{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Categories.Category.Core using (Category)
open import Categories.Category.Complete.Finitely

module Categories.Category.Complete.Finitely.Properties {o  e} {C : Category o  e} (finite : FinitelyComplete C) where

open import Level using (Level)
open import Data.Nat.Base using ()
open import Data.Product using (Σ; _,_; proj₁; ∃₂) renaming (_×_ to _&_)
open import Data.Fin.Base using (Fin)
open import Data.Sum.Base using (inj₁; inj₂)
open import Data.List.Base hiding ([_])
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any as Any using (here; there)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any.Properties using (++⁺ˡ; ++⁺ʳ; map⁺)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Unique.Propositional
open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as  using (refl; _≡_; cong)
open import Function.Base renaming (_∘_ to _∙_)

import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Unique.Propositional.Properties as Uₚ
import Data.List.Membership.Propositional.Properties as ∈ₚ
import Data.List.Membership.Setoid.Properties as S∈ₚ

open import Categories.Category using (_[_,_]; _[_≈_])
open import Categories.Category.Cartesian.Properties C
open import Categories.Category.Finite.Fin
open import Categories.Diagram.Equalizer C
open import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning C
open import Categories.Functor.Core using (Functor)

import Categories.Category.Construction.Cones as Co
import Categories.Diagram.Limit as Lim

open FinitelyComplete finite

module GeneralProperties where

  module _ {a} {A : Set a} where

    concatMap-∈ :  {b} {B : Set b} (f : A  List B) {l : List A} 
                   {x y}  x  l  y  f x  y  concatMap f l
    concatMap-∈ f (here refl) y∈fx     = ++⁺ˡ y∈fx
    concatMap-∈ f (there {z} x∈l) y∈fx = ++⁺ʳ (f z) (concatMap-∈ f x∈l y∈fx)

  module _ {a} {A : Set a} where

    concatMap²-∈ :  {m n} {ms : List (Fin m)} {ns : List (Fin n)}
                     (f : Fin m  Fin n  List A) 
                      {x y k}  x  ms  y  ns  k  f x y 
                       k  concatMap  z  concatMap  w  f z w) ns) ms
    concatMap²-∈ {m} {n} {ms} {ns} f {x} {y} {k} x∈ms y∈ns k∈fxy = concatMap-∈ _ x∈ms k∈ns
      where k∈ns : k  concatMap  w  f x w) ns
            k∈ns  = concatMap-∈ _ y∈ns k∈fxy

    module _ {b} {B : Set b} where

      concatMap²-map-∈ :  {m n} {ms : List (Fin m)} {ns : List (Fin n)}
                           (f : Fin m  Fin n  List A) 
                           (g : A  B) 
                            {x y k}  x  ms  y  ns  k  f x y 
                             g k  map g (concatMap  z  concatMap  w  f z w) ns) ms)
      concatMap²-map-∈ f g x∈ms y∈ns k∈fxy = map⁺ (Any.map (cong g) (concatMap²-∈ f x∈ms y∈ns k∈fxy))

open GeneralProperties
open Prods cartesian

-- construct a finite limit from cartesian products and equalizer
-- c.f. Awodey 5.21
module _ (shape : FinCatShape) (F : Functor (FinCategory shape) C) where
    module C = Category C
    open C
    open HomReasoning
    S = FinCategory shape
    open Co F
    open Lim F
    open FinCatShape shape using (size; ∣_⇒_∣; objects; morphisms; wrap-arr; Obj-UIP)
    module S = Category S
    module F = Functor F

    obj∈-irr :  {x}  (p q : x  objects)  p  q
    obj∈-irr = S∈ₚ.unique⇒irrelevant (≡.setoid _) Obj-UIP (Uₚ.allFin⁺ size)

    prods-gen : List (Fin size)  Obj
    prods-gen ns = prod (map F.₀ ns)

    prods : Obj
    prods = prods-gen objects

    cods : List Obj
    cods = map  n  F.₀ (Arrow.cod n)) morphisms

    arrs : Obj
    arrs = prod cods

    ∈-objects :  n  n  objects
    ∈-objects n = ∈ₚ.∈-allFin n

    Fn∈obj :  n  F.₀ n  map F.₀ objects
    Fn∈obj n = ∈ₚ.∈-map⁺ F.₀ (∈-objects n)

    π :  n  prods  F.₀ n
    π n = π[ Fn∈obj n ]

    ϕ⇒ :  (a : Arrow size ∣_⇒_∣)  prods  F.F₀ (Arrow.cod a)
    ϕ⇒ a = π (Arrow.cod a)

    ϕπ : prods  cods *
    ϕπ = build-mors _ ϕ⇒ morphisms

    ϕ : prods  arrs
    ϕ =  ϕπ ⟩*

    ψ⇒ :  a  prods  F.F₀ (Arrow.cod a)
    ψ⇒ a = F.₁ (Arrow.arr a)  π (Arrow.dom a)

    ψπ : prods  cods *
    ψπ = build-mors _ ψ⇒ morphisms

    ψ : prods  arrs
    ψ =  ψπ ⟩*

    ∈-morphisms :  {d c} (f : Fin  d  c )  record { arr = f }  morphisms
    ∈-morphisms {d} {c} f = concatMap²-∈  _ _  tabulate wrap-arr) (∈-objects d) (∈-objects c) (∈ₚ.∈-tabulate⁺ f)

    Fc∈cods :  {d c} (f : Fin  d  c )  F.₀ c  cods
    Fc∈cods f = ∈ₚ.∈-map⁺  a  F.₀ (Arrow.cod a)) (∈-morphisms f)

    π′ :  {d c} (f : Fin  d  c )  arrs  F.₀ c
    π′ f = π[ Fc∈cods f ]

    ψπ-proj :  {d c} (f : Fin  d  c ) 
                F.₁ f  π d  π[ Fc∈cods f ]  ψ
    ψπ-proj f = build-proj  a  F.₀ (Arrow.cod a))
                            a  F.₁ (Arrow.arr a)  π (Arrow.dom a))
                           (∈-morphisms f)

    ϕπ-proj :  {d c} (f : Fin  d  c ) 
                π c  π[ Fc∈cods f ]  ϕ
    ϕπ-proj f = build-proj  a  F.₀ (Arrow.cod a))
                            a  π (Arrow.cod a))
                           (∈-morphisms f)

    e⇒prods : Equalizer ψ ϕ
    e⇒prods = equalizer ψ ϕ

    module e⇒prods = Equalizer e⇒prods

    open e⇒prods

    ⊤cone : Cone
    ⊤cone = record
      { N    = obj
      ; apex = record
        { ψ       = λ n  π n  arr
        ; commute = λ {m n} f  begin
          F.₁ f  π m  arr ≈⟨ pullˡ (ψπ-proj f) 
          (π′ f  ψ)  arr  ≈⟨ pullʳ equality 
          π′ f  ϕ  arr    ≈˘⟨ pushˡ (ϕπ-proj f) 
          π n  arr         

    module _ {K : Cone} where
        module K = Cone K

      N⇒* : K.N  map F.₀ objects *
      N⇒* = build-mors F.₀ K.ψ objects

      Kmor : K.N  prods
      Kmor =  N⇒* ⟩*

      ψ∘Kmor≈ϕ∘Kmor :  a  ψ⇒ a  Kmor  ϕ⇒ a  Kmor
      ψ∘Kmor≈ϕ∘Kmor a = begin
        ψ⇒ a  Kmor                           ≈˘⟨ pushʳ (build-proj F.₀ K.ψ (∈-objects (Arrow.dom a))) 
        F.₁ (Arrow.arr a)  K.ψ (Arrow.dom a) ≈⟨ K.commute (Arrow.arr a) 
        K.ψ (Arrow.cod a)                     ≈⟨ build-proj F.₀ K.ψ (∈-objects (Arrow.cod a)) 
        ϕ⇒ a  Kmor                           

      equalize-eq : ψ  Kmor  ϕ  Kmor
      equalize-eq = begin
        ψ  Kmor                                        ≈⟨ build-⟨⟩*∘ _ ψ⇒ Kmor morphisms 
         build-mors _  a  ψ⇒ a  Kmor) morphisms ⟩* ≈⟨ build-uniqueness* _ ψ∘Kmor≈ϕ∘Kmor morphisms 
         build-mors _  a  ϕ⇒ a  Kmor) morphisms ⟩* ≈˘⟨ build-⟨⟩*∘ _ ϕ⇒ Kmor morphisms 
        ϕ  Kmor 

      !cone : Cone⇒ K ⊤cone
      !cone = record
        { arr     = equalize equalize-eq
        ; commute = commute _
        where commute :  n  (π n  arr)  equalize equalize-eq  K.ψ n
              commute n = begin
                (π n  arr)  equalize equalize-eq ≈˘⟨ pushʳ universal 
                π n  Kmor                         ≈˘⟨ build-proj _ K.ψ (∈-objects n) 
                K.ψ n                              

    module _ {K : Cone} (f : Cones [ K , ⊤cone ]) where
        module K = Cone K
        module f = Cone⇒ f

      !cone-unique : Cones [ !cone  f ]
      !cone-unique = begin
        equalize equalize-eq ≈˘⟨ e⇒prods.unique eq 
        where eq″ :  y  π y  arr  f.arr  π y  Kmor {K}
              eq″ y = begin
                π y  arr  f.arr   ≈⟨ sym-assoc 
                (π y  arr)  f.arr ≈⟨ f.commute 
                K.ψ y               ≈⟨ build-proj _ K.ψ (∈-objects y) 
                π y  Kmor {K}      

              eq′ :  {y : Fin size} (y∈ys : y  objects) 
                    π[ ∈ₚ.∈-map⁺ F.₀ y∈ys ]  arr  f.arr  π[ ∈ₚ.∈-map⁺ F.₀ y∈ys ]  Kmor {K}
              eq′ {y} y∈ys with obj∈-irr y∈ys (∈-objects y)
              ... | refl = eq″ y

              eq : Kmor {K}  arr  f.arr
              eq =  (uniqueness*′ F.₀ {K.N} {objects} eq′)

  finiteLimit : Limit
  finiteLimit = record
    { terminal = record
      {              = ⊤cone
      ; ⊤-is-terminal = record
        { !        = !cone
        ; !-unique = !cone-unique