{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Categories.Bicategory using (Bicategory)

module Categories.Bicategory.Extras {o  e t} (Bicat : Bicategory o  e t) where

open import Data.Product using (_,_)

import Categories.Category.Construction.Core as Core
open import Categories.Category.Construction.Functors using (Functors; module curry)
open import Categories.Functor using (Functor)
open import Categories.Functor.Bifunctor using (flip-bifunctor)
open import Categories.Functor.Bifunctor.Properties
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation
  using (NaturalTransformation; ntHelper)
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation.NaturalIsomorphism using (NaturalIsomorphism)

import Categories.Morphism as Mor
import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning as MR
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation.NaturalIsomorphism.Properties using (push-eq)

open Bicategory Bicat public
    A B C D : Obj
    f g h i : A ⇒₁ B
    α β γ δ : f ⇒₂ g

infixr 10 _▷ᵢ_
infixl 10 _◁ᵢ_
infixr 6  _⟩⊚⟨_ refl⟩⊚⟨_
infixl 7  _⟩⊚⟨refl

module  {A B C}          = Functor ( {A} {B} {C})
module ⊚-assoc {A B C D}  = NaturalIsomorphism (⊚-assoc {A} {B} {C} {D})
module unitˡ {A B}        = NaturalIsomorphism (unitˡ {A} {B})
module unitʳ {A B}        = NaturalIsomorphism (unitʳ {A} {B})
module id {A}             = Functor (id {A})

  module MR′ {A} {B} where
    open Core.Shorthands (hom A B) public
    open MR (hom A B) public hiding (push-eq)
  open MR′

unitorˡ : {A B : Obj} {f : A ⇒₁ B}  id₁ ∘₁ f  f
unitorˡ {_} {_} {f} = record
  { from = unitˡ.⇒.η (_ , f)
  ; to   = unitˡ.⇐.η (_ , f)
  ; iso  = unitˡ.iso (_ , f)

module unitorˡ {A B f} = _≅_ (unitorˡ {A} {B} {f})

unitorʳ : {A B : Obj} {f : A ⇒₁ B}  f ∘₁ id₁  f
unitorʳ {_} {_} {f} = record
  { from = unitʳ.⇒.η (f , _)
  ; to   = unitʳ.⇐.η (f , _)
  ; iso  = unitʳ.iso (f , _)

module unitorʳ {A B f} = _≅_ (unitorʳ {A} {B} {f})

associator : {A B C D : Obj} {f : D ⇒₁ B} {g : C ⇒₁ D} {h : A ⇒₁ C} 
             (f ∘₁ g) ∘₁ h  f ∘₁ g ∘₁ h
associator {_} {_} {_} {_} {f} {g} {h} = record
  { from = ⊚-assoc.⇒.η ((f , g) , h)
  ; to   = ⊚-assoc.⇐.η ((f , g) , h)
  ; iso  = ⊚-assoc.iso ((f , g) , h)

module associator {A B C D} {f : C ⇒₁ B} {g : D ⇒₁ C} {h} = _≅_ (associator {A = A} {B = B} {f = f} {g = g} {h = h})

module Shorthands where
  λ⇒ = unitorˡ.from
  λ⇐ = unitorˡ.to

  ρ⇒ = unitorʳ.from
  ρ⇐ = unitorʳ.to

  α⇒ = associator.from
  α⇐ = associator.to
open Shorthands

-- Two curried versions of ⊚.

-⊚[-] : Functor (hom A B) (Functors (hom B C) (hom A C))
-⊚[-] = curry.F₀ (flip-bifunctor )

[-]⊚- : Functor (hom B C) (Functors (hom A B) (hom A C))
[-]⊚- = curry.F₀ 

-⊚_ : A ⇒₁ B  Functor (hom B C) (hom A C)
-⊚_ = Functor.F₀ -⊚[-]

_⊚- : B ⇒₁ C  Functor (hom A B) (hom A C)
_⊚- = Functor.F₀ [-]⊚-

-▷_ :  {C}  f ⇒₂ g  NaturalTransformation (-⊚_ {C = C} f) (-⊚ g)
-▷_ = Functor.F₁ -⊚[-]

_◁- :  {A}  f ⇒₂ g  NaturalTransformation (_⊚- {A = A} f) (g ⊚-)
_◁- = Functor.F₁ [-]⊚-

identity₂ˡ : id₂ ∘ᵥ α  α
identity₂ˡ = hom.identityˡ

identity₂ʳ : α ∘ᵥ id₂  α
identity₂ʳ = hom.identityʳ

assoc₂ : (α ∘ᵥ β) ∘ᵥ γ  α ∘ᵥ β ∘ᵥ γ
assoc₂ = hom.assoc

id₂◁ : id₂ {f = g}  f  id₂
id₂◁ = ⊚.identity

▷id₂ : f  id₂ {f = g}  id₂
▷id₂ = ⊚.identity

open hom.HomReasoning
open hom.Equiv

_⊚ᵢ_ : f  h  g  i  f ⊚₀ g  h ⊚₀ i
α ⊚ᵢ β = record
  { from = from α ⊚₁ from β
  ; to   = to α ⊚₁ to β
  ; iso  = record
    { isoˡ = [  ]-merge (isoˡ α) (isoˡ β)  ⊚.identity
    ; isoʳ = [  ]-merge (isoʳ α) (isoʳ β)  ⊚.identity }

_◁ᵢ_ : {g h : B ⇒₁ C} (α : g  h) (f : A ⇒₁ B)  g ∘₁ f  h ∘₁ f
α ◁ᵢ _ = α ⊚ᵢ idᵢ

_▷ᵢ_ : {f g : A ⇒₁ B} (h : B ⇒₁ C) (α : f  g)  h ∘₁ f  h ∘₁ g
_ ▷ᵢ α = idᵢ ⊚ᵢ α

⊚-resp-≈ : α  β  γ  δ  α ⊚₁ γ  β ⊚₁ δ
⊚-resp-≈ p q = ⊚.F-resp-≈ (p , q)

⊚-resp-≈ˡ : α  β  α ⊚₁ γ  β ⊚₁ γ
⊚-resp-≈ˡ p = ⊚.F-resp-≈ (p , hom.Equiv.refl)

⊚-resp-≈ʳ : γ  δ  α ⊚₁ γ  α ⊚₁ δ
⊚-resp-≈ʳ q = ⊚.F-resp-≈ (hom.Equiv.refl , q)

_⟩⊚⟨_ : α  β  γ  δ  α ⊚₁ γ  β ⊚₁ δ
_⟩⊚⟨_ = ⊚-resp-≈

refl⟩⊚⟨_ : γ  δ  α ⊚₁ γ  α ⊚₁ δ
refl⟩⊚⟨_ = ⊚-resp-≈ʳ

_⟩⊚⟨refl : α  β  α ⊚₁ γ  β ⊚₁ γ
_⟩⊚⟨refl = ⊚-resp-≈ˡ

∘ᵥ-distr-◁ : (α  f) ∘ᵥ (β  f)  (α ∘ᵥ β)  f
∘ᵥ-distr-◁ {f = f} =  (Functor.homomorphism (-⊚ f))

∘ᵥ-distr-▷ : (f  α) ∘ᵥ (f  β)  f  (α ∘ᵥ β)
∘ᵥ-distr-▷ {f = f} =  (Functor.homomorphism (f ⊚-))

λ⇒-∘ᵥ-▷ : λ⇒ ∘ᵥ (id₁  α)  α ∘ᵥ λ⇒
λ⇒-∘ᵥ-▷ {α = α} = begin
  λ⇒ ∘ᵥ (id₁  α)    ≈˘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ id.identity ⟩⊚⟨refl 
  λ⇒ ∘ᵥ id.F₁ _ ⊚₁ α ≈⟨ unitˡ.⇒.commute (_ , α) 
  α ∘ᵥ λ⇒            

▷-∘ᵥ-λ⇐ : (id₁  α) ∘ᵥ λ⇐  λ⇐ ∘ᵥ α
▷-∘ᵥ-λ⇐ = conjugate-to (unitorˡ ⁻¹) (unitorˡ ⁻¹) λ⇒-∘ᵥ-▷

ρ⇒-∘ᵥ-◁ : ρ⇒ ∘ᵥ (α  id₁)  α ∘ᵥ ρ⇒
ρ⇒-∘ᵥ-◁ {α = α} = begin
  ρ⇒ ∘ᵥ (α  id₁)      ≈˘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ refl⟩⊚⟨ id.identity 
  ρ⇒ ∘ᵥ (α ⊚₁ id.F₁ _) ≈⟨ unitʳ.⇒.commute (α , _) 
  α ∘ᵥ ρ⇒              

◁-∘ᵥ-ρ⇐ : (α  id₁) ∘ᵥ ρ⇐  ρ⇐ ∘ᵥ α
◁-∘ᵥ-ρ⇐ = conjugate-to (unitorʳ ⁻¹) (unitorʳ ⁻¹) ρ⇒-∘ᵥ-◁

α⇐-◁-∘₁ : α⇐ ∘ᵥ (γ  (g ∘₁ f))  ((γ  g)  f) ∘ᵥ α⇐
α⇐-◁-∘₁ {γ = γ} {g = g} {f = f} = begin
  α⇐ ∘ᵥ (γ  (g ∘₁ f))    ≈˘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ refl⟩⊚⟨ ⊚.identity 
  α⇐ ∘ᵥ (γ ⊚₁ id₂ ⊚₁ id₂)  ≈⟨ ⊚-assoc.⇐.commute ((γ , id₂) , id₂) 
  ((γ  g)  f) ∘ᵥ α⇐      

α⇒-◁-∘₁ : α⇒ ∘ᵥ γ  g  f  γ  (g ∘₁ f) ∘ᵥ α⇒
α⇒-◁-∘₁ =  (conjugate-to associator associator α⇐-◁-∘₁)

α⇐-▷-◁ : α⇐ ∘ᵥ (f  (γ  g))  ((f  γ)  g) ∘ᵥ α⇐
α⇐-▷-◁ {f = f} {γ = γ} {g = g} = ⊚-assoc.⇐.commute ((id₂ , γ) , id₂)

α⇒-▷-∘₁ : α⇒ ∘ᵥ (f ∘₁ g)  γ  f  g  γ ∘ᵥ α⇒
α⇒-▷-∘₁{f = f} {g = g} {γ = γ} = begin
  α⇒ ∘ᵥ (f ⊚₀ g)  γ     ≈˘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ ⊚.identity ⟩⊚⟨refl 
  α⇒ ∘ᵥ (f  id₂) ⊚₁ γ   ≈⟨ ⊚-assoc.⇒.commute ((id₂ , id₂) , γ) 
  f  g  γ ∘ᵥ α⇒        

α⇐-▷-∘₁ : α⇐ ∘ᵥ (g  (f  γ))  ((g ∘₁ f)  γ) ∘ᵥ α⇐
α⇐-▷-∘₁ = conjugate-from associator associator ( α⇒-▷-∘₁)

◁-▷-exchg :  {α : f ⇒₂ g} {β : h ⇒₂ i}  (i  α) ∘ᵥ (β  f)  (β  g) ∘ᵥ (h  α)
◁-▷-exchg = [  ]-commute

triangle-iso : {f : A ⇒₁ B} {g : B ⇒₁ C} 
               (g ▷ᵢ unitorˡ ∘ᵢ associator) ≈ᵢ (unitorʳ ◁ᵢ f)
triangle-iso =  triangle 

triangle-inv : {f : A ⇒₁ B} {g : B ⇒₁ C}  α⇐ ∘ᵥ g  λ⇐  ρ⇐  f
triangle-inv = to-≈ triangle-iso

pentagon-iso :  {E} {f : A ⇒₁ B} {g : B ⇒₁ C} {h : C ⇒₁ D} {i : D ⇒₁ E} 
               (i ▷ᵢ associator ∘ᵢ associator ∘ᵢ associator ◁ᵢ f) ≈ᵢ
               (associator {f = i} {h} {g ∘₁ f} ∘ᵢ associator)
pentagon-iso =  pentagon 

pentagon-inv :  {E} {f : A ⇒₁ B} {g : B ⇒₁ C} {h : C ⇒₁ D} {i : D ⇒₁ E} 
               (α⇐  f ∘ᵥ α⇐) ∘ᵥ i  α⇐  α⇐ ∘ᵥ α⇐ {f = i} {h} {g ∘₁ f}
pentagon-inv = to-≈ pentagon-iso

module UnitorCoherence where

  -- Extra coherence laws for the unitors.
  -- These are similar to the extra coherence laws for monoidal
  -- categories that Kelly proved admissible in 1964.  The proofs are
  -- largely the same.  See Categories.Category.Monoidal.Properties
  -- for the monoidal versions and
  --   https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/monoidal+category
  -- for an explanation of the proof and references to Kelly's paper.

  open ComHom

  -- As described on nLab, we start by proving that the 'perimeters'
  -- of two large diagrams commute...

  id▷λ-perimeter : [ ((id₁ ⊚₀ id₁) ⊚₀ f) ⊚₀ g  id₁ ⊚₀ (f ⊚₀ g) ]⟨
                     α⇒  g       ⇒⟨ (id₁ ⊚₀ (id₁ ⊚₀ f)) ⊚₀ g 
                     α⇒           ⇒⟨ id₁ ⊚₀ ((id₁ ⊚₀ f) ⊚₀ g) 
                     id₁  α⇒     ⇒⟨ id₁ ⊚₀ (id₁ ⊚₀ (f ⊚₀ g)) 
                     id₁  λ⇒
                    ρ⇒  f  g   ⇒⟨ (id₁ ⊚₀ f) ⊚₀ g 
  id▷λ-perimeter {f = f} {g = g} = begin
    id₁  λ⇒ ∘ᵥ id₁  α⇒ ∘ᵥ α⇒ ∘ᵥ α⇒  g   ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ pentagon 
    id₁  λ⇒ ∘ᵥ α⇒ ∘ᵥ α⇒                   ≈⟨ pullˡ triangle 
    ρ⇒  (f ⊚₀ g) ∘ᵥ α⇒                    ≈˘⟨ refl⟩⊚⟨ ⊚.identity ⟩∘⟨refl 
    ρ⇒ ⊚₁ (id₂  g) ∘ᵥ α⇒                  ≈˘⟨ ⊚-assoc.⇒.commute _ 
    α⇒ ∘ᵥ ρ⇒  f  g                       

  ρ◁id-perimeter : [ ((f ⊚₀ g) ⊚₀ id₁) ⊚₀ id₁  f ⊚₀ (g ⊚₀ id₁) ]⟨
                     α⇒  id₁     ⇒⟨ (f ⊚₀ (g ⊚₀ id₁)) ⊚₀ id₁ 
                     α⇒           ⇒⟨ f ⊚₀ ((g ⊚₀ id₁) ⊚₀ id₁) 
                     f  α⇒       ⇒⟨ f ⊚₀ (g ⊚₀ (id₁ ⊚₀ id₁)) 
                     f  g  λ⇒
                    ρ⇒  id₁     ⇒⟨ (f ⊚₀ g) ⊚₀ id₁ 
  ρ◁id-perimeter {f = f} {g = g} = begin
    f  g  λ⇒ ∘ᵥ f  α⇒ ∘ᵥ α⇒ ∘ᵥ α⇒  id₁   ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ pentagon 
    f  g  λ⇒ ∘ᵥ α⇒ ∘ᵥ α⇒                   ≈˘⟨ pushˡ (⊚-assoc.⇒.commute _) 
    (α⇒ ∘ᵥ (f  id₂) ⊚₁ λ⇒) ∘ᵥ α⇒       ≈⟨ pullʳ (⊚.identity ⟩⊚⟨refl ⟩∘⟨refl) 
    α⇒ ∘ᵥ (f ⊚₀ g)  λ⇒ ∘ᵥ α⇒           ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ triangle 
    α⇒ ∘ᵥ ρ⇒  id₁                      

  -- ... which allow us to prove that the following triangles commute...

  id▷λ-coherence : [ id₁ ⊚₀ ((id₁ ⊚₀ f) ⊚₀ g)  id₁ ⊚₀ (f ⊚₀ g) ]⟨
                     id₁  (λ⇒  g)
                    id₁  α⇒         ⇒⟨ id₁ ⊚₀ (id₁ ⊚₀ (f ⊚₀ g)) 
                     id₁  λ⇒
  id▷λ-coherence {f = f} {g = g} = begin
      id₁  (λ⇒  g)
    ≈⟨ switch-fromtoʳ associator ( (⊚-assoc.⇒.commute _)) 
      (α⇒ ∘ᵥ (id₁  λ⇒)  g) ∘ᵥ α⇐
    ≈⟨ (refl⟩∘⟨ switch-fromtoʳ associator triangle ⟩⊚⟨refl) ⟩∘⟨refl 
      (α⇒ ∘ᵥ ((ρ⇒  f ∘ᵥ α⇐)  g)) ∘ᵥ α⇐
    ≈⟨ pushˡ (pushʳ (Functor.homomorphism (-⊚ g))) 
      (α⇒ ∘ᵥ ρ⇒  f  g) ∘ᵥ (α⇐  g ∘ᵥ α⇐)
    ≈˘⟨ switch-fromtoʳ (associator ∘ᵢ (associator ⊚ᵢ idᵢ))
                       (hom.assoc  id▷λ-perimeter) 
      id₁  λ⇒ ∘ᵥ id₁  α⇒

  ρ◁id-coherence : [ ((f ⊚₀ g) ⊚₀ id₁) ⊚₀ id₁  (f ⊚₀ g) ⊚₀ id₁ ]⟨
                     ρ⇒  id₁
                    α⇒  id₁          ⇒⟨ (f ⊚₀ (g ⊚₀ id₁)) ⊚₀ id₁ 
                     (f  ρ⇒)  id₁
  ρ◁id-coherence {f = f} {g = g} = begin
      ρ⇒  id₁
    ≈⟨ switch-fromtoˡ associator ( ρ◁id-perimeter) 
      α⇐ ∘ᵥ f  g  λ⇒ ∘ᵥ f  α⇒ ∘ᵥ α⇒ ∘ᵥ α⇒  id₁
    ≈˘⟨ pullʳ (pushˡ (Functor.homomorphism (f ⊚-))) 
      (α⇐ ∘ᵥ f  (g  λ⇒ ∘ᵥ α⇒)) ∘ᵥ α⇒ ∘ᵥ α⇒  id₁
    ≈⟨ pullˡ (pushˡ (refl⟩∘⟨ refl⟩⊚⟨ triangle)) 
      (α⇐ ∘ᵥ f  (ρ⇒  id₁) ∘ᵥ α⇒) ∘ᵥ α⇒  id₁
    ≈˘⟨ switch-fromtoˡ associator (⊚-assoc.⇒.commute _) ⟩∘⟨refl 
      (f  ρ⇒)  id₁ ∘ᵥ α⇒  id₁

  -- ... which are the results modulo (id₁ ⊚-) and (-⊚ id₁).

  unitorˡ-coherence : [ (id₁ ⊚₀ f) ⊚₀ g  f ⊚₀ g ]⟨
                        λ⇒  g
                       α⇒         ⇒⟨ id₁ ⊚₀ (f ⊚₀ g) 
  unitorˡ-coherence {f = f} {g = g} = push-eq unitˡ (begin
    id.F₁ _ ⊚₁ (λ⇒  g)     ≈⟨ id.identity ⟩⊚⟨refl 
    id₁  (λ⇒  g)          ≈⟨ id▷λ-coherence 
    id₁  λ⇒ ∘ᵥ id₁  α⇒    ≈˘⟨ Functor.homomorphism (id₁ ⊚-) 
    id₁  (λ⇒ ∘ᵥ α⇒)        ≈˘⟨ id.identity ⟩⊚⟨refl 
    id.F₁ _ ⊚₁ (λ⇒ ∘ᵥ α⇒)   )

  unitorʳ-coherence : [ (f ⊚₀ g) ⊚₀ id₁  f ⊚₀ g ]⟨
                       α⇒         ⇒⟨ f ⊚₀ (g ⊚₀ id₁) 
                        f  ρ⇒
  unitorʳ-coherence {f = f} {g = g} = push-eq unitʳ (begin
    ρ⇒ ⊚₁ id.F₁ _                ≈⟨ refl⟩⊚⟨ id.identity 
    ρ⇒  id₁                     ≈⟨ ρ◁id-coherence 
    (f  ρ⇒)  id₁ ∘ᵥ α⇒  id₁   ≈˘⟨ Functor.homomorphism (-⊚ id₁) 
    (f  ρ⇒ ∘ᵥ α⇒)  id₁         ≈˘⟨ refl⟩⊚⟨ id.identity 
    (f  ρ⇒ ∘ᵥ α⇒) ⊚₁ id.F₁ _    )

open UnitorCoherence public using (unitorˡ-coherence; unitorʳ-coherence)