{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Categories.Category.Finite.Fin where

open import Level
open import Data.Nat.Base using ()
open import Data.Vec.Base as Vec using (Vec)
open import Data.List.Base
open import Data.Fin.Base using (Fin)
open import Data.Fin.Properties using (_≟_)
open import Axiom.UniquenessOfIdentityProofs
open import Relation.Binary using (Rel ; Decidable)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as 
open import Function.Base using (flip)

open import Categories.Category

record Arrow (n : ) (∣_⇒_∣ : Fin n  Fin n  ) : Set where
    dom : Fin n
    cod : Fin n
    arr : Fin  dom  cod 

-- a hasShape of a finite catgegory
-- Classically, a finite category has a finite number of objects and a finite number
-- of morphisms. However, in this library, we cannot conveniently count the number of
-- objects and morphisms, because morphisms are identified up to the underlying
-- equivalence and objects have no general notion of identity. As a result, the
-- classical definition fails.
-- Nevetheless, if we know precisely what the objects and morphisms are, then we might
-- be able to count them. As a result, finite categories are just adjoint equivalent
-- to some category with a finite hasShape. Motivated by this idea, we can consider a
-- category with both objects and morphisms represented by Fin. We know Fin has
-- decidable equality and consequently also UIP. This allows us to operate
-- classically. We additionally require categorical axioms and thus ensure all shapes
-- form categories.
record HasFinCatShape (n : ) (∣_⇒_∣ : Fin n  Fin n  ) : Set where
  infix  4 _⇒_
  infixr 9 _∘_

  _⇒_ : Rel (Fin n) 0ℓ
  a  b = Fin  a  b 

    id  :  {a}  a  a
    _∘_ :  {a b c}  b  c  a  b  a  c

    assoc     :  {a b c d} {f : a  b} {g : b  c} {h : c  d}  (h  g)  f  h  (g  f)
    sym-assoc :  {a b c d} {f : a  b} {g : b  c} {h : c  d}  h  (g  f)  (h  g)  f
    identityˡ :  {a b} {f : a  b}  id  f  f
    identityʳ :  {a b} {f : a  b}  f  id  f
    identity² :  {a}  id {a}  id  id
    ∘-resp-≈  :  {a b c} {f h : b  c} {g i : a  b}  f  h  g  i  f  g  h  i

  objects : List (Fin n)
  objects = allFin n

  wrap-arr :  {d c} (f : Fin  d  c )  Arrow n ∣_⇒_∣
  wrap-arr f = record { arr = f }

  morphisms : List (Arrow n ∣_⇒_∣)
  morphisms = concatMap  d  concatMap  c  tabulate (wrap-arr {d} {c})) objects) objects

  Obj-≟ : Decidable {A = Fin n} _≡_
  Obj-≟ = _≟_

  objects-vec : Vec (Fin n) n
  objects-vec = Vec.allFin n

  ⇒-≟ :  {a b}  Decidable {A = a  b} _≡_
  ⇒-≟ = _≟_

  Obj-UIP : UIP (Fin n)
  Obj-UIP = Decidable⇒UIP.≡-irrelevant Obj-≟

  ⇒-UIP :  {a b}  UIP (a  b)
  ⇒-UIP = Decidable⇒UIP.≡-irrelevant ⇒-≟

record FinCatShape : Set where
  infix 9 ∣_⇒_∣

    size     : 
    ∣_⇒_∣    : Fin size  Fin size  
    hasShape : HasFinCatShape size ∣_⇒_∣

  open HasFinCatShape hasShape public

  op : FinCatShape
  op = record
    { size     = size
    ; ∣_⇒_∣    = flip ∣_⇒_∣
    ; hasShape = record
      { id        = id
      ; _∘_       = flip _∘_
      ; assoc     = sym-assoc
      ; sym-assoc = assoc
      ; identityˡ = identityʳ
      ; identityʳ = identityˡ
      ; identity² = identity²
      ; ∘-resp-≈  = flip ∘-resp-≈

  shape-involutive : (shape : FinCatShape)  shape  FinCatShape.op (FinCatShape.op shape)
  shape-involutive _ = refl

  record FinCatShape′ : Set where
      size     : 
      ∣_⇒_∣    : Fin size  Fin size  

    _⇒_ : Rel (Fin size) 0ℓ
    a  b = Fin  a  b 

      id  :  {a}  a  a
      _∘_ :  {a b c}  b  c  a  b  a  c

      assoc     :  {a b c d} {f : a  b} {g : b  c} {h : c  d}  (h  g)  f  h  (g  f)
      identityˡ :  {a b} {f : a  b}  id  f  f
      identityʳ :  {a b} {f : a  b}  f  id  f

shapeHelper : FinCatShape′  FinCatShape
shapeHelper s = record
  { size     = size
  ; ∣_⇒_∣    = ∣_⇒_∣
  ; hasShape = record
    { id        = id
    ; _∘_       = _∘_
    ; assoc     = assoc
    ; sym-assoc = sym assoc
    ; identityˡ = identityˡ
    ; identityʳ = identityʳ
    ; identity² = identityˡ
    ; ∘-resp-≈  = cong₂ _∘_
  where open FinCatShape′ s

FinCategory : FinCatShape  Category 0ℓ 0ℓ 0ℓ
FinCategory s = record
  { Obj       = Fin size
  ; _⇒_       = _⇒_
  ; _≈_       = _≡_
  ; id        = id
  ; _∘_       = _∘_
  ; assoc     = assoc
  ; sym-assoc = sym-assoc
  ; identityˡ = identityˡ
  ; identityʳ = identityʳ
  ; identity² = identity²
  ; equiv     = ≡.isEquivalence
  ; ∘-resp-≈  = ∘-resp-≈
  where open FinCatShape s

  opposite-functorial : (shape : FinCatShape) 
                        FinCategory (FinCatShape.op shape)  Category.op (FinCategory shape)
  opposite-functorial _ = refl