
This file contains:

- Ordinals as well-ordered sets

{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Data.Ordinal.Base where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure

open import Cubical.Data.Empty as 
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as 
open import Cubical.Data.Unit

open import Cubical.Induction.WellFounded

open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Base
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Extensionality
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Order.Woset

     : Level

infix 7 _·_
infix 6 _+_

-- Ordinals are simply well-ordered sets
Ord :  {}  Type _
Ord {} = Woset  

isSetOrd : isSet (Ord {})
isSetOrd = isSetWoset

-- The successor ordinal is simply the union with unit
suc : Ord {}  Ord {}
suc {} (A , ordStr) = (A  Unit* {}) , wosetstr _≺_ iswos
  where _≺ₐ_ = WosetStr._≺_ ordStr
        wosA = WosetStr.isWoset ordStr
        setA = IsWoset.is-set wosA
        propA = IsWoset.is-prop-valued wosA
        wellA = IsWoset.is-well-founded wosA
        weakA = IsWoset.is-weakly-extensional wosA
        transA = IsWoset.is-trans wosA

        _≺_ : Rel (A  Unit* {}) (A  Unit* {}) 
        inl a  inl b = a ≺ₐ b
        inl _  inr * = Unit* {}
        inr *  _ = ⊥* {}

        open BinaryRelation

        set : isSet (A  Unit*)
        set = isSet⊎ setA isSetUnit*

        prop : isPropValued _≺_
        prop (inl a) (inl b) = propA a b
        prop (inl _) (inr *) = isPropUnit*
        prop (inr *) _ = isProp⊥*

        well : WellFounded _≺_
        well (inl x) = WFI.induction wellA {P = λ x  Acc _≺_ (inl x)}
                      _ ind  acc  { (inl y)  ind y
                                       ; (inr *) () })) x
        well (inr *) = acc  { (inl y) _  well (inl y)
                              ; (inr *) () })

        weak : isWeaklyExtensional _≺_
        weak = ≺×→≡→isWeaklyExtensional _≺_ set prop
             λ { (inl x) (inl y) ex  cong inl
                 (isWeaklyExtensional→≺Equiv→≡ _≺ₐ_ weakA x y λ z
                  propBiimpl→Equiv (propA z x) (propA z y)
                   (ex (inl z) .fst)
                   (ex (inl z) .snd))
               ; (inl x) (inr *) ex  ⊥.rec
                   (WellFounded→isIrrefl _≺ₐ_ wellA x (ex (inl x) .snd tt*))
               ; (inr *) (inl x) ex  ⊥.rec
                   (WellFounded→isIrrefl _≺ₐ_ wellA x (ex (inl x) .fst tt*))
               ; (inr *) (inr _) _  refl

        trans : isTrans _≺_
        trans (inl a) (inl b) (inl c) = transA a b c
        trans (inl _) (inl _) (inr *) _ _ = tt*
        trans (inl a) (inr *) _ _ ()
        trans (inr *) _ _ ()

        iswos : IsWoset _≺_
        iswos = iswoset set prop well weak trans

-- Ordinal addition is handled similarly
_+_ : Ord {}  Ord {}  Ord {}
A + B = ( A    B ) , wosetstr _≺_ wos
  where _≺ᵣ_ = WosetStr._≺_ (str A)
        _≺ₛ_ = WosetStr._≺_ (str B)

        wosA = WosetStr.isWoset (str A)
        setA = IsWoset.is-set wosA
        propA = IsWoset.is-prop-valued wosA
        wellA = IsWoset.is-well-founded wosA
        weakA = IsWoset.is-weakly-extensional wosA
        transA = IsWoset.is-trans wosA

        wosB = WosetStr.isWoset (str B)
        setB = IsWoset.is-set wosB
        propB = IsWoset.is-prop-valued wosB
        wellB = IsWoset.is-well-founded wosB
        weakB = IsWoset.is-weakly-extensional wosB
        transB = IsWoset.is-trans wosB

        _≺_ : Rel ( A    B ) ( A    B ) _
        inl a₀  inl a₁ = a₀ ≺ᵣ a₁
        inl a₀  inr b₁ = Unit*
        inr b₀  inl a₁ = ⊥*
        inr b₀  inr b₁ = b₀ ≺ₛ b₁

        open BinaryRelation

        set : isSet ( A    B )
        set = isSet⊎ setA setB

        prop : isPropValued _≺_
        prop (inl a₀) (inl a₁) = propA a₀ a₁
        prop (inl a₀) (inr b₁) = isPropUnit*
        prop (inr b₀) (inl a₁) = isProp⊥*
        prop (inr b₀) (inr b₁) = propB b₀ b₁

        well : WellFounded _≺_
        well (inl a₀) = WFI.induction wellA {P = λ a  Acc _≺_ (inl a)}
           _ ind  acc λ { (inl a₁)  ind a₁
                           ; (inr b₁) () }) a₀
        well (inr b₀) = WFI.induction wellB {P = λ b  Acc _≺_ (inr b)}
           _ ind  acc λ { (inl a₁) _  well (inl a₁)
                           ; (inr b₁)  ind b₁ }) b₀

        weak : isWeaklyExtensional _≺_
        weak = ≺×→≡→isWeaklyExtensional _≺_ set prop
          λ { (inl a₀) (inl a₁) ex  cong inl
              (isWeaklyExtensional→≺Equiv→≡ _≺ᵣ_ weakA a₀ a₁ λ c 
                propBiimpl→Equiv (propA c a₀) (propA c a₁)
                (ex (inl c) .fst)
                (ex (inl c) .snd))
            ; (inl a₀) (inr _) ex 
              ⊥.rec (WellFounded→isIrrefl _≺ᵣ_ wellA a₀ (ex (inl a₀) .snd tt*))
            ; (inr _) (inl a₁) ex 
              ⊥.rec (WellFounded→isIrrefl _≺ᵣ_ wellA a₁ (ex (inl a₁) .fst tt*))
            ; (inr b₀) (inr b₁) ex  cong inr
              (isWeaklyExtensional→≺Equiv→≡ _≺ₛ_ weakB b₀ b₁ λ c 
                propBiimpl→Equiv (propB c b₀) (propB c b₁)
                (ex (inr c) .fst)
                (ex (inr c) .snd))

        trans : isTrans _≺_
        trans (inl a) (inl b) (inl c) = transA a b c
        trans (inl _) _ (inr _) _ _ = tt*
        trans _ (inr _) (inl _) _ ()
        trans (inr _) (inl _) _ ()
        trans (inr a) (inr b) (inr c) = transB a b c

        wos : IsWoset _≺_
        wos = iswoset set prop well weak trans

-- Ordinal multiplication is handled lexicographically
_·_ : Ord {}  Ord {}  Ord {}
A · B =  A  ×  B  , wosetstr _≺_ wos
  where _≺ᵣ_ = WosetStr._≺_ (str A)
        _≺ₛ_ = WosetStr._≺_ (str B)

        wosA = WosetStr.isWoset (str A)
        setA = IsWoset.is-set wosA
        propA = IsWoset.is-prop-valued wosA
        wellA = IsWoset.is-well-founded wosA
        weakA = IsWoset.is-weakly-extensional wosA
        transA = IsWoset.is-trans wosA

        wosB = WosetStr.isWoset (str B)
        setB = IsWoset.is-set wosB
        propB = IsWoset.is-prop-valued wosB
        wellB = IsWoset.is-well-founded wosB
        weakB = IsWoset.is-weakly-extensional wosB
        transB = IsWoset.is-trans wosB

        _≺_ : Rel ( A  ×  B ) ( A  ×  B ) _
        (a₀ , b₀)  (a₁ , b₁) = (b₀ ≺ₛ b₁)  ((b₀  b₁) × (a₀ ≺ᵣ a₁))

        open BinaryRelation

        set : isSet ( A  ×  B )
        set = isSet× setA setB

        prop : isPropValued _≺_
        prop (a₀ , b₀) (a₁ , b₁)
          = isProp⊎ (propB _ _) (isProp× (setB _ _) (propA _ _))
            λ b₀≺b₁ (b₀≡b₁ , _)
           WellFounded→isIrrefl _≺ₛ_ wellB b₁ (subst (_≺ₛ b₁) b₀≡b₁ b₀≺b₁)

        well : WellFounded _≺_
        well (a₀ , b₀) = WFI.induction wellB {P = λ b   a  Acc _≺_ (a , b)}
           b₁ indB  WFI.induction wellA {P = λ a  Acc _≺_ (a , b₁)}
           λ a₂ indA  acc λ { (a , b) (inl b≺b₁)  indB b b≺b₁ a
                             ; (a , b) (inr (b≡b₁ , a≺a₁))
                              subst  x  Acc _≺_ (a , x))
                                     (sym b≡b₁)
                                     (indA a a≺a₁) }) b₀ a₀

        weak : isWeaklyExtensional _≺_
        weak = ≺×→≡→isWeaklyExtensional _≺_ set prop λ (a₀ , b₀) (a₁ , b₁) ex 
             ΣPathP ((isWeaklyExtensional→≺Equiv→≡ _≺ᵣ_ weakA a₀ a₁
                a₂  propBiimpl→Equiv (propA a₂ a₀) (propA a₂ a₁)
                a₂≺a₀  ⊎.rec  b₀≺b₁  ⊥.rec
                          (WellFounded→isIrrefl _≺ₛ_ wellB b₁
                          (subst (_≺ₛ b₁) (lemma a₀ a₁ b₀ b₁ ex) b₀≺b₁))) snd
                          (ex (a₂ , b₀) .fst (inr (refl , a₂≺a₀))))
               λ a₂≺a₁  ⊎.rec  b₁≺b₀  ⊥.rec
                         (WellFounded→isIrrefl _≺ₛ_ wellB b₁
                         (subst (b₁ ≺ₛ_) (lemma a₀ a₁ b₀ b₁ ex) b₁≺b₀))) snd
                         (ex (a₂ , b₁) .snd (inr (refl , a₂≺a₁)))))
               , lemma a₀ a₁ b₀ b₁ ex)
             where lemma :  a₀ a₁ b₀ b₁
                          (∀ c  (c  (a₀ , b₀)  c  (a₁ , b₁))
                                × (c  (a₁ , b₁)  c  (a₀ , b₀)))
                          b₀  b₁
                   lemma a₀ a₁ b₀ b₁ ex
                     = isWeaklyExtensional→≺Equiv→≡ _≺ₛ_ weakB b₀ b₁
                       λ b₂  propBiimpl→Equiv (propB b₂ b₀) (propB b₂ b₁)
                          b₂≺b₀  ⊎.rec  b₂≺b₁  b₂≺b₁)
                             (_ , a₁≺a₁)
                             ⊥.rec (WellFounded→isIrrefl _≺ᵣ_ wellA a₁ a₁≺a₁))
                              (ex (a₁ , b₂) .fst (inl b₂≺b₀)))
                         λ b₂≺b₁  ⊎.rec  b₂≺b₀  b₂≺b₀)
                            (_ , a₀≺a₀)
                            ⊥.rec (WellFounded→isIrrefl _≺ᵣ_ wellA a₀ a₀≺a₀))
                             (ex (a₀ , b₂) .snd (inl b₂≺b₁))

        trans : isTrans _≺_
        trans (_ , b₀) (_ , b₁) (_ , b₂) (inl b₀≺b₁) (inl b₁≺b₂)
          = inl (transB b₀ b₁ b₂ b₀≺b₁ b₁≺b₂)
        trans (_ , b₀) _ _ (inl b₀≺b₁) (inr (b₁≡b₂ , _))
          = inl (subst (b₀ ≺ₛ_) b₁≡b₂ b₀≺b₁)
        trans _ _ (_ , b₂) (inr (b₀≡b₁ , _)) (inl b₁≺b₂)
          = inl (subst (_≺ₛ b₂) (sym b₀≡b₁) b₁≺b₂)
        trans (a₀ , _) (a₁ , _) (a₂ , _)
              (inr (b₀≡b₁ , a₀≺a₁))
              (inr (b₁≡b₂ , a₁≺a₂))
          = inr ((b₀≡b₁  b₁≡b₂) , (transA a₀ a₁ a₂ a₀≺a₁ a₁≺a₂))

        wos : IsWoset _≺_
        wos = iswoset set prop well weak trans