{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Data.Sum.Properties where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism

open import Cubical.Functions.Embedding

open import Cubical.Data.Sum.Base as 
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as 
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary

open Iso

    ℓa ℓb ℓc ℓd ℓe : Level
    A : Type ℓa
    B : Type ℓb
    C : Type ℓc
    D : Type ℓd
    E : A  B  Type ℓe

-- Path space of sum type
module ⊎Path { ℓ'} {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'} where

  Cover : A  B  A  B  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
  Cover (inl a) (inl a') = Lift {j = ℓ-max  ℓ'} (a  a')
  Cover (inl _) (inr _) = Lift 
  Cover (inr _) (inl _) = Lift 
  Cover (inr b) (inr b') = Lift {j = ℓ-max  ℓ'} (b  b')

  reflCode : (c : A  B)  Cover c c
  reflCode (inl a) = lift refl
  reflCode (inr b) = lift refl

  encode :  c c'  c  c'  Cover c c'
  encode c _ = J  c' _  Cover c c') (reflCode c)

  encodeRefl :  c  encode c c refl  reflCode c
  encodeRefl c = JRefl  c' _  Cover c c') (reflCode c)

  decode :  c c'  Cover c c'  c  c'
  decode (inl a) (inl a') (lift p) = cong inl p
  decode (inl a) (inr b') ()
  decode (inr b) (inl a') ()
  decode (inr b) (inr b') (lift q) = cong inr q

  decodeRefl :  c  decode c c (reflCode c)  refl
  decodeRefl (inl a) = refl
  decodeRefl (inr b) = refl

  decodeEncode :  c c'  (p : c  c')  decode c c' (encode c c' p)  p
  decodeEncode c _ =
    J  c' p  decode c c' (encode c c' p)  p)
      (cong (decode c c) (encodeRefl c)  decodeRefl c)

  encodeDecode :  c c'  (d : Cover c c')  encode c c' (decode c c' d)  d
  encodeDecode (inl a) (inl _) (lift d) =
    J  a' p  encode (inl a) (inl a') (cong inl p)  lift p) (encodeRefl (inl a)) d
  encodeDecode (inr a) (inr _) (lift d) =
    J  a' p  encode (inr a) (inr a') (cong inr p)  lift p) (encodeRefl (inr a)) d

  Cover≃Path :  c c'  Cover c c'  (c  c')
  Cover≃Path c c' =
    isoToEquiv (iso (decode c c') (encode c c') (decodeEncode c c') (encodeDecode c c'))

  isOfHLevelCover : (n : HLevel)
     isOfHLevel (suc (suc n)) A
     isOfHLevel (suc (suc n)) B
      c c'  isOfHLevel (suc n) (Cover c c')
  isOfHLevelCover n p q (inl a) (inl a') = isOfHLevelLift (suc n) (p a a')
  isOfHLevelCover n p q (inl a) (inr b') =
    isOfHLevelLift (suc n) (isProp→isOfHLevelSuc n isProp⊥)
  isOfHLevelCover n p q (inr b) (inl a') =
    isOfHLevelLift (suc n) (isProp→isOfHLevelSuc n isProp⊥)
  isOfHLevelCover n p q (inr b) (inr b') = isOfHLevelLift (suc n) (q b b')

isEmbedding-inl : isEmbedding (inl {A = A} {B = B})
isEmbedding-inl w z = snd (compEquiv LiftEquiv (⊎Path.Cover≃Path (inl w) (inl z)))

isEmbedding-inr : isEmbedding (inr {A = A} {B = B})
isEmbedding-inr w z = snd (compEquiv LiftEquiv (⊎Path.Cover≃Path (inr w) (inr z)))

isOfHLevel⊎ : (n : HLevel)
   isOfHLevel (suc (suc n)) A
   isOfHLevel (suc (suc n)) B
   isOfHLevel (suc (suc n)) (A  B)
isOfHLevel⊎ n lA lB c c' =
  isOfHLevelRetract (suc n)
    (⊎Path.encode c c')
    (⊎Path.decode c c')
    (⊎Path.decodeEncode c c')
    (⊎Path.isOfHLevelCover n lA lB c c')

isProp⊎ : isProp A  isProp B  (A  B  )  isProp (A  B)
isProp⊎ propA _ _ (inl x) (inl y) i = inl (propA x y i)
isProp⊎ _ _ AB⊥ (inl x) (inr y) = ⊥.rec (AB⊥ x y)
isProp⊎ _ _ AB⊥ (inr x) (inl y) = ⊥.rec (AB⊥ y x)
isProp⊎ _ propB _ (inr x) (inr y) i = inr (propB x y i)

isSet⊎ : isSet A  isSet B  isSet (A  B)
isSet⊎ = isOfHLevel⊎ 0

isGroupoid⊎ : isGroupoid A  isGroupoid B  isGroupoid (A  B)
isGroupoid⊎ = isOfHLevel⊎ 1

is2Groupoid⊎ : is2Groupoid A  is2Groupoid B  is2Groupoid (A  B)
is2Groupoid⊎ = isOfHLevel⊎ 2

discrete⊎ : Discrete A  Discrete B  Discrete (A  B)
discrete⊎ decA decB (inl a) (inl a') =
  mapDec (cong inl)  p q  p (isEmbedding→Inj isEmbedding-inl _ _ q)) (decA a a')
discrete⊎ decA decB (inl a) (inr b') = no  p  lower (⊎Path.encode (inl a) (inr b') p))
discrete⊎ decA decB (inr b) (inl a') = no ((λ p  lower (⊎Path.encode (inr b) (inl a') p)))
discrete⊎ decA decB (inr b) (inr b') =
  mapDec (cong inr)  p q  p (isEmbedding→Inj isEmbedding-inr _ _ q)) (decB b b')

⊎Iso : Iso A C  Iso B D  Iso (A  B) (C  D)
fun (⊎Iso iac ibd) (inl x) = inl (iac .fun x)
fun (⊎Iso iac ibd) (inr x) = inr (ibd .fun x)
inv (⊎Iso iac ibd) (inl x) = inl (iac .inv x)
inv (⊎Iso iac ibd) (inr x) = inr (ibd .inv x)
rightInv (⊎Iso iac ibd) (inl x) = cong inl (iac .rightInv x)
rightInv (⊎Iso iac ibd) (inr x) = cong inr (ibd .rightInv x)
leftInv (⊎Iso iac ibd) (inl x)  = cong inl (iac .leftInv x)
leftInv (⊎Iso iac ibd) (inr x)  = cong inr (ibd .leftInv x)

⊎-equiv : A  C  B  D  (A  B)  (C  D)
⊎-equiv p q = isoToEquiv (⊎Iso (equivToIso p) (equivToIso q))

⊎-swap-Iso : Iso (A  B) (B  A)
fun ⊎-swap-Iso (inl x) = inr x
fun ⊎-swap-Iso (inr x) = inl x
inv ⊎-swap-Iso (inl x) = inr x
inv ⊎-swap-Iso (inr x) = inl x
rightInv ⊎-swap-Iso (inl _) = refl
rightInv ⊎-swap-Iso (inr _) = refl
leftInv ⊎-swap-Iso (inl _)  = refl
leftInv ⊎-swap-Iso (inr _)  = refl

⊎-swap-≃ : A  B  B  A
⊎-swap-≃ = isoToEquiv ⊎-swap-Iso

⊎-assoc-Iso : Iso ((A  B)  C) (A  (B  C))
fun ⊎-assoc-Iso (inl (inl x)) = inl x
fun ⊎-assoc-Iso (inl (inr x)) = inr (inl x)
fun ⊎-assoc-Iso (inr x)       = inr (inr x)
inv ⊎-assoc-Iso (inl x)       = inl (inl x)
inv ⊎-assoc-Iso (inr (inl x)) = inl (inr x)
inv ⊎-assoc-Iso (inr (inr x)) = inr x
rightInv ⊎-assoc-Iso (inl _)       = refl
rightInv ⊎-assoc-Iso (inr (inl _)) = refl
rightInv ⊎-assoc-Iso (inr (inr _)) = refl
leftInv ⊎-assoc-Iso (inl (inl _))  = refl
leftInv ⊎-assoc-Iso (inl (inr _))  = refl
leftInv ⊎-assoc-Iso (inr _)        = refl

⊎-assoc-≃ : (A  B)  C  A  (B  C)
⊎-assoc-≃ = isoToEquiv ⊎-assoc-Iso

⊎-IdR-⊥-Iso : Iso (A  ) A
fun ⊎-IdR-⊥-Iso (inl x) = x
inv ⊎-IdR-⊥-Iso x       = inl x
rightInv ⊎-IdR-⊥-Iso _      = refl
leftInv ⊎-IdR-⊥-Iso (inl _) = refl

⊎-IdL-⊥-Iso : Iso (  A) A
fun ⊎-IdL-⊥-Iso (inr x) = x
inv ⊎-IdL-⊥-Iso x       = inr x
rightInv ⊎-IdL-⊥-Iso _      = refl
leftInv ⊎-IdL-⊥-Iso (inr _) = refl

⊎-IdL-⊥*-Iso : ∀{}  Iso (⊥* {}  A) A
fun ⊎-IdL-⊥*-Iso (inr x) = x
inv ⊎-IdL-⊥*-Iso x       = inr x
rightInv ⊎-IdL-⊥*-Iso _      = refl
leftInv ⊎-IdL-⊥*-Iso (inr _) = refl

⊎-IdR-⊥*-Iso : ∀{}  Iso (A  ⊥* {}) A
fun ⊎-IdR-⊥*-Iso (inl x) = x
inv ⊎-IdR-⊥*-Iso x       = inl x
rightInv ⊎-IdR-⊥*-Iso _      = refl
leftInv ⊎-IdR-⊥*-Iso (inl _) = refl

⊎-IdR-⊥-≃ : A    A
⊎-IdR-⊥-≃ = isoToEquiv ⊎-IdR-⊥-Iso

⊎-IdL-⊥-≃ :   A  A
⊎-IdL-⊥-≃ = isoToEquiv ⊎-IdL-⊥-Iso

⊎-IdR-⊥*-≃ : ∀{}  A  ⊥* {}  A
⊎-IdR-⊥*-≃ = isoToEquiv ⊎-IdR-⊥*-Iso

⊎-IdL-⊥*-≃ : ∀{}  ⊥* {}  A  A
⊎-IdL-⊥*-≃ = isoToEquiv ⊎-IdL-⊥*-Iso

Π⊎Iso : Iso ((x : A  B)  E x) (((a : A)  E (inl a)) × ((b : B)  E (inr b)))
fun Π⊎Iso f .fst a = f (inl a)
fun Π⊎Iso f .snd b = f (inr b)
inv Π⊎Iso (g1 , g2) (inl a) = g1 a
inv Π⊎Iso (g1 , g2) (inr b) = g2 b
rightInv Π⊎Iso (g1 , g2) i .fst a = g1 a
rightInv Π⊎Iso (g1 , g2) i .snd b = g2 b
leftInv Π⊎Iso f i (inl a) = f (inl a)
leftInv Π⊎Iso f i (inr b) = f (inr b)

Σ⊎Iso : Iso (Σ (A  B) E) ((Σ A  a  E (inl a)))  (Σ B  b  E (inr b))))
fun Σ⊎Iso (inl a , ea) = inl (a , ea)
fun Σ⊎Iso (inr b , eb) = inr (b , eb)
inv Σ⊎Iso (inl (a , ea)) = (inl a , ea)
inv Σ⊎Iso (inr (b , eb)) = (inr b , eb)
rightInv Σ⊎Iso (inl (a , ea)) = refl
rightInv Σ⊎Iso (inr (b , eb)) = refl
leftInv Σ⊎Iso (inl a , ea) = refl
leftInv Σ⊎Iso (inr b , eb) = refl

×DistR⊎Iso : Iso (A × (B  C)) ((A × B)  (A × C))
fun ×DistR⊎Iso (a , inl b) = inl (a , b)
fun ×DistR⊎Iso (a , inr c) = inr (a , c)
inv ×DistR⊎Iso (inl (a , b)) = a , inl b
inv ×DistR⊎Iso (inr (a , c)) = a , inr c
rightInv ×DistR⊎Iso (inl (a , b)) = refl
rightInv ×DistR⊎Iso (inr (a , c)) = refl
leftInv ×DistR⊎Iso (a , inl b) = refl
leftInv ×DistR⊎Iso (a , inr c) = refl

Π⊎≃ : ((x : A  B)  E x)  ((a : A)  E (inl a)) × ((b : B)  E (inr b))
Π⊎≃ = isoToEquiv Π⊎Iso

Σ⊎≃ : (Σ (A  B) E)  ((Σ A  a  E (inl a)))  (Σ B  b  E (inr b))))
Σ⊎≃ = isoToEquiv Σ⊎Iso

⊎Monotone↪ : A  C  B  D  (A  B)  (C  D)
⊎Monotone↪ (f , embf) (g , embg) = (map f g) , emb
  where coverToMap :  x y  ⊎Path.Cover x y
                            ⊎Path.Cover (map f g x) (map f g y)
        coverToMap (inl _) (inl _) cover = lift (cong f (lower cover))
        coverToMap (inr _) (inr _) cover = lift (cong g (lower cover))

        equiv :  x y  isEquiv (coverToMap x y)
        equiv (inl a₀) (inl a₁)
          = ((invEquiv LiftEquiv)
            ∙ₑ ((cong f) , (embf a₀ a₁))
            ∙ₑ LiftEquiv) .snd
        equiv (inl a₀) (inr b₁) .equiv-proof ()
        equiv (inr b₀) (inl a₁) .equiv-proof ()
        equiv (inr b₀) (inr b₁)
          = ((invEquiv LiftEquiv)
            ∙ₑ ((cong g) , (embg b₀ b₁))
            ∙ₑ LiftEquiv) .snd

        lemma :  x y
                (p : x  y)
               cong (map f g) p 
                       (map f g x)
                       (map f g y)
                       (coverToMap x y (⊎Path.encode x y p))
        lemma (inl a₀) _
          = J  y p
               cong (map f g) p 
                     ⊎Path.decode (map f g (inl a₀))
                                  (map f g y)
                                  (coverToMap (inl a₀) y
                                              (⊎Path.encode (inl a₀) y p)))
            (sym $ cong (cong inl) (cong (cong f) (transportRefl _)))
        lemma (inr b₀) _
          = J  y p
               cong (map f g) p 
                       (map f g (inr b₀))
                       (map f g y)
                       (coverToMap (inr b₀) y (⊎Path.encode (inr b₀) y p)))
              (sym $ cong (cong inr) (cong (cong g) (transportRefl _)))

        emb : isEmbedding (map f g)
        emb x y = subst  eq  isEquiv eq)
                        (sym (funExt (lemma x y)))
                          ((x  y         ≃⟨ invEquiv (⊎Path.Cover≃Path x y) 
                          ⊎Path.Cover x y ≃⟨ (coverToMap x y) , (equiv x y) 
                            (map f g x)
                            (map f g y)   ≃⟨ ⊎Path.Cover≃Path
                                             (map f g x)
                                             (map f g y) 
                          map f g x  map f g y ) .snd)

-- A ⊎ B ≃ C ⊎ D implies B ≃ D if the first equiv respects inl
Iso⊎→Iso : (f : Iso A C) (e : Iso (A  B) (C  D))
    ((a : A)  Iso.fun e (inl a)  inl (Iso.fun f a))
    Iso B D
Iso⊎→Iso {A = A} {C = C} {B = B} {D = D} f e p = Iso'
  ⊥-fib :  { ℓ'} {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'}  A  B  Type
  ⊥-fib (inl x) = 
  ⊥-fib (inr x) = Unit

  module _ {A : Type ℓa} {B : Type ℓb} {C : Type ℓc} {D : Type ℓd}
         (f : Iso A C)
         (e : Iso (A  B) (C  D))
         (p : (a : A)  Iso.fun e (inl a)  inl (Iso.fun f a)) where
    T : (b : B)  Type _
    T b = Σ[ d'  C  D ] (Iso.fun e (inr b)  d')

    T-elim :  {} (b : B) {P : (x : T b)  Type }
            ((d : D) (s : _)  P (inr d , s))
            (x : _)  P x
    T-elim b ind (inl x , q) =
      ⊥.rec (subst ⊥-fib (sym (sym (Iso.leftInv e _)
           cong (Iso.inv e)
             (p _  cong inl (Iso.rightInv f x)  sym q)
           Iso.leftInv e _)) tt)
    T-elim b ind (inr x , y) = ind x y

  e-pres-inr-help : (b : B)  T f e p b   D
  e-pres-inr-help b = T-elim f e p b λ d _  d

  p' : (a : C)  Iso.inv e (inl a)  inl (Iso.inv f a)
  p' c = cong (Iso.inv e  inl) (sym (Iso.rightInv f c))
      ∙∙ cong (Iso.inv e) (sym (p (Iso.inv f c)))
      ∙∙ Iso.leftInv e _

  e⁻-pres-inr-help : (d : D)  T (invIso f) (invIso e) p' d  B
  e⁻-pres-inr-help d = T-elim (invIso f) (invIso e) p' d λ b _  b

  e-pres-inr : B  D
  e-pres-inr b = e-pres-inr-help b (_ , refl)

  e⁻-pres-inr : D  B
  e⁻-pres-inr d = e⁻-pres-inr-help d (_ , refl)

  lem1 : (b : B) (e : T f e p b) (d : _)
     e⁻-pres-inr-help (e-pres-inr-help b e) d  b
  lem1 b = T-elim f e p b λ d s
     T-elim (invIso f) (invIso e) p' _
      λ b' s'  invEq (_ , isEmbedding-inr _ _)
        (sym s'  cong (Iso.inv e) (sym s)  Iso.leftInv e _)

  lem2 : (d : D) (e : T (invIso f) (invIso e) p' d ) (t : _)
     e-pres-inr-help (e⁻-pres-inr-help d e) t  d
  lem2 d = T-elim (invIso f) (invIso e) p' d
    λ b s  T-elim f e p _ λ d' s'
     invEq (_ , isEmbedding-inr _ _)
         (sym s'  cong (Iso.fun e) (sym s)  Iso.rightInv e _)

  Iso' : Iso B D
  Iso.fun Iso' = e-pres-inr
  Iso.inv Iso' = e⁻-pres-inr
  Iso.rightInv Iso' x = lem2 x (_ , refl) (_ , refl)
  Iso.leftInv Iso' x = lem1 x (_ , refl) (_ , refl)