{-# OPTIONS --safe --lossy-unification #-}
module Cubical.ZCohomology.CohomologyRings.Unit where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Data.Nat renaming (_+_ to _+n_ ; _·_ to _·n_)
open import Cubical.Data.Int
open import Cubical.Data.Vec
open import Cubical.Data.FinData
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.MorphismProperties
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Instances.Int renaming (ℤGroup to ℤG)
open import Cubical.Algebra.DirectSum.DirectSumHIT.Base
open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.Instances.Int renaming (ℤCommRing to ℤCR)
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.FGIdeal
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.Quotient
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.Instances.Polynomials.MultivariatePoly
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.Instances.Polynomials.MultivariatePoly-Quotient
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.Instances.Polynomials.MultivariatePoly-notationZ
open import Cubical.Algebra.Polynomials.Multivariate.EquivCarac.A[X]X-A
open import Cubical.HITs.Truncation
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as SQ renaming (_/_ to _/sq_)
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PT
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.Base
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.GroupStructure
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.RingStructure.CupProduct
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.RingStructure.CohomologyRing
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.Groups.Unit
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.CohomologyRings.CupProductProperties
open Iso
module Equiv-Unit-Properties where
open CommRingStr (snd ℤCR) using ()
( 0r to 0ℤ
; 1r to 1ℤ
; _+_ to _+ℤ_
; -_ to -ℤ_
; _·_ to _·ℤ_
; +Assoc to +ℤAssoc
; +IdL to +ℤIdL
; +IdR to +ℤIdR
; +Comm to +ℤComm
; ·Assoc to ·ℤAssoc
; ·IdL to ·ℤIdL
; ·IdR to ·ℤIdR
; ·DistR+ to ·ℤDistR+
; is-set to isSetℤ )
open RingStr (snd (H*R Unit)) using ()
( 0r to 0H*
; 1r to 1H*
; _+_ to _+H*_
; -_ to -H*_
; _·_ to _cup_
; +Assoc to +H*Assoc
; +IdL to +H*IdL
; +IdR to +H*IdR
; +Comm to +H*Comm
; ·Assoc to ·H*Assoc
; ·IdL to ·H*IdL
; ·IdR to ·H*IdR
; ·DistR+ to ·H*DistR+
; is-set to isSetH* )
open CommRingStr (snd ℤ[X]) using ()
( 0r to 0Pℤ
; 1r to 1Pℤ
; _+_ to _+Pℤ_
; -_ to -Pℤ_
; _·_ to _·Pℤ_
; +Assoc to +PℤAssoc
; +IdL to +PℤIdL
; +IdR to +PℤIdR
; +Comm to +PℤComm
; ·Assoc to ·PℤAssoc
; ·IdL to ·PℤIdL
; ·IdR to ·PℤIdR
; ·DistR+ to ·PℤDistR+
; is-set to isSetPℤ )
open CommRingStr (snd ℤ[X]/X) using ()
( 0r to 0PℤI
; 1r to 1PℤI
; _+_ to _+PℤI_
; -_ to -PℤI_
; _·_ to _·PℤI_
; +Assoc to +PℤIAssoc
; +IdL to +PℤIIdL
; +IdR to +PℤIIdR
; +Comm to +PℤIComm
; ·Assoc to ·PℤIAssoc
; ·IdL to ·PℤIIdL
; ·IdR to ·PℤIIdR
; ·DistR+ to ·PℤIDistR+
; is-set to isSetPℤI )
e₀ = invGroupIso H⁰-Unit≅ℤ
ϕ₀ = fun (fst e₀)
ϕ₀str = snd e₀
ϕ₀⁻¹ = inv (fst e₀)
ϕ₀⁻¹str = snd (invGroupIso e₀)
ϕ₀-sect = rightInv (fst e₀)
ϕ₀-retr = leftInv (fst e₀)
ℤ[x]→H*-Unit : ℤ[x] → H* Unit
ℤ[x]→H*-Unit = DS-Rec-Set.f _ _ _ _ isSetH*
ϕ : _
ϕ (zero ∷ []) a = base zero (ϕ₀ a)
ϕ (suc n ∷ []) a = 0H*
base-neutral-eq : _
base-neutral-eq (zero ∷ []) = base-neutral _
base-neutral-eq (suc n ∷ []) = refl
base-add-eq : _
base-add-eq (zero ∷ []) a b = base-add _ _ _
base-add-eq (suc n ∷ []) a b = +H*IdR _
ℤ[x]→H*-Unit-pres1Pℤ : ℤ[x]→H*-Unit (1Pℤ) ≡ 1H*
ℤ[x]→H*-Unit-pres1Pℤ = refl
ℤ[x]→H*-Unit-pres+ : (x y : ℤ[x]) → ℤ[x]→H*-Unit (x +Pℤ y) ≡ ℤ[x]→H*-Unit x +H* ℤ[x]→H*-Unit y
ℤ[x]→H*-Unit-pres+ x y = refl
open pres⌣
pres·-base-case-int : (n : ℕ) → (a : ℤ) → (m : ℕ) → (b : ℤ) →
ℤ[x]→H*-Unit (base (n ∷ []) a ·Pℤ base (m ∷ []) b)
≡ ℤ[x]→H*-Unit (base (n ∷ []) a) cup ℤ[x]→H*-Unit (base (m ∷ []) b)
pres·-base-case-int zero a zero b = cong (base 0) (ϕₙ⌣ϕₘ ϕ₀ ϕ₀str ϕ₀ ϕ₀str ϕ₀ ϕ₀str refl a b)
pres·-base-case-int zero a (suc m) b = refl
pres·-base-case-int (suc n) a m b = refl
pres·-base-case-vec : (v : Vec ℕ 1) → (a : ℤ) → (v' : Vec ℕ 1) → (b : ℤ) →
ℤ[x]→H*-Unit (base v a ·Pℤ base v' b)
≡ ℤ[x]→H*-Unit (base v a) cup ℤ[x]→H*-Unit (base v' b)
pres·-base-case-vec (n ∷ []) a (m ∷ []) b = pres·-base-case-int n a m b
ℤ[x]→H*-Unit-pres· : (x y : ℤ[x]) → ℤ[x]→H*-Unit (x ·Pℤ y) ≡ ℤ[x]→H*-Unit x cup ℤ[x]→H*-Unit y
ℤ[x]→H*-Unit-pres· = DS-Ind-Prop.f _ _ _ _
(λ x p q i y j → isSetH* _ _ (p y) (q y) i j)
(λ y → refl)
λ {U V} ind-U ind-V y → cong₂ _+H*_ (ind-U y) (ind-V y)
base-case : _
base-case (n ∷ []) a = DS-Ind-Prop.f _ _ _ _ (λ _ → isSetH* _ _)
(sym (RingTheory.0RightAnnihilates (H*R Unit) _))
(λ v' b → pres·-base-case-vec (n ∷ []) a v' b)
λ {U V} ind-U ind-V → (cong₂ _+H*_ ind-U ind-V) ∙ sym (·H*DistR+ _ _ _)
ℤ[x]→H*-Unit-cancelX : (k : Fin 1) → ℤ[x]→H*-Unit (<X> k) ≡ 0H*
ℤ[x]→H*-Unit-cancelX zero = refl
ℤ[X]→H*-Unit : RingHom (CommRing→Ring ℤ[X]) (H*R Unit)
fst ℤ[X]→H*-Unit = ℤ[x]→H*-Unit
snd ℤ[X]→H*-Unit = makeIsRingHom ℤ[x]→H*-Unit-pres1Pℤ ℤ[x]→H*-Unit-pres+ ℤ[x]→H*-Unit-pres·
ℤ[X]/X→H*R-Unit : RingHom (CommRing→Ring ℤ[X]/X) (H*R Unit)
ℤ[X]/X→H*R-Unit = Quotient-FGideal-CommRing-Ring.inducedHom ℤ[X] (H*R Unit) ℤ[X]→H*-Unit <X> ℤ[x]→H*-Unit-cancelX
ℤ[x]/x→H*-Unit : ℤ[x]/x → H* Unit
ℤ[x]/x→H*-Unit = fst ℤ[X]/X→H*R-Unit
H*-Unit→ℤ[x] : H* Unit → ℤ[x]
H*-Unit→ℤ[x] = DS-Rec-Set.f _ _ _ _ isSetPℤ
ϕ⁻¹ : (n : ℕ) → coHom n Unit → ℤ[x]
ϕ⁻¹ zero a = base (0 ∷ []) (ϕ₀⁻¹ a)
ϕ⁻¹ (suc n) a = 0Pℤ
base-neutral-eq : _
base-neutral-eq zero = base-neutral _
base-neutral-eq (suc n) = refl
base-add-eq : _
base-add-eq zero a b = base-add _ _ _
∙ cong (base (0 ∷ [])) (sym (IsGroupHom.pres· ϕ₀⁻¹str a b))
base-add-eq (suc n) a b = +PℤIdR _
H*-Unit→ℤ[x]-pres+ : (x y : H* Unit) → H*-Unit→ℤ[x] (x +H* y) ≡ H*-Unit→ℤ[x] x +Pℤ H*-Unit→ℤ[x] y
H*-Unit→ℤ[x]-pres+ x y = refl
H*-Unit→ℤ[x]/x : H* Unit → ℤ[x]/x
H*-Unit→ℤ[x]/x = [_] ∘ H*-Unit→ℤ[x]
H*-Unit→ℤ[x]/x-pres+ : (x y : H* Unit) → H*-Unit→ℤ[x]/x (x +H* y) ≡ (H*-Unit→ℤ[x]/x x) +PℤI (H*-Unit→ℤ[x]/x y)
H*-Unit→ℤ[x]/x-pres+ x y = cong [_] (H*-Unit→ℤ[x]-pres+ x y)
e-sect : (x : H* Unit) → ℤ[x]/x→H*-Unit (H*-Unit→ℤ[x]/x x) ≡ x
e-sect = DS-Ind-Prop.f _ _ _ _ (λ _ → isSetH* _ _)
λ {U V} ind-U ind-V → cong ℤ[x]/x→H*-Unit (H*-Unit→ℤ[x]/x-pres+ U V)
∙ IsRingHom.pres+ (snd ℤ[X]/X→H*R-Unit) (H*-Unit→ℤ[x]/x U) (H*-Unit→ℤ[x]/x V)
∙ cong₂ _+H*_ ind-U ind-V
base-case : _
base-case zero a = cong (base 0) (ϕ₀-sect _)
base-case (suc n) a = (sym (base-neutral (suc n)))
∙ (cong (base (suc n)) ((isContr→isProp (isContrHⁿ-Unit n) _ a)))
e-retr : (x : ℤ[x]/x) → H*-Unit→ℤ[x]/x (ℤ[x]/x→H*-Unit x) ≡ x
e-retr = SQ.elimProp (λ _ → isSetPℤI _ _)
(DS-Ind-Prop.f _ _ _ _ (λ _ → isSetPℤI _ _)
λ {U V} ind-U ind-V → cong₂ _+PℤI_ ind-U ind-V)
base-case : _
base-case (zero ∷ []) a = refl
base-case (suc n ∷ []) a = eq/ 0Pℤ (base (suc n ∷ []) a) ∣ ((λ x → base (n ∷ []) (-ℤ a)) , foo) ∣₁
foo : (0Pℤ +Pℤ base (suc n ∷ []) (- a)) ≡ (base (n +n 1 ∷ []) (- a · pos 1) +Pℤ 0Pℤ)
foo = (0Pℤ +Pℤ base (suc n ∷ []) (- a)) ≡⟨ +PℤIdL _ ⟩
base (suc n ∷ []) (- a) ≡⟨ cong₂ base (cong (λ X → X ∷ []) (sym ((+-suc n 0)
∙ (cong suc (+-zero n))))) (sym (·ℤIdR _)) ⟩
base (n +n suc 0 ∷ []) (- a ·ℤ 1ℤ) ≡⟨ refl ⟩
base (n +n 1 ∷ []) (- a · pos 1) ≡⟨ sym (+PℤIdR _) ⟩
(base (n +n 1 ∷ []) (- a · pos 1) +Pℤ 0Pℤ) ∎
module _ where
open Equiv-Unit-Properties
open RingEquivs
Unit-CohomologyRingP : RingEquiv (CommRing→Ring ℤ[X]/X) (H*R Unit)
fst Unit-CohomologyRingP = isoToEquiv is
is : Iso ℤ[x]/x (H* Unit)
fun is = ℤ[x]/x→H*-Unit
inv is = H*-Unit→ℤ[x]/x
rightInv is = e-sect
leftInv is = e-retr
snd Unit-CohomologyRingP = snd ℤ[X]/X→H*R-Unit
CohomologyRing-UnitP : RingEquiv (H*R Unit) (CommRing→Ring ℤ[X]/X)
CohomologyRing-UnitP = invRingEquiv Unit-CohomologyRingP
Unit-CohomologyRingℤ : RingEquiv (CommRing→Ring ℤCR) (H*R Unit)
Unit-CohomologyRingℤ = compRingEquiv (invRingEquiv Equiv-ℤ[X]/X-ℤ) Unit-CohomologyRingP
CohomologyRing-Unitℤ : RingEquiv (H*R Unit) (CommRing→Ring ℤCR)
CohomologyRing-Unitℤ = compRingEquiv CohomologyRing-UnitP Equiv-ℤ[X]/X-ℤ