{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Relation.Binary.Order.Poset.Properties where

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Sum

open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport

open import Cubical.Functions.Embedding

open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as ∥₁

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Base
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Order.Poset.Base
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Order.Proset
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Order.Quoset.Base

open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary

     ℓ' ℓ'' ℓ₀ ℓ₀' ℓ₁ ℓ₁' : Level

module _
  {A : Type }
  {R : Rel A A ℓ'}

  open BinaryRelation

  isPoset→isProset : IsPoset R  IsProset R
  isPoset→isProset poset = isproset
                             (IsPoset.is-set poset)
                             (IsPoset.is-prop-valued poset)
                             (IsPoset.is-refl poset)
                             (IsPoset.is-trans poset)

  isPosetDecidable→Discrete : IsPoset R  isDecidable R  Discrete A
  isPosetDecidable→Discrete pos dec a b with dec a b
  ... | no ¬Rab = no  a≡b  ¬Rab (subst (R a) a≡b (IsPoset.is-refl pos a)))
  ... | yes Rab with dec b a
  ...       | no ¬Rba = no  a≡b  ¬Rba (subst  x  R x a) a≡b
                                         (IsPoset.is-refl pos a)))
  ...       | yes Rba = yes (IsPoset.is-antisym pos a b Rab Rba)

    transirrefl : isTrans R  isAntisym R  isTrans (IrreflKernel R)
    transirrefl trans anti a b c (Rab , ¬a≡b) (Rbc , ¬b≡c)
      = trans a b c Rab Rbc
      , λ a≡c  ¬a≡b (anti a b Rab (subst (R b) (sym a≡c) Rbc))

  isPoset→isQuosetIrreflKernel : IsPoset R  IsQuoset (IrreflKernel R)
  isPoset→isQuosetIrreflKernel poset
    = isquoset (IsPoset.is-set poset)
                     a b  isProp× (IsPoset.is-prop-valued poset a b)
                                     (isProp¬ (a  b)))
                    (isIrreflIrreflKernel R)
                    (transirrefl (IsPoset.is-trans poset)
                                 (IsPoset.is-antisym poset))
                    (isIrrefl×isTrans→isAsym (IrreflKernel R)
                                             (isIrreflIrreflKernel R
                                             , transirrefl (IsPoset.is-trans poset)
                                                           (IsPoset.is-antisym poset)))

  isPosetDecidable→isQuosetDecidable : IsPoset R  isDecidable R  isDecidable (IrreflKernel R)
  isPosetDecidable→isQuosetDecidable pos dec a b with dec a b
  ... | no ¬Rab = no λ { (Rab , _)  ¬Rab Rab }
  ... | yes Rab with (isPosetDecidable→Discrete pos dec) a b
  ...       | yes a≡b = no λ { (_ , ¬a≡b)  ¬a≡b a≡b }
  ...       | no a≢b = yes (Rab , a≢b)

  isPosetInduced : IsPoset R  (B : Type ℓ'')  (f : B  A)  IsPoset (InducedRelation R (B , f))
  isPosetInduced pos B (f , emb)
    = isposet (Embedding-into-isSet→isSet (f , emb) (IsPoset.is-set pos))
               a b  IsPoset.is-prop-valued pos (f a) (f b))
               a  IsPoset.is-refl pos (f a))
               a b c  IsPoset.is-trans pos (f a) (f b) (f c))
              λ a b a≤b b≤a  isEmbedding→Inj emb a b
                (IsPoset.is-antisym pos (f a) (f b) a≤b b≤a)

  isPosetDual : IsPoset R  IsPoset (Dual R)
  isPosetDual pos
    = isposet (IsPoset.is-set pos)
               a b  IsPoset.is-prop-valued pos b a)
              (IsPoset.is-refl pos)
               a b c Rab Rbc  IsPoset.is-trans pos c b a Rbc Rab)
               a b Rab Rba  IsPoset.is-antisym pos a b Rba Rab)

Poset→Proset : Poset  ℓ'  Proset  ℓ'
Poset→Proset (_ , pos)
  = proset _ (PosetStr._≤_ pos)
             (isPoset→isProset (PosetStr.isPoset pos))

Poset→Quoset : Poset  ℓ'  Quoset  (ℓ-max  ℓ')
Poset→Quoset (_ , pos)
  = quoset _ (BinaryRelation.IrreflKernel (PosetStr._≤_ pos))
             (isPoset→isQuosetIrreflKernel (PosetStr.isPoset pos))

DualPoset : Poset  ℓ'  Poset  ℓ'
DualPoset (_ , pos)
  = poset _ (BinaryRelation.Dual (PosetStr._≤_ pos))
            (isPosetDual (PosetStr.isPoset pos))

module _
  {A : Type }
  {_≤_ : Rel A A ℓ'}
  (pos : IsPoset _≤_)

      pre = isPoset→isProset pos

      set = IsPoset.is-set pos

      prop = IsPoset.is-prop-valued pos

      rfl = IsPoset.is-refl pos

      anti = IsPoset.is-antisym pos

      trans = IsPoset.is-trans pos

  module _
    {P : Embedding A ℓ''}

      toA = fst (snd P)

      emb = snd (snd P)

    isLeast→ContrMinimal :  n  isLeast pre P n    m  isMinimal pre P m  n  m
    isLeast→ContrMinimal n isln m ismm
      = isEmbedding→Inj emb n m (anti (toA n) (toA m) (isln m) (ismm n (isln m)))

    isGreatest→ContrMaximal :  n  isGreatest pre P n   m  isMaximal pre P m  n  m
    isGreatest→ContrMaximal n isgn m ismm
      = isEmbedding→Inj emb n m (anti (toA n) (toA m) (ismm n (isgn m)) (isgn m))

    isLeastUnique :  n m  isLeast pre P n  isLeast pre P m  n  m
    isLeastUnique n m isln islm
      = isEmbedding→Inj emb n m (anti (toA n) (toA m) (isln m) (islm n))

    isGreatestUnique :  n m  isGreatest pre P n  isGreatest pre P m  n  m
    isGreatestUnique n m isgn isgm
      = isEmbedding→Inj emb n m (anti (toA n) (toA m) (isgm n) (isgn m))

    LeastUnique : (n m : Least pre P)  n  m
    LeastUnique (n , ln) (m , lm) = Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsLeast pre P _) (isLeastUnique n m ln lm)

    GreatestUnique : (n m : Greatest pre P)  n  m
    GreatestUnique (n , gn) (m , gm) = Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsGreatest pre P _) (isGreatestUnique n m gn gm)

  module _
    {B : Type ℓ''}
    {P : B  A}

    isInfimum→ContrMaximalLowerBound :  n  isInfimum pre P n
                                       m  isMaximalLowerBound pre P m
                                      n  m
    isInfimum→ContrMaximalLowerBound n (isln , isglbn) m (islm , ismlbm)
      = anti n m (ismlbm (n , isln) (isglbn (m , islm))) (isglbn (m , islm))

    isSupremum→ContrMinimalUpperBound :  n  isSupremum pre P n
                                        m  isMinimalUpperBound pre P m
                                       n  m
    isSupremum→ContrMinimalUpperBound n (isun , islubn) m (isum , ismubm)
      = anti n m (islubn (m , isum)) (ismubm (n , isun) (islubn (m , isum)))

    isInfimumUnique :  n m  isInfimum pre P n  isInfimum pre P m  n  m
    isInfimumUnique n m (isln , infn) (islm , infm)
      = anti n m (infm (n , isln)) (infn (m , islm))

    isSupremumUnique :  n m  isSupremum pre P n  isSupremum pre P m  n  m
    isSupremumUnique n m (isun , supn) (isum , supm)
      = anti n m (supn (m , isum)) (supm (n , isun))

    InfimumUnique : (n m : Infimum pre P)  n  m
    InfimumUnique (n , infn) (m , infm) = Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsInfimum pre P _)
                                                  (isInfimumUnique n m infn infm)

    SupremumUnique : (n m : Supremum pre P)  n  m
    SupremumUnique (n , supn) (m , supm) = Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsSupremum pre P _)
                                                   (isSupremumUnique n m supn supm)

  isMeetUnique :  a b x y  isMeet pre a b x  isMeet pre a b y  x  y
  isMeetUnique a b x y infx infy = anti x y x≤y y≤x
    where x≤y : x  y
          x≤y = invEq (infy x) (infx x .fst (rfl x))

          y≤x : y  x
          y≤x = invEq (infx y) (infy y .fst (rfl y))

  isJoinUnique :  a b x y  isJoin pre a b x  isJoin pre a b y  x  y
  isJoinUnique a b x y supx supy = anti x y x≤y y≤x
          where x≤y : x  y
                x≤y = invEq (supx y) (supy y .fst (rfl y))

                y≤x : y  x
                y≤x = invEq (supy x) (supx x .fst (rfl x))

  MeetUnique :  a b  (x y : Meet pre a b)  x  y
  MeetUnique a b (x , mx) (y , my) = Σ≡Prop (isPropIsMeet pre a b)
                                            (isMeetUnique a b x y mx my)

  JoinUnique :  a b  (x y : Join pre a b)  x  y
  JoinUnique a b (x , jx) (y , jy) = Σ≡Prop (isPropIsJoin pre a b)
                                            (isJoinUnique a b x y jx jy)

  module _
    (meet :  a b  Meet pre a b)

      meetIdemp :  a  meet a a .fst  a
      meetIdemp a
        = PathPΣ (MeetUnique a a (meet a a)
                                 (a , (isReflIsMeet pre a))) .fst

      meetComm :  a b  meet a b .fst  meet b a .fst
      meetComm a b = sym (PathPΣ (MeetUnique b a (meet b a)
                                           ((meet a b .fst) ,
                                            (isMeetComm pre a b
                                                       (meet a b .fst)
                                                       (meet a b .snd)))) .fst)

      meetAssoc :  a b c
                 meet a (meet b c .fst) .fst  meet (meet a b .fst) c .fst
      meetAssoc a b c
        = sym (PathPΣ (MeetUnique
                          (meet a b .fst) c
                          (meet (meet a b .fst) c)
                         ((meet a (meet b c .fst) .fst) ,
                          (isMeetAssoc pre a b c
                                      (meet a b .fst)
                                      (meet b c .fst)
                                      (meet a (meet b c .fst) .fst)
                                      (meet a b .snd)
                                      (meet b c .snd)
                                      (meet a (meet b c .fst) .snd)))) .fst)

  module _
    (join :  a b  Join pre a b)

      joinIdem :  a  join a a .fst  a
      joinIdem a
        = PathPΣ (JoinUnique a a (join a a)
                                 (a , (isReflIsJoin pre a))) .fst

      joinComm :  a b  join a b .fst  join b a .fst
      joinComm a b = sym (PathPΣ (JoinUnique b a (join b a)
                                           ((join a b .fst) ,
                                            (isJoinComm pre a b
                                                       (join a b .fst)
                                                       (join a b .snd)))) .fst)

      joinAssoc :  a b c
                 join a (join b c .fst) .fst  join (join a b .fst) c .fst
      joinAssoc a b c
        = sym (PathPΣ (JoinUnique
                          (join a b .fst) c
                          (join (join a b .fst) c)
                         ((join a (join b c .fst) .fst) ,
                          (isJoinAssoc pre a b c
                                      (join a b .fst)
                                      (join b c .fst)
                                      (join a (join b c .fst) .fst)
                                      (join a b .snd)
                                      (join b c .snd)
                                      (join a (join b c .fst) .snd)))) .fst)

  order≃meet :  a b a∧b
              isMeet pre a b a∧b
              (a  b)  (a  a∧b)
  order≃meet a b a∧b funa∧b
    = propBiimpl→Equiv (prop a b)
                       (set a a∧b)
                        a≤b  anti a a∧b (invEq (funa∧b a) (rfl a , a≤b))
                                            (funa∧b a∧b .fst (rfl a∧b) .fst))
                        λ a≡a∧b  subst (_≤ b) (sym a≡a∧b)
                                         (funa∧b a∧b .fst (rfl a∧b) .snd)

  order≃join :  a b a∨b
              isJoin pre a b a∨b
              (a  b)  (b  a∨b)
  order≃join a b a∨b funa∨b
    = propBiimpl→Equiv (prop a b)
                       (set b a∨b)
                        a≤b  anti b a∨b (funa∨b a∨b .fst (rfl a∨b) .snd)
                                            (invEq (funa∨b b) (a≤b , rfl b)))
                        λ b≡a∨b  subst (a ≤_) (sym b≡a∨b)
                                        (funa∨b a∨b .fst (rfl a∨b) .fst)

-- Equivalences of posets respect meets and joins
IsPosetEquivRespectsMeet : {P : Poset ℓ₀ ℓ₀'} {S : Poset ℓ₁ ℓ₁'} (e : PosetEquiv P S)
                          a b a∧b
                         isMeet (isPoset→isProset (PosetStr.isPoset (P .snd))) a b a∧b
                         isMeet (isPoset→isProset (PosetStr.isPoset (S .snd)))
                                 (equivFun (e .fst) a)
                                 (equivFun (e .fst) b)
                                 (equivFun (e .fst) a∧b)
IsPosetEquivRespectsMeet {P = P} {S = S} (e , posEq) a b a∧b
  = propBiimpl→Equiv (isPropIsMeet proP a b a∧b)
                     (isPropIsMeet proS (equivFun e a) (equivFun e b) (equivFun e a∧b))
                      meet x
                        IsPosetEquiv.pres≤⁻ posEq x (equivFun e a∧b) ∙ₑ
                         substEquiv (invEq e x ≤P_) (retEq e a∧b) ∙ₑ
                         meet (invEq e x) ∙ₑ
                         ≃-× (IsPosetEquiv.pres≤ posEq (invEq e x) a ∙ₑ
                              substEquiv (_≤S equivFun e a) (secEq e x))
                             (IsPosetEquiv.pres≤ posEq (invEq e x) b ∙ₑ
                              substEquiv (_≤S equivFun e b) (secEq e x)))
                      λ meet x
                        IsPosetEquiv.pres≤ posEq x a∧b ∙ₑ
                         meet (equivFun e x) ∙ₑ
                         ≃-× (IsPosetEquiv.pres≤⁻ posEq (equivFun e x) (equivFun e a) ∙ₑ
                               subst2Equiv _≤P_ (retEq e x) (retEq e a))
                             (IsPosetEquiv.pres≤⁻ posEq (equivFun e x) (equivFun e b) ∙ₑ
                               subst2Equiv _≤P_ (retEq e x) (retEq e b))
  where _≤P_ = PosetStr._≤_ (P .snd)
        _≤S_ = PosetStr._≤_ (S .snd)

        posP = PosetStr.isPoset (P .snd)
        posS = PosetStr.isPoset (S .snd)

        proP = isPoset→isProset posP
        proS = isPoset→isProset posS

IsPosetEquivRespectsJoin : {P : Poset ℓ₀ ℓ₀'} {S : Poset ℓ₁ ℓ₁'} (e : PosetEquiv P S)
                          a b a∨b
                         isJoin (isPoset→isProset (PosetStr.isPoset (P .snd))) a b a∨b
                         isJoin (isPoset→isProset (PosetStr.isPoset (S .snd)))
                                 (equivFun (e .fst) a)
                                 (equivFun (e .fst) b)
                                 (equivFun (e .fst) a∨b)

IsPosetEquivRespectsJoin {P = P} {S = S} (e , posEq) a b a∨b
  = propBiimpl→Equiv (isPropIsJoin proP a b a∨b)
                     (isPropIsJoin proS (equivFun e a) (equivFun e b) (equivFun e a∨b))
                      join x
                        IsPosetEquiv.pres≤⁻ posEq (equivFun e a∨b) x ∙ₑ
                         substEquiv (_≤P invEq e x) (retEq e a∨b) ∙ₑ
                         join (invEq e x) ∙ₑ
                         ≃-× (IsPosetEquiv.pres≤ posEq a (invEq e x) ∙ₑ
                               substEquiv (equivFun e a ≤S_) (secEq e x))
                              (IsPosetEquiv.pres≤ posEq b (invEq e x) ∙ₑ
                               substEquiv (equivFun e b ≤S_) (secEq e x)))
                      λ join x
                        IsPosetEquiv.pres≤ posEq a∨b x ∙ₑ
                         join (equivFun e x) ∙ₑ
                         ≃-× (IsPosetEquiv.pres≤⁻ posEq (equivFun e a) (equivFun e x) ∙ₑ
                               subst2Equiv _≤P_ (retEq e a) (retEq e x))
                              (IsPosetEquiv.pres≤⁻ posEq (equivFun e b) (equivFun e x) ∙ₑ
                               subst2Equiv _≤P_ (retEq e b) (retEq e x))
  where _≤P_ = PosetStr._≤_ (P .snd)
        _≤S_ = PosetStr._≤_ (S .snd)

        posP = PosetStr.isPoset (P .snd)
        posS = PosetStr.isPoset (S .snd)

        proP = isPoset→isProset posP
        proS = isPoset→isProset posS

module _
  (pos : Poset  ℓ')
      pro = isPoset→isProset (PosetStr.isPoset (snd pos))

      is = PosetStr.isPoset (snd pos)

    isMeetSemipseudolattice : Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
    isMeetSemipseudolattice =  a b  Meet pro a b

    isMeetCompleteSemipseudolattice : {ℓ'' : Level}  Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-max  ℓ') (ℓ-suc ℓ''))
    isMeetCompleteSemipseudolattice {ℓ'' = ℓ''} = {B : Type ℓ''}
                                                 (P : B   pos )
                                                 Infimum pro P

    isJoinSemipseudolattice : Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
    isJoinSemipseudolattice =  a b  Join pro a b

    isJoinCompleteSemipseudolattice : {ℓ'' : Level}  Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-max  ℓ') (ℓ-suc ℓ''))
    isJoinCompleteSemipseudolattice {ℓ'' = ℓ''} = {B : Type ℓ''}
                                                 (P : B   pos )
                                                 Supremum pro P

    isMeetSemilattice : Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
    isMeetSemilattice = isMeetSemipseudolattice × Greatest pro ( pos  , (id↪ _))

    isJoinSemilattice : Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
    isJoinSemilattice = isJoinSemipseudolattice × Least pro ( pos  , (id↪ _))

    isPseudolattice : Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
    isPseudolattice = isMeetSemipseudolattice × isJoinSemipseudolattice

    isLattice : Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
    isLattice = isMeetSemilattice × isJoinSemilattice

    isCompleteLattice : {ℓ'' : Level}  Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-max  ℓ') (ℓ-suc ℓ''))
    isCompleteLattice {ℓ'' = ℓ''} = isMeetCompleteSemipseudolattice {ℓ''} × isJoinCompleteSemipseudolattice {ℓ''}

    -- These are all propositonal statements
    isPropIsMeetSemipseudolattice : isProp isMeetSemipseudolattice
      = isPropΠ2 λ a b  MeetUnique is a b

    isPropIsMeetCompleteSemipseudolattice : {ℓ'' : Level}  isProp (isMeetCompleteSemipseudolattice {ℓ''})
      = isPropImplicitΠ λ _  isPropΠ λ _  InfimumUnique is

    isPropIsJoinSemipseudolattice : isProp isJoinSemipseudolattice
      = isPropΠ2 λ a b  JoinUnique is a b

    isPropIsJoinCompleteSemipseudolattice : {ℓ'' : Level}  isProp (isJoinCompleteSemipseudolattice {ℓ''})
      = isPropImplicitΠ λ _  isPropΠ λ _  SupremumUnique is

    isPropIsMeetSemilattice : isProp isMeetSemilattice
    isPropIsMeetSemilattice = isProp× isPropIsMeetSemipseudolattice
                                     (GreatestUnique is {P =  pos  , (id↪  pos )})

    isPropIsJoinSemilattice : isProp isJoinSemilattice
    isPropIsJoinSemilattice = isProp× isPropIsJoinSemipseudolattice
                                     (LeastUnique is {P =  pos  , (id↪  pos )})

    isPropIsPseudolattice : isProp isPseudolattice
    isPropIsPseudolattice = isProp× isPropIsMeetSemipseudolattice

    isPropIsLattice : isProp isLattice
    isPropIsLattice = isProp× isPropIsMeetSemilattice

    isPropIsCompleteLattice : {ℓ'' : Level}  isProp (isCompleteLattice {ℓ''})
    isPropIsCompleteLattice = isProp× isPropIsMeetCompleteSemipseudolattice

    -- Complete semipseudolattices are semipseudolattices
    isMeetCompleteSemipseudolattice→isMeetSemipseudolattice : isMeetCompleteSemipseudolattice
    isMeetCompleteSemipseudolattice→isMeetSemipseudolattice meet
      =  a b  (meet fst .fst) , invEq (isMeet≃isInfimum pro a b _)
                                         (meet fst .snd))

    isJoinCompleteSemipseudolattice→isJoinSemipseudolattice : isJoinCompleteSemipseudolattice
    isJoinCompleteSemipseudolattice→isJoinSemipseudolattice join
      =  a b  (join fst .fst) , invEq (isJoin≃isSupremum pro a b _)
                                         (join fst .snd))

    -- They also imply each other, though we keep the two distinct for morphism reasons
    isMeetCompleteSemipseudolattice≃isJoinCompleteSemipseudolattice : (isMeetCompleteSemipseudolattice {ℓ-max  ℓ'})
                                                                     (isJoinCompleteSemipseudolattice {ℓ-max  ℓ'})
      = propBiimpl→Equiv isPropIsMeetCompleteSemipseudolattice
                         isPropIsJoinCompleteSemipseudolattice to from
      where to : isMeetCompleteSemipseudolattice
                isJoinCompleteSemipseudolattice {ℓ-max  ℓ'}
            to meet P = (fst lemma) ,
                         isInfimumOfUpperBounds→isSupremum pro P (fst lemma)
                                                                 (snd lemma)
              where P↑ : Type _
                    P↑ = UpperBound pro P

                    lemma = meet {B = P↑} fst

            from : isJoinCompleteSemipseudolattice
                  isMeetCompleteSemipseudolattice {ℓ-max  ℓ'}
            from join P = (fst lemma) ,
                           isSupremumOfLowerBounds→isInfimum pro P (fst lemma)
                                                                   (snd lemma)
              where P↓ : Type _
                    P↓ = LowerBound pro P

                    lemma = join {B = P↓} fst

    isCompleteLattice→isLattice : isCompleteLattice
    isCompleteLattice→isLattice (meet , join)
      = ((isMeetCompleteSemipseudolattice→isMeetSemipseudolattice meet) ,
         (join  x  x) .fst) ,
          isUpperBoundOfSelf→isGreatestOfSelf pro (join  x  x) .snd .fst)) ,
        ((isJoinCompleteSemipseudolattice→isJoinSemipseudolattice join) ,
          meet  x  x) .fst ,
          isLowerBoundOfSelf→isLeastOfSelf pro (meet  x  x) .snd .fst))

    module _
      (lat : isPseudolattice)
          _∧l_ :  pos    pos    pos 
          a ∧l b = (lat .fst a b) .fst

          _∨l_ :  pos    pos    pos 
          a ∨l b = (lat .snd a b) .fst

          set = IsPoset.is-set is

          rfl = IsPoset.is-refl is

        MeetDistLJoin : Type 
        MeetDistLJoin =  a b c  a ∧l (b ∨l c)  (a ∧l b) ∨l (a ∧l c)

        MeetDistRJoin : Type 
        MeetDistRJoin =  a b c  (a ∨l b) ∧l c  (a ∧l c) ∨l (b ∧l c)

        JoinDistLMeet : Type 
        JoinDistLMeet =  a b c  a ∨l (b ∧l c)  (a ∨l b) ∧l (a ∨l c)

        JoinDistRMeet : Type 
        JoinDistRMeet =  a b c  (a ∧l b) ∨l c  (a ∨l c) ∧l (b ∨l c)

        MeetAbsorbLJoin :  a b  a ∧l (a ∨l b)  a
        MeetAbsorbLJoin a b
          = sym (equivFun
                   is a (a ∨l b) (a ∧l (a ∨l b))
                  (lat .fst a (a ∨l b) .snd))
                (equivFun (lat .snd a b .snd (a ∨l b))
                          (rfl (a ∨l b)) .fst))

        MeetAbsorbRJoin :  a b  (a ∨l b) ∧l a  a
        MeetAbsorbRJoin a b
          = meetComm is (lat .fst) (a ∨l b) a 
            MeetAbsorbLJoin a b

        JoinAbsorbLMeet :  a b  a ∨l (a ∧l b)  a
        JoinAbsorbLMeet a b
          = sym (equivFun
                  is (a ∧l b) a (a ∨l (a ∧l b))
                                (isJoinComm pro a (a ∧l b) (a ∨l (a ∧l b))
                                           (lat .snd a (a ∧l b) .snd)))
                (equivFun (lat .fst a b .snd (a ∧l b)) (rfl (a ∧l b)) .fst))

        JoinAbsorbRMeet :  a b  (a ∧l b) ∨l a  a
        JoinAbsorbRMeet a b
          = joinComm is (lat .snd) (a ∧l b) a 
            JoinAbsorbLMeet a b

        isPropMeetDistLJoin : isProp MeetDistLJoin
        isPropMeetDistLJoin = isPropΠ3 λ _ _ _  set _ _

        isPropMeetDistRJoin : isProp MeetDistRJoin
        isPropMeetDistRJoin = isPropΠ3 λ _ _ _  set _ _

        isPropJoinDistLMeet : isProp JoinDistLMeet
        isPropJoinDistLMeet = isPropΠ3 λ _ _ _  set _ _

        isPropJoinDistRMeet : isProp JoinDistRMeet
        isPropJoinDistRMeet = isPropΠ3 λ _ _ _  set _ _

        MeetDistLJoin≃MeetDistRJoin : MeetDistLJoin  MeetDistRJoin
          = propBiimpl→Equiv isPropMeetDistLJoin
                             distl a b c  meetComm is (lat .fst) (a ∨l b) c 
                                             distl c a b 
                                             cong₂ _∨l_ (meetComm is (lat .fst) c a)
                                                        (meetComm is (lat .fst) c b))
                             λ distr a b c  meetComm is (lat .fst) a (b ∨l c) 
                                             distr b c a 
                                             cong₂ _∨l_ (meetComm is (lat .fst) b a)
                                                        (meetComm is (lat .fst) c a)

        JoinDistLMeet≃JoinDistRMeet : JoinDistLMeet  JoinDistRMeet
          = propBiimpl→Equiv isPropJoinDistLMeet
                             distl a b c  joinComm is (lat .snd) (a ∧l b) c 
                                             distl c a b 
                                             cong₂ _∧l_ (joinComm is (lat .snd) c a)
                                                        (joinComm is (lat .snd) c b))
                             λ distr a b c  joinComm is (lat .snd) a (b ∧l c) 
                                             distr b c a 
                                             cong₂ _∧l_ (joinComm is (lat .snd) b a)
                                                        (joinComm is (lat .snd) c a)

        MeetDistLJoin≃JoinDistLMeet : MeetDistLJoin  JoinDistLMeet
          = propBiimpl→Equiv isPropMeetDistLJoin
                              dist a b c   (a ∨l  (b  ∧l  c))                      ≡⟨ cong (_∨l (b ∧l c)) (sym (JoinAbsorbLMeet a c)) 
                                             ((a ∨l  (a  ∧l  c)) ∨l  (b ∧l c))        ≡⟨ sym (joinAssoc is (lat .snd) a (a ∧l c) (b ∧l c)) 
                                              (a ∨l ((a  ∧l  c)  ∨l  (b ∧l c)))       ≡⟨ cong (a ∨l_) (sym (equivFun MeetDistLJoin≃MeetDistRJoin dist a b c)) 
                                              (a ∨l ((a  ∨l  b)  ∧l   c))             ≡⟨ cong (_∨l ((a ∨l b) ∧l c)) (sym (MeetAbsorbRJoin a b)) 
                                            (((a ∨l   b) ∧l  a)  ∨l ((a ∨l b) ∧l c)) ≡⟨ sym (dist (a ∨l b) a c) 
                                             ((a ∨l   b) ∧l (a   ∨l   c))             )
                              λ dist' a b c  (a ∧l  (b  ∨l c))                      ≡⟨ cong (_∧l (b ∨l c)) (sym (MeetAbsorbLJoin a c)) 
                                             ((a ∧l  (a  ∨l c)) ∧l  (b ∨l c))        ≡⟨ sym (meetAssoc is (lat .fst) a (a ∨l c) (b ∨l c)) 
                                              (a ∧l ((a  ∨l c)  ∧l  (b ∨l c)))      ≡⟨ cong (a ∧l_) (sym (equivFun JoinDistLMeet≃JoinDistRMeet dist' a b c)) 
                                              (a ∧l ((a  ∧l b)  ∨l   c))             ≡⟨ cong (_∧l ((a ∧l b) ∨l c)) (sym (JoinAbsorbRMeet a b)) 
                                            (((a ∧l   b) ∨l a)  ∧l ((a ∧l b) ∨l c)) ≡⟨ sym (dist' (a ∧l b) a c) 
                                             ((a ∧l   b) ∨l (a  ∧l   c))             

        MeetDistRJoin≃JoinDistRMeet : MeetDistRJoin  JoinDistRMeet
        MeetDistRJoin≃JoinDistRMeet = invEquiv MeetDistLJoin≃MeetDistRJoin ∙ₑ
                                      MeetDistLJoin≃JoinDistLMeet ∙ₑ

        -- Since all of those varieties of distributivity are equivalent, we say that MeetDistLJoin is our canonical version of distributivity
        isDistributive : Type 
        isDistributive = MeetDistLJoin

        isPropIsDistributive : isProp isDistributive
        isPropIsDistributive = isPropMeetDistLJoin