{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
 The goal of this module is to show that for two types I,J, there is an
 isomorphism of algebras

    R[I][J] ≃ R[ I ⊎ J ]

  where '⊎' is the disjoint sum.
module Cubical.Algebra.CommAlgebra.FreeCommAlgebra.OnCoproduct where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv.BiInvertible
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure

open import Cubical.Data.Sum as 
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring
open import Cubical.Algebra.Algebra
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommAlgebra
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommAlgebra.FreeCommAlgebra

private variable
     ℓ' : Level

module CalculateFreeCommAlgebraOnCoproduct (R : CommRing ) (I J : Type ) where
  open Construction using (var; const)
  open CommAlgebraStr ⦃...⦄

     We start by defining R[I][J] and R[I⊎J] as R[I] algebras,
     which we need later to use universal properties
  R[I][J]overR[I] : CommAlgebra (CommAlgebra→CommRing (R [ I ])) 
  R[I][J]overR[I] = (CommAlgebra→CommRing (R [ I ])) [ J ]

  R[I][J] : CommAlgebra R 
  R[I][J] = baseChange baseRingHom R[I][J]overR[I]

  ψOverR : CommAlgebraHom (R [ I ]) (R [ I  J ])
  ψOverR = inducedHom (R [ I  J ])  i  var (inl i))

  ψ : CommRingHom (CommAlgebra→CommRing (R [ I ])) (CommAlgebra→CommRing (R [ I  J ]))
  ψ = CommAlgebraHom→CommRingHom (R [ I ]) (R [ I  J ]) ψOverR

  R[I⊎J]overR[I] : CommAlgebra (CommAlgebra→CommRing (R [ I ])) 
  R[I⊎J]overR[I] = Iso.inv (CommAlgChar.CommAlgIso (CommAlgebra→CommRing (R [ I ])))
                   (CommAlgebra→CommRing (R [ I  J ]) ,

    Now we use universal properties to construct maps in both directions.
  open RingHoms
  open RingStr ⦃...⦄ using (1r)
  instance _ = snd (R [ I ])
           _ = snd R[I⊎J]overR[I]
           _ = snd (CommRing→Ring R)
  module R[I] = CommAlgebraStr (snd (R [ I ]))
  module R[I⊎J]overR[I] = CommAlgebraStr (snd R[I⊎J]overR[I])
  module R[I⊎J] = CommAlgebraStr (snd (R [ I  J ]))

  to : CommAlgebraHom (R [ I  J ]) R[I][J]
  to = inducedHom R[I][J]
                  (⊎.rec  i  const (var i))
                         λ j  var j)

  isoR = CommAlgChar.CommAlgIso R
  isoR[I] = CommAlgChar.CommAlgIso (CommAlgebra→CommRing (R [ I ]))
  asHomOverR[I] = Iso.fun isoR[I] R[I⊎J]overR[I]
  asHomOverR = Iso.fun isoR (R [ I  J ])

  ≡RingHoms : snd asHomOverR[I] ∘r baseRingHom  baseRingHom
  ≡RingHoms =
      (funExt λ x 
        fst (snd asHomOverR[I] ∘r baseRingHom) x ≡⟨⟩
        fst (snd asHomOverR[I]) (const x · 1a)   ≡⟨⟩
        (const x · 1a)  1a                      ≡⟨ cong (_⋆ 1a) (·IdR (const x)) 
        const x  1a                             ≡⟨⟩
        (fst ψ (const x)) · 1a                   ≡⟨⟩
        (const x · const 1r) · 1a                ≡⟨ cong ( 1a) (·IdR (const x)) 
        const x · 1a )

  ≡R[I⊎J] =
    baseChange baseRingHom R[I⊎J]overR[I]                                                     ≡⟨⟩
    Iso.inv isoR ((CommAlgebra→CommRing R[I⊎J]overR[I]) , (snd asHomOverR[I]) ∘r baseRingHom) ≡⟨ step1 
    Iso.inv isoR (CommAlgebra→CommRing (R [ I  J ]) , baseRingHom)                           ≡⟨⟩
    Iso.inv isoR asHomOverR                                                                   ≡⟨ step2 
    R [ I  J ] 
      step1 : Iso.inv isoR ((CommAlgebra→CommRing R[I⊎J]overR[I]) , (snd asHomOverR[I]) ∘r baseRingHom)
               Iso.inv isoR (CommAlgebra→CommRing (R [ I  J ]) , baseRingHom)
      step1 i = Iso.inv isoR ((CommAlgebra→CommRing R[I⊎J]overR[I]) , ≡RingHoms i)

      step2 = Iso.leftInv isoR (R [ I  J ])

  fst≡R[I⊎J] : cong fst ≡R[I⊎J]  refl
  fst≡R[I⊎J] =
    cong fst ≡R[I⊎J]    ≡⟨⟩
    refl  (refl  refl) ≡⟨ sym (lUnit _) 
    refl  refl          ≡⟨ sym (lUnit _) 

  fromOverR[I] : CommAlgebraHom R[I][J]overR[I] R[I⊎J]overR[I]
  fromOverR[I] = inducedHom R[I⊎J]overR[I]  j  var (inr j))

  from' : CommAlgebraHom R[I][J] (baseChange baseRingHom R[I⊎J]overR[I])
  from' = baseChangeHom {S = R}

  from : CommAlgebraHom R[I][J] (R [ I  J ])
  from = subst (CommAlgebraHom R[I][J]) ≡R[I⊎J] from'

    Calculate, that the maps 'to' and 'from' preserve the variables/generators
    This is needed to use universal properties, to show that to and from are
    inverse to each other.

  incVar : (x : I  J)   R[I][J] 
  incVar (inl i) = const (var i)
  incVar (inr j) = var j

  toOnGenerators : (x : I  J)  fst to (var x)  incVar x
  toOnGenerators (inl i) = refl
  toOnGenerators (inr j) = refl

  fromOnGenerators : (x : I  J)  fst from (incVar x)  (var x)
  fromOnGenerators (inl i) =
    fst from (const (var i))                                                      ≡⟨⟩
    (subst  X   R[I][J]   X) (cong fst ≡R[I⊎J]) (fst from')) (const (var i)) ≡⟨ step1 
    (subst  X   R[I][J]   X) refl (fst from')) (const (var i))               ≡⟨ step2 
    (fst from') (const (var i))                                                   ≡⟨⟩
    var (inl i) · 1a                                                              ≡⟨ ·IdR _ 
    var (inl i) 
      where step1 : _  _
            step1 = cong  u  subst  X   R[I][J]   X) u (fst from') (const (var i))) fst≡R[I⊎J]
            step2 : _  _
            step2 = cong  u  u (const (var i)))
                         (substRefl {B = λ (X : Type )   R[I][J]   X} (fst from'))
  fromOnGenerators (inr j) =
    fst from (var j)                                                      ≡⟨⟩
    (subst  X   R[I][J]   X) (cong fst ≡R[I⊎J]) (fst from')) (var j) ≡⟨ step1 
    (subst  X   R[I][J]   X) refl (fst from')) (var j)               ≡⟨ step2 
    (fst from') (var j)                                                   ≡⟨⟩
    (var (inr j)) 
      where step1 = cong  u  subst  X   R[I][J]   X) u (fst from') (var j)) fst≡R[I⊎J]
            step2 = cong  u  u (var j))
                         (substRefl {B = λ (X : Type )   R[I][J]   X} (fst from'))

  open AlgebraHoms
  fromTo : (x :  R [ I  J ] )  fst (from ∘a to) x  x
  fromTo = isIdByUMP (from ∘a to)
                     λ x  fst (from ∘a to) (var x) ≡⟨ cong  u  fst from u) (toOnGenerators x) 
                           fst from (incVar x)      ≡⟨ fromOnGenerators x 
                           var x 

    For 'to ∘a from', we need 'to' and 'from' as homomorphisms of R[I]-algebras.

  module _ where
    open IsAlgebraHom
      z = to .snd
      instance _ = snd R[I][J]overR[I]
               -- _ = snd R[I][J]
               _ = snd R

    toOverR[I] : CommAlgebraHom R[I⊎J]overR[I] R[I][J]overR[I]
    toOverR[I] .fst = to .fst
    (toOverR[I] .snd) .pres0 = z .pres0
    (toOverR[I] .snd) .pres1 = z .pres1
    (toOverR[I] .snd) .pres+ = z .pres+
    (toOverR[I] .snd) .pres· = z .pres·
    (toOverR[I] .snd) .pres- = z .pres-
    (toOverR[I] .snd) .pres⋆ r x =
      fst to (r  x)              ≡⟨⟩
      fst to (fst ψ r · x)        ≡⟨ z .pres· (fst ψ r) x 
      fst to (fst ψ r) · fst to x ≡⟨ cong ( fst to x) (to∘ψ≡const r) 
      const r · fst to x          ≡⟨⟩
      (r  fst to x) 
          We use the UMP of R[I] on

          R[I] ─ψ─→ R[I⊎J] ─to─→ R[I][J]
             \                   /

          To do that, we have to show that
          const is an R-algebra homomorphism
        open Construction using (+HomConst; ·HomConst)
        constHom : CommAlgebraHom (R [ I ]) R[I][J]
        constHom .fst = const
        constHom .snd =
            λ r x 
              const (const r · x)                                       ≡⟨ ·HomConst (const r) x 
              const (const r) · const x                                 ≡[ i ]⟨
                                                                        const (sym (·IdR (const r)) i) · const x 
              const (const r · const 1r) · const x                      ≡[ i ]⟨
                                                                        sym (·IdR (const (const r · const 1r))) i
                                                                           · const x 
              (const (const r · const 1r) · const (const 1r)) · const x ≡⟨⟩
              CommAlgebraStr._⋆_ (snd R[I][J]) r (const x) 

        to∘ψOnVar : (i : I)  fst (to ∘a ψOverR) (var i)  const (var i)
        to∘ψOnVar i = refl

        to∘ψ≡const : (x :  R [ I ] )  fst to (fst ψ x)  const x
        to∘ψ≡const =
          equalByUMP R[I][J] (to ∘a ψOverR) constHom to∘ψOnVar

  toFromOverR[I] : (x :  R[I][J]overR[I] )  fst (toOverR[I] ∘a fromOverR[I]) x  x
  toFromOverR[I] = isIdByUMP (toOverR[I] ∘a fromOverR[I]) λ _  refl

{- export bundled results -}
module _ {R : CommRing } {I J : Type } where
  open CalculateFreeCommAlgebraOnCoproduct R I J

  equivFreeCommSum : CommAlgebraEquiv (R [ I  J ]) R[I][J]
  equivFreeCommSum = (biInvEquiv→Equiv-left asBiInv) , snd to
      open BiInvEquiv
      asBiInv : BiInvEquiv _ _
      fun asBiInv = fst to
      invr asBiInv = fst fromOverR[I]
      invr-rightInv asBiInv = toFromOverR[I]
      invl asBiInv = fst from
      invl-leftInv asBiInv = fromTo

  equivFreeCommSumOverR[I] : CommAlgebraEquiv R[I⊎J]overR[I] R[I][J]overR[I]
  equivFreeCommSumOverR[I] = biInvEquiv→Equiv-right asBiInv , snd toOverR[I]
      open BiInvEquiv
      asBiInv : BiInvEquiv _ _
      fun asBiInv = fst toOverR[I]
      invr asBiInv = fst fromOverR[I]
      invr-rightInv asBiInv = toFromOverR[I]
      invl asBiInv = fst from
      invl-leftInv asBiInv = fromTo