{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Tactics.Reflection where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Agda.Builtin.Reflection hiding (Type)
open import Cubical.Data.Bool
open import Cubical.Data.List
open import Cubical.Data.Maybe
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Unit
open import Cubical.Reflection.Base
ℓ ℓ' : Level
_<$>_ : ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ}{B : Type ℓ'} → (A → B) → TC A → TC B
f <$> t = t >>= λ x → returnTC (f x)
_<*>_ : ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ}{B : Type ℓ'} → TC (A → B) → TC A → TC B
s <*> t = s >>= λ f → t >>= λ x → returnTC (f x)
wait-for-args : List (Arg Term) → TC (List (Arg Term))
wait-for-type : Term → TC Term
wait-for-type (var x args) = var x <$> wait-for-args args
wait-for-type (con c args) = con c <$> wait-for-args args
wait-for-type (def f args) = def f <$> wait-for-args args
wait-for-type (lam v (abs x t)) = returnTC (lam v (abs x t))
wait-for-type (pat-lam cs args) = returnTC (pat-lam cs args)
wait-for-type (pi (arg i a) (abs x b)) = do
a ← wait-for-type a
b ← wait-for-type b
returnTC (pi (arg i a) (abs x b))
wait-for-type (agda-sort s) = returnTC (agda-sort s)
wait-for-type (lit l) = returnTC (lit l)
wait-for-type (meta x x₁) = blockOnMeta x
wait-for-type unknown = returnTC unknown
wait-for-args [] = returnTC []
wait-for-args (arg i a ∷ xs) =
(_∷_ <$> (arg i <$> wait-for-type a)) <*> wait-for-args xs
unapply-path : Term → TC (Maybe (Term × Term × Term))
unapply-path red@(def (quote PathP) (l h∷ T v∷ x v∷ y v∷ [])) = do
domain ← newMeta (def (quote Type) (l v∷ []))
ty ← returnTC (def (quote Path) (domain v∷ x v∷ y v∷ []))
debugPrint "tactic" 50
(strErr "(no reduction) unapply-path: got a " ∷ termErr red
∷ strErr " but I really want it to be " ∷ termErr ty ∷ [])
unify red ty
returnTC (just (domain , x , y))
unapply-path tm = reduce tm >>= λ where
tm@(meta _ _) → do
dom ← newMeta (def (quote Type) [])
l ← newMeta dom
r ← newMeta dom
unify tm (def (quote Type) (dom v∷ l v∷ r v∷ []))
wait-for-type l
wait-for-type r
returnTC (just (dom , l , r))
red@(def (quote PathP) (l h∷ T v∷ x v∷ y v∷ [])) → do
domain ← newMeta (def (quote Type) (l v∷ []))
ty ← returnTC (def (quote Path) (domain v∷ x v∷ y v∷ []))
debugPrint "tactic" 50
(strErr "unapply-path: got a " ∷ termErr red
∷ strErr " but I really want it to be " ∷ termErr ty ∷ [])
unify red ty
returnTC (just (domain , x , y))
_ → returnTC nothing
get-boundary : Term → TC (Maybe (Term × Term))
get-boundary tm = unapply-path tm >>= λ where
(just (_ , x , y)) → returnTC (just (x , y))
nothing → returnTC nothing
equation-solver : List Name → (Term -> Term -> TC Term) → Bool → Term → TC Unit
equation-solver don't-Reduce mk-call debug hole =
withNormalisation false (
withReduceDefs (false , don't-Reduce) (
goal ← inferType hole >>= reduce
just (lhs , rhs) ← get-boundary goal
→ typeError(strErr "The functor solver failed to parse the goal"
∷ termErr goal ∷ [])
elhs ← normalise lhs
erhs ← normalise rhs
call ← mk-call elhs erhs
let unify-with-goal = (unify hole call)
noConstraints (
if debug
then unify-with-goal
else (
unify-with-goal <|>
typeError ((strErr "Could not equate the following expressions:\n "
∷ termErr elhs ∷ strErr "\nAnd\n " ∷ termErr erhs ∷ []))))))