
   This file contains a proof of the following fact:
   Given a distributive lattice L with a basis B ⊆ L
   and a sheaf F on B, then the point-wise right Kan extension
   Ran F of F along the inclusion Bᵒᵖ ↪ Lᵒᵖ is a sheaf on L.


{-# OPTIONS --safe --lossy-unification #-}
module Cubical.Categories.DistLatticeSheaf.Extension where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Powerset
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Nat using ( ; _+_)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order hiding (_≤_)
open import Cubical.Data.FinData
open import Cubical.Data.FinData.Order
open import Cubical.Data.Sum

open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Order.Poset
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation

open import Cubical.Algebra.Semilattice
open import Cubical.Algebra.Lattice
open import Cubical.Algebra.DistLattice
open import Cubical.Algebra.DistLattice.Basis
open import Cubical.Algebra.DistLattice.BigOps

open import Cubical.Categories.Category.Base
open import Cubical.Categories.Functor
open import Cubical.Categories.NaturalTransformation
open import Cubical.Categories.Limits.Limits
open import Cubical.Categories.Limits.Pullback
open import Cubical.Categories.Limits.Terminal
open import Cubical.Categories.Limits.RightKan
open import Cubical.Categories.Instances.Poset
open import Cubical.Categories.Instances.Semilattice
open import Cubical.Categories.Instances.Lattice
open import Cubical.Categories.Instances.DistLattice

open import Cubical.Categories.DistLatticeSheaf.Diagram
open import Cubical.Categories.DistLatticeSheaf.Base

     ℓ' ℓ'' : Level

module PreSheafExtension (L : DistLattice ) (C : Category ℓ' ℓ'')
                         (limitC : Limits {} {} C) (L' :  (fst L)) where

 open Category hiding (_∘_)
 open Functor
 open Cone
 open LimCone

  DLCat = DistLatticeCategory L
  DLSubCat = ΣPropCat  DLCat L'
  DLPreSheaf = Functor (DLCat ^op) C
  DLSubPreSheaf = Functor (DLSubCat ^op) C

 baseIncl : Functor DLSubCat DLCat
 F-ob baseIncl = fst
 F-hom baseIncl f = f
 F-id baseIncl = refl
 F-seq baseIncl _ _ = refl

 DLRan : DLSubPreSheaf  DLPreSheaf
 DLRan = Ran limitC (baseIncl ^opF)

 DLRanNatTrans : (F : DLSubPreSheaf)  NatTrans (funcComp (DLRan F) (baseIncl ^opF)) F
 DLRanNatTrans = RanNatTrans _ _

 DLRanUnivProp :  (F : DLSubPreSheaf) (G : DLPreSheaf) (α : NatTrans (G ∘F (baseIncl ^opF)) F)
                ∃![ σ  NatTrans G (DLRan F) ] α  (σ ∘ˡ (baseIncl ^opF)) ●ᵛ (DLRanNatTrans F)
 DLRanUnivProp = RanUnivProp _ _

 DLRanNatIso : (F : DLSubPreSheaf)  NatIso (funcComp (DLRan F) (baseIncl ^opF)) F
 DLRanNatIso F = RanNatIso _ _ _  _ _  idIsEquiv _)

 module _ (isBasisL' : IsBasis L L') (F : DLSubPreSheaf)
          (isSheafF : SheafOnBasis.isDLBasisSheaf L C L' isBasisL' F) where
  open SheafOnBasis L C L' isBasisL'
  open Order (DistLattice→Lattice L)
  open DistLatticeStr (snd L)
  open Join L
  open JoinSemilattice (Lattice→JoinSemilattice (DistLattice→Lattice L))
  open MeetSemilattice (Lattice→MeetSemilattice (DistLattice→Lattice L))
      using (∧≤RCancel ; ∧≤LCancel ; ≤-∧Pres ; ≤-∧RPres ; ≤-∧LPres)
  open PosetStr (IndPoset .snd) hiding (_≤_; is-set)
  open IsBasis ⦃...⦄
  open EquivalenceOfDefs L C (DLRan F)
  open condCone

    _ = isBasisL'

   F* = T* limitC (baseIncl ^opF) F

  -- a neat lemma
  F≤PathPLemmaBase :  {x y z w : ob DLSubCat} (p : x  y) (q : z  w)
                      (x≥z : (DLSubCat ^op) [ x , z ]) (y≥w : (DLSubCat ^op) [ y , w ])
        PathP  i  C [ F .F-ob (p i) , F .F-ob (q i) ]) (F .F-hom x≥z) (F .F-hom y≥w)
  F≤PathPLemmaBase p q x≥z y≥w i =
       F .F-hom (isProp→PathP  j  is-prop-valued (q j .fst) (p j .fst)) x≥z y≥w i)

  -- the crucial lemmas that will give us the cones needed to construct the unique
  -- arrow in our pullback square below
  module _ {n : } (α : FinVec (fst L) n) (α∈L' :  i  α i  L') where
    private -- from the definition of the can extension
      ⋁α↓ = _↓Diag limitC (baseIncl ^opF) F ( α)
      F[⋁α]Cone = limitC ⋁α↓ (F* ( α)) .limCone

    -- notation that will be used throughout the file.
    -- this is the restriction of the limiting cone through which we define
    -- the Kan-extension to the αᵢ's
    restCone : Cone (funcComp F (BDiag  i  α i , α∈L' i))) (DLRan F .F-ob ( α))
    coneOut restCone (sing i) = F[⋁α]Cone .coneOut ((α i , α∈L' i) , ind≤⋁ α i)
    coneOut restCone (pair i j i<j) = F[⋁α]Cone .coneOut
                     ((α i ∧l α j , ∧lClosed _ _ (α∈L' i) (α∈L' j))
                   , is-trans _ (α i) _ (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _)) (ind≤⋁ α i))
    coneOutCommutes restCone {u = sing i} idAr = F[⋁α]Cone .coneOutCommutes
                                                   (is-refl _ , is-prop-valued _ _ _ _)
    coneOutCommutes restCone {u = pair i j i<j} idAr = F[⋁α]Cone .coneOutCommutes
                                                   (is-refl _ , is-prop-valued _ _ _ _)
    coneOutCommutes restCone singPairL = F[⋁α]Cone .coneOutCommutes
                                           (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _) , is-prop-valued _ _ _ _)
    coneOutCommutes restCone singPairR = F[⋁α]Cone .coneOutCommutes
                                           (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _) , is-prop-valued _ _ _ _)

    -- super technical stuff culminating in the last lemma,
    -- which will be the only one used. Lemma 1-3 are therefore private
      -- notation for applying the hypothesis that we have a sheaf on the basis
      β : (u : fst L)  FinVec (fst L) n
      β u i = u ∧l α i

      β∈L' :  (u : fst L)  u  L'   i  β u i  L'
      β∈L' u u∈L' i = ∧lClosed _ _ u∈L' (α∈L' i)

      β≡ :  (u : fst L)  u   α  u   (β u)
      β≡ u u≤⋁α = sym (≤j→≤m _ _ u≤⋁α)  ⋁Meetrdist _ _

      ⋁β∈L' :  (u : fst L)  u  L'  u   α   (β u)  L'
      ⋁β∈L' u u∈L' u≤⋁α = subst-∈ L' (β≡ u u≤⋁α) u∈L'

      βCone : (c : ob C) (u : fst L) (u∈L' : u  L')
             Cone (funcComp F (BDiag  i  α i , α∈L' i))) c
             Cone (funcComp F (BDiag  i  β u i , β∈L' u u∈L' i))) c
      coneOut (βCone c u u∈L' cc) (sing i) = coneOut cc (sing i)
        ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _))
      coneOut (βCone c u u∈L' cc) (pair i j i<j) = coneOut cc (pair i j i<j)
        ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (≤-∧Pres _ _ _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _) (∧≤LCancel _ _)))
      coneOutCommutes (βCone c u u∈L' cc) {u = v} idAr =
        cong  x  coneOut (βCone c u u∈L' cc) v ⋆⟨ C  x)
             (F-id (funcComp F (BDiag  i  β u i , β∈L' u u∈L' i))))
         ⋆IdR C _
      coneOutCommutes (βCone c u u∈L' cc) (singPairL {i = i} {j} {i<j}) =
          coneOut cc (sing i) ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _))
            ⋆⟨ C  (funcComp F (BDiag  i  β u i , β∈L' u u∈L' i)) .F-hom singPairL)
        ≡⟨ ⋆Assoc C _ _ _ 
          coneOut cc (sing i) ⋆⟨ C  (F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _))
            ⋆⟨ C  (funcComp F (BDiag  i  β u i , β∈L' u u∈L' i)) .F-hom singPairL))
        ≡⟨ cong  x  coneOut cc (sing i) ⋆⟨ C  x) (sym (F .F-seq _ _)) 
          coneOut cc (sing i) ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom
            (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _) ⋆⟨ DLCat ^op 
            (BDiag  i  β u i , β∈L' u u∈L' i) .F-hom (singPairL {i = i} {j} {i<j})))
        ≡⟨ cong  x  coneOut cc (sing i) ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom
                {y = β u i ∧l β u j , ∧lClosed _ _ (β∈L' u u∈L' i) (β∈L' u u∈L' j)} x)
                (is-prop-valued _ _ _ _) 
          coneOut cc (sing i)
            ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom ((BDiag  i  α i , α∈L' i)) .F-hom  (singPairL {i = i} {j} {i<j})
            ⋆⟨ DLCat ^op  ≤m→≤j _ _ (≤-∧Pres _ _ _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _) (∧≤LCancel _ _)))
        ≡⟨ cong  x  coneOut cc (sing i) ⋆⟨ C  x) (F .F-seq _ _) 
          coneOut cc (sing i)
            ⋆⟨ C  ((funcComp F (BDiag  i  α i , α∈L' i)) .F-hom  (singPairL {i = i} {j} {i<j}))
            ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (≤-∧Pres _ _ _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _) (∧≤LCancel _ _))))
        ≡⟨ sym (⋆Assoc C _ _ _) 
          (coneOut cc (sing i)
            ⋆⟨ C  (funcComp F (BDiag  i  α i , α∈L' i)) .F-hom  (singPairL {i = i} {j} {i<j})))
            ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom ((≤m→≤j _ _ (≤-∧Pres _ _ _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _) (∧≤LCancel _ _))))
        ≡⟨ cong  x  x ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom
                 {y = β u i ∧l β u j , ∧lClosed _ _ (β∈L' u u∈L' i) (β∈L' u u∈L' j)}
                 (≤m→≤j _ _ (≤-∧Pres _ _ _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _) (∧≤LCancel _ _))))
                 (coneOutCommutes cc (singPairL {i = i} {j} {i<j})) 
          coneOut (βCone c u u∈L' cc) (pair i j i<j) 

      coneOutCommutes (βCone c u u∈L' cc) (singPairR {i = i} {j} {i<j}) =
          coneOut cc (sing j) ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _))
            ⋆⟨ C  (funcComp F (BDiag  i  β u i , β∈L' u u∈L' i)) .F-hom singPairR)
        ≡⟨ ⋆Assoc C _ _ _ 
          coneOut cc (sing j) ⋆⟨ C  (F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _))
            ⋆⟨ C  (funcComp F (BDiag  i  β u i , β∈L' u u∈L' i)) .F-hom singPairR))
        ≡⟨ cong  x  coneOut cc (sing j) ⋆⟨ C  x) (sym (F .F-seq _ _)) 
          coneOut cc (sing j) ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom
            (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _) ⋆⟨ DLCat ^op 
            (BDiag  i  β u i , β∈L' u u∈L' i) .F-hom (singPairR {i = i} {j} {i<j})))
        ≡⟨ cong  x  coneOut cc (sing j) ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom
                {y = β u i ∧l β u j , ∧lClosed _ _ (β∈L' u u∈L' i) (β∈L' u u∈L' j)} x)
                (is-prop-valued _ _ _ _) 
          coneOut cc (sing j)
            ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom ((BDiag  i  α i , α∈L' i)) .F-hom (singPairR {i = i} {j} {i<j})
            ⋆⟨ DLCat ^op  ≤m→≤j _ _ (≤-∧Pres _ _ _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _) (∧≤LCancel _ _)))
        ≡⟨ cong  x  coneOut cc (sing j) ⋆⟨ C  x) (F .F-seq _ _) 
          coneOut cc (sing j)
            ⋆⟨ C  ((funcComp F (BDiag  i  α i , α∈L' i)) .F-hom (singPairR {i = i} {j} {i<j}))
            ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (≤-∧Pres _ _ _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _) (∧≤LCancel _ _))))
        ≡⟨ sym (⋆Assoc C _ _ _) 
          (coneOut cc (sing j)
            ⋆⟨ C  (funcComp F (BDiag  i  α i , α∈L' i)) .F-hom (singPairR {i = i} {j} {i<j})))
            ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom ((≤m→≤j _ _ (≤-∧Pres _ _ _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _) (∧≤LCancel _ _))))
        ≡⟨ cong  x  x ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom
                 {y = β u i ∧l β u j , ∧lClosed _ _ (β∈L' u u∈L' i) (β∈L' u u∈L' j)}
                 (≤m→≤j _ _ (≤-∧Pres _ _ _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _) (∧≤LCancel _ _))))
                 (coneOutCommutes cc (singPairR {i = i} {j} {i<j})) 
          coneOut (βCone c u u∈L' cc) (pair i j i<j) 

      -- this is the crucial application of our assumption that F is a sheaf on L'
      uniqβConeMor : (c : ob C) (cc : Cone (funcComp F (BDiag  i  α i , α∈L' i))) c)
                     (u : fst L) (u∈L' : u  L') (u≤⋁α : u   α)
                    ∃![ f  C [ c , F .F-ob ( (β u) , ⋁β∈L' u u∈L' u≤⋁α) ] ]
                       (isConeMor (βCone c u u∈L' cc)
                       (F-cone F (B⋁Cone  i  β u i , β∈L' u u∈L' i) (⋁β∈L' u u∈L' u≤⋁α))) f)
      uniqβConeMor c cc u u∈L' u≤⋁α =
        isSheafF  i  β u i , β∈L' u u∈L' i) (⋁β∈L' u u∈L' u≤⋁α) c (βCone c u u∈L' cc)

      -- the lemma giving us the desired cone
      lemma1 : (c : ob C)  Cone (funcComp F (BDiag  i  α i , α∈L' i))) c  Cone (F* ( α)) c
      coneOut (lemma1 c cc) ((u , u∈L') , u≤⋁α) =
        subst  x  C [ c , F .F-ob x ])
              (Σ≡Prop  x  L' x .snd) {u = _ , ⋁β∈L' u u∈L' u≤⋁α} (sym (β≡ u u≤⋁α)))
              (uniqβConeMor c cc u u∈L' u≤⋁α .fst .fst)
      coneOutCommutes (lemma1 c cc) {u = ((u , u∈L') , u≤⋁α)} {v = ((v , v∈L') , v≤⋁α)} (v≤u , p) =
        transport  i  fᵤPathP i ⋆⟨ C  ePathP i  fᵥPathP i) triangle
        e : C [ F .F-ob ( (β u) , ⋁β∈L' u u∈L' u≤⋁α) , F .F-ob ( (β v) , ⋁β∈L' v v∈L' v≤⋁α) ]
        e = F .F-hom (subst2 _≤_ (β≡ v v≤⋁α) (β≡ u u≤⋁α) v≤u) -- F(⋁βᵥ≤⋁βᵤ)

        fᵤ : C [ c , F .F-ob ( (β u) , ⋁β∈L' u u∈L' u≤⋁α) ]
        fᵤ = uniqβConeMor c cc u u∈L' u≤⋁α .fst .fst

        fᵥ : C [ c , F .F-ob ( (β v) , ⋁β∈L' v v∈L' v≤⋁α) ]
        fᵥ = uniqβConeMor c cc v v∈L' v≤⋁α .fst .fst

        -- for convenience
        pᵤ = (Σ≡Prop  x  L' x .snd) {u = _ , ⋁β∈L' u u∈L' u≤⋁α} (sym (β≡ u u≤⋁α)))
        pᵥ = (Σ≡Prop  x  L' x .snd) {u = _ , ⋁β∈L' v v∈L' v≤⋁α} (sym (β≡ v v≤⋁α)))

        fᵤPathP : PathP  i  C [ c , F .F-ob (pᵤ i) ])
                    fᵤ (coneOut (lemma1 c cc) ((u , u∈L') , u≤⋁α))
        fᵤPathP = subst-filler  x  C [ c , F .F-ob x ]) pᵤ fᵤ

        fᵥPathP : PathP  i  C [ c , F .F-ob (pᵥ i) ])
                    fᵥ (coneOut (lemma1 c cc) ((v , v∈L') , v≤⋁α))
        fᵥPathP = subst-filler  x  C [ c , F .F-ob x ]) pᵥ fᵥ

        ePathP : PathP  i  C [ F .F-ob (pᵤ i) , F .F-ob (pᵥ i) ]) e (F .F-hom v≤u)
        ePathP i = F .F-hom (subst2-filler (_≤_) (β≡ v v≤⋁α) (β≡ u u≤⋁α) v≤u (~ i))

        -- triangle to be transported by universal property
        triangle : fᵤ ⋆⟨ C  e  fᵥ
        triangle = sym (cong fst (uniqβConeMor c cc v v∈L' v≤⋁α .snd (fᵤ ⋆⟨ C  e , compIsConeMor)))
          compIsConeMor : isConeMor (βCone c v v∈L' cc)
                           (F-cone F (B⋁Cone  i  β v i , β∈L' v v∈L' i) (⋁β∈L' v v∈L' v≤⋁α)))
                           (fᵤ ⋆⟨ C  e)
          compIsConeMor = isConeMorSingLemma
                            (βCone c v v∈L' cc)
                            (F-cone F (B⋁Cone  i  β v i , β∈L' v v∈L' i) (⋁β∈L' v v∈L' v≤⋁α)))
            singCase :  i  (fᵤ ⋆⟨ C  e) ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (ind≤⋁ (β v) i)
                      coneOut cc (sing i) ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j (v ∧l α i) (α i) (∧≤LCancel _ _))
            singCase i =
                (fᵤ ⋆⟨ C  e) ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (ind≤⋁ (β v) i)
              ≡⟨ ⋆Assoc C _ _ _ 
                fᵤ ⋆⟨ C  (e ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (ind≤⋁ (β v) i))
              ≡⟨ cong  x  fᵤ ⋆⟨ C  x) (sym (F .F-seq _ _))  
                fᵤ ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom
                  (subst2 _≤_ (β≡ v v≤⋁α) (β≡ u u≤⋁α) v≤u ⋆⟨ DLCat ^op  ind≤⋁ (β v) i)
              ≡⟨ cong  x  fᵤ ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom {y = _ , ∧lClosed _ _ v∈L' (α∈L' i)} x)
                      (is-prop-valued _ _ _ _) 
                fᵤ ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom
                  (ind≤⋁ (β u) i ⋆⟨ DLCat ^op  ≤m→≤j _ _ (≤-∧RPres _ _ _ (≤j→≤m _ _ v≤u)))
              ≡⟨ cong  x  fᵤ ⋆⟨ C  x) (F .F-seq _ _) 
                fᵤ ⋆⟨ C  (F .F-hom {y = _ , ∧lClosed _ _ u∈L' (α∈L' i)} (ind≤⋁ (β u) i)
                   ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (≤-∧RPres _ _ _ (≤j→≤m _ _ v≤u))))
              ≡⟨ sym (⋆Assoc C _ _ _) 
                (fᵤ ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom {y = _ , ∧lClosed _ _ u∈L' (α∈L' i)} (ind≤⋁ (β u) i))
                    ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (≤-∧RPres _ _ _ (≤j→≤m _ _ v≤u)))
              ≡⟨ cong  x  x ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (≤-∧RPres _ _ _ (≤j→≤m _ _ v≤u))))
                      (uniqβConeMor c cc u u∈L' u≤⋁α .fst .snd (sing i)) 
                (coneOut cc (sing i) ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom {y = _ , ∧lClosed _ _ u∈L' (α∈L' i)}
                                                      (≤m→≤j (u ∧l α i) (α i) (∧≤LCancel _ _)))
                                     ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (≤-∧RPres _ _ _ (≤j→≤m _ _ v≤u)))
              ≡⟨ ⋆Assoc C _ _ _ 
                coneOut cc (sing i) ⋆⟨ C  (F .F-hom {y = _ , ∧lClosed _ _ u∈L' (α∈L' i)}
                                                      (≤m→≤j (u ∧l α i) (α i) (∧≤LCancel _ _))
                                    ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (≤-∧RPres _ _ _ (≤j→≤m _ _ v≤u))))
              ≡⟨ cong  x  coneOut cc (sing i) ⋆⟨ C  x) (sym (F .F-seq _ _)) 
                coneOut cc (sing i) ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom
                  (≤m→≤j (u ∧l α i) (α i) (∧≤LCancel _ _)
                    ⋆⟨ DLCat ^op  ≤m→≤j _ _ (≤-∧RPres _ _ _ (≤j→≤m _ _ v≤u)))
              ≡⟨ cong  x  coneOut cc (sing i) ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom
                     {y = _ , ∧lClosed _ _ v∈L' (α∈L' i)} x)
                     (is-prop-valued _ _ _ _) 
                coneOut cc (sing i) ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j (v ∧l α i) (α i) (∧≤LCancel _ _)) 

      -- gives us preservation of cone morphisms that ensure uniqueness
      lemma2 :  (c : ob C) (cc : Cone (funcComp F (BDiag  i  α i , α∈L' i))) c)
                 (f : C [ c , (DLRan F .F-ob ( α)) ])
              isConeMor cc restCone f
              isConeMor (lemma1 c cc)  F[⋁α]Cone f
      lemma2 c cc f isRestConeMorf ((u , u∈L') , u≤⋁α) =
        transport  i  f ⋆⟨ C  coneOutPathP i  bᵤPathP i) triangle
        -- for convenience
        pᵤ = Σ≡Prop  x  L' x .snd) {u = _ , ⋁β∈L' u u∈L' u≤⋁α}
                                      {v = _ , u∈L'} (sym (β≡ u u≤⋁α))

        bᵤ : C [ c , F .F-ob ( (β u) , ⋁β∈L' u u∈L' u≤⋁α) ]
        bᵤ = uniqβConeMor c cc u u∈L' u≤⋁α .fst .fst

        bᵤPathP : PathP  i  C [ c , F .F-ob (pᵤ i) ])
                    bᵤ (coneOut (lemma1 c cc) ((u , u∈L') , u≤⋁α))
        bᵤPathP = subst-filler  x  C [ c , F .F-ob x ]) pᵤ bᵤ

        ⋁βᵤ : ob ⋁α↓
        ⋁βᵤ = (( (β u) , ⋁β∈L' u u∈L' u≤⋁α) , subst (_≤  α) (β≡ u u≤⋁α) u≤⋁α)

        coneOutPathP : PathP  i  C [ (DLRan F .F-ob ( α)) , F .F-ob (pᵤ i) ])
                         (coneOut F[⋁α]Cone ⋁βᵤ) (coneOut F[⋁α]Cone ((u , u∈L') , u≤⋁α))
        coneOutPathP i = coneOut F[⋁α]Cone ((pᵤ i) , subst-filler (_≤  α) (β≡ u u≤⋁α) u≤⋁α (~ i))

        triangle : f ⋆⟨ C  coneOut F[⋁α]Cone ⋁βᵤ  bᵤ
        triangle = sym (cong fst (uniqβConeMor c cc u u∈L' u≤⋁α .snd
                                 (f ⋆⟨ C  coneOut F[⋁α]Cone ⋁βᵤ , compIsConeMor)))
          compIsConeMor : isConeMor (βCone c u u∈L' cc)
                           (F-cone F (B⋁Cone  i  β u i , β∈L' u u∈L' i) (⋁β∈L' u u∈L' u≤⋁α)))
                           (f ⋆⟨ C  coneOut F[⋁α]Cone ⋁βᵤ)
          compIsConeMor = isConeMorSingLemma
                            (βCone c u u∈L' cc)
                            (F-cone F (B⋁Cone  i  β u i , β∈L' u u∈L' i) (⋁β∈L' u u∈L' u≤⋁α)))
            u∧αᵢ≤⋁α :  i  (DLCat ^op) [  α , u ∧l α i ]
            u∧αᵢ≤⋁α _ = is-trans _ _ _ (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _)) u≤⋁α

            singCase :  i  (f ⋆⟨ C  coneOut F[⋁α]Cone ⋁βᵤ) ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (ind≤⋁ (β u) i)
                            coneOut (βCone c u u∈L' cc) (sing i)
            singCase i =
                (f ⋆⟨ C  coneOut F[⋁α]Cone ⋁βᵤ) ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (ind≤⋁ (β u) i)
              ≡⟨ ⋆Assoc C _ _ _ 
                f ⋆⟨ C  (coneOut F[⋁α]Cone ⋁βᵤ ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (ind≤⋁ (β u) i))
              ≡⟨ cong  x  f ⋆⟨ C  x)
                      (coneOutCommutes F[⋁α]Cone (ind≤⋁ (β u) i , is-prop-valued _ _ _ _)) 
                f ⋆⟨ C  coneOut F[⋁α]Cone ((u ∧l α i , ∧lClosed _ _ u∈L' (α∈L' i)) , u∧αᵢ≤⋁α i)
              ≡⟨ cong  x  f ⋆⟨ C  x) (sym (coneOutCommutes F[⋁α]Cone
                      (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _) , is-prop-valued _ _ _ _))) 
                f ⋆⟨ C  (coneOut F[⋁α]Cone ((α i , α∈L' i) , ind≤⋁ α i)
                  ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _)))
              ≡⟨ sym (⋆Assoc C _ _ _) 
                (f ⋆⟨ C  coneOut F[⋁α]Cone ((α i , α∈L' i) , ind≤⋁ α i))
                   ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _))
              ≡⟨ cong  x  x ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _))) (isRestConeMorf (sing i)) 
                coneOut cc (sing i) ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _)) 

      -- the other direction, surprisingly hard
      lemma3 :  (c : ob C) (cc : Cone (funcComp F (BDiag  i  α i , α∈L' i))) c)
                 (f : C [ c , DLRan F .F-ob ( α) ])
              isConeMor (lemma1 c cc) F[⋁α]Cone f
              isConeMor cc restCone f
      lemma3 c cc f isConeMorF = isConeMorSingLemma cc restCone singCase
        singCase :  i  f ⋆⟨ C  coneOut restCone (sing i)  coneOut cc (sing i)
        singCase i =
          subst  g  f ⋆⟨ C  (F[⋁α]Cone .coneOut ((α i , α∈L' i) , ind≤⋁ α i))  g)
            (transport  j  helperPathP j  ccᵢSubstFiller (~ j)) ccᵢSubstPath)
          assumption : f ⋆⟨ C  (F[⋁α]Cone .coneOut ((α i , α∈L' i) , ind≤⋁ α i))
                      coneOut (lemma1 c cc) ((α i , α∈L' i) , ind≤⋁ α i)
          assumption = isConeMorF ((α i , α∈L' i) , ind≤⋁ α i)

          -- modulo transport
          Σpathhelper : (α i , α∈L' i)  ( (β (α i)) , ⋁β∈L' (α i) (α∈L' i) (ind≤⋁ α i))
          Σpathhelper = Σ≡Prop  x  L' x .snd) (β≡ (α i) (ind≤⋁ α i))

          Σpathhelper2 : ( (β (α i)) , ⋁β∈L' (α i) (α∈L' i) (ind≤⋁ α i))  (α i , α∈L' i)
          Σpathhelper2 = Σ≡Prop  x  L' x .snd) (sym (β≡ (α i) (ind≤⋁ α i)))

          ccᵢSubst : C [ c , F .F-ob  ( (β (α i)) , ⋁β∈L' (α i) (α∈L' i) (ind≤⋁ α i)) ]
          ccᵢSubst = subst  x  C [ c , F .F-ob x ])
                       (Σ≡Prop  x  L' x .snd) (β≡ (α i) (ind≤⋁ α i)))
                       (coneOut cc (sing i))

          ccᵢSubstFiller : PathP  j  C [ c , F .F-ob (Σpathhelper j) ])
                                 (coneOut cc (sing i)) ccᵢSubst
          ccᵢSubstFiller = subst-filler  x  C [ c , F .F-ob x ]) Σpathhelper (coneOut cc (sing i))

          βSubstFiller : PathP  j  C [ c , F .F-ob (Σpathhelper2 j) ])
                      (uniqβConeMor c cc (α i) (α∈L' i) (ind≤⋁ α i) .fst .fst)
                      (coneOut (lemma1 c cc) ((α i , α∈L' i) , ind≤⋁ α i))
          βSubstFiller = subst-filler  x  C [ c , F .F-ob x ]) Σpathhelper2
                                      (uniqβConeMor c cc (α i) (α∈L' i) (ind≤⋁ α i) .fst .fst)

          Σpathhelperpath : Σpathhelper2  sym Σpathhelper
          Σpathhelperpath = isSetL' _ _ _ _
           isSetL' : isSet (ob DLSubCat)
           isSetL' = isSetΣSndProp is-set λ x  L' x .snd

          helperPathP : PathP  j  C [ c , F .F-ob (Σpathhelper (~ j)) ])
                              (uniqβConeMor c cc (α i) (α∈L' i) (ind≤⋁ α i) .fst .fst)
                              (coneOut (lemma1 c cc) ((α i , α∈L' i) , ind≤⋁ α i))
          helperPathP = subst  p  PathP  j  C [ c , F .F-ob (p j) ])
                              (uniqβConeMor c cc (α i) (α∈L' i) (ind≤⋁ α i) .fst .fst)
                              (coneOut (lemma1 c cc) ((α i , α∈L' i) , ind≤⋁ α i)))
                              Σpathhelperpath βSubstFiller

          ccᵢSubstIsConeMor : isConeMor (βCone c (α i) (α∈L' i) cc)
                           (F-cone F (B⋁Cone  j  (β (α i) j) , β∈L' (α i) (α∈L' i) j)
                                              (⋁β∈L' (α i) (α∈L' i) (ind≤⋁ α i))))
          ccᵢSubstIsConeMor = isConeMorSingLemma (βCone c (α i) (α∈L' i) cc)
                           (F-cone F (B⋁Cone  j  (β (α i) j) , β∈L' (α i) (α∈L' i) j)
                                              (⋁β∈L' (α i) (α∈L' i) (ind≤⋁ α i))))
            singCase2 : (j : Fin n)  ccᵢSubst ⋆⟨ C  F-hom F (ind≤⋁ (β (α i)) j)
                                     coneOut cc (sing j) ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _))
            singCase2 j =
                 𝕚  ccᵢSubstFiller (~ 𝕚)
                         ⋆⟨ C  F≤PathPLemmaBase
                                  (sym Σpathhelper) refl
                                  (ind≤⋁ (β (α i)) j) (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _)) 𝕚)
              path : coneOut cc (sing i) ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _))
                    coneOut cc (sing j) ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _))
              path with (i ≟Fin j)
              ... | (lt i<j) = coneOutCommutes cc (singPairL {i<j = i<j})
                              sym (coneOutCommutes cc singPairR)
              ... | (gt j<i) = transport  𝕚  B 𝕚) almostPath
                ∧Path : Path (ob DLSubCat) (α j ∧l α i , β∈L' (α j) (α∈L' j) i)
                                           (α i ∧l α j , β∈L' (α i) (α∈L' i) j)
                ∧Path = Σ≡Prop  x  L' x .snd) (∧lComm _ _)

                almostPath : coneOut cc (sing i) ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _))
                            coneOut cc (sing j) ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _))
                almostPath = (coneOutCommutes cc (singPairR {i<j = j<i})
                            sym (coneOutCommutes cc singPairL))

                B : I  Type ℓ''
                B = λ 𝕚  coneOut cc (sing i) ⋆⟨ C  F≤PathPLemmaBase refl ∧Path
                                                       (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _))
                                                       (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _)) 𝕚
                         coneOut cc (sing j) ⋆⟨ C  F≤PathPLemmaBase refl ∧Path
                                                       (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _))
                                                       (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _)) 𝕚

              ... | (eq i≡j) =
                  coneOut cc (sing i) ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _))
                ≡⟨  𝕚  coneOut cc (sing (i≡j 𝕚))
                            ⋆⟨ C  F≤PathPLemmaBase  𝕛  α (i≡j 𝕛) , α∈L' (i≡j 𝕛))
                                                   (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _))
                                                   (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _)) 𝕚) 
                  coneOut cc (sing j) ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _)) 

          ccᵢSubstPath : uniqβConeMor c cc (α i) (α∈L' i) (ind≤⋁ α i) .fst .fst  ccᵢSubst
          ccᵢSubstPath = cong fst
            (uniqβConeMor c cc (α i) (α∈L' i) (ind≤⋁ α i) .snd (ccᵢSubst , ccᵢSubstIsConeMor))

    -- putting it all together
    coverLemma :  (c : ob C) (cc : Cone (funcComp F (BDiag  i  α i , α∈L' i))) c)
            ∃![ f  C [ c , DLRan F .F-ob ( α) ] ] isConeMor cc restCone f
    coverLemma c cc = uniqueExists
      (fromUnivProp .fst .fst)
        (lemma3 c cc _ (fromUnivProp .fst .snd))
           _  isPropIsConeMor _ _ _)
            λ g isConeMorG  cong fst (fromUnivProp .snd (g , lemma2 c cc g isConeMorG))
      fromUnivProp : ∃![ f  C [ c , DLRan F .F-ob ( α) ] ] isConeMor (lemma1 c cc) F[⋁α]Cone f
      fromUnivProp = limitC ⋁α↓ (F* ( α)) .univProp c (lemma1 c cc)

  -- a little notation that is used in the following module but should be outside
  open FinSumChar using (++FinInl ; ++FinInr)
                  renaming (fun to FSCfun ; inv to FSCinv ; sec to FSCsec)

      β++γ∈L' : {n : } {n' : } {γ : FinVec (fst L) n'} {β : FinVec (fst L) n}
                (β∈L' :  i  β i  L') (γ∈L' :  i  γ i  L')
                i  (β ++Fin γ) i  L'
      β++γ∈L' β∈L' γ∈L' = ++FinPres∈ L' β∈L' γ∈L'

      ++FinInlΣ : {n : } {n' : } {γ : FinVec (fst L) n'} {β : FinVec (fst L) n}
                  (β∈L' :  i  β i  L') (γ∈L' :  i  γ i  L')
                i  Path (ob DLSubCat) (β i , β∈L' i)
                         ((β ++Fin γ) (FSCfun _ _ (inl i)) , β++γ∈L' β∈L' γ∈L' (FSCfun _ _ (inl i)))
      ++FinInlΣ {ℕ.zero} _ _ ()
      ++FinInlΣ {ℕ.suc n} _ _ zero = refl
      ++FinInlΣ {ℕ.suc n} β∈L' γ∈L' (suc i) = ++FinInlΣ (β∈L'  suc) γ∈L' i

      ++FinInrΣ : {n : } {n' : } {γ : FinVec (fst L) n'} {β : FinVec (fst L) n}
                  (β∈L' :  i  β i  L') (γ∈L' :  i  γ i  L')
                i  Path (ob DLSubCat) (γ i , γ∈L' i)
                         ((β ++Fin γ) (FSCfun _ _ (inr i)) , β++γ∈L' β∈L' γ∈L' (FSCfun _ _ (inr i)))
      ++FinInrΣ {ℕ.zero} _ _ i = refl
      ++FinInrΣ {ℕ.suc n} β∈L' γ∈L' i = ++FinInrΣ (β∈L'  suc) γ∈L' i

  module ++Lemmas {c : ob C} {n' : } {γ : FinVec (fst L) n'} {γ∈L' :  i  γ i  L'}
                  (ccγ : Cone (funcComp F (BDiag  i  γ i , γ∈L' i))) c) where

      β∧γ : {n : } {β : FinVec (fst L) n} (β∈L' :  i  β i  L')
           Fin n  Fin n'  ob DLSubCat
      β∧γ {β = β} β∈L' i j = (β i ∧l γ j) , ∧lClosed _ _ (β∈L' i) (γ∈L' j)

      β≥β∧γ : {n : } {β : FinVec (fst L) n} (β∈L' :  i  β i  L')
              i j  (DLSubCat ^op) [ (β i , β∈L' i) , β∧γ β∈L' i j ]
      β≥β∧γ β∈L' i j = ≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _)

      γ≥β∧γ : {n : } {β : FinVec (fst L) n} (β∈L' :  i  β i  L')
              i j  (DLSubCat ^op) [ (γ j , γ∈L' j) , β∧γ β∈L' i j ]
      γ≥β∧γ β∈L' i j = ≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _)

      CommHypType : {n : } {β : FinVec (fst L) n} (β∈L' :  i  β i  L')
                    (ccβ : Cone (funcComp F (BDiag  i  β i , β∈L' i))) c)
                   Type ℓ''
      CommHypType β∈L' ccβ =  i j 
          ccβ .coneOut (sing i)
            ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom {y = _ , ∧lClosed _ _ (β∈L' i) (γ∈L' j)} (β≥β∧γ β∈L' i j)
         ccγ .coneOut (sing j) ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (γ≥β∧γ β∈L' i j)

      coneSuc : {n : } {β : FinVec (fst L) (ℕ.suc n)} {β∈L' :  i  β i  L'}
               Cone (funcComp F (BDiag  i  β i , β∈L' i))) c
               Cone (funcComp F (BDiag  i  β (suc i) , β∈L' (suc i)))) c
      coneOut (coneSuc ccβ) (sing i) = coneOut ccβ (sing (suc i))
      coneOut (coneSuc ccβ) (pair i j i<j) = coneOut ccβ (pair (suc i) (suc j) (s≤s i<j))
      coneOutCommutes (coneSuc ccβ) {u = sing i} idAr = coneOutCommutes ccβ idAr
      coneOutCommutes (coneSuc ccβ) {u = pair i j i<j} idAr = coneOutCommutes ccβ idAr
      coneOutCommutes (coneSuc ccβ) singPairL = coneOutCommutes ccβ singPairL
      coneOutCommutes (coneSuc ccβ) singPairR = coneOutCommutes ccβ singPairR

      --make this explicit to avoid yellow
      commHypSuc : {n : } {β : FinVec (fst L) (ℕ.suc n)} {β∈L' :  i  β i  L'}
                   {ccβ : Cone (funcComp F (BDiag  i  β i , β∈L' i))) c}
                  CommHypType β∈L' ccβ
                  CommHypType (β∈L'  suc) (coneSuc ccβ)
      commHypSuc commHyp i j = commHyp (suc i) j

      toConeOut : (n : ) (β : FinVec (fst L) n) (β∈L' :  i  β i  L')
                  (ccβ : Cone (funcComp F (BDiag  i  β i , β∈L' i))) c)
                  (ch : CommHypType β∈L' ccβ)
                 (v : DLShfDiagOb (n + n'))
                C [ c , funcComp F (BDiag  i  (β ++Fin γ) i , β++γ∈L' β∈L' γ∈L' i)) .F-ob v ]
      toConeOut ℕ.zero β β∈L' ccβ ch (sing i) = ccγ .coneOut (sing i)
      toConeOut ℕ.zero β β∈L' ccβ ch (pair i j i<j) = ccγ .coneOut (pair i j i<j)
      toConeOut (ℕ.suc n) β β∈L' ccβ ch (sing zero) = ccβ .coneOut (sing zero)
      toConeOut (ℕ.suc n) β β∈L' ccβ ch (sing (suc i)) =
                  toConeOut n (β  suc) (β∈L'  suc) (coneSuc ccβ) (commHypSuc ch) (sing i)
      toConeOut (ℕ.suc n) β β∈L' ccβ ch (pair zero j 0<j) =
                  ccβ .coneOut (sing zero) ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _))
      toConeOut (ℕ.suc n) β β∈L' ccβ ch (pair (suc i) zero ())
      toConeOut (ℕ.suc n) β β∈L' ccβ ch (pair (suc i) (suc j) (s≤s i<j)) =
                  toConeOut n (β  suc) (β∈L'  suc) (coneSuc ccβ) (commHypSuc ch) (pair i j i<j)

      -- crucial step in proving that this defines a cone is another induction
      -- βₛ is supposed to be (β ∘ suc) and β₀ is (β zero)
      toConeOutLemma :  (n : ) (βₛ : FinVec (fst L) n) (βₛ∈L' :  i  βₛ i  L')
         (ccβₛ : Cone (funcComp F (BDiag  i  βₛ i , βₛ∈L' i))) c)
         (chₛ : CommHypType βₛ∈L' ccβₛ)
         (β₀ : fst L) (β₀∈L' : β₀  L')
         -- cone over [β₀]++βₛ
         {ccβ₀ : C [ c , F .F-ob (β₀ , β₀∈L') ]}
         {ccβ₀ᵢ : (i : Fin n)  C [ c , F .F-ob (β₀ ∧l βₛ i , ∧lClosed _ _ β₀∈L' (βₛ∈L' i)) ]}
         (ccβ₀L :  i  ccβ₀ ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _))  ccβ₀ᵢ i)
         (ccβ₀R :  i  ccβₛ .coneOut (sing i) ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _))  ccβ₀ᵢ i)
         -- ch at zero
         (ch₀ :  j 
              ccβ₀ ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom {y = _ , ∧lClosed _ _ β₀∈L' (γ∈L' j)} (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _))
             ccγ .coneOut (sing j) ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _)))
          j  toConeOut n βₛ βₛ∈L' ccβₛ chₛ (sing j)
                   ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom {y = _ ,  ∧lClosed _ _ β₀∈L' (β++γ∈L' βₛ∈L' γ∈L' j)}
                                   (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _))
               ccβ₀ ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _))
      toConeOutLemma ℕ.zero _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ch₀ j = sym (ch₀ j)
      toConeOutLemma (ℕ.suc n) _ _ _ _ _ _ ccβ₀L ccβ₀R _ zero = ccβ₀R zero  sym (ccβ₀L zero)
      toConeOutLemma (ℕ.suc n) βₛ βₛ∈L' ccβₛ chₛ β₀ β₀∈L' ccβ₀L ccβ₀R ch₀ (suc j) =
          toConeOutLemma n (βₛ  suc) (βₛ∈L'  suc) (coneSuc ccβₛ) (commHypSuc chₛ)
                            β₀ β₀∈L' (ccβ₀L  suc) (ccβ₀R  suc) ch₀ j

      toConeOutCommutes : (n : ) (β : FinVec (fst L) n) (β∈L' :  i  β i  L')
                          (ccβ : Cone (funcComp F (BDiag  i  β i , β∈L' i))) c)
                          (ch : CommHypType β∈L' ccβ)
                          {u} {v} e
          toConeOut _ _ _ ccβ ch u
             ⋆⟨ C  (funcComp F (BDiag  i  (β ++Fin γ) i , β++γ∈L' β∈L' γ∈L' i)) .F-hom e)
          toConeOut _ _ _ ccβ ch v
      toConeOutCommutes ℕ.zero _ _ _ _ {u = sing i} {v = sing .i} idAr = coneOutCommutes ccγ idAr
      toConeOutCommutes ℕ.zero _ _ _ _ {u = sing i} {v = pair .i j i<j} singPairL =
          coneOutCommutes ccγ singPairL
      toConeOutCommutes ℕ.zero _ _ _ _ {u = sing j} {v = pair i .j i<j} singPairR =
          coneOutCommutes ccγ singPairR
      toConeOutCommutes ℕ.zero _ _ _ _ {u = pair i j i<j} {v = sing k} ()
      toConeOutCommutes ℕ.zero _ _ _ _ {u = pair i j i<j} {v = pair .i .j .i<j} idAr =
          coneOutCommutes ccγ idAr
      toConeOutCommutes (ℕ.suc n) β β∈L' ccβ ch idAr =
          cong  x  toConeOut _ _ _ ccβ ch _ ⋆⟨ C  x) (F .F-id)  ⋆IdR C _
      toConeOutCommutes (ℕ.suc n) β β∈L' ccβ ch (singPairL {i = zero} {j = j} {i<j = i<j}) = refl
      toConeOutCommutes (ℕ.suc n) β β∈L' ccβ ch (singPairL {i = suc i} {j = zero} {i<j = ()})
      toConeOutCommutes (ℕ.suc n) β β∈L' ccβ ch (singPairL {i = suc i} {j = suc j} {i<j = s≤s i<j}) =
          toConeOutCommutes n (β  suc) (β∈L'  suc) (coneSuc ccβ) (commHypSuc ch) singPairL
      toConeOutCommutes (ℕ.suc n) β β∈L' ccβ ch (singPairR {i = suc i} {j = suc j} {i<j = s≤s i<j}) =
          toConeOutCommutes n (β  suc) (β∈L'  suc) (coneSuc ccβ) (commHypSuc ch) singPairR
      toConeOutCommutes (ℕ.suc n) β β∈L' ccβ ch (singPairR {i = zero} {j = suc j} {i<j = s≤s z≤}) =
          toConeOutLemma n (β  suc) (β∈L'  suc) (coneSuc ccβ) (commHypSuc ch) (β zero) (β∈L' zero)
             j  coneOutCommutes ccβ (singPairL {i = zero} {j = suc j} {i<j = s≤s z≤}))
               j  coneOutCommutes ccβ (singPairR {i = zero} {j = suc j} {i<j = s≤s z≤}))
                (ch zero) j

    toCone : {n : } {β : FinVec (fst L) n} {β∈L' :  i  β i  L'}
             (ccβ : Cone (funcComp F (BDiag  i  β i , β∈L' i))) c)
             (ch : CommHypType β∈L' ccβ)
            Cone (funcComp F (BDiag  i  (β ++Fin γ) i , β++γ∈L' β∈L' γ∈L' i))) c
    coneOut (toCone ccβ ch) = toConeOut _ _ _ ccβ ch
    coneOutCommutes (toCone ccβ ch) = toConeOutCommutes _ _ _ ccβ ch

    -- for checking the universal property
    toConeOutPathPL : {n : } {β : FinVec (fst L) n} {β∈L' :  i  β i  L'}
                      (ccβ : Cone (funcComp F (BDiag  i  β i , β∈L' i))) c)
                      (ch : CommHypType β∈L' ccβ)
                      i  PathP  𝕚  C [ c , F .F-ob (++FinInlΣ β∈L' γ∈L' i 𝕚) ])
                                    (ccβ .coneOut (sing i))
                                    (toCone ccβ ch .coneOut (sing (FSCfun _ _ (inl i))))
    toConeOutPathPL {ℕ.zero} ccβ _ ()
    toConeOutPathPL {ℕ.suc n} ccβ _ zero = refl
    toConeOutPathPL {ℕ.suc n} ccβ ch (suc i) = toConeOutPathPL (coneSuc ccβ) (commHypSuc ch) i

    toConeOutPathPR : {n : } {β : FinVec (fst L) n} {β∈L' :  i  β i  L'}
                      (ccβ : Cone (funcComp F (BDiag  i  β i , β∈L' i))) c)
                      (ch : CommHypType β∈L' ccβ)
                      i  PathP  𝕚  C [ c , F .F-ob (++FinInrΣ β∈L' γ∈L' i 𝕚) ])
                                    (ccγ .coneOut (sing i))
                                    (toCone ccβ ch .coneOut (sing (FSCfun _ _ (inr i))))
    toConeOutPathPR {ℕ.zero} ccβ _ i = refl
    toConeOutPathPR {ℕ.suc n} ccβ ch i = toConeOutPathPR (coneSuc ccβ) (commHypSuc ch) i

---- the main proof --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  isDLSheafPullbackDLRan : isDLSheafPullback L C (DLRan F)
  fst isDLSheafPullbackDLRan x =
      limArrow (limitC _ (F* 0l)) x (toCone x)
    , λ f  limArrowUnique (limitC _ (F* 0l)) x (toCone x) f (toConeMor x f)
    0↓ = _↓Diag limitC (baseIncl ^opF) F 0l

    toTerminal :  (u : ob 0↓)  isTerminal C (F .F-ob (u .fst))
    toTerminal ((u , u∈L') , 0≥u) = subst  v  isTerminal C (F .F-ob v))
                                          (Σ≡Prop  y  L' y .snd) 0≡u)
                                          (DLBasisSheaf→Terminal F isSheafF 0∈L')
        0≡u : 0l  u
        0≡u = is-antisym _ _ (∨lLid _) 0≥u
        0∈L' : 0l  L'
        0∈L' = subst-∈ L' (sym 0≡u) u∈L'

    toCone : (y : ob C)  Cone (F* 0l) y
    coneOut (toCone y) u = toTerminal u y .fst
    coneOutCommutes (toCone y) {v = v} e = sym (toTerminal v y .snd _)

    toConeMor : (y : ob C) (f : C [ y , F-ob (DLRan F) 0l ])
               isConeMor (toCone y) (limCone (limitC 0↓ (F* 0l))) f
    toConeMor y f v = sym (toTerminal v y .snd _)

  snd isDLSheafPullbackDLRan x y = rec2 (isPropIsPullback _ _ _ _ (Fsq L C x y (DLRan F)))
                             Σhelper (⋁Basis x) (⋁Basis y)
    Σhelper : Σ[ n   ] Σ[ β  FinVec (fst L) n ] (∀ i  β i  L') × ( β  x)
             Σ[ m   ] Σ[ γ  FinVec (fst L) m ] (∀ i  γ i  L') × ( γ  y)
             isPullback C _ _ _ (Fsq L C x y (DLRan F))
    Σhelper (n , β , β∈L' , ⋁β≡x) (n' , γ , γ∈L' , ⋁γ≡y) =
      transport  i  isPullback C (cospanPath i) (pbPr₁PathP i) (pbPr₂PathP i) (squarePathP i))
                (univProp ⋁Pullback)
      open Cospan
      open Pullback
      ⋁β++γ≡x∨y :  (β ++Fin γ)  x ∨l y
      ⋁β++γ≡x∨y = ⋁Split++ β γ  cong₂ (_∨l_) ⋁β≡x ⋁γ≡y

      -- replace x and y by their representations of joins of base elements
      -- and transport over
      xyCospan : Cospan C
      l xyCospan = DLRan F .F-ob y
      m xyCospan = DLRan F .F-ob (x ∧l y)
      r xyCospan = DLRan F .F-ob x
      s₁ xyCospan = DLRan F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _))
      s₂ xyCospan = DLRan F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _))

      ⋁Cospan : Cospan C
      l ⋁Cospan = DLRan F .F-ob ( γ)
      m ⋁Cospan = DLRan F .F-ob ( β ∧l  γ)
      r ⋁Cospan = DLRan F .F-ob ( β)
      s₁ ⋁Cospan = DLRan F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _))
      s₂ ⋁Cospan = DLRan F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _))

      cospanPath : ⋁Cospan  xyCospan
      l (cospanPath i) = DLRan F .F-ob (⋁γ≡y i)
      m (cospanPath i) = DLRan F .F-ob (⋁β≡x i ∧l ⋁γ≡y i)
      r (cospanPath i) = DLRan F .F-ob (⋁β≡x i)
      s₁ (cospanPath i) = DLRan F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _))
      s₂ (cospanPath i) = DLRan F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _))

        F[⋁β]Cone = limitC _ (F* ( β)) .limCone
        F[⋁γ]Cone = limitC _ (F* ( γ)) .limCone
        F[⋁β∧⋁γ]Cone = limitC _ (F* ( β ∧l  γ)) .limCone
        F[⋁β++γ]Cone = limitC _ (F* ( (β ++Fin γ))) .limCone

      -- the family of squares we need to construct cones over β++γ
      to++ConeSquare : {c : ob C} (f : C [ c , ⋁Cospan .l ]) (g : C [ c , ⋁Cospan .r ])
                      f ⋆⟨ C  ⋁Cospan .s₁  g ⋆⟨ C  ⋁Cospan .s₂
                       i j 
                       (g ⋆⟨ C  restCone β β∈L' .coneOut (sing i))
                          ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom {y = _ , ∧lClosed _ _ (β∈L' i) (γ∈L' j)}
                                          (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _))
                      (f ⋆⟨ C  restCone γ γ∈L' .coneOut (sing j))
                          ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _))
      to++ConeSquare f g square i j =
              (g ⋆⟨ C  restCone β β∈L' .coneOut (sing i))
                 ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _))
            ≡⟨ ⋆Assoc C _ _ _ 
              g ⋆⟨ C  (restCone β β∈L' .coneOut (sing i)
                ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _)))
            ≡⟨ cong  x  g ⋆⟨ C  x) (coneOutCommutes F[⋁β]Cone (_ , (is-prop-valued _ _ _ _))) 
              g ⋆⟨ C  coneOut F[⋁β]Cone ((β i ∧l γ j , _)
                , is-trans _ _ _ (≤m→≤j _ _ (≤-∧Pres _ _ _ _
                                            (≤j→≤m _ _ (ind≤⋁ β i)) (≤j→≤m _ _ (ind≤⋁ γ j))))
                                 (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤RCancel _ _)))
            ≡⟨ cong  x  g ⋆⟨ C  x) (sym (limArrowCommutes (limitC _ (F* ( β ∧l  γ))) _ _ _)) 
              g ⋆⟨ C  (s₂ ⋁Cospan ⋆⟨ C  coneOut F[⋁β∧⋁γ]Cone ((β i ∧l γ j , _)
                , (≤m→≤j _ _ (≤-∧Pres _ _ _ _ (≤j→≤m _ _ (ind≤⋁ β i)) (≤j→≤m _ _ (ind≤⋁ γ j))))))
            ≡⟨ sym (⋆Assoc C _ _ _) 
              (g ⋆⟨ C  s₂ ⋁Cospan) ⋆⟨ C  coneOut F[⋁β∧⋁γ]Cone ((β i ∧l γ j , _)
                , (≤m→≤j _ _ (≤-∧Pres _ _ _ _ (≤j→≤m _ _ (ind≤⋁ β i)) (≤j→≤m _ _ (ind≤⋁ γ j)))))
            ≡⟨ cong  x  x ⋆⟨ C  coneOut F[⋁β∧⋁γ]Cone (
                                     (β i ∧l γ j , ∧lClosed _ _ (β∈L' i) (γ∈L' j))
                  , (≤m→≤j _ _ (≤-∧Pres _ _ _ _ (≤j→≤m _ _ (ind≤⋁ β i)) (≤j→≤m _ _ (ind≤⋁ γ j))))))
                    (sym square) 
              (f ⋆⟨ C  s₁ ⋁Cospan) ⋆⟨ C  coneOut F[⋁β∧⋁γ]Cone ((β i ∧l γ j , _)
                , (≤m→≤j _ _ (≤-∧Pres _ _ _ _ (≤j→≤m _ _ (ind≤⋁ β i)) (≤j→≤m _ _ (ind≤⋁ γ j)))))
            ≡⟨ ⋆Assoc C _ _ _ 
              f ⋆⟨ C  (s₁ ⋁Cospan ⋆⟨ C  coneOut F[⋁β∧⋁γ]Cone ((β i ∧l γ j , _)
                , (≤m→≤j _ _ (≤-∧Pres _ _ _ _ (≤j→≤m _ _ (ind≤⋁ β i)) (≤j→≤m _ _ (ind≤⋁ γ j))))))
            ≡⟨ cong  x  f ⋆⟨ C  x) (limArrowCommutes (limitC _ (F* ( β ∧l  γ))) _ _ _) 
              f ⋆⟨ C  coneOut F[⋁γ]Cone ((β i ∧l γ j , _)
                , is-trans _ _ _ (≤m→≤j _ _ (≤-∧Pres _ _ _ _
                                            (≤j→≤m _ _ (ind≤⋁ β i)) (≤j→≤m _ _ (ind≤⋁ γ j))))
                                 (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _)))
            ≡⟨ cong  x  f ⋆⟨ C  x)
                    (sym (coneOutCommutes F[⋁γ]Cone (_ , (is-prop-valued _ _ _ _)))) 
              f ⋆⟨ C  (restCone γ γ∈L' .coneOut (sing j)
                ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _)))
            ≡⟨ sym (⋆Assoc C _ _ _) 
              (f ⋆⟨ C  restCone γ γ∈L' .coneOut (sing j))
                 ⋆⟨ C  F .F-hom (≤m→≤j _ _ (∧≤LCancel _ _)) 

      -- the pullback square we want
      ⋁Pullback : Pullback C ⋁Cospan
      pbOb ⋁Pullback = DLRan F .F-ob ( (β ++Fin γ))
      pbPr₁ ⋁Pullback = DLRan F .F-hom (subst ( γ ≤_) (sym (⋁Split++ β γ)) (∨≤LCancel _ _))
      pbPr₂ ⋁Pullback = DLRan F .F-hom (subst ( β ≤_) (sym (⋁Split++ β γ)) (∨≤RCancel _ _))
      pbCommutes ⋁Pullback = F-square (DLRan F) (is-prop-valued _ _ _ _)
      univProp ⋁Pullback {d = c} f g square = uniqueExists
        (applyCoverLemma f g square .fst .fst)
        (fromConeMor _ (applyCoverLemma f g square .fst .snd))
         _  isProp× (isSetHom C _ _) (isSetHom C _ _))
         λ h' trs  cong fst (applyCoverLemma f g square .snd (h' , toConeMor f g square h' trs))
        where -- this is where we apply our lemmas
        theLimit = limitC _ (F* ( (β ++Fin γ)))

        toCone : (f : C [ c , ⋁Cospan .l ]) (g : C [ c , ⋁Cospan .r ])
                f ⋆⟨ C  ⋁Cospan .s₁  g ⋆⟨ C  ⋁Cospan .s₂
                Cone (funcComp F (BDiag  i  (β ++Fin γ) i , β++γ∈L' β∈L' γ∈L' i))) c
        toCone f g square = ++Lemmas.toCone (f  (restCone γ γ∈L')) (g  (restCone β β∈L'))
                                            (to++ConeSquare f g square)

        applyCoverLemma : (f : C [ c , ⋁Cospan .l ]) (g : C [ c , ⋁Cospan .r ])
                      (square : f ⋆⟨ C  ⋁Cospan .s₁  g ⋆⟨ C  ⋁Cospan .s₂)
                     ∃![ h  C [ c , ⋁Pullback .pbOb ] ]
                        isConeMor (toCone f g square) (restCone (β ++Fin γ) (β++γ∈L' β∈L' γ∈L')) h
        applyCoverLemma f g square = coverLemma (β ++Fin γ) (β++γ∈L' β∈L' γ∈L')
                                                 c (toCone f g square)

        -- Another description of the limiting cone over β++γ that
        -- turns out equivalent but behaves better with the ++Lemmas
        ++LimCone' : Cone (funcComp F (BDiag  i  ((β ++Fin γ) i , β++γ∈L' β∈L' γ∈L' i))))
                          (DLRan F .F-ob ( (β ++Fin γ)))
        ++LimCone' = ++Lemmas.toCone ((pbPr₁ ⋁Pullback)  (restCone γ γ∈L'))
                                     ((pbPr₂ ⋁Pullback)  (restCone β β∈L'))
                                     (to++ConeSquare _ _ (pbCommutes ⋁Pullback))

        ++LimCone≡ :  i  ++LimCone' .coneOut (sing i)
                          restCone (β ++Fin γ) (β++γ∈L' β∈L' γ∈L') .coneOut (sing i)
        ++LimCone≡ i = subst  x  ++LimCone' .coneOut (sing x)
                                   restCone (β ++Fin γ) (β++γ∈L' β∈L' γ∈L') .coneOut (sing x))
                             (FSCsec _ _ i) (++LimCone≡Aux (FSCinv _ _ i))
          ++LimCone≡Aux : (x : Fin n  Fin n')  ++LimCone' .coneOut (sing (FSCfun _ _ x))
                         restCone (β ++Fin γ) (β++γ∈L' β∈L' γ∈L') .coneOut (sing (FSCfun _ _ x))
          ++LimCone≡Aux (inl i) =
                      sym (fromPathP (++Lemmas.toConeOutPathPL
                          ((pbPr₁ ⋁Pullback)  (restCone γ γ∈L'))
                          ((pbPr₂ ⋁Pullback)  (restCone β β∈L'))
                          (to++ConeSquare _ _ (pbCommutes ⋁Pullback)) i))
              ∙∙ cong   x  transport  𝕚  C [ DLRan F .F-ob ( (β ++Fin γ)) ,
                                                F .F-ob (++FinInlΣ β∈L' γ∈L' i 𝕚) ]) x)
                       (limArrowCommutes (limitC _ (F* ( β))) _ _ _)
              ∙∙ fromPathP helperPathP
            βᵢ≤⋁β++γ =
              is-trans _ _ _ (ind≤⋁ β i) (subst ( β ≤_) (sym (⋁Split++ β γ)) (∨≤RCancel _ _))

            helperPathP :
              PathP  𝕚  C [ DLRan F .F-ob ( (β ++Fin γ)) , F .F-ob (++FinInlΣ β∈L' γ∈L' i 𝕚) ])
                    (F[⋁β++γ]Cone .coneOut ((β i , β∈L' i) , βᵢ≤⋁β++γ))
                    (restCone (β ++Fin γ) (β++γ∈L' β∈L' γ∈L') .coneOut (sing (FSCfun _ _ (inl i))))
            helperPathP 𝕚 =  F[⋁β++γ]Cone .coneOut (++FinInlΣ β∈L' γ∈L' i 𝕚 ,
                               ≤PathPLemma refl  𝕛  ++FinInlΣ β∈L' γ∈L' i 𝕛 .fst)
                                           (ind≤⋁ (β ++Fin γ) (FSCfun _ _ (inl i))) 𝕚)

          ++LimCone≡Aux (inr i) =
                      sym (fromPathP (++Lemmas.toConeOutPathPR
                          ((pbPr₁ ⋁Pullback)  (restCone γ γ∈L'))
                          ((pbPr₂ ⋁Pullback)  (restCone β β∈L'))
                          (to++ConeSquare _ _ (pbCommutes ⋁Pullback)) i))
              ∙∙ cong   x  transport  𝕚  C [ DLRan F .F-ob ( (β ++Fin γ)) ,
                                                F .F-ob (++FinInrΣ β∈L' γ∈L' i 𝕚) ]) x)
                       (limArrowCommutes (limitC _ (F* ( γ))) _ _ _)
              ∙∙ fromPathP helperPathP
            γᵢ≤⋁β++γ =
              is-trans _ _ _ (ind≤⋁ γ i) (subst ( γ ≤_) (sym (⋁Split++ β γ)) (∨≤LCancel _ _))

            helperPathP :
              PathP  𝕚  C [ DLRan F .F-ob ( (β ++Fin γ)) , F .F-ob (++FinInrΣ β∈L' γ∈L' i 𝕚) ])
                    (F[⋁β++γ]Cone .coneOut ((γ i , γ∈L' i) , γᵢ≤⋁β++γ))
                    (restCone (β ++Fin γ) (β++γ∈L' β∈L' γ∈L') .coneOut (sing (FSCfun _ _ (inr i))))
            helperPathP 𝕚 =  F[⋁β++γ]Cone .coneOut (++FinInrΣ β∈L' γ∈L' i 𝕚 ,
                               ≤PathPLemma refl  𝕛  ++FinInrΣ β∈L' γ∈L' i 𝕛 .fst)
                                           (ind≤⋁ (β ++Fin γ) (FSCfun _ _ (inr i))) 𝕚)

        toConeMor : (f : C [ c , ⋁Cospan .l ]) (g : C [ c , ⋁Cospan .r ])
                    (square : f ⋆⟨ C  ⋁Cospan .s₁  g ⋆⟨ C  ⋁Cospan .s₂)
                    (h : C [ c , ⋁Pullback .pbOb ])
                   (f  h ⋆⟨ C  ⋁Pullback .pbPr₁) × (g  h ⋆⟨ C  ⋁Pullback .pbPr₂)
                   isConeMor (toCone f g square) (restCone (β ++Fin γ) (β++γ∈L' β∈L' γ∈L')) h
        toConeMor f g square h  (tr₁ , tr₂) = isConeMorSingLemma
                                               (toCone f g square)
                                               (restCone (β ++Fin γ) (β++γ∈L' β∈L' γ∈L'))
          singCaseAux :  (x : Fin n  Fin n')
                       h ⋆⟨ C  (coneOut ++LimCone' (sing (FSCfun _ _ x)))
                       coneOut (toCone f g square) (sing (FSCfun _ _ x))
          singCaseAux (inl i) = transp  𝕚  h ⋆⟨ C 
               (++Lemmas.toConeOutPathPL ((pbPr₁ ⋁Pullback)  (restCone γ γ∈L'))
                                         ((pbPr₂ ⋁Pullback)  (restCone β β∈L'))
                                         (to++ConeSquare _ _ (pbCommutes ⋁Pullback)) i 𝕚)
               ++Lemmas.toConeOutPathPL (f  (restCone γ γ∈L'))
                                         (g  (restCone β β∈L'))
                                         (to++ConeSquare _ _ square) i 𝕚) i0 singCaseAuxL
            singCaseAuxL : h ⋆⟨ C  ((pbPr₂ ⋁Pullback)  (restCone β β∈L')) .coneOut (sing i)
                          (g  (restCone β β∈L')) .coneOut (sing i)
            singCaseAuxL =
                h ⋆⟨ C  (pbPr₂ ⋁Pullback ⋆⟨ C  (restCone β β∈L') .coneOut (sing i))
              ≡⟨ sym (⋆Assoc C _ _ _) 
                (h ⋆⟨ C  pbPr₂ ⋁Pullback) ⋆⟨ C  (restCone β β∈L') .coneOut (sing i)
              ≡⟨ cong  x  x ⋆⟨ C  (restCone β β∈L') .coneOut (sing i)) (sym tr₂) 
                g ⋆⟨ C  (restCone β β∈L') .coneOut (sing i) 

          singCaseAux (inr i) = transp  𝕚  h ⋆⟨ C 
              (++Lemmas.toConeOutPathPR ((pbPr₁ ⋁Pullback)  (restCone γ γ∈L'))
                                        ((pbPr₂ ⋁Pullback)  (restCone β β∈L'))
                                        (to++ConeSquare _ _ (pbCommutes ⋁Pullback)) i 𝕚)
              ++Lemmas.toConeOutPathPR (f  (restCone γ γ∈L'))
                                        (g  (restCone β β∈L'))
                                        (to++ConeSquare _ _ square) i 𝕚) i0 singCaseAuxR
            singCaseAuxR : h ⋆⟨ C  ((pbPr₁ ⋁Pullback)  (restCone γ γ∈L')) .coneOut (sing i)
                          (f  (restCone γ γ∈L')) .coneOut (sing i)
            singCaseAuxR =
                h ⋆⟨ C  (pbPr₁ ⋁Pullback ⋆⟨ C  (restCone γ γ∈L') .coneOut (sing i))
              ≡⟨ sym (⋆Assoc C _ _ _) 
                (h ⋆⟨ C  pbPr₁ ⋁Pullback) ⋆⟨ C  (restCone γ γ∈L') .coneOut (sing i)
              ≡⟨ cong  x  x ⋆⟨ C  (restCone γ γ∈L') .coneOut (sing i)) (sym tr₁) 
                f ⋆⟨ C  (restCone γ γ∈L') .coneOut (sing i) 

          singCase' :  i  h ⋆⟨ C  (coneOut ++LimCone' (sing i))
                           coneOut (toCone f g square) (sing i)
          singCase' i = subst  x  h ⋆⟨ C   coneOut ++LimCone' (sing x)
                                    coneOut (toCone f g square) (sing x))
                              (FSCsec _ _ i) (singCaseAux (FSCinv _ _ i))

          singCase :  i  h ⋆⟨ C  (coneOut (restCone (β ++Fin γ) (β++γ∈L' β∈L' γ∈L')) (sing i))
                          coneOut (toCone f g square) (sing i)
          singCase i = subst  x  h ⋆⟨ C  x  coneOut (toCone f g square) (sing i))
                             (++LimCone≡ i) (singCase' i)

        fromConeMor : (h : C [ c , ⋁Pullback .pbOb ])
                     isConeMor (toCone f g square) (restCone (β ++Fin γ) (β++γ∈L' β∈L' γ∈L')) h
                     (f  h ⋆⟨ C  ⋁Pullback .pbPr₁) × (g  h ⋆⟨ C  ⋁Pullback .pbPr₂)
        fst (fromConeMor h hIsConeMor) = sym (preCompUnique f (restCone γ γ∈L')
                                                              (coverLemma γ γ∈L')
                                                              (h ⋆⟨ C  ⋁Pullback .pbPr₁)
          compIsConeMor : isConeMor (f  (restCone γ γ∈L')) (restCone γ γ∈L')
                                    (h ⋆⟨ C  ⋁Pullback .pbPr₁)
          compIsConeMor = isConeMorSingLemma (f  (restCone γ γ∈L')) (restCone γ γ∈L') singCase
            singCase :  i  (h ⋆⟨ C  ⋁Pullback .pbPr₁) ⋆⟨ C  restCone γ γ∈L' .coneOut (sing i)
                            f ⋆⟨ C  restCone γ γ∈L' .coneOut (sing i)
            singCase i = ⋆Assoc C _ _ _  transp  𝕚  h ⋆⟨ C 
                 (++Lemmas.toConeOutPathPR ((pbPr₁ ⋁Pullback)  (restCone γ γ∈L'))
                                           ((pbPr₂ ⋁Pullback)  (restCone β β∈L'))
                                           (to++ConeSquare _ _ (pbCommutes ⋁Pullback)) i (~ 𝕚))
                 ++Lemmas.toConeOutPathPR (f  (restCone γ γ∈L'))
                                           (g  (restCone β β∈L'))
                                           (to++ConeSquare _ _ square) i (~ 𝕚)) i0 singCaseHelper
              fromAssumption : h ⋆⟨ C  (coneOut (restCone (β ++Fin γ) (β++γ∈L' β∈L' γ∈L'))
                                                 (sing (FSCfun _ _ (inr i))))
                                     coneOut (toCone f g square) (sing (FSCfun _ _ (inr i)))
              fromAssumption = hIsConeMor (sing (FSCfun _ _ (inr i)))

              singCaseHelper :  h ⋆⟨ C  (coneOut ++LimCone' (sing (FSCfun _ _ (inr i))))
                                     coneOut (toCone f g square) (sing (FSCfun _ _ (inr i)))
              singCaseHelper = subst  x  h ⋆⟨ C  x  coneOut (toCone f g square)
                                                                 (sing (FSCfun _ _ (inr i))))
                                     (sym (++LimCone≡ (FSCfun _ _ (inr i)))) fromAssumption

        snd (fromConeMor h hIsConeMor) = sym (preCompUnique g (restCone β β∈L')
                                                              (coverLemma β β∈L')
                                                              (h ⋆⟨ C  ⋁Pullback .pbPr₂)
          compIsConeMor : isConeMor (g  (restCone β β∈L')) (restCone β β∈L')
                                    (h ⋆⟨ C  ⋁Pullback .pbPr₂)
          compIsConeMor = isConeMorSingLemma (g  (restCone β β∈L')) (restCone β β∈L') singCase
            singCase :  i  (h ⋆⟨ C  ⋁Pullback .pbPr₂) ⋆⟨ C  restCone β β∈L' .coneOut (sing i)
                            g ⋆⟨ C  restCone β β∈L' .coneOut (sing i)
            singCase i = ⋆Assoc C _ _ _  transp  𝕚  h ⋆⟨ C 
                 (++Lemmas.toConeOutPathPL ((pbPr₁ ⋁Pullback)  (restCone γ γ∈L'))
                                           ((pbPr₂ ⋁Pullback)  (restCone β β∈L'))
                                           (to++ConeSquare _ _ (pbCommutes ⋁Pullback)) i (~ 𝕚))
                 ++Lemmas.toConeOutPathPL (f  (restCone γ γ∈L'))
                                           (g  (restCone β β∈L'))
                                           (to++ConeSquare _ _ square) i (~ 𝕚)) i0 singCaseHelper
              fromAssumption : h ⋆⟨ C  (coneOut (restCone (β ++Fin γ) (β++γ∈L' β∈L' γ∈L'))
                                                 (sing (FSCfun _ _ (inl i))))
                                     coneOut (toCone f g square) (sing (FSCfun _ _ (inl i)))
              fromAssumption = hIsConeMor (sing (FSCfun _ _ (inl i)))

              singCaseHelper :  h ⋆⟨ C  (coneOut ++LimCone' (sing (FSCfun _ _ (inl i))))
                                     coneOut (toCone f g square) (sing (FSCfun _ _ (inl i)))
              singCaseHelper = subst  x  h ⋆⟨ C  x  coneOut (toCone f g square)
                                                                 (sing (FSCfun _ _ (inl i))))
                                     (sym (++LimCone≡ (FSCfun _ _ (inl i)))) fromAssumption

      -- some more names to make the transport readable
      pbPr₁PathP : PathP  i  C [ DLRan F .F-ob (⋁β++γ≡x∨y i) , DLRan F .F-ob (⋁γ≡y i) ])
                         (pbPr₁ ⋁Pullback) (DLRan F .F-hom (hom-∨₂ L C x y))
      pbPr₁PathP = F≤PathPLemma ⋁β++γ≡x∨y ⋁γ≡y
                                (subst ( γ ≤_) (sym (⋁Split++ β γ)) (∨≤LCancel _ _))
                                (hom-∨₂ L C x y)

      pbPr₂PathP : PathP  i  C [ DLRan F .F-ob (⋁β++γ≡x∨y i) , DLRan F .F-ob (⋁β≡x i) ])
                         (pbPr₂ ⋁Pullback) (DLRan F .F-hom (hom-∨₁ L C x y))
      pbPr₂PathP = F≤PathPLemma ⋁β++γ≡x∨y ⋁β≡x
                                (subst ( β ≤_) (sym (⋁Split++ β γ)) (∨≤RCancel _ _))
                                (hom-∨₁ L C x y)

      squarePathP : PathP  i  pbPr₁PathP i ⋆⟨ C  cospanPath i .s₁
                                pbPr₂PathP i ⋆⟨ C  cospanPath i .s₂)
                          (pbCommutes ⋁Pullback) (Fsq L C x y (DLRan F))
      squarePathP = toPathP (isSetHom C _ _ _ _)

  -- main result, putting everything together:
  isDLSheafDLRan : isDLSheaf L C (DLRan F)
  isDLSheafDLRan = P→L isDLSheafPullbackDLRan