{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}
module Categories.Category where

open import Level

-- The main definitions are in:
open import Categories.Category.Core public

    o  e : Level

-- Convenience functions for working over multiple categories at once:
-- C [ x , y ] (for x y objects of C) - Hom_C(x , y)
-- C [ f ≈ g ] (for f g arrows of C)  - that f and g are equivalent arrows
-- C [ f ∘ g ] (for f g composable arrows of C) - composition in C
infix 10  _[_,_] _[_≈_] _[_∘_]

_[_,_] : (C : Category o  e)  (X : Category.Obj C)  (Y : Category.Obj C)  Set 
_[_,_] = Category._⇒_

_[_≈_] : (C : Category o  e)   {X Y} (f g : C [ X , Y ])  Set e
_[_≈_] = Category._≈_

_[_∘_] : (C : Category o  e)   {X Y Z} (f : C [ Y , Z ])  (g : C [ X , Y ])  C [ X , Z ]
_[_∘_] = Category._∘_

module Definitions (𝓒 : Category o  e) where
  open Category 𝓒

  CommutativeSquare : {A B C D : Obj}  (f : A  B) (g : A  C) (h : B  D) (i : C  D)  Set _
  CommutativeSquare f g h i = h  f  i  g

-- Combinators for commutative diagram
-- The idea is to use the combinators to write commutations in a more readable way.
-- It starts with [_⇒_]⟨_≈_⟩, and within the third and fourth places, use _⇒⟨_⟩_ to
-- connect morphisms with the intermediate object specified.
module Commutation (𝓒 : Category o  e) where
  open Category 𝓒

  infix 1 [_⇒_]⟨_≈_⟩
  [_⇒_]⟨_≈_⟩ :  (A B : Obj)  A  B  A  B  Set _
  [ A  B ]⟨ f  g  = f  g

  infixl 2 connect
  connect :  {A C : Obj} (B : Obj)  A  B  B  C  A  C
  connect B f g = g  f

  syntax connect B f g = f ⇒⟨ B  g