{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Categories.Category using () renaming (Category to Setoid-Category)
open import Categories.Category.Monoidal

module Categories.Category.Construction.EnrichedFunctors
  {o  e} {V : Setoid-Category o  e} (M : Monoidal V) where

-- The (enriched) functor category for a given pair of V-enriched categories

open import Level
open import Data.Product using (_,_; uncurry′)

open import Categories.Enriched.Category M
open import Categories.Enriched.Category.Underlying M
open import Categories.Enriched.Functor M renaming (id to idF)
open import Categories.Enriched.NaturalTransformation M renaming (id to idNT)
open import Categories.Functor.Bifunctor using (Bifunctor)

import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning as MR
open NaturalTransformation using (_[_])

EnrichedFunctors :  {c d} (C : Category c) (D : Category d) 
                   Setoid-Category (  e  c  d) (  e  c) (e  c)
EnrichedFunctors C D = record
  { Obj = Functor C D
  ; _⇒_ = NaturalTransformation
  ; _≈_ = λ α β   {X}  α [ X ]  β [ X ]
  ; id  = idNT
  ; _∘_ = _∘ᵥ_
  ; assoc     = assoc
  ; sym-assoc = sym-assoc
  ; identityˡ = identityˡ
  ; identityʳ = identityʳ
  ; identity² = identity²
  ; equiv     = record
    { refl  = Equiv.refl
    ; sym   = λ α≈β  Equiv.sym α≈β
    ; trans = λ α≈β β≈γ  Equiv.trans α≈β β≈γ
  ; ∘-resp-≈ = λ α₁≈β₁ α₂≈β₂  ∘-resp-≈ α₁≈β₁ α₂≈β₂
  where open Underlying D

-- Horizontal composition of natural transformations (aka the Godement
-- product) induces a composition functor over functor categories.
-- Note that all the equational reasoning happens in the underlying
-- (ordinary) categories!

 :  {c d e} {C : Category c} {D : Category d} {E : Category e} 
    Bifunctor (EnrichedFunctors D E) (EnrichedFunctors C D) (EnrichedFunctors C E)
 {_} {_} {_} {_} {D} {E} = record
  { F₀ = uncurry′ _∘F_
  ; F₁ = uncurry′ _∘ₕ_
  ; identity = λ{ {F , G} {X} 
      (F $₁ D.id)  E.id   ≈⟨ identityʳ 
      F $₁ D.id            ≈⟨ identity F 
      E.id                  }
  ; homomorphism = λ{ {_ , F₂} {G₁ , G₂} {H₁ , _} {α₁ , α₂} {β₁ , β₂} {X} 
      H₁ $₁ (β₂ [ X ] D.∘ α₂ [ X ])  β₁ [ F₂ $₀ X ]  α₁ [ F₂ $₀ X ]
    ≈⟨ homomorphism H₁ ⟩∘⟨refl 
      (H₁ $₁ β₂ [ X ]  H₁ $₁ α₂ [ X ])  β₁ [ F₂ $₀ X ]  α₁ [ F₂ $₀ X ]
    ≈⟨ center ( (commute β₁ (α₂ [ X ]))) 
      (H₁ $₁ β₂ [ X ]  (β₁ [ G₂ $₀ X ]  G₁ $₁ α₂ [ X ])  α₁ [ F₂ $₀ X ])
    ≈⟨ pull-first refl 
      (H₁ $₁ β₂ [ X ]  β₁ [ G₂ $₀ X ])  G₁ $₁ α₂ [ X ]  α₁ [ F₂ $₀ X ]
  ; F-resp-≈ = λ{ {_} {F , _} (eq₁ , eq₂)  ∘-resp-≈ (F-resp-≈ F eq₂) eq₁ }
    module D = Underlying D
    module E = Underlying E
    open E hiding (id)
    open MR (Underlying E)
    open HomReasoning
    open Equiv using (refl)
    open UnderlyingFunctor hiding (F₀; F₁)
    open UnderlyingNT

    -- Aliases used to shorten some proof expressions

    infixr 14 _$₀_ _$₁_
    _$₀_ = UnderlyingFunctor.F₀
    _$₁_ = UnderlyingFunctor.F₁