{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Tactics.CommRingSolver.Reflection where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude hiding (Type)
open import Agda.Builtin.Reflection hiding (Type)
open import Agda.Builtin.String
open import Agda.Builtin.Nat using () renaming (_==_ to _=ℕ_)
open import Cubical.Reflection.Base
open import Cubical.Data.Maybe
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.List
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Literals
open import Cubical.Data.Int.Base hiding (abs; _-_)
open import Cubical.Data.Int using (fromNegℤ; fromNatℤ)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat using (ℕ; discreteℕ) renaming (_+_ to _+ℕ_)
open import Cubical.Data.Bool
open import Cubical.Data.Bool.SwitchStatement
open import Cubical.Data.Vec using (Vec) renaming ([] to emptyVec; _∷_ to _∷vec_)
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary.Base
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing
open import Cubical.Tactics.CommRingSolver.AlgebraExpression
open import Cubical.Tactics.CommRingSolver.RawAlgebra
open import Cubical.Tactics.CommRingSolver.IntAsRawRing
open import Cubical.Tactics.CommRingSolver.Solver renaming (solve to ringSolve)
open import Cubical.Tactics.Reflection
open import Cubical.Tactics.Reflection.Variables
open import Cubical.Tactics.Reflection.Utilities
ℓ : Level
record RingNames : Type where
is0 : Name → Bool
is1 : Name → Bool
is· : Name → Bool
is+ : Name → Bool
is- : Name → Bool
getName : Term → Maybe Name
getName (con c args) = just c
getName (def f args) = just f
getName _ = nothing
buildMatcher : Name → Maybe Name → Name → Bool
buildMatcher n nothing x = n == x
buildMatcher n (just m) x = n == x or m == x
findRingNames : Term → TC RingNames
findRingNames cring =
let cringStr = (def (quote snd) (cring v∷ [])) v∷ []
in do
0altName ← normalise (def (quote CommRingStr.0r) cringStr)
1altName ← normalise (def (quote CommRingStr.1r) cringStr)
·altName ← normalise (def (quote CommRingStr._·_) cringStr)
+altName ← normalise (def (quote CommRingStr._+_) cringStr)
-altName ← normalise (def (quote (CommRingStr.-_)) cringStr)
returnTC record {
is0 = buildMatcher (quote CommRingStr.0r) (getName 0altName) ;
is1 = buildMatcher (quote CommRingStr.1r) (getName 1altName) ;
is· = buildMatcher (quote CommRingStr._·_) (getName ·altName) ;
is+ = buildMatcher (quote CommRingStr._+_) (getName +altName) ;
is- = buildMatcher (quote (CommRingStr.-_)) (getName -altName)
solverCallAsTerm : Term → Arg Term → Term → Term → Term
solverCallAsTerm R varList lhs rhs =
(quote ringSolve)
(R v∷ lhs v∷ rhs
v∷ varList
∷ (def (quote refl) []) v∷ [])
solverCallWithVars : ℕ → Vars → Term → Term → Term → Term
solverCallWithVars n vars R lhs rhs =
solverCallAsTerm R (variableList vars) lhs rhs
variableList : Vars → Arg Term
variableList [] = varg (con (quote emptyVec) [])
variableList (t ∷ ts)
= varg (con (quote _∷vec_) (t v∷ (variableList ts) ∷ []))
module pr (R : CommRing ℓ) {n : ℕ} where
open CommRingStr (snd R)
0' : Expr ℤAsRawRing (fst R) n
0' = K 0
1' : Expr ℤAsRawRing (fst R) n
1' = K 1
module CommRingReflection (cring : Term) (names : RingNames) where
open pr
open RingNames names
`0` : List (Arg Term) → TC (Template × Vars)
`0` [] = returnTC (((λ _ → def (quote 0') (cring v∷ [])) , []))
`0` (fstcring v∷ xs) = `0` xs
`0` (_ h∷ xs) = `0` xs
`0` something = errorOut something
`1` : List (Arg Term) → TC (Template × Vars)
`1` [] = returnTC ((λ _ → def (quote 1') (cring v∷ [])) , [])
`1` (fstcring v∷ xs) = `1` xs
`1` (_ h∷ xs) = `1` xs
`1` something = errorOut something
buildExpression : Term → TC (Template × Vars)
op2 : Name → Term → Term → TC (Template × Vars)
op2 op x y = do
r1 ← buildExpression x
r2 ← buildExpression y
returnTC ((λ ass → con op (fst r1 ass v∷ fst r2 ass v∷ [])) ,
appendWithoutRepetition (snd r1) (snd r2))
op1 : Name → Term → TC (Template × Vars)
op1 op x = do
r1 ← buildExpression x
returnTC ((λ ass → con op (fst r1 ass v∷ [])) , snd r1)
`_·_` : List (Arg Term) → TC (Template × Vars)
`_·_` (_ h∷ xs) = `_·_` xs
`_·_` (x v∷ y v∷ []) = op2 (quote _·'_) x y
`_·_` (_ v∷ x v∷ y v∷ []) = op2 (quote _·'_) x y
`_·_` ts = errorOut ts
`_+_` : List (Arg Term) → TC (Template × Vars)
`_+_` (_ h∷ xs) = `_+_` xs
`_+_` (x v∷ y v∷ []) = op2 (quote _+'_) x y
`_+_` (_ v∷ x v∷ y v∷ []) = op2 (quote _+'_) x y
`_+_` ts = errorOut ts
`-_` : List (Arg Term) → TC (Template × Vars)
`-_` (_ h∷ xs) = `-_` xs
`-_` (x v∷ []) = op1 (quote -'_) x
`-_` (_ v∷ x v∷ []) = op1 (quote -'_) x
`-_` ts = errorOut ts
polynomialVariable : Maybe ℕ → Term
polynomialVariable n = con (quote ∣) (finiteNumberAsTerm n v∷ [])
buildExpression v@(var _ _) =
returnTC ((λ ass → polynomialVariable (ass v)) ,
v ∷ [])
buildExpression t@(def n xs) =
switch (λ f → f n) cases
case is0 ⇒ `0` xs break
case is1 ⇒ `1` xs break
case is· ⇒ `_·_` xs break
case is+ ⇒ `_+_` xs break
case is- ⇒ `-_` xs break
default⇒ (returnTC ((λ ass → polynomialVariable (ass t)) , t ∷ []))
buildExpression t@(con n xs) =
switch (λ f → f n) cases
case is0 ⇒ `0` xs break
case is1 ⇒ `1` xs break
case is· ⇒ `_·_` xs break
case is+ ⇒ `_+_` xs break
case is- ⇒ `-_` xs break
default⇒ (returnTC ((λ ass → polynomialVariable (ass t)) , t ∷ []))
buildExpression t = errorOut' t
toAlgebraExpression : Term × Term → TC (Term × Term × Vars)
toAlgebraExpression (lhs , rhs) = do
r1 ← buildExpression lhs
r2 ← buildExpression rhs
vars ← returnTC (appendWithoutRepetition (snd r1) (snd r2))
returnTC (
let ass : VarAss
ass n = indexOf n vars
in (fst r1 ass , fst r2 ass , vars ))
checkIsRing : Term → TC Term
checkIsRing ring = checkType ring (def (quote CommRing) (unknown v∷ []))
solve!-macro : Term → Term → TC Unit
solve!-macro uncheckedCommRing hole =
commRing ← checkIsRing uncheckedCommRing
goal ← inferType hole >>= normalise
names ← findRingNames commRing
wait-for-type goal
just (lhs , rhs) ← get-boundary goal
→ typeError(strErr "The CommRingSolver failed to parse the goal "
∷ termErr goal ∷ [])
(lhs' , rhs' , vars) ← CommRingReflection.toAlgebraExpression commRing names (lhs , rhs)
let solution = solverCallWithVars (length vars) vars commRing lhs' rhs'
unify hole solution
solve! : Term → Term → TC _
solve! = solve!-macro