{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.HITs.Truncation.FromNegTwo.Properties where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv.HalfAdjoint
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv.PathSplit
open isPathSplitEquiv
open import Cubical.Modalities.Modality
open Modality

open import Cubical.Data.Empty as  using ()
open import Cubical.Data.Nat hiding (elim)
open import Cubical.Data.NatMinusOne as ℕ₋₁
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.HITs.Sn.Base
open import Cubical.HITs.Susp.Base
open import Cubical.HITs.Nullification as Null hiding (rec; elim)

open import Cubical.HITs.Truncation.FromNegTwo.Base

open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PropTrunc using (∥_∥₁; ∣_∣₁; squash₁)
open import Cubical.HITs.SetTruncation       as SetTrunc  using (∥_∥₂; ∣_∣₂; squash₂)
open import Cubical.HITs.GroupoidTruncation  as GpdTrunc  using (∥_∥₃; ∣_∣₃; squash₃)
open import Cubical.HITs.2GroupoidTruncation as 2GpdTrunc using (∥_∥₄; ∣_∣₄; squash₄)

     ℓ' : Level
    A B : Type 

sphereFill : (n : ℕ₋₁) (f : S n  A)  Type _
sphereFill {A = A} n f = Σ[ top  A ] ((x : S n)  top  f x)

isSphereFilled : ℕ₋₁  Type   Type 
isSphereFilled n A = (f : S n  A)  sphereFill n f

isSphereFilledTrunc : {n : HLevel}  isSphereFilled (-1+ n) (hLevelTrunc n A)
isSphereFilledTrunc {n = zero}  f = hub tt f , ⊥.elim
isSphereFilledTrunc {n = suc n} f = hub tt f , spoke tt f

isSphereFilled→isOfHLevelSuc : {n : HLevel}  isSphereFilled (ℕ→ℕ₋₁ n) A  isOfHLevel (suc n) A
isSphereFilled→isOfHLevelSuc {A = A} {zero} h x y = sym (snd (h f) north)  snd (h f) south
    f : Susp   A
    f north = x
    f south = y
isSphereFilled→isOfHLevelSuc {A = A} {suc n} h x y = isSphereFilled→isOfHLevelSuc (helper h x y)
    helper : isSphereFilled (ℕ→ℕ₋₁ (suc n)) A  (x y : A)  isSphereFilled (ℕ→ℕ₋₁ n) (x  y)
    helper h x y f = sym p  q , r
        f' : Susp (S (ℕ→ℕ₋₁ n))  A
        f' north = x
        f' south = y
        f' (merid u i) = f u i

        p = snd (h f') north
        q = snd (h f') south

        r : (s : S (ℕ→ℕ₋₁ n))  sym p  q  f s
        r s i j = hcomp  k  λ { (i = i0)  compPath-filler (sym p) q k j
                                 ; (i = i1)  snd (h f') (merid s j) k
                                 ; (j = i0)  p (k  ~ i)
                                 ; (j = i1)  q k })
                        (p (~ i  ~ j))

isOfHLevel→isSphereFilled : {n : HLevel}  isOfHLevel n A  isSphereFilled (-1+ n) A
isOfHLevel→isSphereFilled {n = zero} h f = fst h , λ _  snd h _
isOfHLevel→isSphereFilled {n = suc zero} h f = f north , λ _  h _ _
isOfHLevel→isSphereFilled {A = A} {suc (suc n)} h = helper λ x y  isOfHLevel→isSphereFilled (h x y)
    helper : {n : HLevel}  ((x y : A)  isSphereFilled (-1+ n) (x  y))  isSphereFilled (suc₋₁ (-1+ n)) A
    helper {n} h f = l , r
      l : A
      l = f north

      f' : S (-1+ n)  f north  f south
      f' x i = f (merid x i)

      h' : sphereFill (-1+ n) f'
      h' = h (f north) (f south) f'

      r : (x : S (suc₋₁ (-1+ n)))  l  f x
      r north = refl
      r south = h' .fst
      r (merid x i) j = hcomp  k  λ { (i = i0)  f north
                                       ; (i = i1)  h' .snd x (~ k) j
                                       ; (j = i0)  f north
                                       ; (j = i1)  f (merid x i) })
                              (f (merid x (i  j)))

-- isNull (S n) A ≃ (isSphereFilled n A) × (∀ (x y : A) → isSphereFilled n (x ≡ y))

isOfHLevel→isSnNull : {n : HLevel}  isOfHLevel n A  isNull {A = Unit}  _  S (-1+ n)) A
fst (sec (isOfHLevel→isSnNull h _)) f     = fst (isOfHLevel→isSphereFilled h f)
snd (sec (isOfHLevel→isSnNull h _)) f i s = snd (isOfHLevel→isSphereFilled h f) s i
fst (secCong (isOfHLevel→isSnNull h _) x y) p = fst (isOfHLevel→isSphereFilled (isOfHLevelPath _ h x y) (funExt⁻ p))
snd (secCong (isOfHLevel→isSnNull h _) x y) p i j s = snd (isOfHLevel→isSphereFilled (isOfHLevelPath _ h x y) (funExt⁻ p)) s i j

isSnNull→isOfHLevel : {n : HLevel}  isNull {A = Unit}  _  S (-1+ n)) A  isOfHLevel n A
isSnNull→isOfHLevel {n = zero}  nA = fst (sec (nA tt)) ⊥.rec , λ y  fst (secCong (nA tt) _ y) (funExt ⊥.elim)
isSnNull→isOfHLevel {n = suc n} nA = isSphereFilled→isOfHLevelSuc  f  fst (sec (nA tt)) f , λ s i  snd (sec (nA tt)) f i s)

isOfHLevelTrunc : (n : HLevel)  isOfHLevel n (hLevelTrunc n A)
isOfHLevelTrunc zero    = hub tt ⊥.rec , λ _  ≡hub ⊥.rec
isOfHLevelTrunc (suc n) = isSphereFilled→isOfHLevelSuc isSphereFilledTrunc

-- isOfHLevelTrunc n = isSnNull→isOfHLevel isNull-Null

-- hLevelTrunc n is a modality

rec : {n : HLevel}
      {B : Type ℓ'} 
      isOfHLevel n B 
      (A  B) 
      hLevelTrunc n A 
rec h = Null.rec (isOfHLevel→isSnNull h)

elim : {n : HLevel}
       {B : hLevelTrunc n A  Type ℓ'}
       (hB : (x : hLevelTrunc n A)  isOfHLevel n (B x))
       (g : (a : A)  B ( a ))
       (x : hLevelTrunc n A) 
       B x
elim hB = Null.elim  x  isOfHLevel→isSnNull (hB x))

elim2 : {n : HLevel}
  {B : hLevelTrunc n A  hLevelTrunc n A  Type ℓ'}
  (hB : ((x y : hLevelTrunc n A)  isOfHLevel n (B x y)))
  (g : (a b : A)  B  a   b )
  (x y : hLevelTrunc n A) 
  B x y
elim2 {n = n} hB g =
  elim  _  isOfHLevelΠ n  _  hB _ _))
     a  elim  _  hB _ _)  b  g a b))

elim3 : {n : HLevel}
  {B : (x y z : hLevelTrunc n A)  Type ℓ'}
  (hB : ((x y z : hLevelTrunc n A)  isOfHLevel n (B x y z)))
  (g : (a b c : A)  B ( a )  b   c )
  (x y z : hLevelTrunc n A) 
  B x y z
elim3 {n = n} hB g =
  elim2  _ _  isOfHLevelΠ n (hB _ _))
     a b  elim  _  hB _ _ _)  c  g a b c))

HLevelTruncModality :  {} (n : HLevel)  Modality 
isModal       (HLevelTruncModality n) = isOfHLevel n
isPropIsModal (HLevelTruncModality n) = isPropIsOfHLevel n
             (HLevelTruncModality n) = hLevelTrunc n
◯-isModal     (HLevelTruncModality n) = isOfHLevelTrunc n
η             (HLevelTruncModality n) = ∣_∣
◯-elim        (HLevelTruncModality n) = elim
◯-elim-β      (HLevelTruncModality n) = λ _ _ _  refl
◯-=-isModal   (HLevelTruncModality n) = isOfHLevelPath n (isOfHLevelTrunc n)

truncIdempotentIso : (n : HLevel)  isOfHLevel n A  Iso A (hLevelTrunc n A)
truncIdempotentIso n hA = isModalToIso (HLevelTruncModality n) hA

truncIdempotent≃ : (n : HLevel)  isOfHLevel n A  A  hLevelTrunc n A
truncIdempotent≃ n hA = ∣_∣ , isModalToIsEquiv (HLevelTruncModality n) hA

truncIdempotent : (n : HLevel)  isOfHLevel n A  hLevelTrunc n A  A
truncIdempotent n hA = ua (invEquiv (truncIdempotent≃ n hA))

-- universal property

univTrunc :  {} (n : HLevel) {B : TypeOfHLevel  n}  Iso (hLevelTrunc n A  B .fst) (A  B .fst)
Iso.fun (univTrunc n {B , lev}) g a = g  a 
Iso.inv (univTrunc n {B , lev}) = elim λ _  lev
Iso.rightInv (univTrunc n {B , lev}) b = refl
Iso.leftInv (univTrunc n {B , lev}) b = funExt (elim  x  isOfHLevelPath _ lev _ _)
                                                      λ a  refl)

-- functorial action

map : {n : HLevel} {B : Type ℓ'} (g : A  B)
   hLevelTrunc n A  hLevelTrunc n B
map g = rec (isOfHLevelTrunc _)  a   g a )

mapCompIso : {n : HLevel} {B : Type ℓ'}  (Iso A B)  Iso (hLevelTrunc n A) (hLevelTrunc n B)
Iso.fun (mapCompIso g) = map (Iso.fun g)
Iso.inv (mapCompIso g) = map (Iso.inv g)
Iso.rightInv (mapCompIso g) = elim  x  isOfHLevelPath _ (isOfHLevelTrunc _) _ _) λ b  cong ∣_∣ (Iso.rightInv g b)
Iso.leftInv (mapCompIso g) = elim  x  isOfHLevelPath _ (isOfHLevelTrunc _) _ _) λ a  cong ∣_∣ (Iso.leftInv g a)

mapId : {n : HLevel}   t  map {n = n} (idfun A) t  t
mapId {n = n} =
  elim  _  isOfHLevelPath n (isOfHLevelTrunc n) _ _)  _  refl)

-- equivalences to prop/set/groupoid truncations

propTruncTrunc1Iso : Iso  A ∥₁ ( A  1)
Iso.fun propTruncTrunc1Iso = PropTrunc.elim  _  isOfHLevelTrunc 1) ∣_∣
Iso.inv propTruncTrunc1Iso = elim  _  squash₁) ∣_∣₁
Iso.rightInv propTruncTrunc1Iso = elim  _  isOfHLevelPath 1 (isOfHLevelTrunc 1) _ _)  _  refl)
Iso.leftInv propTruncTrunc1Iso = PropTrunc.elim  _  isOfHLevelPath 1 squash₁ _ _)  _  refl)

propTrunc≃Trunc1 :  A ∥₁   A  1
propTrunc≃Trunc1 = isoToEquiv propTruncTrunc1Iso

propTrunc≡Trunc1 :  A ∥₁   A  1
propTrunc≡Trunc1 = ua propTrunc≃Trunc1

setTruncTrunc2Iso : Iso  A ∥₂ ( A  2)
Iso.fun setTruncTrunc2Iso = SetTrunc.elim  _  isOfHLevelTrunc 2) ∣_∣
Iso.inv setTruncTrunc2Iso = elim  _  squash₂) ∣_∣₂
Iso.rightInv setTruncTrunc2Iso = elim  _  isOfHLevelPath 2 (isOfHLevelTrunc 2) _ _)  _  refl)
Iso.leftInv setTruncTrunc2Iso = SetTrunc.elim  _  isOfHLevelPath 2 squash₂ _ _)  _  refl)

setTrunc≃Trunc2 :  A ∥₂   A  2
setTrunc≃Trunc2 = isoToEquiv setTruncTrunc2Iso

propTrunc≡Trunc2 :  A ∥₂   A  2
propTrunc≡Trunc2 = ua setTrunc≃Trunc2

groupoidTrunc≃Trunc3Iso : Iso  A ∥₃ ( A  3)
Iso.fun groupoidTrunc≃Trunc3Iso = GpdTrunc.elim  _  isOfHLevelTrunc 3) ∣_∣
Iso.inv groupoidTrunc≃Trunc3Iso = elim  _  squash₃) ∣_∣₃
Iso.rightInv groupoidTrunc≃Trunc3Iso = elim  _  isOfHLevelPath 3 (isOfHLevelTrunc 3) _ _)  _  refl)
Iso.leftInv groupoidTrunc≃Trunc3Iso = GpdTrunc.elim  _  isOfHLevelPath 3 squash₃ _ _)  _  refl)

groupoidTrunc≃Trunc3 :  A ∥₃   A  3
groupoidTrunc≃Trunc3 = isoToEquiv groupoidTrunc≃Trunc3Iso

groupoidTrunc≡Trunc3 :  A ∥₃   A  3
groupoidTrunc≡Trunc3 = ua groupoidTrunc≃Trunc3

2GroupoidTrunc≃Trunc4Iso : Iso  A ∥₄ ( A  4)
Iso.fun 2GroupoidTrunc≃Trunc4Iso = 2GpdTrunc.elim  _  isOfHLevelTrunc 4) ∣_∣
Iso.inv 2GroupoidTrunc≃Trunc4Iso = elim  _  squash₄) ∣_∣₄
Iso.rightInv 2GroupoidTrunc≃Trunc4Iso = elim  _  isOfHLevelPath 4 (isOfHLevelTrunc 4) _ _)  _  refl)
Iso.leftInv 2GroupoidTrunc≃Trunc4Iso = 2GpdTrunc.elim  _  isOfHLevelPath 4 squash₄ _ _)  _  refl)

2GroupoidTrunc≃Trunc4 :  A ∥₄   A  4
2GroupoidTrunc≃Trunc4 =
      (2GpdTrunc.elim  _  isOfHLevelTrunc 4) ∣_∣)
      (elim  _  squash₄) ∣_∣₄)
      (elim  _  isOfHLevelPath 4 (isOfHLevelTrunc 4) _ _)  _  refl))
      (2GpdTrunc.elim  _  isOfHLevelPath 4 squash₄ _ _)  _  refl)))

2GroupoidTrunc≡Trunc4 :  A ∥₄   A  4
2GroupoidTrunc≡Trunc4 = ua 2GroupoidTrunc≃Trunc4

isContr→isContrTrunc :  {} {A : Type } (n : )  isContr A  isContr (hLevelTrunc n A)
isContr→isContrTrunc n contr =  fst contr  , (elim  _  isOfHLevelPath n (isOfHLevelTrunc n) _ _) λ a  cong ∣_∣ (snd contr a))

truncOfProdIso : (n : )  Iso (hLevelTrunc n (A × B)) (hLevelTrunc n A × hLevelTrunc n B)
Iso.fun (truncOfProdIso n) = rec (isOfHLevelΣ n (isOfHLevelTrunc n)  _  isOfHLevelTrunc n)) λ {(a , b)   a  ,  b }
Iso.inv (truncOfProdIso n) (a , b) = rec (isOfHLevelTrunc n)
                                           a  rec (isOfHLevelTrunc n)
                                                       b   a , b )
Iso.rightInv (truncOfProdIso n) (a , b) =
  elim {B = λ a  Iso.fun (truncOfProdIso n) (Iso.inv (truncOfProdIso n) (a , b))  (a , b)}
        _  isOfHLevelPath n (isOfHLevelΣ n (isOfHLevelTrunc n)  _  isOfHLevelTrunc n)) _ _)
        a  elim {B = λ b  Iso.fun (truncOfProdIso n) (Iso.inv (truncOfProdIso n) ( a  , b))  ( a  , b)}
                     _  isOfHLevelPath n (isOfHLevelΣ n (isOfHLevelTrunc n)  _  isOfHLevelTrunc n)) _ _)
                     b  refl) b) a
Iso.leftInv (truncOfProdIso n) = elim  _  isOfHLevelPath n (isOfHLevelTrunc n) _ _) λ a  refl

---- ∥ Ω A ∥ ₙ ≡ Ω ∥ A ∥ₙ₊₁  ----

isOfHLevelTypeOfHLevel2 :  n  isOfHLevel (suc n) (TypeOfHLevel  n)
isOfHLevelTypeOfHLevel2 n = isOfHLevelTypeOfHLevel n

  {- Proofs of Theorem 7.3.12. and Corollary 7.3.13. in the HoTT book  -}

module ΩTrunc where
  {- We define the fibration P to show a more general result  -}
  P : {X : Type } {n : HLevel}   X  (suc n)   X  (suc n)  Type 
  P {n = n} x y =  elim2  _ _   isOfHLevelTypeOfHLevel2 (n))
                          a b   a  b  n , isOfHLevelTrunc (n)) x y .fst

  {- We will need P to be of hLevel n + 3  -}
  hLevelP : {n : HLevel} (a b :  B  (suc n))  isOfHLevel ((suc n)) (P a b)
  hLevelP {n = n} =
    elim2  x y  isProp→isOfHLevelSuc (n) (isPropIsOfHLevel (suc n)))
           a b  isOfHLevelSuc (n) (isOfHLevelTrunc (n)))

  {- decode function from P x y to x ≡ y -}
  decode-fun : {n : HLevel} (x y :  B  (suc n))  P x y  x  y
  decode-fun {n = n} =
    elim2  u v  isOfHLevelΠ (suc n)
                                 _  isOfHLevelSuc (suc n) (isOfHLevelTrunc (suc n)) u v))
      decode* :  {n : HLevel} (u v : B)
               P {n = n}  u   v   Path ( B  (suc n))  u   v 
      decode* {B = B} {n = zero} u v =
        rec ( isOfHLevelTrunc 1  u   v 
            , λ _  isOfHLevelSuc 1 (isOfHLevelTrunc 1) _ _ _ _) (cong ∣_∣)
      decode* {n = suc n} u v =
        rec (isOfHLevelTrunc (suc (suc n))  u   v ) (cong ∣_∣)

  {- auxiliary function r used to define encode -}
  r : {m : HLevel} (u :  B  (suc m))  P u u
  r = elim  x  hLevelP x x)  a   refl )

  {- encode function from x ≡ y to P x y -}
  encode-fun : {n : HLevel} (x y :  B  (suc n))  x  y  P x y
  encode-fun x y p = transport  i  P x (p i)) (r x)

  {- We need the following two lemmas on the functions behaviour for refl -}
  dec-refl : {n : HLevel} (x :  B  (suc n))  decode-fun x x (r x)  refl
  dec-refl {n = zero} =
    elim  x  isOfHLevelSuc 1 (isOfHLevelSuc 1 (isOfHLevelTrunc 1) x x) _ _)  _  refl)
  dec-refl {n = suc n} =
    elim  x  isOfHLevelSuc (suc n)
                  (isOfHLevelSuc (suc n)
                     (isOfHLevelTrunc (suc (suc n)) x x)
                     (decode-fun x x (r x)) refl))
          _  refl)

  enc-refl : {n : HLevel} (x :  B  (suc n))  encode-fun x x refl  r x
  enc-refl x j = transp  _  P x x) j (r x)

  {- decode-fun is a right-inverse -}
  P-rinv : {n : HLevel} (u v :  B   (suc n)) (x : Path ( B  (suc n)) u v)
          decode-fun u v (encode-fun u v x)  x
  P-rinv u v = J  y p  decode-fun u y (encode-fun u y p)  p)
                 (cong (decode-fun u u) (enc-refl u)  dec-refl u)

  {- decode-fun is a left-inverse -}
  P-linv : {n : HLevel} (u v :  B  (suc n )) (x : P u v)
          encode-fun u v (decode-fun u v x)  x
  P-linv {n = n} =
    elim2  x y  isOfHLevelΠ (suc n)
                                z  isOfHLevelSuc (suc n) (hLevelP x y) _ _))
    helper : {n : HLevel} (a b : B) (p : P {n = n}  a   b )
            encode-fun _ _ (decode-fun  a   b  p)  p
    helper {n = zero} a b =
      elim  x  ( sym (isOfHLevelTrunc 0 .snd _)  isOfHLevelTrunc 0 .snd x
                  , λ y  isOfHLevelSuc 1 (isOfHLevelSuc 0 (isOfHLevelTrunc 0)) _ _ _ _))
           (J  y p  encode-fun  a   y  (decode-fun _ _  p )   p )
              (enc-refl  a ))
    helper {n = suc n} a b =
      elim  x  hLevelP {n = suc n}  a   b  _ _)
           (J  y p  encode-fun {n = suc n}  a   y  (decode-fun _ _  p )   p )
              (enc-refl  a ))

  {- The final Iso established -}
  IsoFinal : (n : HLevel) (x y :  B  (suc n))  Iso (x  y) (P x y)
  Iso.fun (IsoFinal _ x y) = encode-fun x y
  Iso.inv (IsoFinal _ x y) = decode-fun x y
  Iso.rightInv (IsoFinal _ x y) = P-linv x y
  Iso.leftInv (IsoFinal _ x y) = P-rinv x y

PathIdTrunc : {a b : A} (n : HLevel)  (Path ( A  (suc n))  a   b )  ( a  b  n)
PathIdTrunc n = isoToPath (ΩTrunc.IsoFinal n _ _)

PathΩ : {a : A} (n : HLevel)  (Path ( A  (suc n))  a   a )  ( a  a  n)
PathΩ n = PathIdTrunc n

{- Special case using direct defs of truncations -}
PathIdTrunc₀Iso : {a b : A}  Iso ( a ∣₂   b ∣₂)  a  b ∥₁
PathIdTrunc₀Iso = compIso (congIso setTruncTrunc2Iso)
                    (compIso (ΩTrunc.IsoFinal _  _   _ )
                             (invIso propTruncTrunc1Iso))


truncOfTruncIso : (n m : HLevel)  Iso (hLevelTrunc n A) (hLevelTrunc n (hLevelTrunc (m + n) A))
Iso.fun (truncOfTruncIso n m) = elim  _  isOfHLevelTrunc n) λ a    a  
Iso.inv (truncOfTruncIso {A = A} n m) =
  elim  _  isOfHLevelTrunc n)
       (elim  _  (isOfHLevelPlus m (isOfHLevelTrunc n )))
             λ a   a )
Iso.rightInv (truncOfTruncIso {A = A} n m) =
  elim  x  isOfHLevelPath n (isOfHLevelTrunc n) _ _ )
               (elim  x  isOfHLevelPath (m + n) (isOfHLevelPlus m (isOfHLevelTrunc n)) _ _ )
                      λ a  refl)
Iso.leftInv (truncOfTruncIso n m) = elim  x  isOfHLevelPath n (isOfHLevelTrunc n) _ _) λ a  refl

truncOfTruncEq : (n m : )  (hLevelTrunc n A)  (hLevelTrunc n (hLevelTrunc (m + n) A))
truncOfTruncEq n m = isoToEquiv (truncOfTruncIso n m)