{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Tactics.CommRingSolver.HornerEval where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude

open import Cubical.Data.Nat using ()
open import Cubical.Data.Int hiding (_+_ ; _·_ ; -_)
open import Cubical.Data.Vec
open import Cubical.Data.Bool

open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary.Base using (¬_; yes; no)

open import Cubical.Tactics.CommRingSolver.Utility
open import Cubical.Tactics.CommRingSolver.RawAlgebra
open import Cubical.Tactics.CommRingSolver.IntAsRawRing
open import Cubical.Tactics.CommRingSolver.HornerForms
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing
open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring

     ℓ' : Level

eval : {A : RawAlgebra ℤAsRawRing ℓ'}
       {n : } (P : IteratedHornerForms A n)
        Vec  A  n   A 
eval {A = A} (const r) [] = RawAlgebra.scalar A r
eval {A = A} 0H (_  _) = RawAlgebra.0r A
eval {A = A} (P ·X+ Q) (x  xs) =
     let open RawAlgebra A
         P' = (eval P (x  xs))
         Q' = eval Q xs
     in if (isZero A P)
        then Q'
        else P' · x + Q'

module _ (R : CommRing ) where
    νR = CommRing→RawℤAlgebra R
  open CommRingStr (snd R)
  open RingTheory (CommRing→Ring R)
  open IteratedHornerOperations νR

  someCalculation : {x : fst R}  _  _
  someCalculation {x = x} =
    0r                   ≡⟨ sym (+IdR 0r) 
    0r + 0r              ≡[ i ]⟨ 0LeftAnnihilates x (~ i) + 0r 
    0r · x + 0r          

  evalIsZero : {n : } (P : IteratedHornerForms νR n)
              (l : Vec (fst R) n)
              isZero νR P  true
              eval P l  0r
  evalIsZero (const (pos ℕ.zero)) [] isZeroP = refl
  evalIsZero (const (pos (ℕ.suc n))) [] isZeroP = byBoolAbsurdity isZeroP
  evalIsZero (const (negsuc _)) [] isZeroP = byBoolAbsurdity isZeroP
  evalIsZero 0H (x  xs) _ = refl
  evalIsZero {n = ℕ.suc n} (P ·X+ Q) (x  xs) isZeroPandQ with isZero νR P
  ... | true = eval Q xs   ≡⟨ evalIsZero Q xs isZeroQ 
               where isZeroQ = snd (extractFromAnd _ _ isZeroPandQ)
  ... | false = byBoolAbsurdity isZeroP
               where isZeroP = isZeroPandQ

  computeEvalSummandIsZero :
               {n : }
               (P : IteratedHornerForms νR (ℕ.suc n))
               (Q : IteratedHornerForms νR n)
              (xs : Vec (fst R) n)
              (x : (fst R))
              isZero νR P  true
              eval (P ·X+ Q) (x  xs)  eval Q xs
  computeEvalSummandIsZero P Q xs x isZeroP with isZero νR P
  ... | true = refl
  ... | false = byBoolAbsurdity isZeroP

  computeEvalNotZero :
               {n : }
               (P : IteratedHornerForms νR (ℕ.suc n))
               (Q : IteratedHornerForms νR n)
              (xs : Vec (fst R) n)
              (x : (fst R))
              ¬ (isZero νR P  true)
              eval (P ·X+ Q) (x  xs)  (eval P (x  xs)) · x + eval Q xs
  computeEvalNotZero P Q xs x notZeroP with isZero νR P
  ... | true = byBoolAbsurdity (sym (¬true→false true notZeroP))
  ... | false = refl

  combineCasesEval :
    {n : }  (P : IteratedHornerForms νR (ℕ.suc n)) (Q : IteratedHornerForms νR n)
    (x : (fst R)) (xs : Vec (fst R) n)
       eval (P ·X+ Q) (x  xs)
       (eval P (x  xs)) · x + eval Q xs
  combineCasesEval P Q x xs with isZero νR P  true
  ... | yes p =
       eval (P ·X+ Q) (x  xs)            ≡⟨ computeEvalSummandIsZero P Q xs x p 
       eval Q xs                          ≡⟨ sym (+IdL _) 
       0r + eval Q xs                     ≡[ i ]⟨ 0LeftAnnihilates x (~ i) + eval Q xs 
       0r · x + eval Q xs                 ≡[ i ]⟨ (evalIsZero P (x  xs) p (~ i)) · x + eval Q xs 
       (eval P (x  xs)) · x + eval Q xs 
  ... | no p  = computeEvalNotZero P Q xs x p

  compute+ₕEvalBothZero :
    (n : ) (P Q : IteratedHornerForms νR (ℕ.suc n))
    (r s : IteratedHornerForms νR n)
    (x : (fst R)) (xs : Vec (fst R) n)
     (isZero νR (P +ₕ Q) and isZero νR (r +ₕ s))  true
     eval ((P ·X+ r) +ₕ (Q ·X+ s)) (x  xs)  eval ((P +ₕ Q) ·X+ (r +ₕ s)) (x  xs)
  compute+ₕEvalBothZero n P Q r s x xs bothZero with isZero νR (P +ₕ Q) and isZero νR (r +ₕ s) | bothZero
  ... | true | p =
               eval {A = νR} 0H (x  xs)                            ≡⟨ refl 
               0r                                                   ≡⟨ someCalculation 
               0r · x + 0r                                          ≡⟨ step1  
               (eval (P +ₕ Q) (x  xs)) · x + eval (r +ₕ s) xs       ≡⟨ step2 
               eval ((P +ₕ Q) ·X+ (r +ₕ s)) (x  xs) 
            where step1 : 0r · x + 0r  (eval (P +ₕ Q) (x  xs)) · x + eval (r +ₕ s) xs
                  step1 i = (evalIsZero (P +ₕ Q) (x  xs) (fst (extractFromAnd _ _ (bothZero))) (~ i)) · x
                    + (evalIsZero (r +ₕ s) xs (snd (extractFromAnd _ _ (bothZero))) (~ i))
                  step2 = sym (combineCasesEval (P +ₕ Q) (r +ₕ s) x xs)
  ... | false | p = byBoolAbsurdity p

  compute+ₕEvalNotBothZero :
    (n : ) (P Q : IteratedHornerForms νR (ℕ.suc n))
    (r s : IteratedHornerForms νR n)
    (x : (fst R)) (xs : Vec (fst R) n)
     (isZero νR (P +ₕ Q) and isZero νR (r +ₕ s))  false
     eval ((P ·X+ r) +ₕ (Q ·X+ s)) (x  xs)  eval ((P +ₕ Q) ·X+ (r +ₕ s)) (x  xs)
  compute+ₕEvalNotBothZero n P Q r s _ _ notBothZero
    with isZero νR (P +ₕ Q) and isZero νR (r +ₕ s) | notBothZero
  ... | true | p = byBoolAbsurdity (sym p)
  ... | false | p = refl