{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Algebra.DirectSum.DirectSumHIT.Base where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels

open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup

-- Conventions :
-- Elements of the index are named r, s, t...
-- Elements of the groups are called a, b, c...
-- Elements of the direct sum are named x, y, z...
-- Elements in the fiber of Q x, Q y are called xs, ys...

private variable
   ℓ' ℓ'' : Level

data ⊕HIT (Idx : Type ) (P : Idx  Type ℓ') (AGP : (r : Idx)  AbGroupStr (P r)) : Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')  where
  -- elements
  neutral      : ⊕HIT Idx P AGP
  base         : (r : Idx)  (P r)  ⊕HIT Idx P AGP
  _add_        : ⊕HIT Idx P AGP  ⊕HIT Idx P AGP  ⊕HIT Idx P AGP
  -- eq group
  addAssoc     : (x y z : ⊕HIT Idx P AGP)  x add (y add z)  (x add y) add z
  addRid       : (x : ⊕HIT Idx P AGP)      x add neutral  x
  addComm      : (x y : ⊕HIT Idx P AGP)    x add y  y add x
  -- eq base
  base-neutral : (r : Idx)                 base r (AbGroupStr.0g (AGP r))  neutral
  base-add     : (r : Idx)  (a b : P r)  (base r a) add (base r b)  base r (AbGroupStr._+_ (AGP r) a b)
  -- set
  trunc        : isSet (⊕HIT Idx P AGP)

module _ (Idx : Type ) (P : Idx  Type ℓ') (AGP : (r : Idx)  AbGroupStr (P r)) where

  module DS-Ind-Set
    (Q            : (x : ⊕HIT Idx P AGP)  Type ℓ'')
    (issd         : (x : ⊕HIT Idx P AGP)  isSet (Q x))
    -- elements
    (neutral*     : Q neutral)
    (base*        : (r : Idx)  (a : P r)  Q (base r a))
    (_add*_       : {x y : ⊕HIT Idx P AGP}  Q x  Q y  Q (x add y))
    -- eq group
    (addAssoc*    : {x y z : ⊕HIT Idx P AGP}  (xs : Q x)  (ys : Q y)  (zs : Q z)
                     PathP ( λ i   Q ( addAssoc x y z i)) (xs add* (ys add* zs)) ((xs add* ys) add* zs))
    (addRid*      : {x : ⊕HIT Idx P AGP}  (xs : Q x)
                     PathP  i  Q (addRid x i)) (xs add* neutral*) xs )
    (addComm*     : {x y : ⊕HIT Idx P AGP}  (xs : Q x)  (ys : Q y)
                     PathP  i  Q (addComm x y i)) (xs add* ys) (ys add* xs))
    -- -- eq base
    (base-neutral* : (r : Idx)
                      PathP  i  Q (base-neutral r i)) (base* r (AbGroupStr.0g (AGP r))) neutral*)
    (base-add*     : (r : Idx)  (a b : P r)
                      PathP  i  Q (base-add r a b i)) ((base* r a) add* (base* r b)) (base* r (AbGroupStr._+_ (AGP r) a b)))

    f : (x : ⊕HIT Idx P AGP)  Q x
    f neutral    = neutral*
    f (base r a) = base* r a
    f (x add y)  = (f x) add* (f y)
    f (addAssoc x y z i)  = addAssoc* (f x) (f y) (f z) i
    f (addRid x i)        = addRid* (f x) i
    f (addComm x y i)     = addComm* (f x) (f y) i
    f (base-neutral r i)  = base-neutral* r i
    f (base-add r a b i)  = base-add* r a b i
    f (trunc x y p q i j) = isOfHLevel→isOfHLevelDep 2 (issd)  (f x) (f y) (cong f p) (cong f q) (trunc x y p q) i j

  module DS-Rec-Set
    (B : Type ℓ'')
    (iss : isSet(B))
    (neutral* : B)
    (base*    : (r : Idx)  P r  B)
    (_add*_   : B  B  B)
    (addAssoc*     : (xs ys zs : B)  (xs add* (ys add* zs))  ((xs add* ys) add* zs))
    (addRid*       : (xs : B)        xs add* neutral*  xs)
    (addComm*      : (xs ys : B)     xs add* ys  ys add* xs)
    (base-neutral* : (r : Idx)                 base* r (AbGroupStr.0g (AGP r))  neutral*)
    (base-add*     : (r : Idx)  (a b : P r)  (base* r a) add* (base* r b)  base* r (AbGroupStr._+_ (AGP r) a b))

    f : ⊕HIT Idx P AGP  B
    f z = DS-Ind-Set.f  _  B)  _  iss) neutral* base* _add*_ addAssoc* addRid* addComm* base-neutral* base-add* z

  module DS-Ind-Prop
    (Q            : (x : ⊕HIT Idx P AGP)  Type ℓ'')
    (ispd         : (x : ⊕HIT Idx P AGP)  isProp (Q x))
    -- elements
    (neutral*     : Q neutral)
    (base*        : (r : Idx)  (a : P r)  Q (base r a))
    (_add*_       : {x y : ⊕HIT Idx P AGP}  Q x  Q y  Q (x add y))

    f : (x : ⊕HIT Idx P AGP)  Q x
    f x = DS-Ind-Set.f Q  x  isProp→isSet (ispd x)) neutral* base* _add*_
           {x} {y} {z} xs ys zs  toPathP (ispd _ (transport  i  Q (addAssoc x y z i)) (xs add* (ys add* zs))) ((xs add* ys) add* zs)))
           {x} xs                toPathP (ispd _ (transport  i  Q (addRid x i))       (xs add* neutral*)) xs))
           {x} {y} xs ys         toPathP (ispd _ (transport  i  Q (addComm x y i))    (xs add* ys)) (ys add* xs)))
           r                     toPathP (ispd _ (transport  i  Q (base-neutral r i)) (base* r (AbGroupStr.0g (AGP r)))) neutral*))
           r a b                 toPathP (ispd _ (transport  i  Q (base-add r a b i)) ((base* r a) add* (base* r b))) (base* r (AbGroupStr._+_ (AGP r) a b)  )))

  module DS-Rec-Prop
    (B        : Type ℓ'')
    (isp      : isProp B)
    (neutral* : B)
    (base*    : (r : Idx)  P r  B)
    (_add*_   : B  B  B)

    f : ⊕HIT Idx P AGP  B
    f x = DS-Ind-Prop.f  _  B)  _  isp) neutral* base* _add*_ x