{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Categories.Category

module Categories.Category.Cartesian.Properties {o  e} (C : Category o  e) where

open import Level using (_⊔_)
open import Function.Base using (_$_)
open import Data.Nat.Base using (; zero; suc)
open import Data.Product using (Σ; _,_; proj₁) renaming (_×_ to _&_)
open import Data.Product.Properties
open import Data.List as List
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any as Any using (here; there)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any.Properties
open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional
open import Data.Vec.Base as Vec using (Vec; []; _∷_)
open import Data.Vec.Relation.Unary.Any as AnyV using (here; there)
open import Data.Vec.Relation.Unary.Any.Properties
open import Data.Vec.Membership.Propositional renaming (_∈_ to _∈ᵥ_)

open import Relation.Binary.Core using (Rel)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as  using (refl; _≡_)

import Data.List.Membership.Propositional.Properties as ∈ₚ
import Data.Vec.Membership.Propositional.Properties as ∈ᵥₚ

open import Categories.Category.BinaryProducts C using (BinaryProducts)
open import Categories.Category.Cartesian C using (Cartesian)
open import Categories.Object.Terminal using (Terminal)

open import Categories.Diagram.Pullback C
open import Categories.Diagram.Equalizer C
open import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning C

  open Category C
  open HomReasoning
  open Equiv
    A B X Y : Obj
    f g : A  B

-- all binary products and pullbacks implies equalizers
module _ (prods : BinaryProducts) (pullbacks :  {A B X} (f : A  X) (g : B  X)  Pullback f g) where
  open BinaryProducts prods
  open HomReasoning

  prods×pullbacks⇒equalizers : Equalizer f g
  prods×pullbacks⇒equalizers {f = f} {g = g} = record
    { arr       = pb′.p₁
    ; isEqualizer = record
      { equality  = begin
        f  pb′.p₁           ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ helper₁ 
        f  pb.p₁  pb′.p₂   ≈⟨ pullˡ pb.commute 
        (g  pb.p₂)  pb′.p₂ ≈˘⟨ pushʳ helper₂ 
        g  pb′.p₁           
      ; equalize  = λ {_ i} eq  pb′.universal $ begin
         id , id   i                                       ≈⟨ ⟨⟩∘ 
         id  i , id  i                                    ≈⟨ ⟨⟩-cong₂ identityˡ identityˡ 
         i ,  i                                             ≈˘⟨ ⟨⟩-cong₂ pb.p₁∘universal≈h₁ pb.p₂∘universal≈h₂ 
         pb.p₁  pb.universal eq , pb.p₂  pb.universal eq  ≈˘⟨ ⟨⟩∘ 
        h  pb.universal eq                                   
      ; universal =  pb′.p₁∘universal≈h₁
      ; unique    = λ eq  pb′.unique ( eq) (pb.unique (pullˡ ( helper₁)   eq) (pullˡ ( helper₂)   eq))
    where pb : Pullback f g
          pb         = pullbacks _ _
          module pb  = Pullback pb
          h          =  pb.p₁ , pb.p₂ 
          pb′ : Pullback  id , id  h
          pb′        = pullbacks _ _
          module pb′ = Pullback pb′
          helper₁ : pb′.p₁  pb.p₁  pb′.p₂
          helper₁    = begin
            pb′.p₁                    ≈˘⟨ cancelˡ project₁ 
            π₁   id , id   pb′.p₁ ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ pb′.commute 
            π₁  h  pb′.p₂           ≈⟨ pullˡ project₁ 
            pb.p₁  pb′.p₂            
          helper₂ : pb′.p₁  pb.p₂  pb′.p₂
          helper₂    = begin
            pb′.p₁                    ≈˘⟨ cancelˡ project₂ 
            π₂   id , id   pb′.p₁ ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ pb′.commute 
            π₂  h  pb′.p₂           ≈⟨ pullˡ project₂ 
            pb.p₂  pb′.p₂            

module Prods (car : Cartesian) where
  open Cartesian car
  open BinaryProducts products
  open Terminal terminal

  -- for lists

  prod : List Obj  Obj
  prod objs = foldr _×_  objs

  π[_] :  {x xs}  x  xs  prod xs  x
  π[ here refl ]  = π₁
  π[ there x∈xs ] = π[ x∈xs ]  π₂

  data _⇒_* : Obj  List Obj  Set (o  ) where
    _~[] :  x  x  [] *
    _∷_  :  {x y ys}  x  y  x  ys *  x  y  ys *

  ⟨_⟩* :  {x ys} (fs : x  ys *)  x  prod ys
   x ~[] ⟩*  = !
   f  fs ⟩* =  f ,  fs ⟩* 

  ∈⇒mor :  {x y ys} (fs : x  ys *) (y∈ys : y  ys)  x  y
  ∈⇒mor (x ~[]) ()
  ∈⇒mor (f  fs) (here refl)  = f
  ∈⇒mor (f  fs) (there y∈ys) = ∈⇒mor fs y∈ys

  project* :  {x y ys} (fs : x  ys *) (y∈ys : y  ys)  π[ y∈ys ]   fs ⟩*  ∈⇒mor fs y∈ys
  project* (x ~[]) ()
  project* (f  fs) (here refl)  = project₁
  project* (f  fs) (there y∈ys) = pullʳ project₂  project* fs y∈ys

  uniqueness* :  {x ys} {g h : x  prod ys}  (∀ {y} (y∈ys : y  ys)  π[ y∈ys ]  g  π[ y∈ys ]  h)  g  h
  uniqueness* {x} {[]} uni     = !-unique₂
  uniqueness* {x} {y  ys} uni = unique′ (uni (here ≡.refl)) (uniqueness* λ y∈ys  sym-assoc  uni (there y∈ys)  assoc)

  module _ {a} {A : Set a} (f : A  Obj) where

    uniqueness*′ :  {x ys} {g h : x  prod (map f ys)}  (∀ {y} (y∈ys : y  ys)  π[ ∈ₚ.∈-map⁺ f y∈ys ]  g  π[ ∈ₚ.∈-map⁺ f y∈ys ]  h)  g  h
    uniqueness*′ {x} {[]} uni = !-unique₂
    uniqueness*′ {x} {y  ys} uni = unique′ (uni (here ≡.refl)) (uniqueness*′ λ y∈ys  sym-assoc  uni (there y∈ys)  assoc)

    module _ {x} (g :  a  x  f a) where

      build-mors : (l : List A)  x  map f l *
      build-mors []      = _ ~[]
      build-mors (y  l) = g y  build-mors l

      build-proj≡ :  {a l} (a∈l : a  l)  g a  ∈⇒mor (build-mors l) (∈ₚ.∈-map⁺ f a∈l)
      build-proj≡ (here refl) = ≡.refl
      build-proj≡ (there a∈l) = build-proj≡ a∈l

      build-proj :  {a l} (a∈l : a  l)  g a  π[ ∈ₚ.∈-map⁺ f a∈l ]   build-mors l ⟩*
      build-proj {_} {l} a∈l = reflexive (build-proj≡ a∈l)   (project* (build-mors l) _)

    build-⟨⟩*∘ :  {x y} (g :  a  x  f a) (h : y  x)   l   build-mors g l ⟩*  h   build-mors  a  g a  h) l ⟩*
    build-⟨⟩*∘ g h []      = !-unique₂
    build-⟨⟩*∘ g h (x  l) = begin
       build-mors g (x  l) ⟩*  h                   ≈⟨ ⟨⟩∘ 
       g x  h ,  build-mors g l ⟩*  h            ≈⟨ ⟨⟩-congˡ (build-⟨⟩*∘ g h l) 
       g x  h ,  build-mors  a  g a  h) l ⟩*  

    build-uniqueness* :  {x} {g h :  a  x  f a}  (∀ a  g a  h a)   l   build-mors g l ⟩*   build-mors h l ⟩*
    build-uniqueness* {x} {g} {h} uni []      = Equiv.refl
    build-uniqueness* {x} {g} {h} uni (y  l) = ⟨⟩-cong₂ (uni y) (build-uniqueness* uni l)

  -- for vectors

  prodᵥ :  {n}  Vec Obj (suc n)  Obj
  prodᵥ v = Vec.foldr₁ _×_ v

  π[_]ᵥ :  {n x} {xs : Vec Obj (suc n)}  x ∈ᵥ xs  prodᵥ xs  x
  π[_]ᵥ {.0} {.x} {x  []} (here refl)           = id
  π[_]ᵥ {.(suc _)} {.x} {x  y  xs} (here refl) = π₁
  π[_]ᵥ {.(suc _)} {x} {_  y  xs} (there x∈xs) = π[ x∈xs ]ᵥ  π₂

  data [_]_⇒ᵥ_* :  n  Obj  Vec Obj n  Set (o  ) where
    _~[] :  x  [ 0 ] x ⇒ᵥ [] *
    _∷_  :  {x y n} {ys : Vec Obj n}  x  y  [ n ] x ⇒ᵥ ys *  [ suc n ] x ⇒ᵥ y  ys *

  ⟨_⟩ᵥ* :  {n x ys} (fs : [ suc n ] x ⇒ᵥ ys *)  x  prodᵥ ys
   f  (x ~[]) ⟩ᵥ*  = f
   f  (g  fs) ⟩ᵥ* =  f ,  g  fs ⟩ᵥ* 

  ∈⇒morᵥ :  {n x y ys} (fs : [ n ] x ⇒ᵥ ys *) (y∈ys : y ∈ᵥ ys)  x  y
  ∈⇒morᵥ (x ~[]) ()
  ∈⇒morᵥ (f  fs) (here refl)  = f
  ∈⇒morᵥ (f  fs) (there y∈ys) = ∈⇒morᵥ fs y∈ys

  projectᵥ* :  {n x y ys} (fs : [ suc n ] x ⇒ᵥ ys *) (y∈ys : y ∈ᵥ ys)  π[ y∈ys ]ᵥ   fs ⟩ᵥ*  ∈⇒morᵥ fs y∈ys
  projectᵥ* (f  (x ~[])) (here ≡.refl) = identityˡ
  projectᵥ* (f  g  fs) (here ≡.refl)  = project₁
  projectᵥ* (f  g  fs) (there y∈ys)   = pullʳ project₂  projectᵥ* (g  fs) y∈ys

  uniquenessᵥ* :  {x n ys} {g h : x  prodᵥ {n} ys}  (∀ {y} (y∈ys : y ∈ᵥ ys)  π[ y∈ys ]ᵥ  g  π[ y∈ys ]ᵥ  h)  g  h
  uniquenessᵥ* {x} {.0} {y  []} uni           =  identityˡ  uni (here ≡.refl)  identityˡ
  uniquenessᵥ* {x} {.(suc _)} {y  z  ys} uni = unique′ (uni (here ≡.refl)) (uniquenessᵥ*  y∈ys  sym-assoc  uni (there y∈ys)  assoc))

  module _ {a} {A : Set a} (f : A  Obj) where

    uniquenessᵥ*′ :  {x n ys} {g h : x  prodᵥ {n} (Vec.map f ys)}  (∀ {y} (y∈ys : y ∈ᵥ ys)  π[ ∈ᵥₚ.∈-map⁺ f y∈ys ]ᵥ  g  π[ ∈ᵥₚ.∈-map⁺ f y∈ys ]ᵥ  h)  g  h
    uniquenessᵥ*′ {x} {.0} {y  []} uni           =  identityˡ  uni (here ≡.refl)  identityˡ
    uniquenessᵥ*′ {x} {.(suc _)} {y  z  ys} uni = unique′ (uni (here ≡.refl)) (uniquenessᵥ*′  y∈ys  sym-assoc  uni (there y∈ys)  assoc))

    module _ {x} (g :  a  x  f a) where

      buildᵥ-mors :  {n} (l : Vec A n)  [ n ] x ⇒ᵥ Vec.map f l *
      buildᵥ-mors []          = _ ~[]
      buildᵥ-mors (y  [])    = g y  _ ~[]
      buildᵥ-mors (y  z  l) = g y  buildᵥ-mors (z  l)

      buildᵥ-proj≡ :  {a n} {l : Vec A n} (a∈l : a ∈ᵥ l)  g a  ∈⇒morᵥ (buildᵥ-mors l) (∈ᵥₚ.∈-map⁺ f a∈l)
      buildᵥ-proj≡ {_} {_} {y  []} (here refl)    = ≡.refl
      buildᵥ-proj≡ {_} {_} {y  z  l} (here refl) = ≡.refl
      buildᵥ-proj≡ {_} {_} {y  z  l} (there a∈l) = buildᵥ-proj≡ a∈l

      buildᵥ-proj :  {a n} {l : Vec A (suc n)} (a∈l : a ∈ᵥ l)  g a  π[ ∈ᵥₚ.∈-map⁺ f a∈l ]ᵥ   buildᵥ-mors l ⟩ᵥ*
      buildᵥ-proj {_} {_} {l} a∈l = reflexive (buildᵥ-proj≡ a∈l)   (projectᵥ* (buildᵥ-mors l) _)

    buildᵥ-⟨⟩*∘ :  {x y} (g :  a  x  f a) (h : y  x)   {n} (l : Vec A (suc n))   buildᵥ-mors g l ⟩ᵥ*  h   buildᵥ-mors  a  g a  h) l ⟩ᵥ*
    buildᵥ-⟨⟩*∘ g h (x  [])        = Equiv.refl
    buildᵥ-⟨⟩*∘ g h (x  y  [])    = ⟨⟩∘
    buildᵥ-⟨⟩*∘ g h (x  y  z  l) = begin
       g x ,  buildᵥ-mors g (y  z  l) ⟩ᵥ*   h                 ≈⟨ ⟨⟩∘ 
       g x  h ,  buildᵥ-mors g (y  z  l) ⟩ᵥ*  h              ≈⟨ ⟨⟩-congˡ (buildᵥ-⟨⟩*∘ g h (y  z  l)) 
       g x  h ,  buildᵥ-mors  a₁  g a₁  h) (y  z  l) ⟩ᵥ*  

    buildᵥ-uniqueness* :  {x} {g h :  a  x  f a}  (∀ a  g a  h a)   {n} (l : Vec A (suc n))   buildᵥ-mors g l ⟩ᵥ*   buildᵥ-mors h l ⟩ᵥ*
    buildᵥ-uniqueness* {x} {g} {h} uni (y  []) = uni y
    buildᵥ-uniqueness* {x} {g} {h} uni (y  z  []) = ⟨⟩-cong₂ (uni y) (uni z)
    buildᵥ-uniqueness* {x} {g} {h} uni (y  z  w  l) = ⟨⟩-cong₂ (uni y) (buildᵥ-uniqueness* uni (z  w  l))