{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Categories.Adjoint
open import Categories.Category
open import Categories.Functor renaming (id to idF)

module Categories.Adjoint.Monadic.Properties {o  e o′ ℓ′ e′} {𝒞 : Category o  e} {𝒟 : Category o′ ℓ′ e′}
                                             {L : Functor 𝒞 𝒟} {R : Functor 𝒟 𝒞} (adjoint : L  R) where

open import Level
open import Function using (_$_)

open import Categories.Adjoint.Properties
open import Categories.Adjoint.Monadic
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation.NaturalIsomorphism
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation
open import Categories.Monad

open import Categories.Diagram.Coequalizer

open import Categories.Category.Construction.EilenbergMoore
open import Categories.Category.Construction.Properties.EilenbergMoore

open import Categories.Morphism
import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning as MR

  module L = Functor L
  module R = Functor R

  module 𝒞 = Category 𝒞
  module 𝒟 = Category 𝒟

  module adjoint = Adjoint adjoint

  T : Monad 𝒞
  T = adjoint⇒monad adjoint

  𝒞ᵀ : Category _ _ _
  𝒞ᵀ = EilenbergMoore T

  Comparison : Functor 𝒟 𝒞ᵀ
  Comparison = ComparisonF adjoint

  module Comparison = Functor Comparison

-- If we have a coequalizer of the following diagram for every T-algabra, then the comparison functor has a left adjoint.
module _ (has-coequalizer : (M : Module T)  Coequalizer 𝒟 (L.F₁ (Module.action M)) (adjoint.counit.η (L.₀ (Module.A M)))) where

  open Coequalizer

  Comparison⁻¹ : Functor 𝒞ᵀ 𝒟
  Comparison⁻¹ = record
    { F₀ = λ M  obj (has-coequalizer M)
    ; F₁ = λ {M} {N} α  coequalize (has-coequalizer M) $ begin
      𝒟 [ 𝒟 [ arr (has-coequalizer N)  L.F₁ (Module⇒.arr α) ]  L.F₁ (Module.action M) ]                             ≈⟨ pullʳ ( L.homomorphism) 
      𝒟 [ arr (has-coequalizer N)  L.F₁ (𝒞 [ Module⇒.arr α  Module.action M ]) ]                                    ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ L.F-resp-≈ (Module⇒.commute α) 
      𝒟 [ arr (has-coequalizer N)  L.F₁ (𝒞 [ Module.action N  R.F₁ (L.F₁ (Module⇒.arr α)) ]) ]                      ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ L.homomorphism 
      𝒟 [ arr (has-coequalizer N)  𝒟 [ L.F₁ (Module.action N)  L.F₁ (R.F₁ (L.F₁ (Module⇒.arr α))) ] ]               ≈⟨ pullˡ (equality (has-coequalizer N)) 
      𝒟 [ 𝒟 [ arr (has-coequalizer N)  adjoint.counit.η (L.F₀ (Module.A N)) ]  L.F₁ (R.F₁ (L.F₁ (Module⇒.arr α))) ] ≈⟨ extendˡ (adjoint.counit.commute (L.F₁ (Module⇒.arr α))) 
      𝒟 [ 𝒟 [ arr (has-coequalizer N)  L.F₁ (Module⇒.arr α) ]  adjoint.counit.η (L.₀ (Module.A M)) ]                
    ; identity = λ {A}   $ unique (has-coequalizer A) $ begin
      𝒟 [ arr (has-coequalizer A)  L.F₁ 𝒞.id ] ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ L.identity 
      𝒟 [ arr (has-coequalizer A)  𝒟.id ]      ≈⟨ id-comm 
      𝒟 [ 𝒟.id  arr (has-coequalizer A) ]      
    ; homomorphism = λ {X} {Y} {Z} {f} {g}   $ unique (has-coequalizer X) $ begin
      𝒟 [ arr (has-coequalizer Z)  L.F₁ (𝒞 [ Module⇒.arr g  Module⇒.arr f ]) ]                              ≈⟨ 𝒟.∘-resp-≈ʳ L.homomorphism  𝒟.sym-assoc 
      𝒟 [ 𝒟 [ arr (has-coequalizer Z)  L.F₁ (Module⇒.arr g) ]  L.F₁ (Module⇒.arr f) ]                       ≈⟨ universal (has-coequalizer Y) ⟩∘⟨refl 
      𝒟 [ 𝒟 [ coequalize (has-coequalizer Y) _  arr (has-coequalizer Y) ]  L.F₁ (Module⇒.arr f) ]            ≈⟨ extendˡ (universal (has-coequalizer X)) 
      𝒟 [ 𝒟 [ coequalize (has-coequalizer Y) _  coequalize (has-coequalizer X) _ ]  arr (has-coequalizer X) ] 
    ; F-resp-≈ = λ {A} {B} {f} {g} eq  unique (has-coequalizer A) $ begin
      𝒟 [ arr (has-coequalizer B)  L.F₁ (Module⇒.arr g) ]            ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ L.F-resp-≈ (𝒞.Equiv.sym eq) 
      𝒟 [ arr (has-coequalizer B)  L.F₁ (Module⇒.arr f) ]            ≈⟨ universal (has-coequalizer A) 
      𝒟 [ coequalize (has-coequalizer A) _  arr (has-coequalizer A) ] 
      open 𝒟.HomReasoning
      open MR 𝒟

    module Comparison⁻¹ = Functor Comparison⁻¹

  Comparison⁻¹⊣Comparison : Comparison⁻¹  Comparison
  Adjoint.unit Comparison⁻¹⊣Comparison = ntHelper record
    { η = λ M  record
      { arr = 𝒞 [ R.F₁ (arr (has-coequalizer M))  adjoint.unit.η (Module.A M) ]
      ; commute = begin
        𝒞 [ 𝒞 [ R.F₁ (arr (has-coequalizer M))  adjoint.unit.η (Module.A M) ]  Module.action M ]                                                      ≈⟨ pullʳ (adjoint.unit.commute (Module.action M)) 
        -- It would be nice to have a reasoning combinator doing this "⟺ homomorphism ... homomorphism" pattern
        𝒞 [ R.F₁ (arr (has-coequalizer M))  𝒞 [ R.F₁ (L.F₁ (Module.action M))  adjoint.unit.η (R.F₀ (L.F₀ (Module.A M))) ] ]                          ≈⟨ pullˡ ( R.homomorphism) 
        𝒞 [ R.F₁ (𝒟 [ arr (has-coequalizer M)  L.F₁ (Module.action M) ])  adjoint.unit.η (R.F₀ (L.F₀ (Module.A M))) ]                                 ≈⟨ (R.F-resp-≈ (equality (has-coequalizer M)) ⟩∘⟨refl) 
        𝒞 [ R.F₁ (𝒟 [ arr (has-coequalizer M)  adjoint.counit.η (L.F₀ (Module.A M)) ])  adjoint.unit.η (R.F₀ (L.F₀ (Module.A M))) ]                   ≈⟨ (R.homomorphism ⟩∘⟨refl) 
        𝒞 [ 𝒞 [ R.F₁ (arr (has-coequalizer M))  R.F₁ (adjoint.counit.η (L.F₀ (Module.A M))) ]  adjoint.unit.η (R.F₀ (L.F₀ (Module.A M))) ]            ≈⟨ cancelʳ adjoint.zag 
        -- FIXME Use something like cancel here
        R.F₁ (arr (has-coequalizer M))                                                                                                                  ≈˘⟨ R.F-resp-≈ (𝒟.identityʳ) 
        R.F₁ (𝒟 [ arr (has-coequalizer M)  𝒟.id ])                                                                                                     ≈˘⟨ R.F-resp-≈ (𝒟.∘-resp-≈ʳ adjoint.zig) 
        R.F₁ (𝒟 [ arr (has-coequalizer M)  𝒟 [ adjoint.counit.η (L.F₀ (Module.A M))  L.F₁ (adjoint.unit.η (Module.A M)) ] ])                          ≈⟨ R.F-resp-≈ (MR.extendʳ 𝒟 (adjoint.counit.sym-commute (arr (has-coequalizer M)))) 
        R.F₁ (𝒟 [ adjoint.counit.η (obj (has-coequalizer M))  𝒟 [ L.F₁ (R.F₁ (arr (has-coequalizer M)))  L.F₁ (adjoint.unit.η (Module.A M)) ] ])      ≈˘⟨ R.F-resp-≈ (𝒟.∘-resp-≈ʳ L.homomorphism) 
        R.F₁ (𝒟 [ adjoint.counit.η (obj (has-coequalizer M))  L.F₁ (𝒞 [ R.F₁ (arr (has-coequalizer M))  adjoint.unit.η (Module.A M)])])               ≈⟨ R.homomorphism 
        𝒞 [ R.F₁ (adjoint.counit.η (obj (has-coequalizer M)))  R.F₁ (L.F₁ (𝒞 [ R.F₁ (arr (has-coequalizer M))  adjoint.unit.η (Module.A M)])) ]       
    ; commute = λ {M} {N} f  begin
      𝒞 [ 𝒞 [ R.F₁ (arr (has-coequalizer N))  adjoint.unit.η (Module.A N) ]  Module⇒.arr f ]                           ≈⟨ extendˡ (adjoint.unit.commute (Module⇒.arr f)) 
      𝒞 [ 𝒞 [ R.F₁ (arr (has-coequalizer N))  R.F₁ (L.F₁ (Module⇒.arr f)) ]  adjoint.unit.η (Module.A M) ]             ≈˘⟨ R.homomorphism ⟩∘⟨refl 
      𝒞 [ R.F₁ (𝒟 [ arr (has-coequalizer N)  L.F₁ (Module⇒.arr f) ])  adjoint.unit.η (Module.A M) ]                    ≈⟨ R.F-resp-≈ (universal (has-coequalizer M)) ⟩∘⟨refl 
      𝒞 [ R.F₁ (𝒟 [ (coequalize (has-coequalizer M) _)  (arr (has-coequalizer M)) ])  adjoint.unit.η (Module.A M) ]    ≈⟨ pushˡ R.homomorphism 
      𝒞 [ R.F₁ (coequalize (has-coequalizer M) _)  𝒞 [ R.F₁ (arr (has-coequalizer M))  adjoint.unit.η (Module.A M) ] ] 
      open 𝒞.HomReasoning
      open MR 𝒞
  Adjoint.counit Comparison⁻¹⊣Comparison = ntHelper record
    { η = λ X  coequalize (has-coequalizer (Comparison.F₀ X)) (adjoint.counit.commute (adjoint.counit.η X))
    ; commute = λ {X} {Y} f  begin
      𝒟 [ coequalize (has-coequalizer (Comparison.F₀ Y)) _  coequalize (has-coequalizer (Comparison.F₀ X)) _ ]  ≈⟨ unique (has-coequalizer (Comparison.F₀ X)) (adjoint.counit.sym-commute f  pushˡ (universal (has-coequalizer (Comparison.F₀ Y)))  pushʳ (universal (has-coequalizer (Comparison.F₀ X)))) 
      coequalize (has-coequalizer (Comparison.F₀ X)) (extendˡ (adjoint.counit.commute (adjoint.counit.η X)))     ≈˘⟨ unique (has-coequalizer (Comparison.F₀ X)) (pushʳ (universal (has-coequalizer (Comparison.F₀ X)))) 
      𝒟 [ f  coequalize (has-coequalizer (Comparison.F₀ X)) _ ]                                                 
      open 𝒟.HomReasoning
      open MR 𝒟
  Adjoint.zig Comparison⁻¹⊣Comparison {X} = begin
    𝒟 [ coequalize (has-coequalizer (Comparison.F₀ (Comparison⁻¹.F₀ X))) _  coequalize (has-coequalizer X) _ ] ≈⟨ unique (has-coequalizer X) ( adjoint.RLadjunct≈id  pushˡ (universal (has-coequalizer (Comparison.F₀ (Comparison⁻¹.F₀ X))))  pushʳ (universal (has-coequalizer X))) 
    coequalize (has-coequalizer X) {h = arr (has-coequalizer X)} (equality (has-coequalizer X))                 ≈˘⟨ unique (has-coequalizer X) ( 𝒟.identityˡ) 
      open 𝒟.HomReasoning
      open MR 𝒟
  Adjoint.zag Comparison⁻¹⊣Comparison {A} = begin
    𝒞 [ R.F₁ (coequalize (has-coequalizer (Comparison.F₀ A)) _)   𝒞 [ R.F₁ (arr (has-coequalizer (Comparison.F₀ A)))  adjoint.unit.η (Module.A (Comparison.F₀ A)) ] ] ≈⟨ pullˡ ( R.homomorphism) 
    𝒞 [ R.F₁ (𝒟 [ coequalize (has-coequalizer (Comparison.F₀ A)) _  arr (has-coequalizer (Comparison.F₀ A)) ])  adjoint.unit.η (Module.A (Comparison.F₀ A)) ]         ≈˘⟨ R.F-resp-≈ (universal (has-coequalizer (Comparison.F₀ A))) ⟩∘⟨refl 
    𝒞 [ R.F₁ (adjoint.counit.η A)  adjoint.unit.η (R.F₀ A) ]                                                                                                           ≈⟨ adjoint.zag 
      open 𝒞.HomReasoning
      open MR 𝒞