-- The Agda standard library
-- Some properties about subsets

module Data.Fin.Subset.Properties where

open import Algebra
import Algebra.FunctionProperties as AlgebraicProperties
import Algebra.Structures as AlgebraicStructures
import Algebra.Properties.Lattice as L
import Algebra.Properties.DistributiveLattice as DL
import Algebra.Properties.BooleanAlgebra as BA
open import Data.Bool.Base using (_≟_)
open import Data.Bool.Properties
open import Data.Fin using (Fin; suc; zero)
open import Data.Fin.Subset
open import Data.Fin.Properties using (any?; decFinSubset)
open import Data.Nat.Base using (; zero; suc; z≤n; s≤s; _≤_)
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (≤-step)
open import Data.Product as Product using (; ; _×_; _,_)
open import Data.Sum as Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Data.Vec
open import Data.Vec.Properties
open import Function using (_∘_; const; id; case_of_)
open import Function.Equivalence using (_⇔_; equivalence)
open import Relation.Binary as B hiding (Decidable)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
  using (_≡_; refl; cong; cong₂; subst; isEquivalence)
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation using (contradiction)
open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec; yes; no)
open import Relation.Unary using (Pred; Decidable)

-- Constructor mangling

drop-there :  {s n x} {p : Subset n}  suc x  s  p  x  p
drop-there (there x∈p) = x∈p

drop-∷-⊆ :  {n s₁ s₂} {p₁ p₂ : Subset n}  s₁  p₁  s₂  p₂  p₁  p₂
drop-∷-⊆ p₁s₁⊆p₂s₂ x∈p₁ = drop-there (p₁s₁⊆p₂s₂ (there x∈p₁))

-- _∈_

infix 4 _∈?_
_∈?_ :  {n} x (p : Subset n)  Dec (x  p)
zero  ∈? inside   p = yes here
zero  ∈? outside  p = no  λ()
suc n ∈? s        p with n ∈? p
... | yes n∈p = yes (there n∈p)
... | no  n∉p = no  (n∉p  drop-there)

-- Empty

drop-∷-Empty :  {n s} {p : Subset n}  Empty (s  p)  Empty p
drop-∷-Empty ¬∃∈ (x , x∈p) = ¬∃∈ (suc x , there x∈p)

Empty-unique :  {n} {p : Subset n}  Empty p  p  
Empty-unique {_} {[]}          ¬∃∈ = refl
Empty-unique {_} {inside   p} ¬∃∈ = contradiction (zero , here) ¬∃∈
Empty-unique {_} {outside  p} ¬∃∈ =
  cong (outside ∷_) (Empty-unique (drop-∷-Empty ¬∃∈))

nonempty? :  {n}  Decidable (Nonempty {n})
nonempty? p = any? (_∈? p)

-- ∣_∣

∣p∣≤n :  {n} (p : Subset n)   p   n
∣p∣≤n = count≤n (_≟ inside)

-- ⊥

∉⊥ :  {n} {x : Fin n}  x  
∉⊥ (there p) = ∉⊥ p

⊥⊆ :  {n} {p : Subset n}    p
⊥⊆ x∈⊥ = contradiction x∈⊥ ∉⊥

∣⊥∣≡0 :  n    {n = n}   0
∣⊥∣≡0 zero    = refl
∣⊥∣≡0 (suc n) = ∣⊥∣≡0 n

-- ⊤

∈⊤ :  {n} {x : Fin n}  x  
∈⊤ {x = zero}  = here
∈⊤ {x = suc x} = there ∈⊤

⊆⊤ :  {n} {p : Subset n}  p  
⊆⊤ = const ∈⊤

∣⊤∣≡n :  n    {n = n}   n
∣⊤∣≡n zero    = refl
∣⊤∣≡n (suc n) = cong suc (∣⊤∣≡n n)

-- ⁅_⁆

x∈⁅x⁆ :  {n} (x : Fin n)  x   x 
x∈⁅x⁆ zero    = here
x∈⁅x⁆ (suc x) = there (x∈⁅x⁆ x)

x∈⁅y⁆⇒x≡y :  {n x} (y : Fin n)  x   y   x  y
x∈⁅y⁆⇒x≡y zero    here      = refl
x∈⁅y⁆⇒x≡y zero    (there p) = contradiction p ∉⊥
x∈⁅y⁆⇒x≡y (suc y) (there p) = cong suc (x∈⁅y⁆⇒x≡y y p)

x∈⁅y⁆⇔x≡y :  {n} {x y : Fin n}  x   y   x  y
x∈⁅y⁆⇔x≡y {_} {x} {y} = equivalence
  (x∈⁅y⁆⇒x≡y y)
   x≡y  subst  y  x   y ) x≡y (x∈⁅x⁆ x))

∣⁅x⁆∣≡1 :  {n} (i : Fin n)    i    1
∣⁅x⁆∣≡1 {suc n} zero    = cong suc (∣⊥∣≡0 n)
∣⁅x⁆∣≡1 {_}     (suc i) = ∣⁅x⁆∣≡1 i

-- _⊆_

⊆-refl :  {n}  Reflexive (_⊆_ {n})
⊆-refl = id

⊆-reflexive :  {n}  _≡_  (_⊆_ {n})
⊆-reflexive refl = ⊆-refl

⊆-trans :  {n}  Transitive (_⊆_ {n})
⊆-trans p⊆q q⊆r x∈p = q⊆r (p⊆q x∈p)

⊆-antisym :  {n}  Antisymmetric _≡_ (_⊆_ {n})
⊆-antisym {x = []}           {[]}           p⊆q q⊆p = refl
⊆-antisym {x = x  xs} {y  ys} p⊆q q⊆p with x | y
... | inside  | inside  = cong₂ _∷_ refl (⊆-antisym (drop-∷-⊆ p⊆q) (drop-∷-⊆ q⊆p))
... | inside  | outside = contradiction (p⊆q here) λ()
... | outside | inside  = contradiction (q⊆p here) λ()
... | outside | outside = cong₂ _∷_ refl (⊆-antisym (drop-∷-⊆ p⊆q) (drop-∷-⊆ q⊆p))

⊆-min :  {n}  Minimum (_⊆_ {n}) 
⊆-min []       ()
⊆-min (x  xs) (there v∈⊥) = there (⊆-min xs v∈⊥)

⊆-max :  {n}  Maximum (_⊆_ {n}) 
⊆-max []            ()
⊆-max (inside  xs) here         = here
⊆-max (x       xs) (there v∈xs) = there (⊆-max xs v∈xs)

infix 4 _⊆?_
_⊆?_ :  {n}  B.Decidable (_⊆_ {n = n})
[]          ⊆? []          = yes id
outside  p ⊆? y  q with p ⊆? q
... | yes p⊆q = yes λ { (there v∈p)  there (p⊆q v∈p)}
... | no  p⊈q = no (p⊈q  drop-∷-⊆)
inside   p ⊆? outside  q = no  p⊆q  case (p⊆q here) of λ())
inside   p ⊆? inside   q with p ⊆? q
... | yes p⊆q = yes λ { here  here ; (there v)  there (p⊆q v)}
... | no  p⊈q = no (p⊈q  drop-∷-⊆)

module _ (n : ) where

  ⊆-isPreorder : IsPreorder _≡_ (_⊆_ {n})
  ⊆-isPreorder = record
    { isEquivalence = isEquivalence
    ; reflexive     = ⊆-reflexive
    ; trans         = ⊆-trans

  ⊆-preorder : Preorder _ _ _
  ⊆-preorder = record
    { isPreorder = ⊆-isPreorder

  ⊆-isPartialOrder : IsPartialOrder _≡_ (_⊆_ {n})
  ⊆-isPartialOrder = record
    { isPreorder = ⊆-isPreorder
    ; antisym    = ⊆-antisym

  ⊆-poset : Poset _ _ _
  ⊆-poset = record
    { isPartialOrder = ⊆-isPartialOrder

p⊆q⇒∣p∣<∣q∣ :  {n} {p q : Subset n}  p  q   p    q 
p⊆q⇒∣p∣<∣q∣ {p = []}          {[]}          p⊆q = z≤n
p⊆q⇒∣p∣<∣q∣ {p = outside  p} {outside  q} p⊆q = p⊆q⇒∣p∣<∣q∣ (drop-∷-⊆ p⊆q)
p⊆q⇒∣p∣<∣q∣ {p = outside  p} {inside   q} p⊆q = ≤-step (p⊆q⇒∣p∣<∣q∣ (drop-∷-⊆ p⊆q))
p⊆q⇒∣p∣<∣q∣ {p = inside   p} {outside  q} p⊆q = contradiction (p⊆q here) λ()
p⊆q⇒∣p∣<∣q∣ {p = inside   p} {inside   q} p⊆q = s≤s (p⊆q⇒∣p∣<∣q∣ (drop-∷-⊆ p⊆q))

-- _∩_

module _ {n : } where

  open AlgebraicProperties {A = Subset n} _≡_

  ∩-assoc : Associative _∩_
  ∩-assoc = zipWith-assoc ∧-assoc

  ∩-comm : Commutative _∩_
  ∩-comm = zipWith-comm ∧-comm

  ∩-idem : Idempotent _∩_
  ∩-idem = zipWith-idem ∧-idem

  ∩-identityˡ : LeftIdentity  _∩_
  ∩-identityˡ = zipWith-identityˡ ∧-identityˡ

  ∩-identityʳ : RightIdentity  _∩_
  ∩-identityʳ = zipWith-identityʳ ∧-identityʳ

  ∩-identity : Identity  _∩_
  ∩-identity = ∩-identityˡ , ∩-identityʳ

  ∩-zeroˡ : LeftZero  _∩_
  ∩-zeroˡ = zipWith-zeroˡ ∧-zeroˡ

  ∩-zeroʳ : RightZero  _∩_
  ∩-zeroʳ = zipWith-zeroʳ ∧-zeroʳ

  ∩-zero : Zero  _∩_
  ∩-zero = ∩-zeroˡ , ∩-zeroʳ

  ∩-inverseˡ : LeftInverse   _∩_
  ∩-inverseˡ = zipWith-inverseˡ ∧-inverseˡ

  ∩-inverseʳ : RightInverse   _∩_
  ∩-inverseʳ = zipWith-inverseʳ ∧-inverseʳ

  ∩-inverse : Inverse   _∩_
  ∩-inverse = ∩-inverseˡ , ∩-inverseʳ

module _ (n : ) where

  open AlgebraicStructures {A = Subset n} _≡_

  ∩-isSemigroup : IsSemigroup _∩_
  ∩-isSemigroup = record
    { isEquivalence = isEquivalence
    ; assoc         = ∩-assoc
    ; ∙-cong        = cong₂ _∩_

  ∩-semigroup : Semigroup _ _
  ∩-semigroup = record
    { isSemigroup = ∩-isSemigroup

  ∩-isMonoid : IsMonoid _∩_ 
  ∩-isMonoid = record
    { isSemigroup = ∩-isSemigroup
    ; identity    = ∩-identity

  ∩-monoid : Monoid _ _
  ∩-monoid = record
    { isMonoid = ∩-isMonoid

  ∩-isCommutativeMonoid : IsCommutativeMonoid _∩_ 
  ∩-isCommutativeMonoid = record
    { isSemigroup = ∩-isSemigroup
    ; identityˡ   = ∩-identityˡ
    ; comm        = ∩-comm

  ∩-commutativeMonoid : CommutativeMonoid _ _
  ∩-commutativeMonoid = record
    { isCommutativeMonoid = ∩-isCommutativeMonoid

  ∩-isIdempotentCommutativeMonoid : IsIdempotentCommutativeMonoid _∩_ 
  ∩-isIdempotentCommutativeMonoid = record
    { isCommutativeMonoid = ∩-isCommutativeMonoid
    ; idem                = ∩-idem

  ∩-idempotentCommutativeMonoid : IdempotentCommutativeMonoid _ _
  ∩-idempotentCommutativeMonoid = record
    { isIdempotentCommutativeMonoid = ∩-isIdempotentCommutativeMonoid

p∩q⊆p :  {n} (p q : Subset n)  p  q  p
p∩q⊆p []            []           x∈p∩q        = x∈p∩q
p∩q⊆p (inside   p) (inside  q) here         = here
p∩q⊆p (inside   p) (_       q) (there ∈p∩q) = there (p∩q⊆p p q ∈p∩q)
p∩q⊆p (outside  p) (_       q) (there ∈p∩q) = there (p∩q⊆p p q ∈p∩q)

p∩q⊆q :  {n} (p q : Subset n)  p  q  q
p∩q⊆q p q rewrite ∩-comm p q = p∩q⊆p q p

x∈p∩q⁺ :  {n} {p q : Subset n} {x}  x  p × x  q  x  p  q
x∈p∩q⁺ (here      , here)      = here
x∈p∩q⁺ (there x∈p , there x∈q) = there (x∈p∩q⁺ (x∈p , x∈q))

x∈p∩q⁻ :  {n} (p q : Subset n) {x}  x  p  q  x  p × x  q
x∈p∩q⁻ []           []           ()
x∈p∩q⁻ (inside  p) (inside  q) here          = here , here
x∈p∩q⁻ (s       p) (t       q) (there x∈p∩q) =
  Product.map there there (x∈p∩q⁻ p q x∈p∩q)

∩⇔× :  {n} {p q : Subset n} {x}  x  p  q  (x  p × x  q)
∩⇔× = equivalence (x∈p∩q⁻ _ _) x∈p∩q⁺

-- _∪_

module _ {n : } where

  open AlgebraicProperties {A = Subset n} _≡_

  ∪-assoc : Associative _∪_
  ∪-assoc = zipWith-assoc ∨-assoc

  ∪-comm : Commutative _∪_
  ∪-comm = zipWith-comm ∨-comm

  ∪-idem : Idempotent _∪_
  ∪-idem = zipWith-idem ∨-idem

  ∪-identityˡ : LeftIdentity  _∪_
  ∪-identityˡ = zipWith-identityˡ ∨-identityˡ

  ∪-identityʳ : RightIdentity  _∪_
  ∪-identityʳ = zipWith-identityʳ ∨-identityʳ

  ∪-identity : Identity  _∪_
  ∪-identity = ∪-identityˡ , ∪-identityʳ

  ∪-zeroˡ : LeftZero  _∪_
  ∪-zeroˡ = zipWith-zeroˡ ∨-zeroˡ

  ∪-zeroʳ : RightZero  _∪_
  ∪-zeroʳ = zipWith-zeroʳ ∨-zeroʳ

  ∪-zero : Zero  _∪_
  ∪-zero = ∪-zeroˡ , ∪-zeroʳ

  ∪-inverseˡ : LeftInverse   _∪_
  ∪-inverseˡ = zipWith-inverseˡ ∨-inverseˡ

  ∪-inverseʳ : RightInverse   _∪_
  ∪-inverseʳ = zipWith-inverseʳ ∨-inverseʳ

  ∪-inverse : Inverse   _∪_
  ∪-inverse = ∪-inverseˡ , ∪-inverseʳ

  ∪-distribˡ-∩ : _∪_ DistributesOverˡ _∩_
  ∪-distribˡ-∩ = zipWith-distribˡ ∨-distribˡ-∧

  ∪-distribʳ-∩ : _∪_ DistributesOverʳ _∩_
  ∪-distribʳ-∩ = zipWith-distribʳ ∨-distribʳ-∧

  ∪-distrib-∩ : _∪_ DistributesOver _∩_
  ∪-distrib-∩ = ∪-distribˡ-∩ , ∪-distribʳ-∩

  ∩-distribˡ-∪ : _∩_ DistributesOverˡ _∪_
  ∩-distribˡ-∪ = zipWith-distribˡ ∧-distribˡ-∨

  ∩-distribʳ-∪ : _∩_ DistributesOverʳ _∪_
  ∩-distribʳ-∪ = zipWith-distribʳ ∧-distribʳ-∨

  ∩-distrib-∪ : _∩_ DistributesOver _∪_
  ∩-distrib-∪ = ∩-distribˡ-∪ , ∩-distribʳ-∪

  ∪-abs-∩ : _∪_ Absorbs _∩_
  ∪-abs-∩ = zipWith-absorbs ∨-abs-∧

  ∩-abs-∪ : _∩_ Absorbs _∪_
  ∩-abs-∪ = zipWith-absorbs ∧-abs-∨

module _ (n : ) where

  open AlgebraicStructures {A = Subset n} _≡_

  ∪-isSemigroup : IsSemigroup _∪_
  ∪-isSemigroup = record
    { isEquivalence = isEquivalence
    ; assoc         = ∪-assoc
    ; ∙-cong        = cong₂ _∪_

  ∪-semigroup : Semigroup _ _
  ∪-semigroup = record
    { isSemigroup = ∪-isSemigroup

  ∪-isMonoid : IsMonoid _∪_ 
  ∪-isMonoid = record
    { isSemigroup = ∪-isSemigroup
    ; identity    = ∪-identity

  ∪-monoid : Monoid _ _
  ∪-monoid = record
    { isMonoid = ∪-isMonoid

  ∪-isCommutativeMonoid : IsCommutativeMonoid _∪_ 
  ∪-isCommutativeMonoid = record
    { isSemigroup = ∪-isSemigroup
    ; identityˡ   = ∪-identityˡ
    ; comm        = ∪-comm

  ∪-commutativeMonoid : CommutativeMonoid _ _
  ∪-commutativeMonoid = record
    { isCommutativeMonoid = ∪-isCommutativeMonoid

  ∪-isIdempotentCommutativeMonoid : IsIdempotentCommutativeMonoid _∪_ 
  ∪-isIdempotentCommutativeMonoid = record
    { isCommutativeMonoid = ∪-isCommutativeMonoid
    ; idem                = ∪-idem

  ∪-idempotentCommutativeMonoid : IdempotentCommutativeMonoid _ _
  ∪-idempotentCommutativeMonoid = record
    { isIdempotentCommutativeMonoid = ∪-isIdempotentCommutativeMonoid

  ∪-∩-isLattice : IsLattice _∪_ _∩_
  ∪-∩-isLattice = record
    { isEquivalence = isEquivalence
    ; ∨-comm        = ∪-comm
    ; ∨-assoc       = ∪-assoc
    ; ∨-cong        = cong₂ _∪_
    ; ∧-comm        = ∩-comm
    ; ∧-assoc       = ∩-assoc
    ; ∧-cong        = cong₂ _∩_
    ; absorptive    = ∪-abs-∩ , ∩-abs-∪

  ∪-∩-lattice : Lattice _ _
  ∪-∩-lattice = record
    { isLattice = ∪-∩-isLattice

  ∪-∩-isDistributiveLattice : IsDistributiveLattice _∪_ _∩_
  ∪-∩-isDistributiveLattice = record
    { isLattice    = ∪-∩-isLattice
    ; ∨-∧-distribʳ = ∪-distribʳ-∩

  ∪-∩-distributiveLattice : DistributiveLattice _ _
  ∪-∩-distributiveLattice = record
    { isDistributiveLattice = ∪-∩-isDistributiveLattice

  ∪-∩-isBooleanAlgebra : IsBooleanAlgebra _∪_ _∩_   
  ∪-∩-isBooleanAlgebra = record
    { isDistributiveLattice = ∪-∩-isDistributiveLattice
    ; ∨-complementʳ         = ∪-inverseʳ
    ; ∧-complementʳ         = ∩-inverseʳ
    ; ¬-cong                = cong 

  ∪-∩-booleanAlgebra : BooleanAlgebra _ _
  ∪-∩-booleanAlgebra = record
    { isBooleanAlgebra = ∪-∩-isBooleanAlgebra

  ∩-∪-isLattice : IsLattice _∩_ _∪_
  ∩-∪-isLattice = L.∧-∨-isLattice ∪-∩-lattice

  ∩-∪-lattice : Lattice _ _
  ∩-∪-lattice = L.∧-∨-lattice ∪-∩-lattice

  ∩-∪-isDistributiveLattice : IsDistributiveLattice _∩_ _∪_
  ∩-∪-isDistributiveLattice = DL.∧-∨-isDistributiveLattice ∪-∩-distributiveLattice

  ∩-∪-distributiveLattice : DistributiveLattice _ _
  ∩-∪-distributiveLattice = DL.∧-∨-distributiveLattice ∪-∩-distributiveLattice

  ∩-∪-isBooleanAlgebra : IsBooleanAlgebra _∩_ _∪_   
  ∩-∪-isBooleanAlgebra = BA.∧-∨-isBooleanAlgebra ∪-∩-booleanAlgebra

  ∩-∪-booleanAlgebra : BooleanAlgebra _ _
  ∩-∪-booleanAlgebra = BA.∧-∨-booleanAlgebra ∪-∩-booleanAlgebra

p⊆p∪q :  {n p} (q : Subset n)  p  p  q
p⊆p∪q []      ()
p⊆p∪q (s  q) here        = here
p⊆p∪q (s  q) (there x∈p) = there (p⊆p∪q q x∈p)

q⊆p∪q :  {n} (p q : Subset n)  q  p  q
q⊆p∪q p q rewrite ∪-comm p q = p⊆p∪q p

x∈p∪q⁻ :   {n} (p q : Subset n) {x}  x  p  q  x  p  x  q
x∈p∪q⁻ []            []            ()
x∈p∪q⁻ (inside   p) (t        q) here          = inj₁ here
x∈p∪q⁻ (outside  p) (inside   q) here          = inj₂ here
x∈p∪q⁻ (s        p) (t        q) (there x∈p∪q) =
  Sum.map there there (x∈p∪q⁻ p q x∈p∪q)

x∈p∪q⁺ :  {n} {p q : Subset n} {x}  x  p  x  q  x  p  q
x∈p∪q⁺ (inj₁ x∈p) = p⊆p∪q _   x∈p
x∈p∪q⁺ (inj₂ x∈q) = q⊆p∪q _ _ x∈q

∪⇔⊎ :  {n} {p q : Subset n} {x}  x  p  q  (x  p  x  q)
∪⇔⊎ = equivalence (x∈p∪q⁻ _ _) x∈p∪q⁺

-- Lift

Lift? :  {n p} {P : Pred (Fin n) p}  Decidable P  Decidable (Lift P)
Lift? P? p = decFinSubset (_∈? p)  {x} _  P? x)

-- Other

anySubset? :  {n} {P : Subset n  Set}  Decidable P  Dec ( P)
anySubset? {zero}  P? with P? []
... | yes P[] = yes (_ , P[])
... | no ¬P[] = no  {([] , P[])  ¬P[] P[]})
anySubset? {suc n} P? with anySubset? (P?  (inside ∷_))
... | yes (_ , Pp) = yes (_ , Pp)
... | no  ¬Pp      with anySubset? (P?  (outside ∷_))
...   | yes (_ , Pp) = yes (_ , Pp)
...   | no ¬Pp'      = no λ
  { (inside   p , Pp)   ¬Pp  (_ , Pp)
  ; (outside  p , Pp')  ¬Pp' (_ , Pp')