{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Categories.Adjoint
open import Categories.Category
open import Categories.Functor renaming (id to idF)

-- The crude monadicity theorem. This proof is based off of the version
-- provided in "Sheaves In Geometry and Logic" by Maclane and Moerdijk.
module Categories.Adjoint.Monadic.Crude {o  e o′ ℓ′ e′} {𝒞 : Category o  e} {𝒟 : Category o′ ℓ′ e′}
                                        {L : Functor 𝒞 𝒟} {R : Functor 𝒟 𝒞} (adjoint : L  R) where

open import Level
open import Function using (_$_)
open import Data.Product using (Σ-syntax; _,_)

open import Categories.Adjoint.Properties
open import Categories.Adjoint.Monadic
open import Categories.Adjoint.Monadic.Properties
open import Categories.Category.Equivalence using (StrongEquivalence)
open import Categories.Category.Equivalence.Properties using (pointwise-iso-equivalence)
open import Categories.Functor.Properties
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation.NaturalIsomorphism using (NaturalIsomorphism)
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation
open import Categories.Monad

open import Categories.Diagram.Coequalizer
open import Categories.Diagram.ReflexivePair

open import Categories.Adjoint.Construction.EilenbergMoore
open import Categories.Category.Construction.EilenbergMoore
open import Categories.Category.Construction.Properties.EilenbergMoore

open import Categories.Morphism
open import Categories.Morphism.Notation
open import Categories.Morphism.Properties
import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning as MR

  module L = Functor L
  module R = Functor R

  module 𝒞 = Category 𝒞
  module 𝒟 = Category 𝒟

  module adjoint = Adjoint adjoint

  T : Monad 𝒞
  T = adjoint⇒monad adjoint

  𝒞ᵀ : Category _ _ _
  𝒞ᵀ = EilenbergMoore T

  Comparison : Functor 𝒟 𝒞ᵀ
  Comparison = ComparisonF adjoint

  module Comparison = Functor Comparison

  open Coequalizer

-- We could do this with limits, but this is far easier.
PreservesReflexiveCoequalizers : (F : Functor 𝒟 𝒞)  Set _
PreservesReflexiveCoequalizers F =  {A B} {f g : 𝒟 [ A , B ]}  ReflexivePair 𝒟 f g  (coeq : Coequalizer 𝒟 f g)  IsCoequalizer 𝒞 (F.F₁ f) (F.F₁ g) (F.F₁ (arr coeq))
    module F = Functor F

module _ {F : Functor 𝒟 𝒞} (preserves-reflexive-coeq : PreservesReflexiveCoequalizers F) where
  open Functor F

  -- Unfortunately, we need to prove that the 'coequalize' arrows are equal as a lemma
  preserves-coequalizer-unique :  {A B C} {f g : 𝒟 [ A , B ]} {h : 𝒟 [ B , C ]} {eq : 𝒟 [ 𝒟 [ h  f ]  𝒟 [ h  g ] ]}
                                  (reflexive-pair : ReflexivePair 𝒟 f g)  (coe : Coequalizer 𝒟 f g)
                                   𝒞 [ F₁ (coequalize coe eq)  IsCoequalizer.coequalize (preserves-reflexive-coeq reflexive-pair coe) ([ F ]-resp-square eq) ]
  preserves-coequalizer-unique reflexive-pair coe = IsCoequalizer.unique (preserves-reflexive-coeq reflexive-pair coe) (F-resp-≈ (universal coe)  homomorphism)
      open 𝒞.HomReasoning

-- If 𝒟 has coequalizers of reflexive pairs, then the comparison functor has a left adjoint.
module _ (has-reflexive-coequalizers :  {A B} {f g : 𝒟 [ A , B ]}  ReflexivePair 𝒟 f g  Coequalizer 𝒟 f g) where

    reflexive-pair : (M : Module T)  ReflexivePair 𝒟 (L.F₁ (Module.action M)) (adjoint.counit.η (L.₀ (Module.A M)))
    reflexive-pair M = record
      { s = L.F₁ (adjoint.unit.η (Module.A M))
      ; isReflexivePair = record
        { sectionₗ = begin
          𝒟 [ L.F₁ (Module.action M)  L.F₁ (adjoint.unit.η (Module.A M)) ] ≈˘⟨ L.homomorphism 
          L.F₁ (𝒞 [ Module.action M  adjoint.unit.η (Module.A M) ] )       ≈⟨ L.F-resp-≈ (Module.identity M) 
          L.F₁ 𝒞.id                                                         ≈⟨ L.identity 
        ; sectionᵣ = begin
          𝒟 [ adjoint.counit.η (L.₀ (Module.A M))  L.F₁ (adjoint.unit.η (Module.A M)) ] ≈⟨ adjoint.zig 
        open 𝒟.HomReasoning

    -- The key part of the proof. As we have all reflexive coequalizers, we can create the following coequalizer.
    -- We can think of this as identifying the action of the algebra lifted to a "free" structure
    -- and the counit of the adjunction, as the unit of the adjunction (also lifted to the "free structure") is a section of both.
    has-coequalizer : (M : Module T)  Coequalizer 𝒟 (L.F₁ (Module.action M)) (adjoint.counit.η (L.₀ (Module.A M)))
    has-coequalizer M = has-reflexive-coequalizers (reflexive-pair M)

    module Comparison⁻¹ = Functor (Comparison⁻¹ adjoint has-coequalizer)
    module Comparison⁻¹⊣Comparison = Adjoint (Comparison⁻¹⊣Comparison adjoint has-coequalizer)

    -- We have one interesting coequalizer in 𝒞 built out of a T-module's action.
    coequalizer-action : (M : Module T)  Coequalizer 𝒞 (R.F₁ (L.F₁ (Module.action M))) (R.F₁ (adjoint.counit.η (L.₀ (Module.A M))))
    coequalizer-action M = record
      { arr = Module.action M
      ; isCoequalizer = record
        { equality = Module.commute M
        ; coequalize = λ {X} {h} eq  𝒞 [ h  adjoint.unit.η (Module.A M) ]
        ; universal = λ {C} {h} {eq}  begin
          h                                                                                                       ≈⟨ introʳ adjoint.zag  𝒞.sym-assoc 
          𝒞 [ 𝒞 [ h  R.F₁ (adjoint.counit.η (L.₀ (Module.A M))) ]  adjoint.unit.η (R.F₀ (L.F₀ (Module.A M))) ] ≈⟨ pushˡ ( eq) 
          𝒞 [ h  𝒞 [ R.F₁ (L.F₁ (Module.action M))  adjoint.unit.η (R.F₀ (L.F₀ (Module.A M))) ] ]              ≈⟨ pushʳ (adjoint.unit.sym-commute (Module.action M)) 
          𝒞 [ 𝒞 [ h  adjoint.unit.η (Module.A M) ]  Module.action M ]                                          
        ; unique = λ {X} {h} {i} {eq} eq′  begin
          i ≈⟨ introʳ (Module.identity M) 
          𝒞 [ i  𝒞 [ Module.action M  adjoint.unit.η (Module.A M) ] ] ≈⟨ pullˡ ( eq′) 
          𝒞 [ h  adjoint.unit.η (Module.A M) ] 
        open 𝒞.HomReasoning
        open MR 𝒞

  -- If 'R' preserves reflexive coequalizers, then the unit of the adjunction is a pointwise isomorphism
  unit-iso : PreservesReflexiveCoequalizers R  (X : Module T)  Σ[ h  𝒞ᵀ [ Comparison.F₀ (Comparison⁻¹.F₀ X) , X ] ] (Iso 𝒞ᵀ (Comparison⁻¹⊣Comparison.unit.η X) h)
  unit-iso preserves-reflexive-coeq X =
        coequalizerˣ = has-coequalizer X
        coequalizerᴿˣ = ((IsCoequalizer⇒Coequalizer 𝒞 (preserves-reflexive-coeq (reflexive-pair X) (has-coequalizer X))))
        coequalizer-iso = up-to-iso 𝒞 (coequalizer-action X) coequalizerᴿˣ
        module coequalizer-iso = _≅_ coequalizer-iso
        open 𝒞
        open 𝒞.HomReasoning
        open MR 𝒞
        α = record
          { arr = coequalizer-iso.to
          ; commute = begin
            coequalizer-iso.to  R.F₁ (adjoint.counit.η _)                                                                                                                ≈⟨ introʳ (R.F-resp-≈ L.identity  R.identity) 
            (coequalizer-iso.to  R.F₁ (adjoint.counit.η _))  R.F₁ (L.F₁ 𝒞.id)                                                                                           ≈⟨ pushʳ (R.F-resp-≈ (L.F-resp-≈ ( coequalizer-iso.isoʳ))  R.F-resp-≈ L.homomorphism  R.homomorphism) 
            ((coequalizer-iso.to  R.F₁ (adjoint.counit.η _))  R.F₁ (L.F₁ (R.F₁ (arr coequalizerˣ)  adjoint.unit.η _)))  R.F₁ (L.F₁ coequalizer-iso.to)                ≈⟨ (refl⟩∘⟨ (R.F-resp-≈ L.homomorphism  R.homomorphism)) ⟩∘⟨refl 
            ((coequalizer-iso.to  R.F₁ (adjoint.counit.η _))   R.F₁ (L.F₁ (R.F₁ (arr coequalizerˣ)))  R.F₁ (L.F₁ (adjoint.unit.η _)))  R.F₁ (L.F₁ coequalizer-iso.to) ≈⟨ center ([ R ]-resp-square (adjoint.counit.commute _)) ⟩∘⟨refl 
            ((coequalizer-iso.to  (R.F₁ (arr coequalizerˣ)  R.F₁ (adjoint.counit.η (L.F₀ _)))  R.F₁ (L.F₁ (adjoint.unit.η _)))  R.F₁ (L.F₁ coequalizer-iso.to))       ≈⟨ (refl⟩∘⟨ cancelʳ ( R.homomorphism  R.F-resp-≈ adjoint.zig  R.identity)) ⟩∘⟨refl  
            (coequalizer-iso.to  R.F₁ (arr coequalizerˣ))  R.F₁ (L.F₁ coequalizer-iso.to)                                                                               ≈˘⟨ universal coequalizerᴿˣ ⟩∘⟨refl 
            Module.action X  R.F₁ (L.F₁ coequalizer-iso.to) 
    in α , record { isoˡ = coequalizer-iso.isoˡ ; isoʳ = coequalizer-iso.isoʳ }

  -- If 'R' preserves reflexive coequalizers and reflects isomorphisms, then the counit of the adjunction is a pointwise isomorphism.
  counit-iso : PreservesReflexiveCoequalizers R  Conservative R  (X : 𝒟.Obj)  Σ[ h  𝒟 [ X , Comparison⁻¹.F₀ (Comparison.F₀ X) ] ] Iso 𝒟 (Comparison⁻¹⊣Comparison.counit.η X) h
  counit-iso preserves-reflexive-coeq conservative X =
    let coequalizerᴿᴷˣ = IsCoequalizer⇒Coequalizer 𝒞 (preserves-reflexive-coeq (reflexive-pair (Comparison.F₀ X)) (has-coequalizer (Comparison.F₀ X)))
        coequalizerᴷˣ = has-coequalizer (Comparison.F₀ X)
        coequalizer-iso = up-to-iso 𝒞 coequalizerᴿᴷˣ (coequalizer-action (Comparison.F₀ X))
        module coequalizer-iso = _≅_ coequalizer-iso
        open 𝒞.HomReasoning
        open 𝒞.Equiv
    in conservative (Iso-resp-≈ 𝒞 coequalizer-iso.iso ( (preserves-coequalizer-unique {R} preserves-reflexive-coeq (reflexive-pair (Comparison.F₀ X)) coequalizerᴷˣ)) refl)

  -- Now, for the final result. Both the unit and counit of the adjunction between the comparison functor and it's inverse are isomorphisms,
  -- so therefore they form natural isomorphism. Therfore, we have an equivalence of categories.
  crude-monadicity : PreservesReflexiveCoequalizers R  Conservative R  StrongEquivalence 𝒞ᵀ 𝒟
  crude-monadicity preserves-reflexlive-coeq conservative = record
    { F = Comparison⁻¹ adjoint has-coequalizer
    ; G = Comparison
    ; weak-inverse = pointwise-iso-equivalence (Comparison⁻¹⊣Comparison adjoint has-coequalizer)
                                               (counit-iso preserves-reflexlive-coeq conservative)
                                               (unit-iso preserves-reflexlive-coeq)