{-# OPTIONS --safe --lossy-unification #-}
module Cubical.ZCohomology.Groups.Torus where
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Data.Unit
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Int renaming (_+_ to _+ℤ_; +Comm to +ℤ-comm ; +Assoc to +ℤ-assoc)
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.DirProd
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.MorphismProperties
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Instances.Bool
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Instances.Int
open import Cubical.HITs.SetTruncation as ST
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PT
open import Cubical.HITs.Truncation as T
open import Cubical.HITs.Nullification
open import Cubical.HITs.Pushout
open import Cubical.HITs.S1
open import Cubical.HITs.Sn
open import Cubical.HITs.Susp
open import Cubical.HITs.Wedge
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Connected
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Loopspace
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.Base
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.Properties
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.GroupStructure
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.Groups.Connected
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.MayerVietorisUnreduced
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.Groups.Unit
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.Groups.Sn
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.Groups.Prelims
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.RingStructure.CupProduct
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.Groups.S2wedgeS1wedgeS1
renaming (to₂ to to₂-∨ ; from₂ to from₂-∨ ; from₁ to from₁-∨ ; to₁ to to₁-∨) hiding (to₀ ; from₀)
open IsGroupHom
open Iso
elimFunT² : (n : ℕ) (p q : typ (Ω (coHomK-ptd (suc n))))
→ Square q q p p
→ S¹ × S¹ → coHomK (suc n)
elimFunT² n p q P (base , base) = ∣ ptSn (suc n) ∣
elimFunT² n p q P (base , loop i) = q i
elimFunT² n p q P (loop i , base) = p i
elimFunT² n p q P (loop i , loop j) = P i j
elimFunT²' : (n : ℕ) → Square (refl {ℓ-zero} {coHomK (suc n)} {∣ ptSn (suc n) ∣}) refl refl refl
→ S¹ × S¹ → coHomK (suc n)
elimFunT²' n P (x , base) = ∣ ptSn (suc n) ∣
elimFunT²' n P (base , loop j) = ∣ ptSn (suc n) ∣
elimFunT²' n P (loop i , loop j) = P i j
elimFunT²'≡elimFunT² : (n : ℕ) → (P : _) → elimFunT²' n P ≡ elimFunT² n refl refl P
elimFunT²'≡elimFunT² n P i (base , base) = ∣ ptSn (suc n) ∣
elimFunT²'≡elimFunT² n P i (base , loop k) = ∣ ptSn (suc n) ∣
elimFunT²'≡elimFunT² n P i (loop j , base) = ∣ ptSn (suc n) ∣
elimFunT²'≡elimFunT² n P i (loop j , loop k) = P j k
coHomPointedElimT² : ∀ {ℓ} (n : ℕ) {B : coHom (suc n) (S¹ × S¹) → Type ℓ}
→ ((x : coHom (suc n) (S¹ × S¹)) → isProp (B x))
→ ((p q : _) (P : _) → B ∣ elimFunT² n p q P ∣₂)
→ (x : coHom (suc n) (S¹ × S¹)) → B x
coHomPointedElimT² n {B = B} isprop indp =
coHomPointedElim _ (base , base) isprop
λ f fId → subst B (cong ∣_∣₂ (funExt (λ { (base , base) → sym fId
; (base , loop i) j → helper f fId i1 i (~ j)
; (loop i , base) j → helper f fId i i1 (~ j)
; (loop i , loop j) k → helper f fId i j (~ k)})))
(indp (λ i → helper f fId i i1 i1)
(λ i → helper f fId i1 i i1)
λ i j → helper f fId i j i1)
helper : (f : S¹ × S¹ → coHomK (suc n)) → f (base , base) ≡ ∣ ptSn (suc n) ∣
→ I → I → I → coHomK (suc n)
helper f fId i j k =
hfill (λ k → λ {(i = i0) → doubleCompPath-filler (sym fId) (cong f (λ i → (base , loop i))) fId k j
; (i = i1) → doubleCompPath-filler (sym fId) (cong f (λ i → (base , loop i))) fId k j
; (j = i0) → doubleCompPath-filler (sym fId) (cong f (λ i → (loop i , base))) fId k i
; (j = i1) → doubleCompPath-filler (sym fId) (cong f (λ i → (loop i , base))) fId k i})
(inS (f ((loop i) , (loop j))))
lem : ∀ {ℓ} (n : ℕ) {B : coHom (2 + n) (S¹ × S¹) → Type ℓ}
→ ((P : _) → B ∣ elimFunT² (suc n) refl refl P ∣₂)
→ (p : _) → (refl ≡ p)
→ (q : _) → (refl ≡ q)
→ (P : _)
→ B ∣ elimFunT² (suc n) p q P ∣₂
lem n {B = B} elimP p =
J (λ p _ → (q : _) → (refl ≡ q)
→ (P : _)
→ B ∣ elimFunT² (suc n) p q P ∣₂)
λ q →
J (λ q _ → (P : _) → B ∣ elimFunT² (suc n) refl q P ∣₂)
coHomPointedElimT²' : ∀ {ℓ} (n : ℕ) {B : coHom (2 + n) (S¹ × S¹) → Type ℓ}
→ ((x : coHom (2 + n) (S¹ × S¹)) → isProp (B x))
→ ((P : _) → B ∣ elimFunT² (suc n) refl refl P ∣₂)
→ (x : coHom (2 + n) (S¹ × S¹)) → B x
coHomPointedElimT²' n {B = B} prop ind =
coHomPointedElimT² (suc n) prop
λ p q P → T.rec (isProp→isOfHLevelSuc n (prop _))
(λ p-refl → T.rec (isProp→isOfHLevelSuc n (prop _))
(λ q-refl → lem n {B = B} ind p (sym p-refl) q (sym q-refl) P)
(isConnectedPath _ (isConnectedPathKn (suc n) _ _) q refl .fst))
(isConnectedPath _ (isConnectedPathKn (suc n) _ _) p refl .fst)
coHomPointedElimT²'' : ∀ {ℓ} (n : ℕ) {B : coHom (2 + n) (S¹ × S¹) → Type ℓ}
→ ((x : coHom (2 + n) (S¹ × S¹)) → isProp (B x))
→ ((P : _) → B ∣ elimFunT²' (suc n) P ∣₂)
→ (x : coHom (2 + n) (S¹ × S¹)) → B x
coHomPointedElimT²'' n {B = B} prop ind =
coHomPointedElimT²' n prop λ P → subst (λ x → B ∣ x ∣₂)
(elimFunT²'≡elimFunT² (suc n) P) (ind P)
H⁰-T²≅ℤ : GroupIso (coHomGr 0 (S₊ 1 × S₊ 1)) ℤGroup
H⁰-T²≅ℤ =
H⁰-connected (base , base)
λ (a , b) → PT.rec isPropPropTrunc
(λ id1 → PT.rec isPropPropTrunc
(λ id2 → ∣ ΣPathP (id1 , id2) ∣₁)
(Sn-connected 0 b) )
(Sn-connected 0 a)
H¹-T²≅ℤ×ℤ : GroupIso (coHomGr 1 ((S₊ 1) × (S₊ 1))) (DirProd ℤGroup ℤGroup)
H¹-T²≅ℤ×ℤ = theIso □ GroupIsoDirProd (Hⁿ-Sⁿ≅ℤ 0) (H⁰-Sⁿ≅ℤ 0)
typIso : Iso _ _
typIso = setTruncIso (curryIso ⋄ codomainIso S1→K₁≡S1×ℤ ⋄ toProdIso)
⋄ setTruncOfProdIso
theIso : GroupIso _ _
fst theIso = typIso
snd theIso =
(coHomPointedElimT² _ (λ _ → isPropΠ λ _ → isSet× isSetSetTrunc isSetSetTrunc _ _)
λ pf qf Pf →
coHomPointedElimT² _ (λ _ → isSet× isSetSetTrunc isSetSetTrunc _ _)
λ pg qg Pg i → ∣ funExt (helperFst pf qf pg qg Pg Pf) i ∣₂
, ∣ funExt (helperSnd pf qf pg qg Pg Pf) i ∣₂)
module _ (pf qf pg qg : 0ₖ 1 ≡ 0ₖ 1) (Pg : Square qg qg pg pg) (Pf : Square qf qf pf pf) where
helperFst : (x : S¹)
→ fun S1→K₁≡S1×ℤ (λ y → elimFunT² 0 pf qf Pf (x , y) +ₖ elimFunT² 0 pg qg Pg (x , y)) .fst
≡ fun S1→K₁≡S1×ℤ (λ y → elimFunT² 0 pf qf Pf (x , y)) .fst
+ₖ fun S1→K₁≡S1×ℤ (λ y → elimFunT² 0 pg qg Pg (x , y)) .fst
helperFst base = refl
helperFst (loop i) j = loopLem j i
loopLem : cong (λ x → fun S1→K₁≡S1×ℤ (λ y → elimFunT² 0 pf qf Pf (x , y) +ₖ elimFunT² 0 pg qg Pg (x , y)) .fst) loop
≡ cong (λ x → fun S1→K₁≡S1×ℤ (λ y → elimFunT² 0 pf qf Pf (x , y)) .fst
+ₖ fun S1→K₁≡S1×ℤ (λ y → elimFunT² 0 pg qg Pg (x , y)) .fst) loop
loopLem = (λ i j → S¹map-id (pf j +ₖ pg j) i)
∙ (λ i j → S¹map-id (pf j) (~ i) +ₖ S¹map-id (pg j) (~ i))
helperSnd : (x : S¹)
→ fun S1→K₁≡S1×ℤ (λ y → elimFunT² 0 pf qf Pf (x , y) +ₖ elimFunT² 0 pg qg Pg (x , y)) .snd
≡ fun S1→K₁≡S1×ℤ (λ y → elimFunT² 0 pf qf Pf (x , y)) .snd +ℤ fun S1→K₁≡S1×ℤ (λ y → elimFunT² 0 pg qg Pg (x , y)) .snd
helperSnd =
toPropElim (λ _ → isSetℤ _ _)
((λ i → winding (basechange2⁻ base λ j → S¹map (∙≡+₁ qf qg (~ i) j)))
∙∙ cong (winding ∘ basechange2⁻ base) (congFunct S¹map qf qg)
∙∙ (cong winding (basechange2⁻-morph base (cong S¹map qf) (cong S¹map qg))
∙ winding-hom (basechange2⁻ base (cong S¹map qf)) (basechange2⁻ base (cong S¹map qg))))
H²-T²≅ℤ : GroupIso (coHomGr 2 (S₊ 1 × S₊ 1)) ℤGroup
H²-T²≅ℤ = compGroupIso helper2 (Hⁿ-Sⁿ≅ℤ 0)
helper : Iso (∥ ((a : S¹) → coHomK 2) ∥₂ × ∥ ((a : S¹) → coHomK 1) ∥₂) (coHom 1 S¹)
inv helper s = 0ₕ _ , s
fun helper = snd
leftInv helper _ =
ΣPathP (isOfHLevelSuc 0 (isOfHLevelRetractFromIso 0 (fst (Hⁿ-S¹≅0 0)) (isContrUnit)) _ _
, refl)
rightInv helper _ = refl
theIso : Iso (coHom 2 (S¹ × S¹)) (coHom 1 S¹)
theIso = setTruncIso (curryIso ⋄ codomainIso S1→K2≡K2×K1 ⋄ toProdIso)
⋄ setTruncOfProdIso
⋄ helper
helper2 : GroupIso (coHomGr 2 (S¹ × S¹)) (coHomGr 1 S¹)
helper2 .fst = theIso
helper2 .snd = makeIsGroupHom (
coHomPointedElimT²'' 0 (λ _ → isPropΠ λ _ → isSetSetTrunc _ _)
λ P → coHomPointedElimT²'' 0 (λ _ → isSetSetTrunc _ _)
λ Q → ((λ i → ∣ (λ a → ΩKn+1→Kn 1 (sym (rCancel≡refl 0 i)
∙∙ cong (λ x → (elimFunT²' 1 P (a , x) +ₖ elimFunT²' 1 Q (a , x)) -ₖ ∣ north ∣) loop
∙∙ rCancel≡refl 0 i)) ∣₂))
∙∙ (λ i → ∣ (λ a → ΩKn+1→Kn 1 (rUnit (cong (λ x → rUnitₖ 2 (elimFunT²' 1 P (a , x) +ₖ elimFunT²' 1 Q (a , x)) i) loop) (~ i))) ∣₂)
∙∙ (λ i → ∣ (λ a → ΩKn+1→Kn 1 (∙≡+₂ 0 (cong (λ x → elimFunT²' 1 P (a , x)) loop) (cong (λ x → elimFunT²' 1 Q (a , x)) loop) (~ i))) ∣₂)
∙∙ (λ i → ∣ (λ a → ΩKn+1→Kn-hom 1 (cong (λ x → elimFunT²' 1 P (a , x)) loop) (cong (λ x → elimFunT²' 1 Q (a , x)) loop) i) ∣₂)
∙∙ (λ i → ∣ ((λ a → ΩKn+1→Kn 1 (rUnit (cong (λ x → rUnitₖ 2 (elimFunT²' 1 P (a , x)) (~ i)) loop) i)
+ₖ ΩKn+1→Kn 1 (rUnit (cong (λ x → rUnitₖ 2 (elimFunT²' 1 Q (a , x)) (~ i)) loop) i))) ∣₂)
∙ (λ i → ∣ ((λ a → ΩKn+1→Kn 1 (sym (rCancel≡refl 0 (~ i))
∙∙ cong (λ x → elimFunT²' 1 P (a , x) +ₖ ∣ north ∣) loop
∙∙ rCancel≡refl 0 (~ i))
+ₖ ΩKn+1→Kn 1 (sym (rCancel≡refl 0 (~ i))
∙∙ cong (λ x → elimFunT²' 1 Q (a , x) +ₖ ∣ north ∣) loop
∙∙ rCancel≡refl 0 (~ i)))) ∣₂))
to₂ : coHom 2 (S₊ 1 × S₊ 1) → ℤ
to₂ = fun (fst H²-T²≅ℤ)
from₂ : ℤ → coHom 2 (S₊ 1 × S₊ 1)
from₂ = inv (fst H²-T²≅ℤ)
to₁ : coHom 1 (S₊ 1 × S₊ 1) → ℤ × ℤ
to₁ = fun (fst H¹-T²≅ℤ×ℤ)
from₁ : ℤ × ℤ → coHom 1 (S₊ 1 × S₊ 1)
from₁ = inv (fst H¹-T²≅ℤ×ℤ)
to₀ : coHom 0 (S₊ 1 × S₊ 1) → ℤ
to₀ = fun (fst H⁰-T²≅ℤ)
from₀ : ℤ → coHom 0 (S₊ 1 × S₊ 1)
from₀ = inv (fst H⁰-T²≅ℤ)
hasTrivial⌣₁ : ∀ {ℓ} (A : Type ℓ) → Type ℓ
hasTrivial⌣₁ A = (x y : coHom 1 A) → x ⌣ y ≡ 0ₕ 2
hasTrivial⌣₁S²∨S¹∨S¹ : hasTrivial⌣₁ S²⋁S¹⋁S¹
hasTrivial⌣₁S²∨S¹∨S¹ x y =
x ⌣ y ≡⟨ cong₂ _⌣_ (sym (leftInv (fst (H¹-S²⋁S¹⋁S¹)) x)) (sym (leftInv (fst (H¹-S²⋁S¹⋁S¹)) y)) ⟩
from₁-∨ (to₁-∨ x) ⌣ from₁-∨ (to₁-∨ y) ≡⟨ sym (leftInv (fst (H²-S²⋁S¹⋁S¹)) (from₁-∨ (to₁-∨ x) ⌣ from₁-∨ (to₁-∨ y))) ⟩
from₂-∨ (to₂-∨ (from₁-∨ (to₁-∨ x) ⌣ from₁-∨ (to₁-∨ y))) ≡⟨ refl ⟩
from₂-∨ 0 ≡⟨ hom1g (snd ℤGroup) from₂-∨ (snd (coHomGr 2 S²⋁S¹⋁S¹))
((invGroupEquiv (GroupIso→GroupEquiv H²-S²⋁S¹⋁S¹)) .snd .pres·) ⟩
0ₕ 2 ∎
1≠0 : ¬ (Path ℤ 1 0)
1≠0 p = posNotnegsuc _ _ (cong predℤ p)
¬hasTrivial⌣₁T² : ¬ (hasTrivial⌣₁ (S¹ × S¹))
¬hasTrivial⌣₁T² p = 1≠0 1=0
1=0 : pos 1 ≡ pos 0
1=0 =
1 ≡⟨ refl ⟩
to₂ (from₁ (0 , 1) ⌣ from₁ (1 , 0)) ≡⟨ cong to₂ (p (from₁ (0 , 1)) (from₁ (1 , 0))) ⟩
0 ∎
T²≠S²⋁S¹⋁S¹ : ¬ S¹ × S¹ ≡ S²⋁S¹⋁S¹
T²≠S²⋁S¹⋁S¹ p = ¬hasTrivial⌣₁T² (subst hasTrivial⌣₁ (sym p) hasTrivial⌣₁S²∨S¹∨S¹)