣ refl ∣
fun⁻Id zero = refl
fun⁻Id (suc n) = refl
coHomPointedElim : {A : Type ℓ} (n : ℕ) (a : A) {B : coHom (suc n) A → Type ℓ'}
→ ((x : coHom (suc n) A) → isProp (B x))
→ ((f : A → coHomK (suc n)) → f a ≡ coHom-pt (suc n) → B ∣ f ∣₂)
→ (x : coHom (suc n) A) → B x
coHomPointedElim {ℓ' = ℓ'} {A = A} n a isprop indp =
ST.elim (λ _ → isOfHLevelSuc 1 (isprop _))
λ f → helper n isprop indp f (f a) refl
helper : (n : ℕ) {B : coHom (suc n) A → Type ℓ'}
→ ((x : coHom (suc n) A) → isProp (B x))
→ ((f : A → coHomK (suc n)) → f a ≡ coHom-pt (suc n) → B ∣ f ∣₂)
→ (f : A → coHomK (suc n))
→ (x : coHomK (suc n))
→ f a ≡ x → B ∣ f ∣₂
helper zero isprop ind f =
T.elim (λ _ → isOfHLevelPlus {n = 1} 2 (isPropΠ λ _ → isprop _))
(toPropElim (λ _ → isPropΠ λ _ → isprop _) (ind f))
helper (suc zero) isprop ind f =
T.elim (λ _ → isOfHLevelPlus {n = 1} 3 (isPropΠ λ _ → isprop _))
(suspToPropElim base (λ _ → isPropΠ λ _ → isprop _) (ind f))
helper (suc (suc zero)) isprop ind f =
T.elim (λ _ → isOfHLevelPlus {n = 1} 4 (isPropΠ λ _ → isprop _))
(suspToPropElim north (λ _ → isPropΠ λ _ → isprop _) (ind f))
helper (suc (suc (suc n))) isprop ind f =
T.elim (λ _ → isOfHLevelPlus' {n = 5 + n} 1 (isPropΠ λ _ → isprop _))
(suspToPropElim north (λ _ → isPropΠ λ _ → isprop _) (ind f))
coHomPointedElim2 : {A : Type ℓ} (n : ℕ) (a : A) {B : coHom (suc n) A → coHom (suc n) A → Type ℓ'}
→ ((x y : coHom (suc n) A) → isProp (B x y))
→ ((f g : A → coHomK (suc n)) → f a ≡ coHom-pt (suc n) → g a ≡ coHom-pt (suc n) → B ∣ f ∣₂ ∣ g ∣₂)
→ (x y : coHom (suc n) A) → B x y
coHomPointedElim2 {ℓ' = ℓ'} {A = A} n a isprop indp = ST.elim2 (λ _ _ → isOfHLevelSuc 1 (isprop _ _))
λ f g → helper n a isprop indp f g (f a) (g a) refl refl
helper : (n : ℕ) (a : A) {B : coHom (suc n) A → coHom (suc n) A → Type ℓ'}
→ ((x y : coHom (suc n) A) → isProp (B x y))
→ ((f g : A → coHomK (suc n)) → f a ≡ coHom-pt (suc n) → g a ≡ coHom-pt (suc n) → B ∣ f ∣₂ ∣ g ∣₂)
→ (f g : A → coHomK (suc n))
→ (x y : coHomK (suc n))
→ f a ≡ x → g a ≡ y
→ B ∣ f ∣₂ ∣ g ∣₂
helper zero a isprop indp f g =
T.elim2 (λ _ _ → isOfHLevelPlus {n = 1} 2 (isPropΠ2 λ _ _ → isprop _ _))
(toPropElim2 (λ _ _ → isPropΠ2 λ _ _ → isprop _ _) (indp f g))
helper (suc zero) a isprop indp f g =
T.elim2 (λ _ _ → isOfHLevelPlus {n = 1} 3 (isPropΠ2 λ _ _ → isprop _ _))
(suspToPropElim2 base (λ _ _ → isPropΠ2 λ _ _ → isprop _ _) (indp f g))
helper (suc (suc zero)) a isprop indp f g =
T.elim2 (λ _ _ → isOfHLevelPlus {n = 1} 4 (isPropΠ2 λ _ _ → isprop _ _))
(suspToPropElim2 north (λ _ _ → isPropΠ2 λ _ _ → isprop _ _) (indp f g))
helper (suc (suc (suc n))) a isprop indp f g =
T.elim2 (λ _ _ → isOfHLevelPlus' {n = 5 + n} 1 (isPropΠ2 λ _ _ → isprop _ _))
(suspToPropElim2 north (λ _ _ → isPropΠ2 λ _ _ → isprop _ _) (indp f g))
coHomK-elim : ∀ {ℓ} (n : ℕ) {B : coHomK (suc n) → Type ℓ}
→ ((x : _) → isOfHLevel (suc n) (B x))
→ B (0ₖ (suc n))
→ (x : _) → B x
coHomK-elim n {B = B } hlev b =
T.elim (λ _ → isOfHLevelPlus {n = (suc n)} 2 (hlev _))
(sphereElim _ (hlev ∘ ∣_∣) b)
coHomRed+1Equiv : (n : ℕ) →
(A : Type ℓ) →
(coHom n A) ≡ (coHomRed n ((A ⊎ Unit , inr (tt))))
coHomRed+1Equiv zero A i = ∥ helpLemma {C = (ℤ , pos 0)} i ∥₂
module coHomRed+1 where
helpLemma : {C : Pointed ℓ} → ( (A → (typ C)) ≡ ((((A ⊎ Unit) , inr (tt)) →∙ C)))
helpLemma {C = C} = isoToPath (iso map-helper1
(λ b → linvPf b)
(λ _ → refl))
map-helper1 : (A → typ C) → ((((A ⊎ Unit) , inr (tt)) →∙ C))
map-helper1 f = map1' , refl
module helpmap where
map1' : A ⊎ Unit → fst C
map1' (inl x) = f x
map1' (inr x) = pt C
map-helper2 : ((((A ⊎ Unit) , inr (tt)) →∙ C)) → (A → typ C)
map-helper2 (g , pf) x = g (inl x)
linvPf : (b :((((A ⊎ Unit) , inr (tt)) →∙ C))) → map-helper1 (map-helper2 b) ≡ b
linvPf (f , snd) i = (λ x → helper x i) , λ j → snd ((~ i) ∨ j)
helper : (x : A ⊎ Unit) → ((helpmap.map1') (map-helper2 (f , snd)) x) ≡ f x
helper (inl x) = refl
helper (inr tt) = sym snd
coHomRed+1Equiv (suc zero) A i = ∥ coHomRed+1.helpLemma A i {C = (coHomK 1 , ∣ base ∣)} i ∥₂
coHomRed+1Equiv (suc (suc n)) A i = ∥ coHomRed+1.helpLemma A i {C = (coHomK (2 + n) , ∣ north ∣)} i ∥₂
Iso-coHom-coHomRed : ∀ {ℓ} {A : Pointed ℓ} (n : ℕ) → Iso (coHomRed (suc n) A) (coHom (suc n) (typ A))
fun (Iso-coHom-coHomRed {A = A , a} n) = ST.map fst
inv' (Iso-coHom-coHomRed {A = A , a} n) = ST.map λ f → (λ x → f x -ₖ f a) , rCancelₖ _ _
rightInv (Iso-coHom-coHomRed {A = A , a} n) =
ST.elim (λ _ → isOfHLevelPath 2 § _ _)
λ f → T.rec (isProp→isOfHLevelSuc _ (§ _ _))
(λ p → cong ∣_∣₂ (funExt λ x → cong (λ y → f x +ₖ y) (cong -ₖ_ p ∙ -0ₖ) ∙ rUnitₖ _ (f x)))
(Iso.fun (PathIdTruncIso (suc n)) (isContr→isProp (isConnectedKn n) ∣ f a ∣ ∣ 0ₖ _ ∣))
leftInv (Iso-coHom-coHomRed {A = A , a} n) =
ST.elim (λ _ → isOfHLevelPath 2 § _ _)
λ {(f , p) → cong ∣_∣₂ (ΣPathP (((funExt λ x → (cong (λ y → f x -ₖ y) p
∙∙ cong (λ y → f x +ₖ y) -0ₖ
∙∙ rUnitₖ _ (f x)) ∙ refl))
, helper n (f a) (sym p)))}
path : (n : ℕ) (x : coHomK (suc n)) (p : 0ₖ _ ≡ x) → _
path n x p = (cong (λ y → x -ₖ y) (sym p) ∙∙ cong (λ y → x +ₖ y) -0ₖ ∙∙ rUnitₖ _ x) ∙ refl
helper : (n : ℕ) (x : coHomK (suc n)) (p : 0ₖ _ ≡ x)
→ PathP (λ i → path n x p i ≡ 0ₖ _) (rCancelₖ _ x) (sym p)
helper zero x =
J (λ x p → PathP (λ i → path 0 x p i ≡ 0ₖ _)
(rCancelₖ _ x) (sym p))
λ i j → rUnit (rUnit (λ _ → 0ₖ 1) (~ j)) (~ j) i
helper (suc n) x =
J (λ x p → PathP (λ i → path (suc n) x p i ≡ 0ₖ _) (rCancelₖ _ x) (sym p))
λ i j → rCancelₖ (suc (suc n)) (0ₖ (suc (suc n))) (~ i ∧ ~ j)
+∙≡+ : (n : ℕ) {A : Pointed ℓ} (x y : coHomRed (suc n) A)
→ Iso.fun (Iso-coHom-coHomRed n) (x +ₕ∙ y)
≡ Iso.fun (Iso-coHom-coHomRed n) x +ₕ Iso.fun (Iso-coHom-coHomRed n) y
+∙≡+ zero = ST.elim2 (λ _ _ → isOfHLevelPath 2 § _ _) λ _ _ → refl
+∙≡+ (suc n) = ST.elim2 (λ _ _ → isOfHLevelPath 2 § _ _) λ _ _ → refl
homhelp : ∀ {ℓ} (n : ℕ) (A : Pointed ℓ) (x y : coHom (suc n) (typ A))
→ Iso.inv (Iso-coHom-coHomRed {A = A} n) (x +ₕ y)
≡ Iso.inv (Iso-coHom-coHomRed n) x +ₕ∙ Iso.inv (Iso-coHom-coHomRed n) y
homhelp n A = morphLemmas.isMorphInv _+ₕ∙_ _+ₕ_
(Iso.fun (Iso-coHom-coHomRed n)) (+∙≡+ n) _
(Iso.rightInv (Iso-coHom-coHomRed n)) (Iso.leftInv (Iso-coHom-coHomRed n))
coHomGr≅coHomRedGr : ∀ {ℓ} (n : ℕ) (A : Pointed ℓ)
→ GroupEquiv (coHomRedGrDir (suc n) A) (coHomGr (suc n) (typ A))
fst (coHomGr≅coHomRedGr n A) = isoToEquiv (Iso-coHom-coHomRed n)
snd (coHomGr≅coHomRedGr n A) = makeIsGroupHom (+∙≡+ n)
coHomRedGroup : ∀ {ℓ} (n : ℕ) (A : Pointed ℓ) → AbGroup ℓ
coHomRedGroup zero A = coHomRedGroupDir zero A
coHomRedGroup (suc n) A =
(coHomGroup (suc n) (typ A))
(isoToEquiv (invIso (Iso-coHom-coHomRed n)))
(homhelp n A)
coHomGroup≡coHomRedGroup : ∀ {ℓ} (n : ℕ) (A : Pointed ℓ)
→ coHomGroup (suc n) (typ A) ≡ coHomRedGroup (suc n) A
coHomGroup≡coHomRedGroup n A =
(coHomGroup (suc n) (typ A))
(isoToEquiv (invIso (Iso-coHom-coHomRed n)))
(homhelp n A)
module _ (n : ℕ) where
σ : {n : ℕ} → coHomK (suc n) → Path (coHomK (2 + n)) ∣ north ∣ ∣ north ∣
σ {n = n} = T.rec (isOfHLevelTrunc (4 + n) _ _)
λ a → cong ∣_∣ (merid a ∙ sym (merid (ptSn (suc n))))
σ-hom-helper : ∀ {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} {a : A} (p : a ≡ a) (r : refl ≡ p)
→ lUnit p ∙ cong (_∙ p) r ≡ rUnit p ∙ cong (p ∙_) r
σ-hom-helper p = J (λ p r → lUnit p ∙ cong (_∙ p) r ≡ rUnit p ∙ cong (p ∙_) r) refl
σ-hom : {n : ℕ} (x y : coHomK (suc n)) → σ (x +ₖ y) ≡ σ x ∙ σ y
σ-hom {n = zero} =
T.elim2 (λ _ _ → isOfHLevelPath 3 (isOfHLevelTrunc 4 _ _) _ _)
(wedgeconFun _ _
(λ _ _ → isOfHLevelTrunc 4 _ _ _ _)
(λ x → lUnit _
∙ cong (_∙ σ ∣ x ∣) (cong (cong ∣_∣) (sym (rCancel (merid base)))))
(λ y → cong σ (rUnitₖ 1 ∣ y ∣)
∙∙ rUnit _
∙∙ cong (σ ∣ y ∣ ∙_) (cong (cong ∣_∣) (sym (rCancel (merid base)))))
(sym (σ-hom-helper (σ ∣ base ∣) (cong (cong ∣_∣) (sym (rCancel (merid base)))))))
σ-hom {n = suc n} =
T.elim2 (λ _ _ → isOfHLevelPath (4 + n) (isOfHLevelTrunc (5 + n) _ _) _ _)
(wedgeconFun _ _ (λ _ _ → isOfHLevelPath ((2 + n) + (2 + n)) (wedgeConHLev' n) _ _)
(λ x → lUnit _
∙ cong (_∙ σ ∣ x ∣) (cong (cong ∣_∣) (sym (rCancel (merid north)))))
(λ y → cong σ (rUnitₖ (2 + n) ∣ y ∣)
∙∙ rUnit _
∙∙ cong (σ ∣ y ∣ ∙_) (cong (cong ∣_∣) (sym (rCancel (merid north)))))
(sym (σ-hom-helper (σ ∣ north ∣) (cong (cong ∣_∣) (sym (rCancel (merid north)))))))
σ-minusDistr : {n : ℕ} (x y : coHomK (suc n)) → σ (x -ₖ y) ≡ σ x ∙ sym (σ y)
σ-minusDistr {n = n} =
_+ₖ_ _∙_
σ σ-hom ∣ (ptSn (suc n)) ∣ refl
-ₖ_ sym
(λ x → sym (lUnit x)) (λ x → sym (rUnit x))
(rUnitₖ (suc n))
(lCancelₖ (suc n)) rCancel
(assocₖ (suc n)) assoc∙
(cong (cong ∣_∣) (rCancel (merid (ptSn (suc n)))))
Code : (n : ℕ) → coHomK (2 + n) → Type₀
Code n x = (T.rec {B = TypeOfHLevel ℓ-zero (3 + n)} (isOfHLevelTypeOfHLevel (3 + n))
λ a → Code' a , hLevCode' a) x .fst
Code' : (S₊ (2 + n)) → Type₀
Code' north = coHomK (suc n)
Code' south = coHomK (suc n)
Code' (merid a i) = isoToPath (addIso (suc n) ∣ a ∣) i
hLevCode' : (x : S₊ (2 + n)) → isOfHLevel (3 + n) (Code' x)
hLevCode' = suspToPropElim (ptSn (suc n)) (λ _ → isPropIsOfHLevel (3 + n)) (isOfHLevelTrunc (3 + n))
symMeridLem : (n : ℕ) → (x : S₊ (suc n)) (y : coHomK (suc n))
→ subst (Code n) (cong ∣_∣ (sym (merid x))) y ≡ y -ₖ ∣ x ∣
symMeridLem n x = T.elim (λ _ → isOfHLevelPath (3 + n) (isOfHLevelTrunc (3 + n)) _ _)
(λ y → cong (_-ₖ ∣ x ∣) (transportRefl ∣ y ∣))
decode : {n : ℕ} (x : coHomK (2 + n)) → Code n x → ∣ north ∣ ≡ x
decode {n = n} = T.elim (λ _ → isOfHLevelΠ (4 + n) λ _ → isOfHLevelPath (4 + n) (isOfHLevelTrunc (4 + n)) _ _)
north≡merid : (a : S₊ (suc n))
→ Path (coHomK (2 + n)) ∣ north ∣ ∣ north ∣
≡ (Path (coHomK (2 + n)) ∣ north ∣ ∣ south ∣)
north≡merid a i = Path (coHomK (2 + n)) ∣ north ∣ ∣ merid a i ∣
decode-elim : (a : S₊ (2 + n)) → Code n ∣ a ∣ → Path (coHomK (2 + n)) ∣ north ∣ ∣ a ∣
decode-elim north = σ
decode-elim south = T.rec (isOfHLevelTrunc (4 + n) _ _)
λ a → cong ∣_∣ (merid a)
decode-elim (merid a i) =
hcomp (λ k → λ { (i = i0) → σ
; (i = i1) → mainPath a k})
(funTypeTransp (Code n) (λ x → ∣ north ∣ ≡ x) (cong ∣_∣ (merid a)) σ i)
mainPath : (a : (S₊ (suc n))) →
transport (north≡merid a) ∘ σ ∘ transport (λ i → Code n ∣ merid a (~ i) ∣)
≡ T.rec (isOfHLevelTrunc (4 + n) _ _) λ a → cong ∣_∣ (merid a)
mainPath a = funExt (T.elim (λ _ → isOfHLevelPath (3 + n) (isOfHLevelTrunc (4 + n) _ _) _ _)
(λ x → (λ i → transport (north≡merid a) (σ (symMeridLem n a ∣ x ∣ i)))
∙∙ cong (transport (north≡merid a)) (-distrHelp x)
∙∙ (substAbove x)))
-distrHelp : (x : S₊ (suc n)) → σ (∣ x ∣ -ₖ ∣ a ∣) ≡ cong ∣_∣ (merid x) ∙ cong ∣_∣ (sym (merid a))
-distrHelp x =
σ-minusDistr ∣ x ∣ ∣ a ∣
∙ (λ i → (cong ∣_∣ (compPath-filler (merid x) (λ j → merid (ptSn (suc n)) (~ j ∨ i)) (~ i)))
∙ (cong ∣_∣ (sym (compPath-filler (merid a) (λ j → merid (ptSn (suc n)) (~ j ∨ i)) (~ i)))))
substAbove : (x : S₊ (suc n)) → transport (north≡merid a) (cong ∣_∣ (merid x) ∙ cong ∣_∣ (sym (merid a)))
≡ cong ∣_∣ (merid x)
substAbove x i = transp (λ j → north≡merid a (i ∨ j)) i
(compPath-filler (cong ∣_∣ (merid x)) (λ j → ∣ merid a (~ j ∨ i) ∣) (~ i))
encode : {n : ℕ} {x : coHomK (2 + n)} → Path (coHomK (2 + n)) ∣ north ∣ x → Code n x
encode {n = n} p = transport (cong (Code n) p) ∣ (ptSn (suc n)) ∣
decode-encode : {n : ℕ} {x : coHomK (2 + n)} (p : Path (coHomK (2 + n)) ∣ north ∣ x)
→ decode _ (encode p) ≡ p
decode-encode {n = n} =
J (λ y p → decode _ (encode p) ≡ p)
(cong (decode ∣ north ∣) (transportRefl ∣ ptSn (suc n) ∣)
∙ cong (cong ∣_∣) (rCancel (merid (ptSn (suc n)))))
hLevCode : {n : ℕ} (x : coHomK (2 + n)) → isOfHLevel (3 + n) (Code n x)
hLevCode {n = n} =
T.elim (λ _ → isProp→isOfHLevelSuc (3 + n) (isPropIsOfHLevel (3 + n)))
(sphereToPropElim _
(λ _ → (isPropIsOfHLevel (3 + n))) (isOfHLevelTrunc (3 + n)))
Code-add' : {n : ℕ} (x : _) → Code n ∣ north ∣ → Code n ∣ x ∣ → Code n ∣ x ∣
Code-add' {n = n} north = _+ₖ_
Code-add' {n = n} south = _+ₖ_
Code-add' {n = n} (merid a i) = helper n a i
help : (n : ℕ) → (x y a : S₊ (suc n))
→ transport (λ i → Code n ∣ north ∣ → Code n ∣ merid a i ∣ → Code n ∣ merid a i ∣)
(_+ₖ_) ∣ x ∣ ∣ y ∣
≡ ∣ x ∣ +ₖ ∣ y ∣
help n x y a =
(λ i → transportRefl ((∣ transportRefl x i ∣ +ₖ (∣ transportRefl y i ∣ -ₖ ∣ a ∣)) +ₖ ∣ a ∣) i)
∙∙ cong (_+ₖ ∣ a ∣) (assocₖ _ ∣ x ∣ ∣ y ∣ (-ₖ ∣ a ∣))
∙∙ sym (assocₖ _ (∣ x ∣ +ₖ ∣ y ∣) (-ₖ ∣ a ∣) ∣ a ∣)
∙∙ cong ((∣ x ∣ +ₖ ∣ y ∣) +ₖ_) (lCancelₖ _ ∣ a ∣)
∙∙ rUnitₖ _ _
helper : (n : ℕ) (a : S₊ (suc n))
→ PathP (λ i → Code n ∣ north ∣ → Code n ∣ merid a i ∣ → Code n ∣ merid a i ∣) _+ₖ_ _+ₖ_
helper n a =
toPathP (funExt
(T.elim (λ _ → isOfHLevelPath (3 + n) (isOfHLevelΠ (3 + n) (λ _ → isOfHLevelTrunc (3 + n))) _ _)
λ x → funExt
(T.elim (λ _ → isOfHLevelPath (3 + n) (isOfHLevelTrunc (3 + n)) _ _)
λ y → help n x y a)))
Code-add : {n : ℕ} (x : _) → Code n ∣ north ∣ → Code n x → Code n x
Code-add {n = n} =
T.elim (λ x → isOfHLevelΠ (4 + n) λ _ → isOfHLevelΠ (4 + n) λ _ → isOfHLevelSuc (3 + n) (hLevCode {n = n} x))
encode-hom : {n : ℕ} {x : _} (q : 0ₖ _ ≡ 0ₖ _) (p : 0ₖ _ ≡ x)
→ encode (q ∙ p) ≡ Code-add {n = n} x (encode q) (encode p)
encode-hom {n = n} q = J (λ x p → encode (q ∙ p) ≡ Code-add {n = n} x (encode q) (encode p))
(cong encode (sym (rUnit q))
∙∙ sym (rUnitₖ _ (encode q))
∙∙ cong (encode q +ₖ_) (cong ∣_∣ (sym (transportRefl _))))
stabSpheres : (n : ℕ) → Iso (coHomK (suc n)) (typ (Ω (coHomK-ptd (2 + n))))
fun (stabSpheres n) = decode _
inv' (stabSpheres n) = encode
rightInv (stabSpheres n) p = decode-encode p
leftInv (stabSpheres n) =
T.elim (λ _ → isOfHLevelPath (3 + n) (isOfHLevelTrunc (3 + n)) _ _)
λ a → cong encode (congFunct ∣_∣ (merid a) (sym (merid (ptSn (suc n)))))
∙∙ (λ i → transport (congFunct (Code n) (cong ∣_∣ (merid a))
(cong ∣_∣ (sym (merid (ptSn (suc n))))) i) ∣ ptSn (suc n) ∣)
∙∙ (substComposite (λ x → x)
(cong (Code n) (cong ∣_∣ (merid a)))
(cong (Code n) (cong ∣_∣ (sym (merid (ptSn (suc n)))))) ∣ ptSn (suc n) ∣
∙∙ cong (transport (λ i → Code n ∣ merid (ptSn (suc n)) (~ i) ∣))
(transportRefl (∣ (ptSn (suc n)) ∣ +ₖ ∣ a ∣) ∙ lUnitₖ (suc n) ∣ a ∣)
∙∙ symMeridLem n (ptSn (suc n)) ∣ a ∣
∙∙ cong (∣ a ∣ +ₖ_) -0ₖ
∙∙ rUnitₖ (suc n) ∣ a ∣)
Iso-Kn-ΩKn+1 : (n : HLevel) → Iso (coHomK n) (typ (Ω (coHomK-ptd (suc n))))
Iso-Kn-ΩKn+1 zero = invIso (compIso (congIso (truncIdempotentIso _ isGroupoidS¹)) ΩS¹Isoℤ)
Iso-Kn-ΩKn+1 (suc n) = stabSpheres n
Kn≃ΩKn+1 : {n : ℕ} → coHomK n ≃ typ (Ω (coHomK-ptd (suc n)))
Kn≃ΩKn+1 {n = n} = isoToEquiv (Iso-Kn-ΩKn+1 n)
Kn→ΩKn+1 : (n : ℕ) → coHomK n → typ (Ω (coHomK-ptd (suc n)))
Kn→ΩKn+1 n = Iso.fun (Iso-Kn-ΩKn+1 n)
ΩKn+1→Kn : (n : ℕ) → typ (Ω (coHomK-ptd (suc n))) → coHomK n
ΩKn+1→Kn n = Iso.inv (Iso-Kn-ΩKn+1 n)
Kn→ΩKn+10ₖ : (n : ℕ) → Kn→ΩKn+1 n (0ₖ n) ≡ refl
Kn→ΩKn+10ₖ zero = sym (rUnit refl)
Kn→ΩKn+10ₖ (suc n) i j = ∣ (rCancel (merid (ptSn (suc n))) i j) ∣
ΩKn+1→Kn-refl : (n : ℕ) → ΩKn+1→Kn n refl ≡ 0ₖ n
ΩKn+1→Kn-refl zero = refl
ΩKn+1→Kn-refl (suc zero) = refl
ΩKn+1→Kn-refl (suc (suc n)) = refl
Kn≃ΩKn+1∙ : {n : ℕ} → coHomK-ptd n ≡ (Ω (coHomK-ptd (suc n)))
Kn≃ΩKn+1∙ {n = n} = ua∙ Kn≃ΩKn+1 (Kn→ΩKn+10ₖ n)
Kn→ΩKn+1-hom : (n : ℕ) (x y : coHomK n) → Kn→ΩKn+1 n (x +[ n ]ₖ y) ≡ Kn→ΩKn+1 n x ∙ Kn→ΩKn+1 n y
Kn→ΩKn+1-hom zero x y = (λ j i → hfill (doubleComp-faces (λ i₁ → ∣ base ∣) (λ _ → ∣ base ∣) i)
(inS (∣ intLoop (x ℤ+ y) i ∣)) (~ j))
∙∙ (λ j i → ∣ intLoop-hom x y (~ j) i ∣)
∙∙ (congFunct ∣_∣ (intLoop x) (intLoop y)
∙ cong₂ _∙_ (λ j i → hfill (doubleComp-faces (λ i₁ → ∣ base ∣) (λ _ → ∣ base ∣) i)
(inS (∣ intLoop x i ∣)) j)
λ j i → hfill (doubleComp-faces (λ i₁ → ∣ base ∣) (λ _ → ∣ base ∣) i)
(inS (∣ intLoop y i ∣)) j)
Kn→ΩKn+1-hom (suc n) = σ-hom
ΩKn+1→Kn-hom : (n : ℕ) (x y : Path (coHomK (suc n)) (0ₖ _) (0ₖ _))
→ ΩKn+1→Kn n (x ∙ y) ≡ ΩKn+1→Kn n x +[ n ]ₖ ΩKn+1→Kn n y
ΩKn+1→Kn-hom zero p q =
cong winding (congFunct (T.rec isGroupoidS¹ (λ x → x)) p q)
∙ winding-hom (cong (T.rec isGroupoidS¹ (λ x → x)) p) (cong (T.rec isGroupoidS¹ (λ x → x)) q)
ΩKn+1→Kn-hom (suc n) = encode-hom
Kn→ΩKn+1-ₖ : (n : ℕ) (x : coHomK n) → Kn→ΩKn+1 n (-ₖ x) ≡ sym (Kn→ΩKn+1 n x)
Kn→ΩKn+1-ₖ n x =
lUnit _
∙∙ cong (_∙ Kn→ΩKn+1 n (-ₖ x)) (sym (lCancel _))
∙∙ sym (assoc∙ _ _ _)
∙∙ cong (sym (Kn→ΩKn+1 n x) ∙_) help
∙∙ sym (rUnit _)
help : Kn→ΩKn+1 n x ∙ Kn→ΩKn+1 n (-ₖ x) ≡ refl
help = sym (Kn→ΩKn+1-hom n x (-ₖ x)) ∙∙ cong (Kn→ΩKn+1 n) (rCancelₖ n x) ∙∙ Kn→ΩKn+10ₖ n
isHomogeneousKn : (n : HLevel) → isHomogeneous (coHomK-ptd n)
isHomogeneousKn n =
subst isHomogeneous
(sym (ΣPathP (ua Kn≃ΩKn+1 , ua-gluePath _ (Kn→ΩKn+10ₖ n))))
(isHomogeneousPath _ _)
open IsGroupHom
coHom≅coHomΩ : ∀ {ℓ} (n : ℕ) (A : Type ℓ) → GroupIso (coHomGr n A) (coHomGrΩ n A)
fun (fst (coHom≅coHomΩ n A)) = ST.map λ f a → Kn→ΩKn+1 n (f a)
inv' (fst (coHom≅coHomΩ n A)) = ST.map λ f a → ΩKn+1→Kn n (f a)
rightInv (fst (coHom≅coHomΩ n A)) =
ST.elim (λ _ → isOfHLevelPath 2 § _ _)
λ f → cong ∣_∣₂ (funExt λ x → rightInv (Iso-Kn-ΩKn+1 n) (f x))
leftInv (fst (coHom≅coHomΩ n A)) =
ST.elim (λ _ → isOfHLevelPath 2 § _ _)
λ f → cong ∣_∣₂ (funExt λ x → leftInv (Iso-Kn-ΩKn+1 n) (f x))
snd (coHom≅coHomΩ n A) =
(ST.elim2 (λ _ _ → isOfHLevelPath 2 § _ _)
λ f g → cong ∣_∣₂ (funExt λ x → Kn→ΩKn+1-hom n (f x) (g x)))
module lockedKnIso (key : Unit') where
Kn→ΩKn+1' : (n : ℕ) → coHomK n → typ (Ω (coHomK-ptd (suc n)))
Kn→ΩKn+1' n = lock key (Iso.fun (Iso-Kn-ΩKn+1 n))
ΩKn+1→Kn' : (n : ℕ) → typ (Ω (coHomK-ptd (suc n))) → coHomK n
ΩKn+1→Kn' n = lock key (Iso.inv (Iso-Kn-ΩKn+1 n))
ΩKn+1→Kn→ΩKn+1 : (n : ℕ) → (x : typ (Ω (coHomK-ptd (suc n)))) → Kn→ΩKn+1' n (ΩKn+1→Kn' n x) ≡ x
ΩKn+1→Kn→ΩKn+1 n x = pm key
pm : (key : Unit') → lock key (Iso.fun (Iso-Kn-ΩKn+1 n)) (lock key (Iso.inv (Iso-Kn-ΩKn+1 n)) x) ≡ x
pm unlock = Iso.rightInv (Iso-Kn-ΩKn+1 n) x
Kn→ΩKn+1→Kn : (n : ℕ) → (x : coHomK n) → ΩKn+1→Kn' n (Kn→ΩKn+1' n x) ≡ x
Kn→ΩKn+1→Kn n x = pm key
pm : (key : Unit') → lock key (Iso.inv (Iso-Kn-ΩKn+1 n)) (lock key (Iso.fun (Iso-Kn-ΩKn+1 n)) x) ≡ x
pm unlock = Iso.leftInv (Iso-Kn-ΩKn+1 n) x
-distrLemma : ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ} {B : Type ℓ'} (n m : ℕ) (f : GroupHom (coHomGr n A) (coHomGr m B))
(x y : coHom n A)
→ fst f (x -[ n ]ₕ y) ≡ fst f x -[ m ]ₕ fst f y
-distrLemma n m f' x y = sym (-cancelRₕ m (f y) (f (x -[ n ]ₕ y)))
∙∙ cong (λ x → x -[ m ]ₕ f y) (sym (f' .snd .pres· (x -[ n ]ₕ y) y))
∙∙ cong (λ x → x -[ m ]ₕ f y) ( cong f (-+cancelₕ n _ _))
f = fst f'
isContr-↓∙ : (n : ℕ) → isContr (coHomK-ptd (suc n) →∙ coHomK-ptd n)
fst (isContr-↓∙ zero) = (λ _ → 0) , refl
snd (isContr-↓∙ zero) (f , p) =
Σ≡Prop (λ f → isSetℤ _ _)
(funExt (T.elim (λ _ → isOfHLevelPath 3 (isOfHLevelSuc 2 isSetℤ) _ _)
(toPropElim (λ _ → isSetℤ _ _) (sym p))))
fst (isContr-↓∙ (suc n)) = (λ _ → 0ₖ _) , refl
fst (snd (isContr-↓∙ (suc n)) f i) x =
T.elim {B = λ x → 0ₖ (suc n) ≡ fst f x}
(λ _ → isOfHLevelPath (4 + n) (isOfHLevelSuc (3 + n) (isOfHLevelTrunc (3 + n))) _ _)
(sphereElim _ (λ _ → isOfHLevelTrunc (3 + n) _ _)
(sym (snd f))) x i
snd (snd (isContr-↓∙ (suc n)) f i) j = snd f (~ i ∨ j)
isContr-↓∙' : (n : ℕ) → isContr (S₊∙ (suc n) →∙ coHomK-ptd n)
fst (isContr-↓∙' zero) = (λ _ → 0) , refl
snd (isContr-↓∙' zero) (f , p) =
Σ≡Prop (λ f → isSetℤ _ _)
(funExt (toPropElim (λ _ → isSetℤ _ _) (sym p)))
fst (isContr-↓∙' (suc n)) = (λ _ → 0ₖ _) , refl
fst (snd (isContr-↓∙' (suc n)) f i) x =
sphereElim _ {A = λ x → 0ₖ (suc n) ≡ fst f x}
(λ _ → isOfHLevelTrunc (3 + n) _ _)
(sym (snd f)) x i
snd (snd (isContr-↓∙' (suc n)) f i) j = snd f (~ i ∨ j)
isOfHLevel→∙Kn : {A : Pointed₀} (n m : ℕ)
→ isOfHLevel (suc m) (A →∙ coHomK-ptd n) → isOfHLevel (suc (suc m)) (A →∙ coHomK-ptd (suc n))
isOfHLevel→∙Kn {A = A} n m hlev = step₃
step₁ : isOfHLevel (suc m) (A →∙ Ω (coHomK-ptd (suc n)))
step₁ =
subst (isOfHLevel (suc m))
(λ i → A →∙ ua∙ {A = Ω (coHomK-ptd (suc n))} {B = coHomK-ptd n}
(invEquiv Kn≃ΩKn+1)
(ΩKn+1→Kn-refl n) (~ i)) hlev
step₂ : isOfHLevel (suc m) (typ (Ω (A →∙ coHomK-ptd (suc n) ∙)))
step₂ = isOfHLevelRetractFromIso (suc m) (invIso (invIso (ΩfunExtIso _ _))) step₁
step₃ : isOfHLevel (suc (suc m)) (A →∙ coHomK-ptd (suc n))
step₃ =
isOfHLevelΩ→isOfHLevel m
λ f → subst (λ x → isOfHLevel (suc m) (typ (Ω x)))
(isHomogeneous→∙ (isHomogeneousKn (suc n)) f)
isOfHLevel↑∙ : ∀ n m → isOfHLevel (2 + n) (coHomK-ptd (suc m) →∙ coHomK-ptd (suc (n + m)))
isOfHLevel↑∙ zero m = isOfHLevel→∙Kn m 0 (isContr→isProp (isContr-↓∙ m))
isOfHLevel↑∙ (suc n) m = isOfHLevel→∙Kn (suc (n + m)) (suc n) (isOfHLevel↑∙ n m)
isOfHLevel↑∙' : ∀ n m → isOfHLevel (2 + n) (S₊∙ (suc m) →∙ coHomK-ptd (suc (n + m)))
isOfHLevel↑∙' zero m = isOfHLevel→∙Kn m 0 (isContr→isProp (isContr-↓∙' m))
isOfHLevel↑∙' (suc n) m = isOfHLevel→∙Kn (suc (n + m)) (suc n) (isOfHLevel↑∙' n m)
→∙KnPath : (A : Pointed₀) (n : ℕ) → Ω (A →∙ coHomK-ptd (suc n) ∙) ≡ (A →∙ coHomK-ptd n ∙)
→∙KnPath A n =
ua∙ (isoToEquiv (ΩfunExtIso A (coHomK-ptd (suc n)))) refl
∙ (λ i → (A →∙ Kn≃ΩKn+1∙ {n = n} (~ i) ∙))
contr∙-lem : (n m : ℕ)
→ isContr (coHomK-ptd (suc n)
→∙ (coHomK-ptd (suc m)
→∙ coHomK-ptd (suc (n + m)) ∙))
fst (contr∙-lem n m) = (λ _ → (λ _ → 0ₖ _) , refl) , refl
snd (contr∙-lem n m) (f , p) = →∙Homogeneous≡ (isHomogeneous→∙ (isHomogeneousKn _)) (sym (funExt help))
help : (x : _) → (f x) ≡ ((λ _ → 0ₖ _) , refl)
help =
T.elim (λ _ → isOfHLevelPath (3 + n)
(subst (λ x → isOfHLevel x (coHomK-ptd (suc m) →∙ coHomK-ptd (suc (n + m)))) (λ i → suc (suc (+-comm n 1 i)))
(isOfHLevelPlus' {n = 1} (2 + n) (isOfHLevel↑∙ n m))) _ _)
(sphereElim _ (λ _ → isOfHLevel↑∙ n m _ _) p)
isOfHLevel↑∙∙ : ∀ n m l
→ isOfHLevel (2 + l) (coHomK-ptd (suc n)
→∙ (coHomK-ptd (suc m)
→∙ coHomK-ptd (suc (suc (l + n + m))) ∙))
isOfHLevel↑∙∙ n m zero =
isOfHLevelΩ→isOfHLevel 0 λ f
→ subst
isProp (cong (λ x → typ (Ω x))
(isHomogeneous→∙ (isHomogeneous→∙ (isHomogeneousKn _)) f))
(isOfHLevelRetractFromIso 1 (ΩfunExtIso _ _) h)
h : isProp (coHomK-ptd (suc n)
→∙ (Ω (coHomK-ptd (suc m)
→∙ coHomK-ptd (suc (suc (n + m))) ∙)))
h =
subst isProp (λ i → coHomK-ptd (suc n) →∙ (→∙KnPath (coHomK-ptd (suc m)) (suc (n + m)) (~ i)))
(isContr→isProp (contr∙-lem n m))
isOfHLevel↑∙∙ n m (suc l) =
isOfHLevelΩ→isOfHLevel (suc l)
λ f →
(isOfHLevel (2 + l)) (cong (λ x → typ (Ω x))
(isHomogeneous→∙ (isHomogeneous→∙ (isHomogeneousKn _)) f))
(isOfHLevelRetractFromIso (2 + l) (ΩfunExtIso _ _) h)
h : isOfHLevel (2 + l)
(coHomK-ptd (suc n)
→∙ (Ω (coHomK-ptd (suc m)
→∙ coHomK-ptd (suc (suc (suc (l + n + m)))) ∙)))
h =
subst (isOfHLevel (2 + l))
(λ i → coHomK-ptd (suc n) →∙ →∙KnPath (coHomK-ptd (suc m)) (suc (suc (l + n + m))) (~ i))
(isOfHLevel↑∙∙ n m l)
isoType→isoCohom : {A : Type ℓ} {B : Type ℓ'} (n : ℕ)
→ Iso A B
→ GroupIso (coHomGr n A) (coHomGr n B)
fst (isoType→isoCohom n is) = setTruncIso (domIso is)
snd (isoType→isoCohom n is) =
makeIsGroupHom (ST.elim2 (λ _ _ → isOfHLevelPath 2 squash₂ _ _)
(λ _ _ → refl))
transportCohomIso : {A : Type ℓ} {n m : ℕ}
→ (p : n ≡ m)
→ GroupIso (coHomGr n A) (coHomGr m A)
Iso.fun (fst (transportCohomIso {A = A} p)) = subst (λ n → coHom n A) p
Iso.inv (fst (transportCohomIso {A = A} p)) = subst (λ n → coHom n A) (sym p)
Iso.rightInv (fst (transportCohomIso p)) =
transportTransport⁻ (cong (\ n → coHomGr n _ .fst) p)
Iso.leftInv (fst (transportCohomIso p)) =
transportTransport⁻ (cong (\ n → coHomGr n _ .fst) (sym p))
snd (transportCohomIso {A = A} {n = n} {m = m} p) =
makeIsGroupHom (λ x y → help x y p)
help : (x y : coHom n A) (p : n ≡ m)
→ subst (λ n → coHom n A) p (x +ₕ y)
≡ subst (λ n → coHom n A) p x +ₕ subst (λ n → coHom n A) p y
help x y =
J (λ m p → subst (λ n → coHom n A) p (x +ₕ y)
≡ subst (λ n → coHom n A) p x +ₕ subst (λ n → coHom n A) p y)
(transportRefl (x +ₕ y)
∙ cong₂ _+ₕ_ (sym (transportRefl x)) (sym (transportRefl y)))