{-# OPTIONS --lossy-unification --safe #-}
{- Cellular approximation theorems for
-- cellular maps and homotopies

module Cubical.CW.Approximation where

open import Cubical.CW.Base
open import Cubical.CW.Properties
open import Cubical.CW.Map
open import Cubical.CW.Homotopy

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function

open import Cubical.Data.Nat renaming (_+_ to _+ℕ_)
open import Cubical.Data.Fin.Inductive.Base
open import Cubical.Data.Fin.Inductive.Properties
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Unit
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as 
open import Cubical.Data.Sequence
open import Cubical.Data.FinSequence
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order.Inductive

open import Cubical.HITs.SequentialColimit
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PT hiding (elimFin)
open import Cubical.HITs.Truncation as TR
open import Cubical.HITs.Sn
open import Cubical.HITs.Pushout

open import Cubical.Axiom.Choice

open import Cubical.Homotopy.Connected

open Sequence
open FinSequenceMap

     ℓ' ℓ'' : Level

---- Part 1. Definitions -----

-- finite cellular approximations
finCellApprox : (C : CWskel ) (D : CWskel ℓ')
  (f : realise C  realise D) (m : )  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
finCellApprox C D f m =
  Σ[ ϕ  finCellMap m C D ]
    (FinSeqColim→Colim m {X = realiseSeq D}
    finCellMap→FinSeqColim C D ϕ
    f  FinSeqColim→Colim m {X = realiseSeq C})

idFinCellApprox : (m : )
  {C : CWskel }  finCellApprox C C (idfun _) m
fst (idFinCellApprox m {C}) = idFinCellMap m C
snd (idFinCellApprox m {C}) =
  →FinSeqColimHomotopy _ _ λ x  refl

compFinCellApprox : (m : )
  {C : CWskel } {D : CWskel ℓ'} {E : CWskel ℓ''}
  {g : realise D  realise E}
  {f : realise C  realise D}
   finCellApprox D E g m  finCellApprox C D f m
   finCellApprox C E (g  f) m
fst (compFinCellApprox m {g = g} {f} (F , p) (G , q)) = composeFinCellMap m F G
snd (compFinCellApprox m {C = C} {g = g} {f} (F , p) (G , q)) =
  →FinSeqColimHomotopy _ _ λ x
     funExt⁻ p _
      cong g (funExt⁻ q (fincl _ x))

-- a finite cellular homotopies relative a homotopy in the colimit
finCellHomRel : {C : CWskel } {D : CWskel ℓ'} (m : )
  (f g : finCellMap m C D)
  (h∞ : (n : Fin (suc m)) (c : fst C (fst n))
     Path (realise D) (incl (f .fmap n c)) (incl (g .fmap n c)))
   Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
finCellHomRel {C = C} {D = D} m f g h∞ =
  Σ[ ϕ  finCellHom m f g ]
    ((n : Fin (suc m)) (x : fst C (fst n))
      Square (h∞ n x)
               (cong incl (finCellHom.fhom ϕ n x))
               (push (f .fmap n x)) (push (g .fmap n x)))

---- Part 2. The cellular (n)-approxiation theorem: -----
-- Given CW skeleta Cₙ and Dₙ with a map f : C∞ → D∞ between their
-- realisations, there exists a finite cellular map fₙ : Cₙ → Dₙ s.t.
-- (n < m) s.t. incl ∘ fₙ = f ∘ incl

-- Construction
module _ (C : CWskel ) (D : CWskel ℓ') (f : realise C  realise D) where
  find-connected-component : (d : realise D)  ∃[ d0  fst D 1 ] incl d0  d
  find-connected-component = CW→Prop D  _  squash₁) λ a   a , refl ∣₁

  find-connected-component-C₀ : (c : fst C 1)
     ∃[ d0  fst D 1 ] incl d0  f (incl c)
  find-connected-component-C₀ c = find-connected-component (f (incl c))

  -- existence of f₁ : C₁ → D₁
  approx₁ : ∃[ f₁  (fst C 1  fst D 1) ] ((c : _)  incl (f₁ c)  f (incl c))
  approx₁ =
    invEq (_ , satAC∃Fin-C0 C  _  fst D 1)  c d0  incl d0  f (incl c)))

  approx : (m : )
     ∃[ fₙ  ((n : Fin (suc m))  Σ[ h  (fst C (fst n)  fst D (fst n)) ]
            ((c : _)  incl (h c)  f (incl c))) ]
        ((n : Fin m) (c : fst C (fst n))
           fₙ (fsuc n) .fst (CW↪ C (fst n) c)
            CW↪ D (fst n) (fₙ (injectSuc n) .fst c))
  approx zero =   { (zero , p)
      x  ⊥.rec (CW₀-empty C x))
     , λ x  ⊥.rec (CW₀-empty C x)})
     ,  {()}) ∣₁
  approx (suc zero) =
      PT.map  a1 
         { (zero , p)   x  ⊥.rec (CW₀-empty C x))
                          , λ x  ⊥.rec (CW₀-empty C x)
           ; (suc zero , p)  a1})
           , λ {(zero , p) c  ⊥.rec (CW₀-empty C c)})
  approx (suc (suc m)) =
       {(p , f')
       PT.rec squash₁  r
         PT.map  ind  mainₗ p f' r ind
                          , mainᵣ p f' r ind)
          (mere-fib-f-coh (p flast .fst)
            r (p (suc m , <ᵗsucm) .snd)))
            (fst-lem (p flast .fst)
                     (p flast .snd))})
      (approx (suc m))
    open CWskel-fields C
    fst-lem : (fm : fst C (suc m)  fst D (suc m))
       ((c : fst C (suc m))  incl (fm c)  f (incl c))
        ((x : A (suc m)) (y : S₊ m)
          CW↪ D (suc m) (fm (α (suc m) (x , y)))
           CW↪ D (suc m) (fm (α (suc m) (x , ptSn m)))) ∥₁
    fst-lem fm fh =
      invEq propTrunc≃Trunc1
       (invEq (_ , InductiveFinSatAC 1 (CWskel-fields.card C (suc m)) _)
        λ a  fst propTrunc≃Trunc1
           (sphereToTrunc m λ y 
             TR.map fst (isConnectedCong _ _ (isConnected-CW↪∞ (suc (suc m)) D)
                     (sym (push _)
                      (fh (CWskel-fields.α C (suc m) (a , y))
                      cong f (push _
                            cong incl (cong (invEq (CWskel-fields.e C (suc m)))
                               (push (a , y)  sym (push (a , ptSn m))))
                            sym (push _))
                     sym (fh (CWskel-fields.α C (suc m) (a , ptSn m))))
                      push _) .fst)))

    module _ (fm : fst C (suc m)  fst D (suc m))
             (fm-coh : (x : A (suc m)) (y : S₊ m) 
                       CW↪ D (suc m) (fm (α (suc m) (x , y)))
                      CW↪ D (suc m) (fm (α (suc m) (x , ptSn m)))) where
      module _ (ind : ((c : fst C (suc m))  incl (fm c)  f (incl c))) where
        fib-f-incl : (c : fst C (suc (suc m)))  Type _
        fib-f-incl c = Σ[ x  fst D (suc (suc m)) ] incl x  f (incl c)

        fib-f-l : (c : fst C (suc m))  fib-f-incl (CW↪ C (suc m) c)
        fst (fib-f-l c) = CW↪ D (suc m) (fm c)
        snd (fib-f-l c) = sym (push _) ∙∙ ind c ∙∙ cong f (push _)

        fib-f-r : (x : A (suc m))
           fib-f-incl (invEq (e (suc m)) (inr x))
        fib-f-r x = subst fib-f-incl (cong (invEq (e (suc m)))
                                     (push (x , ptSn m)))
                                     (fib-f-l (α (suc m) (x , ptSn m)))

        fib-f-l-coh : (x : A (suc m))
           PathP  i  fib-f-incl (invEq (e (suc m)) (push (x , ptSn m) i)))
                   (fib-f-l (α (suc m) (x , ptSn m)))
                   (fib-f-r x)
        fib-f-l-coh x i =
          transp  j  fib-f-incl (invEq (e (suc m)) (push (x , ptSn m) (i  j))))
                 (~ i)
                 (fib-f-l (α (suc m) (x , ptSn m)))

        mere-fib-f-coh :  ((x : A (suc m)) (y : S₊ m)
            PathP  i  fib-f-incl (invEq (e (suc m)) (push (x , y) i)))
                    (fib-f-l (α (suc m) (x , y)))
                    (fib-f-r x)) ∥₁
        mere-fib-f-coh = invEq propTrunc≃Trunc1
          (invEq (_ , InductiveFinSatAC 1 (card (suc m)) _)
            λ a  fst propTrunc≃Trunc1 (sphereToTrunc m
              (sphereElim' m
                 x  isOfHLevelRetractFromIso m
                (invIso (PathPIdTruncIso (suc m)))
                (isOfHLevelPathP' m (isProp→isOfHLevelSuc m
                    (isConnected-CW↪∞  (suc (suc m)) D _))) _ _))
                 fib-f-l-coh a ∣ₕ)))

      module _ (ind : ((c : fst C (suc m))  incl (fm c)  f (incl c)))
               (ind2 : ((x : A (suc m)) (y : S₊ m)
              PathP  i  fib-f-incl ind (invEq (e (suc m)) (push (x , y) i)))
                      (fib-f-l ind (α (suc m) (x , y)))
                      (fib-f-r ind x)))
        toFiber : (c : fst C (suc (suc m)))
                fiber (incl {n = (suc (suc m))}) (f (incl c))
        toFiber = CWskel-elim C (suc m) (fib-f-l ind) (fib-f-r ind) ind2

        toFiberβ : (c : fst C (suc m))  toFiber (CW↪ C (suc m) c)  fib-f-l ind c
        toFiberβ = CWskel-elim-inl C (suc m) (fib-f-l ind) (fib-f-r ind) ind2

    module _ (p : (n : Fin (suc (suc m)))
         Σ[ h  (fst C (fst n)  fst D (fst n)) ]
            ((c : fst C (fst n))  incl (h c)  f (incl c)))
      (f' : (n : Fin (suc m)) (c : fst C (fst n))
          p (fsuc n) .fst (CW↪ C (fst n) c) 
            CW↪ D (fst n) (p (injectSuc n) .fst c))
      (r : (n : A (suc m)) (y : S₊ m) 
            CW↪ D (suc m) (p flast .fst (α (suc m) (n , y)))
           CW↪ D (suc m) (p flast .fst (α (suc m) (n , ptSn m))))
      (ind : (n : Fin _) (y : S₊ m) 
                fib-f-incl (p flast .fst) r (p flast .snd)
                (invEq (e (suc m)) (push (n , y) i)))
             (fib-f-l (p flast .fst) r (p flast .snd)
              (α (suc m) (n , y)))
             (fib-f-r (p flast .fst) r (p flast .snd) n)) where

      FST-base : Σ[ h  (fst C (suc (suc m))  fst D (suc (suc m))) ]
                   ((c : fst C (suc (suc m)))  incl (h c)  f (incl c))
      fst FST-base = fst  toFiber _ _ _ ind
      snd FST-base = snd  toFiber _ _ _ ind

      Goalₗ : (n : Fin (suc (suc (suc m))))  Type _
      Goalₗ n = Σ[ h  (fst C (fst n)  fst D (fst n)) ]
            ((c : fst C (fst n))  incl (h c)  f (incl c))

      mainₗ : (n : Fin (suc (suc (suc m))))  Goalₗ n
      mainₗ = elimFin FST-base p

      mainᵣ : (n : Fin (suc (suc m))) (c : fst C (fst n))
         mainₗ (fsuc n) .fst (CW↪ C (fst n) c)
         CW↪ D (fst n) (mainₗ (injectSuc n) .fst c)
      mainᵣ = elimFin  c
         funExt⁻ (cong fst (elimFinβ {A = Goalₗ} FST-base p .fst))
                    (CW↪ C (suc m) c)
         cong fst (toFiberβ _ _ _ ind c)
         cong (CW↪ D (suc m))
          (sym (funExt⁻
           (cong fst (elimFinβ {A = Goalₗ} FST-base p .snd flast)) c)))
        λ x c  funExt⁻ (cong fst (elimFinβ {A = Goalₗ}
                  FST-base p .snd (fsuc x))) (CW↪ C (fst x) c)
               f' x c
               cong (CW↪ D (fst x))
                  (sym (funExt⁻ (cong fst
                   ((elimFinβ {A = Goalₗ} FST-base p .snd) (injectSuc x))) c))

-- first main result
CWmap→finCellMap : (C : CWskel ) (D : CWskel ℓ')
  (f : realise C  realise D) (m : )
    finCellApprox C D f m ∥₁
CWmap→finCellMap C D f m =
  PT.map  {(g , hom)
   finsequencemap (fst  g)  r x  sym (hom r x))
   , →FinSeqColimHomotopy _ _ (g flast .snd)})
     (approx C D f m)

---- Part 3. The (finite) cellular approximation theorem for cellular homotopies: -----
-- Given two (m)-finite cellular maps fₙ, gₙ : Cₙ → Dₙ agreeing on
-- Dₘ ↪ D∞, there is a finite cellular homotopy fₙ ∼ₘ gₙ.

-- some abbreviations
  module SeqHomotopyTypes { ℓ'} {C : Sequence } {D : Sequence ℓ'} (m : )
    (f-c g-c : FinSequenceMap (Sequence→FinSequence m C)
                              (Sequence→FinSequence m D))
    f = fmap f-c
    g = fmap g-c
    f-hom = fcomm f-c
    g-hom = fcomm g-c

    cell-hom : (n : Fin (suc m)) (c : obj C (fst n))  Type ℓ'
    cell-hom n c = Sequence.map D (f n c)  Sequence.map D (g n c)

    cell-hom-coh : (n : Fin m) (c : obj C (fst n))
       cell-hom (injectSuc n) c
       cell-hom (fsuc n) (Sequence.map C c)  Type ℓ'
    cell-hom-coh n c h h' =
      Square (cong (Sequence.map D) h) h'
             (cong (Sequence.map D) (f-hom n c))
             (cong (Sequence.map D) (g-hom n c))

-- construction
module approx {C : CWskel } {D : CWskel ℓ'}
  (m : ) (f-c g-c : finCellMap m C D)
  (h∞' : FinSeqColim→Colim m  finCellMap→FinSeqColim C D f-c
        FinSeqColim→Colim m  finCellMap→FinSeqColim C D g-c) where
  open SeqHomotopyTypes m f-c g-c
  open CWskel-fields C

  h∞ : (n : Fin (suc m)) (c : fst C (fst n))
         Path (realise D) (incl (fmap f-c n c)) (incl (fmap g-c n c))
  h∞ n c = funExt⁻ h∞' (fincl n c)

  pathToCellularHomotopy₁ : (t : 1 <ᵗ suc m) (c : fst C 1)
     ∃[ h  cell-hom (1 , t) c ]
         Square (h∞ (1 , t) c)
                (cong incl h)
                (push (f (1 , t) c))
                (push (g (1 , t) c))
  pathToCellularHomotopy₁ t c =
    TR.rec squash₁
       {(d , p)
      ,  i j
       hcomp  k 
           λ {(i = i0)  doubleCompPath-filler
                            (sym (push (f (1 , t) c)))
                            (h∞ _ c)
                            (push (g (1 , t) c)) (~ k) j
            ; (i = i1)  incl (d j)
            ; (j = i0)  push (f (1 , t) c) (~ k  i)
            ; (j = i1)  push (g (1 , t) c) (~ k  i)})
              (p (~ i) j)) ∣₁})
    (isConnectedCong 1 (CW↪∞ D 2)
      (isConnected-CW↪∞ 2 D) h∞* .fst)
    h∞* : CW↪∞ D 2 (CW↪ D 1 (f (1 , t) c))  CW↪∞ D 2 (CW↪ D 1 (g (1 , t) c))
    h∞* = sym (push (f (1 , t) c)) ∙∙ h∞ _ c ∙∙ push (g (1 , t) c)

  -- induction step
  pathToCellularHomotopy-ind : (n : Fin m)
     (hₙ : (c : fst C (fst n))  Σ[ h  cell-hom (injectSuc n) c ]
                                     (Square (h∞ (injectSuc n) c)
                                            (cong incl h)
                                            (push (f (injectSuc n) c))
                                            (push (g (injectSuc n) c))))
     ∃[ hₙ₊₁  ((c : fst C (suc (fst n)))
                 Σ[ h  cell-hom (fsuc n) c ]
                     (Square (h∞ (fsuc n) c)
                             (cong incl h)
                             (push (f (fsuc n) c))
                             (push (g (fsuc n) c)))) ]
                    ((c : _)  cell-hom-coh n c (hₙ c .fst)
                                  (hₙ₊₁ (CW↪ C (fst n) c) .fst))

  pathToCellularHomotopy-ind (zero ,  q) ind =
    fst (propTrunc≃ (isoToEquiv (compIso (invIso rUnit×Iso)
        λ _  isContr→Iso isContrUnit
        ((λ x  ⊥.rec (CW₀-empty C x))
       , λ t  funExt λ x  ⊥.rec (CW₀-empty C x))))))
       (invEq propTrunc≃Trunc1
         (invEq (_ , satAC-CW₁ 1 C _)
           λ c  fst propTrunc≃Trunc1
             (pathToCellularHomotopy₁ (fsuc (zero , q) .snd) c)))
  pathToCellularHomotopy-ind (suc n' , w) ind =
    PT.map  q  hₙ₊₁ q , hₙ₊₁-coh q) Πfiber-cong²-hₙ₊₁-push∞
    n : Fin m
    n = (suc n' , w)
    Pushout→C = invEq (e (suc n'))

    hₙ'-filler : (x : fst C (suc n'))  _
    hₙ'-filler x =
            (sym (f-hom n x))
            (ind x .fst)
            (g-hom n x)

    hₙ' : (x : fst C (suc n'))
       f (fsuc n) (CW↪ C (suc n') x)
        g (fsuc n) (CW↪ C (suc n') x)
    hₙ' x = hₙ'-filler x i1

    -- homotopy for inl
    hₙ₊₁-inl : (x : fst C (suc n'))
       cell-hom (fsuc n) (invEq (e (suc n')) (inl x))
    hₙ₊₁-inl x = cong (CW↪ D (suc (suc n'))) (hₙ' x)

    -- hₙ₊₁-inl coherent with h∞
    h∞-push-coh : (x : fst C (suc n'))
       Square (h∞ (injectSuc n) x) (h∞ (fsuc n) (CW↪ C (fst n) x))
                (push (f (injectSuc n) x)   i₁  incl (f-hom n x i₁)))
                (push (g (injectSuc n) x)   i₁  incl (g-hom n x i₁)))
    h∞-push-coh x i j =
      hcomp  k
         λ {(i = i0)  h∞' j (fincl (injectSuc n) x)
            ; (i = i1)  h∞' j (fincl (fsuc n) (CW↪ C (fst n) x))
            ; (j = i0)  cong-∙ (FinSeqColim→Colim m)
                                 (fpush n (f (injectSuc n) x))
                                  i₁  fincl (fsuc n) (f-hom n x i₁)) k i
            ; (j = i1)  cong-∙ (FinSeqColim→Colim m)
                                 (fpush n (g (injectSuc n) x))
                                  i₁  fincl (fsuc n) (g-hom n x i₁)) k i})
            (h∞' j (fpush n x i))

    hₙ₊₁-inl-coh : (x : fst C (fst n))
       Square (h∞ (fsuc n) (invEq (e (fst n)) (inl x)))
                (cong incl (hₙ₊₁-inl x))
                (push (f (fsuc n) (invEq (e (fst n)) (inl x))))
                (push (g (fsuc n) (invEq (e (fst n)) (inl x))))
    hₙ₊₁-inl-coh x i j =
      hcomp  k
         λ {(i = i0)  h∞ (fsuc n) (CW↪ C (fst n) x) j
            ; (i = i1)  push (hₙ' x j) k
            ; (j = i0)  push (f (fsuc n) (CW↪ C (fst n) x)) (k  i)
            ; (j = i1)  push (g (fsuc n) (CW↪ C (fst n) x)) (k  i)})
       (hcomp  k
          λ {(i = i0)  h∞-push-coh x k j
             ; (i = i1)  incl (hₙ'-filler x k j)
             ; (j = i0)  compPath-filler'
                             (push (f (injectSuc n) x))
                             ((λ i₁  incl (f-hom n x i₁))) (~ i) k
             ; (j = i1)  compPath-filler'
                             (push (g (injectSuc n) x))
                             ((λ i₁  incl (g-hom n x i₁))) (~ i) k})
           (ind x .snd i j))

    module _ (x : A (suc n')) (y : S₊ n') where
      push-path-filler : I  I  Pushout (α (suc n')) fst
      push-path-filler i j =
        compPath-filler'' (push (x , y)) (sym (push (x , ptSn n'))) i j

      push-path :
        Path (Pushout (α (suc n')) fst)
             (inl (α (suc n') (x , y)))
             (inl (α (suc n') (x , ptSn n')))
      push-path j = push-path-filler i1 j

      D∞PushSquare : Type ℓ'
      D∞PushSquare =
        Square {A = realise D}
          (cong (CW↪∞ D (suc (suc (suc n'))))
            (hₙ₊₁-inl (snd C .snd .fst (suc n') (x , y))))
          (cong (CW↪∞ D (suc (suc (suc n'))))
            (hₙ₊₁-inl (snd C .snd .fst (suc n') (x , ptSn n'))))
           i  incl (CW↪ D (suc (suc n'))
                        (f (fsuc n) (Pushout→C (push-path i)))))
           i  incl (CW↪ D (suc (suc n'))
                        (g (fsuc n) (Pushout→C (push-path i)))))

      cong² : PathP  i  cell-hom (fsuc n)
                             (Pushout→C (push-path i)))
                    (hₙ₊₁-inl (α (suc n') (x , y)))
                    (hₙ₊₁-inl (α (suc n') (x , ptSn n')))
      cong² p i j = incl (p i j)

      isConnected-cong² : isConnectedFun (suc n') cong²
      isConnected-cong² =
        isConnectedCong² (suc n') (CW↪∞ D (3 +ℕ n'))
          (isConnected-CW↪∞ (3 +ℕ n') D)

      hₙ₊₁-push∞ : D∞PushSquare
      hₙ₊₁-push∞ i j =
        hcomp  k
         λ {(i = i0)  hₙ₊₁-inl-coh (α (suc n') (x , y)) k j
            ; (i = i1)  hₙ₊₁-inl-coh (α (suc n') (x , ptSn n')) k j
            ; (j = i0)  push (f (fsuc n) (Pushout→C (push-path i))) k
            ; (j = i1)  push (g (fsuc n) (Pushout→C (push-path i))) k})
        (hcomp  k
          λ {(i = i0)  h∞' j (fincl (fsuc n)
                            (Pushout→C (push (x , y) (~ k))))
             ; (i = i1)  h∞' j (fincl (fsuc n)
                            (Pushout→C (push (x , ptSn n') (~ k))))
             ; (j = i0)  incl (f (fsuc n)
                                 (Pushout→C (push-path-filler k i)))
             ; (j = i1)  incl (g (fsuc n)
                                 (Pushout→C (push-path-filler k i)))})
         (h∞' j (fincl (fsuc n) (Pushout→C (inr x)))))

      fiber-cong²-hₙ₊₁-push∞ : hLevelTrunc (suc n') (fiber cong² hₙ₊₁-push∞)
      fiber-cong²-hₙ₊₁-push∞ = isConnected-cong² hₙ₊₁-push∞ .fst

      hₙ₊₁-coh∞ : (q : fiber cong² hₙ₊₁-push∞)
         Cube (hₙ₊₁-inl-coh (α (suc n') (x , y)))
                (hₙ₊₁-inl-coh (α (suc n') (x , ptSn n')))
                 j k  h∞' k (fincl (fsuc n) (Pushout→C (push-path j))))
                 j k  incl (fst q j k))
                 j i  push (f (fsuc n) (Pushout→C (push-path j))) i)
                λ j i  push (g (fsuc n) (Pushout→C (push-path j))) i
      hₙ₊₁-coh∞ q j i k =
        hcomp  r
           λ {(i = i0)  h∞' k (fincl (fsuc n) (Pushout→C (push-path j)))
              ; (i = i1)  q .snd (~ r) j k
              ; (j = i0)  hₙ₊₁-inl-coh (α (suc n') (x , y)) i k
              ; (j = i1)  hₙ₊₁-inl-coh (α (suc n') (x , ptSn n')) i k
              ; (k = i0)  push (f (fsuc n) (Pushout→C (push-path j))) i
              ; (k = i1)  push (g (fsuc n) (Pushout→C (push-path j))) i})
         (hcomp  r
            λ {(i = i0)  h∞' k (fincl (fsuc n) (Pushout→C (push-path j)))
               ; (j = i0)  hₙ₊₁-inl-coh (α (suc n') (x , y)) (i  r) k
               ; (j = i1)  hₙ₊₁-inl-coh (α (suc n') (x , ptSn n')) (i  r) k
               ; (k = i0)  push (f (fsuc n)
                               (Pushout→C (push-path j))) (i  r)
               ; (k = i1)  push (g (fsuc n)
                               (Pushout→C (push-path j))) (i  r)})
          (hcomp  r
             λ {(i = i0)  h∞' k (fincl (fsuc n)
                                     (Pushout→C (push-path-filler r j)))
                ; (j = i0)  h∞' k (fincl (fsuc n) (invEq (e (suc n'))
                                    (push (x , y) (~ r))))
                ; (j = i1)  h∞' k (fincl (fsuc n) (invEq (e (suc n'))
                                    (push (x , ptSn n') (~ r))))
                ; (k = i0)  incl (f (fsuc n)
                               (Pushout→C (push-path-filler r j)))
                ; (k = i1)  incl (g (fsuc n)
                               (Pushout→C (push-path-filler r j)))})
            (h∞' k (fincl (fsuc n) (Pushout→C (inr x))))))

    Πfiber-cong²-hₙ₊₁-push∞ :
       ((x : _) (y : _)  fiber (cong² x y) (hₙ₊₁-push∞ x y)) ∥₁
    Πfiber-cong²-hₙ₊₁-push∞ =
      Iso.inv propTruncTrunc1Iso
        (invEq (_ , InductiveFinSatAC 1 _ _)
        λ x  Iso.fun propTruncTrunc1Iso
                (sphereToTrunc n' (fiber-cong²-hₙ₊₁-push∞ x)))

    module _ (q : (x : Fin (fst (snd C) (suc n'))) (y : S₊ n')
                 fiber (cong² x y) (hₙ₊₁-push∞ x y)) where
      agrees : (x : fst C (suc n')) (ϕ : cell-hom (fsuc n) (CW↪ C (suc n') x))
         Type _
      agrees x ϕ = Square (h∞ (fsuc n) (CW↪ C (suc n') x))
            (cong incl ϕ)
            (push (f (fsuc n) (CW↪ C (suc n') x)))
            (push (g (fsuc n) (CW↪ C (suc n') x)))

      main-inl : (x : fst C (suc n'))
         Σ (cell-hom (fsuc n) (CW↪ C (suc n') x))
             (agrees x)
      main-inl x = hₙ₊₁-inl x , hₙ₊₁-inl-coh x

      main-push : (x : A (suc n')) (y : S₊ n')
        PathP  i  Σ[ ϕ  (cell-hom (fsuc n) (Pushout→C (push-path x y i))) ]
                (Square (h∞ (fsuc n) (Pushout→C (push-path x y i)))
                         j  incl (ϕ j))
                        (push (f (fsuc n) (Pushout→C (push-path x y i))))
                        (push (g (fsuc n) (Pushout→C (push-path x y i))))))
                 (main-inl (α (suc n') (x , y)))
                 (main-inl (α (suc n') (x , ptSn n')))
      main-push x y = ΣPathP (fst (q x y) , hₙ₊₁-coh∞ x y (q x y))

      hₙ₊₁ : (c : fst C (fst (fsuc n)))
         Σ[ ϕ  (cell-hom (fsuc n) c) ]
            Square (h∞ (fsuc n) c)
            (cong incl ϕ)
            (push (f (fsuc n) c))
            (push (g (fsuc n) c))
      hₙ₊₁ = CWskel-elim' C n' main-inl main-push

      hₙ₊₁-coh-pre : (c : fst C (suc n')) 
        Square (cong (CW↪ D (suc (suc n'))) (ind c .fst))
               (hₙ₊₁-inl c)
               (cong (CW↪ D (suc (suc n'))) (f-hom n c))
               (cong (CW↪ D (suc (suc n'))) (g-hom n c))
      hₙ₊₁-coh-pre c i j = CW↪ D (suc (suc n')) (hₙ'-filler c i j)

      hₙ₊₁-coh : (c : fst C (suc n')) 
        Square (cong (CW↪ D (suc (suc n'))) (ind c .fst))
               (hₙ₊₁ (CW↪ C (suc n') c) .fst)
               (cong (CW↪ D (suc (suc n'))) (f-hom n c))
               (cong (CW↪ D (suc (suc n'))) (g-hom n c))
      hₙ₊₁-coh c = hₙ₊₁-coh-pre c
         λ i  CWskel-elim'-inl C n'
                  {B = λ c  Σ[ ϕ  cell-hom (fsuc n) c ]
                    Square (h∞ (fsuc n) c)  (cong incl ϕ)
                      (push (f (fsuc n) c)) (push (g (fsuc n) c))}
                  main-inl main-push c (~ i) .fst

-- converting the above to something on the right form
  pathToCellularHomotopy-main :
    {C : CWskel } {D : CWskel ℓ'} (m : ) (f-c g-c : finCellMap m C D)
    (h∞' : FinSeqColim→Colim m  finCellMap→FinSeqColim C D f-c
          FinSeqColim→Colim m  finCellMap→FinSeqColim C D g-c)
      finCellHomRel m f-c g-c (approx.h∞ m f-c g-c h∞') ∥₁
  pathToCellularHomotopy-main {C = C} zero f-c g-c h∞' =
     fincellhom  {(zero , p) x  ⊥.rec (CW₀-empty C x)})
                 { (zero , p) x  ⊥.rec (CW₀-empty C x)})
   ,  { (zero , p) x  ⊥.rec (CW₀-empty C x)}) ∣₁
  pathToCellularHomotopy-main {C = C} {D = D} (suc zero) f-c g-c h∞' =
    PT.map  {(d , h)
       (fincellhom  {(zero , p) x  ⊥.rec (CW₀-empty C x)
                       ; (suc zero , p)  d})
                     λ {(zero , p)  λ x  ⊥.rec (CW₀-empty C x)})
       ,  {(zero , p) x  ⊥.rec (CW₀-empty C x)
           ; (suc zero , tt)  h})})
           (invEq (_ , satAC∃Fin-C0 C _ _) k)
    k : (c : _)  _
    k c = (approx.pathToCellularHomotopy₁ (suc zero) f-c g-c
                   h∞' tt c)
  pathToCellularHomotopy-main {C = C} {D = D} (suc (suc m)) f-c g-c h∞' =
    PT.rec squash₁
       ind  PT.map
         {(f , p)
           (fincellhom (main-hom ind f p)
                         (main-coh ind f p))
           , (∞coh ind f p)})
        (pathToCellularHomotopy-ind flast
          λ c  (finCellHom.fhom (ind .fst) flast c)
              , (ind .snd flast c)))
      (pathToCellularHomotopy-main {C = C} {D = D} (suc m)
            (finCellMap↓ f-c)
            (finCellMap↓ g-c)
    open approx _ f-c g-c h∞'
    finSeqColim↑ :  {} {X : Sequence } {m : }
       FinSeqColim m X  FinSeqColim (suc m) X
    finSeqColim↑ (fincl n x) = fincl (injectSuc n) x
    finSeqColim↑ {m = suc m} (fpush n x i) = fpush (injectSuc n) x i

    h' : FinSeqColim→Colim (suc m) 
        finCellMap→FinSeqColim C D (finCellMap↓ f-c)
        FinSeqColim→Colim (suc m) 
        finCellMap→FinSeqColim C D (finCellMap↓ g-c)
    h' = funExt λ { (fincl n x) j  h∞' j (fincl (injectSuc n) x)
                  ; (fpush n x i) j  h∞' j (fpush (injectSuc n) x i)}

    open SeqHomotopyTypes

    module _
      (ind : finCellHomRel (suc m)
              (finCellMap↓ f-c) (finCellMap↓ g-c)
                ((approx.h∞ (suc m) (finCellMap↓ f-c) (finCellMap↓ g-c) h')))
      (f : (c : fst C (suc (suc m))) 
          Σ[ h  (cell-hom (suc (suc m)) f-c g-c flast c) ]
          (Square (h∞ flast c) (cong incl h)
             (push (fmap f-c flast c)) (push (fmap g-c flast c))))
      (fp : (c : fst C (suc m)) 
        cell-hom-coh (suc (suc m)) f-c g-c flast c
        (finCellHom.fhom (ind .fst) flast c)
        (f (CW↪ C (suc m) c) .fst)) where

      main-hom-typ : (n : Fin (suc (suc (suc m))))
         Type _
      main-hom-typ n =
        (x : C .fst (fst n))
           CW↪ D (fst n) (f-c .fmap n x)
            CW↪ D (fst n) (g-c .fmap n x)

      main-hom : (n : Fin (suc (suc (suc m))))  main-hom-typ n
      main-hom = elimFin (fst  f) (finCellHom.fhom (fst ind))

      main-homβ = elimFinβ {A = main-hom-typ} (fst  f)
                   (finCellHom.fhom (fst ind))

      main-coh : (n : Fin (suc (suc m))) (c : C .fst (fst n))
          (cong (CW↪ D (suc (fst n)))
           (main-hom (injectSuc n) c))
          (main-hom (fsuc n)
           (CW↪ C (fst n) c))
          (cong (CW↪ D (suc (fst n))) (fcomm f-c n c))
          (cong (CW↪ D (suc (fst n))) (fcomm g-c n c))
      main-coh =
           c  cong (cong (CW↪ D (suc (suc m))))
                       (funExt⁻ (main-homβ .snd flast) c)
                 fp c
                 sym (funExt⁻ (main-homβ .fst) (CW↪ C (suc m) c)))
          λ n c
            cong (cong (CW↪ D (suc (fst n))))
               (funExt⁻ (main-homβ .snd (injectSuc n)) c)
             finCellHom.fcoh (fst ind) n c
             sym (funExt⁻ (main-homβ .snd (fsuc n)) (CW↪ C (fst n) c))

      ∞coh : (n : Fin (suc (suc (suc m)))) (x : fst C (fst n))
           Square (h∞ n x)  i  incl (main-hom n x i))
                    (push (f-c .fmap n x)) (push (g-c .fmap n x))
      ∞coh = elimFin
         c  f c .snd  λ i j  incl (main-homβ .fst (~ i) c j))
        λ n c  ind .snd n c  λ i j  incl (main-homβ .snd n (~ i) c j)

-- second main theorem
pathToCellularHomotopy :
  {C : CWskel } {D : CWskel ℓ'} (m : ) (f-c g-c : finCellMap m C D)
   ((x : fst C m)  Path (realise D) (incl (fmap f-c flast x))
                                        (incl (fmap g-c flast x)))
    finCellHom m f-c g-c ∥₁
pathToCellularHomotopy {C} {D} m f-c g-c h =
  PT.map fst
    (pathToCellularHomotopy-main m f-c g-c
      (→FinSeqColimHomotopy _ _ h))