{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

-- Enriched category over a Monoidal category V

open import Categories.Category using (module Commutation) renaming (Category to Setoid-Category)
open import Categories.Category.Monoidal using (Monoidal)

module Categories.Enriched.Category {o  e} {V : Setoid-Category o  e}
                                    (M : Monoidal V) where

open import Level

open import Categories.Category.Monoidal.Reasoning M
open import Categories.Category.Monoidal.Utilities M using (module Shorthands)
open import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning V using (pullˡ; pullʳ; pushˡ)

open Setoid-Category V renaming (Obj to ObjV; id to idV)
  using (_⇒_; _∘_)
open Commutation V
open Monoidal M using (unit; _⊗₀_; _⊗₁_; module associator; module unitorˡ;
  module unitorʳ; assoc-commute-from)
open Shorthands

record Category (v : Level) : Set (o    e  suc v) where
    Obj : Set v
    hom : (A B : Obj)    ObjV
    id  : {A : Obj}      unit  hom A A
       : {A B C : Obj}  hom B C ⊗₀ hom A B  hom A C

    ⊚-assoc : {A B C D : Obj} 
      [ (hom C D ⊗₀ hom B C) ⊗₀ hom A B  hom A D ]⟨
         ⊗₁ idV          ⇒⟨ hom B D ⊗₀ hom A B 
       associator.from   ⇒⟨ hom C D ⊗₀ (hom B C ⊗₀ hom A B) 
        idV ⊗₁           ⇒⟨ hom C D ⊗₀ hom A C 
    unitˡ : {A B : Obj} 
      [ unit ⊗₀ hom A B  hom A B ]⟨
        id ⊗₁ idV         ⇒⟨ hom B B ⊗₀ hom A B 
    unitʳ : {A B : Obj} 
      [ hom A B ⊗₀ unit  hom A B ]⟨
        idV ⊗₁ id         ⇒⟨ hom A B ⊗₀ hom A A 

  -- A version of ⊚-assoc using generalized hom-variables.
  -- In this version of associativity, the generalized variables f, g
  -- and h represent V-morphisms, or rather, morphism-valued maps,
  -- such as V-natural transformations or V-functorial actions.  This
  -- version is therefore well-suited for proving derived equations,
  -- such as functorial laws or commuting diagrams, that involve such
  -- maps.  For examples, see Underlying.assoc below, or the modules
  -- Enriched.Functor and Enriched.NaturalTransformation.

  ⊚-assoc-var : {X Y Z : ObjV} {A B C D : Obj}
                {f : X  hom C D} {g : Y  hom B C} {h : Z  hom A B} 
      [ (X ⊗₀ Y) ⊗₀ Z  hom A D ]⟨
        (  f ⊗₁ g) ⊗₁ h  ⇒⟨ hom B D ⊗₀ hom A B 
       associator.from    ⇒⟨ X ⊗₀ (Y ⊗₀ Z) 
        f ⊗₁ (  g ⊗₁ h)  ⇒⟨ hom C D ⊗₀ hom A C 
  ⊚-assoc-var {f = f} {g} {h} = begin
      (  f ⊗₁ g) ⊗₁ h                 ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ split₁ˡ 
       ⊗₁ idV  (f ⊗₁ g) ⊗₁ h          ≈⟨ pullˡ ⊚-assoc 
    (  idV ⊗₁   α⇒)  (f ⊗₁ g) ⊗₁ h   ≈⟨ pullʳ (pullʳ assoc-commute-from) 
      idV ⊗₁   f ⊗₁ (g ⊗₁ h)  α⇒     ≈˘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ pushˡ split₂ˡ 
      f ⊗₁ (  g ⊗₁ h)  α⇒            

-- The usual shorthand for hom-objects of an arbitrary category.

infix 15 _[_,_]

_[_,_] :  {c} (C : Category c) (X Y : Category.Obj C)  ObjV
_[_,_] = Category.hom