{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}
open import Categories.Category

-- Definition of Monoidal Category

-- Big design decision that differs from the previous version:
-- Do not go through "Functor.Power" to encode variables and work
-- at the level of NaturalIsomorphisms, instead work at the object/morphism
-- level, via the more direct _⊗₀_ _⊗₁_ _⊗- -⊗_.
-- The original design needed quite a few contortions to get things working,
-- but these are simply not needed when working directly with the morphisms.
-- Smaller design decision: export some items with long names
-- (unitorˡ, unitorʳ and associator), but internally work with the more classical
-- short greek names (λ, ρ and α respectively).

module Categories.Category.Monoidal.Core {o  e} (C : Category o  e) where

open import Level using (_⊔_)
open import Data.Product using (_,_; curry′)

open import Categories.Functor using (Functor)
open import Categories.Functor.Bifunctor using (Bifunctor; appˡ; appʳ)
open import Categories.Morphism C using (_≅_)
open import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning C using (conjugate-from)

  module C = Category C

open C hiding (id; identityˡ; identityʳ; assoc)
open Commutation C
open Definitions C

    X Y Z W A B : Obj
    f g h i a b : X  Y

record Monoidal : Set (o    e) where
  infixr 10 _⊗₀_ _⊗₁_

      : Bifunctor C C C
    unit : Obj

  module  = Functor 
  open Functor 

  _⊗₀_ : Obj  Obj  Obj
  _⊗₀_ = curry′ F₀

  -- this is also 'curry', but a very-dependent version
  _⊗₁_ : X  Y  Z  W  X ⊗₀ Z  Y ⊗₀ W
  f ⊗₁ g = F₁ (f , g)

  _⊗- : Obj  Functor C C
  X ⊗- = appˡ  X

  -⊗_ : Obj  Functor C C
  -⊗ X = appʳ  X

    unitorˡ    : unit ⊗₀ X  X
    unitorʳ    : X ⊗₀ unit  X
    associator : (X ⊗₀ Y) ⊗₀ Z  X ⊗₀ (Y ⊗₀ Z)

  module unitorˡ {X} = _≅_ (unitorˡ {X = X})
  module unitorʳ {X} = _≅_ (unitorʳ {X = X})
  module associator {X} {Y} {Z} = _≅_ (associator {X} {Y} {Z})

  -- for exporting, it makes sense to use the above long names, but for
  -- internal consumption, the traditional (short!) categorical names are more
  -- convenient. However, they are not symmetric, even though the concepts are, so
  -- we'll use ⇒ and ⇐ arrows to indicate that

    λ⇒ = unitorˡ.from
    λ⇐ = unitorˡ.to
    ρ⇒ = unitorʳ.from
    ρ⇐ = unitorʳ.to
    -- eta expansion fixes a problem in 2.6.1, will be reported
    α⇒ = λ {X} {Y} {Z}  associator.from {X} {Y} {Z}
    α⇐ = λ {X} {Y} {Z}  associator.to {X} {Y} {Z}

    unitorˡ-commute-from : CommutativeSquare (C.id ⊗₁ f) λ⇒ λ⇒ f
    unitorˡ-commute-to   : CommutativeSquare f λ⇐ λ⇐ (C.id ⊗₁ f)
    unitorʳ-commute-from : CommutativeSquare (f ⊗₁ C.id) ρ⇒ ρ⇒ f
    unitorʳ-commute-to   : CommutativeSquare f ρ⇐ ρ⇐ (f ⊗₁ C.id)
    assoc-commute-from   : CommutativeSquare ((f ⊗₁ g) ⊗₁ h) α⇒ α⇒ (f ⊗₁ (g ⊗₁ h))
    assoc-commute-to     : CommutativeSquare (f ⊗₁ (g ⊗₁ h)) α⇐ α⇐ ((f ⊗₁ g) ⊗₁ h)
    triangle             : [ (X ⊗₀ unit) ⊗₀ Y  X ⊗₀ Y ]⟨
                             α⇒           ⇒⟨ X ⊗₀ (unit ⊗₀ Y) 
                             C.id ⊗₁ λ⇒
                            ρ⇒ ⊗₁ C.id
    pentagon             : [ ((X ⊗₀ Y) ⊗₀ Z) ⊗₀ W  X ⊗₀ Y ⊗₀ Z ⊗₀ W ]⟨
                             α⇒ ⊗₁ C.id       ⇒⟨ (X ⊗₀ Y ⊗₀ Z) ⊗₀ W 
                             α⇒               ⇒⟨ X ⊗₀ (Y ⊗₀ Z) ⊗₀ W 
                             C.id ⊗₁ α⇒
                            α⇒               ⇒⟨ (X ⊗₀ Y) ⊗₀ Z ⊗₀ W 

  record Monoidal′ : Set (o    e) where
    infixr 10 _⊗₀_ _⊗₁_

        : Bifunctor C C C
      unit : Obj

    open Functor 

    _⊗₀_ : Obj  Obj  Obj
    _⊗₀_ = curry′ F₀

    _⊗₁_ : X  Y  Z  W  X ⊗₀ Z  Y ⊗₀ W
    f ⊗₁ g = F₁ (f , g)

      unitorˡ    : unit ⊗₀ X  X
      unitorʳ    : X ⊗₀ unit  X
      associator : (X ⊗₀ Y) ⊗₀ Z  X ⊗₀ (Y ⊗₀ Z)

    module unitorˡ {X} = _≅_ (unitorˡ {X = X})
    module unitorʳ {X} = _≅_ (unitorʳ {X = X})
    module associator {X} {Y} {Z} = _≅_ (associator {X} {Y} {Z})

      λ⇒ = unitorˡ.from
      λ⇐ = unitorˡ.to
      ρ⇒ = unitorʳ.from
      ρ⇐ = unitorʳ.to
      α⇒ = λ {X} {Y} {Z}  associator.from {X} {Y} {Z}
      α⇐ = λ {X} {Y} {Z}  associator.to {X} {Y} {Z}

      unitorˡ-commute : CommutativeSquare (C.id ⊗₁ f) λ⇒ λ⇒ f
      unitorʳ-commute : CommutativeSquare (f ⊗₁ C.id) ρ⇒ ρ⇒ f
      assoc-commute   : CommutativeSquare ((f ⊗₁ g) ⊗₁ h) α⇒ α⇒ (f ⊗₁ (g ⊗₁ h))
      triangle        : [ (X ⊗₀ unit) ⊗₀ Y  X ⊗₀ Y ]⟨
                          α⇒           ⇒⟨ X ⊗₀ (unit ⊗₀ Y) 
                          C.id ⊗₁ λ⇒
                         ρ⇒ ⊗₁ C.id
      pentagon        : [ ((X ⊗₀ Y) ⊗₀ Z) ⊗₀ W  X ⊗₀ Y ⊗₀ Z ⊗₀ W ]⟨
                          α⇒ ⊗₁ C.id       ⇒⟨ (X ⊗₀ Y ⊗₀ Z) ⊗₀ W 
                          α⇒               ⇒⟨ X ⊗₀ (Y ⊗₀ Z) ⊗₀ W 
                          C.id ⊗₁ α⇒
                         α⇒               ⇒⟨ (X ⊗₀ Y) ⊗₀ Z ⊗₀ W 

    unitorˡ-commute-to : CommutativeSquare f λ⇐ λ⇐ (C.id ⊗₁ f)
    unitorˡ-commute-to = conjugate-from unitorˡ unitorˡ (Equiv.sym unitorˡ-commute)
    unitorʳ-commute-to : CommutativeSquare f ρ⇐ ρ⇐ (f ⊗₁ C.id)
    unitorʳ-commute-to = conjugate-from unitorʳ unitorʳ (Equiv.sym unitorʳ-commute)
    assoc-commute-to   : CommutativeSquare (f ⊗₁ (g ⊗₁ h)) α⇐ α⇐ ((f ⊗₁ g) ⊗₁ h)
    assoc-commute-to   = conjugate-from associator associator (Equiv.sym assoc-commute)

monoidalHelper : Monoidal′  Monoidal
monoidalHelper M = record
  {  = 
  ; unit = unit
  ; unitorˡ = unitorˡ
  ; unitorʳ = unitorʳ
  ; associator = associator
  ; unitorˡ-commute-from = unitorˡ-commute
  ; unitorˡ-commute-to = unitorˡ-commute-to
  ; unitorʳ-commute-from = unitorʳ-commute
  ; unitorʳ-commute-to = unitorʳ-commute-to
  ; assoc-commute-from = assoc-commute
  ; assoc-commute-to = assoc-commute-to
  ; triangle = triangle
  ; pentagon = pentagon
  where open Monoidal′ M