{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Algebra.Ring.Base where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.SIP

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.Algebra.Semigroup
open import Cubical.Algebra.Monoid
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.MorphismProperties
open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup

open import Cubical.Displayed.Base
open import Cubical.Displayed.Auto
open import Cubical.Displayed.Record
open import Cubical.Displayed.Universe

open import Cubical.Reflection.RecordEquiv

open Iso

     ℓ' ℓ'' : Level

record IsRing {R : Type }
              (0r 1r : R) (_+_ _·_ : R  R  R) (-_ : R  R) : Type  where

  constructor isring

    +IsAbGroup : IsAbGroup 0r _+_ -_
    ·IsMonoid  : IsMonoid 1r _·_
    ·DistR+ : (x y z : R)  x · (y + z)  (x · y) + (x · z)
    ·DistL+ : (x y z : R)  (x + y) · z  (x · z) + (y · z)
    -- This is in the Agda stdlib, but it's redundant
    -- zero             : (x : R) → (x · 0r ≡ 0r) × (0r · x ≡ 0r)

  open IsAbGroup +IsAbGroup public
      ( isSemigroup  to +IsSemigroup
      ; isMonoid     to +IsMonoid
      ; isGroup      to +IsGroup )

  open IsMonoid ·IsMonoid public
      ( isSemigroup to ·IsSemigroup )
      ( is-set ) -- We only want to export one proof of this

unquoteDecl IsRingIsoΣ = declareRecordIsoΣ IsRingIsoΣ (quote IsRing)

record RingStr (A : Type ) : Type (ℓ-suc ) where

  constructor ringstr

    0r      : A
    1r      : A
    _+_     : A  A  A
    _·_     : A  A  A
    -_      : A  A
    isRing  : IsRing 0r 1r _+_ _·_ -_

  infix  8 -_
  infixl 7 _·_
  infixl 6 _+_

  open IsRing isRing public

Ring :    Type (ℓ-suc )
Ring  = TypeWithStr  RingStr

module _ {R : Type } {0r 1r : R} {_+_ _·_ : R  R  R} { -_ : R  R}
               (is-setR : isSet R)
               (+Assoc : (x y z : R)  x + (y + z)  (x + y) + z)
               (+IdR : (x : R)  x + 0r  x)
               (+InvR : (x : R)  x + (- x)  0r)
               (+Comm : (x y : R)  x + y  y + x)
               (·Assoc : (x y z : R)  x · (y · z)  (x · y) · z)
               (·IdR : (x : R)  x · 1r  x)
               (·IdL : (x : R)  1r · x  x)
               (·DistR+ : (x y z : R)  x · (y + z)  (x · y) + (x · z))
               (·DistL+ : (x y z : R)  (x + y) · z  (x · z) + (y · z))

  makeIsRing : IsRing 0r 1r _+_ _·_ -_
  makeIsRing .IsRing.+IsAbGroup = makeIsAbGroup is-setR +Assoc +IdR +InvR +Comm
  makeIsRing .IsRing.·IsMonoid = makeIsMonoid is-setR ·Assoc ·IdR ·IdL
  makeIsRing .IsRing.·DistR+ = ·DistR+
  makeIsRing .IsRing.·DistL+ = ·DistL+

module _ {R : Type } (0r 1r : R) (_+_ _·_ : R  R  R) (-_ : R  R)
               (is-setR : isSet R)
               (+Assoc : (x y z : R)  x + (y + z)  (x + y) + z)
               (+IdR : (x : R)  x + 0r  x)
               (+InvR : (x : R)  x + (- x)  0r)
               (+Comm : (x y : R)  x + y  y + x)
               (·Assoc : (x y z : R)  x · (y · z)  (x · y) · z)
               (·IdR : (x : R)  x · 1r  x)
               (·IdL : (x : R)  1r · x  x)
               (·DistR+ : (x y z : R)  x · (y + z)  (x · y) + (x · z))
               (·DistL+ : (x y z : R)  (x + y) · z  (x · z) + (y · z))

  makeRing : Ring 
  makeRing .fst = R
  makeRing .snd .RingStr.0r = 0r
  makeRing .snd .RingStr.1r = 1r
  makeRing .snd .RingStr._+_ = _+_
  makeRing .snd .RingStr._·_ = _·_
  makeRing .snd .RingStr.-_ = -_
  makeRing .snd .RingStr.isRing =
    makeIsRing is-setR +Assoc +IdR +InvR +Comm
                       ·Assoc ·IdR ·IdL ·DistR+ ·DistL+

record IsRingHom {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'} (R : RingStr A) (f : A  B) (S : RingStr B)
  : Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')

  -- Shorter qualified names
    module R = RingStr R
    module S = RingStr S

    pres0 : f R.0r  S.0r
    pres1 : f R.1r  S.1r
    pres+ : (x y : A)  f (x R.+ y)  f x S.+ f y
    pres· : (x y : A)  f (x R.· y)  f x S.· f y
    pres- : (x : A)  f (R.- x)  S.- (f x)

unquoteDecl IsRingHomIsoΣ = declareRecordIsoΣ IsRingHomIsoΣ (quote IsRingHom)

RingHom : (R : Ring ) (S : Ring ℓ')  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
RingHom R S = Σ[ f  ( R    S ) ] IsRingHom (R .snd) f (S .snd)

IsRingEquiv : {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'} (M : RingStr A) (e : A  B) (N : RingStr B)
   Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
IsRingEquiv M e N = IsRingHom M (e .fst) N

RingEquiv : (R : Ring ) (S : Ring ℓ')  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
RingEquiv R S = Σ[ e  ( R    S ) ] IsRingEquiv (R .snd) e (S .snd)

_$r_ : {R : Ring } {S : Ring ℓ'}  (φ : RingHom R S)  (x :  R )   S 
φ $r x = φ .fst x

RingEquiv→RingHom : {A B : Ring }  RingEquiv A B  RingHom A B
RingEquiv→RingHom (e , eIsHom) = e .fst , eIsHom

RingHomIsEquiv→RingEquiv : {A B : Ring } (f : RingHom A B)
                          isEquiv (fst f)  RingEquiv A B
fst (fst (RingHomIsEquiv→RingEquiv f fIsEquiv)) = fst f
snd (fst (RingHomIsEquiv→RingEquiv f fIsEquiv)) = fIsEquiv
snd (RingHomIsEquiv→RingEquiv f fIsEquiv) = snd f

isPropIsRing : {R : Type } (0r 1r : R) (_+_ _·_ : R  R  R) (-_ : R  R)
              isProp (IsRing 0r 1r _+_ _·_ -_)
isPropIsRing 0r 1r _+_ _·_ -_ =
  isOfHLevelRetractFromIso 1 IsRingIsoΣ
    (isPropΣ (isPropIsAbGroup 0r _+_ (-_)) λ abgrp 
     isProp× (isPropIsMonoid 1r _·_)
             (isProp× (isPropΠ3 λ _ _ _  abgrp .is-set _ _)
                      (isPropΠ3 λ _ _ _  abgrp .is-set _ _)))
  open IsAbGroup

isPropIsRingHom : {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'} (R : RingStr A) (f : A  B) (S : RingStr B)
   isProp (IsRingHom R f S)
isPropIsRingHom R f S = isOfHLevelRetractFromIso 1 IsRingHomIsoΣ
                        (isProp×4 (is-set _ _)
                                  (is-set _ _)
                                  (isPropΠ2 λ _ _  is-set _ _)
                                  (isPropΠ2 λ _ _  is-set _ _)
                                  (isPropΠ λ _  is-set _ _))
  open RingStr S using (is-set)

isSetRingHom : (R : Ring ) (S : Ring ℓ')  isSet (RingHom R S)
isSetRingHom R S = isSetΣSndProp (isSetΠ λ _  is-set)  f  isPropIsRingHom (snd R) f (snd S))
  open RingStr (str S) using (is-set)

isSetRingEquiv : (A : Ring ) (B : Ring ℓ')  isSet (RingEquiv A B)
isSetRingEquiv A B = isSetΣSndProp (isOfHLevel≃ 2 A.is-set B.is-set)
                                    e  isPropIsRingHom (snd A) (fst e) (snd B))
  module A = RingStr (str A)
  module B = RingStr (str B)

RingHomPathP : (R : Ring ) (S T : Ring ℓ') (p : S  T) (φ : RingHom R S) (ψ : RingHom R T)
              PathP  i  R .fst  p i .fst) (φ .fst) (ψ .fst)
              PathP  i  RingHom R (p i)) φ ψ
RingHomPathP R S T p φ ψ q = ΣPathP (q , isProp→PathP  _  isPropIsRingHom _ _ _) _ _)

RingHom≡ : {R : Ring } {S : Ring ℓ'} {φ ψ : RingHom R S}  fst φ  fst ψ  φ  ψ
RingHom≡ = Σ≡Prop λ f  isPropIsRingHom _ f _

𝒮ᴰ-Ring : DUARel (𝒮-Univ ) RingStr 
𝒮ᴰ-Ring =
  𝒮ᴰ-Record (𝒮-Univ _) IsRingEquiv
      data[ 0r  null  pres0 ]
      data[ 1r  null  pres1 ]
      data[ _+_  bin  pres+ ]
      data[ _·_  bin  pres· ]
      data[ -_  un  pres- ]
      prop[ isRing   _ _  isPropIsRing _ _ _ _ _) ])
  open RingStr
  open IsRingHom

  -- faster with some sharing
  null = autoDUARel (𝒮-Univ _)  A  A)
  un = autoDUARel (𝒮-Univ _)  A  A  A)
  bin = autoDUARel (𝒮-Univ _)  A  A  A  A)

RingPath : (R S : Ring )  RingEquiv R S  (R  S)
RingPath =  𝒮ᴰ-Ring .UARel.ua

uaRing : {A B : Ring }  RingEquiv A B  A  B
uaRing {A = A} {B = B} = equivFun (RingPath A B)

isGroupoidRing : isGroupoid (Ring )
isGroupoidRing _ _ = isOfHLevelRespectEquiv 2 (RingPath _ _) (isSetRingEquiv _ _)

open RingStr
open IsRingHom

-- TODO: Induced structure results are temporarily inconvenient while we transition between algebra
-- representations
module _ (R : Ring ) {A : Type }
  (0a 1a : A)
  (add mul : A  A  A)
  (inv : A  A)
  (e :  R   A)
  (p0 : e .fst (R .snd .0r)  0a)
  (p1 : e .fst (R .snd .1r)  1a)
  (p+ :  x y  e .fst (R .snd ._+_ x y)  add (e .fst x) (e .fst y))
  ( :  x y  e .fst (R .snd ._·_ x y)  mul (e .fst x) (e .fst y))
  (pinv :  x  e .fst (R .snd .-_ x)  inv (e .fst x))

    module R = RingStr (R .snd)

    BaseΣ : Type (ℓ-suc )
    BaseΣ = Σ[ B  Type  ] B × B × (B  B  B) × (B  B  B) × (B  B)

    FamilyΣ : BaseΣ  Type 
    FamilyΣ (B , u0 , u1 , a , m , i) = IsRing u0 u1 a m i

    inducedΣ : FamilyΣ (A , 0a , 1a , add , mul , inv)
    inducedΣ =
      subst FamilyΣ
        (UARel.≅→≡ (autoUARel BaseΣ) (e , p0 , p1 , p+ ,  , pinv))

  InducedRing : Ring 
  InducedRing .fst = A
  0r (InducedRing .snd) = 0a
  1r (InducedRing .snd) = 1a
  _+_ (InducedRing .snd) = add
  _·_ (InducedRing .snd) = mul
  - InducedRing .snd = inv
  isRing (InducedRing .snd) = inducedΣ

  InducedRingEquiv : RingEquiv R InducedRing
  fst InducedRingEquiv = e
  pres0 (snd InducedRingEquiv) = p0
  pres1 (snd InducedRingEquiv) = p1
  pres+ (snd InducedRingEquiv) = p+
  pres· (snd InducedRingEquiv) = 
  pres- (snd InducedRingEquiv) = pinv

  InducedRingPath : R  InducedRing
  InducedRingPath = RingPath _ _ .fst InducedRingEquiv

-- Rings have an abelian group and a monoid

module _ ((A , (ringstr 0r 1r _+_ _·_ -_ R)) : Ring ) where
  Ring→AbGroup : AbGroup 
  Ring→AbGroup .fst = A
  Ring→AbGroup .snd .AbGroupStr.0g = 0r
  Ring→AbGroup .snd .AbGroupStr._+_ = _+_
  Ring→AbGroup .snd .AbGroupStr.-_ = -_
  Ring→AbGroup .snd .AbGroupStr.isAbGroup = IsRing.+IsAbGroup R

  Ring→MultMonoid : Monoid 
  Ring→MultMonoid = monoid A 1r _·_ (IsRing.·IsMonoid R)

Ring→Group : Ring   Group 
Ring→Group = AbGroup→Group  Ring→AbGroup

Ring→AddMonoid : Ring   Monoid 
Ring→AddMonoid = Group→Monoid  Ring→Group

-- Smart constructor for ring homomorphisms
-- that infers the other equations from pres1, pres+, and pres·

module _ {R : Ring } {S : Ring ℓ'} {f :  R    S } where

    module R = RingStr (R .snd)
    module S = RingStr (S .snd)

  module _
    (p1 : f R.1r  S.1r)
    (p+ : (x y :  R )  f (x R.+ y)  f x S.+ f y)
    ( : (x y :  R )  f (x R.· y)  f x S.· f y)

    open IsRingHom
      isGHom : IsGroupHom (Ring→Group R .snd) f (Ring→Group S .snd)
      isGHom = makeIsGroupHom p+

    makeIsRingHom : IsRingHom (R .snd) f (S .snd)
    makeIsRingHom .pres0 = isGHom .IsGroupHom.pres1
    makeIsRingHom .pres1 = p1
    makeIsRingHom .pres+ = p+
    makeIsRingHom .pres· = 
    makeIsRingHom .pres- = isGHom .IsGroupHom.presinv