{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}
open import Categories.Category

module Categories.Object.Initial {o  e} (C : Category o  e) where

open import Level
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as  using (_≡_)

open Category C
open import Categories.Morphism C using (Epi; _≅_)
open import Categories.Morphism.IsoEquiv C using (_≃_; ⌞_⌟)
open import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning C

open HomReasoning

record IsInitial ( : Obj) : Set (o    e) where
    ! : {A : Obj}  (  A)
    !-unique :  {A}  (f :   A)  !  f

  !-unique₂ :  {A}  (f g :   A)  f  g
  !-unique₂ f g = begin
    f ≈˘⟨ !-unique f 
    ! ≈⟨ !-unique g 
    where open HomReasoning

  ⊥-id : (f :   )  f  id
  ⊥-id f = !-unique₂ f id

record Initial : Set (o    e) where
     : Obj
    ⊥-is-initial : IsInitial 

  open IsInitial ⊥-is-initial public

open Initial

to-⊥-is-Epi :  {A : Obj} {i : Initial}  (f : A   i)  Epi f
to-⊥-is-Epi {_} {i} _ = λ g h _  !-unique₂ i g h

up-to-iso : (i₁ i₂ : Initial)   i₁   i₂
up-to-iso i₁ i₂ = record
  { from = ! i₁
  ; to   = ! i₂
  ; iso  = record { isoˡ = ⊥-id i₁ _; isoʳ = ⊥-id i₂ _ }

transport-by-iso : (i : Initial)   {X}   i  X  Initial
transport-by-iso i {X} i≅X = record
  {         = X
  ; ⊥-is-initial = record
    { !        = ! i  to
    ; !-unique = λ h   begin
      ! i  to        ≈⟨ !-unique i (h  from) ⟩∘⟨refl  
      (h  from)  to ≈⟨ cancelʳ isoʳ 
  where open _≅_ i≅X

up-to-iso-unique :  i i′  (iso :  i   i′)  up-to-iso i i′  iso
up-to-iso-unique i i′ iso =  !-unique i _ 

up-to-iso-invˡ :  {t X} {i :  t  X}  up-to-iso t (transport-by-iso t i)  i
up-to-iso-invˡ {t} {i = i} = up-to-iso-unique t (transport-by-iso t i) i

up-to-iso-invʳ :  {t t′}   (transport-by-iso t (up-to-iso t t′))   t′
up-to-iso-invʳ {t} {t′} = ≡.refl