open import Relation.Binary using (Rel; Setoid; IsEquivalence)
module Algebra.Structures {a ℓ} {A : Set a} (_≈_ : Rel A ℓ) where
open import Algebra.FunctionProperties _≈_
import Algebra.FunctionProperties.Consequences as Consequences
open import Data.Product using (_,_; proj₁; proj₂)
open import Level using (_⊔_)
record IsSemigroup (∙ : Op₂ A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) where
isEquivalence : IsEquivalence _≈_
assoc : Associative ∙
∙-cong : Congruent₂ ∙
setoid : Setoid a ℓ
setoid = record { isEquivalence = isEquivalence }
open IsEquivalence isEquivalence public
record IsBand (∙ : Op₂ A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) where
isSemigroup : IsSemigroup ∙
idem : Idempotent ∙
open IsSemigroup isSemigroup public
record IsMonoid (∙ : Op₂ A) (ε : A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) where
isSemigroup : IsSemigroup ∙
identity : Identity ε ∙
identityˡ : LeftIdentity ε ∙
identityˡ = proj₁ identity
identityʳ : RightIdentity ε ∙
identityʳ = proj₂ identity
open IsSemigroup isSemigroup public
record IsCommutativeMonoid (∙ : Op₂ A) (ε : A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) where
isSemigroup : IsSemigroup ∙
identityˡ : LeftIdentity ε ∙
comm : Commutative ∙
open IsSemigroup isSemigroup public
identityʳ : RightIdentity ε ∙
identityʳ = Consequences.comm+idˡ⇒idʳ setoid comm identityˡ
identity : Identity ε ∙
identity = (identityˡ , identityʳ)
isMonoid : IsMonoid ∙ ε
isMonoid = record
{ isSemigroup = isSemigroup
; identity = identity
record IsIdempotentCommutativeMonoid (∙ : Op₂ A)
(ε : A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) where
isCommutativeMonoid : IsCommutativeMonoid ∙ ε
idem : Idempotent ∙
open IsCommutativeMonoid isCommutativeMonoid public
record IsGroup (_∙_ : Op₂ A) (ε : A) (_⁻¹ : Op₁ A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) where
isMonoid : IsMonoid _∙_ ε
inverse : Inverse ε _⁻¹ _∙_
⁻¹-cong : Congruent₁ _⁻¹
open IsMonoid isMonoid public
infixl 7 _-_
_-_ : Op₂ A
x - y = x ∙ (y ⁻¹)
inverseˡ : LeftInverse ε _⁻¹ _∙_
inverseˡ = proj₁ inverse
inverseʳ : RightInverse ε _⁻¹ _∙_
inverseʳ = proj₂ inverse
uniqueˡ-⁻¹ : ∀ x y → (x ∙ y) ≈ ε → x ≈ (y ⁻¹)
uniqueˡ-⁻¹ = Consequences.assoc+id+invʳ⇒invˡ-unique
setoid ∙-cong assoc identity inverseʳ
uniqueʳ-⁻¹ : ∀ x y → (x ∙ y) ≈ ε → y ≈ (x ⁻¹)
uniqueʳ-⁻¹ = Consequences.assoc+id+invˡ⇒invʳ-unique
setoid ∙-cong assoc identity inverseˡ
record IsAbelianGroup (∙ : Op₂ A)
(ε : A) (⁻¹ : Op₁ A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) where
isGroup : IsGroup ∙ ε ⁻¹
comm : Commutative ∙
open IsGroup isGroup public
isCommutativeMonoid : IsCommutativeMonoid ∙ ε
isCommutativeMonoid = record
{ isSemigroup = isSemigroup
; identityˡ = identityˡ
; comm = comm
record IsNearSemiring (+ * : Op₂ A) (0# : A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) where
+-isMonoid : IsMonoid + 0#
*-isSemigroup : IsSemigroup *
distribʳ : * DistributesOverʳ +
zeroˡ : LeftZero 0# *
open IsMonoid +-isMonoid public
( assoc to +-assoc
; ∙-cong to +-cong
; isSemigroup to +-isSemigroup
; identity to +-identity
; identityˡ to +-identityˡ
; identityʳ to +-identityʳ
open IsSemigroup *-isSemigroup public
using ()
( assoc to *-assoc
; ∙-cong to *-cong
record IsSemiringWithoutOne (+ * : Op₂ A) (0# : A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) where
+-isCommutativeMonoid : IsCommutativeMonoid + 0#
*-isSemigroup : IsSemigroup *
distrib : * DistributesOver +
zero : Zero 0# *
open IsCommutativeMonoid +-isCommutativeMonoid public
using ()
( isMonoid to +-isMonoid
; comm to +-comm
open IsSemigroup *-isSemigroup public
using ()
( assoc to *-assoc
; ∙-cong to *-cong
zeroˡ : LeftZero 0# *
zeroˡ = proj₁ zero
zeroʳ : RightZero 0# *
zeroʳ = proj₂ zero
isNearSemiring : IsNearSemiring + * 0#
isNearSemiring = record
{ +-isMonoid = +-isMonoid
; *-isSemigroup = *-isSemigroup
; distribʳ = proj₂ distrib
; zeroˡ = zeroˡ
open IsNearSemiring isNearSemiring public
hiding (+-isMonoid; zeroˡ)
record IsSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero (+ * : Op₂ A)
(0# 1# : A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) where
+-isCommutativeMonoid : IsCommutativeMonoid + 0#
*-isMonoid : IsMonoid * 1#
distrib : * DistributesOver +
distribˡ : * DistributesOverˡ +
distribˡ = proj₁ distrib
distribʳ : * DistributesOverʳ +
distribʳ = proj₂ distrib
open IsCommutativeMonoid +-isCommutativeMonoid public
( assoc to +-assoc
; ∙-cong to +-cong
; isSemigroup to +-isSemigroup
; identity to +-identity
; identityˡ to +-identityˡ
; identityʳ to +-identityʳ
; isMonoid to +-isMonoid
; comm to +-comm
open IsMonoid *-isMonoid public
using ()
( assoc to *-assoc
; ∙-cong to *-cong
; isSemigroup to *-isSemigroup
; identity to *-identity
; identityˡ to *-identityˡ
; identityʳ to *-identityʳ
record IsSemiring (+ * : Op₂ A) (0# 1# : A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) where
isSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero :
IsSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero + * 0# 1#
zero : Zero 0# *
open IsSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero
isSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero public
isSemiringWithoutOne : IsSemiringWithoutOne + * 0#
isSemiringWithoutOne = record
{ +-isCommutativeMonoid = +-isCommutativeMonoid
; *-isSemigroup = *-isSemigroup
; distrib = distrib
; zero = zero
open IsSemiringWithoutOne isSemiringWithoutOne public
( isNearSemiring
; zeroˡ
; zeroʳ
record IsCommutativeSemiringWithoutOne
(+ * : Op₂ A) (0# : A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) where
isSemiringWithoutOne : IsSemiringWithoutOne + * 0#
*-comm : Commutative *
open IsSemiringWithoutOne isSemiringWithoutOne public
record IsCommutativeSemiring (+ * : Op₂ A) (0# 1# : A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) where
+-isCommutativeMonoid : IsCommutativeMonoid + 0#
*-isCommutativeMonoid : IsCommutativeMonoid * 1#
distribʳ : * DistributesOverʳ +
zeroˡ : LeftZero 0# *
module +-CM = IsCommutativeMonoid +-isCommutativeMonoid
open module *-CM = IsCommutativeMonoid *-isCommutativeMonoid public
using () renaming (comm to *-comm)
distribˡ : * DistributesOverˡ +
distribˡ = Consequences.comm+distrʳ⇒distrˡ
+-CM.setoid +-CM.∙-cong *-comm distribʳ
distrib : * DistributesOver +
distrib = (distribˡ , distribʳ)
zeroʳ : RightZero 0# *
zeroʳ = Consequences.comm+zeˡ⇒zeʳ +-CM.setoid *-comm zeroˡ
zero : Zero 0# *
zero = (zeroˡ , zeroʳ)
isSemiring : IsSemiring + * 0# 1#
isSemiring = record
{ isSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero = record
{ +-isCommutativeMonoid = +-isCommutativeMonoid
; *-isMonoid = *-CM.isMonoid
; distrib = distrib
; zero = zero
open IsSemiring isSemiring public
( distrib; distribʳ; distribˡ
; zero; zeroˡ; zeroʳ
; +-isCommutativeMonoid
isCommutativeSemiringWithoutOne :
IsCommutativeSemiringWithoutOne + * 0#
isCommutativeSemiringWithoutOne = record
{ isSemiringWithoutOne = isSemiringWithoutOne
; *-comm = *-CM.comm
record IsRing (+ * : Op₂ A) (-_ : Op₁ A) (0# 1# : A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) where
+-isAbelianGroup : IsAbelianGroup + 0# -_
*-isMonoid : IsMonoid * 1#
distrib : * DistributesOver +
open IsAbelianGroup +-isAbelianGroup public
( assoc to +-assoc
; ∙-cong to +-cong
; isSemigroup to +-isSemigroup
; identity to +-identity
; identityˡ to +-identityˡ
; identityʳ to +-identityʳ
; isMonoid to +-isMonoid
; inverse to -‿inverse
; inverseˡ to -‿inverseˡ
; inverseʳ to -‿inverseʳ
; ⁻¹-cong to -‿cong
; isGroup to +-isGroup
; comm to +-comm
; isCommutativeMonoid to +-isCommutativeMonoid
open IsMonoid *-isMonoid public
using ()
( assoc to *-assoc
; ∙-cong to *-cong
; isSemigroup to *-isSemigroup
; identity to *-identity
; identityˡ to *-identityˡ
; identityʳ to *-identityʳ
zeroˡ : LeftZero 0# *
zeroˡ = Consequences.assoc+distribʳ+idʳ+invʳ⇒zeˡ setoid
+-cong *-cong +-assoc (proj₂ distrib) +-identityʳ -‿inverseʳ
zeroʳ : RightZero 0# *
zeroʳ = Consequences.assoc+distribˡ+idʳ+invʳ⇒zeʳ setoid
+-cong *-cong +-assoc (proj₁ distrib) +-identityʳ -‿inverseʳ
zero : Zero 0# *
zero = (zeroˡ , zeroʳ)
: IsSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero + * 0# 1#
isSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero = record
{ +-isCommutativeMonoid = +-isCommutativeMonoid
; *-isMonoid = *-isMonoid
; distrib = distrib
isSemiring : IsSemiring + * 0# 1#
isSemiring = record
{ isSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero =
; zero = zero
open IsSemiring isSemiring public
using (distribˡ; distribʳ; isNearSemiring; isSemiringWithoutOne)
record IsCommutativeRing
(+ * : Op₂ A) (- : Op₁ A) (0# 1# : A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) where
isRing : IsRing + * - 0# 1#
*-comm : Commutative *
open IsRing isRing public
isCommutativeSemiring : IsCommutativeSemiring + * 0# 1#
isCommutativeSemiring = record
{ +-isCommutativeMonoid = +-isCommutativeMonoid
; *-isCommutativeMonoid = record
{ isSemigroup = *-isSemigroup
; identityˡ = *-identityˡ
; comm = *-comm
; distribʳ = proj₂ distrib
; zeroˡ = proj₁ zero
open IsCommutativeSemiring isCommutativeSemiring public
( *-isCommutativeMonoid
; isCommutativeSemiringWithoutOne
record IsSemilattice (∧ : Op₂ A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) where
isBand : IsBand ∧
comm : Commutative ∧
open IsBand isBand public
record IsLattice (∨ ∧ : Op₂ A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) where
isEquivalence : IsEquivalence _≈_
∨-comm : Commutative ∨
∨-assoc : Associative ∨
∨-cong : Congruent₂ ∨
∧-comm : Commutative ∧
∧-assoc : Associative ∧
∧-cong : Congruent₂ ∧
absorptive : Absorptive ∨ ∧
open IsEquivalence isEquivalence public
record IsDistributiveLattice (∨ ∧ : Op₂ A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) where
isLattice : IsLattice ∨ ∧
∨-∧-distribʳ : ∨ DistributesOverʳ ∧
open IsLattice isLattice public
record IsBooleanAlgebra
(∨ ∧ : Op₂ A) (¬ : Op₁ A) (⊤ ⊥ : A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) where
isDistributiveLattice : IsDistributiveLattice ∨ ∧
∨-complementʳ : RightInverse ⊤ ¬ ∨
∧-complementʳ : RightInverse ⊥ ¬ ∧
¬-cong : Congruent₁ ¬
open IsDistributiveLattice isDistributiveLattice public