{-# OPTIONS --safe --lossy-unification #-}
This file contains:
1. Functoriality of Hˢᵏᵉˡ
2. Construction of cellular homology, including funtoriality

module Cubical.CW.Homology where

open import Cubical.CW.Base
open import Cubical.CW.Properties
open import Cubical.CW.Map
open import Cubical.CW.Homotopy
open import Cubical.CW.ChainComplex
open import Cubical.CW.Approximation

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function

open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Fin.Inductive.Base

open import Cubical.Algebra.Group
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.MorphismProperties
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.GroupPath
open import Cubical.Algebra.ChainComplex

open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PT
open import Cubical.HITs.SequentialColimit

     ℓ' ℓ'' : Level

------ Part 1. Functoriality of Hˢᵏᵉˡ ------
Hˢᵏᵉˡ→-pre : (C : CWskel ) (D : CWskel ℓ') (m : )
  (f : finCellMap (suc (suc (suc m))) C D)
   GroupHom (Hˢᵏᵉˡ C m) (Hˢᵏᵉˡ D m)
Hˢᵏᵉˡ→-pre C D m f = finCellMap→HomologyMap m f

  Hˢᵏᵉˡ→-pre' : (C : CWskel ) (D : CWskel ℓ') (m : )
     (f : realise C  realise D)
      finCellApprox C D f (suc (suc (suc m))) ∥₁
     GroupHom (Hˢᵏᵉˡ C m) (Hˢᵏᵉˡ D m)
  Hˢᵏᵉˡ→-pre' C D m f =
    rec→Set isSetGroupHom
     f  Hˢᵏᵉˡ→-pre C D m (f .fst))
    main : 2-Constant  f₁  Hˢᵏᵉˡ→-pre C D m (f₁ .fst))
    main f g = PT.rec (isSetGroupHom _ _)
       q  finChainHomotopy→HomologyPath _ _
        (cellHom-to-ChainHomotopy _ q) flast)
      (pathToCellularHomotopy _ (fst f) (fst g)
        λ x  funExt⁻ (snd f  sym (snd g)) (fincl flast x))

Hˢᵏᵉˡ→ : {C : CWskel } {D : CWskel ℓ'} (m : )
  (f : realise C  realise D)
   GroupHom (Hˢᵏᵉˡ C m) (Hˢᵏᵉˡ D m)
Hˢᵏᵉˡ→ {C = C} {D} m f =
  Hˢᵏᵉˡ→-pre' C D m f
    (CWmap→finCellMap C D f (suc (suc (suc m))))

Hˢᵏᵉˡ→β : (C : CWskel ) (D : CWskel ℓ') (m : )
  {f : realise C  realise D}
  (ϕ : finCellApprox C D f (suc (suc (suc m))))
   Hˢᵏᵉˡ→ {C = C} {D} m f  Hˢᵏᵉˡ→-pre C D m (ϕ .fst)
Hˢᵏᵉˡ→β C D m {f = f} ϕ =
  cong (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→-pre' C D m f) (squash₁ _  ϕ ∣₁)

Hˢᵏᵉˡ→id : (m : ) {C : CWskel }
   Hˢᵏᵉˡ→ {C = C} m (idfun _)  idGroupHom
Hˢᵏᵉˡ→id m {C = C} =
  Hˢᵏᵉˡ→β C C m {idfun _} (idFinCellApprox (suc (suc (suc m))))
   finCellMap→HomologyMapId _

Hˢᵏᵉˡ→comp : (m : )
  {C : CWskel } {D : CWskel ℓ'} {E : CWskel ℓ''}
  (g : realise D  realise E)
  (f : realise C  realise D)
   Hˢᵏᵉˡ→ m (g  f)
   compGroupHom (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→ m f) (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→ m g)
Hˢᵏᵉˡ→comp m {C = C} {D = D} {E = E} g f =
  PT.rec2 (isSetGroupHom _ _)
    (CWmap→finCellMap C D f (suc (suc (suc m))))
    (CWmap→finCellMap D E g (suc (suc (suc m))))
  module _  (F : finCellApprox C D f (suc (suc (suc m))))
            (G : finCellApprox D E g (suc (suc (suc m))))
    comps : finCellApprox C E (g  f) (suc (suc (suc m)))
    comps = compFinCellApprox _ {g = g} {f} G F

    eq1 : Hˢᵏᵉˡ→ m (g  f)
         Hˢᵏᵉˡ→-pre C E m (composeFinCellMap _ (fst G) (fst F))
    eq1 = Hˢᵏᵉˡ→β C E m {g  f} comps

    eq2 : compGroupHom (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→ m f) (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→ m g)
         compGroupHom (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→-pre C D m (fst F)) (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→-pre D E m (fst G))
    eq2 = cong₂ compGroupHom (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→β C D m {f = f} F) (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→β D E m {f = g} G)

    main : Hˢᵏᵉˡ→ m (g  f)  compGroupHom (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→ m f) (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→ m g)
    main = eq1 ∙∙ finCellMap→HomologyMapComp _ _ _ ∙∙ sym eq2

-- preservation of equivalence
Hˢᵏᵉˡ→Iso : {C : CWskel } {D : CWskel ℓ'} (m : )
  (e : realise C  realise D)  GroupIso (Hˢᵏᵉˡ C m) (Hˢᵏᵉˡ D m)
Iso.fun (fst (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→Iso m e)) = fst (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→ m (fst e))
Iso.inv (fst (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→Iso m e)) = fst (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→ m (invEq e))
Iso.rightInv (fst (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→Iso m e)) =
  funExt⁻ (cong fst (sym (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→comp m (fst e) (invEq e))
       ∙∙ cong (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→ m) (funExt (secEq e))
       ∙∙ Hˢᵏᵉˡ→id m))
Iso.leftInv (fst (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→Iso m e)) =
  funExt⁻ (cong fst (sym (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→comp m (invEq e) (fst e))
       ∙∙ cong (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→ m) (funExt (retEq e))
       ∙∙ Hˢᵏᵉˡ→id m))
snd (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→Iso m e) = snd (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→ m (fst e))

Hˢᵏᵉˡ→Equiv : {C : CWskel } {D : CWskel ℓ'} (m : )
  (e : realise C  realise D)  GroupEquiv (Hˢᵏᵉˡ C m) (Hˢᵏᵉˡ D m)
Hˢᵏᵉˡ→Equiv m e = GroupIso→GroupEquiv (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→Iso m e)

------ Part 2. Definition of cellular homology ------
Hᶜʷ :  (C : CW ) (n : )  Group₀
Hᶜʷ (C , CWstr) n =
       Cskel  Hˢᵏᵉˡ (Cskel .fst) n)
       Cskel Dskel
         Hˢᵏᵉˡ→Equiv n (compEquiv (invEquiv (snd Cskel)) (snd Dskel)))
  coh : (Cskel Dskel Eskel : isCW C) (t : fst (Hˢᵏᵉˡ (Cskel .fst) n))
     fst (fst (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→Equiv n (compEquiv (invEquiv (snd Dskel)) (snd Eskel))))
        (fst (fst (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→Equiv n (compEquiv (invEquiv (snd Cskel)) (snd Dskel)))) t)
     fst (fst (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→Equiv n (compEquiv (invEquiv (snd Cskel)) (snd Eskel)))) t
  coh (C' , e) (D , f) (E , h) =
    funExt⁻ (cong fst
          (sym (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→comp n (fst (compEquiv (invEquiv f) h))
                           (fst (compEquiv (invEquiv e) f)))
           cong (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→ n) (funExt λ x  cong (fst h) (retEq f _))))

-- lemmas for functoriality
  module _ {C : Type } {D : Type ℓ'} (f : C  D) (n : ) where
    right : (cwC : isCW C) (cwD1 : isCW D) (cwD2 : isCW D)
       PathP  i  GroupHom (Hᶜʷ (C ,  cwC ∣₁) n)
                         (Hᶜʷ (D , squash₁  cwD1 ∣₁  cwD2 ∣₁ i) n))
        (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→ n  x  fst (snd cwD1) (f (invEq (snd cwC) x))))
        (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→ n  x  fst (snd cwD2) (f (invEq (snd cwC) x))))
    right cwC cwD1 cwD2 =
      PathPGroupHomₗ _
        (cong (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→ n) (funExt  s
           cong (fst (snd cwD2)) (sym (retEq (snd cwD1) _))))
         Hˢᵏᵉˡ→comp n _ _)

    left : (cwC1 : isCW C) (cwC2 : isCW C) (cwD : isCW D)
       PathP  i  GroupHom (Hᶜʷ (C , squash₁  cwC1 ∣₁  cwC2 ∣₁ i) n)
                                  (Hᶜʷ (D ,  cwD ∣₁) n))
                 (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→ n  x  fst (snd cwD) (f (invEq (snd cwC1) x))))
                 (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→ n  x  fst (snd cwD) (f (invEq (snd cwC2) x))))
    left cwC1 cwC2 cwD =
      PathPGroupHomᵣ (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→Equiv n (compEquiv (invEquiv (snd cwC1)) (snd cwC2)))
            (sym (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→comp n  x  fst (snd cwD) (f (invEq (snd cwC2) x)))
                             (compEquiv (invEquiv (snd cwC1)) (snd cwC2) .fst))
            cong (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→ n) (funExt  x
               cong (fst (snd cwD)  f)
                  (retEq (snd cwC2) _))))

    left-right : (x y : isCW C) (v w : isCW D) 
       i j 
         GroupHom (Hᶜʷ (C , squash₁  x ∣₁  y ∣₁ i) n)
         (Hᶜʷ (D , squash₁  v ∣₁  w ∣₁ j) n))
      (right x v w) (right y v w) (left x y v) (left x y w)
    left-right _ _ _ _ = isSet→SquareP
        _ _  isSetGroupHom) _ _ _ _

    Hᶜʷ→pre : (cwC :  isCW C ∥₁) (cwD :  isCW D ∥₁)
       GroupHom (Hᶜʷ (C , cwC) n) (Hᶜʷ (D , cwD) n)
    Hᶜʷ→pre =
      elim2→Set  _ _  isSetGroupHom)
         cwC cwD  Hˢᵏᵉˡ→ n (fst (snd cwD)  f  invEq (snd cwC)))
        left right
         _ _ _ _  isSet→SquareP
          _ _  isSetGroupHom) _ _ _ _)

-- functoriality
Hᶜʷ→ : {C : CW } {D : CW ℓ'} (n : ) (f : C →ᶜʷ D)
     GroupHom (Hᶜʷ C n) (Hᶜʷ D n)
Hᶜʷ→ {C = C , cwC} {D = D , cwD} n f = Hᶜʷ→pre f n cwC cwD

Hᶜʷ→id : {C : CW } (n : )
     Hᶜʷ→ {C = C} {C} n (idfun (fst C))
Hᶜʷ→id {C = C , cwC} n =
  PT.elim {P = λ cwC
     Hᶜʷ→ {C = C , cwC} {C , cwC} n (idfun C)  idGroupHom}
     _  isSetGroupHom _ _)
     cwC*  cong (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→ n) (funExt (secEq (snd cwC*)))
               Hˢᵏᵉˡ→id n) cwC

Hᶜʷ→comp : {C : CW } {D : CW ℓ'} {E : CW ℓ''} (n : )
      (g : D →ᶜʷ E) (f : C →ᶜʷ D)
     Hᶜʷ→ {C = C} {E} n (g  f)
      compGroupHom (Hᶜʷ→ {C = C} {D} n f) (Hᶜʷ→ {C = D} {E} n g)
Hᶜʷ→comp {C = C , cwC} {D = D , cwD} {E = E , cwE} n g f =
  PT.elim3 {P = λ cwC cwD cwE
     Hᶜʷ→ {C = C , cwC} {E , cwE} n (g  f)
      compGroupHom (Hᶜʷ→ {C = C , cwC} {D , cwD} n f)
                    (Hᶜʷ→ {C = D , cwD} {E , cwE} n g)}
      _ _ _  isSetGroupHom _ _)
      cwC cwD cwE
        cong (Hˢᵏᵉˡ→ n) (funExt  x  cong (fst (snd cwE)  g)
                          (sym (retEq (snd cwD) _))))
        Hˢᵏᵉˡ→comp n _ _)
     cwC cwD cwE

-- preservation of equivalence
Hᶜʷ→Iso : {C : CW } {D : CW ℓ'} (m : )
  (e : fst C  fst D)  GroupIso (Hᶜʷ C m) (Hᶜʷ D m)
Iso.fun (fst (Hᶜʷ→Iso m e)) = fst (Hᶜʷ→ m (fst e))
Iso.inv (fst (Hᶜʷ→Iso m e)) = fst (Hᶜʷ→ m (invEq e))
Iso.rightInv (fst (Hᶜʷ→Iso m e)) =
  funExt⁻ (cong fst (sym (Hᶜʷ→comp m (fst e) (invEq e))
       ∙∙ cong (Hᶜʷ→ m) (funExt (secEq e))
       ∙∙ Hᶜʷ→id m))
Iso.leftInv (fst (Hᶜʷ→Iso m e)) =
  funExt⁻ (cong fst (sym (Hᶜʷ→comp m (invEq e) (fst e))
       ∙∙ cong (Hᶜʷ→ m) (funExt (retEq e))
       ∙∙ Hᶜʷ→id m))
snd (Hᶜʷ→Iso m e) = snd (Hᶜʷ→ m (fst e))

Hᶜʷ→Equiv : {C : CW } {D : CW ℓ'} (m : )
  (e : fst C  fst D)  GroupEquiv (Hᶜʷ C m) (Hᶜʷ D m)
Hᶜʷ→Equiv m e = GroupIso→GroupEquiv (Hᶜʷ→Iso m e)