{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Relation.Binary.Order.Toset.Properties where
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as ⊎
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Functions.Embedding
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as ∥₁
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Base
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Order.Proset.Properties
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Order.Poset
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Order.Toset.Base
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Order.Loset.Base
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Level
module _
{A : Type ℓ}
{R : Rel A A ℓ'}
open BinaryRelation
isToset→isPoset : IsToset R → IsPoset R
isToset→isPoset toset = isposet
(IsToset.is-set toset)
(IsToset.is-prop-valued toset)
(IsToset.is-refl toset)
(IsToset.is-trans toset)
(IsToset.is-antisym toset)
isTosetDecidable→Discrete : IsToset R → isDecidable R → Discrete A
isTosetDecidable→Discrete = isPosetDecidable→Discrete ∘ isToset→isPoset
transirrefl : isTrans R → isAntisym R → isTrans (IrreflKernel R)
transirrefl trans anti a b c (Rab , ¬a≡b) (Rbc , ¬b≡c)
= trans a b c Rab Rbc
, λ a≡c → ¬a≡b (anti a b Rab (subst (R b) (sym a≡c) Rbc))
isToset→isLosetIrreflKernel : IsToset R → isDecidable R → IsLoset (IrreflKernel R)
isToset→isLosetIrreflKernel toset dec
= isloset (IsToset.is-set toset)
(λ a b → isProp× (IsToset.is-prop-valued toset a b)
(isProp¬ (a ≡ b)))
(isIrreflIrreflKernel R)
(transirrefl (IsToset.is-trans toset)
(IsToset.is-antisym toset))
(isIrrefl×isTrans→isAsym (IrreflKernel R)
(isIrreflIrreflKernel R
, transirrefl (IsToset.is-trans toset)
(IsToset.is-antisym toset)))
(λ a c b (Rac , ¬a≡c)
→ decRec (λ a≡b → ∥₁.map (⊎.rec
(λ Rbc → inr (Rbc , λ b≡c → ¬a≡c (a≡b ∙ b≡c)))
λ Rcb → ⊥.rec (¬a≡c (IsToset.is-antisym toset a c Rac
(subst (λ x → R c x) (sym a≡b) Rcb))))
(IsToset.is-total toset b c))
(λ ¬a≡b → ∥₁.map (⊎.map (λ Rab → Rab , ¬a≡b)
(λ Rba → (IsToset.is-trans toset b a c Rba Rac)
, λ b≡c → ¬a≡b (IsToset.is-antisym toset a b
(subst (λ x → R a x) (sym b≡c) Rac) Rba)))
(IsToset.is-total toset a b))
(disc a b))
λ { a b (¬¬Rab , ¬¬Rba) → IsToset.is-antisym toset a b
(decRec (λ Rab → Rab)
(λ ¬Rab → ⊥.rec (∥₁.rec isProp⊥
(⊎.rec ¬Rab λ Rba → ¬¬Rba (Rba ,
(λ b≡a → ¬Rab (subst (λ x → R x b) b≡a
(IsToset.is-refl toset b)))))
(IsToset.is-total toset a b))) (dec a b))
(decRec (λ Rba → Rba)
(λ ¬Rba → ⊥.rec (∥₁.rec isProp⊥
(⊎.rec ¬Rba λ Rab → ¬¬Rab (Rab ,
(λ a≡b → ¬Rba (subst (λ x → R x a) a≡b
(IsToset.is-refl toset a)))))
(IsToset.is-total toset b a))) (dec b a))}
where disc : Discrete A
disc = isTosetDecidable→Discrete toset dec
isTosetDecidable→isLosetDecidable : IsToset R → isDecidable R → isDecidable (IrreflKernel R)
isTosetDecidable→isLosetDecidable tos dec a b with dec a b
... | no ¬Rab = no λ { (Rab , _) → ¬Rab Rab }
... | yes Rab with (isTosetDecidable→Discrete tos dec) a b
... | yes a≡b = no λ { (_ , ¬a≡b) → ¬a≡b a≡b }
... | no a≢b = yes (Rab , a≢b)
isTosetInduced : IsToset R → (B : Type ℓ'') → (f : B ↪ A)
→ IsToset (InducedRelation R (B , f))
isTosetInduced tos B (f , emb)
= istoset (Embedding-into-isSet→isSet (f , emb) (IsToset.is-set tos))
(λ a b → IsToset.is-prop-valued tos (f a) (f b))
(λ a → IsToset.is-refl tos (f a))
(λ a b c → IsToset.is-trans tos (f a) (f b) (f c))
(λ a b a≤b b≤a → isEmbedding→Inj emb a b
(IsToset.is-antisym tos (f a) (f b) a≤b b≤a))
λ a b → IsToset.is-total tos (f a) (f b)
isTosetDual : IsToset R → IsToset (Dual R)
isTosetDual tos
= istoset (IsToset.is-set tos)
(λ a b → IsToset.is-prop-valued tos b a)
(IsToset.is-refl tos)
(λ a b c Rab Rbc → IsToset.is-trans tos c b a Rbc Rab)
(λ a b Rab Rba → IsToset.is-antisym tos a b Rba Rab)
λ a b → IsToset.is-total tos b a
Toset→Poset : Toset ℓ ℓ' → Poset ℓ ℓ'
Toset→Poset (_ , tos)
= poset _ (TosetStr._≤_ tos)
(isToset→isPoset (TosetStr.isToset tos))
Toset→Loset : (tos : Toset ℓ ℓ')
→ BinaryRelation.isDecidable (TosetStr._≤_ (snd tos))
→ Loset ℓ (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ')
Toset→Loset (_ , tos) dec
= loset _ (BinaryRelation.IrreflKernel (TosetStr._≤_ tos))
(isToset→isLosetIrreflKernel (TosetStr.isToset tos) dec)
DualToset : Toset ℓ ℓ' → Toset ℓ ℓ'
DualToset (_ , tos)
= toset _ (BinaryRelation.Dual (TosetStr._≤_ tos))
(isTosetDual (TosetStr.isToset tos))
module _
{A : Type ℓ}
{_≤_ : Rel A A ℓ'}
(tos : IsToset _≤_)
pos = isToset→isPoset tos
pre = isPoset→isProset pos
prop = IsToset.is-prop-valued tos
rfl = IsToset.is-refl tos
anti = IsToset.is-antisym tos
trans = IsToset.is-trans tos
total = IsToset.is-total tos
module _
{P : Embedding A ℓ''}
toA = fst (snd P)
isMinimal→isLeast : ∀ n → isMinimal pre P n → isLeast pre P n
isMinimal→isLeast n ism m
= ∥₁.rec (prop _ _) (⊎.rec (λ n≤m → n≤m) (λ m≤n → ism m m≤n)) (total (toA n) (toA m))
isMaximal→isGreatest : ∀ n → isMaximal pre P n → isGreatest pre P n
isMaximal→isGreatest n ism m
= ∥₁.rec (prop _ _) (⊎.rec (λ n≤m → ism m n≤m) (λ m≤n → m≤n)) (total (toA n) (toA m))
TosetIsPseudolattice : (tos : Toset ℓ ℓ')
→ isPseudolattice (Toset→Poset tos)
TosetIsPseudolattice tos = meet , join
is = TosetStr.isToset (tos .snd)
posis = PosetStr.isPoset (Toset→Poset tos .snd)
prop = IsToset.is-prop-valued is
rfl = IsToset.is-refl is
trans = IsToset.is-trans is
total = IsToset.is-total is
meet : isMeetSemipseudolattice (Toset→Poset tos)
meet a b = ∥₁.rec (MeetUnique posis a b)
(λ a≤b → a ,
λ x → propBiimpl→Equiv
(prop _ _)
(isProp× (prop _ _) (prop _ _))
(λ x≤a → x≤a , (trans x a b x≤a a≤b))
(λ b≤a → b ,
λ x → propBiimpl→Equiv
(prop _ _)
(isProp× (prop _ _) (prop _ _))
(λ x≤b → trans x b a x≤b b≤a , x≤b)
(total a b)
join : isJoinSemipseudolattice (Toset→Poset tos)
join a b = ∥₁.rec (JoinUnique posis a b)
(λ a≤b → b ,
λ x → propBiimpl→Equiv
(prop _ _)
(isProp× (prop _ _) (prop _ _))
(λ b≤x → trans a b x a≤b b≤x , b≤x)
(λ b≤a → a ,
λ x → propBiimpl→Equiv
(prop _ _)
(isProp× (prop _ _) (prop _ _))
(λ a≤x → a≤x , trans b a x b≤a a≤x)
(total a b)
TosetIsDistributivePseudolattice : (tos : Toset ℓ ℓ')
→ (lat : isPseudolattice (Toset→Poset tos))
→ MeetDistLJoin (Toset→Poset tos) lat
TosetIsDistributivePseudolattice tos lat = dist
_≤_ = TosetStr._≤_ (tos .snd)
is = TosetStr.isToset (tos .snd)
pos = isToset→isPoset is
pro = isPoset→isProset pos
set = IsToset.is-set is
rfl = IsToset.is-refl is
trans = IsToset.is-trans is
anti = IsToset.is-antisym is
total = IsToset.is-total is
_∧l_ : ⟨ tos ⟩ → ⟨ tos ⟩ → ⟨ tos ⟩
a ∧l b = lat .fst a b .fst
meet : ∀ a b → isMeet pro a b (a ∧l b)
meet a b = lat .fst a b .snd
_∨l_ : ⟨ tos ⟩ → ⟨ tos ⟩ → ⟨ tos ⟩
a ∨l b = lat .snd a b .fst
join : ∀ a b → isJoin pro a b (a ∨l b)
join a b = lat .snd a b .snd
order→meet : ∀{a b} → a ≤ b → a ∧l b ≡ a
order→meet {a} {b} a≤b = sym (equivFun (order≃meet pos a b (a ∧l b) (meet a b)) a≤b)
order→join : ∀{a b} → a ≤ b → a ∨l b ≡ b
order→join {a} {b} a≤b = sym (equivFun (order≃join pos a b (a ∨l b) (join a b)) a≤b)
∧Comm : ∀{a b} → a ∧l b ≡ b ∧l a
∧Comm {a} {b} = meetComm pos (λ x y → (x ∧l y) , meet x y) a b
∨Comm : ∀{ a b } → a ∨l b ≡ b ∨l a
∨Comm {a} {b} = joinComm pos (λ x y → (x ∨l y) , join x y) a b
dist : ∀ a b c
→ a ∧l (b ∨l c) ≡ (a ∧l b) ∨l (a ∧l c)
dist a b c = lem1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8
goal = a ∧l (b ∨l c) ≡ (a ∧l b) ∨l (a ∧l c)
lem1 : a ≤ b
→ b ≤ c
→ a ≤ c
→ goal
lem1 a≤b b≤c a≤c = (cong (a ∧l_) (order→join b≤c) ∙
order→meet a≤c) ∙
sym (cong₂ _∨l_ (order→meet a≤b)
(order→meet a≤c) ∙
order→join (rfl a))
lem2 : a ≤ b
→ b ≤ c
→ c ≤ a
→ goal
lem2 a≤b b≤c c≤a = (cong (a ∧l_) (order→join b≤c) ∙
∧Comm ∙
order→meet c≤a) ∙
sym (cong₂ _∨l_ (order→meet a≤b)
(∧Comm ∙ order→meet c≤a) ∙
∨Comm ∙
order→join c≤a ∙
anti a c (trans a b c a≤b b≤c) c≤a)
lem1+2 : a ≤ b
→ b ≤ c
→ goal
lem1+2 a≤b b≤c = ∥₁.rec (set _ _) (⊎.rec (lem1 a≤b b≤c) (lem2 a≤b b≤c)) (total a c)
lem3 : a ≤ b
→ c ≤ b
→ a ≤ c
→ goal
lem3 a≤b c≤b a≤c = (cong (a ∧l_) (∨Comm ∙
order→join c≤b) ∙
order→meet a≤b) ∙
sym (cong₂ _∨l_ (order→meet a≤b)
(order→meet a≤c) ∙
order→join (rfl a))
lem4 : a ≤ b
→ c ≤ b
→ c ≤ a
→ goal
lem4 a≤b c≤b c≤a = (cong (a ∧l_) (∨Comm ∙
order→join c≤b) ∙
order→meet a≤b) ∙
sym (cong₂ _∨l_ (order→meet a≤b)
(∧Comm ∙ order→meet c≤a) ∙
∨Comm ∙
order→join c≤a)
lem3+4 : a ≤ b
→ c ≤ b
→ goal
lem3+4 a≤b c≤b = ∥₁.rec (set _ _ ) (⊎.rec (lem3 a≤b c≤b) (lem4 a≤b c≤b)) (total a c)
lem1+2+3+4 : a ≤ b
→ goal
lem1+2+3+4 a≤b = ∥₁.rec (set _ _) (⊎.rec (lem1+2 a≤b) (lem3+4 a≤b)) (total b c)
lem5 : b ≤ a
→ b ≤ c
→ a ≤ c
→ goal
lem5 b≤a b≤c a≤c = (cong (a ∧l_) (order→join b≤c) ∙
order→meet a≤c) ∙
sym (cong₂ _∨l_ (∧Comm ∙ order→meet b≤a) (order→meet a≤c) ∙
order→join b≤a)
lem6 : b ≤ a
→ b ≤ c
→ c ≤ a
→ goal
lem6 b≤a b≤c c≤a = (cong (a ∧l_) (order→join b≤c) ∙
∧Comm ∙
order→meet c≤a) ∙
sym (cong₂ _∨l_ (∧Comm ∙ order→meet b≤a)
(∧Comm ∙ order→meet c≤a) ∙
order→join b≤c)
lem5+6 : b ≤ a
→ b ≤ c
→ goal
lem5+6 b≤a b≤c = ∥₁.rec (set _ _) (⊎.rec (lem5 b≤a b≤c) (lem6 b≤a b≤c)) (total a c)
lem7 : b ≤ a
→ c ≤ b
→ a ≤ c
→ goal
lem7 b≤a c≤b a≤c = (cong (a ∧l_) (∨Comm ∙ order→join c≤b) ∙
∧Comm ∙
order→meet b≤a) ∙
sym (cong₂ _∨l_ (∧Comm ∙ order→meet b≤a)
(order→meet a≤c) ∙
order→join b≤a ∙ anti a b (trans a c b a≤c c≤b) b≤a)
lem8 : b ≤ a
→ c ≤ b
→ c ≤ a
→ goal
lem8 b≤a c≤b c≤a = (cong (a ∧l_) (∨Comm ∙ order→join c≤b) ∙
∧Comm ∙
order→meet b≤a) ∙
sym (cong₂ _∨l_ (∧Comm ∙ order→meet b≤a)
(∧Comm ∙ order→meet c≤a) ∙
∨Comm ∙ order→join c≤b)
lem7+8 : b ≤ a
→ c ≤ b
→ goal
lem7+8 b≤a c≤b = ∥₁.rec (set _ _) (⊎.rec (lem7 b≤a c≤b) (lem8 b≤a c≤b)) (total a c)
lem5+6+7+8 : b ≤ a
→ goal
lem5+6+7+8 b≤a = ∥₁.rec (set _ _) (⊎.rec (lem5+6 b≤a) (lem7+8 b≤a)) (total b c)
lem1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 : goal
lem1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 = ∥₁.rec (set _ _) (⊎.rec lem1+2+3+4 lem5+6+7+8) (total a b)