{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}
open import Categories.Category
open import Categories.Functor hiding (id)
module Categories.Diagram.Limit
{o ℓ e} {o′ ℓ′ e′} {C : Category o ℓ e} {J : Category o′ ℓ′ e′} (F : Functor J C) where
module C = Category C
module J = Category J
open C
open HomReasoning
open Functor F
open import Level
open import Data.Product using (proj₂)
open import Categories.Category.Construction.Cones F renaming (Cone⇒ to _⇨_)
open import Categories.Object.Terminal as T hiding (up-to-iso; transport-by-iso)
open import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning C
open import Categories.Morphism C
open import Categories.Morphism Cones as MC using () renaming (_≅_ to _⇔_)
K K′ : Cone
A B : J.Obj
X Y Z : Obj
q : K ⇨ K′
record Limit : Set (o ⊔ ℓ ⊔ e ⊔ o′ ⊔ ℓ′ ⊔ e′) where
terminal : Terminal Cones
module terminal = Terminal terminal
open terminal using () renaming (⊤ to limit) public
open Cone limit hiding (apex) renaming (N to apex; ψ to proj; commute to limit-commute) public
rep-cone : ∀ K → K ⇨ limit
rep-cone K = terminal.! {K}
rep : ∀ K → Cone.N K ⇒ apex
rep K = arr
where open _⇨_ (rep-cone K)
unrep : X ⇒ apex → Cone
unrep f = record {
apex = record
{ ψ = λ A → proj A ∘ f
; commute = λ g → pullˡ (limit-commute g)
conify : (f : X ⇒ apex) → unrep f ⇨ limit
conify f = record
{ arr = f
; commute = C.Equiv.refl
commute : proj A ∘ rep K ≈ Cone.ψ K A
commute {K = K} = _⇨_.commute (rep-cone K)
unrep-cone : (K ⇨ limit) → Cone
unrep-cone f = unrep (_⇨_.arr f)
g-η : ∀ {f : X ⇒ apex} → rep (unrep f) ≈ f
g-η {f = f} = terminal.!-unique (conify f)
η-cone : Cones [ rep-cone limit ≈ Category.id Cones ]
η-cone = terminal.⊤-id (rep-cone limit)
η : rep limit ≈ id
η = η-cone
rep-cone∘ : Cones [ Cones [ rep-cone K ∘ q ] ≈ rep-cone K′ ]
rep-cone∘ {K = K} {q = q} = Equiv.sym (terminal.!-unique (Cones [ rep-cone K ∘ q ]))
rep∘ : ∀ {q : K′ ⇨ K} → rep K ∘ _⇨_.arr q ≈ rep K′
rep∘ {q = q} = rep-cone∘ {q = q}
rep-cone-self-id : Cones [ rep-cone limit ≈ Cones.id ]
rep-cone-self-id = terminal.!-unique Cones.id
rep-self-id : rep limit ≈ id
rep-self-id = rep-cone-self-id
open Limit
up-to-iso-cone : (L₁ L₂ : Limit) → limit L₁ ⇔ limit L₂
up-to-iso-cone L₁ L₂ = T.up-to-iso Cones (terminal L₁) (terminal L₂)
up-to-iso : (L₁ L₂ : Limit) → apex L₁ ≅ apex L₂
up-to-iso L₁ L₂ = iso-cone⇒iso-apex (up-to-iso-cone L₁ L₂)
transport-by-iso-cone : (L : Limit) → limit L ⇔ K → Limit
transport-by-iso-cone L L⇿K = record
{ terminal = T.transport-by-iso Cones (terminal L) L⇿K
transport-by-iso : (L : Limit) → apex L ≅ X → Limit
transport-by-iso L L≅X = transport-by-iso-cone L (proj₂ p)
where p = cone-resp-iso (limit L) L≅X
module _ (X : Obj) (apex₁ : Apex X) (apex₂ : Apex X) (L : Limit) where
module apex₁ = Apex apex₁
module apex₂ = Apex apex₂
module L = Limit L
K₁ : Cone
K₁ = record { apex = apex₁ }
module K₁ = Cone K₁
K₂ : Cone
K₂ = record { apex = apex₂ }
module K₂ = Cone K₂
ψ-≈⇒rep-≈ : (∀ A → apex₁.ψ A ≈ apex₂.ψ A) → L.rep K₁ ≈ L.rep K₂
ψ-≈⇒rep-≈ ∀eq = (L.terminal.!-unique K₁⇒limit) ○ identityʳ
where K₁⇒K₂ : K₁ ⇨ K₂
K₁⇒K₂ = record
{ arr = id
; commute = λ {X} → identityʳ ○ ⟺ (∀eq X)
K₁⇒limit : K₁ ⇨ L.limit
K₁⇒limit = Cones [ L.terminal.! ∘ K₁⇒K₂ ]