{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Data.Rationals.Order where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence

open import Cubical.Functions.Logic using (_⊔′_)

open import Cubical.Data.Empty as 
open import Cubical.Data.Int.Base as  using ()
open import Cubical.Data.Int.Properties as  using ()
open import Cubical.Data.Int.Order as  using ()
open import Cubical.Data.Rationals.Base as 
open import Cubical.Data.Rationals.Properties as 
open import Cubical.Data.Nat as 
open import Cubical.Data.NatPlusOne
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as  using (_⊎_; inl; inr; isProp⊎)

open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as ∥₁ using (isPropPropTrunc; ∣_∣₁)
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients

open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Base

infix 4 _≤_ _<_ _≥_ _>_

  ·CommR : (a b c : )  a ℤ.· b ℤ.· c  a ℤ.· c ℤ.· b
  ·CommR a b c = sym (ℤ.·Assoc a b c)  cong (a ℤ.·_) (ℤ.·Comm b c)  ℤ.·Assoc a c b

  _≤'_ :     hProp ℓ-zero
  _≤'_ = fun
        lemma≤ : ((a , b) (c , d) (e , f) : ( × ℕ₊₁))
                 (c ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f )  (e ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ d)
                 ((a ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) ℤ.≤ (c ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b))
                 ((a ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) ℤ.≤ (e ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b))
        lemma≤ (a , b) (c , d) (e , f) cf≡ed = (ua (propBiimpl→Equiv ℤ.isProp≤ ℤ.isProp≤
                (ℤ.≤-·o-cancel {k = -1+ d} 
                  subst2 ℤ._≤_ (·CommR a (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f))
                               (·CommR c (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) 
                                cong (ℤ._· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) cf≡ed 
                                ·CommR e (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b)) 
                 ℤ.≤-·o {k = ℕ₊₁→ℕ f})
                (ℤ.≤-·o-cancel {k = -1+ f} 
                  subst2 ℤ._≤_ (·CommR a (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d))
                                (·CommR e (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) 
                                 cong (ℤ._· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) (sym cf≡ed) 
                                 ·CommR c (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b)) 
                 ℤ.≤-·o {k = ℕ₊₁→ℕ d})))

        fun₀ :  × ℕ₊₁    hProp ℓ-zero
        fst (fun₀ (a , b) [ c , d ]) = a ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ d ℤ.≤ c ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b
        snd (fun₀ _ [ _ ]) = ℤ.isProp≤
        fun₀ a/b (eq/ c/d e/f cf≡ed i) = record
          { fst = lemma≤ a/b c/d e/f cf≡ed i
          ; snd = isProp→PathP  i  isPropIsProp {A = lemma≤ a/b c/d e/f cf≡ed i}) ℤ.isProp≤ ℤ.isProp≤ i
        fun₀ a/b (squash/ x y p q i j) = isSet→SquareP  _ _  isSetHProp)
           _  fun₀ a/b x)
           _  fun₀ a/b y)
           i  fun₀ a/b (p i))
           i  fun₀ a/b (q i)) j i

        toPath :  a/b c/d (x : a/b  c/d) (y : )  fun₀ a/b y  fun₀ c/d y
        toPath (a , b) (c , d) ad≡cb = elimProp  _  isSetHProp _ _) λ (e , f) 
          Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsProp) (ua (propBiimpl→Equiv ℤ.isProp≤ ℤ.isProp≤
                (ℤ.≤-·o-cancel {k = -1+ b} 
                  subst2 ℤ._≤_ (·CommR a (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) 
                                 cong (ℤ._· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) ad≡cb 
                                 ·CommR c (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f))
                               (·CommR e (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d)) 
                 ℤ.≤-·o {k = ℕ₊₁→ℕ d})
                (ℤ.≤-·o-cancel {k = -1+ d} 
                  subst2 ℤ._≤_ (·CommR c (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) 
                                 cong (ℤ._· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (sym ad≡cb) 
                                 ·CommR a (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f))
                               (·CommR e (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b)) 
                 ℤ.≤-·o {k = ℕ₊₁→ℕ b})))

        fun :     hProp ℓ-zero
        fun [ a/b ] y = fun₀ a/b y
        fun (eq/ a/b c/d ad≡cb i) y = toPath a/b c/d ad≡cb y i
        fun (squash/ x y p q i j) z = isSet→SquareP  _ _  isSetHProp)
           _  fun x z)  _  fun y z)  i  fun (p i) z)  i  fun (q i) z) j i

  _<'_ :     hProp ℓ-zero
  _<'_ = fun
        lemma< : ((a , b) (c , d) (e , f) : ( × ℕ₊₁))
                 (c ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f )  (e ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ d)
                 ((a ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) ℤ.< (c ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b))
                 ((a ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) ℤ.< (e ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b))
        lemma< (a , b) (c , d) (e , f) cf≡ed = (ua (propBiimpl→Equiv ℤ.isProp< ℤ.isProp<
                (ℤ.<-·o-cancel {k = -1+ d} 
                  subst2 ℤ._<_ (·CommR a (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f))
                               (·CommR c (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) 
                                cong (ℤ._· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) cf≡ed 
                                ·CommR e (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b)) 
                 ℤ.<-·o {k = -1+ f})
                (ℤ.<-·o-cancel {k = -1+ f} 
                  subst2 ℤ._<_ (·CommR a (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d))
                               (·CommR e (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) 
                                cong (ℤ._· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) (sym cf≡ed) 
                                ·CommR c (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b)) 
                 ℤ.<-·o {k = -1+ d})))

        fun₀ :  × ℕ₊₁    hProp ℓ-zero
        fst (fun₀ (a , b) [ c , d ]) = a ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ d ℤ.< c ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b
        snd (fun₀ _ [ _ ]) = ℤ.isProp<
        fun₀ a/b (eq/ c/d e/f cf≡ed i) = record
          { fst = lemma< a/b c/d e/f cf≡ed i
          ; snd = isProp→PathP  i  isPropIsProp {A = lemma< a/b c/d e/f cf≡ed i}) ℤ.isProp< ℤ.isProp< i
        fun₀ a/b (squash/ x y p q i j) = isSet→SquareP  _ _  isSetHProp)
           _  fun₀ a/b x)
           _  fun₀ a/b y)
           i  fun₀ a/b (p i))
           i  fun₀ a/b (q i)) j i

        toPath :  a/b c/d (x : a/b  c/d) (y : )  fun₀ a/b y  fun₀ c/d y
        toPath (a , b) (c , d) ad≡cb = elimProp  _  isSetHProp _ _) λ (e , f) 
          Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsProp) (ua (propBiimpl→Equiv ℤ.isProp< ℤ.isProp<
                (ℤ.<-·o-cancel {k = -1+ b} 
                  subst2 ℤ._<_ (·CommR a (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) 
                                cong (ℤ._· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) ad≡cb 
                                ·CommR c (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f))
                               (·CommR e (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d)) 
                 ℤ.<-·o {k = -1+ d})
                (ℤ.<-·o-cancel {k = -1+ d} 
                  subst2 ℤ._<_ (·CommR c (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) 
                                cong (ℤ._· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (sym ad≡cb) 
                                ·CommR a (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f))
                               (·CommR e (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b)) 
                 ℤ.<-·o {k = -1+ b})))

        fun :     hProp ℓ-zero
        fun [ a/b ] y = fun₀ a/b y
        fun (eq/ a/b c/d ad≡cb i) y = toPath a/b c/d ad≡cb y i
        fun (squash/ x y p q i j) z = isSet→SquareP  _ _  isSetHProp)
           _  fun x z)  _  fun y z)  i  fun (p i) z)  i  fun (q i) z) j i

_≤_ :     Type₀
m  n = fst (m ≤' n)

_<_ :     Type₀
m < n = fst (m <' n)

_≥_ :     Type₀
m  n = n  m

_>_ :     Type₀
m > n = n < m

_#_ :     Type₀
m # n = (m < n)  (n < m)

data Trichotomy (m n : ) : Type₀ where
  lt : m < n  Trichotomy m n
  eq : m  n  Trichotomy m n
  gt : m > n  Trichotomy m n

module _ where
  open BinaryRelation

  isProp≤ : isPropValued _≤_
  isProp≤ m n = snd (m ≤' n)

  isProp< : isPropValued _<_
  isProp< m n = snd (m <' n)

  isRefl≤ : isRefl _≤_
  isRefl≤ = elimProp {P = λ x  x  x}  x  isProp≤ x x) λ _  ℤ.isRefl≤

  isIrrefl< : isIrrefl _<_
  isIrrefl< = elimProp {P = λ x  ¬ x < x}  _  isProp¬ _) λ _  ℤ.isIrrefl<

  isAntisym≤ : isAntisym _≤_
  isAntisym≤ =
    elimProp2 {P = λ a b  a  b  b  a  a  b}
               x y  isPropΠ2 λ _ _  isSetℚ x y)
              λ a b a≤b b≤a  eq/ a b (ℤ.isAntisym≤ a≤b b≤a)

  isTrans≤ : isTrans _≤_
  isTrans≤ =
    elimProp3 {P = λ a b c  a  b  b  c  a  c}
               x _ z  isPropΠ2 λ _ _  isProp≤ x z)
              λ { (a , b) (c , d) (e , f) ad≤cb cf≤ed 
                ℤ.≤-·o-cancel {k = -1+ d}
                  (subst (ℤ._≤ e ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ d)
                    (·CommR a (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f))
                  (ℤ.isTrans≤ (ℤ.≤-·o {k = ℕ₊₁→ℕ f} ad≤cb)
                    (subst2 ℤ._≤_
                      (·CommR c (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b))
                      (·CommR e (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b))
                      (ℤ.≤-·o {k = ℕ₊₁→ℕ b} cf≤ed)))) }

  isTrans< : isTrans _<_
  isTrans< =
    elimProp3 {P = λ a b c  a < b  b < c  a < c}
               x _ z  isPropΠ2 λ _ _  isProp< x z)
              λ { (a , b) (c , d) (e , f) ad<cb cf<ed 
                ℤ.<-·o-cancel {k = -1+ d}
                  (subst (ℤ._< e ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ d)
                    (·CommR a (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f))
                  (ℤ.isTrans< (ℤ.<-·o {k = -1+ f} ad<cb)
                    (subst2 ℤ._<_
                      (·CommR c (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b))
                      (·CommR e (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b))
                      (ℤ.<-·o {k = -1+ b} cf<ed)))) }

  isAsym< : isAsym _<_
  isAsym< = isIrrefl×isTrans→isAsym _<_ (isIrrefl< , isTrans<)

  isTotal≤ : isTotal _≤_
  isTotal≤ =
    elimProp2 {P = λ a b  (a  b) ⊔′ (b  a)}
               _ _  isPropPropTrunc)
               λ a b   lem a b ∣₁
      lem : (a b : ℤ.ℤ × ℕ₊₁)  ([ a ]  [ b ])  ([ b ]  [ a ])
      lem (a , b) (c , d) with (a ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) ℤ.≟ (c ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b)
      ... | ℤ.lt ad<cb = inl (ℤ.<-weaken ad<cb)
      ... | ℤ.eq ad≡cb = inl (0 , ad≡cb)
      ... | ℤ.gt cb<ad = inr (ℤ.<-weaken cb<ad)

  isConnected< : isConnected _<_
  isConnected< =
    elimProp2 {P = λ a b  (¬ a < b) × (¬ b < a)  a  b}
               a b  isProp→ (isSetℚ a b))
      lem : (a b : ℤ.ℤ × ℕ₊₁)  (¬ [ a ] < [ b ]) × (¬ [ b ] < [ a ])  [ a ]  [ b ]
      lem (a , b) (c , d) (¬ad<cb , ¬cb<ad) with (a ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) ℤ.≟ (c ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b)
      ... | ℤ.lt ad<cb = ⊥.rec (¬ad<cb ad<cb)
      ... | ℤ.eq ad≡cb = eq/ (a , b) (c , d) ad≡cb
      ... | ℤ.gt cb<ad = ⊥.rec (¬cb<ad cb<ad)

  isProp# : isPropValued _#_
  isProp# x y = isProp⊎ (isProp< x y) (isProp< y x) (isAsym< x y)

  isIrrefl# : isIrrefl _#_
  isIrrefl# x (inl x<x) = isIrrefl< x x<x
  isIrrefl# x (inr x<x) = isIrrefl< x x<x

  isSym# : isSym _#_
  isSym# _ _ (inl x<y) = inr x<y
  isSym# _ _ (inr y<x) = inl y<x

  inequalityImplies# : inequalityImplies _#_
    = elimProp2 {P = λ a b  ¬ a  b  a # b}
                 a b  isProp→ (isProp# a b))
      lem : (a b : ℤ.ℤ × ℕ₊₁)  ¬ [_] {R = _∼_} a  [ b ]  [ a ] # [ b ]
      lem (a , b) (c , d) ¬a≡b with (a ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) ℤ.≟ (c ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b)
      ... | ℤ.lt ad<cb = inl ad<cb
      ... | ℤ.eq ad≡cb = ⊥.rec (¬a≡b (eq/ (a , b) (c , d) ad≡cb))
      ... | ℤ.gt cb<ad = inr cb<ad

  isWeaklyLinear< : isWeaklyLinear _<_
  isWeaklyLinear< =
    elimProp3 {P = λ a b c  a < b  (a < c) ⊔′ (c < b)}
               _ _ _  isProp→ isPropPropTrunc)
      lem : (a b c : ℤ.ℤ × ℕ₊₁)  [ a ] < [ b ]  ([ a ] < [ c ]) ⊔′ ([ c ] < [ b ])
      lem a b c a<b with discreteℚ [ a ] [ c ]
      ... | yes a≡c =  inr (subst (_< [ b ]) a≡c a<b) ∣₁
      ... | no a≢c =  ⊎.map  a<c  a<c)
                              c<a  isTrans< [ c ] [ a ] [ b ] c<a a<b)
                             (inequalityImplies# [ a ] [ c ] a≢c) ∣₁

  isCotrans# : isCotrans _#_
    = elimProp3 {P = λ a b c  a # b  (a # c) ⊔′ (b # c)}
                 _ _ _  isProp→ isPropPropTrunc)
        lem : (a b c : ℤ.ℤ × ℕ₊₁)  [ a ] # [ b ]  ([ a ] # [ c ]) ⊔′ ([ b ] # [ c ])
        lem a b c a#b with discreteℚ [ b ] [ c ]
        ... | yes b≡c =  inl (subst ([ a ] #_) b≡c a#b) ∣₁
        ... | no  b≢c =  inr (inequalityImplies# [ b ] [ c ] b≢c) ∣₁

≤-+o :  m n o  m  n  m ℚ.+ o  n ℚ.+ o
≤-+o =
  elimProp3 {P = λ a b c  a  b  a ℚ.+ c  b ℚ.+ c}
             x y z  isProp→ (isProp≤ (x ℚ.+ z) (y ℚ.+ z)))
             λ { (a , b) (c , d) (e , f) ad≤cb 
               subst2 ℤ._≤_
                       (cong₂ ℤ._+_
                              (cong  x  a ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ d ℤ.· x)
                                    (ℤ.pos·pos (ℕ₊₁→ℕ f) (ℕ₊₁→ℕ f)) 
                                    sym (ℤ.·Assoc a (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f)) 
                                    cong (a ℤ.·_) (ℤ.·Assoc (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) 
                                    cong (ℤ._· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (ℤ.·Comm (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f)) 
                                    sym (ℤ.·Assoc (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f))) 
                                    ℤ.·Assoc a (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) 
                                    cong  x  a ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f ℤ.· x)
                                         (sym (ℤ.pos·pos (ℕ₊₁→ℕ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℕ f))))
                              (sym (ℤ.·Assoc (e ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f)) 
                                   cong  x  e ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b ℤ.· x)
                                        (sym (ℤ.pos·pos (ℕ₊₁→ℕ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℕ f)))) 
                              sym (ℤ.·DistL+ (a ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (e ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ (d ·₊₁ f))))
                       (cong₂ ℤ._+_
                              (cong  x  c ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b ℤ.· x)
                                    (ℤ.pos·pos (ℕ₊₁→ℕ f) (ℕ₊₁→ℕ f)) 
                                    sym (ℤ.·Assoc c (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f)) 
                                    cong (c ℤ.·_) (ℤ.·Assoc (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) 
                                    cong (ℤ._· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (ℤ.·Comm (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f)) 
                                    sym (ℤ.·Assoc (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f))) 
                                    ℤ.·Assoc c (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) 
                                    cong  x  c ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f ℤ.· x)
                                         (sym (ℤ.pos·pos (ℕ₊₁→ℕ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℕ f))))
                              (cong (ℤ._· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f)
                                    (sym (ℤ.·Assoc e (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d)) 
                                    cong (e ℤ.·_) (ℤ.·Comm (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d)) 
                                    ℤ.·Assoc e (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b)) 
                                    sym (ℤ.·Assoc (e ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f)) 
                                    cong  x  e ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ d ℤ.· x)
                                         (sym (ℤ.pos·pos (ℕ₊₁→ℕ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℕ f)))) 
                       sym (ℤ.·DistL+ (c ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (e ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ (b ·₊₁ f))))
                       (ℤ.≤-+o {o = e ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ d ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f}
                               (ℤ.≤-·o {k = ℕ₊₁→ℕ (f ·₊₁ f)} ad≤cb)) }

≤-o+ :  m n o   m  n  o ℚ.+ m  o ℚ.+ n
≤-o+ m n o = subst2 _≤_ (+Comm m o)
                         (+Comm n o) 
             ≤-+o m n o

≤Monotone+ :  m n o s  m  n  o  s  m ℚ.+ o  n ℚ.+ s
≤Monotone+ m n o s m≤n o≤s
  = isTrans≤ (m ℚ.+ o)
              (n ℚ.+ o)
              (n ℚ.+ s)
              (≤-+o m n o m≤n)
              (≤-o+ o s n o≤s)

≤-o+-cancel :  m n o   o ℚ.+ m  o ℚ.+ n  m  n
≤-o+-cancel m n o
  = subst2 _≤_ (+Assoc (- o) o m  cong (ℚ._+ m) (+InvL o)  +IdL m)
                (+Assoc (- o) o n  cong (ℚ._+ n) (+InvL o)  +IdL n) 
           ≤-o+ (o ℚ.+ m) (o ℚ.+ n) (- o)

≤-+o-cancel :  m n o  m ℚ.+ o  n ℚ.+ o  m  n
≤-+o-cancel m n o
  = subst2 _≤_ (sym (+Assoc m o (- o))  cong  x  m ℚ.+ x) (+InvR o)  +IdR m)
                (sym (+Assoc n o (- o))  cong  x  n ℚ.+ x) (+InvR o)  +IdR n) 
           ≤-+o (m ℚ.+ o) (n ℚ.+ o) (- o)

<-+o :  m n o  m < n  m ℚ.+ o < n ℚ.+ o
<-+o =
  elimProp3 {P = λ a b c  a < b  a ℚ.+ c < b ℚ.+ c}
             x y z  isProp→ (isProp< (x ℚ.+ z) (y ℚ.+ z)))
             λ { (a , b) (c , d) (e , f) ad<cb 
               subst2 ℤ._<_
                       (cong₂ ℤ._+_
                              (cong  x  a ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ d ℤ.· x)
                                    (ℤ.pos·pos (ℕ₊₁→ℕ f) (ℕ₊₁→ℕ f)) 
                                    sym (ℤ.·Assoc a (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f)) 
                                    cong (a ℤ.·_) (ℤ.·Assoc (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) 
                                    cong (ℤ._· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (ℤ.·Comm (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f)) 
                                    sym (ℤ.·Assoc (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f))) 
                                    ℤ.·Assoc a (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) 
                                    cong  x  a ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f ℤ.· x)
                                         (sym (ℤ.pos·pos (ℕ₊₁→ℕ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℕ f))))
                              (sym (ℤ.·Assoc (e ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f)) 
                                   cong  x  e ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b ℤ.· x)
                                        (sym (ℤ.pos·pos (ℕ₊₁→ℕ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℕ f)))) 
                       sym (ℤ.·DistL+ (a ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (e ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ (d ·₊₁ f))))
                       (cong₂ ℤ._+_
                              (cong  x  c ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b ℤ.· x)
                                    (ℤ.pos·pos (ℕ₊₁→ℕ f) (ℕ₊₁→ℕ f)) 
                                    sym (ℤ.·Assoc c (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f)) 
                                    cong (c ℤ.·_) (ℤ.·Assoc (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) 
                                    cong (ℤ._· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (ℤ.·Comm (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f)) 
                                    sym (ℤ.·Assoc (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f))) 
                                    ℤ.·Assoc c (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) 
                                    cong  x  c ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f ℤ.· x)
                                         (sym (ℤ.pos·pos (ℕ₊₁→ℕ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℕ f))))
                              (cong (ℤ._· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f)
                                    (sym (ℤ.·Assoc e (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d)) 
                                    cong (e ℤ.·_) (ℤ.·Comm (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d)) 
                                    ℤ.·Assoc e (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b)) 
                                    sym (ℤ.·Assoc (e ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f)) 
                                    cong  x  e ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ d ℤ.· x)
                                         (sym (ℤ.pos·pos (ℕ₊₁→ℕ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℕ f)))) 
                       sym (ℤ.·DistL+ (c ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (e ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ (b ·₊₁ f))))
                       (ℤ.<-+o {o = e ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ d ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f}
                               (ℤ.<-·o {k = -1+ (f ·₊₁ f)} ad<cb)) }

<-o+ :  m n o  m < n  o ℚ.+ m < o ℚ.+ n
<-o+ m n o = subst2 _<_ (+Comm m o) (+Comm n o)  <-+o m n o

<Monotone+ :  m n o s  m < n  o < s  m ℚ.+ o < n ℚ.+ s
<Monotone+ m n o s m<n o<s
  = isTrans< (m ℚ.+ o) (n ℚ.+ o) (n ℚ.+ s) (<-+o m n o m<n) (<-o+ o s n o<s)

<-o+-cancel :  m n o  o ℚ.+ m < o ℚ.+ n  m < n
<-o+-cancel m n o
  = subst2 _<_ (+Assoc (- o) o m  cong (ℚ._+ m) (+InvL o)  +IdL m)
               (+Assoc (- o) o n  cong (ℚ._+ n) (+InvL o)  +IdL n) 
           <-o+ (o ℚ.+ m) (o ℚ.+ n) (- o)

<-+o-cancel :  m n o  m ℚ.+ o < n ℚ.+ o  m < n
<-+o-cancel m n o
  = subst2 _<_ (sym (+Assoc m o (- o))  cong  x  m ℚ.+ x) (+InvR o)  +IdR m)
               (sym (+Assoc n o (- o))  cong  x  n ℚ.+ x) (+InvR o)  +IdR n) 
           <-+o (m ℚ.+ o) (n ℚ.+ o) (- o)

<Weaken≤ :  m n  m < n  m  n
<Weaken≤ m n = elimProp2 {P = λ x y  x < y  x  y}
                              x y  isProp→ (isProp≤ x y))
                              { (a , b) (c , d)  ℤ.<-weaken }) m n

isTrans<≤ :  m n o  m < n  n  o  m < o
isTrans<≤ =
    elimProp3 {P = λ a b c  a < b  b  c  a < c}
               x _ z  isPropΠ2 λ _ _  isProp< x z)
               λ { (a , b) (c , d) (e , f) ad<cb cf≤ed
                 ℤ.<-·o-cancel {k = -1+ d}
                 (ℤ.<≤-trans {m = c ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b}
                              (subst2 ℤ._<_ (·CommR a (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f))
                                            (·CommR c (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f))
                                            (ℤ.<-·o {k = -1+ f} ad<cb))
                              (subst (_ ℤ.≤_) (·CommR e (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b))
                                     (ℤ.≤-·o {k = ℕ₊₁→ℕ b} cf≤ed)) )}

isTrans≤< :  m n o  m  n  n < o  m < o
isTrans≤< =
    elimProp3 {P = λ a b c  a  b  b < c  a < c}
               x _ z  isPropΠ2 λ _ _  isProp< x z)
               λ { (a , b) (c , d) (e , f) ad≤cb cf<ed
                 ℤ.<-·o-cancel {k = -1+ d}
                 (ℤ.≤<-trans {m = c ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b}
                              (subst2 ℤ._≤_ (·CommR a (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f))
                                             (·CommR c (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f))
                                             (ℤ.≤-·o {k = ℕ₊₁→ℕ f} ad≤cb))
                              (subst (_ ℤ.<_) (·CommR e (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b))
                                     (ℤ.<-·o {k = -1+ b} cf<ed)) )}

≤-·o :  m n o  0  o  m  n  m ℚ.· o  n ℚ.· o
≤-·o =
  elimProp3 {P = λ a b c  0  c  a  b  a ℚ.· c  b ℚ.· c}
             x y z  isPropΠ2 λ _ _  isProp≤ (x ℚ.· z) (y ℚ.· z))
             λ { (a , b) (c , d) (e , f) 0≤e ad≤cb
              subst2 ℤ._≤_ (cong (ℤ._· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (·CommR a (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) e) 
                              sym (ℤ.·Assoc (a ℤ.· e) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f)) 
                              cong (a ℤ.· e ℤ.·_) (sym (ℤ.pos·pos (ℕ₊₁→ℕ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℕ f))))
                             (cong (ℤ._· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (·CommR c (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) e) 
                              sym (ℤ.·Assoc (c ℤ.· e) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f)) 
                              cong (c ℤ.· e ℤ.·_) (sym (ℤ.pos·pos (ℕ₊₁→ℕ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℕ f))))
                             (ℤ.≤-·o {k = ℕ₊₁→ℕ f}
                                      (ℤ.0≤o→≤-·o (subst (0 ℤ.≤_) (ℤ.·IdR e) 0≤e) ad≤cb)) }

≤-·o-cancel :  m n o  0 < o  m ℚ.· o  n ℚ.· o  m  n
≤-·o-cancel =
  elimProp3 {P = λ a b c  0 < c  a ℚ.· c  b ℚ.· c  a  b}
             x y _  isPropΠ2 λ _ _  isProp≤ x y)
             λ { (a , b) (c , d) (e , f) 0<e aedf≤cebf
              ℤ.0<o→≤-·o-cancel (subst (0 ℤ.<_) (ℤ.·IdR e) 0<e)
               (subst2 ℤ._≤_ (·CommR a e (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d)) (·CommR c e (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b))
                      (ℤ.≤-·o-cancel {k = -1+ f}
                        (subst2 ℤ._≤_ (sym (ℤ.·Assoc a e (ℕ₊₁→ℤ (d ·₊₁ f))) 
                                       cong  x  a ℤ.· (e ℤ.· x))
                                            (ℤ.pos·pos (ℕ₊₁→ℕ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℕ f)) 
                                             assoc {a} {e})
                                       (sym (ℤ.·Assoc c e (ℕ₊₁→ℤ (b ·₊₁ f))) 
                                        cong  x  c ℤ.· (e ℤ.· x))
                                             (ℤ.pos·pos (ℕ₊₁→ℕ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℕ f)) 
                                              assoc {c} {e})
                                        aedf≤cebf))) }

  where assoc : ∀{a b c d}  a ℤ.· (b ℤ.· (c ℤ.· d))  a ℤ.· b ℤ.· c ℤ.· d
        assoc {a} {b} {c} {d} = cong (a ℤ.·_) (ℤ.·Assoc b c d) 
                                ℤ.·Assoc a (b ℤ.· c) d 
                                cong (ℤ._· d) (ℤ.·Assoc a b c)

<-·o :  m n o  0 < o  m < n  m ℚ.· o < n ℚ.· o
<-·o =
  elimProp3 {P = λ a b c  0 < c  a < b  a ℚ.· c < b ℚ.· c}
             x y z  isPropΠ2 λ _ _  isProp< (x ℚ.· z) (y ℚ.· z))
             λ { (a , b) (c , d) (e , f) 0<e ad<cb
              subst2 ℤ._<_ (cong (ℤ._· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (·CommR a (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) e) 
                             sym (ℤ.·Assoc (a ℤ.· e) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f)) 
                             cong (a ℤ.· e ℤ.·_) (sym (ℤ.pos·pos (ℕ₊₁→ℕ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℕ f))))
                            (cong (ℤ._· ℕ₊₁→ℤ f) (·CommR c (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) e) 
                             sym (ℤ.·Assoc (c ℤ.· e) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ f)) 
                             cong (c ℤ.· e ℤ.·_) (sym (ℤ.pos·pos (ℕ₊₁→ℕ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℕ f))))
                            (ℤ.<-·o {k = -1+ f}
                                    (ℤ.0<o→<-·o (subst (0 ℤ.<_) (ℤ.·IdR e) 0<e) ad<cb)) }

<-·o-cancel :  m n o  0 < o  m ℚ.· o < n ℚ.· o  m < n
<-·o-cancel =
  elimProp3 {P = λ a b c  0 < c  a ℚ.· c < b ℚ.· c  a < b}
             x y _  isPropΠ2 λ _ _  isProp< x y)
             λ { (a , b) (c , d) (e , f) 0<e aedf<cebf
              ℤ.0<o→<-·o-cancel (subst (0 ℤ.<_) (ℤ.·IdR e) 0<e)
               (subst2 ℤ._<_ (·CommR a e (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d)) (·CommR c e (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b))
                      (ℤ.<-·o-cancel {k = -1+ f}
                        (subst2 ℤ._<_ (sym (ℤ.·Assoc a e (ℕ₊₁→ℤ (d ·₊₁ f))) 
                                       cong  x  a ℤ.· (e ℤ.· x))
                                            (ℤ.pos·pos (ℕ₊₁→ℕ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℕ f)) 
                                             assoc {a} {e})
                                       (sym (ℤ.·Assoc c e (ℕ₊₁→ℤ (b ·₊₁ f))) 
                                        cong  x  c ℤ.· (e ℤ.· x))
                                             (ℤ.pos·pos (ℕ₊₁→ℕ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℕ f)) 
                                              assoc {c} {e})
                                        aedf<cebf))) }

  where assoc : ∀{a b c d}  a ℤ.· (b ℤ.· (c ℤ.· d))  a ℤ.· b ℤ.· c ℤ.· d
        assoc {a} {b} {c} {d} = cong (a ℤ.·_) (ℤ.·Assoc b c d) 
                                ℤ.·Assoc a (b ℤ.· c) d 
                                cong (ℤ._· d) (ℤ.·Assoc a b c)

min≤ :  m n  ℚ.min m n  m
    = elimProp2 {P = λ a b  ℚ.min a b  a}
                 x y  isProp≤ (ℚ.min x y) x)
                 λ { (a , b) (c , d)
                   subst2 ℤ._≤_ (sym (ℤ.·DistPosLMin (a ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ d)
                                                       (c ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b)
                                                       (ℕ₊₁→ℕ b)))
                                  (sym (ℤ.·Assoc a (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b)) 
                                   cong (a ℤ.·_) (sym (ℤ.pos·pos (ℕ₊₁→ℕ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℕ b)) 
                                                  cong ℕ₊₁→ℤ (·₊₁-comm d b)))
                                  (ℤ.min≤ {a ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ d ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b}
                                           {c ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b}) }

≤→min :  m n  m  n  ℚ.min m n  m
    = elimProp2 {P = λ a b  a  b  ℚ.min a b  a}
                 x y  isProp→ (isSetℚ (ℚ.min x y) x))
                 λ { (a , b) (c , d) ad≤cb
                   eq/ (ℤ.min (a ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ d)
                               (c ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b)
                         , b ·₊₁ d)
                        (a , b)
                        (cong (ℤ._· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) (ℤ.≤→min ad≤cb) 
                         sym (ℤ.·Assoc a (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b)) 
                         cong (a ℤ.·_) (sym (ℤ.pos·pos (ℕ₊₁→ℕ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℕ b)) 
                                        cong ℕ₊₁→ℤ (·₊₁-comm d b))) }

≤max :  m n  m  ℚ.max m n
    = elimProp2 {P = λ a b  a  ℚ.max a b}
                 x y  isProp≤ x (ℚ.max x y))
                 λ { (a , b) (c , d)
                   subst2 ℤ._≤_ (sym (ℤ.·Assoc a (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b)) 
                                   cong (a ℤ.·_) (sym (ℤ.pos·pos (ℕ₊₁→ℕ d) (ℕ₊₁→ℕ b)) 
                                                  cong ℕ₊₁→ℤ (·₊₁-comm d b)))
                                  (sym (ℤ.·DistPosLMax (a ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ d)
                                                       (c ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b)
                                                       (ℕ₊₁→ℕ b)))
                                  (ℤ.≤max {a ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ d ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b}
                                           {c ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b}) }

≤→max :  m n   m  n  ℚ.max m n  n
≤→max m n
    = elimProp2 {P = λ a b  a  b  ℚ.max a b  b}
                 x y  isProp→ (isSetℚ (ℚ.max x y) y))
                 { (a , b) (c , d) ad≤cb
                   eq/ (ℤ.max (a ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ d)
                               (c ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b)
                         , b ·₊₁ d)
                        (c , d)
                        (cong (ℤ._· ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (ℤ.≤→max ad≤cb) 
                         sym (ℤ.·Assoc c (ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℤ d)) 
                         cong (c ℤ.·_) (sym (ℤ.pos·pos (ℕ₊₁→ℕ b) (ℕ₊₁→ℕ d)))) }) m n

≤Dec :  m n  Dec (m  n)
≤Dec = elimProp2  x y  isPropDec (isProp≤ x y))
       λ { (a , b) (c , d)  ℤ.≤Dec (a ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (c ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) }

<Dec :  m n  Dec (m < n)
<Dec = elimProp2  x y  isPropDec (isProp< x y))
       λ { (a , b) (c , d)  ℤ.<Dec (a ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ d) (c ℤ.· ℕ₊₁→ℤ b) }

_≟_ : (m n : )  Trichotomy m n
m  n with discreteℚ m n
... | yes m≡n = eq m≡n
... | no m≢n with inequalityImplies# m n m≢n
...             | inl m<n = lt m<n
...             | inr n<m = gt n<m

≤MonotoneMin :  m n o s  m  n  o  s  ℚ.min m o  ℚ.min n s
≤MonotoneMin m n o s m≤n o≤s
  = subst (_≤ ℚ.min n s)
          (sym (ℚ.minAssoc n s (ℚ.min m o)) 
           cong (ℚ.min n) (ℚ.minAssoc s m o 
                           cong  a  ℚ.min a o) (ℚ.minComm s m) 
                                 sym (ℚ.minAssoc m s o)) 
                           ℚ.minAssoc n m (ℚ.min s o) 
           cong₂ ℚ.min (ℚ.minComm n m  ≤→min m n m≤n)
                       (ℚ.minComm s o  ≤→min o s o≤s))
           (min≤ (ℚ.min n s) (ℚ.min m o))

≤MonotoneMax :  m n o s  m  n  o  s  ℚ.max m o  ℚ.max n s
≤MonotoneMax m n o s m≤n o≤s
  = subst (ℚ.max m o ≤_)
          (sym (ℚ.maxAssoc m o (ℚ.max n s)) 
           cong (ℚ.max m) (ℚ.maxAssoc o n s 
                           cong  a  ℚ.max a s) (ℚ.maxComm o n) 
                                 sym (ℚ.maxAssoc n o s)) 
                           ℚ.maxAssoc m n (ℚ.max o s) 
           cong₂ ℚ.max (≤→max m n m≤n) (≤→max o s o≤s))
          (≤max (ℚ.max m o) (ℚ.max n s))

≡Weaken≤ :  m n  m  n  m  n
≡Weaken≤ m n m≡n = subst (m ≤_) m≡n (isRefl≤ m)

≤→≯ :  m n   m  n  ¬ (m > n)
≤→≯ m n m≤n n<m = isIrrefl< n (subst (n <_) (isAntisym≤ m n m≤n (<Weaken≤ n m n<m)) n<m)

≮→≥ :  m n  ¬ (m < n)  m  n
≮→≥ m n m≮n with discreteℚ m n
... | yes m≡n = ≡Weaken≤ n m (sym m≡n)
... | no  m≢n = ∥₁.elim  _  isProp≤ n m)
                        (⊎.rec (⊥.rec  m≮n) (<Weaken≤ n m))
                          inequalityImplies# m n m≢n ∣₁

0<+ :  m n  0 < m ℚ.+ n  (0 < m)  (0 < n)
0<+ m n 0<m+n with <Dec 0 m | <Dec 0 n
... | no 0≮m | no 0≮n = ⊥.rec (≤→≯ (m ℚ.+ n) 0 (≤Monotone+ m 0 n 0 (≮→≥ 0 m 0≮m) (≮→≥ 0 n 0≮n)) 0<m+n)
... | no _    | yes 0<n = inr 0<n
... | yes 0<m | _ = inl 0<m