
This file contains:

- Properties of ordinals

{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Data.Ordinal.Properties where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism

open import Cubical.Functions.Embedding

open import Cubical.Data.Ordinal.Base
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as  using ( ; ⊥* ; isProp⊥*)
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as  hiding (rec ; elim ; map)
open import Cubical.Data.Unit

open import Cubical.Induction.WellFounded

open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Base
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Extensionality
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Order.Woset
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Order.Woset.Simulation
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Order

     : Level

propOrd : (P : Type )  isProp P  Ord {}
propOrd {} P prop = P , (wosetstr _<_ (iswoset set prp well weak trans))
    open BinaryRelation
    _<_ : P  P  Type 
    a < b = ⊥*{}

    set : isSet P
    set = isProp→isSet prop

    prp : isPropValued _<_
    prp _ _ = isProp⊥*

    well : WellFounded _<_
    well _ = acc  _  ⊥.elim*)

    weak : isWeaklyExtensional _<_
    weak = ≺×→≡→isWeaklyExtensional _<_ set prp λ x y _  prop x y

    trans : isTrans _<_
    trans _ _ _ = ⊥.elim*

𝟘 𝟙 : Ord {}
𝟘 {} = propOrd (⊥* {}) (isProp⊥*)
𝟙 {} = propOrd (Unit* {}) (isPropUnit*)

isLeast𝟘 : ∀{}  isLeast (isPoset→isProset isPoset≼) ((Ord {}) , (id↪ (Ord {}))) (𝟘 {})
isLeast𝟘 _ = ⊥.elim* , (⊥.elim* , ⊥.elim*)

-- The successor of 𝟘 is 𝟙
suc𝟘 : suc (𝟘 {})  𝟙 {}
suc𝟘 = equivFun (WosetPath _ _) (eq , makeIsWosetEquiv eq eqsuc λ _ _  ⊥.elim*)
    eq :  𝟘   Unit*   𝟙 
    eq = ⊎-IdL-⊥*-≃

    eqsuc : _
    eqsuc (inr x) (inr y) = ⊥.elim*

+IdR : (α : Ord {})  α + 𝟘 {}  α
+IdR α = equivFun (WosetPath _ _) (eq , (makeIsWosetEquiv eq eqα λ _ _ x≺y  x≺y))
    eq :  α    𝟘    α 
    eq = ⊎-IdR-⊥*-≃

    eqα : _
    eqα (inl x) (inl y) x≺y = x≺y

+IdL : (α : Ord {})  𝟘 {} + α  α
+IdL α = equivFun (WosetPath _ _) (eq , (makeIsWosetEquiv eq eqα λ _ _ x≺y  x≺y))
    eq :  𝟘    α    α 
    eq = ⊎-IdL-⊥*-≃

    eqα : (x y :  𝟘    α )
         ((𝟘 + α) .snd WosetStr.≺ x) y
         (α .snd WosetStr.≺ equivFun eq x) (equivFun eq y)
    eqα (inr x) (inr y) x≺y = x≺y

-- The successor is just addition by 𝟙
suc≡+𝟙 : (α : Ord {})  suc α  α + 𝟙 {}
suc≡+𝟙 α = equivFun (WosetPath _ _) (eq , (makeIsWosetEquiv eq eqsucα eqα+𝟙))
    eq :  suc α    α    𝟙 
    eq = idEquiv  suc α 

    eqsucα : _
    eqsucα (inl x) (inl y) x≺y = x≺y
    eqsucα (inl x) (inr y) _ = tt*
    eqsucα (inr x) (inl y) = ⊥.elim*
    eqsucα (inr x) (inr y) = ⊥.elim*

    eqα+𝟙 : _
    eqα+𝟙 (inl x) (inl y) x≺y = x≺y
    eqα+𝟙 (inl x) (inr y) _ = tt*
    eqα+𝟙 (inr x) (inl y) = ⊥.elim*
    eqα+𝟙 (inr x) (inr y) = ⊥.elim*

-- Successor is strictly increasing, though we can't prove it's the smallest ordinal greater than its predecessor
suc≺ : (α : Ord {})  α  suc α
suc≺ α = (inr tt*) , (eq , makeIsWosetEquiv eq eqsucα eqαsuc)
    fun :  suc α  inr tt*    α 
    fun (inl a , _) = a

    iseq : isEquiv fun
    fst (fst (equiv-proof iseq a)) = (inl a) , tt*
    snd (fst (equiv-proof iseq a)) = refl
    snd (equiv-proof iseq a) ((inl x , _) , x≡a)
      = Σ≡Prop  _  IsWoset.is-set (WosetStr.isWoset (str α)) _ _)
                (Σ≡Prop lem (cong inl (sym x≡a)))
      where lem : (y :  suc α )  isProp _
            lem (inl y) = isPropUnit*
            lem (inr _) = ⊥.elim*
    eq :  suc α  inr tt*    α 
    eq = fun , iseq

    eqsucα : _
    eqsucα (inl x , _) (inl y , _) x<y = x<y

    eqαsuc : _
    eqαsuc x y x≺y = x≺y

·IdR : (α : Ord {})  α · 𝟙 {}  α
·IdR α = equivFun (WosetPath _ _) (eq , makeIsWosetEquiv eq eqα𝟙 eqα)
    eq :  α  ×  𝟙    α 
    eq = isoToEquiv rUnit*×Iso

    eqα𝟙 : _
    eqα𝟙 (x , _) (y , _) (inl tt≺tt) = ⊥.rec (IsQuoset.is-irrefl
                                                   (WosetStr.isWoset (str 𝟙)))
                                               tt* tt≺tt)
    eqα𝟙 (x , _) (y , _) (inr (_ , x≺y)) = x≺y

    eqα : _
    eqα x y x≺y = inr ((isPropUnit* _ _) , x≺y)

·IdL : (α : Ord {})  𝟙 {} · α  α
·IdL α = equivFun (WosetPath _ _) (eq , makeIsWosetEquiv eq eq𝟙α eqα)
    eq :  𝟙  ×  α    α 
    eq = isoToEquiv lUnit*×Iso

    eq𝟙α : _
    eq𝟙α (_ , x) (_ , y) (inr (_ , tt≺tt)) = ⊥.rec
                                                  (WosetStr.isWoset (str 𝟙)))
                                                tt* tt≺tt)
    eq𝟙α (_ , x) (_ , y) (inl x≺y) = x≺y

    eqα : _
    eqα x y x≺y = inl x≺y

·AnnihilR : (α : Ord {})  α · 𝟘 {}  𝟘 {}
·AnnihilR α = equivFun (WosetPath _ _)
                       (eq , makeIsWosetEquiv eq  b _ _  ⊥.elim* (b .snd)) ⊥.elim*)
    eq :  α  ×  𝟘    𝟘 
    eq = (⊥.elim*  snd) , (record { equiv-proof = ⊥.elim* })

·AnnihilL : (α : Ord {})  𝟘 {} · α  𝟘 {}
·AnnihilL α = equivFun (WosetPath _ _)
                       (eq , makeIsWosetEquiv eq  b _ _  ⊥.elim* (b .fst)) ⊥.elim*)
    eq :  𝟘  ×  α    𝟘 
    eq = (⊥.elim*  fst) , (record { equiv-proof = ⊥.elim*  })

+Assoc : (α β γ : Ord {})  (α + β) + γ  α + (β + γ)
+Assoc α β γ = equivFun (WosetPath _ _) (eq , makeIsWosetEquiv eq eq→ eq←)
    eq : ( α    β )   γ    α   ( β    γ )
    eq = ⊎-assoc-≃

    eq→ : _
    eq→ (inl (inl x)) (inl (inl y)) x≺y = x≺y
    eq→ (inl (inl x)) (inl (inr y)) x≺y = tt*
    eq→ (inl (inr x)) (inl (inl y)) = ⊥.elim*
    eq→ (inl (inr x)) (inl (inr y)) x≺y = x≺y
    eq→ (inl (inl x)) (inr y) x≺y = tt*
    eq→ (inl (inr x)) (inr y) x≺y = tt*
    eq→ (inr x) (inl (inl y)) = ⊥.elim*
    eq→ (inr x) (inl (inr y)) = ⊥.elim*
    eq→ (inr x) (inr y) x≺y = x≺y

    eq← : _
    eq← (inl x) (inl y) x≺y = x≺y
    eq← (inl x) (inr (inl y)) x≺y = tt*
    eq← (inl x) (inr (inr y)) x≺y = tt*
    eq← (inr (inl x)) (inl y) = ⊥.elim*
    eq← (inr (inr x)) (inl y) = ⊥.elim*
    eq← (inr (inl x)) (inr (inl y)) x≺y = x≺y
    eq← (inr (inl x)) (inr (inr y)) x≺y = tt*
    eq← (inr (inr x)) (inr (inl y)) = ⊥.elim*
    eq← (inr (inr x)) (inr (inr y)) x≺y = x≺y

·Assoc : (α β γ : Ord {})  (α · β) · γ  α · (β · γ)
·Assoc α β γ = equivFun (WosetPath _ _) (eq , makeIsWosetEquiv eq eq→ eq←)
    eq : ( α  ×  β ) ×  γ    α  × ( β  ×  γ )
    eq = Σ-assoc-≃

    eq→ : _
    eq→ ((xa , xb) , xc) ((ya , yb) , yc) (inl xc≺yc)
      = inl (inl xc≺yc)
    eq→ ((xa , xb) , xc) ((ya , yb) , yc) (inr (xc≡yc , inl xb≺yb))
      = inl (inr (xc≡yc , xb≺yb))
    eq→ ((xa , xb) , xc) ((ya , yb) , yc) (inr (xc≡yc , inr (xb≡yb , xa≺ya)))
      = inr ((≡-× xb≡yb xc≡yc) , xa≺ya)

    eq← : _
    eq← (xa , xb , xc) (ya , yb , yc) (inl (inl xc≺yc))
      = inl xc≺yc
    eq← (xa , xb , xc) (ya , yb , yc) (inl (inr (xc≡yc , xb≺yb)))
      = inr (xc≡yc , (inl xb≺yb))
    eq← (xa , xb , xc) (ya , yb , yc) (inr (xbxc≡ybyc , xa≺ya))
      = inr ((PathPΣ xbxc≡ybyc .snd) , (inr ((PathPΣ xbxc≡ybyc .fst) , xa≺ya)))

≺-o+ : {β γ : Ord {}}  (α : Ord {})  β  γ  (α + β)  (α + γ)
≺-o+ {} {β} {γ} α (g , γ↓g≃β , wEq) = inr g , eq , makeIsWosetEquiv eq eq→ eq←
    fun :  (α + γ)  inr g    α + β 
    fun (inl x , _) = inl x
    fun (inr x , p) = inr (equivFun γ↓g≃β (x , p))

    inv :  α + β    (α + γ)  inr g 
    inv (inl x) = inl x , tt*
    inv (inr x) = inr (invEq γ↓g≃β x .fst) , invEq γ↓g≃β x .snd

    is : Iso  (α + γ)  inr g   α + β 
    Iso.fun is = fun
    Iso.inv is = inv
    Iso.rightInv is (inl x) = refl
    Iso.rightInv is (inr x) = cong inr (secEq γ↓g≃β x)
    Iso.leftInv  is (inl x , _) = ΣPathP (refl , (isPropUnit* _ _))
    Iso.leftInv  is (inr x , x≺g)
      = ΣPathP (cong inr (PathPΣ (retEq γ↓g≃β (x , x≺g)) .fst)
                        , PathPΣ (retEq γ↓g≃β (x , x≺g)) .snd)

    eq : _
    eq = isoToEquiv is

    eq→ : _
    eq→ (inl x , _) (inl y , _) x≺y = x≺y
    eq→ (inl x , _) (inr y , _) _ = tt*
    eq→ (inr x , x≺g) (inl y , y≺g) = ⊥.elim*
    eq→ (inr x , x≺g) (inr y , y≺g) x≺y
      = equivFun (IsWosetEquiv.pres≺ wEq (x , x≺g) (y , y≺g)) x≺y

    eq← : _
    eq← (inl x) (inl y) x≺y = x≺y
    eq← (inl x) (inr y) _ = tt*
    eq← (inr x) (inl y) = ⊥.elim*
    eq← (inr x) (inr y) x≺y = equivFun (IsWosetEquiv.pres≺⁻ wEq x y) x≺y

·DistR+ : (α β γ : Ord {})  α · (β + γ)  (α · β) + (α · γ)
·DistR+ α β γ = equivFun (WosetPath _ _) (eq , makeIsWosetEquiv eq eq→ eq←)
    eq :  α  × ( β    γ )  ( α  ×  β )  ( α  ×  γ )
    eq = isoToEquiv ×DistR⊎Iso

    eq→ : _
    eq→ (xa , inl xb) (ya , inl yb) (inl xg≺yg) = inl xg≺yg
    eq→ (xa , inl xb) (ya , inl yb) (inr (xb≡yb , xa≺ya))
      = inr (isEmbedding→Inj isEmbedding-inl xb yb xb≡yb , xa≺ya)
    eq→ (xa , inl xb) (ya , inr yg) (inl x≺y) = x≺y
    eq→ (xa , inl xb) (ya , inr yg) (inr (xb≡yg , _)) = ⊥.rec* (⊎Path.encode _ _ xb≡yg)
    eq→ (xa , inr xg) (ya , inl yb) (inr (xg≡yb , _)) = ⊥.rec* (⊎Path.encode _ _ xg≡yb)
    eq→ (xa , inr xg) (ya , inr yg) (inl xg≺yg) = inl xg≺yg
    eq→ (xa , inr xg) (ya , inr yg) (inr (xg≡yg , xa≺ya))
      = inr (isEmbedding→Inj isEmbedding-inr xg yg xg≡yg , xa≺ya)

    eq← : _
    eq← (inl (xa , xb)) (inl (ya , yb)) (inl xb≺yb) = inl xb≺yb
    eq← (inl (xa , xb)) (inl (ya , yb)) (inr (xb≡yb , xa≺ya))
      = inr (cong inl xb≡yb , xa≺ya)
    eq← (inl (xa , xb)) (inr (ya , yg)) _ = inl tt*
    eq← (inr x) (inl (ya , yb)) = ⊥.elim*
    eq← (inr xg) (inr yg) (inl xg≺yg) = inl xg≺yg
    eq← (inr (xa , xg)) (inr (ya , yg)) (inr (xg≡yg , xa≺ya))
      = inr (cong inr xg≡yg , xa≺ya)