
An induction principle for paths in a pushout, described in
Kraus and von Raumer, "Path Spaces of Higher Inductive Types in Homotopy Type Theory"


{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.HITs.Pushout.KrausVonRaumer where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv.Properties
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Functions.Embedding

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as 

open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as Trunc
open import Cubical.HITs.Pushout.Base as 
open import Cubical.HITs.Pushout.Properties

     ℓ' ℓ'' ℓ''' : Level
    A : Type 
    B : Type ℓ'
    C : Type ℓ''

  interpolate : {x y z : A} (q : y  z)
     PathP  i  x  q i  x  z) (_∙ q) (idfun _)
  interpolate q i p j =
       k  λ
        { (j = i0)  p i0
        ; (j = i1)  q (i  k)
        ; (i = i1)  p j
      (p j)

  interpolateCompPath : {x y : A} (p : x  y) {z : A} (q : y  z)
     i  interpolate q i  j  compPath-filler p q i j))  refl
  interpolateCompPath p =
    J  z q   i  interpolate q i  j  compPath-filler p q i j))  refl)
      (homotopySymInv  p i j  compPath-filler p refl (~ i) j) p)

module ElimL
  {f : A  B} {g : A  C} {b₀ : B}
  (P :  b  Path (Pushout f g) (inl b₀) (inl b)  Type ℓ''')
  (Q :  c  Path (Pushout f g) (inl b₀) (inr c)  Type ℓ''')
  (r : P b₀ refl)
  (e : (a : A) (q : inl b₀  inl (f a))  P (f a) q  Q (g a) (q  push a))

  Codes : (d : Pushout f g) (q : inl b₀  d)  Type ℓ'''
  Codes (inl b) q = P b q
  Codes (inr c) q = Q c q
  Codes (push a i) q =
      (Q (g a) (interpolate (push a) i q))
        { (i = i0)  _ , e a q
        ; (i = i1)  _ , idEquiv (Q (g a) q)

  elimL :  b q  P b q
  elimL _ = J Codes r

  elimR :  c q  Q c q
  elimR _ = J Codes r

  refl-β : elimL b₀ refl  r
  refl-β = transportRefl _

  push-β : (a : A) (q : inl b₀  inl (f a))
     elimR (g a) (q  push a)  e a q .fst (elimL (f a) q)
  push-β a q =
    J-∙ Codes r q (push a)
        α  PathP  i  Q (g a) (α i)) (e a q .fst (elimL (f a) q)) (e a q .fst (elimL (f a) q)))
       (interpolateCompPath q (push a) ⁻¹)

module ElimR
  {f : A  B} {g : A  C} {c₀ : C}
  (P :  b  Path (Pushout f g) (inr c₀) (inl b)  Type ℓ''')
  (Q :  c  Path (Pushout f g) (inr c₀) (inr c)  Type ℓ''')
  (r : Q c₀ refl)
  (e : (a : A) (q : inr c₀  inl (f a))  P (f a) q  Q (g a) (q  push a))

  Codes : (d : Pushout f g) (q : inr c₀  d)  Type ℓ'''
  Codes (inl b) q = P b q
  Codes (inr c) q = Q c q
  Codes (push a i) q =
      (Q (g a) (interpolate (push a) i q))
        { (i = i0)  _ , e a q
        ; (i = i1)  _ , idEquiv (Q (g a) q)

  elimL :  b q  P b q
  elimL _ = J Codes r

  elimR :  c q  Q c q
  elimR _ = J Codes r

  refl-β : elimR c₀ refl  r
  refl-β = transportRefl _

  push-β : (a : A) (q : inr c₀  inl (f a))
     elimR (g a) (q  push a)  e a q .fst (elimL (f a) q)
  push-β a q =
    J-∙ Codes r q (push a)
        α  PathP  i  Q (g a) (α i)) (e a q .fst (elimL (f a) q)) (e a q .fst (elimL (f a) q)))
       (interpolateCompPath q (push a) ⁻¹)

-- Example application: pushouts preserve embeddings

isEmbeddingInr :
  (f : A  B) (g : A  C)
   isEmbedding f  isEmbedding (⊔.inr {f = f} {g = g})
isEmbeddingInr f g fEmb c₀ c₁ =
  isoToIsEquiv (iso _ (fst  bwd c₁) (snd  bwd c₁) bwdCong)
  Q :  c  ⊔.inr c₀  ⊔.inr c  Type _
  Q _ q = fiber (cong ⊔.inr) q

  P :  b  ⊔.inr c₀  ⊔.inl b  Type _
  P b p = Σ[ u  fiber f b ] Q _ (p  cong ⊔.inl (u .snd ⁻¹)  push (u .fst))

  module Bwd = ElimR P Q
    (refl , refl)
     a p 
        (P (f a) p  ≃_)
        (cong  w  fiber (cong ⊔.inr) (p  w)) (lUnit (push a) ⁻¹))
        (Σ-contractFst (inhProp→isContr (a , refl) (isEmbedding→hasPropFibers fEmb (f a)))))

  bwd :  c  (t : ⊔.inr c₀  ⊔.inr c)  fiber (cong ⊔.inr) t
  bwd = Bwd.elimR

  bwdCong :  {c}  (r : c₀  c)  bwd c (cong ⊔.inr r) .fst  r
  bwdCong = J  c r  bwd c (cong ⊔.inr r) .fst  r) (cong fst Bwd.refl-β)

-- Further Application: Pushouts of emedding-spans of n-Types are n-Types, for n≥0
module _ (f : A  B) (g : A  C) where
  inlrJointlySurjective :
    (z : Pushout f g)   Σ[ x  (B  C) ] (⊎.rec inl inr x)  z ∥₁
  inlrJointlySurjective =
    elimProp _
              _  isPropPropTrunc)
              b   ⊎.inl b , refl ∣₁)
              c   ⊎.inr c , refl ∣₁)

  preserveHLevelEmbedding :
    {n : HLevel}
     isEmbedding f
     isEmbedding g
     isOfHLevel (2 + n) B
     isOfHLevel (2 + n) C
     isOfHLevel (2 + n) (Pushout f g)
  preserveHLevelEmbedding {n = n} fEmb gEmb isOfHLB isOfHLC =
    isOfHLevelΩ→isOfHLevel n ΩHLevelPushout
    where isEmbInr = isEmbeddingInr f g fEmb
          isEmbInrSwitched = isEmbeddingInr g f gEmb

          equivΩC :  {x : Pushout f g} (c : C) (p : inr c  x)
                     (c  c)  (x  x)
          equivΩC c p = compEquiv (_ , isEmbInr c c) (conjugatePathEquiv p)

          equivΩB :  {x : Pushout f g} (b : B) (p : inl b  x)
                     (b  b)  (x  x)
          equivΩB b p = compEquiv
                          (compEquiv (_ , isEmbInrSwitched b b)
                                     (congEquiv pushoutSwitchEquiv))
                          (conjugatePathEquiv p)

          ΩHLevelPushout : (x : Pushout f g)  isOfHLevel (suc n) (x  x)
          ΩHLevelPushout x =
               _  isPropIsOfHLevel {A = (x  x)} (suc n))
               {(⊎.inl b , p) 
                      (suc n)
                      (equivΩB b p)
                      (isOfHLB b b);
                  (⊎.inr c , p) 
                      (suc n)
                      (equivΩC c p)
                      (isOfHLC c c)})
              (inlrJointlySurjective x)