  General lemmas about morphisms (defined as loosely as possible)
{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Functions.Morphism where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism

open Iso
module ax { : Level} (A : Type ) (_+A_ : A  A  A) (a₀ : A) where
  rUnit = (a : A)  a +A a₀  a
  lUnit = (a : A)  a₀ +A a  a

  rCancel : (-A_ : A  A)  Type 
  rCancel -A_ = (a : A)  a +A (-A a)  a₀

  lCancel : (-A_ : A  A)  Type 
  lCancel -A_ = (a : A)  (-A a) +A a  a₀

  assoc = (x y z : A)  x +A (y +A z)  ((x +A y) +A z)

  comm = (x y : A)  x +A y  y +A x

module morphLemmas { ℓ' : Level} {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'}
         (_+A_ : A  A  A) (_+B_ : B  B  B)
         (f : A  B) (f-hom : (x y : A)  f (x +A y)  f x +B f y)

  0↦0 : (a₀ : A) (b₀ : B) (-A_ : A  A) (-B_ : B  B)
       ax.rUnit A _+A_ a₀
       ax.rUnit B _+B_ b₀
       ax.rCancel B _+B_ b₀ -B_
       ax.assoc B _+B_ b₀
       f a₀  b₀
  0↦0 a₀ b₀ -A_ -B_ rUnitA rUnitB rCancelB assocB =
       sym (rUnitB (f a₀))
    ∙∙ cong (f a₀ +B_) (sym (rCancelB (f a₀)))
    ∙∙ assocB (f a₀) (f a₀) (-B f a₀)
    ∙∙ sym (cong (_+B (-B f a₀)) (cong f (sym (rUnitA a₀))  f-hom a₀ a₀))
    ∙∙ rCancelB (f a₀)

  distrMinus : (a₀ : A) (b₀ : B) (-A_ : A  A) (-B_ : B  B)
             ax.lUnit B _+B_ b₀
             ax.rUnit B _+B_ b₀
             ax.lCancel A _+A_ a₀ -A_
             ax.rCancel B _+B_ b₀ -B_
             ax.assoc B _+B_ b₀
             (0↦0 : f a₀  b₀)
             (x : A)  f (-A x)  -B (f x)
  distrMinus a₀ b₀ -A_ -B_ lUnitB rUnitB lCancelA rCancelB assocB 0↦0 x =
       sym (rUnitB _)
    ∙∙ cong (f (-A x) +B_) (sym (rCancelB (f x)))
    ∙∙ assocB _ _ _
    ∙∙ cong (_+B (-B (f x))) (sym (f-hom (-A x) x) ∙∙ cong f (lCancelA x) ∙∙ 0↦0)
    ∙∙ lUnitB _

  distrMinus' : (a₀ : A) (b₀ : B) (-A_ : A  A) (-B_ : B  B)
              ax.lUnit B _+B_ b₀
              ax.rUnit B _+B_ b₀
              ax.rUnit A _+A_ a₀
              ax.lCancel A _+A_ a₀ -A_
              ax.rCancel B _+B_ b₀ -B_
              ax.assoc A _+A_ a₀
              ax.assoc B _+B_ b₀
              f a₀  b₀ -- not really needed, but it can be useful to specify the proof yourself
              (x y : A)
              f (x +A (-A y))  (f x +B (-B (f y)))
  distrMinus' a₀ b₀ -A_ -B_ lUnitB rUnitB rUnitA lCancelA rCancelB assocA assocB 0↦0 x y =
       sym (rUnitB _)
    ∙∙ cong (f (x +A (-A y)) +B_) (sym (rCancelB (f y)))  assocB _ _ _
    ∙∙ cong (_+B (-B f y)) (sym (f-hom (x +A (-A y)) y)
                           cong f (sym (assocA x (-A y) y)
                                 ∙∙ cong (x +A_) (lCancelA y)
                                 ∙∙ rUnitA x))

  isMorphInv :  (g : B  A)  section f g  retract f g
              (x y : B)
              (g (x +B y)  (g x +A g y))
  isMorphInv g sect retr x y =
       cong g (cong₂ _+B_ (sym (sect x)) (sym (sect y)))
    ∙∙ cong g (sym (f-hom (g x) (g y)))
    ∙∙ retr (g x +A g y)