{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Relation.Binary.Order.Toset.Properties where

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as 
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as 

open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure

open import Cubical.Functions.Embedding

open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as ∥₁

open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Base
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Order.Proset.Properties
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Order.Poset
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Order.Toset.Base
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Order.Loset.Base

open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary

     ℓ' ℓ'' : Level

module _
  {A : Type }
  {R : Rel A A ℓ'}

  open BinaryRelation

  isToset→isPoset : IsToset R  IsPoset R
  isToset→isPoset toset = isposet
                          (IsToset.is-set toset)
                          (IsToset.is-prop-valued toset)
                          (IsToset.is-refl toset)
                          (IsToset.is-trans toset)
                          (IsToset.is-antisym toset)

  isTosetDecidable→Discrete : IsToset R  isDecidable R  Discrete A
  isTosetDecidable→Discrete = isPosetDecidable→Discrete  isToset→isPoset

    transirrefl : isTrans R  isAntisym R  isTrans (IrreflKernel R)
    transirrefl trans anti a b c (Rab , ¬a≡b) (Rbc , ¬b≡c)
      = trans a b c Rab Rbc
      , λ a≡c  ¬a≡b (anti a b Rab (subst (R b) (sym a≡c) Rbc))

  isToset→isLosetIrreflKernel : IsToset R  isDecidable R  IsLoset (IrreflKernel R)
  isToset→isLosetIrreflKernel toset dec
    = isloset (IsToset.is-set toset)
               a b  isProp× (IsToset.is-prop-valued toset a b)
                               (isProp¬ (a  b)))
              (isIrreflIrreflKernel R)
              (transirrefl (IsToset.is-trans toset)
                           (IsToset.is-antisym toset))
              (isIrrefl×isTrans→isAsym (IrreflKernel R)
                                       (isIrreflIrreflKernel R
                                       , transirrefl (IsToset.is-trans toset)
                                                     (IsToset.is-antisym toset)))
               a c b (Rac , ¬a≡c)
                 decRec  a≡b  ∥₁.map (⊎.rec
                          Rbc  inr (Rbc , λ b≡c  ¬a≡c (a≡b  b≡c)))
                                λ Rcb  ⊥.rec (¬a≡c (IsToset.is-antisym toset a c Rac
                                              (subst  x  R c x) (sym a≡b) Rcb))))
                                  (IsToset.is-total toset b c))
                          ¬a≡b  ∥₁.map (⊎.map  Rab  Rab , ¬a≡b)
                                    Rba  (IsToset.is-trans toset b a c Rba Rac)
                                   , λ b≡c  ¬a≡b (IsToset.is-antisym toset a b
                                       (subst  x  R a x) (sym b≡c) Rac) Rba)))
                                 (IsToset.is-total toset a b))
                         (disc a b))
               λ { a b (¬¬Rab , ¬¬Rba)  IsToset.is-antisym toset a b
                                         (decRec  Rab  Rab)
                                            ¬Rab  ⊥.rec (∥₁.rec isProp⊥
                                             (⊎.rec ¬Rab λ Rba  ¬¬Rba (Rba ,
                                                b≡a  ¬Rab (subst  x  R x b) b≡a
                                                 (IsToset.is-refl toset b)))))
                                             (IsToset.is-total toset a b))) (dec a b))
                                         (decRec  Rba  Rba)
                                            ¬Rba  ⊥.rec (∥₁.rec isProp⊥
                                             (⊎.rec ¬Rba λ Rab  ¬¬Rab (Rab ,
                                                a≡b  ¬Rba (subst  x  R x a) a≡b
                                                 (IsToset.is-refl toset a)))))
                                             (IsToset.is-total toset b a))) (dec b a))}
    where disc : Discrete A
          disc = isTosetDecidable→Discrete toset dec

  isTosetDecidable→isLosetDecidable : IsToset R  isDecidable R  isDecidable (IrreflKernel R)
  isTosetDecidable→isLosetDecidable tos dec a b with dec a b
  ... | no ¬Rab = no λ { (Rab , _)  ¬Rab Rab }
  ... | yes Rab with (isTosetDecidable→Discrete tos dec) a b
  ...       | yes a≡b = no λ { (_ , ¬a≡b)  ¬a≡b a≡b }
  ...       | no  a≢b = yes (Rab , a≢b)

  isTosetInduced : IsToset R  (B : Type ℓ'')  (f : B  A)
                  IsToset (InducedRelation R (B , f))
  isTosetInduced tos B (f , emb)
    = istoset (Embedding-into-isSet→isSet (f , emb) (IsToset.is-set tos))
               a b  IsToset.is-prop-valued tos (f a) (f b))
               a  IsToset.is-refl tos (f a))
               a b c  IsToset.is-trans tos (f a) (f b) (f c))
               a b a≤b b≤a  isEmbedding→Inj emb a b
                (IsToset.is-antisym tos (f a) (f b) a≤b b≤a))
              λ a b  IsToset.is-total tos (f a) (f b)

  isTosetDual : IsToset R  IsToset (Dual R)
  isTosetDual tos
    = istoset (IsToset.is-set tos)
               a b  IsToset.is-prop-valued tos b a)
              (IsToset.is-refl tos)
               a b c Rab Rbc  IsToset.is-trans tos c b a Rbc Rab)
               a b Rab Rba  IsToset.is-antisym tos a b Rba Rab)
               λ a b  IsToset.is-total tos b a

Toset→Poset : Toset  ℓ'  Poset  ℓ'
Toset→Poset (_ , tos)
  = poset _ (TosetStr._≤_ tos)
            (isToset→isPoset (TosetStr.isToset tos))

Toset→Loset : (tos : Toset  ℓ')
             BinaryRelation.isDecidable (TosetStr._≤_ (snd tos))
             Loset  (ℓ-max  ℓ')
Toset→Loset (_ , tos) dec
  = loset _ (BinaryRelation.IrreflKernel (TosetStr._≤_ tos))
            (isToset→isLosetIrreflKernel (TosetStr.isToset tos) dec)

DualToset : Toset  ℓ'  Toset  ℓ'
DualToset (_ , tos)
  = toset _ (BinaryRelation.Dual (TosetStr._≤_ tos))
            (isTosetDual (TosetStr.isToset tos))

module _
  {A : Type }
  {_≤_ : Rel A A ℓ'}
  (tos : IsToset _≤_)

      pos = isToset→isPoset tos

      pre = isPoset→isProset pos

      prop = IsToset.is-prop-valued tos

      rfl = IsToset.is-refl tos

      anti = IsToset.is-antisym tos

      trans = IsToset.is-trans tos

      total = IsToset.is-total tos

  module _
    {P : Embedding A ℓ''}

      toA = fst (snd P)

    isMinimal→isLeast :  n  isMinimal pre P n  isLeast pre P n
    isMinimal→isLeast n ism m
      = ∥₁.rec (prop _ _) (⊎.rec  n≤m  n≤m)  m≤n  ism m m≤n)) (total (toA n) (toA m))

    isMaximal→isGreatest :  n  isMaximal pre P n  isGreatest pre P n
    isMaximal→isGreatest n ism m
      = ∥₁.rec (prop _ _) (⊎.rec  n≤m  ism m n≤m)  m≤n  m≤n)) (total (toA n) (toA m))

TosetIsPseudolattice : (tos : Toset  ℓ')
                      isPseudolattice (Toset→Poset tos)
TosetIsPseudolattice tos = meet , join
    is = TosetStr.isToset (tos .snd)

    posis = PosetStr.isPoset (Toset→Poset tos .snd)

    prop = IsToset.is-prop-valued is

    rfl = IsToset.is-refl is

    trans = IsToset.is-trans is

    total = IsToset.is-total is

    meet : isMeetSemipseudolattice (Toset→Poset tos)
    meet a b = ∥₁.rec (MeetUnique posis a b)
                    a≤b  a ,
                     λ x  propBiimpl→Equiv
                             (prop _ _)
                             (isProp× (prop _ _) (prop _ _))
                              x≤a  x≤a , (trans x a b x≤a a≤b))
                    b≤a  b ,
                     λ x  propBiimpl→Equiv
                             (prop _ _)
                             (isProp× (prop _ _) (prop _ _))
                              x≤b  trans x b a x≤b b≤a , x≤b)
                 (total a b)

    join : isJoinSemipseudolattice (Toset→Poset tos)
    join a b = ∥₁.rec (JoinUnique posis a b)
                    a≤b  b ,
                     λ x  propBiimpl→Equiv
                             (prop _ _)
                             (isProp× (prop _ _) (prop _ _))
                              b≤x  trans a b x a≤b b≤x , b≤x)
                    b≤a  a ,
                     λ x  propBiimpl→Equiv
                             (prop _ _)
                             (isProp× (prop _ _) (prop _ _))
                              a≤x  a≤x , trans b a x b≤a a≤x)
                 (total a b)

-- We take the pseudolattice component in as an assumption because more likely than not,
-- the goal is to prove some meet and join on a toset is distributive, not the
-- meet and join that implicitly come with any toset
TosetIsDistributivePseudolattice : (tos : Toset  ℓ')
                                  (lat : isPseudolattice (Toset→Poset tos))
                                  MeetDistLJoin (Toset→Poset tos) lat
TosetIsDistributivePseudolattice tos lat = dist
    _≤_ = TosetStr._≤_ (tos .snd)
    is = TosetStr.isToset (tos .snd)

    pos = isToset→isPoset is

    pro = isPoset→isProset pos

    set = IsToset.is-set is

    rfl = IsToset.is-refl is

    trans = IsToset.is-trans is

    anti = IsToset.is-antisym is

    total = IsToset.is-total is

    _∧l_ :  tos    tos    tos 
    a ∧l b = lat .fst a b .fst

    meet :  a b  isMeet pro a b (a ∧l b)
    meet a b = lat .fst a b .snd

    _∨l_ :  tos    tos    tos 
    a ∨l b = lat .snd a b .fst

    join :  a b  isJoin pro a b (a ∨l b)
    join a b = lat .snd a b .snd

    order→meet : ∀{a b}  a  b  a ∧l b  a
    order→meet {a} {b} a≤b = sym (equivFun (order≃meet pos a b (a ∧l b) (meet a b)) a≤b)

    order→join : ∀{a b}  a  b  a ∨l b  b
    order→join {a} {b} a≤b = sym (equivFun (order≃join pos a b (a ∨l b) (join a b)) a≤b)

    ∧Comm : ∀{a b}  a ∧l b  b ∧l a
    ∧Comm {a} {b} = meetComm pos  x y  (x ∧l y) , meet x y) a b

    ∨Comm : ∀{ a b }  a ∨l b  b ∨l a
    ∨Comm {a} {b} = joinComm pos  x y  (x ∨l y) , join x y) a b

    dist :  a b c
          a ∧l (b ∨l c)  (a ∧l b) ∨l (a ∧l c)
    dist a b c = lem1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8
        goal = a ∧l (b ∨l c)  (a ∧l b) ∨l (a ∧l c)

        lem1 : a  b
              b  c
              a  c
        lem1 a≤b b≤c a≤c = (cong (a ∧l_) (order→join b≤c) 
                                   order→meet a≤c) 
                             sym (cong₂ _∨l_ (order→meet a≤b)
                                             (order→meet a≤c) 
                                  order→join (rfl a))

        lem2 : a  b
              b  c
              c  a
        lem2 a≤b b≤c c≤a = (cong (a ∧l_) (order→join b≤c) 
                                   order→meet c≤a) 
                             sym (cong₂ _∨l_ (order→meet a≤b)
                                             (∧Comm  order→meet c≤a) 
                                  order→join c≤a 
                                  anti a c (trans a b c a≤b b≤c) c≤a)

        lem1+2 : a  b
                b  c
        lem1+2 a≤b b≤c = ∥₁.rec (set _ _) (⊎.rec (lem1 a≤b b≤c) (lem2 a≤b b≤c)) (total a c)

        lem3 : a  b
              c  b
              a  c
        lem3 a≤b c≤b a≤c = (cong (a ∧l_) (∨Comm 
                                            order→join c≤b) 
                                    order→meet a≤b) 
                             sym (cong₂ _∨l_ (order→meet a≤b)
                                             (order→meet a≤c) 
                                  order→join (rfl a))

        lem4 : a  b
              c  b
              c  a
        lem4 a≤b c≤b c≤a = (cong (a ∧l_) (∨Comm 
                                            order→join c≤b) 
                                    order→meet a≤b) 
                             sym (cong₂ _∨l_ (order→meet a≤b)
                                             (∧Comm  order→meet c≤a) 
                                  order→join c≤a)

        lem3+4 : a  b
                c  b
        lem3+4 a≤b c≤b = ∥₁.rec (set _ _ ) (⊎.rec (lem3 a≤b c≤b) (lem4 a≤b c≤b)) (total a c)

        lem1+2+3+4 : a  b
        lem1+2+3+4 a≤b = ∥₁.rec (set _ _) (⊎.rec (lem1+2 a≤b) (lem3+4 a≤b)) (total b c)

        lem5 : b  a
              b  c
              a  c
        lem5 b≤a b≤c a≤c = (cong (a ∧l_) (order→join b≤c) 
                                   order→meet a≤c) 
                             sym (cong₂ _∨l_ (∧Comm  order→meet b≤a) (order→meet a≤c) 
                                  order→join b≤a)

        lem6 : b  a
              b  c
              c  a
        lem6 b≤a b≤c c≤a = (cong (a ∧l_) (order→join b≤c) 
                                   order→meet c≤a) 
                             sym (cong₂ _∨l_ (∧Comm  order→meet b≤a)
                                             (∧Comm  order→meet c≤a) 
                                  order→join b≤c)

        lem5+6 : b  a
                b  c
        lem5+6 b≤a b≤c = ∥₁.rec (set _ _) (⊎.rec (lem5 b≤a b≤c) (lem6 b≤a b≤c)) (total a c)

        lem7 : b  a
              c  b
              a  c
        lem7 b≤a c≤b a≤c = (cong (a ∧l_) (∨Comm  order→join c≤b) 
                                   order→meet b≤a) 
                             sym (cong₂ _∨l_ (∧Comm  order→meet b≤a)
                                             (order→meet a≤c) 
                                  order→join b≤a  anti a b (trans a c b a≤c c≤b) b≤a)

        lem8 : b  a
              c  b
              c  a
        lem8 b≤a c≤b c≤a = (cong (a ∧l_) (∨Comm  order→join c≤b) 
                                   order→meet b≤a) 
                             sym (cong₂ _∨l_ (∧Comm  order→meet b≤a)
                                             (∧Comm  order→meet c≤a) 
                                  ∨Comm  order→join c≤b)

        lem7+8 : b  a
                c  b
        lem7+8 b≤a c≤b = ∥₁.rec (set _ _) (⊎.rec (lem7 b≤a c≤b) (lem8 b≤a c≤b)) (total a c)

        lem5+6+7+8 : b  a
        lem5+6+7+8 b≤a = ∥₁.rec (set _ _) (⊎.rec (lem5+6 b≤a) (lem7+8 b≤a)) (total b c)

        lem1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 : goal
        lem1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 = ∥₁.rec (set _ _) (⊎.rec lem1+2+3+4 lem5+6+7+8) (total a b)