{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Algebra.CommAlgebra.Base where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.SIP
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Algebra.Semigroup
open import Cubical.Algebra.Monoid
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing
open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring
open import Cubical.Algebra.Algebra
open import Cubical.Displayed.Base
open import Cubical.Displayed.Auto
open import Cubical.Displayed.Record
open import Cubical.Displayed.Universe
open import Cubical.Reflection.RecordEquiv
ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Level
record IsCommAlgebra (R : CommRing ℓ) {A : Type ℓ'}
(0a : A) (1a : A)
(_+_ : A → A → A) (_·_ : A → A → A) (-_ : A → A)
(_⋆_ : ⟨ R ⟩ → A → A) : Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ') where
constructor iscommalgebra
isAlgebra : IsAlgebra (CommRing→Ring R) 0a 1a _+_ _·_ -_ _⋆_
·Comm : (x y : A) → x · y ≡ y · x
open IsAlgebra isAlgebra public
unquoteDecl IsCommAlgebraIsoΣ = declareRecordIsoΣ IsCommAlgebraIsoΣ (quote IsCommAlgebra)
record CommAlgebraStr (R : CommRing ℓ) (A : Type ℓ') : Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ') where
constructor commalgebrastr
0a : A
1a : A
_+_ : A → A → A
_·_ : A → A → A
-_ : A → A
_⋆_ : ⟨ R ⟩ → A → A
isCommAlgebra : IsCommAlgebra R 0a 1a _+_ _·_ -_ _⋆_
open IsCommAlgebra isCommAlgebra public
infix 8 -_
infixl 7 _·_
infixl 7 _⋆_
infixl 6 _+_
CommAlgebra : (R : CommRing ℓ) → ∀ ℓ' → Type (ℓ-max ℓ (ℓ-suc ℓ'))
CommAlgebra R ℓ' = Σ[ A ∈ Type ℓ' ] CommAlgebraStr R A
module _ {R : CommRing ℓ} where
open CommRingStr (snd R) using (1r) renaming (_+_ to _+r_; _·_ to _·s_)
CommAlgebraStr→AlgebraStr : {A : Type ℓ'} → CommAlgebraStr R A → AlgebraStr (CommRing→Ring R) A
CommAlgebraStr→AlgebraStr (commalgebrastr _ _ _ _ _ _ (iscommalgebra isAlgebra ·-comm)) =
algebrastr _ _ _ _ _ _ isAlgebra
CommAlgebra→Algebra : (A : CommAlgebra R ℓ') → Algebra (CommRing→Ring R) ℓ'
CommAlgebra→Algebra (_ , str) = (_ , CommAlgebraStr→AlgebraStr str)
CommAlgebra→CommRing : (A : CommAlgebra R ℓ') → CommRing ℓ'
CommAlgebra→CommRing (_ , commalgebrastr _ _ _ _ _ _ (iscommalgebra isAlgebra ·-comm)) =
_ , commringstr _ _ _ _ _ (iscommring (IsAlgebra.isRing isAlgebra) ·-comm)
module _
{A : Type ℓ'} {0a 1a : A}
{_+_ _·_ : A → A → A} { -_ : A → A} {_⋆_ : ⟨ R ⟩ → A → A}
(isSet-A : isSet A)
(+Assoc : (x y z : A) → x + (y + z) ≡ (x + y) + z)
(+IdR : (x : A) → x + 0a ≡ x)
(+InvR : (x : A) → x + (- x) ≡ 0a)
(+Comm : (x y : A) → x + y ≡ y + x)
(·Assoc : (x y z : A) → x · (y · z) ≡ (x · y) · z)
(·IdL : (x : A) → 1a · x ≡ x)
(·DistL+ : (x y z : A) → (x + y) · z ≡ (x · z) + (y · z))
(·Comm : (x y : A) → x · y ≡ y · x)
(⋆Assoc : (r s : ⟨ R ⟩) (x : A) → (r ·s s) ⋆ x ≡ r ⋆ (s ⋆ x))
(⋆DistR+ : (r : ⟨ R ⟩) (x y : A) → r ⋆ (x + y) ≡ (r ⋆ x) + (r ⋆ y))
(⋆DistL+ : (r s : ⟨ R ⟩) (x : A) → (r +r s) ⋆ x ≡ (r ⋆ x) + (s ⋆ x))
(⋆IdL : (x : A) → 1r ⋆ x ≡ x)
(⋆AssocL : (r : ⟨ R ⟩) (x y : A) → (r ⋆ x) · y ≡ r ⋆ (x · y))
makeIsCommAlgebra : IsCommAlgebra R 0a 1a _+_ _·_ -_ _⋆_
makeIsCommAlgebra .IsCommAlgebra.isAlgebra = makeIsAlgebra
+Assoc +IdR +InvR +Comm
·Assoc ·IdR ·IdL ·DistR+ ·DistL+
·IdR : _
·IdR x = x · 1a ≡⟨ ·Comm _ _ ⟩ 1a · x ≡⟨ ·IdL _ ⟩ x ∎
·DistR+ : _
·DistR+ x y z = x · (y + z) ≡⟨ ·Comm _ _ ⟩
(y + z) · x ≡⟨ ·DistL+ _ _ _ ⟩
(y · x) + (z · x) ≡⟨ cong (λ u → (y · x) + u) (·Comm _ _) ⟩
(y · x) + (x · z) ≡⟨ cong (λ u → u + (x · z)) (·Comm _ _) ⟩
(x · y) + (x · z) ∎
⋆AssocR : _
⋆AssocR r x y = r ⋆ (x · y) ≡⟨ cong (λ u → r ⋆ u) (·Comm _ _) ⟩
r ⋆ (y · x) ≡⟨ sym (⋆AssocL _ _ _) ⟩
(r ⋆ y) · x ≡⟨ ·Comm _ _ ⟩
x · (r ⋆ y) ∎
makeIsCommAlgebra .IsCommAlgebra.·Comm = ·Comm
module _ (S : CommRing ℓ') where
open CommRingStr (snd S) renaming (1r to 1S)
open CommRingStr (snd R) using () renaming (_·_ to _·R_; _+_ to _+R_; 1r to 1R)
module _
(_⋆_ : fst R → fst S → fst S)
(·Assoc⋆ : (r s : fst R) (x : fst S) → (r ·R s) ⋆ x ≡ r ⋆ (s ⋆ x))
(⋆DistR+ : (r : fst R) (x y : fst S) → r ⋆ (x + y) ≡ (r ⋆ x) + (r ⋆ y))
(⋆DistL+ : (r s : fst R) (x : fst S) → (r +R s) ⋆ x ≡ (r ⋆ x) + (s ⋆ x))
(⋆IdL : (x : fst S) → 1R ⋆ x ≡ x)
(⋆AssocL : (r : fst R) (x y : fst S) → (r ⋆ x) · y ≡ r ⋆ (x · y))
commAlgebraFromCommRing : CommAlgebra R ℓ'
commAlgebraFromCommRing .fst = fst S
commAlgebraFromCommRing .snd .CommAlgebraStr.0a = 0r
commAlgebraFromCommRing .snd .CommAlgebraStr.1a = 1S
commAlgebraFromCommRing .snd .CommAlgebraStr._+_ = _+_
commAlgebraFromCommRing .snd .CommAlgebraStr._·_ = _·_
commAlgebraFromCommRing .snd .CommAlgebraStr.-_ = -_
commAlgebraFromCommRing .snd .CommAlgebraStr._⋆_ = _⋆_
commAlgebraFromCommRing .snd .CommAlgebraStr.isCommAlgebra =
makeIsCommAlgebra is-set +Assoc +IdR +InvR +Comm ·Assoc ·IdL ·DistL+ ·Comm
·Assoc⋆ ⋆DistR+ ⋆DistL+ ⋆IdL ⋆AssocL
commAlgebraFromCommRing→CommRing : CommAlgebra→CommRing commAlgebraFromCommRing ≡ S
commAlgebraFromCommRing→CommRing i .fst = ⟨ S ⟩
commAlgebraFromCommRing→CommRing i .snd .CommRingStr.0r = 0r
commAlgebraFromCommRing→CommRing i .snd .CommRingStr.1r = 1S
commAlgebraFromCommRing→CommRing i .snd .CommRingStr._+_ = _+_
commAlgebraFromCommRing→CommRing i .snd .CommRingStr._·_ = _·_
commAlgebraFromCommRing→CommRing i .snd .CommRingStr.-_ = -_
commAlgebraFromCommRing→CommRing i .snd .CommRingStr.isCommRing =
isProp→PathP (λ i → isPropIsCommRing _ _ _ _ _)
(CommRingStr.isCommRing (snd (CommAlgebra→CommRing commAlgebraFromCommRing)))
IsCommAlgebraEquiv : {A : Type ℓ'} {B : Type ℓ''}
(M : CommAlgebraStr R A) (e : A ≃ B) (N : CommAlgebraStr R B)
→ Type _
IsCommAlgebraEquiv M e N =
IsAlgebraHom (CommAlgebraStr→AlgebraStr M) (e .fst) (CommAlgebraStr→AlgebraStr N)
CommAlgebraEquiv : (M : CommAlgebra R ℓ') (N : CommAlgebra R ℓ'') → Type _
CommAlgebraEquiv M N = Σ[ e ∈ ⟨ M ⟩ ≃ ⟨ N ⟩ ] IsCommAlgebraEquiv (M .snd) e (N .snd)
IsCommAlgebraHom : {A : Type ℓ'} {B : Type ℓ''}
(M : CommAlgebraStr R A) (f : A → B) (N : CommAlgebraStr R B)
→ Type _
IsCommAlgebraHom M f N =
IsAlgebraHom (CommAlgebraStr→AlgebraStr M) f (CommAlgebraStr→AlgebraStr N)
CommAlgebraHom : (M : CommAlgebra R ℓ') (N : CommAlgebra R ℓ'') → Type _
CommAlgebraHom M N = Σ[ f ∈ (⟨ M ⟩ → ⟨ N ⟩) ] IsCommAlgebraHom (M .snd) f (N .snd)
CommAlgebraEquiv→CommAlgebraHom : {A : CommAlgebra R ℓ'} {B : CommAlgebra R ℓ''}
→ CommAlgebraEquiv A B → CommAlgebraHom A B
CommAlgebraEquiv→CommAlgebraHom (e , eIsHom) = e .fst , eIsHom
CommAlgebraHom→CommRingHom : (A : CommAlgebra R ℓ') (B : CommAlgebra R ℓ'')
→ CommAlgebraHom A B
→ CommRingHom (CommAlgebra→CommRing A) (CommAlgebra→CommRing B)
fst (CommAlgebraHom→CommRingHom A B f) = fst f
IsRingHom.pres0 (snd (CommAlgebraHom→CommRingHom A B f)) = IsAlgebraHom.pres0 (snd f)
IsRingHom.pres1 (snd (CommAlgebraHom→CommRingHom A B f)) = IsAlgebraHom.pres1 (snd f)
IsRingHom.pres+ (snd (CommAlgebraHom→CommRingHom A B f)) = IsAlgebraHom.pres+ (snd f)
IsRingHom.pres· (snd (CommAlgebraHom→CommRingHom A B f)) = IsAlgebraHom.pres· (snd f)
IsRingHom.pres- (snd (CommAlgebraHom→CommRingHom A B f)) = IsAlgebraHom.pres- (snd f)
module _ {M : CommAlgebra R ℓ'} {N : CommAlgebra R ℓ''} where
open CommAlgebraStr {{...}}
open IsAlgebraHom
_ = snd M
_ = snd N
makeCommAlgebraHom : (f : fst M → fst N)
→ (fPres1 : f 1a ≡ 1a)
→ (fPres+ : (x y : fst M) → f (x + y) ≡ f x + f y)
→ (fPres· : (x y : fst M) → f (x · y) ≡ f x · f y)
→ (fPres⋆ : (r : fst R) (x : fst M) → f (r ⋆ x) ≡ r ⋆ f x)
→ CommAlgebraHom M N
makeCommAlgebraHom f fPres1 fPres+ fPres· fPres⋆ = f , isHom
where fPres0 =
f 0a ≡⟨ sym (+IdR _) ⟩
f 0a + 0a ≡⟨ cong (λ u → f 0a + u) (sym (+InvR (f 0a))) ⟩
f 0a + (f 0a - f 0a) ≡⟨ +Assoc (f 0a) (f 0a) (- f 0a) ⟩
(f 0a + f 0a) - f 0a ≡⟨ cong (λ u → u - f 0a) (sym (fPres+ 0a 0a)) ⟩
f (0a + 0a) - f 0a ≡⟨ cong (λ u → f u - f 0a) (+IdL 0a) ⟩
f 0a - f 0a ≡⟨ +InvR (f 0a) ⟩
0a ∎
isHom : IsCommAlgebraHom (snd M) f (snd N)
pres0 isHom = fPres0
pres1 isHom = fPres1
pres+ isHom = fPres+
pres· isHom = fPres·
pres- isHom = (λ x →
f (- x) ≡⟨ sym (+IdR _) ⟩
(f (- x) + 0a) ≡⟨ cong (λ u → f (- x) + u) (sym (+InvR (f x))) ⟩
(f (- x) + (f x - f x)) ≡⟨ +Assoc _ _ _ ⟩
((f (- x) + f x) - f x) ≡⟨ cong (λ u → u - f x) (sym (fPres+ _ _)) ⟩
(f ((- x) + x) - f x) ≡⟨ cong (λ u → f u - f x) (+InvL x) ⟩
(f 0a - f x) ≡⟨ cong (λ u → u - f x) fPres0 ⟩
(0a - f x) ≡⟨ +IdL _ ⟩ (- f x) ∎)
pres⋆ isHom = fPres⋆
isPropIsCommAlgebraHom : (f : fst M → fst N) → isProp (IsCommAlgebraHom (snd M) f (snd N))
isPropIsCommAlgebraHom f = isPropIsAlgebraHom
(CommRing→Ring R)
(snd (CommAlgebra→Algebra M))
(snd (CommAlgebra→Algebra N))
isPropIsCommAlgebra : (R : CommRing ℓ) {A : Type ℓ'}
(0a 1a : A)
(_+_ _·_ : A → A → A)
(-_ : A → A)
(_⋆_ : ⟨ R ⟩ → A → A)
→ isProp (IsCommAlgebra R 0a 1a _+_ _·_ -_ _⋆_)
isPropIsCommAlgebra R _ _ _ _ _ _ =
isOfHLevelRetractFromIso 1 IsCommAlgebraIsoΣ
(isPropΣ (isPropIsAlgebra _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
(λ alg → isPropΠ2 λ _ _ → alg .IsAlgebra.is-set _ _))
𝒮ᴰ-CommAlgebra : (R : CommRing ℓ) → DUARel (𝒮-Univ ℓ') (CommAlgebraStr R) (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ')
𝒮ᴰ-CommAlgebra R =
𝒮ᴰ-Record (𝒮-Univ _) (IsCommAlgebraEquiv {R = R})
data[ 0a ∣ nul ∣ pres0 ]
data[ 1a ∣ nul ∣ pres1 ]
data[ _+_ ∣ bin ∣ pres+ ]
data[ _·_ ∣ bin ∣ pres· ]
data[ -_ ∣ autoDUARel _ _ ∣ pres- ]
data[ _⋆_ ∣ autoDUARel _ _ ∣ pres⋆ ]
prop[ isCommAlgebra ∣ (λ _ _ → isPropIsCommAlgebra _ _ _ _ _ _ _) ])
open CommAlgebraStr
open IsAlgebraHom
nul = autoDUARel (𝒮-Univ _) (λ A → A)
bin = autoDUARel (𝒮-Univ _) (λ A → A → A → A)
CommAlgebraPath : (R : CommRing ℓ) → (A B : CommAlgebra R ℓ') → (CommAlgebraEquiv A B) ≃ (A ≡ B)
CommAlgebraPath R = ∫ (𝒮ᴰ-CommAlgebra R) .UARel.ua
uaCommAlgebra : {R : CommRing ℓ} {A B : CommAlgebra R ℓ'} → CommAlgebraEquiv A B → A ≡ B
uaCommAlgebra {R = R} {A = A} {B = B} = equivFun (CommAlgebraPath R A B)
isGroupoidCommAlgebra : {R : CommRing ℓ} → isGroupoid (CommAlgebra R ℓ')
isGroupoidCommAlgebra A B = isOfHLevelRespectEquiv 2 (CommAlgebraPath _ _ _) (isSetAlgebraEquiv _ _)