{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Categories.Adjoint.Properties where

open import Level
open import Data.Product using (Σ; _,_; -,_; proj₂; uncurry)
open import Function.Base using (_$_)

open import Categories.Adjoint using (_⊣_; Adjoint)
open import Categories.Adjoint.Equivalents using (Hom-NI′⇒Adjoint)
open import Categories.Adjoint.RAPL using (rapl)
open import Categories.Category using (Category; _[_,_]; _[_≈_]; _[_∘_])
open import Categories.Category.Product using (_⁂_; _⁂ⁿⁱ_)
open import Categories.Category.Construction.Comma using (CommaObj; Comma⇒; _↙_)
open import Categories.Diagram.Cone using (Cone; Cone⇒)
open import Categories.Diagram.Cone.Properties using (F-map-Coneʳ)
open import Categories.Diagram.Limit using (Limit)
open import Categories.Diagram.Colimit using (Colimit)
open import Categories.Functor using (Functor; _∘F_) renaming (id to idF)
open import Categories.Functor.Hom using (Hom[_][-,-])
open import Categories.Functor.Construction.Constant using (const!)
open import Categories.Functor.Construction.LiftSetoids using (LiftSetoids)
open import Categories.Functor.Properties using ([_]-resp-square; [_]-resp-∘)
open import Categories.Functor.Limits using (Continuous; Cocontinuous)
open import Categories.Functor.Bifunctor using (Bifunctor; appʳ; appˡ)
open import Categories.Functor.Bifunctor.Properties using ([_]-decompose₁; [_]-decompose₂; [_]-commute)
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation using (NaturalTransformation; _∘ˡ_; _∘ʳ_; ntHelper)
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation.NaturalIsomorphism using (NaturalIsomorphism; _≃_; _ⓘₕ_; _ⓘˡ_; module )
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation.NaturalIsomorphism.Properties using (unlift-≃)
open import Categories.Monad using (Monad)
open import Categories.Monad.Duality using (coMonad⇒Comonad)
open import Categories.Comonad using (Comonad)
open import Categories.Morphism.Universal using (UniversalMorphism)
import Categories.Yoneda.Properties as YP using (yoneda-NI)

import Categories.Diagram.Duality as Duality using (coLimit⇒Colimit; Colimit⇒coLimit)

import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning as MR using (pushʳ; pullˡ; pushˡ; elimʳ; center; center⁻¹;
  elimˡ; cancelˡ; pullʳ; cancelʳ; id-comm-sym; extendʳ)

    o  e : Level
    C D E J K : Category o  e

-- if the left adjoint functor is a partial application of bifunctor, then it uniquely
-- determines a bifunctor compatible with the right adjoint functor.
module _ {C : Category o  e}
         (L : Bifunctor C E D) {R :  (X : Category.Obj E)  Functor D C}
         (LR :  (X : Category.Obj E)  appʳ L X  R X) where
    module C    = Category C using (id; _⇒_; _≈_; _∘_; assoc; sym-assoc; ∘-resp-≈ˡ; module HomReasoning)
    module D    = Category D using (_∘_; id; _≈_; _⇒_; module HomReasoning; ∘-resp-≈ʳ; sym-assoc)
    module E    = Category E using (_⇒_; id; module Equiv; _∘_; op)
    module L    = Functor L using (F₁; F-resp-≈; identity)
    module R X  = Functor (R X) using (F₀; F₁; identity; homomorphism; F-resp-≈)
    module LR X = Adjoint (LR X) using (Ladjunct; module unit; module counit; RLadjunct≈id; zag)
    open C using (assoc; sym-assoc; _⇒_; _∘_; _≈_; ∘-resp-≈ˡ)

    F′ :  {A X B Y} f g  R.F₀ A X  R.F₀ B Y
    F′ {A} {X} {B} {Y} f g = LR.Ladjunct B (LR.counit.η A Y D.∘ L.F₁ (R.F₁ A g , f))
    --  R.F₁ B (LR.counit.η A Y) ∘ R.F₁ B (L.F₁ (R.F₁ A g , f)) ∘ LR.unit.η B (R.F₀ A X)

    commute′ :  {A B X} (f : A E.⇒ B)  LR.counit.η A X D.∘ L.F₁ (F′ f D.id , E.id) D.≈ LR.counit.η B X D.∘ L.F₁ (C.id , f)
    commute′ {A} {B} {X} f = begin
      LR.counit.η A X D.∘ L.F₁ (F′ f D.id , E.id) ≈⟨ LR.RLadjunct≈id A 
      LR.counit.η B X D.∘ L.F₁ (R.F₁ B D.id , f)  ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ L.F-resp-≈ (R.identity B , E.Equiv.refl) 
      LR.counit.η B X D.∘ L.F₁ (C.id , f)         
      where open D.HomReasoning

    open C.HomReasoning

    decompose₁ :  {A B X Y} {f : A E.⇒ B} {g : X D.⇒ Y}  F′ f g  R.F₁ A g  F′ f D.id
    decompose₁ {A} {B} {X} {Y} {f} {g} = begin
      F′ f g
        ≈⟨ R.F-resp-≈ A (D.∘-resp-≈ʳ [ L ]-decompose₁) ⟩∘⟨refl 
      R.F₁ A (LR.counit.η B Y D.∘ L.F₁ (R.F₁ B g , E.id) D.∘ L.F₁ (C.id , f))  LR.unit.η A (R.F₀ B X)
        ≈⟨ R.F-resp-≈ A (pullˡ (LR.counit.commute B g)) ⟩∘⟨refl 
      R.F₁ A ((g D.∘ LR.counit.η B X) D.∘ L.F₁ (C.id , f))  LR.unit.η A (R.F₀ B X)
        ≈˘⟨ R.F-resp-≈ A (pushʳ (D.∘-resp-≈ʳ (L.F-resp-≈ (R.identity B , E.Equiv.refl)))) ⟩∘⟨refl 
      R.F₁ A (g D.∘ LR.counit.η B X D.∘ L.F₁ (R.F₁ B D.id , f))  LR.unit.η A (R.F₀ B X)
        ≈⟨ R.homomorphism A ⟩∘⟨refl 
      (R.F₁ A g  R.F₁ A (LR.counit.η B X D.∘ L.F₁ (R.F₁ B D.id , f)))  LR.unit.η A (R.F₀ B X)
        ≈⟨ assoc 
      R.F₁ A g  F′ f D.id
      where open MR D

    decompose₂ :  {A B X Y} {f : A E.⇒ B} {g : X D.⇒ Y}  F′ f g  F′ f D.id  R.F₁ B g
    decompose₂ {A} {B} {X} {Y} {f} {g} = begin
      F′ f g
        ≈⟨ R.F-resp-≈ A (D.∘-resp-≈ʳ [ L ]-decompose₂) ⟩∘⟨refl 
      R.F₁ A (LR.counit.η B Y D.∘ L.F₁ (C.id , f) D.∘ L.F₁ (R.F₁ B g , E.id))  LR.unit.η A (R.F₀ B X)
        ≈˘⟨ R.F-resp-≈ A (pushˡ (D.∘-resp-≈ʳ (L.F-resp-≈ (R.identity B , E.Equiv.refl)))) ⟩∘⟨refl 
      R.F₁ A ((LR.counit.η B Y D.∘ L.F₁ (R.F₁ B D.id , f)) D.∘ L.F₁ (R.F₁ B g , E.id))  LR.unit.η A (R.F₀ B X)
        ≈⟨ R.homomorphism A ⟩∘⟨refl 
      (R.F₁ A (LR.counit.η B Y D.∘ L.F₁ (R.F₁ B D.id , f))  R.F₁ A (L.F₁ (R.F₁ B g , E.id)))  LR.unit.η A (R.F₀ B X)
        ≈˘⟨ MR.pushʳ C (LR.unit.commute A (R.F₁ B g)) 
      R.F₁ A (LR.counit.η B Y D.∘ L.F₁ (R.F₁ B D.id , f))  LR.unit.η A (R.F₀ B Y)  R.F₁ B g
        ≈⟨ sym-assoc 
      F′ f D.id  R.F₁ B g
      where open MR D

    swap :  {A B X Y} {f : A E.⇒ B} {g : X D.⇒ Y}  R.F₁ A g  F′ f D.id  F′ f D.id  R.F₁ B g
    swap =  decompose₁  decompose₂

    commute″ :  {X Y Z A} {f : Y E.⇒ Z} {g : X E.⇒ Y}  F′ (f E.∘ g) (D.id {A})  F′ g D.id  F′ f D.id
    commute″ {X} {Y} {Z} {A} {f} {g} = begin
      F′ (f E.∘ g) D.id
        ≈⟨ R.F-resp-≈ X (D.∘-resp-≈ʳ (L.F-resp-≈ (R.identity Z , E.Equiv.refl))) ⟩∘⟨refl 
      R.F₁ X (LR.counit.η Z A D.∘ L.F₁ (C.id , f E.∘ g))  LR.unit.η X (R.F₀ Z A)
        ≈⟨ R.F-resp-≈ X (D.∘-resp-≈ʳ (Functor.homomorphism (appˡ L (R.F₀ Z A)))) ⟩∘⟨refl 
      R.F₁ X (LR.counit.η Z A D.∘ L.F₁ (C.id , f) D.∘ L.F₁ (C.id , g))  LR.unit.η X (R.F₀ Z A)
        ≈˘⟨ R.F-resp-≈ X (MR.pushˡ D (commute′ f)) ⟩∘⟨refl 
      R.F₁ X ((LR.counit.η Y A D.∘ L.F₁ (F′ f D.id , E.id)) D.∘ L.F₁ (C.id , g))  LR.unit.η X (R.F₀ Z A)
        ≈˘⟨ R.F-resp-≈ X (MR.pushʳ D [ L ]-commute) ⟩∘⟨refl 
      R.F₁ X (LR.counit.η Y A D.∘ L.F₁ (C.id , g) D.∘ L.F₁ (F′ f D.id , E.id))  LR.unit.η X (R.F₀ Z A)
        ≈⟨ R.F-resp-≈ X D.sym-assoc ⟩∘⟨refl 
      R.F₁ X ((LR.counit.η Y A D.∘ L.F₁ (C.id , g)) D.∘ L.F₁ (F′ f D.id , E.id))  LR.unit.η X (R.F₀ Z A)
        ≈⟨ R.homomorphism X ⟩∘⟨refl 
      (R.F₁ X (LR.counit.η Y A D.∘ L.F₁ (C.id , g))  R.F₁ X (L.F₁ (F′ f D.id , E.id)))  LR.unit.η X (R.F₀ Z A)
        ≈˘⟨ MR.pushʳ C (LR.unit.commute X (F′ f D.id)) 
      R.F₁ X (LR.counit.η Y A D.∘ L.F₁ (C.id , g))  LR.unit.η X (R.F₀ Y A)  F′ f D.id
        ≈˘⟨ R.F-resp-≈ X (D.∘-resp-≈ʳ (L.F-resp-≈ (R.identity Y , E.Equiv.refl))) ⟩∘⟨refl 
      R.F₁ X (LR.counit.η Y A D.∘ L.F₁ (R.F₁ Y D.id , g))  LR.unit.η X (R.F₀ Y A)  F′ f D.id
        ≈⟨ sym-assoc 
      F′ g D.id  F′ f D.id

  induced-bifunctorʳ : Bifunctor E.op D C
  induced-bifunctorʳ = record
    { F₀           = uncurry R.F₀
    ; F₁           = uncurry F′
    ; identity     = λ where
      {e , d} 
        let open MR D
        in begin
          F′ E.id D.id
            ≈⟨ R.F-resp-≈ e (D.∘-resp-≈ʳ (L.F-resp-≈ (R.identity e , E.Equiv.refl))) ⟩∘⟨refl 
          R.F₁ e (LR.counit.η e d D.∘ L.F₁ (C.id , E.id))  LR.unit.η e (R.F₀ e d)
            ≈⟨ R.F-resp-≈ e (elimʳ L.identity) ⟩∘⟨refl 
          R.F₁ e (LR.counit.η e d)  LR.unit.η e (R.F₀ e d)
            ≈⟨ LR.zag e 
    ; homomorphism = λ where
      {A , X} {B , Y} {W , Z} {f , h} {g , i} 
        let open MR C
        in begin
          F′ (f E.∘ g) (i D.∘ h)
            ≈⟨ decompose₁ 
          R.F₁ W (i D.∘ h)  F′ (f E.∘ g) D.id
            ≈˘⟨ center⁻¹ ( (R.homomorphism W)) ( commute″) 
          R.F₁ W i  (R.F₁ W h  F′ g D.id)  F′ f D.id
            ≈˘⟨ center ( swap) 
          (R.F₁ W i  F′ g D.id)  R.F₁ B h  F′ f D.id
            ≈˘⟨ decompose₁ ⟩∘⟨ decompose₁ 
          F′ g i  F′ f h
    ; F-resp-≈     = λ where
      {A , X} {B , Y} (eq , eq′) 
        ∘-resp-≈ˡ (R.F-resp-≈ B (D.∘-resp-≈ʳ (L.F-resp-≈ (R.F-resp-≈ A eq′ , eq))))

-- LAPC: left adjoint preserves colimits.
module _ {L : Functor C D} {R : Functor D C} (L⊣R : L  R) (F : Functor J C) where
    module F = Functor F

  lapc : Colimit F  Colimit (L ∘F F)
  lapc col = Duality.coLimit⇒Colimit D (rapl (Adjoint.op L⊣R) F.op (Duality.Colimit⇒coLimit C col))

-- left adjoint preserves diagrams in limits
module _ {L : Functor J K} {R : Functor K J} (L⊣R : L  R) {F : Functor K C} (Lm : Limit F) where

    module L = Functor L
    module R = Functor R
    module F = Functor F
  open Adjoint L⊣R
  open Category C
  open HomReasoning
  open MR C
  open Limit Lm

  private module _ {A : Cone (F ∘F L)} where

    private module A = Cone A

    A′ : Cone F
    A′ = record
      { N = A.N
      ; apex = record
        { ψ = λ X  F.₁ (counit.η X)  A.ψ (R.₀ X)
        ; commute = λ {X} {Y} f  begin
          F.₁ f  F.₁ (counit.η X)  A.ψ (R.₀ X)             ≈⟨ extendʳ ([ F ]-resp-square (counit.sym-commute f)) 
          F.₁ (counit.η Y)  F.₁ (L.₁ (R.₁ f))  A.ψ (R.₀ X) ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ A.commute (R.₁ f) 
          F.₁ (counit.η Y)  A.ψ (R.₀ Y)                     

    !cone : Cone⇒ (F ∘F L) A (F-map-Coneʳ L limit)
    !cone = record
      { arr = rep A′
      ; commute = λ {X}  begin
        proj (L.₀ X)  rep A′                                 ≈⟨ commute 
        F.₁ (counit.η (L.₀ X))  A.ψ (R.₀ (L.₀ X))            ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ A.commute (unit.η X) 
        F.₁ (counit.η (L.₀ X))  F.₁ (L.₁ (unit.η X))  A.ψ X ≈⟨ cancelˡ ([ F ]-resp-∘ zig  F.identity) 
        A.ψ X                                                 

    !cone-unique :  {A} (f : Cone⇒ (F ∘F L) A (F-map-Coneʳ L limit))  rep (A′ {A})  Cone⇒.arr f
    !cone-unique {A} f = terminal.!-unique {A′ {A}} record
      { arr = f.arr
      ; commute = λ {X}  begin
        proj X  f.arr                 ≈⟨ pushˡ ( (limit-commute (counit.η X))) 
        F.₁ (counit.η X)  proj (L.₀ (R.₀ X))  f.arr ≈⟨ (refl⟩∘⟨ f.commute) 
        F.₁ (counit.η X)  A.ψ (R.₀ X) 
        module A = Cone A
        module f = Cone⇒ f

  la-preserves-diagram : Limit (F ∘F L)
  la-preserves-diagram = record
    { terminal = record
      {  = F-map-Coneʳ L limit
      ; ⊤-is-terminal = record
        { ! = !cone
        ; !-unique = !cone-unique

-- right adjoint preserves diagrams in colimits
ra-preserves-diagram : {L : Functor J K} {R : Functor K J} (L⊣R : L  R) {F : Functor J C}  Colimit F  Colimit (F ∘F R)
ra-preserves-diagram L⊣R colim = Duality.coLimit⇒Colimit _ (la-preserves-diagram (Adjoint.op L⊣R) (Duality.Colimit⇒coLimit _ colim))

-- adjoint functors induce monads and comonads
module _ {L : Functor C D} {R : Functor D C} (L⊣R : L  R) where
    module C = Category C using (id; _∘_; module HomReasoning)
    module D = Category D using (id)
    module L = Functor L using (F₁)
    module R = Functor R using (F₁; identity)
    open Adjoint L⊣R using (unit; counit; zig; zag)

  rapl′ :  {o  e}  Continuous o  e R
  rapl′ lim = terminal.⊤-is-terminal
    where open Limit (rapl L⊣R _ lim) using (module terminal)

  lapc′ :  {o  e}  Cocontinuous o  e L
  lapc′ col = initial.⊥-is-initial
    where open Colimit (lapc L⊣R _ col) using (module initial)

  adjoint⇒monad : Monad C
  adjoint⇒monad = record
    { F         = R ∘F L
    ; η         = unit
    ; μ         = record
      { η           = μ′.η
      ; commute     = μ′.commute
      ; sym-commute = μ′.sym-commute
    ; assoc     = [ R ]-resp-square (counit.commute _)
    ; sym-assoc = [ R ]-resp-square (counit.sym-commute _)
    ; identityˡ = λ {X}  begin
      μ′.η X C.∘ R.F₁ (L.F₁ (unit.η X)) ≈⟨ [ R ]-resp-∘ zig 
      R.F₁ D.id                         ≈⟨ R.identity 
    ; identityʳ = zag
    where open C.HomReasoning
          μ′ : NaturalTransformation (R ∘F (L ∘F R) ∘F L) (R ∘F Categories.Functor.id ∘F L)
          μ′ = R ∘ˡ counit ∘ʳ L
          module μ′ = NaturalTransformation μ′ using (η; commute; sym-commute)

module _ {L : Functor C D} {R : Functor D C} (L⊣R : L  R) where
  adjoint⇒comonad : Comonad D
  adjoint⇒comonad = coMonad⇒Comonad D (adjoint⇒monad (Adjoint.op L⊣R))

-- adjoint functors are the same as universal morphisms
module _ {R : Functor D C} where
    module C = Category C -- all of the structure is needed
    module D = Category D using (Obj; _⇒_; _∘_; id; module HomReasoning)
    module R = Functor R using (F₀; F₁; identity; homomorphism)

  adjoint⇒universalMorphisms :  {L : Functor C D}  L  R   (X : C.Obj)  UniversalMorphism X R
  adjoint⇒universalMorphisms {L} L⊣R X = record
    { initial = record
      {         = record { f = unit.η X }
      ; ⊥-is-initial = record
        { !        =
          let open C.HomReasoning
          in record { commute = LRadjunct≈id   C.identityʳ }
        ; !-unique = λ {A} g 
          let open D.HomReasoning
          in -, (begin
            Radjunct (f A)            ≈⟨ Radjunct-resp-≈ (C.Equiv.sym (C.Equiv.trans (commute g) (C.identityʳ {f = f A}))) 
            Radjunct (Ladjunct (h g)) ≈⟨ RLadjunct≈id 
            h g                       )
    where open Adjoint L⊣R using (Radjunct; Ladjunct; LRadjunct≈id; RLadjunct≈id; Radjunct-resp-≈; module unit)
          open Comma⇒ using (h; commute)
          open CommaObj using (f)

  universalMophisms⇒adjoint : (∀ (X : C.Obj)  UniversalMorphism X R)  Σ (Functor C D)  L  L  R)
  universalMophisms⇒adjoint umors = L , record
    { unit   = ntHelper record
      { η       = λ c  f (umors.⊥ c)
      ; commute = λ i  let open C.HomReasoning in  (commute (⊥X⇒⊥Y i)  C.identityʳ )
    ; counit = ntHelper record
      { η       = ε
      ; commute = λ {X Y} i 
        let open C.HomReasoning
            open MR C using (pullʳ; cancelˡ; cancelʳ)
        in proj₂ $ umors.!-unique₂ (R.F₀ X)
           {record { f = R.F₁ i }}
           { h       = ε Y D.∘ L₁ (R.F₁ i)
           ; commute = begin
             R.F₁ (ε Y D.∘ L₁ (R.F₁ i)) C.∘ f (⊥Rd X)          ≈⟨ R.homomorphism ⟩∘⟨refl 
             (R.F₁ (ε Y) C.∘ R.F₁ (L₁ (R.F₁ i))) C.∘ f (⊥Rd X) ≈⟨ pullʳ (commute (⊥X⇒⊥Y (R.F₁ i))  C.identityʳ) 
             R.F₁ (ε Y) C.∘ f (⊥Rd Y) C.∘ R.F₁ i               ≈⟨ cancelˡ (commute (⊥Rd⇒id Y)  C.identityˡ) 
             R.F₁ i                                            ≈˘⟨ C.identityʳ 
             R.F₁ i C.∘ C.id                                   
           { h       = i D.∘ ε X
           ; commute = begin
             R.F₁ (i D.∘ ε X) C.∘ f (⊥Rd X)        ≈⟨ R.homomorphism ⟩∘⟨refl 
             (R.F₁ i C.∘ R.F₁ (ε X)) C.∘ f (⊥Rd X) ≈⟨ cancelʳ (commute (⊥Rd⇒id X)  C.identityˡ) 
             R.F₁ i                                ≈˘⟨ C.identityʳ 
             R.F₁ i C.∘ C.id                       
    ; zig    = λ {c} 
      let open C.HomReasoning
          open MR C using (pullʳ; cancelˡ; id-comm-sym)
          α = f (umors.⊥ c)
      in proj₂ $ umors.!-unique₂ c
         {record { f = α }}
         { h       = ε (L₀ c) D.∘ L₁ α
         ; commute = begin
           R.F₁ (ε (L₀ c) D.∘ L₁ α) C.∘ α           ≈⟨ R.homomorphism ⟩∘⟨refl 
           (R.F₁ (ε (L₀ c)) C.∘ R.F₁ (L₁ α)) C.∘ α  ≈⟨ pullʳ (commute (⊥X⇒⊥Y α)  C.identityʳ) 
           R.F₁ (ε (L₀ c)) C.∘ f (⊥Rd (L₀ c)) C.∘ α ≈⟨ cancelˡ (commute (⊥Rd⇒id (L₀ c))  C.identityˡ) 
           α                                        ≈˘⟨ C.identityʳ 
           α C.∘ C.id                               
         { h       = D.id
         ; commute = C.∘-resp-≈ˡ R.identity  id-comm-sym
    ; zag    = λ {d}  C.Equiv.trans (commute (⊥Rd⇒id d)) C.identityˡ
    where module umors X = UniversalMorphism (umors X)
          open CommaObj
          open Comma⇒

          commaObj∘g :  {X Y}  X C.⇒ Y  CommaObj (const! X) R
          commaObj∘g {X} {Y} g = record { f = f (umors.⊥ Y) C.∘ g }

          ⊥X⇒⊥Y :  {X Y} (g : X C.⇒ Y)  (X  R) [ umors.⊥ X , commaObj∘g g ]
          ⊥X⇒⊥Y {X} {Y} g = umors.! X {commaObj∘g g}

          L₀ :  X  D.Obj
          L₀ X         = β (umors.⊥ X)
          L₁ :  {X Y}  X C.⇒ Y  β (umors.⊥ X) D.⇒ β (umors.⊥ Y)
          L₁ {X} {Y} g = h (⊥X⇒⊥Y g)
          L-Hom :  {X Y Z} {i : X C.⇒ Y} {j : Y C.⇒ Z}  D [ L₁ (C [ j  i ])  (D [ L₁ j  L₁ i ]) ]
          L-Hom {X} {Y} {Z} {i} {j} = proj₂ $ umors.!-unique₂ X (umors.! X) $
              record { commute = begin
                R.F₁ (h (umors.! Y) D.∘ h (umors.! X)) C.∘ f (umors.⊥ X)
                  ≈⟨ (C.∘-resp-≈ˡ R.homomorphism)  C.assoc 
                R.F₁ (h (umors.! Y)) C.∘ R.F₁ (h (umors.! X)) C.∘ f (umors.⊥ X)
                  ≈⟨ (C.∘-resp-≈ʳ (commute (⊥X⇒⊥Y i)  C.identityʳ))  C.sym-assoc 
                (R.F₁ (h (umors.! Y)) C.∘ f (umors.⊥ Y)) C.∘ i
                  ≈⟨ pushˡ (commute (⊥X⇒⊥Y j)  C.identityʳ) 
                f (umors.⊥ Z) C.∘ j C.∘ i
                  ≈˘⟨ C.identityʳ 
                (f (umors.⊥ Z) C.∘ j C.∘ i) C.∘ C.id
              where open C.HomReasoning
                    open MR C using (pushˡ)
          L : Functor C D
          L            = record
            { F₀           = L₀
            ; F₁           = L₁
            ; identity     = λ {X}  proj₂ $ umors.!-unique X $
              record { commute = elimˡ R.identity   C.identityʳ   C.identityʳ }
            ; homomorphism = L-Hom
            ; F-resp-≈     = λ {X} eq  proj₂ $ umors.!-unique₂ X (umors.! X) $
              record { commute = commute (umors.! X)  C.∘-resp-≈ˡ (C.∘-resp-≈ʳ ( eq)) }
            where open C.HomReasoning using (_○_; )
                  open MR C using (elimˡ)

          ⊥Rd    : (d : D.Obj)  CommaObj (const! (R.F₀ d)) R
          ⊥Rd d    = umors.⊥ (R.F₀ d)
          ⊥Rd⇒id : (d : D.Obj)   (R.F₀ d  R) [ ⊥Rd d , record { f = C.id } ]
          ⊥Rd⇒id d = umors.! (R.F₀ d) {record { f = C.id }}
          ε      :  d  L₀ (R.F₀ d) D.⇒ d
          ε d      = h (⊥Rd⇒id d)

-- adjoint functors of a functor are isomorphic
module _ (L : Functor C D) where
  R≃R′ :  {R R′}  L  R  L  R′  R  R′
  R≃R′ {R} {R′} L⊣R L⊣R′ = YP.yoneda-NI C R R′ (unlift-≃ Hom[-,R-]≃Hom[-,R′-])
    where module ⊣₁ = Adjoint L⊣R using (Hom[-,R-]′; Hom-NI)
          module ⊣₂ = Adjoint L⊣R′ using (Hom[-,R-]′; Hom-NI)
          Hom[-,R-]≃Hom[-,R′-] : ⊣₁.Hom[-,R-]′  ⊣₂.Hom[-,R-]′
          Hom[-,R-]≃Hom[-,R′-] = ≃.trans (≃.sym ⊣₁.Hom-NI) ⊣₂.Hom-NI

module _ {R : Functor D C} where

  L≃L′ :  {L L′}  L  R  L′  R  L  L′
  L≃L′ L⊣R L′⊣R = NaturalIsomorphism.op (R≃R′ (Functor.op R) ⊣₂.op ⊣₁.op)
    where module ⊣₁ = Adjoint L⊣R using (op)
          module ⊣₂ = Adjoint L′⊣R using (op)

-- adjoint functors are preserved by natural isomorphisms
module _ {L L′ : Functor C D} {R R′ : Functor D C} where

  ⊣×≃⇒⊣ : L  R  L  L′  R  R′  L′  R′
  ⊣×≃⇒⊣ L⊣R L≃L′ R≃R′ = Hom-NI′⇒Adjoint (≃.trans (LiftSetoids _ _  ⓘˡ Hom[L′-,-]≃Hom[L-,-])
                                        (≃.trans (Adjoint.Hom-NI L⊣R)
                                                 (LiftSetoids _ _  ⓘˡ Hom[-,R-]≃Hom[-,R′-])))
    where Hom[L′-,-]≃Hom[L-,-] : Hom[ D ][-,-] ∘F (Functor.op L′  idF)  Hom[ D ][-,-] ∘F (Functor.op L  idF)
          Hom[L′-,-]≃Hom[L-,-] = Hom[ D ][-,-] ⓘˡ (NaturalIsomorphism.op L≃L′ ⁂ⁿⁱ ≃.refl)
          Hom[-,R-]≃Hom[-,R′-] : Hom[ C ][-,-] ∘F (idF  R)  Hom[ C ][-,-] ∘F (idF  R′)
          Hom[-,R-]≃Hom[-,R′-] = Hom[ C ][-,-] ⓘˡ (≃.refl ⁂ⁿⁱ R≃R′)