{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Tactics.CommRingSolver.HornerForms where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude

open import Cubical.Data.Nat using ()
open import Cubical.Data.Int hiding (_+_ ; _·_ ; -_)
open import Cubical.Data.FinData
open import Cubical.Data.Vec
open import Cubical.Data.Bool

open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary.Base using (yes; no)

open import Cubical.Tactics.CommRingSolver.Utility

open import Cubical.Tactics.CommRingSolver.RawRing
open import Cubical.Tactics.CommRingSolver.IntAsRawRing
open import Cubical.Tactics.CommRingSolver.RawAlgebra renaming (⟨_⟩ to ⟨_⟩ₐ)
open import Cubical.Tactics.CommRingSolver.AlgebraExpression public

     ℓ' : Level

  This defines the type of multivariate Polynomials over the RawRing R.
  The construction is based on the algebraic fact

    R[X₀][X₁]⋯[Xₙ] ≅ R[X₀,⋯,Xₙ]

  BUT: Contrary to algebraic convetions, we will give 'Xₙ' the lowest index
  in the definition of 'Variable' below. So if 'Variable n R k' is identified
  with 'Xₖ', then the RawRing we construct should rather be denoted with


  or, to be precise about the evaluation order:



data IteratedHornerForms (A : RawAlgebra ℤAsRawRing ) :   Type  where
  const :   IteratedHornerForms A ℕ.zero
  0H : {n : }  IteratedHornerForms A (ℕ.suc n)
  _·X+_ : {n : }  IteratedHornerForms A (ℕ.suc n)  IteratedHornerForms A n
                   IteratedHornerForms A (ℕ.suc n)

  The following function returns true, if there is some
  obvious reason that the Horner-Expression should be zero.
  Since Equality is undecidable in a general RawAlgebra, we cannot
  have a function that fully lives up to the name 'isZero'.
module _ (A : RawAlgebra ℤAsRawRing ) where
  open RawRing ℤAsRawRing
  isZero : {n : }  IteratedHornerForms A n
  isZero (const (pos ℕ.zero)) = true
  isZero (const (pos (ℕ.suc _))) = false
  isZero (const (negsuc _)) = false
  isZero 0H = true
  isZero (P ·X+ Q) = (isZero P) and (isZero Q)

  leftIsZero : {n : }
               (P : IteratedHornerForms A (ℕ.suc n))
               (Q : IteratedHornerForms A n)
                isZero (P ·X+ Q)  true
                isZero P  true
  leftIsZero P Q isZeroSum with isZero P
  ... | true = refl
  ... | false = isZeroSum

  rightIsZero : {n : }
               (P : IteratedHornerForms A (ℕ.suc n))
               (Q : IteratedHornerForms A n)
                isZero (P ·X+ Q)  true
                isZero Q  true
  rightIsZero P Q isZeroSum with isZero Q
  ... | true = refl
  ... | false = byBoolAbsurdity (snd (extractFromAnd _ _ isZeroSum))

module IteratedHornerOperations (A : RawAlgebra ℤAsRawRing ) where
  open RawRing ℤAsRawRing

    1H' : (n : )  IteratedHornerForms A n
    1H' ℕ.zero = const 1r
    1H' (ℕ.suc n) = 0H ·X+ 1H' n

    0H' : (n : )  IteratedHornerForms A n
    0H' ℕ.zero = const 0r
    0H' (ℕ.suc n) = 0H

  1ₕ : {n : }  IteratedHornerForms A n
  1ₕ {n = n} = 1H' n

  0ₕ : {n : }  IteratedHornerForms A n
  0ₕ {n = n} = 0H' n

  X : (n : ) (k : Fin n)  IteratedHornerForms A n
  X (ℕ.suc m) zero = 1ₕ ·X+ 0ₕ
  X (ℕ.suc m) (suc k) = 0ₕ ·X+ X m k

  _+ₕ_ : {n : }  IteratedHornerForms A n  IteratedHornerForms A n
                IteratedHornerForms A n
  (const r) +ₕ (const s) = const (r + s)
  0H +ₕ Q = Q
  (P ·X+ r) +ₕ 0H = P ·X+ r
  (P ·X+ r) +ₕ (Q ·X+ s) =
    let left = (P +ₕ Q)
        right = (r +ₕ s)
    in if ((isZero A left) and (isZero A right))
       then 0ₕ
       else left ·X+ right

  -ₕ : {n : }  IteratedHornerForms A n  IteratedHornerForms A n
  -ₕ (const x) = const (- x)
  -ₕ 0H = 0H
  -ₕ (P ·X+ Q) = (-ₕ P) ·X+ (-ₕ Q)

  _⋆_ : {n : }  IteratedHornerForms A n  IteratedHornerForms A (ℕ.suc n)
                 IteratedHornerForms A (ℕ.suc n)
  _·ₕ_ : {n : }  IteratedHornerForms A n  IteratedHornerForms A n
                 IteratedHornerForms A n
  r  0H = 0H
  r  (P ·X+ Q) =
    if (isZero A r)
    then 0ₕ
    else (r  P) ·X+ (r ·ₕ Q)

  const x ·ₕ const y = const (x · y)
  0H ·ₕ Q = 0H
  (P ·X+ Q) ·ₕ S =
        z = (P ·ₕ S)
     in if (isZero A z)
        then (Q  S)
        else (z ·X+ 0ₕ) +ₕ (Q  S)

  isZeroPresLeft⋆ :
    {n : }
    (r : IteratedHornerForms A n)
    (P : IteratedHornerForms A (ℕ.suc n))
     isZero A r  true
     isZero A (r  P)  true
  isZeroPresLeft⋆ r 0H isZero-r = refl
  isZeroPresLeft⋆ r (P ·X+ Q) isZero-r with isZero A r
  ...  | true = refl
  ...  | false = byBoolAbsurdity isZero-r

  isZeroPresLeft·ₕ :
    {n : } (P Q : IteratedHornerForms A n)
     isZero A P  true
     isZero A (P ·ₕ Q)  true
  isZeroPresLeft·ₕ (const (pos ℕ.zero)) (const _) isZeroP = refl
  isZeroPresLeft·ₕ (const (pos (ℕ.suc n))) (const _) isZeroP = byBoolAbsurdity isZeroP
  isZeroPresLeft·ₕ (const (negsuc n)) (const _) isZeroP = byBoolAbsurdity isZeroP
  isZeroPresLeft·ₕ 0H Q isZeroP = refl
  isZeroPresLeft·ₕ (P ·X+ Q) S isZeroSum with isZero A (P ·ₕ S)  true
  ... | no p = byBoolAbsurdity (sym notZeroProd  isZeroProd)
               where notZeroProd = ¬true→false _ p
                     isZeroP = extractFromAndLeft isZeroSum
                     isZeroProd = isZeroPresLeft·ₕ P S isZeroP
  ... | yes p with isZero A (P ·ₕ S)
  ...        | true = isZeroPresLeft⋆ Q S isZeroQ
                      where isZeroQ = extractFromAndRight isZeroSum
  ...        | false = byBoolAbsurdity p

  asRawRing : (n : )  RawRing 
  RawRing.Carrier (asRawRing n) = IteratedHornerForms A n
  RawRing.0r (asRawRing n) = 0ₕ
  RawRing.1r (asRawRing n) = 1ₕ
  RawRing._+_ (asRawRing n) = _+ₕ_
  RawRing._·_ (asRawRing n) = _·ₕ_
  RawRing.- (asRawRing n) =  -ₕ

Variable : (n : ) (R : RawAlgebra ℤAsRawRing ℓ') (k : Fin n)  IteratedHornerForms R n
Variable n R k = IteratedHornerOperations.X R n k

Constant : (n : ) (R : RawAlgebra ℤAsRawRing ℓ') (r : )  IteratedHornerForms R n
Constant ℕ.zero R r = const r
Constant (ℕ.suc n) R r = IteratedHornerOperations.0ₕ R ·X+ Constant n R r