{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}
module Categories.Diagram.End.Parameterized where

open import Level
open import Function using (_$_)
open import Data.Product using (Σ; _,_)

open import Categories.Category
open import Categories.Category.Construction.Functors
open import Categories.Category.Product renaming (Product to _×ᶜ_)
open import Categories.Diagram.End renaming (End to )
open import Categories.Diagram.End.Limit
open import Categories.Diagram.End.Properties
open import Categories.Diagram.Wedge
open import Categories.Functor hiding (id)
open import Categories.Functor.Bifunctor
open import Categories.Functor.Bifunctor.Properties
open import Categories.Functor.Limits
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation renaming (_∘ʳ_ to _▹ⁿ_; id to idN)
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation.Dinatural hiding (_≃_)
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation.NaturalIsomorphism renaming (_≃_ to _≃ⁱ_)
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation.Equivalence

import Categories.Category.Construction.Wedges as Wedges
import Categories.Morphism as M
import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning as MR

-- The following conventions are taken in this file: C is the 'source' category
-- and D is the destination. If two source categories are needed, the other is
-- called 'P' for "parameter", following MacLane. F, G and H are functors and ef,
-- eg and eh are witnesses of their respective ends.

    o  e : Level
    P C D E : Category o  e

-- we use MacLane's notation for paramaterized ends (CWM §IX.5)
_♯ : Functor (P ×ᶜ (Category.op C ×ᶜ C)) D  Functor (Category.op C ×ᶜ C) (Functors P D)
F  = curry.₀ F.flip
  where module F = Bifunctor F

end-η♯ : {F G : Functor (P ×ᶜ (Category.op C ×ᶜ C)) D} (η : NaturalTransformation F G)
          ef :  (F )   eg :  (G )   NaturalTransformation (∫.E ef) (∫.E eg)
end-η♯ η  ef   eg  = end-η (curry.₁ (η ▹ⁿ Swap))

module _ (F : Functor (P ×ᶜ ((Category.op C) ×ᶜ C)) D) {ω :  X   (appˡ F X)} where
    module F = Functor F

    module C = Category C
    module D = Category D
    module P = Category P
    module NT = NaturalTransformation
    F′ = curry.₀ F
    module ω (p : P.Obj) =  (ω p)
  open D
  open HomReasoning

  open MR D
  open module F′ = Functor F′
  open  hiding (E)
  open NT using (η)

  EndF : Functor P D
  EndF = record
    { F₀           = λ X  ω.E X
    ; F₁           = λ {X} {Y} f  end-η (curry.₀.₁ F f)  ω X   ω Y 
    ; identity     = λ {A}  begin
      end-η (curry.₀.₁ F P.id)  ω A   ω A  ≈⟨ end-η-resp-≈  ω A   ω A  (curry.₀.identity F) 
      end-η idN  ω A   ω A                 ≈⟨ end-identity  ω A  
    ; homomorphism = λ {A B C} {f g}  begin
      end-η (curry.₀.₁ F (P [ g  f ]))  ω A   ω C  
        ≈⟨ end-η-resp-≈  ω A   ω C  (curry.₀.homomorphism F) 
      end-η (curry.₀.₁ F g ∘ᵥ curry.₀.₁ F f )  ω A   ω C 
        ≈⟨  end-η-resp-∘ (curry.₀.₁ F f) (curry.₀.₁ F g)  ω A   ω B   ω C  
      end-η (curry.₀.₁ F g)  ω B   ω C   end-η (curry.₀.₁ F f)  ω A   ω B 
    ; F-resp-≈     = λ {A B f g} eq  end-η-resp-≈  ω A   ω B  (curry.₀.F-resp-≈ F eq)

  -- The parameter theorem
  EndF-is-End :  (F )
  EndF-is-End .∫.wedge .Wedge.E = EndF
  EndF-is-End .∫.wedge .Wedge.dinatural = dtHelper record
    { α = λ c  ntHelper record
      { η = λ p  ω.dinatural.α p c
      ; commute = λ {p} {q} f  begin
        ω.dinatural.α q c  end-η (curry.₀.₁ F f)  ω p   ω q 
        ≈⟨ end-η-commute  ω p   ω q  (curry.₀.₁ F f) c 
        (curry.₀.₁ F f) .η (c , c)  ω.dinatural.α p c
    ; commute = λ f {p}  ω.dinatural.commute p f
  EndF-is-End .∫.factor W = ntHelper record
    { η = λ p  ω.factor p (W' p)
    ; commute = λ {p} {q} f  ω.unique′ q $ λ {c}  begin
      ω.dinatural.α q c  ω.factor q (W' q)  F'.₁ f
      ≈⟨ pullˡ (ω.universal q) 
      W.dinatural.α c .η q  F'.₁ f 
      ≈⟨ W.dinatural.α c .NaturalTransformation.commute f  
      (curry.₀.₁ F f) .η (c , c)  W.dinatural.α c .η p
      ≈˘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ ω.universal p 
      (curry.₀.₁ F f) .η (c , c)  ω.dinatural.α p c  factor (ω p) (W' p)
      ≈˘⟨ extendʳ  (end-η-commute  ω p   ω q  (curry.₀.₁ F f) c) 
      ω.dinatural.α q c  end-η (curry.₀.₁ F f)  ω p   ω q   ω.factor p (W' p)
    where module W = Wedge W
          F' = W.E
          module F' = Functor F'
          W' : (p : P.Obj)  Wedge (appˡ F p)
          W' p = record
            { E = F'.₀ p
            ; dinatural = dtHelper record
              { α = λ c  W.dinatural.α c .η p
              ; commute = λ f  W.dinatural.commute f
          module W' p = Wedge (W' p)
  EndF-is-End .∫.universal {W} {c} {p} = ω.universal p
  EndF-is-End .∫.unique h {p} = ω.unique p h

-- Continuous functors preserve EndF
-- this takes way too much time to check for some reason
module _ {C : Category o  e}
         (J : Functor (P ×ᶜ ((Category.op C) ×ᶜ C)) D)
         (F : Functor D E) {ω :  X   (appˡ J X)} {cont : Continuous (o  ) (  e) e F} where
    module D = Category D
    module P = Category P
    module C = Category C
    module E = Category E
    open module F = Functor F using (F₀; F₁; F-resp-≈)
    open module J = Functor J using () renaming (F₀ to J₀; F₁ to J₁)
    module ω (X : P.Obj) =  (ω X)
    module appˡJ  = curry.₀ J
    module appˡFJ  = curry.₀ (F ∘F J)

  open E
  open HomReasoning
  appˡ-resp-∘ :  X  F ∘F appˡ J X ≃ⁱ appˡ (F ∘F J) X
  appˡ-resp-∘ X = niHelper record
    { η = λ Y  id
    ; η⁻¹ = λ Y  id
    ; commute = λ f  identityˡ   identityʳ
    ; iso = λ Y  record
      { isoˡ = identity²
      ; isoʳ = identity²
  --module appˡ-resp-∘ X = NaturalIsomorphism (appˡ-resp-∘ X)

  open NaturalTransformation using (η)
  open MR E

   :  X   (appˡ (F ∘F J) X)
   X = ≅-yields-end (appˡ-resp-∘ X) (contF-as-end (appˡ J X) F {cont} (ω X))
  module  (p : P.Obj) =  ( p)

  Fω≈Fω :  {p : P.Obj} {c : C.Obj}  Fω.dinatural.α p c  F.₁ (ω.dinatural.α p c)
  Fω≈Fω {p} {A} = begin
    Fω.dinatural.α p A
    id  F₁ (J₁ (P.id , C.id , C.id)) 
    id  F₁ (J₁ (P.id , C.id , C.id) D.∘ ω.dinatural.α p A)
      ≈⟨ identityˡ 
    F₁ (J₁ (P.id , C.id , C.id)) 
    id  F₁ (J₁ (P.id , C.id , C.id) D.∘ ω.dinatural.α p A)
      ≈⟨ F-resp-≈ J.identity ⟩∘⟨refl 
    F₁ (D.id)  id  F₁ (J₁ (P.id , C.id , C.id) D.∘ ω.dinatural.α p A)
      ≈⟨ elimˡ F.identity 
    id  F₁ (J₁ (P.id , C.id , C.id) D.∘ ω.dinatural.α p A)
      ≈⟨ identityˡ 
    F₁ (J₁ (P.id , C.id , C.id) D.∘ ω.dinatural.α p A)
      ≈⟨ F-resp-≈ (D.∘-resp-≈ˡ J.identity) 
    F₁ (D.id D.∘ ω.dinatural.α p A)
      ≈⟨ F-resp-≈ D.identityˡ 
    F₁ (ω.dinatural.α p A) 

  Continuous-pres-EndF :  F ∘F (EndF J {ω}) ≃ⁱ EndF (F ∘F J) {}
  Continuous-pres-EndF = niHelper record
    { η = λ X  E.id
    ; η⁻¹ = λ Y  E.id
    ; commute = λ {p} {q} f  begin
      id  Functor.F₁ (F ∘F EndF J {ω}) f ≈⟨ identityˡ 
      Functor.F₁ (F ∘F EndF J {ω}) f      ≡⟨⟩
      F₁ (end-η (appˡJ.₁ f)  ω p   ω q ⦄)
        ≈⟨ Fω.unique′ q  {A}  begin
          Fω.dinatural.α q A  F₁ (end-η (appˡJ.₁ f)  ω p   ω q ⦄)
            ≈⟨ Fω≈Fω ⟩∘⟨refl 
          F₁ (ω.dinatural.α q A)  F₁ (end-η (appˡJ.₁ f)  ω p   ω q ⦄)
            ≈˘⟨ F.homomorphism 
          F₁ (ω.dinatural.α q A D.∘ end-η (appˡJ.₁ f)  ω p   ω q ⦄)
            ≈⟨ F-resp-≈ (end-η-commute  ω p   ω q  (appˡJ.₁ f) A ) 
          F₁ ((appˡJ.₁ f) .η (A , A) D.∘ (ω.dinatural.α p A))
            ≈⟨ F.homomorphism 
          F₁ ((appˡJ.₁ f) .η (A , A))  F₁ (ω.dinatural.α p A)
            ≈˘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ Fω≈Fω 
          F₁ ((appˡJ.₁ f) .η (A , A))  (Fω.dinatural.α p A)
          appˡFJ.₁ f .η (A , A)  Fω.dinatural.α p A
            ≈˘⟨ end-η-commute   p    q  (appˡFJ.₁ f) A 
          Fω.dinatural.α q A  end-η (appˡFJ.₁ f)   p    q 
      end-η (appˡFJ.₁ f)   p    q 
      Functor.F₁ (EndF (F ∘F J) {}) f   ≈˘⟨ identityʳ 
      Functor.F₁ (EndF (F ∘F J) {}) f  id
    ; iso = λ Y  record
      { isoˡ = E.identity²
      ; isoʳ = E.identity²
    where open E.HomReasoning