{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.HITs.Wedge.Properties where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Unit
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as 

open import Cubical.HITs.Pushout.Base
open import Cubical.HITs.Wedge.Base
open import Cubical.HITs.Susp
open import Cubical.HITs.Pushout

open import Cubical.Homotopy.Loopspace

     ℓ' ℓ'' : Level

-- commutativity
⋁-commFun : {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'}
   A  B  B  A
⋁-commFun (inl x) = inr x
⋁-commFun (inr x) = inl x
⋁-commFun (push a i) = push a (~ i)

⋁-commFun² : {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'}
   (x : A  B)  ⋁-commFun (⋁-commFun x)  x
⋁-commFun² (inl x) = refl
⋁-commFun² (inr x) = refl
⋁-commFun² (push a i) = refl

⋁-commIso : {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'}
   Iso (A  B) (B  A)
Iso.fun ⋁-commIso = ⋁-commFun
Iso.inv ⋁-commIso = ⋁-commFun
Iso.rightInv ⋁-commIso = ⋁-commFun²
Iso.leftInv ⋁-commIso = ⋁-commFun²

-- cofibre of A --inl→ A ⋁ B is B
cofibInl-⋁ : {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'}
   Iso (cofib {B = A  B} inl) (fst B)
Iso.fun (cofibInl-⋁ {B = B}) (inl x) = pt B
Iso.fun (cofibInl-⋁ {B = B}) (inr (inl x)) = pt B
Iso.fun cofibInl-⋁ (inr (inr x)) = x
Iso.fun (cofibInl-⋁ {B = B}) (inr (push a i)) = pt B
Iso.fun (cofibInl-⋁ {B = B}) (push a i) = pt B
Iso.inv cofibInl-⋁ x = inr (inr x)
Iso.rightInv cofibInl-⋁ x = refl
Iso.leftInv (cofibInl-⋁ {A = A}) (inl x) =
   i  inr (push tt (~ i)))  sym (push (pt A))
Iso.leftInv (cofibInl-⋁ {A = A}) (inr (inl x)) =
  ((λ i  inr (push tt (~ i)))  sym (push (pt A)))  push x
Iso.leftInv cofibInl-⋁ (inr (inr x)) = refl
Iso.leftInv (cofibInl-⋁ {A = A}) (inr (push a i)) j =
  help  i  inr (push tt (~ i))) (sym (push (pt A))) (~ i) j
  help :  {} {A : Type } {x y z : A} (p : x  y) (q : y  z)
     Square refl ((p  q)  sym q) refl p
  help p q =
     i j  p (i  j))
     (rUnit p
    ∙∙ cong (p ∙_) (sym (rCancel q))
    ∙∙ assoc p q (sym q))
Iso.leftInv (cofibInl-⋁ {A = A}) (push a i) j =
    ((λ i  inr (push tt (~ i)))  sym (push (pt A)))
    (push a) i j

-- cofibre of B --inl→ A ⋁ B is A
cofibInr-⋁ : {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'}
   Iso (cofib {B = A  B} inr) (fst A)
cofibInr-⋁ {A = A} {B = B} =
  compIso (pushoutIso _ _ _ _
            (idEquiv _)
            (idEquiv Unit)
            (isoToEquiv ⋁-commIso)
            refl refl)
          (cofibInl-⋁ {A = B} {B = A})

-- A ⋁ Unit ≃ A ≃ Unit ⋁ A
⋁-rUnitIso : {A : Pointed }  Iso (A  Unit*∙ {ℓ'}) (fst A)
Iso.fun ⋁-rUnitIso (inl x) = x
Iso.fun (⋁-rUnitIso {A = A}) (inr x) = pt A
Iso.fun (⋁-rUnitIso {A = A}) (push a i) = pt A
Iso.inv ⋁-rUnitIso = inl
Iso.rightInv ⋁-rUnitIso x = refl
Iso.leftInv ⋁-rUnitIso (inl x) = refl
Iso.leftInv ⋁-rUnitIso (inr x) = push tt
Iso.leftInv ⋁-rUnitIso (push tt i) j = push tt (i  j)

⋁-lUnitIso : {A : Pointed }  Iso (Unit*∙ {ℓ'}  A) (fst A)
⋁-lUnitIso = compIso ⋁-commIso ⋁-rUnitIso

-- cofiber of constant function
module _ {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'} where
  cofibConst→⋁ : cofib (const∙ A B .fst)  Susp∙ (fst A)  B
  cofibConst→⋁ (inl x) = inl north
  cofibConst→⋁ (inr x) = inr x
  cofibConst→⋁ (push a i) = ((λ i  inl (toSusp A a i))  push tt) i

  ⋁→cofibConst : Susp∙ (fst A)  B  cofib (const∙ A B .fst)
  ⋁→cofibConst (inl north) = inl tt
  ⋁→cofibConst (inl south) = inr (pt B)
  ⋁→cofibConst (inl (merid a i)) = push a i
  ⋁→cofibConst (inr x) = inr x
  ⋁→cofibConst (push a i) = push (pt A) i

  cofibConst-⋁-Iso : Iso (cofib (const∙ A B .fst))
                     (Susp∙ (fst A)  B)
  Iso.fun cofibConst-⋁-Iso = cofibConst→⋁
  Iso.inv cofibConst-⋁-Iso = ⋁→cofibConst
  Iso.rightInv cofibConst-⋁-Iso (inl north) = refl
  Iso.rightInv cofibConst-⋁-Iso (inl south) =
    sym (push tt)  λ i  inl (merid (pt A) i)
  Iso.rightInv cofibConst-⋁-Iso (inl (merid a i)) j =
    hcomp  k 
      λ {(i = i0)  inl (compPath-filler (merid a) (sym (merid (pt A))) (~ j) (~ k))
       ; (i = i1)  (sym (push tt)  λ i  inl (merid (pt A) i)) j
       ; (j = i0)  compPath-filler'  i  inl (toSusp A a i)) (push tt) k i
       ; (j = i1)  inl (merid a (~ k  i))})
    (compPath-filler' (sym (push tt))  i  inl (merid (pt A) i)) i j)
  Iso.rightInv cofibConst-⋁-Iso (inr x) = refl
  Iso.rightInv cofibConst-⋁-Iso (push tt i) j =
      (cong (_∙ push tt)  i j   inl (rCancel (merid (pt A)) i j))
     sym (lUnit _)) j i
  Iso.leftInv cofibConst-⋁-Iso (inl x) = refl
  Iso.leftInv cofibConst-⋁-Iso (inr x) = refl
  Iso.leftInv cofibConst-⋁-Iso (push a i) j = help j i
    help : cong ⋁→cofibConst (((λ i  inl (toSusp A a i))  push tt))  push a
    help = cong-∙ ⋁→cofibConst  i  inl (toSusp A a i)) (push tt)
          cong₂ _∙_ (cong-∙ (⋁→cofibConst  inl) (merid a) (sym (merid (pt A)))) refl
          sym (assoc _ _ _)
          cong (push a ∙_) (lCancel (push (pt A)))
          sym (rUnit _)

  cofibConst-⋁-Iso' : (f : A →∙ B)  ((x : fst A)  fst f x  pt B)
               Iso (cofib (fst f)) ((Susp∙ (fst A)  B))
  cofibConst-⋁-Iso' f d =
    compIso (pushoutIso _ _ _ _
              (idEquiv _) (idEquiv _) (idEquiv _) refl (funExt d))

-- Susp (⋁ᵢ Aᵢ) ≃ ⋁ᵢ (Susp Aᵢ)
  Bouquet→ΩBouquetSusp-filler : (A : Type ) (B : A  Pointed ℓ')
     (a : _)  (i j k : I)  ⋁gen A  a  Susp∙ (fst (B a)))
  Bouquet→ΩBouquetSusp-filler A B a i j k =
    hfill  k  λ {(i = i0)  inl tt
                   ; (i = i1)  doubleCompPath-filler
                                  (push a)
                                   i  inr (a
                                        , rCancel' (merid (snd (B a))) (~ k) i))
                                  (sym (push a)) k j
                   ; (j = i0)  push a (~ k  i)
                   ; (j = i1)  push a (~ k  i)})
          (inS (push a i))

Bouquet→ΩBouquetSusp : (A : Type ) (B : A  Pointed ℓ')
   ⋁gen A B  Ω (⋁gen∙ A  a  Susp∙ (fst (B a)))) .fst
Bouquet→ΩBouquetSusp A B (inl x) = refl
Bouquet→ΩBouquetSusp A B (inr (a , b)) =
  (push a ∙∙  i  inr (a , toSusp (B a) b i)) ∙∙ sym (push a))
Bouquet→ΩBouquetSusp A B (push a i) j = Bouquet→ΩBouquetSusp-filler A B a i j i1

SuspBouquet→Bouquet : (A : Type ) (B : A  Pointed ℓ')
   Susp (⋁gen A B)  ⋁gen A  a  Susp∙ (fst (B a)))
SuspBouquet→Bouquet A B north = inl tt
SuspBouquet→Bouquet A B south = inl tt
SuspBouquet→Bouquet A B (merid a i) = Bouquet→ΩBouquetSusp A B a i

Bouquet→SuspBouquet : (A : Type ) (B : A  Pointed ℓ')
   ⋁gen A  a  Susp∙ (fst (B a)))  Susp (⋁gen A B)
Bouquet→SuspBouquet A B (inl x) = north
Bouquet→SuspBouquet A B (inr (a , north)) = north
Bouquet→SuspBouquet A B (inr (a , south)) = south
Bouquet→SuspBouquet A B (inr (a , merid b i)) = merid (inr (a , b)) i
Bouquet→SuspBouquet A B (push a i) = north

SuspBouquet-Bouquet-cancel : (A : Type ) (B : A  Pointed ℓ')
     section (SuspBouquet→Bouquet A B) (Bouquet→SuspBouquet A B)
     × retract (SuspBouquet→Bouquet A B) (Bouquet→SuspBouquet A B)
SuspBouquet-Bouquet-cancel A B = sec , ret
    sec : section (SuspBouquet→Bouquet A B) (Bouquet→SuspBouquet A B)
    sec (inl tt) i = inl tt
    sec (inr (a , north)) = push a
    sec (inr (a , south)) =
         (push a)
      ∙∙  i  inr (a , merid (pt (B a)) i))
      ∙∙  i  inr (a , south))
    sec (inr (a , merid b j)) i =
      hcomp  k  λ {(~ i  j = i1)  push a (~ k)
                     ; (i = i1)  inr (a , merid b j)
                     ; (j = i0)  push a (i  (~ k)) })
            (inr (a , (hcomp  k  λ {(i = i1)  merid b j
                            ; (j = i0)  north
                            ; (j = i1)  merid (pt (B a)) (i  (~ k))})
                   (merid b j))))
    sec (push a j) i = push a (i  j)

    module _ (a : A) (b : fst (B a)) (i j : I) where
      ret-fill₁ : I   Susp (⋁gen A B)
      ret-fill₁ k =
        hfill  k  λ {(j = i0)  north
                       ; (j = i1)  merid (inr (a , pt (B a))) ((~ k)  i)
                       ; (i = i0)  Bouquet→SuspBouquet A B
                                      (inr (a , compPath-filler (merid b)
                                                 (sym (merid (pt (B a)))) k j))
                       ; (i = i1)  merid (inr (a , b)) j})
              (inS (merid (inr (a , b)) j)) k

      ret-fill₂ : I  Susp (⋁gen A B)
      ret-fill₂ k =
        hfill  k  λ {(j = i0)  north
                     ; (j = i1)  merid (push a (~ k)) i
                     ; (i = i0)  Bouquet→SuspBouquet A B
                                    (doubleCompPath-filler (push a)
                                      i  inr (a , toSusp (B a) b i))
                                     (sym (push a)) k j)
                     ; (i = i1)  merid (inr (a , b)) j})
               (inS (ret-fill₁ i1)) k

    ret : retract (SuspBouquet→Bouquet A B) (Bouquet→SuspBouquet A B)
    ret north i = north
    ret south = merid (inl tt)
    ret (merid (inl tt) j) i = merid (inl tt) (i  j)
    ret (merid (inr (a , b)) j) i = ret-fill₂ a b i j i1
    ret (merid (push a k) j) i =
      hcomp  r  λ {(i = i0)  Bouquet→SuspBouquet A B
                                   (Bouquet→ΩBouquetSusp-filler A B a k j r)
                     ; (i = i1)  merid (push a (~ r  k)) j
                     ; (j = i0)  north
                     ; (j = i1)  merid (push a (~ r)) i
                     ; (k = i0)  merid (push a (~ r)) (i  j)
                     ; (k = i1)  side r i j}
            (merid (inr (a , pt (B a))) (i  j))
         side : Cube {A = Susp (⋁gen A B)}
                    i j  merid (inr (a , pt (B a))) (i  j))
                    i j  ret-fill₂ a (pt (B a)) i j i1)
                    r j  Bouquet→SuspBouquet A B
                              (Bouquet→ΩBouquetSusp-filler A B a i1 j r))
                    r j  merid (inr (a , (pt (B a)))) j)
                    r i  north)
                   λ r i  merid (push a (~ r)) i
         side r i j =
           hcomp  k
              λ {(r = i0)  Bouquet→SuspBouquet A B
                                (inr (a , rCancel-filler'
                                           (merid (pt (B a))) i k j))
                 ; (r = i1)   ret-fill₂ a (pt (B a)) i j k
                 ; (i = i0)  Bouquet→SuspBouquet A B
                                  (push a)
                                   j  inr (a
                                    , rCancel' (merid (pt (B a))) (~ r  k) j))
                                  (sym (push a)) (r  k) j)
                 ; (i = i1)  merid (inr (a , snd (B a))) j
                 ; (j = i0)  north
                 ; (j = i1)  merid (push a (~ r  ~ k)) i})
             (hcomp  k
                λ {(r = i0)  Bouquet→SuspBouquet A B
                                  (inr (a , rCancel-filler'
                                             (merid (pt (B a))) (~ k  i) i0 j))
                   ; (r = i1)  ret-fill₁ a (pt (B a)) i j k
                   ; (i = i0)  Bouquet→SuspBouquet A B
                                  (inr (a , compPath-filler
                                             (merid (pt (B a)))
                                             (sym (merid (pt (B a)))) k j))
                   ; (i = i1)  merid (inr (a , snd (B a))) j
                   ; (j = i0)  north
                   ; (j = i1)   merid (inr (a , snd (B a))) (~ k  i)})
                   (merid (inr (a , snd (B a))) j))

Iso-SuspBouquet-Bouquet : (A : Type ) (B : A  Pointed ℓ')
   Iso (Susp (⋁gen A B)) (⋁gen A  a  Susp∙ (fst (B a))))
Iso.fun (Iso-SuspBouquet-Bouquet A B) = SuspBouquet→Bouquet A B
Iso.inv (Iso-SuspBouquet-Bouquet A B) = Bouquet→SuspBouquet A B
Iso.rightInv (Iso-SuspBouquet-Bouquet A B) = SuspBouquet-Bouquet-cancel A B .fst
Iso.leftInv (Iso-SuspBouquet-Bouquet A B) = SuspBouquet-Bouquet-cancel A B .snd

SuspBouquet≃Bouquet : (A : Type ) (B : A  Pointed ℓ')
   Susp (⋁gen A B)  ⋁gen A  a  Susp∙ (fst (B a)))
SuspBouquet≃Bouquet A B = isoToEquiv (Iso-SuspBouquet-Bouquet A B)

-- cofibre of f ∨→ g : A ⋁ B → C is cofibre of
-- inr ∘ f : A → cofib g
module _ {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'} {C : Pointed ℓ''}
  (f : A →∙ C) (g : B →∙ C)
    inst : 3x3-span
    3x3-span.A00 inst = Unit
    3x3-span.A02 inst = Unit
    3x3-span.A04 inst = Unit
    3x3-span.A20 inst = fst A
    3x3-span.A22 inst = Unit
    3x3-span.A24 inst = fst B
    3x3-span.A40 inst = fst C
    3x3-span.A42 inst = fst C
    3x3-span.A44 inst = fst C
    3x3-span.f10 inst = _
    3x3-span.f12 inst = _
    3x3-span.f14 inst = _
    3x3-span.f30 inst = fst f
    3x3-span.f32 inst = λ _  pt C
    3x3-span.f34 inst = fst g
    3x3-span.f01 inst = _
    3x3-span.f21 inst = λ _  pt A
    3x3-span.f41 inst = λ c  c
    3x3-span.f03 inst = _
    3x3-span.f23 inst = λ _  pt B
    3x3-span.f43 inst = λ c  c
    3x3-span.H11 inst = λ _  refl
    3x3-span.H13 inst = λ _  refl
    3x3-span.H31 inst = λ _  sym (snd f)
    3x3-span.H33 inst = λ _  sym (snd g)

    open 3x3-span inst

    A□2≅C : A□2  (fst C)
    A□2≅C = isoToEquiv (PushoutAlongEquiv (idEquiv _) λ _  pt C)

    A□○≅ : Iso (Pushout {B = cofib (fst f)} {C = cofib (fst g)} inr inr) A□○
    A□○≅ =
      pushoutIso _ _ _ _ (invEquiv A□2≅C) (idEquiv _) (idEquiv _)

    A0□≅ : A0□  Unit
    A0□≅ = isoToEquiv (PushoutAlongEquiv (idEquiv _) _)

    A4□≅ : A4□  fst C
    A4□≅ = isoToEquiv (PushoutAlongEquiv (idEquiv _) _)

    A○□≅ : Iso A○□ (cofib (f ∨→ g))
    A○□≅ = pushoutIso _ _ _ _ (idEquiv _) A0□≅ A4□≅ refl
      (funExt λ { (inl x)  refl
                ; (inr x)  refl
                ; (push tt i) j  help j i})
      help : cong (fst A4□≅) (cong f3□ (push tt))  snd f  sym (snd g)
      help = cong-∙∙ (fst A4□≅)  i  inl (snd f i))
                           refl  i  inl (snd g (~ i)))
            doubleCompPath≡compPath _ _ _
            cong (snd f ∙_) (sym (lUnit _))

    cofibf-Square : commSquare
    3-span.A0 (commSquare.sp cofibf-Square) = Unit
    3-span.A2 (commSquare.sp cofibf-Square) = fst A
    3-span.A4 (commSquare.sp cofibf-Square) = fst C
    3-span.f1 (commSquare.sp cofibf-Square) = _
    3-span.f3 (commSquare.sp cofibf-Square) = fst f
    commSquare.P cofibf-Square = cofib (fst f)
    commSquare.inlP cofibf-Square = λ _  inl tt
    commSquare.inrP cofibf-Square = inr
    commSquare.comm cofibf-Square i x = push x i

    cofibf-PSquare : PushoutSquare
    fst cofibf-PSquare = cofibf-Square
    snd cofibf-PSquare =
      subst isEquiv (funExt  { (inl x)  refl
                               ; (inr x)  refl
                               ; (push a i)  refl}))
                     (idIsEquiv _)

    F : cofib (fst f)
       cofib {B = cofib (fst g)}  x  inr (fst f x))
    F (inl x) = inl tt
    F (inr x) = inr (inr x)
    F (push a i) = push a i

    open PushoutPasteLeft
            {B = cofib {B = cofib (fst g)}  x  inr (fst f x))}
            inr inr F refl

    isPushoutRight : isPushoutSquare rightSquare
    isPushoutRight = isPushoutTotSquare→isPushoutRightSquare
             (subst isEquiv
               (funExt  { (inl x)  refl
                          ; (inr x)  refl
                          ; (push a i) j  lUnit (sym (push a)) j (~ i)}))
               (idEquiv _ .snd))

  cofib∨→distrIso :
    Iso (cofib (f ∨→ g))
        (Pushout {B = cofib (fst f)} {C = cofib (fst g)} inr inr)
  cofib∨→distrIso = invIso (compIso (compIso A□○≅ 3x3-Iso) A○□≅)

  cofib∨→compIsoᵣ : Iso (cofib (f ∨→ g))
                        (cofib {B = cofib (fst g)}  x  inr (fst f x)))
  cofib∨→compIsoᵣ = compIso cofib∨→distrIso (equivToIso (_ , isPushoutRight))

-- cofibre of f ∨→ g : A ⋁ B → C is cofibre of
-- inr ∘ g : B → cofib f
cofib∨→compIsoₗ :
  {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'} {C : Pointed ℓ''}
  (f : A →∙ C) (g : B →∙ C)
     Iso (cofib (f ∨→ g))
           (cofib {B = cofib (fst f)}  x  inr (fst g x)))
cofib∨→compIsoₗ f g =
  compIso (pushoutIso _ _ _ _ (isoToEquiv ⋁-commIso)
            (idEquiv _) (idEquiv _)
            refl (funExt
            λ { (inl x)  refl
              ; (inr x)  refl
              ; (push a i) j  symDistr (snd g) (sym (snd f)) (~ j) i}))
          (cofib∨→compIsoᵣ g f)

-- (⋁ᵢ Aᵢ ∨ ⋁ⱼ Bᵢ) ≃ ⋁ᵢ₊ⱼ(Aᵢ + Bⱼ)
module _ {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'}
  {P : A  Pointed ℓ''} {Q : B  Pointed ℓ''}
    ⋁gen⊎→ : ⋁gen∙ A P  ⋁gen∙ B Q
             ⋁gen (A  B) (⊎.rec P Q)
    ⋁gen⊎→ (inl (inl x)) = inl tt
    ⋁gen⊎→ (inl (inr (a , p))) = inr (inl a , p)
    ⋁gen⊎→ (inl (push a i)) = push (inl a) i
    ⋁gen⊎→ (inr (inl x)) = inl tt
    ⋁gen⊎→ (inr (inr (b , q))) = inr (inr b , q)
    ⋁gen⊎→ (inr (push b i)) = push (inr b) i
    ⋁gen⊎→ (push a i) = inl tt

    ⋁gen⊎← : ⋁gen (A  B) (⊎.rec P Q)
             ⋁gen∙ A P  ⋁gen∙ B Q
    ⋁gen⊎← (inl x) = inl (inl tt)
    ⋁gen⊎← (inr (inl x , p)) = inl (inr (x , p))
    ⋁gen⊎← (inr (inr x , p)) = inr (inr (x , p))
    ⋁gen⊎← (push (inl x) i) = inl (push x i)
    ⋁gen⊎← (push (inr x) i) = (push tt  λ i  inr (push x i)) i

  ⋁gen⊎Iso : Iso (⋁gen∙ A P  ⋁gen∙ B Q)
                  (⋁gen (A  B) (⊎.rec P Q))
  Iso.fun ⋁gen⊎Iso = ⋁gen⊎→
  Iso.inv ⋁gen⊎Iso = ⋁gen⊎←
  Iso.rightInv ⋁gen⊎Iso (inl tt) = refl
  Iso.rightInv ⋁gen⊎Iso (inr (inl x , p)) = refl
  Iso.rightInv ⋁gen⊎Iso (inr (inr x , p)) = refl
  Iso.rightInv ⋁gen⊎Iso (push (inl x) i) = refl
  Iso.rightInv ⋁gen⊎Iso (push (inr x) i) j =
    ⋁gen⊎→ (compPath-filler' (push tt)  i  inr (push x i)) (~ j) i)
  Iso.leftInv ⋁gen⊎Iso (inl (inl x)) = refl
  Iso.leftInv ⋁gen⊎Iso (inl (inr x)) = refl
  Iso.leftInv ⋁gen⊎Iso (inl (push a i)) = refl
  Iso.leftInv ⋁gen⊎Iso (inr (inl x)) = push tt
  Iso.leftInv ⋁gen⊎Iso (inr (inr x)) = refl
  Iso.leftInv ⋁gen⊎Iso (inr (push a i)) j =
    compPath-filler' (push tt)  i  inr (push a i)) (~ j) i
  Iso.leftInv ⋁gen⊎Iso (push a i) j = push a (i  j)

-- f : ⋁ₐ Bₐ → C has cofibre the pushout of cofib (f ∘ inr) ← Σₐ → A
module _ {ℓA ℓB ℓC : Level} {A : Type ℓA} {B : A  Pointed ℓB} (C : Pointed ℓC)
         (f : (⋁gen A B , inl tt) →∙ C) where
    open 3x3-span
    inst : 3x3-span
    A00 inst = A
    A02 inst = Σ A (fst  B)
    A04 inst = Σ A (fst  B)
    A20 inst = A
    A22 inst = A
    A24 inst = Σ A (fst  B)
    A40 inst = Unit
    A42 inst = Unit
    A44 inst = fst C
    f10 inst = idfun A
    f12 inst = λ x  x , snd (B x)
    f14 inst = idfun _
    f30 inst = λ _  tt
    f32 inst = λ _  tt
    f34 inst = fst f  inr
    f01 inst = fst
    f21 inst = idfun A
    f41 inst = λ _  tt
    f03 inst = idfun _
    f23 inst = λ x  x , snd (B x)
    f43 inst = λ _  pt C
    H11 inst = λ _  refl
    H13 inst = λ _  refl
    H31 inst = λ _  refl
    H33 inst = λ x  sym (snd f)  cong (fst f) (push x)

    A0□Iso : Iso (A0□ inst) A
    A0□Iso = compIso (equivToIso (symPushout _ _))
                     (PushoutAlongEquiv (idEquiv _) fst)

    A2□Iso : Iso (A2□ inst) (Σ A (fst  B))
    A2□Iso = PushoutAlongEquiv (idEquiv A) _

    A4□Iso : Iso (A4□ inst) (fst C)
    A4□Iso = PushoutAlongEquiv (idEquiv Unit) λ _  pt C

    A○□Iso : Iso (A○□ inst) (Pushout (fst f  inr) fst)
    A○□Iso = compIso (equivToIso (symPushout _ _))
                     (invIso (pushoutIso _ _ _ _
                       (isoToEquiv (invIso A2□Iso))
                       (isoToEquiv (invIso A4□Iso))
                       (isoToEquiv (invIso A0□Iso))
                       λ i x  push x i))

    A□0Iso : Iso (A□0 inst) Unit
    A□0Iso = isContr→Iso
      (inr tt , λ { (inl x)  sym (push x)
                  ; (inr x)  refl
                  ; (push a i) j  push a (i  ~ j)})
      (tt ,  _  refl))

    A□2Iso : Iso (A□2 inst) (⋁gen A B)
    A□2Iso = equivToIso (symPushout _ _)

    A□4Iso : Iso (A□4 inst) (fst C)
    A□4Iso = PushoutAlongEquiv (idEquiv _) _

    A□○Iso : Iso (A□○ inst) (cofib (fst f))
    A□○Iso = invIso (pushoutIso _ _ _ _
      (isoToEquiv (invIso A□2Iso))
      (isoToEquiv (invIso A□0Iso))
      (isoToEquiv (invIso A□4Iso))
      (funExt  { (inl x)  refl
                  ; (inr x)  sym (push (fst x))  refl
                  ; (push a i) j  (sym (push a)  refl) (i  j)}))
      (funExt λ { (inl x) i  inr (snd f i)
                ; (inr x)  sym (push x)
                ; (push a i) j
                 hcomp  k
                  {(i = i0)  inr (compPath-filler' (sym (snd f))
                                        (cong (fst f) (push a)) j (~ k))
                     ; (i = i1)  push (a , snd (B a)) (~ j)
                     ; (j = i0)  inr (fst f (push a (~ k  i)))}))
          (push (a , snd (B a)) (~ i  ~ j))}))

  ⋁-cofib-Iso : Iso (Pushout (fst f  inr) fst) (cofib (fst f))
  ⋁-cofib-Iso = compIso (compIso (invIso A○□Iso)
                                  (invIso (3x3-Iso inst)))