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-- The Agda standard library
-- Properties related to propositional list membership

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Data.List.Membership.Propositional.Properties where

open import Algebra.Core using (Op₂)
open import Algebra.Definitions using (Selective)
open import Data.Fin.Base using (Fin)
open import Data.List.Base as List
open import Data.List.Effectful using (monad)
open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional
  using (_∈_; _∉_; mapWith∈; _≢∈_)
import Data.List.Membership.Setoid.Properties as Membership
open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Equality.Propositional
  using (_≋_; ≡⇒≋; ≋⇒≡)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any as Any using (Any; here; there)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any.Properties
  using (map↔; concat↔; >>=↔; ⊛↔; Any-cong; ⊗↔′; ¬Any[])
open import Data.Nat.Base using (; suc; s≤s; _≤_; _<_; _≰_)
open import Data.Nat.Properties
  using (suc-injective; m≤n⇒m≤1+n; _≤?_; <⇒≢; ≰⇒>)
open import Data.Product.Base using (; ∃₂; _×_; _,_)
open import Data.Product.Properties using (×-≡,≡↔≡)
open import Data.Product.Function.NonDependent.Propositional using (_×-cong_)
import Data.Product.Function.Dependent.Propositional as Σ
open import Data.Sum.Base as Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Effect.Monad using (RawMonad)
open import Function.Base using (_∘_; _∘′_; _$_; id; flip; _⟨_⟩_)
open import Function.Definitions using (Injective)
import Function.Related.Propositional as Related
open import Function.Bundles using (_↔_; _↣_; Injection)
open import Function.Related.TypeIsomorphisms using (×-comm; ∃∃↔∃∃)
open import Function.Construct.Identity using (↔-id)
open import Level using (Level)
open import Relation.Binary.Core using (Rel)
open import Relation.Binary.Definitions as Binary hiding (Decidable)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core as 
  using (_≡_; _≢_; refl; sym; trans; cong; cong₂; resp; _≗_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Properties as  using (setoid)
import Relation.Binary.Properties.DecTotalOrder as DTOProperties
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable.Core
  using (Dec; yes; no; ¬¬-excluded-middle)
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation.Core using (¬_; contradiction)
open import Relation.Nullary.Reflects using (invert)
open import Relation.Unary using (_⟨×⟩_; Decidable)

  open module ListMonad {} = RawMonad (monad { = })

     : Level
    A B C : Set 

-- Publicly re-export properties from Core

open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional.Properties.Core public

-- Equality

∈-resp-≋ :  {x : A}  (x ∈_) Respects _≋_
∈-resp-≋ = Membership.∈-resp-≋ (≡.setoid _)

∉-resp-≋ :  {x : A}  (x ∉_) Respects _≋_
∉-resp-≋ = Membership.∉-resp-≋ (≡.setoid _)

-- mapWith∈

mapWith∈-cong :  (xs : List A)  (f g :  {x}  x  xs  B) 
                (∀ {x}  (x∈xs : x  xs)  f x∈xs  g x∈xs) 
                mapWith∈ xs f  mapWith∈ xs g
mapWith∈-cong []       f g cong = refl
mapWith∈-cong (x  xs) f g cong = cong₂ _∷_ (cong (here refl))
  (mapWith∈-cong xs (f  there) (g  there) (cong  there))

mapWith∈≗map :  (f : A  B) xs  mapWith∈ xs  {x} _  f x)  map f xs
mapWith∈≗map f xs =
  ≋⇒≡ (Membership.mapWith∈≗map (≡.setoid _) (≡.setoid _) f xs)

mapWith∈-id : (xs : List A)  mapWith∈ xs  {x} _  x)  xs
mapWith∈-id = Membership.mapWith∈-id (≡.setoid _)

map-mapWith∈ : (xs : List A) (f :  {x}  x  xs  B) (g : B  C) 
               map g (mapWith∈ xs f)  mapWith∈ xs (g ∘′ f)
map-mapWith∈ =∈ (≡.setoid _)

-- map

module _ (f : A  B) where

  ∈-map⁺ :  {x xs}  x  xs  f x  map f xs
  ∈-map⁺ = Membership.∈-map⁺ (≡.setoid A) (≡.setoid B) (cong f)

  ∈-map⁻ :  {y xs}  y  map f xs   λ x  x  xs × y  f x
  ∈-map⁻ = Membership.∈-map⁻ (≡.setoid A) (≡.setoid B)

  map-∈↔ :  {y xs}  ( λ x  x  xs × y  f x)  y  map f xs
  map-∈↔ {y} {xs} =
    ( λ x  x  xs × y  f x)   ↔⟨ Any↔ 
    Any  x  y  f x) xs       ↔⟨ map↔ 
    y f xs            
    where open Related.EquationalReasoning

-- _++_

module _ {v : A} where

  ∈-++⁺ˡ :  {xs ys}  v  xs  v  xs ++ ys
  ∈-++⁺ˡ = Membership.∈-++⁺ˡ (≡.setoid A)

  ∈-++⁺ʳ :  xs {ys}  v  ys  v  xs ++ ys
  ∈-++⁺ʳ = Membership.∈-++⁺ʳ (≡.setoid A)

  ∈-++⁻ :  xs {ys}  v  xs ++ ys  (v  xs)  (v  ys)
  ∈-++⁻ = Membership.∈-++⁻ (≡.setoid A)

  ∈-insert :  xs {ys}  v  xs ++ [ v ] ++ ys
  ∈-insert xs = Membership.∈-insert (≡.setoid A) xs refl

  ∈-∃++ :  {xs}  v  xs  ∃₂ λ ys zs  xs  ys ++ [ v ] ++ zs
  ∈-∃++ v∈xs
    with ys , zs , _ , refl , eqMembership.∈-∃++ (≡.setoid A) v∈xs
    = ys , zs , ≋⇒≡ eq

-- concat

module _ {v : A} where

  ∈-concat⁺ :  {xss}  Any (v ∈_) xss  v  concat xss
  ∈-concat⁺ = Membership.∈-concat⁺ (≡.setoid A)

  ∈-concat⁻ :  xss  v  concat xss  Any (v ∈_) xss
  ∈-concat⁻ = Membership.∈-concat⁻ (≡.setoid A)

  ∈-concat⁺′ :  {vs xss}  v  vs  vs  xss  v  concat xss
  ∈-concat⁺′ v∈vs vs∈xss =
    Membership.∈-concat⁺′ (≡.setoid A) v∈vs ( ≡⇒≋ vs∈xss)

  ∈-concat⁻′ :  xss  v  concat xss   λ xs  v  xs × xs  xss
  ∈-concat⁻′ xss v∈c =
    let xs , v∈xs , xs∈xss = Membership.∈-concat⁻′ (≡.setoid A) xss v∈c
    in xs , v∈xs , ≋⇒≡ xs∈xss

  concat-∈↔ :  {xss : List (List A)} 
              ( λ xs  v  xs × xs  xss)  v  concat xss
  concat-∈↔ {xss} =
    ( λ xs  v  xs × xs  xss)  ↔⟨ Σ.cong (↔-id _) $ ×-comm _ _ 
    ( λ xs  xs  xss × v  xs)  ↔⟨ Any↔ 
    Any (Any (v ≡_)) xss          ↔⟨ concat↔ 
    v  concat xss                
    where open Related.EquationalReasoning

-- cartesianProductWith

module _ (f : A  B  C) where

  ∈-cartesianProductWith⁺ :  {xs ys a b}  a  xs  b  ys 
                            f a b  cartesianProductWith f xs ys
  ∈-cartesianProductWith⁺ = Membership.∈-cartesianProductWith⁺
    (≡.setoid A) (≡.setoid B) (≡.setoid C) (cong₂ f)

  ∈-cartesianProductWith⁻ :  xs ys {v}  v  cartesianProductWith f xs ys 
                            ∃₂ λ a b  a  xs × b  ys × v  f a b
  ∈-cartesianProductWith⁻ = Membership.∈-cartesianProductWith⁻
    (≡.setoid A) (≡.setoid B) (≡.setoid C) f

-- cartesianProduct

∈-cartesianProduct⁺ :  {x : A} {y : B} {xs ys}  x  xs  y  ys 
                      (x , y)  cartesianProduct xs ys
∈-cartesianProduct⁺ = ∈-cartesianProductWith⁺ _,_

∈-cartesianProduct⁻ :  xs ys {xy@(x , y) : A × B} 
                      xy  cartesianProduct xs ys  x  xs × y  ys
∈-cartesianProduct⁻ xs ys xy∈p[xs,ys]
  with _ , _ , x∈xs , y∈ys , refl∈-cartesianProductWith⁻ _,_ xs ys xy∈p[xs,ys]
  = x∈xs , y∈ys

-- applyUpTo

module _ (f :   A) where

  ∈-applyUpTo⁺ :  {i n}  i < n  f i  applyUpTo f n
  ∈-applyUpTo⁺ = Membership.∈-applyUpTo⁺ (≡.setoid _) f

  ∈-applyUpTo⁻ :  {v n}  v  applyUpTo f n 
                  λ i  i < n × v  f i
  ∈-applyUpTo⁻ = Membership.∈-applyUpTo⁻ (≡.setoid _) f

-- upTo

∈-upTo⁺ :  {n i}  i < n  i  upTo n
∈-upTo⁺ = ∈-applyUpTo⁺ id

∈-upTo⁻ :  {n i}  i  upTo n  i < n
∈-upTo⁻ p with _ , i<n , refl∈-applyUpTo⁻ id p = i<n

-- applyDownFrom

module _ (f :   A) where

  ∈-applyDownFrom⁺ :  {i n}  i < n  f i  applyDownFrom f n
  ∈-applyDownFrom⁺ = Membership.∈-applyDownFrom⁺ (≡.setoid _) f

  ∈-applyDownFrom⁻ :  {v n}  v  applyDownFrom f n 
                      λ i  i < n × v  f i
  ∈-applyDownFrom⁻ = Membership.∈-applyDownFrom⁻ (≡.setoid _) f

-- downFrom

∈-downFrom⁺ :  {n i}  i < n  i  downFrom n
∈-downFrom⁺ i<n = ∈-applyDownFrom⁺ id i<n

∈-downFrom⁻ :  {n i}  i  downFrom n  i < n
∈-downFrom⁻ p with _ , i<n , refl∈-applyDownFrom⁻ id p = i<n

-- tabulate

module _ {n} {f : Fin n  A} where

  ∈-tabulate⁺ :  i  f i  tabulate f
  ∈-tabulate⁺ = Membership.∈-tabulate⁺ (≡.setoid _)

  ∈-tabulate⁻ :  {v}  v  tabulate f   λ i  v  f i
  ∈-tabulate⁻ = Membership.∈-tabulate⁻ (≡.setoid _)

-- filter

module _ {p} {P : A  Set p} (P? : Decidable P) where

  ∈-filter⁺ :  {x xs}  x  xs  P x  x  filter P? xs
  ∈-filter⁺ = Membership.∈-filter⁺ (≡.setoid A) P? (≡.resp P)

  ∈-filter⁻ :  {v xs}  v  filter P? xs  v  xs × P v
  ∈-filter⁻ = Membership.∈-filter⁻ (≡.setoid A) P? (≡.resp P)

-- derun and deduplicate

module _ {r} {R : Rel A r} (R? : Binary.Decidable R) where

  ∈-derun⁻ :  xs {z}  z  derun R? xs  z  xs
  ∈-derun⁻ xs z∈derun[R,xs] = Membership.∈-derun⁻ (≡.setoid A) R? xs z∈derun[R,xs]

  ∈-deduplicate⁻ :  xs {z}  z  deduplicate R? xs  z  xs
  ∈-deduplicate⁻ xs z∈dedup[R,xs] = Membership.∈-deduplicate⁻ (≡.setoid A) R? xs z∈dedup[R,xs]

module _ (_≈?_ : DecidableEquality A) where

  ∈-derun⁺ :  {xs z}  z  xs  z  derun _≈?_ xs
  ∈-derun⁺ z∈xs = Membership.∈-derun⁺ (≡.setoid A) _≈?_ (flip trans) z∈xs

  ∈-deduplicate⁺ :  {xs z}  z  xs  z  deduplicate _≈?_ xs
  ∈-deduplicate⁺ z∈xs = Membership.∈-deduplicate⁺ (≡.setoid A) _≈?_  c≡b a≡b  trans a≡b (sym c≡b)) z∈xs

-- _>>=_

>>=-∈↔ :  {xs} {f : A  List B} {y} 
         ( λ x  x  xs × y  f x)  y  (xs >>= f)
>>=-∈↔ {xs = xs} {f} {y} =
  ( λ x  x  xs × y  f x)  ↔⟨ Any↔ 
  Any (Any (y ≡_)  f) xs     ↔⟨ >>=↔ 
  y  (xs >>= f)              
  where open Related.EquationalReasoning

-- _⊛_

⊛-∈↔ :  (fs : List (A  B)) {xs y} 
       (∃₂ λ f x  f  fs × x  xs × y  f x)  y  (fs  xs)
⊛-∈↔ fs {xs} {y} =
  (∃₂ λ f x  f  fs × x  xs × y  f x)       ↔⟨ Σ.cong (↔-id _) (∃∃↔∃∃ _) 
  ( λ f  f  fs ×  λ x  x  xs × y  f x)  ↔⟨ Σ.cong (↔-id _) (↔-id _  _×-cong_  Any↔) 
  ( λ f  f  fs × Any (_≡_ y  f) xs)        ↔⟨ Any↔ 
  Any  f  Any (_≡_ y  f) xs) fs            ↔⟨ ⊛↔ 
  y  (fs  xs)                                
  where open Related.EquationalReasoning

-- _⊗_

⊗-∈↔ :  {xs ys} {x : A} {y : B} 
       (x  xs × y  ys)  (x , y)  (xs  ys)
⊗-∈↔ {xs = xs} {ys} {x} {y} =
  (x  xs × y  ys)             ↔⟨ ⊗↔′ 
  Any (x ≡_ ⟨×⟩ y ≡_) (xs  ys) ↔⟨ Any-cong  _  ×-≡,≡↔≡) (↔-id _) 
  (x , y)  (xs  ys)           
  open Related.EquationalReasoning

-- length

∈-length :  {x : A} {xs}  x  xs  0 < length xs
∈-length = Membership.∈-length (≡.setoid _)

-- lookup

∈-lookup :  {xs : List A} i  lookup xs i  xs
∈-lookup {xs = xs} i = Membership.∈-lookup (≡.setoid _) xs i

-- foldr

module _ {_•_ : Op₂ A} where

  foldr-selective : Selective _≡_ _•_   e xs 
                    (foldr _•_ e xs  e)  (foldr _•_ e xs  xs)
  foldr-selective = Membership.foldr-selective (≡.setoid A)

-- allFin

∈-allFin :  {n} (k : Fin n)  k  allFin n
∈-allFin = ∈-tabulate⁺

-- inits

[]∈inits :  {a} {A : Set a} (as : List A)  []  inits as
[]∈inits _ = here refl

-- Other properties

-- Only a finite number of distinct elements can be members of a
-- given list.

finite : (inj :   A)   xs  ¬ (∀ i inj i  xs)
finite inj []       fᵢ∈[]   = ¬Any[] (fᵢ∈[] 0)
finite inj (x  xs) fᵢ∈x∷xs = ¬¬-excluded-middle helper
  open Injection inj renaming (injective to f-inj)

  f :   _
  f = to

  not-x :  {i}  f i  x  f i  xs
  not-x {i} fᵢ≢x with fᵢ∈x∷xs i
  ... | here  fᵢ≡x  = contradiction fᵢ≡x fᵢ≢x
  ... | there fᵢ∈xs = fᵢ∈xs

  helper : ¬ Dec ( λ i  f i  x)
  helper (no fᵢ≢x)        = finite inj  xs  i  not-x (fᵢ≢x  _,_ i))
  helper (yes (i , fᵢ≡x)) = finite f′-inj xs f′ⱼ∈xs
    f′ :   _
    f′ j with i ≤? j
    ... | yes _ = f (suc j)
    ... | no  _ = f j

    ∈-if-not-i :  {j}  i  j  f j  xs
    ∈-if-not-i i≢j = not-x (i≢j  f-inj  trans fᵢ≡x  sym)

    lemma :  {k j}  i  j  i  k  suc j  k
    lemma i≤j i≰1+j refl = i≰1+j (m≤n⇒m≤1+n i≤j)

    f′ⱼ∈xs :  j  f′ j  xs
    f′ⱼ∈xs j with i ≤? j
    ... | yes i≤j = ∈-if-not-i (<⇒≢ (s≤s i≤j))
    ... | no  i≰j = ∈-if-not-i (<⇒≢ (≰⇒> i≰j)  sym)

    f′-injective′ : Injective _≡_ _≡_ f′
    f′-injective′ {j} {k} eq with i ≤? j | i ≤? k
    ... | yes i≤j | yes i≤k = suc-injective (f-inj eq)
    ... | yes i≤j | no  i≰k = contradiction (f-inj eq) (lemma i≤j i≰k)
    ... | no  i≰j | yes i≤k = contradiction (f-inj eq) (lemma i≤k i≰j  sym)
    ... | no  i≰j | no  i≰k = f-inj eq

    f′-inj :   _
    f′-inj = record
      { to        = f′
      ; cong      = ≡.cong f′
      ; injective = f′-injective′

-- Different members

there-injective-≢∈ :  {xs} {x y z : A} {x∈xs : x  xs} {y∈xs : y  xs} 
                     there {x = z} x∈xs ≢∈ there y∈xs 
                     x∈xs ≢∈ y∈xs
there-injective-≢∈ neq refl eq = neq refl (≡.cong there eq)