{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Data.FinSet.Induction where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv renaming (_∙ₑ_ to _⋆_)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as Prop
open import Cubical.HITs.SetTruncation as Set
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
renaming (_+_ to _+ℕ_) hiding (elim)
open import Cubical.Data.Unit
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as Empty
open import Cubical.Data.Sum
open import Cubical.Data.Fin renaming (Fin to Finℕ)
open import Cubical.Data.SumFin
open import Cubical.Data.FinSet.Base
open import Cubical.Data.FinSet.Properties
open import Cubical.Data.FinSet.Constructors
ℓ ℓ' : Level
module _
{ℓ : Level} where
𝟘 : FinSet ℓ
𝟘 = ⊥* , 0 , ∣ uninhabEquiv Empty.rec* Empty.rec ∣₁
𝟙 : FinSet ℓ
𝟙 = Unit* , isContr→isFinSet (isContrUnit*)
_+_ : FinSet ℓ → FinSet ℓ → FinSet ℓ
X + Y = X .fst ⊎ Y .fst , isFinSet⊎ X Y
𝔽in : ℕ → FinSet ℓ
𝔽in 0 = 𝟘
𝔽in (suc n) = 𝟙 + 𝔽in n
𝟘≃Empty : 𝟘 .fst ≃ ⊥
𝟘≃Empty = uninhabEquiv rec* (λ x → x)
𝟙≃Unit : 𝟙 .fst ≃ Unit
𝟙≃Unit = isContr→≃Unit (isContrUnit*)
* : {n : ℕ} → 𝔽in (suc n) .fst
* = inl tt*
𝔽in≃Fin : (n : ℕ) → 𝔽in n .fst ≃ Fin n
𝔽in≃Fin 0 = 𝟘≃Empty
𝔽in≃Fin (suc n) = ⊎-equiv 𝟙≃Unit (𝔽in≃Fin n)
𝔽in≃Finℕ : (n : ℕ) → 𝔽in n .fst ≃ Finℕ n
𝔽in≃Finℕ n = 𝔽in≃Fin n ⋆ SumFin≃Fin n
𝟘+X≡X : {X : FinSet ℓ} → 𝟘 + X ≡ X
𝟘+X≡X {X = X} i .fst = ua (⊎-swap-≃ ⋆ ⊎-equiv (idEquiv (X .fst)) 𝟘≃Empty ⋆ ⊎-IdR-⊥-≃) i
𝟘+X≡X {X = X} i .snd =
isProp→PathP {B = λ i → isFinSet (𝟘+X≡X {X = X} i .fst)}
(λ _ → isPropIsFinSet) ((𝟘 + X) .snd) (X .snd) i
𝔽in1≡𝟙 : 𝔽in 1 ≡ 𝟙
𝔽in1≡𝟙 i .fst = ua (⊎-equiv (idEquiv (𝟙 .fst)) 𝟘≃Empty ⋆ ⊎-IdR-⊥-≃) i
𝔽in1≡𝟙 i .snd =
isProp→PathP {B = λ i → isFinSet (𝔽in1≡𝟙 i .fst)}
(λ _ → isPropIsFinSet) (𝔽in 1 .snd) (𝟙 .snd) i
𝔽in+ : (m n : ℕ) → 𝔽in m + 𝔽in n ≡ 𝔽in (m +ℕ n)
𝔽in+ 0 n = 𝟘+X≡X
𝔽in+ (suc m) n i .fst = (ua (⊎-assoc-≃) ∙ (λ i → (𝟙 + 𝔽in+ m n i) .fst)) i
𝔽in+ (suc m) n i .snd =
isProp→PathP {B = λ i → isFinSet (𝔽in+ (suc m) n i .fst)}
(λ _ → isPropIsFinSet) ((𝔽in (suc m) + 𝔽in n) .snd) (𝔽in (suc m +ℕ n) .snd) i
∣≡𝔽in∣ : (X : FinSet ℓ) → ∥ Σ[ n ∈ ℕ ] X ≡ 𝔽in n ∥₁
∣≡𝔽in∣ X = Prop.map (λ (n , p) → n , path X (n , p)) (isFinSet→isFinSet' (X .snd))
path : (X : FinSet ℓ) → ((n , _) : isFinOrd (X .fst)) → X ≡ 𝔽in n
path X (n , p) i .fst = ua (p ⋆ invEquiv (𝔽in≃Fin n)) i
path X (n , p) i .snd =
isProp→PathP {B = λ i → isFinSet (path X (n , p) i .fst)}
(λ _ → isPropIsFinSet) (X .snd) (𝔽in n .snd) i
module _
(P : FinSet ℓ → Type ℓ')
(h : (X : FinSet ℓ) → isProp (P X)) where
module _
(p : (n : ℕ) → P (𝔽in n)) where
elimProp : (X : FinSet ℓ) → P X
elimProp X = Prop.rec (h X) (λ (n , q) → transport (λ i → P (q (~ i))) (p n)) (∣≡𝔽in∣ X)
module _
(p0 : P 𝟘)
(p1 : {X : FinSet ℓ} → P X → P (𝟙 + X)) where
elimProp𝔽in : (n : ℕ) → P (𝔽in n)
elimProp𝔽in 0 = p0
elimProp𝔽in (suc n) = p1 (elimProp𝔽in n)
elimProp𝟙+ : (X : FinSet ℓ) → P X
elimProp𝟙+ = elimProp elimProp𝔽in
module _
(p0 : P 𝟘)(p1 : P 𝟙)
(p+ : {X Y : FinSet ℓ} → P X → P Y → P (X + Y)) where
elimProp+ : (X : FinSet ℓ) → P X
elimProp+ = elimProp𝟙+ p0 (λ p → p+ p1 p)