This file shows Hⁿ⁺ᵐ(Sⁿ×Sᵐ)≅ℤ for n, m ≥ 1. This can be done in several
ways (e.g. Mayer-Vietoris). We give the iso as explicitly
as possible. The idea:
Step 1: Hⁿ⁺ᵐ(Sⁿ×Sᵐ)≅H¹⁺ⁿ⁺ᵐ(S¹⁺ⁿ×Sᵐ) (i.e. some form of suspension
Step 2: H¹⁺ᵐ(S¹×Sᵐ)≅ℤ
Step 3: Conclude Hⁿ⁺ᵐ(Sⁿ×Sᵐ)≅ℤ by induction on n.

The iso as defined here has the advantage that it looks a lot like
the cup product, making it trivial to show that e.g. gₗ ⌣ gᵣ ≡ e, where
gₗ, gᵣ are the two generators of H²(S²×S²) and e is the generator of
H⁴(S²×S²) -- this of interest since it is used in π₄S³≅ℤ/2.

{-# OPTIONS --safe --lossy-unification #-}
module Cubical.ZCohomology.Groups.SphereProduct where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws

open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary

open import Cubical.Data.Unit
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.Algebra.Group
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.MorphismProperties
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Instances.Int

open import Cubical.HITs.Truncation as T
open import Cubical.HITs.SetTruncation as ST
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PT
open import Cubical.HITs.S1
open import Cubical.HITs.Sn
open import Cubical.HITs.Susp

open import Cubical.Homotopy.Loopspace

open import Cubical.ZCohomology.Base
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.GroupStructure
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.Properties
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.Groups.Sn
open import Cubical.ZCohomology.RingStructure.CupProduct

open Iso
open PlusBis

  ¬lem : (n m : )  ¬ suc (n + m)  m
  ¬lem n zero = snotz
  ¬lem n (suc m) p =
    ¬lem n m (sym (+-suc n m)  cong predℕ p)

{- Step 1: Hⁿ⁺ᵐ(Sⁿ×Sᵐ)≅H¹⁺ⁿ⁺ᵐ(S¹⁺ⁿ×Sᵐ) -}
-- The functions back and forth (suspension on the left component)
↓Sⁿ×Sᵐ→Kₙ₊ₘ : (n m : )
   (S₊ (suc (suc n))  S₊ (suc m)  coHomK (suc (suc ((suc n) + m))))
   S₊ (suc n)  S₊ (suc m)  coHomK (suc (suc (n + m)))
↓Sⁿ×Sᵐ→Kₙ₊ₘ n m f x y =
  ΩKn+1→Kn ((suc ((suc n) + m)))
    (sym (rCancelₖ _ (f north y))
    ∙∙ cong  x  f x y -ₖ f north y) (merid x  sym (merid (ptSn (suc n))))
    ∙∙ rCancelₖ _ (f north y))

↑Sⁿ×Sᵐ→Kₙ₊ₘ : (n m : )
   (S₊ (suc n)  S₊ (suc m)  coHomK (suc (suc (n + m))))
   (S₊ (suc (suc n))  S₊ (suc m)  coHomK (suc (suc ((suc n) + m))))
↑Sⁿ×Sᵐ→Kₙ₊ₘ n m f north y = 0ₖ _
↑Sⁿ×Sᵐ→Kₙ₊ₘ n m f south y = 0ₖ _
↑Sⁿ×Sᵐ→Kₙ₊ₘ n m f (merid a i) y =
  Kn→ΩKn+1 _ (f a y) i

∥HⁿSᵐPath∥ : (n m : )  (f : S₊ (suc m)  coHomK (suc n))
        ¬ (n  m)
         f   _  0ₖ (suc n)) ∥₁
∥HⁿSᵐPath∥ n m f p =
  fun PathIdTrunc₀Iso
      (isOfHLevelRetractFromIso 0 (fst (Hⁿ-Sᵐ≅0 n m p)) isContrUnit)
         f ∣₂ (0ₕ _))

-- The iso
×leftSuspensionIso : (n m : )
   GroupIso (coHomGr (suc (((suc n) + m)))
                  (S₊ (suc n) × S₊ (suc m)))
              (coHomGr (suc (suc ((suc n) + m)))
                  (S₊ (suc (suc n)) × S₊ (suc m)))
fun (fst (×leftSuspensionIso n m)) =
  ST.map (uncurry  ↑Sⁿ×Sᵐ→Kₙ₊ₘ n m  curry)
inv (fst (×leftSuspensionIso n m)) =
  ST.map ((uncurry  ↓Sⁿ×Sᵐ→Kₙ₊ₘ n m  curry))
rightInv (fst (×leftSuspensionIso n m)) =
  ST.elim  _  isSetPathImplicit)
    λ f  inv PathIdTrunc₀Iso
      (PT.rec squash₁
        (uncurry  g p
           PT.map  gid  funExt λ {(x , y)
           i  uncurry (↑Sⁿ×Sᵐ→Kₙ₊ₘ n m
                    (↓Sⁿ×Sᵐ→Kₙ₊ₘ n m (curry (p (~ i))))) (x , y))
                ∙∙ main g gid x y
                ∙∙ funExt⁻ p (x , y)})
                   (∥Path∥ g)))
        (rewrte f))
  lem : (n m : )  ¬ suc (suc (n + m))  m
  lem n zero = snotz
  lem n (suc m) p = lem n m (cong suc (sym (+-suc n m))  cong predℕ p)

  charac-fun :
      (S₊ (suc n)  S₊ (suc m)
               typ (Ω (coHomK-ptd (suc (suc (suc n + m))))))
     S₊ (suc (suc n)) × S₊ (suc m)  coHomK (suc (suc (suc n + m)))
  charac-fun g (north , y) = 0ₖ _
  charac-fun g (south , y) = 0ₖ _
  charac-fun g (merid c i , y) = g c y i

  rewrte : (f : S₊ (suc (suc n)) × S₊ (suc m)
            coHomK (suc (suc (suc n + m))))
        ∃[ g  (S₊ (suc n)  S₊ (suc m)
               typ (Ω (coHomK-ptd (suc (suc (suc n + m)))))) ]
            charac-fun g  f
  rewrte f =
    PT.map  p
        x y  sym (funExt⁻ p y)
                ∙∙  i  f ((merid x  sym (merid (ptSn (suc n)))) i , y))
                ∙∙ funExt⁻ p y)
       , funExt λ { (north , y)  sym (funExt⁻ p y)
                  ; (south , y)  sym (funExt⁻ p y)
                                 λ i  f (merid (ptSn (suc n)) i , y)
                  ; (merid a i , y) j
               hcomp  k  λ { (i = i0)  p (~ j  k) y
                                 ; (i = i1)
                                      (sym (funExt⁻ p y))
                                       i  f (merid (ptSn (suc n)) i , y)) k j
                                 ; (j = i1)  f (merid a i , y) })
                       (f (compPath-filler (merid a)
                          (sym (merid (ptSn (suc n)))) (~ j) i
                         , y))})
      (∥HⁿSᵐPath∥ _ _  x  f (north , x))
        (lem n m))

  ∥Path∥ :
    (g : S₊ (suc n)  S₊ (suc m)
          typ (Ω (coHomK-ptd (suc (suc (suc n + m))))))
         (g (ptSn _))   _  refl) ∥₁
  ∥Path∥ g =
      fun PathIdTrunc₀Iso
          (isOfHLevelRetractFromIso 0
            ((invIso (fst (coHom≅coHomΩ _ (S₊ (suc m))))))
             (0ₕ _ , ST.elim  _  isProp→isSet (squash₂ _ _))
                 λ f  PT.rec (squash₂ _ _) (sym  cong ∣_∣₂)
                   (∥HⁿSᵐPath∥ _ _ f (¬lem n m))))
           g (ptSn (suc n)) ∣₂   _  refl) ∣₂)

  main : (g : _)  (g (ptSn _))   _  refl)
      (x : S₊ (suc (suc n))) (y : S₊ (suc m))
     uncurry (↑Sⁿ×Sᵐ→Kₙ₊ₘ n m
         (↓Sⁿ×Sᵐ→Kₙ₊ₘ n m (curry (charac-fun g)))) (x , y)
       charac-fun g (x , y)
  main g gid north y = refl
  main g gid south y = refl
  main g gid (merid a i) y j = helper j i
    helper :  i  uncurry (↑Sⁿ×Sᵐ→Kₙ₊ₘ n m
                    (↓Sⁿ×Sᵐ→Kₙ₊ₘ n m (curry (charac-fun g))))
                     (merid a i , y))
       g a y
    helper =  i  rightInv (Iso-Kn-ΩKn+1 _)
                  ((sym (rCancel≡refl _ i)
           ∙∙ cong-∙  x  rUnitₖ _ (charac-fun g (x , y)) i)
                (merid a) (sym (merid (ptSn (suc n)))) i
           ∙∙ rCancel≡refl _ i)) i)
        ∙∙ sym (rUnit _)
        ∙∙ (cong (g a y ∙_) (cong sym (funExt⁻ gid y))
           sym (rUnit (g a y)))
leftInv (fst (×leftSuspensionIso n m)) =
  ST.elim  _  isSetPathImplicit)
        λ f  PT.rec (squash₂ _ _)
             cong ∣_∣₂
              (funExt  {(x , y)   i  ΩKn+1→Kn _ (sym (rCancel≡refl _ i)
                       ∙∙ ((λ j  rUnitₖ _
                             (↑Sⁿ×Sᵐ→Kₙ₊ₘ n m (curry f)
                               ((merid x  sym (merid (ptSn (suc n)))) j) y) i))
                       ∙∙ rCancel≡refl _ i))
                  i  ΩKn+1→Kn _  (rUnit
                           (cong-∙  r  ↑Sⁿ×Sᵐ→Kₙ₊ₘ n m (curry f) r y)
                              (merid x) (sym (merid (ptSn (suc n)))) i) (~ i)))
                 cong (ΩKn+1→Kn _) (cong (Kn→ΩKn+1 _ (f (x , y)) ∙_)
                       (cong sym (cong (Kn→ΩKn+1 _)
                                  (funExt⁻ id y)  (Kn→ΩKn+10ₖ _)))
                          sym (rUnit _))
                 leftInv (Iso-Kn-ΩKn+1 _) (f (x , y))})))
          (∥HⁿSᵐPath∥ (suc n + m) m  x  f (ptSn _ , x))
            (¬lem n m))
snd (×leftSuspensionIso n m) =
  makeIsGroupHom (ST.elim2  _ _  isSetPathImplicit)
    λ f g  cong ∣_∣₂
      (funExt λ { (north , y)  refl
                ; (south , y)  refl
                ; (merid a i , y) j
                  (sym (∙≡+₂ _ (Kn→ΩKn+1 _ (f (a , y)))
                         (Kn→ΩKn+1 _ (g (a , y))))
                    sym (Kn→ΩKn+1-hom _
                          (f (a , y)) (g (a , y)))) (~ j) i}))

{- Step 2: H¹⁺ᵐ(S¹×Sᵐ)≅ℤ -}

-- The functions back and forth
Hⁿ-S¹×Sⁿ→Hⁿ-Sⁿ : (m : )
   (S₊ (suc m)  coHomK (suc m))
   S₊ (suc zero)  S₊ (suc m)  coHomK (suc (suc m))
Hⁿ-S¹×Sⁿ→Hⁿ-Sⁿ m f base y = 0ₖ _
Hⁿ-S¹×Sⁿ→Hⁿ-Sⁿ m f (loop i) y = Kn→ΩKn+1 (suc m) (f y) i

Hⁿ-Sⁿ→Hⁿ-S¹×Sⁿ : (m : )
   (S₊ (suc zero)  S₊ (suc m)  coHomK (suc (suc m)))
   (S₊ (suc m)  coHomK (suc m))
Hⁿ-Sⁿ→Hⁿ-S¹×Sⁿ m f x =
  ΩKn+1→Kn (suc m)
       (sym (rCancelₖ _ (f base x))
    ∙∙ ((λ i  f (loop i) x -ₖ f base x))
    ∙∙ rCancelₖ _ (f base x))

Hⁿ-Sⁿ≅Hⁿ-S¹×Sⁿ : (m : )
   GroupIso (coHomGr (suc m) (S₊ (suc m)))
              (coHomGr (suc (suc m)) (S₊ (suc zero) × S₊ (suc m)))
fun (fst (Hⁿ-Sⁿ≅Hⁿ-S¹×Sⁿ m)) = ST.map (uncurry  Hⁿ-S¹×Sⁿ→Hⁿ-Sⁿ m)
inv (fst (Hⁿ-Sⁿ≅Hⁿ-S¹×Sⁿ m)) = ST.map (Hⁿ-Sⁿ→Hⁿ-S¹×Sⁿ m  curry)
rightInv (fst (Hⁿ-Sⁿ≅Hⁿ-S¹×Sⁿ m)) =
  ST.elim  _  isSetPathImplicit)
    λ f  inv PathIdTrunc₀Iso
      (PT.map (uncurry  g p
         funExt λ {(x , y)
            i  uncurry
                      (Hⁿ-S¹×Sⁿ→Hⁿ-Sⁿ m
                        (Hⁿ-Sⁿ→Hⁿ-S¹×Sⁿ m (curry (p i)))) (x , y))
          ∙∙ main g x y
          ∙∙ sym (funExt⁻ p (x , y))}))
        (rewrte f))
  characFun : (x : S₊ (suc m)  coHomK (suc m))
            S₊ 1 × S₊ (suc m)  coHomK (suc (suc m))
  characFun f (base , y) = 0ₖ _
  characFun f (loop i , y) = Kn→ΩKn+1 _ (f y) i

  main : (g : _) (x : ) (y : S₊ (suc m))
     uncurry (Hⁿ-S¹×Sⁿ→Hⁿ-Sⁿ m (Hⁿ-Sⁿ→Hⁿ-S¹×Sⁿ m (curry (characFun g))))
         (x , y)
       characFun g (x , y)
  main g base y = refl
  main g (loop i) y j = help j i
    help : cong  x  Hⁿ-S¹×Sⁿ→Hⁿ-Sⁿ m
                         (Hⁿ-Sⁿ→Hⁿ-S¹×Sⁿ m (curry (characFun g))) x y) loop
          Kn→ΩKn+1 _ (g y)
    help = rightInv (Iso-Kn-ΩKn+1 (suc m))
                 (sym (rCancelₖ _ (0ₖ _))
              ∙∙ ((λ i  Kn→ΩKn+1 _ (g y) i -ₖ 0ₖ _))
              ∙∙ rCancelₖ _ (0ₖ _))
        ∙∙  i  sym (rCancel≡refl _ i)
                ∙∙  j  rUnitₖ _ (Kn→ΩKn+1 _ (g y) j) i)
                ∙∙ rCancel≡refl _ i)
        ∙∙ sym (rUnit _)

  lem : (m : )  ¬ suc m  m
  lem zero = snotz
  lem (suc m) p = lem m (cong predℕ p)

  rewrte : (f : S₊ 1 × S₊ (suc m)  coHomK (suc (suc m)))
      ∃[ g  (S₊ (suc m)  coHomK (suc m)) ] f  characFun g
  rewrte f =
    PT.map  p 
        x  ΩKn+1→Kn _
                (sym (funExt⁻ p x) ∙∙  i  f (loop i , x)) ∙∙ funExt⁻ p x))
      , funExt λ { (base , y)  funExt⁻ p y
                 ; (loop i , x) j 
                   hcomp  k  λ {(i = i0)  funExt⁻ p x j
                                  ; (i = i1)  funExt⁻ p x j
                                  ; (j = i0)  f (loop i , x)
                                  ; (j = i1) 
                                      rightInv (Iso-Kn-ΩKn+1 (suc m))
                                        (sym (funExt⁻ p x)
                                        ∙∙  i  f (loop i , x))
                                        ∙∙ funExt⁻ p x) (~ k) i})
                            (sym (funExt⁻ p x))
                             i  f (loop i , x))
                            (funExt⁻ p x) j i)})
     (∥HⁿSᵐPath∥ (suc m) m  x  f (base , x)) (lem m))
leftInv (fst (Hⁿ-Sⁿ≅Hⁿ-S¹×Sⁿ m)) =
  ST.elim  _  isSetPathImplicit)
    λ f
       cong ∣_∣₂ (funExt λ x
         cong (ΩKn+1→Kn (suc m))
               ((λ i  sym (rCancel≡refl _ i)
                 ∙∙ cong  z  rUnitₖ _ (Hⁿ-S¹×Sⁿ→Hⁿ-Sⁿ m f z x) i) loop
                 ∙∙ rCancel≡refl _ i)  sym (rUnit (Kn→ΩKn+1 (suc m) (f x))))
         leftInv (Iso-Kn-ΩKn+1 _) (f x))
snd (Hⁿ-Sⁿ≅Hⁿ-S¹×Sⁿ m) =
       _ _  isSetPathImplicit)
      λ f g  cong ∣_∣₂
        (funExt λ { (base , y)  refl
                  ; (loop i , y) j 
                          (sym (∙≡+₂ _ (Kn→ΩKn+1 _ (f y)) (Kn→ΩKn+1 _ (g y)))
                          sym (Kn→ΩKn+1-hom _ (f y) (g y))) (~ j) i}))

Hⁿ⁺ᵐ-Sⁿ×Sᵐ≅ℤ : (n m : )
   GroupIso (coHomGr ((suc n) +' (suc m))
                  (S₊ (suc n) × S₊ (suc m)))
Hⁿ⁺ᵐ-Sⁿ×Sᵐ≅ℤ zero m =
  compGroupIso (invGroupIso (Hⁿ-Sⁿ≅Hⁿ-S¹×Sⁿ m)) (Hⁿ-Sⁿ≅ℤ m)
Hⁿ⁺ᵐ-Sⁿ×Sᵐ≅ℤ (suc n) m =
          (invGroupIso (×leftSuspensionIso n m))
            (Hⁿ⁺ᵐ-Sⁿ×Sᵐ≅ℤ n m)

-- Proof that ⌣ respects generators for H²×H²→H⁴
-- Todo: generalise

H²-S²×S²-genₗ : coHom 2 (S₊ 2 × S₊ 2)
H²-S²×S²-genₗ =   x   fst x ) ∣₂

H²-S²×S²-genᵣ : coHom 2 (S₊ 2 × S₊ 2)
H²-S²×S²-genᵣ =   x   snd x ) ∣₂

H²-S²≅H⁴-S²×S² : GroupIso (coHomGr 2 (S₊ 2)) (coHomGr 4 (S₊ 2 × S₊ 2))
H²-S²≅H⁴-S²×S² = (compGroupIso (Hⁿ-Sⁿ≅Hⁿ-S¹×Sⁿ 1) (×leftSuspensionIso 0 1))

H²-S²≅H⁴-S²×S²⌣ :
  fun (fst (H²-S²≅H⁴-S²×S²))  ∣_∣ₕ ∣₂  H²-S²×S²-genₗ  H²-S²×S²-genᵣ
H²-S²≅H⁴-S²×S²⌣ =
  cong ∣_∣₂ (funExt (uncurry
     { north y  refl
       ; south y  refl
       ; (merid a i) y j  Kn→ΩKn+1 3 (lem a y j) i})))
  lem : (a : ) (y : S₊ 2)
       Hⁿ-S¹×Sⁿ→Hⁿ-Sⁿ 1 ∣_∣ₕ a y  _⌣ₖ_ {n = 1} {m = 2}  a ∣ₕ  y ∣ₕ
  lem base y = refl
  lem (loop i) y = refl